Horoscope: how are zodiac signs offended? “It’s better not to make me angry!”: how the zodiac signs take revenge

Each Zodiac Sign takes revenge in its own way. Some are sophisticated in their methods, while others act directly “head-on”. In this article we will tell you who is not to be trifled with and who does not pose a threat as such.


Everything is simple here - Aries looks like a bull. You did something bad to him, get back immediately and without warning. The most dangerous Aries are boxers or bosses who can deal with you right away: some with a blow, and some with a word.


Taurus will take revenge not only on you, but also on your friends and protectors, including your entire family, colleagues, comrades and even pets. Everyone will get what they deserve simply because they know the one who annoyed them.


If you notice that the whole city knows your secrets, secrets and simply laughs at the fact that you twitch your leg at night in your sleep, then know that you have angered Gemini. He will tell you everything about you - even things that never happened.


Harmless revenge is when Cancer simply ignores you or pretends that he doesn’t care about you. So they present themselves as extremely funny avengers who can only make you laugh. But if you go too far, you will seriously lose Cancer’s favor.

a lion

Leo's revenge will be sweet in any case. If you offend Leo or Lioness, then you can take a place in a madhouse - they will drive you crazy. You will look back for the rest of your life, and completely strangers will provoke you into nervous breakdowns, and no psychic will help you get to the bottom of the reason.


There are two types of virgins: quiet and calm ones, who limit their revenge to only reporting to the police and loudly swearing, or merciless dirty tricks who can puncture your car tires, break the kitchen window and hold a grudge for 10 years. Don't joke with them - it's a game of Russian roulette.


Libras are calm and always know that revenge is a grave for two. If you called a Libra representative an idiot, he will simply call you an idiot in response. Most of their rants about how you'll regret it come to nothing.


The most terrible avengers within the family are Scorpios. They can make your family hate you. They don’t like to take revenge, but they do it at the highest level - even make a film or write a book.


Sagittarius needs everyone to see his revenge. So that his taunting joke would be successful, and everyone around would start clapping for him, throwing their hats in the air. Other types of revenge are almost not typical for this Zodiac Sign.


Do you want war? Do you want the ground to crack under your feet and your life to become like hell? Then Capricorn is not for you. This is the most useless of all the avengers. Capricorn does not know how to take revenge - he simply makes arguments, and so sadly that he wants to sleep.


When you quarrel with Aquarius, you risk turning the situation into a positive direction. You will laugh until you cry, and you will forget about revenge - just like Aquarius himself. These people are not angels, but you can never expect revenge from them.


Pisces are very similar to Gemini - they will gossip about you for years. Their revenge is very long-lasting and weakly felt, but it gets terribly. They won’t find you under the wheels of a skating rink, but it’s better not to hurt Pisces.

Revenge is not characteristic of some Zodiac Signs at all, but this does not mean that one hundred percent of people are like that. There are exceptions to the rules, so you can get into an awkward situation by doing something bad to someone from whom you do not expect harm in return. In any case, live kindly and do only good to those around you, so as not to dig a hole for anyone. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.03.2016 01:10

It's no secret that the Zodiac Sign leaves its mark on a person. People related...

Do you remember the grievances? Should the offender remember them after a while? Each of us finds our own answers to these questions. Today I will tell you about the most vindictive signs of the zodiac according to astrologers.

  1. Scorpion
  2. Most astrologers recognize this zodiac sign as the leader of this rating. Scorpios are very sensitive by nature. In this regard, they experience grievances hard and remember them for a long time.

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    Rare Scorpio knows how to forgive; for a long time he is consumed by thoughts about the troubles that have occurred. Therefore, he often makes plans for revenge. And often these plans come true.

    Let’s say that if Scorpio is offended by a work colleague, then this person will have to regularly endure caustic remarks addressed to him. Moreover, attempts to fight Scorpio often turn into a fiasco, because he is one of.

    Representatives of this sign are convinced of the truth of the saying that “revenge is a dish best served cold.” The offender may not even suspect that a plan of action has already been hatched against him. Scorpio is able to hide and not show his hurt feelings. Remember the Count of Monte Cristo?

  3. Aries
  4. Aries is a hot person. In a sense, he is the opposite of Scorpio. Aries will not hatch plans for revenge for long. He prefers to act immediately, without delay.

    Aries is a serious competitor who does not tolerate disdain. Therefore, he is unlikely to leave caustic remarks addressed to him without attention.

    An even sharper, unceremonious response to the offender can act as revenge. Or entering into competition with him.

    Aries are not vindictive; they quickly forget insults. Not so much out of the kindness of their souls and the Christian principles of forgiveness, but because of the desire to move only forward, not to stir up the past that slows them down.

    Cancer is a peaceful and friendly person. So where does his vindictiveness come from? The fact is that it is, and therefore very sensitive. He is easy to offend. People around him often wonder why he was offended this time.

    The deep experience of grievances leads to the fact that Cancer cannot forget about them, cannot let go of the situation, and replays the grievances in his thoughts again and again. This is where plans for revenge are born. Fortunately, they rarely come to fruition.

    When Cancer is offended by a friend or loved one, he may withdraw into himself and even break off communication with the offender.

    This will become a kind of revenge: let the offender suffer, let his conscience gnaw at him - he deserves it.

    If you seriously offend a representative of this sign, he can be an insidious opponent. Cancer reacts especially sharply to everything that concerns his family. So, the young mother Rakinya will no doubt fight with anyone who dares to offend her baby or, even worse, threaten him.

    In general, Leos are not vindictive people. They are noble and generous. Therefore, they often prefer to simply not notice the baseness towards themselves, considering it below their dignity.

    However, everything has its limit. And the limit of Leo’s patience comes when he is humiliated in public.

    The fact is that it is very important for representatives of this zodiac sign to “save face.” For them, there is nothing worse than being ridiculed in front of everyone.

    In this case, Leo's revenge will be severe. He will try to prove his superiority over the offender. For example, if this is a work colleague, then Leo will make every conceivable effort to be better and belittle the performance of this colleague.

    Leo does not forgive those who laughed at him. This is especially true for love relationships. And here he will not just go nowhere, like Cancer, but will cause a lot of problems for his former lover.

  5. Taurus

Taurus has a lot of patience. This zodiac sign is capable of turning a blind eye to teasing and ambiguous jokes addressed to itself for a long time. He will not immediately rush to take revenge if he is treated without due respect, since he considers himself above all this fuss.

Taurus acts differently in different situations. Somewhere he can immediately bring down all his anger on the one who dared to hurt and insult him. And in other cases, he will harbor a plan for revenge.

Taurus knows how to wait. He, like Scorpio, can take revenge after a while, when the offender has already forgotten about everything.

But Taurus has a good memory. He reacts especially sharply to everything related to love relationships and money. Thus, the revenge of a deceived bride can be severe. She will not hesitate to contact her ex’s new passion in order to ruin their relationship.

These are the most vindictive signs of the zodiac from the point of view of astrologers. However, do not forget that this characteristic depends not only on the horoscope, but also on the upbringing and internal culture of the person.

Aries's Revenge

Aries is not inclined to harbor anger in his soul for a long time and nurture misanthropic plans for revenge. If you offended him, then the reaction can follow immediately. Aries will immediately violently express his indignation, and then he may simply forget the insult and continue to communicate with you as before. Revenge is not his thing. This sign is incapable of being angry for a long time, of course, unless something out of the ordinary happens. Of course, you shouldn’t discount Aries and think that you can offend him again and again with impunity. As they say, do not wake up a sleeping very dangerous beast, otherwise Aries will do anything to remove the offender from his life forever, and, believe me, he will achieve this at any cost.

Taurus's Revenge

Taurus is quite easy to piss off, although this sign is not a fan of revenge, but it can pretty much ruin your life. Taurus is used to acting less straightforwardly than Aries. His method of revenge for the insult may be more sophisticated. Taurus will try to protect the offender from his usual social circle; he will show all his imagination in order to leave him in complete isolation, using all his authority. It will be extremely difficult to return to its position in the future, most likely simply impossible. After some time, he will leave his enemy alone, but there is no need to count on the previous good relationship.

Gemini's Revenge

God forbid you cross the path of Gemini. This is one of the most vindictive signs of the zodiac. All means are good here. Gemini will take all available methods of revenge against their offender: from gossip to cunning intrigues. Geminis are always aware of everything that happens. This is a very curious sign, so he always has a few aces up his sleeve that will be able to turn the life of the offender into real hell. You shouldn’t delude yourself and think that people don’t believe in gossip - sooner or later they will, especially when they are spread by such gifted storytellers as Gemini, who are capable of turning over and distorting any fact in their own way.

Cancer's Revenge

Cancer takes revenge with silence and its departure, with eyes full of tears. He will immediately break off all relations with the offender and will never even turn in his direction again. Cancer will remove all reminders of his enemy, he will die to him. People born under this sign are not inclined to hatch plans for revenge. For them, the main goal is to ensure that the offender begins to blame himself for the conflict that occurred, and, as we know, pangs of conscience are the most terrible. Brilliant and simple, and Cancer himself doesn’t need to do anything, everything happens by itself.

Lion's Revenge

Leo's revenge is truly terrible. When angry, he is capable of many things. His main goal is to show the whole world what a nonentity his offender is. In addition to a verbal skirmish, the enemy will face public and a lot of insults that can touch to the core. Leo will try to involve all his influential acquaintances, of whom he always has quite a lot, in revenge. This sign uses all means to poison the existence of the person who insulted him. It's better not to anger Leo. He will definitely take revenge, and will get real pleasure from it.

Maiden's Revenge

It is very difficult to force a Virgo to take revenge, but it’s better not to. This is the most sophisticated sign in the entire zodiac. Virgo will not publicly show her resentment; she will hide within herself and begin to prepare a cunning plan, luring her victim into nets placed everywhere. Virgo is capable of taking revenge like no other, even to the point of physical violence, so it is very good that people born under this zodiac constellation are very self-sufficient. It is indeed extremely difficult to force them to take revenge, but if they decide to do this, then the offender needs to prepare for very serious problems.

Libra's Revenge

Libras are born diplomats who are not inclined to hatch plans for revenge for long. Most likely, the offense inflicted will be followed by a quick and adequate response. Libra will not endlessly and systematically destroy the life of their enemy. They will most likely directly express all their complaints and make a smart response to make it clear to their opponent that in the future they should not be treated this way. Libra is perhaps the most adequate and sensible sign of the Zodiac; they, like no one else, understand that long-term revenge can destroy their own life.

Scorpio's Revenge

Here he is the king of vengeance. All available and prohibited methods will be used here. Scorpio is a very secretive sign, so the offender often has no idea that this creature of their order of arthropods can truly hurt. Scorpio remembers insults for a long time, and like no other sign, he understands that revenge is a dish that is served cold. The offender faces a truly terrible punishment, and it is difficult to resist Scorpio - over a long distance, he will certainly emerge victorious.

Sagittarius's Revenge

Sagittarians are not prone to revenge. Most likely, they will immediately express their indignation, and will tell everyone about the offense inflicted on them. This will be something like a theatrical performance, which will be attended by a large audience. Sagittarius will not make plans for revenge, but will not forget the insult, and will strike back if necessary. True, if such an opportunity does not present itself, then no revenge will follow. Sagittarians were not created to accumulate unnecessary negativity in their hearts.

Capricorn's Revenge

It is very difficult to truly anger a Capricorn. These people stand firmly on their feet and, like no one else, are faithful to their life traditions and principles. However, it is better not to test their patience. In terms of revenge, Capricorn is capable of much. He is able to hurt his offender very much, and not only verbally. Capricorn will try to do everything possible to harm his opponent. Here he will use all the influence he has and will ask for help from high-ranking acquaintances, so it is better not to offend Capricorn, especially when something depends on him.

Aquarius' Revenge

Aquarius does not like to take revenge. This is one of the kindest signs of the zodiac. Revenge is simply incompatible with his light and good-natured disposition, so it is extremely difficult to anger Aquarius. And why is it necessary if these people respond to insults with jokes and jokes. He will not take revenge purposefully, but only at the first opportunity...

Pisces' Revenge

This is really a mystery, because Pisces live in their own world, not noticing other people. How they will act in a given situation is unknown to anyone, sometimes even to Pisces themselves. They may be offended and upset, or they may hide and take revenge in such a way that no one will find it enough. Vulnerable and sensual Pisces are usually loved by everyone, and there will always be someone who can help them. And where is the guarantee that it won’t be an angry Virgo, Gemini, Leo or Scorpio, so it’s better not to touch everyone’s favorite Pisces in vain.

How many articles have been written about the characters of the zodiac signs, their sexuality, morality and hobbies. But have you ever wondered how your Sagittarius husband can take revenge on you? Or a Pisces guy? Or just a Taurus acquaintance? How do the signs of the Zodiac take revenge and which of them should be feared more in fits of rage? Read and adopt.


This zodiac sign does not tend to keep grievances in the depths of their souls and think about revenge. Aries, if he receives a slap in the face, he slaps him straight in the face, as they say, without further ado. Moreover, if the opportunity to hit is not immediately given, then after a couple of hours Aries can already forget the offense and calmly communicate with the offender. Revenge is absolutely not the destiny of Aries. Well, unless something out of the ordinary happens (God forbid, of course). If such an extreme situation does occur, then Aries' goal will have to disappear forever. At least from his life. And believe me, he will achieve this. So don't wake the beast.


This sign is also not a fan of revenge. Although it is much easier to get it than Aries. Having decided on revenge, Taurus will not use physical force. He will try to “finish off” the object of revenge spiritually, namely by protecting him from the usual society and trying to achieve his loneliness. Agree - this is cruel revenge. Despite its apparent ease, this revenge is worse than getting hit in the ear, for example. It is aggravated by the fact that Taurus is listened to in companies and societies. By inventing ways to leave you lonely, Taurus will show true creativity. Its main goal is to leave you completely isolated from friends, loved ones or just people you know. It will be impossible to return his favor to you. With flattery and other cajoling you can only achieve that he will leave you alone. And rejoice.


The desire for power and worship gives its results. Gemini, who consider themselves a tall and misunderstood figure, looking down on small people, take revenge zealously and with pleasure. A very vindictive zodiac sign. His revenge is covered in dirt, gossip and rumors. If you are the object of Gemini's revenge, get ready for a verbal fight. Or to not pay attention to her. Various barbs, insults and untrue facts will constantly haunt you. Of course, let them tell themselves. But you must admit that many still believe. And then prove that you are not an elephant. And to all this is added the fact that Gemini is usually well informed about all your affairs - this is how his nature arranged it - to always be aware of everything. So he can present the real fact and turn it around in his own way.


He takes revenge with his silence, his eyes filled with tears, his departures into nowhere. If you offend Cancer, then be prepared that he will break off all relationships, also breaking off all photographs. He will stop noticing you and his eyes will never turn in your direction again. Cancer's revenge is to ensure that they reproach, reproach and blame themselves all their lives. Not a bad way, isn't it? Subtle psychologically. And most importantly - simple and effective. And Cancer doesn’t have to do almost anything.


Just as the lion himself is terrible, so is his revenge. Moreover, just any careless deceiver can wait for his revenge. Leo's revenge is to show everyone what a loser, scoundrel and scoundrel you are. He will publicly demonstrate his superiority over you through insults, denunciations, and gossip.

Plus, all this verbal revenge will involve influential people who can make your life unbearable. And given that Leos usually have many high-ranking friends and acquaintances, you risk, at best, receiving daily fines for any reason. Well, at worst... It’s better not to anger Leo. Their revenge will be terrible. And Leo himself will receive true pleasure from her.


The fact that Japan is under this sign speaks volumes about how subtly Virgo can take revenge. The Japanese are capable of simply cutting off your head and slowly tearing your body and soul away piece by piece. The only good thing is that bringing Virgo to revenge is a difficult matter. These are calm, self-sufficient people who usually do not let anyone unnecessary into their world. They are unlikely to allow themselves to descend to ordinary “everyday” revenge. Most likely, Virgo will take revenge officially or through a cunningly thought-out plan of charm and further “pestilence” until half-consciousness. Revenge is quiet but cruel. Better in the face.


If you look at it from the perspective of fear of revenge, Libra is a good sign. They usually take revenge on their offender by challenging him to a verbal duel, for example, or by taking away from him the person he needs - a loved one or simply a high-ranking person. Libras take revenge with the same insult from which they themselves suffered. Although in general Libra is very patient and not touchy. They have that amazing ability that allows them to resolve conflicts without consequences and bloodshed. They are excellent diplomats. Moreover, they support the world around them not artificially, but from the bottom of their hearts. I wish other zodiac signs had more such qualities.


Hearing the name of this zodiac sign, you immediately want to say: “This is the most terrible.” In fact, Scorpio avengers “rest” compared to some other signs. Scorpio bites – both physically and mentally. The goal of his revenge is to inflict as many unhealed wounds as possible. Trying to touch where it hurts, methodically and constantly, Scorpios can turn your life into hell. The best way to confront Scorpio is humor. "I'm a fool? Yes, absolutely true, not everyone can shine. But Einstein spoke on this matter...” Well, and in that spirit. In general, hold on; in the case of Scorpio, it is possible to escape revenge.


Sagittarius likes to take his revenge in public, one might say theatrically. If no one sees his revenge, he becomes bored. Having gathered the amphitheater, Sagittarius explains to the audience why and how he wants to punish this bastard. Sometimes, behind all this husk, revenge itself seems to be gone. Well, maybe an unpleasant aftertaste. The most terrible Sagittarius avengers are bureaucrats. God forbid you offended your boss last year, and this year you are due for a promotion - he will hurt himself, but you will not move up the career ladder even a millimeter. And where it is impossible to obtain any information, it seems that only Sagittarians are working.


To get Capricorn you will have to try very hard. Stubborn as a sheep, he himself is capable of driving anyone to white heat. His revenge is similar to the Virgo's. Just like Virgo, he will “push” you out of his space precisely, methodically and, most likely, officially. The only difference is that Capricorn will add some verbal poison to his revenge. In principle, Capricorn is capable of any revenge. Let's be glad that he doesn't use this ability often. Avenging Capricorn bosses are especially dangerous.


This is a very calm and kind sign. And kindness and vindictiveness are incompatible things. Getting an Aquarius is almost impossible. They respond to insults and rudeness with jokes and mercy. By the way, this way they can make their offender look like a complete idiot in the eyes of others (what beautiful revenge!). Aquarius is capable of anger, anger, and rage, like any other normal person. But they are not vindictive and will not purposefully take revenge. They happen to be quite good at it. He will easily and without straining give you the opportunity to feel like a poop yourself.


This sign is offended only by close people. Living in their imaginary world, Pisces simply do not see everyone else. Well, how can you take revenge on someone you can’t see? Pisces' revenge is usually soft and comes down to offended speeches, words, and gossip. She might also simply and forever refuse to communicate with the person who offended her. Moreover, all this will be accompanied by stories to friends and acquaintances about what an unfortunate Fish she is and what a bastard offended her... Considering that Pisces is usually loved by everyone, you can lose a good opinion of yourself for a long time. It is always very difficult to refute Pisces's arguments. Therefore, try not to offend vulnerable and sensual Pisces. And keep in mind that Pisces contains the character traits of all the signs of the Zodiac. So, maybe she can take revenge like all of them combined. Maybe. But whether he will take revenge or not - we will never know from the mysterious Pisces.

Aries is a rather curious zodiac sign. They are vulnerable and infantile, distinguished by directness of character, perseverance bordering on obstinacy, simplicity and straightforwardness. Aries are reliable, strong in spirit, keenly aware of injustice and do not know how to stay angry for a long time. The “childishness” of Aries’ character finds not only a positive, but also a negative embodiment - they are prone to selfishness, both easy-going and very touchy, and are distinguished by outbursts of rage. Before you take revenge on Aries, it is worth remembering that it is very difficult to bring this sign, balanced in its complacency, a little slow and not inclined to pay attention to little things, much less obstacles, to its conclusion. But it's real. However, Aries's response can be extremely destructive and very dangerous. It is necessary to take revenge on Aries systematically, for a long time and selflessly - then the “ram” will definitely notice you. In order for Aries to realize that it is he who is being revenged, it is necessary to make a lot of effort - to put pressure on his weaknesses, to find the slightest opportunity for ridicule and, better yet, justified ones.

You can take revenge on Aries, as well as raise Aries, with the help of difficult tasks. This sign is straightforward, therefore it meets any obstacle with “horns”, storming it until it capitulates. Therefore, wanting to develop the abilities of Aries, he should be given tasks that are difficult, almost impossible, but still ones that he will be able to master. And as revenge, you can drive Aries to madness with an obstacle that he is unable to overcome, especially if at the same time the avenger remains out of reach of the retaliatory actions of the representative of the horned sign. In this manner, you can exhaust and destroy the natural energy of Aries. At the same time, there is nothing easier than making peace with Aries. These signs are easy-going by nature, they don’t know how to stay angry for a long time; if they have real enemies, they can become friends, managing to inspire respect in Aries. Given the simplicity of Aries, sincere apologies, “fair play”, and often flattery can also help.

When quarreling with Aries over love, you should carefully consider the fact that Aries breaks up - they do it easily and uncomplicatedly, suddenly and forever. Aries is like a child who has lost interest in his favorite toy - it will be very difficult to regain his affection. Before offending Aries, it is worth considering that you are unlikely to want to have such an enemy on your list. Aries do not know how to be offended, but if they are already offended, you can safely expect, if not an attempt on your life, then at least an attempt to survive the offender from one territory - from work, from an apartment, from the city. Aries do not spare their enemies; they act sternly and directly, with pressure and strength.

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