Skyrim frozen quest cleansing revenge why. Walkthrough of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Companions. Revenge is a dish best served cold

The Companions are a caste of Skyrim warriors that has existed for five thousand years since its founding by the legendary Ysgramor. A base called Jorrvaskr was built next to Heavenly Forge, giving weapons forged in it “heavenly” strength. An entire city was soon founded around Jorrvaskr - Whiterun.

You can find the Companions fighting the giant at Pelagio Farm near Whiterun, just down the road from Riverwood to Whiterun.
You need to talk about joining inside Jorrvaskr with Kodlak Whitemane.

To arms
Before joining, you will be tested for professional suitability. Follow Vilkas out into the yard. Hit his shield, that's the whole test. You will immediately be used as an errand boy. Go up to the Sky Forge and speak with Yorlund Greymane to give him Vilkas's sword to sharpen. Yorlund himself will ask you to carry the shield for Eila. After this, Farkas will show you the shared bedroom.

Bruiser on call
Farkas will send you to deal with Skulvar Blackhilt in the Whiterun stables. Defeat him in a fist fight. Report success to Farkas.

Test of Valor You need to talk to Skjor. The first serious task. He wants you to retrieve a fragment of Wuuthrad, Ysgramor's axe, from the Ancient Cairn dungeon. Talk to Farkas and go to the place. Awakened draugr await you inside. In one of the rooms, next to the throne room, there will be a lever on the table (if you see the lever on the wall of the corridor, then you have already skipped the room). He will close the bars behind you, and outside Farkas will be attacked by the Silver Hand people. A very “woolly” skeleton will be revealed in the Companions’ closet. This is probably why the “Silver Hands” have silver weapons. You will continue to meet them. You must get to the Ancient Crypt. There the battle between the draugr and the “silver hands” is already in full swing. The key to the iron door is in the same room, in a chest on a pedestal. Next will be rats, and then frost spiders. Finally, you will reach the hall with a new word of power and the desired fragment. The draugr will not like his abduction very much; there are several dozen of them here. Absolutely crazy fight. You can return to Jorrvaskr. They are already waiting for you in the yard. You are now officially one of the Companions.

An entry will appear in the MISCELLANEOUS section: Talk to the leaders of the Companions about quests.
There are four to choose from:

Skjor: Heirlooms
Thieves stole heirloom from a family from Falkreath. It's hard to say for sure how random this quest is. I was sent to the Divided Gorge to get an ebony sword. It is quite possible that you will be sent to another place and for something else. The cave will be inhabited by magicians. The sword was found in a chest next to the wall with a new word of power. And on the table lies one of Barenziah's Stones! Return to Skjor and give the heirloom.

Vilkas: Rescue of abducted people

You will be sent to find kidnapped people. The location and names are likely to change. I was sent to the Rannveig Abode for Alem. Ghosts were waiting for me there, forced to fight against their will. If you joyfully rush for a new word of power, you may not notice a trap on the floor with a funny action. You can do something smarter - go down through the passage on the left. Kill the kidnapper. On the table you can find one of Barenziah's Stones! Talk to the kidnapping victim, now she will follow you to the city. Say goodbye to her and report to Vilkas. Eila

Aela the Huntress: Pest Control

You need to clear one cave of living creatures. In my case it was Pine Peak Cave and the cave bear. Return to Ayla.

Farkas: Bruiser on call

You need to beat up a particularly violent tavern patron. Just select the "fight" option in the dialogue. In my case, the “lucky” one was Stenvar from Windhelm. After victory, return to Farkas.

Now you need to talk to Skjor about work. Any other character will still send you to him.

Silver Hand

Skjor wants to meet you at the Lower Forge, which is located directly below the Sky Forge. At night, find him on the stairs near the entrance. After Eila passes, talk to Skjor and you can enter. So, you have to become a werewolf. Drink from the Chalice of the Lower Forge.
Now you are a real werewolf! However, even though the entire city is attacking you, there is no point in killing all the characters. Of course, it's up to you to decide. You just need to hold out for a few minutes, since your speed allows you to avoid getting hit by arrows. You will wake up somewhere in the forest, completely naked, but you have all your belongings with you, get dressed. Aela will inform you that you are on your way to hunt for the werewolf-haters, the Silver Hand, who have set up camp at Fort Gallows Rock. Judging by the bodies of the werewolves, these hunters are not as mediocre as they seemed at the first meeting. In the end, you will have to kill Krev the Skinner, who has brought a lot of trouble. Unfortunately, you will find Skjor dead.

A blow to the heart

It's not time to grieve - it's time to take revenge. You need to go to the Orotheim cave, which is located near the waterfall, to kill the Leader of the Silver Hand. Return to Eila.

Until you accept a new task from her, you can complete one of the remaining Companions from other employers, described above.
Blood and Honor
Talk to Eila. She will say that Kodlak White Mane wants to see you. Sit on the chair opposite him. At the end of the dialogue, he will ask you to kill the Glenmoril witches and bring him their heads. Go to the Glenmoril Coven. One head is enough, but (optional) you can kill all the witches in the cave.
Return to Jorrvaskr, which was attacked by the Silver Hands. Vilkas will meet you inside and tell you that Kodlak was killed and all the fragments were stolen.

Purifying revenge
Travel with Vilkas to Fort Driftstaed to recover the shards of Wuuthrad and avenge the attack. Additionally, you can kill all representatives of the “Silver Hand”. There are a lot of soldiers in Driftsteid. You need to go down to the basement. From the basement, go upstairs through another door. You will find the debris on the table. Return to Whiterun.

Last duty
You need to attend Kodlak Whitemane's funeral, which will take place near the Sky Forge. Yorlund will take the ruins of Wuuthrad from you. And he will also ask you to bring the last fragment that Kodlak kept in his chambers in Jorrvaskr. Also in the coffee table you will find Kodlak's diary. Return to Yorlund and give the last fragment. Now go to the Lower Forge. It was decided to go to the Tomb of Ysgramor. You will be given the reforged two-handed ax of Wuuthrad, which is the key to the tomb. The place can be easily reached from Winterhold if you go under the bridge. Vilkas, Farkas and Eila are waiting for you inside. Activate the statue to place the ax in its rightful place. The path inside will open, Eira and Farkas go with you. You are greeted by the ghosts of your comrades buried with Ysgramor. When spiders loom ahead, Farkas refuses to continue on his way. Gradually the ghosts will become stronger. At the end, talk to Kodlak's ghost. Activate the Harbinger's Flame to throw the witch's head into the fire. Apparently it’s not in vain that you spent so much time dragging around decaying and stinking remains. The Wolf Spirit of Kodlak will appear, the same one that he saw in his dream (you will understand what we are talking about if you read his diary), and which you must overcome. Talk to the rescued Kodlak.
TNow, in order to recover from lecanthropy and stop being a werewolf, you can throw the head of the Glenmoril witch into the Flame of the Harbinger and defeat your wolf spirit.
In the chest, if you go up a little higher, there will be a Shield of Ysgramor. You can also pick up Wuuthrad on the way out if you need it.
You can also find an additional exit from the tomb. As you go up the steps, you will learn a new word of power.

Now the Heavenly Forge will have new forging capabilities. All members of the Companions can become your companions. The Harbinger's room (the one in which Kodlak lived) belongs to you. And finally, you can complete the tasks of the three remaining members of the Circle.

After completing several tasks for your Companions, you can receive personal tasks from them.
In search of the dragon
Vilkas wants to kill the dragon. You should go with him and fight the flying creature. You can also complete a similar task from Farkas.


When you have the head of the Glenmoril Witch with you, talk to Vilkas. Vilkas wants to be cleansed of lycanthropy. You will need another Glenmoril Witch head. Travel with Vilkas to Ysgramor's Tomb. Throw your head into the same Harbinger Flame and fight the Wolf Spirit. Then talk to Vilkas.
You can also complete a similar task from Farkas.

P.S. If, after killing the Wolf Spirit, a follower does not start a dialogue, enter “setstage CR13 100” into the console, respecting the case and without quotes.

Purifying revenge
Job sourceVilkas
PreviousBlood Honor
NextGlory of the Dead
LocationWhiterun, Driftshade, Jorrvaskr

Brief walkthrough

  • Infiltrate the Silver Hand's hideout with Vilkas.
  • Obtain the Fragments of Wuuthrad.
  • Optional: Destroy the Silver Hand.

Detailed walkthrough

Revenge is a dish best served cold

After the death of Kodlak White Mane, Vilkas of course wants revenge. Without further questions, he will act as your companion on the way to the Silver Hand's refuge - Driftshade - Shelter southeast of Dawnstar. Upon arrival, get rid of the three Silver Hand followers guarding the entrance, then go inside.

Lair of the Silver Hand

Not surprisingly, Driftshade is swarming with followers of the Silver Hand, so take Vilkas's help and cut them down one by one. Don't forget to pick up the Skyrim Exploration Book, it will add some markers to your map, it's in a two-level room with a lot of crates. More specifically, it stands on a bookshelf under the moose head that hangs on the wall. There is a locked door in the tunnel north of the room, open it and get rid of another Silver Hand member. In the next room, spears block the entrance, but the lever to the right of the spears easily solves this problem. Continue on your way and enter the Driftshade Cellar.
After the first turn, be sure to look in the hidden box, then move on and use the wall with spears to get rid of some more enemies. Ignore the cage with the dead werewolf, activate the trap and go into the area behind to collect loot from another crate. Activate the lever on the wall to go back and proceed to the next room, where you will deal with a couple of opponents. Don't forget the book on Light Armor, which is hidden on the bookshelf. The basement will open into a snow cave, a two-level room with a Silver Hand sniper higher up on a ledge. Kill him and explore the caves, in one of them you will find a living werewolf who will immediately attack you, in the other there will be a dead horse.

Fragments of Wuuthrad

After going through the torture chamber, in the next room you will be greeted by even more enemies, behind the fireplace there will be a wallet with gold and two potions. Go through the only accessible path, which leads to an inaccessible part of the Driftshade Cellar. In the first room you will find the remaining members of the Silver Hand, many training books, do not forget to read them and finally pick up the fragments of Wuuthrad. Use the southern door to easily exit the Driftshade Cellar and return to Jorrvaskr. Upon arrival, Vilkas will tell you to meet him at the Sky Forge and salute the now dead, but avenged, White Mane. This will end the quest and start a new one, Glory of the Dead.

Classic warrior guild in the game world The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is not represented, although The Companions can be included in it with a slight stretch. This is a brotherhood that devoted itself to war, but did not forget about the honor that is inherent only in truly great warriors.

The Companions do not have a single leader, there is only advisor Kodlak, who bears the title of Harbinger, and a circle of the most courageous warriors, but they only have advisory functions. The guild of Companions itself does not obey anyone, this is its meaning.

You will first meet them before approaching Whiterun, where they will fight a giant on one of the nearby farms. After the battle, Aela the Huntress will approach you and invite you to visit their home - Jorrvaskr, which is located in the same city.

There you can chat with other comrades and learn about the foundations of this brotherhood. I'll tell you how to join the ranks of the Companions and completing their quests.

First you need to talk to Kodlak, he is located at the very end of the residential area. Vilkas will speak out against your entry, but he will be convinced to give you a chance and will be given your first task.

To arms

In the quest " To arms"(Take Up Arms) you will have to complete a few simple instructions from the Companions.

Training with Vilkas

First you have to wave the iron a little. We go out with Vilkas into the yard and after a short conversation he will order you to strike him several times in order to assess your strength. We beat him, after which he gives us the next task.

Take the sword to Yorlund

You need to take the sword to Eorlund so that he can sharpen it. Jorlund is a blacksmith and is located next to Jorvaskr in the Skyforge. From him we learn a little about the structure of the brotherhood. Then he gives us another assignment.

Take the shield to Eila

Yorlund asks to take the shield to Eila. We return to the residential area of ​​Jorrvaskr and find Aela in one of the rooms - there she talks with Skjor. After exchanging a few words with them, you leave with Farkas. He takes you to a room where you can sleep.

After which you can take tasks from him, Eila, Farkas and Skjor, which are randomly generated. By completing several of them, you will establish yourself among the Companions and receive the next normal task from Skjor.

Proving honor

In the quest " Proving honor"(Proving Honor) we will have to go with Farkas to the Ancient Cairn (Dustman’s Cairn), which is located southeast of Morthal. Your goal is to obtain a fragment of the legendary ax of Wuuthrad.

Be careful, because after accepting the quest, Farkas will automatically replace your companion. So if he is carrying something valuable, then take care of it in advance.

Some time after the start of clearing the dungeon, you will find yourself trapped behind bars and Farkas will be surrounded by servants of the Silver Hand order. As a result, Farkas will turn into a werewolf before your eyes and kill them all. So you will find out that all the members of the circle in the Companions are in fact, and they are being hunted by this order, which lured us into a trap.

At the end of the dungeon we will find an ax fragment and one of the. After which we return to Jorrvaskr, where we are officially accepted into the ranks of the Companions, and as a reward we are given a weapon of our choice. Next, we should complete one of the small assignments, after which we receive an invitation from Skjor to meet him at night at Underforge.

Silver hand

In the quest " Silver hand"(The Silver Hand) we meet Skjor in Underforge under the Heavenly Forge and participate in a blood ritual with Aela, which ultimately results in .

Then our task will be to cut out the Silver Hand camp.

We go to fort Gallows Rock, it is located southwest of Windhelm. We do our job and talk to Eila again to complete this quest.

Blood Honor

After completing the previous task, Kodlak calls us to him, who got wind of our affairs. We receive the quest " Blood Honor"(Blood's Honor), in which we will help him get rid of the curse of lycanthropy.

Kodlak takes us to the Bilegulch Mine, which is located between Markarth and Falkreath. Our task is to cut off the heads of the Glinmoril witches.

We are only asked for one head, but it is better to take at least four if you want to heal yourself and everyone in the Circle (Ayla will not want to), so as not to come here again later.

Upon returning to Whiterun, you will notice strange behavior residents of the city - several of them will gather at the entrance to Jorrvaskr. Near the stairs you will find Torvar and Eila, next to whom the bodies of people from the Order of the Silver Hand are lying.

In Jorrvaskr itself, Vilkas will approach you and ask where you were in your hour of need. It turns out that while we were hunting witches, the Silver Hand attacked Jorrvaskr. As a result, Kodlaka died a heroic death, and all the fragments of Wuthrad were stolen.

The next task will begin immediately.

Purifying revenge

In the quest " Purifying revenge"(Purity of Revenge) Vilkas and I set off to avenge Kodlak and return the ax fragments. Our destination is Driftshade Refuge southeast of Dawnstar.

There’s nothing fancy here - we clean everything out, collect the fragments and return to Jorrvaskr.

Last duty

In the final quest " Last duty"(Glory of the Dead) Vilkas asks everyone to come to Kodlak's funeral. The funeral itself takes place in the Sky Forge, where the Companions and several residents of Whiterun have gathered.

After the prayers, Yorlund will ask you to give him the fragments of Wuthrad, then he will send you to Kodlak’s room for the latter. After which we leave for a meeting with members of the Circle in Underforge. There you talk about Kodlak, and at the end Eorlund brings the restored ax to Wuthrad.

We all go together to Ysgramor’s Tomb. There we insert an ax into the hands of the statue, which will lead to the opening of a passage to the burial vault. After this you can pick up the ax; the passage will not be closed.

There you need to talk to the spirit of Kodlak, throw the witch's head into the fire and defeat the spirit of the beast. After which you will be called the Harbinger of the Companions - the first true leader of the brotherhood after Ysgramor.

There is no fighters guild in Skyrim, but they are replaced by Companions. Companions are valiant warriors who are ready to give their lives for honor. Some of these valiant warriors have a special "gift" that gives them enormous strength, allowing them to kill crowds of enemies single-handedly.

According to legend, the first Companion was himself Ysgramor, who then gathered an entire army of five hundred comrades and after the fall of Saarthal and killed thousands of elves. And from those times begins the story of the great Companions, who perform special work for money, kill various animals, look for escaped prisoners and protect people.

How and where to find Companions in Skyrim

You can find allies in Whiterun. Their “headquarters” is located near the heavenly forge, and this festive hall is called “Jorrvaskr”. There the Companions train, feast and live. Every comrade-in-arms unique warrior, and the most important thing is that the Companions do not have any leaders. There is only a harbinger that can only give advice on what to do. How they managed to hold out for so long without leaders is unknown.

And so, in order to join the ranks of the Companions, you need to go to their headquarters and go down to the harbinger’s room. After which you should talk with the harbinger, pass a test of strength and strength, that is, fight with a respected member of your comrades, after which perform various tasks, which will be given by experienced comrades.

Questgiver: any ally
Start conditions: talk to any colleague
Reward: No

Any comrade-in-arms will tell you that to become a comrade-in-arms, you need to talk to their leader - Kodlak White Mane. Find Kodlak in Jorrvaskr and talk to him about joining the Companions.

To arms

Questgiver: Kodlak White Mane
Start conditions: talk to the leader of the comrades
Reward: No

Train with Vilkas
Follow Vilkas into the courtyard and engage him in a duel with weapons.

Bring Vilkas' Sword to Yorlund
Go to the skyforge and give Yorlund the sword of Vilkas

Bring Aela her shield
Go to Jorrvaskr, find Aela there and give her the shield.

Follow Farkas to his place of residence
Follow Farkas to the barracks.

Questgiver: Farkas
Start conditions: complete the mission "To Arms"
Reward: No

Now you are one of Soratniko. You can freely carry out any tasks of any leader. Talk to Farkas, Aela the Huntress, Skjor or Vilkas about the job.

Take on the task of one of the leaders to complete the quest.

Test of Valor

Questgiver: Skjor
Start conditions: complete the task "To Arms" one of the tasks of the leaders of the Companions
Reward: No

Farkas is waiting to talk to me
Talk to Farkas about the upcoming task.

Pick up the fragment
Travel to the Ancient Cairn, northeast of Morthal.

Go deeper into the ruins. Soon you will come to a large hall with two gates. Some of them are open. Go to them. Behind them you will find a lever, press. Watch the script scene. Continue on your way. Once in the Ancient Crypt, go down. Soon you will find yourself in a large hall with a locked gate. The key lies in the same room, in the chest. Move on. Soon you will find yourself in a large hall, where you will see a fragment. Take it and get ready to fight the draugr.

Return to Jorrvaskr
Return to Whiterun. Vilkas will be waiting for you at the entrance to Jorrvaskr.

Follow Vilkas
Follow Vilkas into the backyard of Jorrvaskr to be initiated into the Companions.
You can now upgrade your weapons from Yorlud Greymane.

Talk to the leaders of the comrades in the building

Questgiver: No
Start conditions: complete the quest "Test of Valor"
Reward: No

Accept the task of one of the leaders (Farkas, Aela the Huntress, Skjor or Vilkas) to complete the quest.

Silver hand

Questgiver: Skjor
Start conditions: complete the quest "Test of Valor" and two quests from the leaders of the Companions
Reward: No

Meet Skjor after nightfall
After midnight, exit into the Jorrvaskr courtyard. Follow Skjor to the lower forge.

Enter the lower forge
Go inside the lower forge

Take part in the ritual
Declare your willingness to become a werewolf. Drink the blood from the cup. After this you will find yourself outside. Run around Skyrim as a werewolf...

Talk to Eila
You will wake up near Windhelm. Eila will tell you about the transformation.

Kill werewolf hunters
Go to Fort Gallows Rock, southwest of Windhelm and kill all the Silver Hand soldiers.

Talk to Eila
Talk to Aela to complete the quest.

A blow to the heart

Questgiver: Aela the Huntress
Start conditions: complete the quest "Silver Hand"
Reward: 100 gold

Eliminate the leader of the "Silver Hand"
Go to the Lost Knife Refuge cave, southwest of Windhelm, and kill the Silver Hand leader there.

Eila is waiting for me

Enemy plans

Questgiver: Aela the Huntress
Start conditions: complete the task "Stab in the Heart"
Reward: 100 gold

My destination is Broken Helm Hollow. You should steal the plans from there
Go to the Broken Helm Hollow cave, southeast of Riften. Kill the guards and take the plans from the chest. Be careful, there's a trap connected to it

Return to Eila
Return to Jorrvaskr to Aela for your reward.

Blood and Honor

Questgiver: Aela the Huntress
Start conditions: complete the mission "Enemy Plans"
Reward: No

Talk to Kodlak
Go to Kodlak, sit on the chair next to him and listen to the task.

Get the head of the Glenmoril Witch
Go to the Glenmoril Coven cave, northwest of Falkreath. Kill any witch and take her head.

Additional task:
Slay the Glenmoril Witches
Kill all the witches in the cave.

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