Test on biology of natural communities. Test. Natural communities. The world. Who are called “live filters”

  • Summarize students’ knowledge on the topic “Natural Communities”. Test students' knowledge, skills and abilities.
  • Develop the ability to reveal natural and environmental relationships, the ability to compare and draw conclusions.
  • Develop cognitive interest and creative activity.
  • Equipment.

    • Presentation.
    • Two empty playing fields (on the board).
    • Cards “X”, “O”.
    • Envelopes with tasks.
    • Tests (by number of participants).

    Rules of the game

    There are 2 teams participating in the game: one is “Tic Tacs”, the second is “Toe” (determined after warm-up). The team's task is to score the most points. Each cell of the playing field corresponds to a specific task. The first to select a cell is the “Cross” team. In the future, the moves alternate. The facilitator gives different tasks (but on the same topic) to both teams. After completing the task, both teams respond. If the answer is correct, each team places an icon in this cell on their field and earns the number of points stated in the task.

    A team gets 1 point if they manage to place their icons so that they can be crossed out with a straight line.

    The game is over when all the cells on the playing field are covered.

    During the classes

    1. Organizational moment


    Children are divided into two teams. Each team has cards with letters on their tables. Assignment: collect terms from letters (ecology, natural community, invisible threads, food chain - 2 terms per team), give definitions. The first team that completes the task is called “Cross”, the second “Toe”.

    They select a commander who will be responsible for organizing work in the team. Commanders receive cards with a team sign (X, O).

    The teacher explains the conditions of the game. The main playing field is on the interactive board.<Слайд 2. Презентация >. The first cell is opened by the cross team.

    2. Main part

    Cell “Inventive tasks” < Slide 3>

    The captains select envelopes with tasks. Each team reads out the tasks (2), discusses, makes a decision, and determines who will be responsible. The team of crosses answers first. Behind

    Each task is awarded 1 point.

    Problem 1 (“X”)

    In the spring, when the sun warms up, little black bugs crawl out of the peas lying in storage. They twist their black heads, spread their wings and fly away. In June they fly to the pea field, where tender green beans appear. They descend on the bean and lay eggs. The time will come, and larvae will emerge from the testicles and gnaw through the skin of the bean, penetrating into the pea, which will become their “home” and “dining room” at the same time. The peas will be taken to storage, and everything will happen again. What to do? How to select damaged peas?

    (Peas are poured into barrels with salted water. Good peas sink to the bottom, and used ones float up - because they are empty inside. Peas infected with weevil are burned along with the larvae)

    Problem 2 (“X”)

    The tall, strong larch has a tiny but formidable enemy - the larch fly. It destroys larch cones. The seeds disappear before they even fall to the ground. The fly is only afraid of the smell of fir cones. How to save larch cones?

    (They decided to outwit the fly, they disguised the larches as a Christmas tree: after all, a fly doesn’t land on resinous spruce cones. They made an aromatic infusion from spruce sawdust and pine needles and sprayed it on the larches. Not a single fly would fly close to the larch tree, which smells like a Christmas tree)

    Problem 1 (“O”)

    Hedgehogs are born in early spring when it is still very cold in the forest. They have no fur - only spines. Babies are cold in the hole, especially when mom goes out to get food. How to protect hedgehogs from hypothermia?

    (When leaving, the hedgehog wraps the babies in dry leaves to keep warm)

    Problem 2 (“O”)

    One year in the USA, in the Boston area, caterpillars multiplied unusually, which in countless hordes fell on fields, vegetable gardens, orchards and destroyed everything - crops, vegetables, fruits on trees. People were in danger of starvation. What should people do? Who to invite to the rescue?

    (Sparrows came to the rescue. They were introduced in 1815 by the British. They swooped into fields and gardens in flocks and quickly exterminated the pests. Grateful residents of Boston built a monument to sparrows in the city’s main park)

    Cell “Zoological”<Слайд 4>

    Place animals in natural communities.

    Each team selects animals for their natural communities.

    Team “X”: forest, pond.

    Team “O”: meadow, pond. For a correctly completed task - 1 point.

    List of animals:

    • Cuckoo
    • Leeches
    • Squirrel
    • Boar
    • Landrail
    • Lizard
    • Frog
    • Bumblebee
    • Quail
    • Woodpecker
    • Heron
    • Grasshopper

    Cell “Ecological”<Слайд 5–8>

    Restore the food chain by replenishing the links.

    Each team is given 2 power circuits. For a correctly restored chain - 1 point.

    Cell “Mysterious”<Слайд 9>

    Teams take turns solving riddles. Each riddle – 0.5 points

    Team X Team "O"
    It crawls the other way around
    Everything is underwater
    Grabs it with a claw.
    I love children very much
    But I don’t always feed myself.
    I trust other people's mothers
    When I walk through the forest.
    The tail wags,
    Too toothy, but not barking.
    Blue airplane
    Sat on a white dandelion.
    Lying between the fir trees
    Pillow with needles.
    She lay quietly
    Then suddenly she ran away.
    Cheren is not a raven,
    Rogat is not a bull,
    Six legs - but no hooves.
    Water masters
    They build a house without an axe,
    House of brushwood and mud
    And a dam.
    Made a hole
    I dug a hole
    The sun is shining
    But he doesn’t even know.

    Cell “Search”,<Слайд 10>

    The captains choose an envelope with texts. Teams read texts, guess the natural community, talk about its features, and name the animals. Each text is awarded 1 point.

    Text 1 (“X”)

    Mighty, handsome oak trees spread their branches wide. Here is a group of white-trunked birch trees that seem to be spinning in a round dance. And further, near the clearing, aspen trees with trembling leaves are adjacent to spruce trees. The tops of tall and slender pines are illuminated by the setting sun. But the hazel and viburnum bushes already lack the evening sun rays. No wonder they are called…. He generously gives people berries, mushrooms, and hazelnuts. And its inhabitants are not averse to feasting on its gifts.

    Text 2 (“X”)

    In the evening or in bad weather, you can hear a sharp cry in the grass, reminiscent of the sound “twitch!” It's a meadow bird screaming. Don’t expect to see him: he doesn’t rise into the air, but runs quickly among the grass, but he does it so deftly that not a single blade of grass sways.

    (Crake or twitcher)

    Text 1 (“O”)

    Warm summer day. A wonderful carpet of flowering herbs spread around us. Butterflies flutter silently over the flowers, bees and bumblebees buzz busily, and grasshoppers chirp. How good!

    Text 2 (“O”)

    It is very interesting to see one flying bird over the meadow in the spring. She rushes in the air, sometimes rising up, sometimes falling sharply down, then a sound similar to the voice of a lamb is heard. The most interesting thing is that the bird makes these sounds not with its voice, but with the feathers of its tail and wings. Air currents penetrating between the feathers cause them to quickly tremble, and then a bleating sound is heard: “beep”. For this sound, the bird was popularly called the “heavenly lamb.” The bird nests on the ground and hatches four chicks.

    Cell “Who eats what”<Слайд 11–12>

    Team “X”: Can dragonflies be classified as predators? Prove it?

    (Dragonflies and their larvae are predators. Dragonflies hunt in the air - they grab insects on the fly. The larvae live in the water, where they get their food. But they do not chase prey, but lie in wait for it. The dragonfly larva has a very long lip with hooks at the end . The lip folds. And while the larva is watching for prey, the lip is not visible. And when the prey is close, the larva instantly throws out the lip to its full length - as if shooting it - and grabs a tadpole or insect. After 1 - 2 years, the larva comes out of the water and turns into dragonfly.)

    Team “O”: Can pike be classified as predators? Prove it?

    (Swift predatory fish, She has strong fins and a tail. The dark color with light specks easily hides it among the algae in the water. It attacks from ambush, swallowing whole fry and small fish, it can grab ducklings - that’s why it has a wide mouth with sharp, curved teeth)

    Team “X”: Why are predator animals needed in nature?

    (Predatory animals are found among all groups of animals - animals, birds, insects, fish. They are well adapted to searching and catching prey. Predatory animals are very necessary in nature: they regulate the number of other animals, destroy unadapted and sick ones. Many people we know belong to predatory animals species. But sometimes it sounds unexpected: frog, nightingale, lizard, water strider, ladybug– predators)

    Team “O”: Which animals do you think - herbivores, carnivores, omnivores - are most adapted to life in nature? Why?

    (Omnivores. It is easier for them to find suitable food. Omnivorous birds, for example, remain for the winter, making do with plant foods in the winter, although they are insectivores in the summer)

    For each correct answer - 1 point.

    Cell “Test yourself” < Slide 13>

    Both teams receive a test (each team has its own), perform it independently, then are given 7 minutes to discuss controversial issues, after which the teams report on the work done. For a correctly completed task, the team receives 5 points.

    1. Which tier do the plants belong to: lilac, honeysuckle, rose hips, cotoneaster?

    2. Which tier do the plants belong to: lingonberries, blueberries, sorrel oxalis, maynik, strawberries?

    a) mosses and lichens – 1st tier b) herbs and shrubs – 2nd tier c) shrubs – 3rd tier d) trees – 4th tier

    3. Various lichens on trees are indicators:

    a) clean air b) polluted atmosphere c) wetlands d) polluted soil

    4. Which of the following animals do not live on trees?

    a) bark beetle b) woodpecker c) squirrel d) vole

    5. Who helps pollinate the plants in the upper layers of the forest?

    a) insects b) wind c) animals d) birds

    6. Who pollinates the flowers of plants in the lower tiers?

    a) wind b) birds c) amphibians d) insects

    7. What animals do not live in the soil?

    a) mold mushrooms b) ants c) moles d) spruce longhorned beetles

    8. Complete the food chain: plants – wood mouse– ? – rotting bacteria?

    A) weasel b) elk c) woodpecker d) black grouse

    9 Forest litter is:

    a) grasses and shrubs b) fallen leaves and dead parts of plants c) fruits and seeds of trees

    10. Forest litter rots under the influence of:

    a) water b) high temperatures c) microbes, fungi, bacteria living in it d) wind

    1. Which of the listed plants do not grow on the shores of lakes in the Leningrad region?

    a) duckweed b) sedge c) arrowhead d) irises

    2. What plants do not float on the surface of the water?

    a) water lily b) yellow water lily c) water lily d) calligraphy

    3. Which plant is called “water plague”?

    a) watercolor b) elodea c) water lily d) reed

    4. Which of the following plants is called insectivorous? It catches small crustaceans. One scientist counted 15 thousand crustaceans in a 20 cm long plant.

    a) bladderwort b) watercolor c) duckweed d) horsetail

    5. Which of the listed plants are protected?

    a) white water lily b) elodea c) reed d) hornwort

    6. Which group do these inhabitants of the reservoir belong to: frog, newt, toad?

    a) animals b) fish c) amphibians d) mollusks

    7. What fish cannot be found in the reservoirs of the Leningrad region?

    a) ruff b) pike perch c) sawfish d) pike e) whitefish f) smelt

    8. What animals are not directly related to the community of the reservoir?

    a) heron b) swimming beetle c) mallard d) weasel

    9. Guess the animal. Lives along the banks of quiet rivers, leads a nocturnal lifestyle, builds huts and dams?

    a) muskrat b) beaver c) nutria d) otter

    10. Which bodies of water are indicators of ruffe, perch, pike perch, and pike?

    a) clean reservoirs b) polluted reservoirs c) very dirty reservoirs d) flowing reservoirs

    Cell “Botanical”<Слайд 14>

    Plant plants in their natural community.

    Each team selects plants for their natural communities. For a correctly completed task - 1 point.

    Team “X”: forest, pond

    Team “O”: meadow, pond

    • Pine
    • Arrowhead
    • Yarrow
    • Euonymus
    • Bell
    • Water lily
    • Cane
    • Mouse peas
    • Aspen
    • Rogoz

    Cell “Video dictation”<Слайд 15–16>

    Each team views 5 slides depicting natural communities. After finishing watching, players must name natural communities and their representatives in the order shown. For a correctly completed task, the team receives 5 points.

    Team “X”: forest, meadow, forest, body of water (lake), body of water (swamp)

    Team “O”: meadow, forest, body of water (pond), meadow, body of water (river)

    3. Lesson summary

    The lesson ends with summing up the work, counting points and assigning marks for the work of each team and (or) individually for each student.


    1. Pleshakov A.A., Novitskaya M.Yu. “ The world”, 3rd grade, 1st part, M.: 2011, UMK “Perspective”.
    2. Pleshakov A.A., Novitskaya M.Yu. “The world around us”, workbook, grade 3, part 1, M.: 2011, educational complex “Perspective”.
    3. Pleshakov A.A. “From earth to sky: atlas-key to natural history and ecology for students primary classes”, M.: 1998.
    4. Dmitrieva O.I. Lesson developments for the course “The World Around You”, 3rd grade, M.: 2007.
    5. Beryukhova E.K., Gruzdeva N.V. "The world. Natural history. Ecology” Information and developmental tasks for students primary school, St. Petersburg, 2001.
    6. Elkina N.V., Tarabarina T.I. “1000 riddles (a popular guide for parents and teachers)”, Yaroslavl, 1996.
    7. Dyachkovskaya G.T. The world around us, grades 2–4, Olympiad assignments, Volgograd, 2006
    8. Katkova E.G. Entertaining tasks and test questions in natural science, grades 3–4, M.: “Intellect-Center”, 2003.
    9. Derim Oglu E.N. Frolova N.V. Natural history and ecology, 4th grade, 2001.

    Screening test on the topic " Natural communities»

    Students______3rd grade___________________________

    1.What is a natural community?

    a) the complex unity of living and inanimate nature;

    b) unity of plants, animals, people;

    c) water, air, minerals, soil;

    d) trees, shrubs, mushrooms, herbs.

    2.What does not apply to natural communities?

    a) forest; b) meadow; c) soil; d) pond.

    3. What natural community are we talking about?

    Shrubs grow here and herbaceous plants, there are many animals. There are also mushrooms here.

    a) forest; b) meadow; c) pond.

    A wonderful carpet of herbs spread around. Butterflies flutter silently over the flowers, bees and bumblebees hum.

    a) forest; b) meadow; c) pond.

    This is an amazing house, inhabited by numerous residents who have adapted to life in or near the water.

    a) forest; b) meadow; c) pond.

    4. The main plants of the forest.

    5. The main plants of the meadow.

    a) bushes; b) trees; c) herbs; d) algae.

    6. Which natural community do these inhabitants belong to?

    Blueberry, yarrow, quail, filly

    a) forest; b) meadow; c) pond.

    Arrowhead, beaver, reed, reel

    a) forest; b) meadow; c) pond.

    Weasel, euonymus, slug, thrush

    a) forest; b) meadow; c) pond.

    7. Who are called “live filters”?

    a) crayfish; b) toothless; c) pike; d) newts

    8. What are we talking about: from soil-to-plants, from plants into the bodies of animals, and with the remains of plants and animals back into the soil?

    a) power circuit; b) the water cycle in nature; c) cycle of substances.

    9. The main participant in the cycle of substances?

    a) mushrooms; b) animals; c) bacteria; d) plants.

    10. Helps bacteria in the circulation of substances.

    a) moles; b) mushrooms; c) leeches; d) beetles.

    Option 1. 1. Indicate a group that contains only meadow plants. A) Wormwood, feather grass, peony. B) Timothy, clover, yarrow, dandelion. C) Lingonberries, blueberries, raspberries. 2. Indicate a group that contains only grassland animals. A) Hazel grouse, capercaillie, sable, squirrel. B) Filly, quail, owl, swan. B) Grasshopper, wagtail, bumblebee, mouse. 3. Indicate the group in which the plants of the lake are correctly named. A) Cattail, reed, reed. B) Bluebell, cornflower, chamomile. C) Oats, fescue, wormwood. 4. Indicate the group in which the animals of the lake are correctly named. A) Ducks, herons, storks. B) Seagulls, wagtails, black grouse. B) Swans, owls, eagles. 5. Indicate the group that correctly provides examples of natural bodies of water. A) Rivers, seas, lakes, streams. B) Rivers, seas, oceans. B) Canals, ponds, reservoirs. 6. Which of the power circuits is indicated correctly? A) Lark - cornflower - grasshopper. B) Reed - mosquito - frog - otter. B) Hare - fox - elk. 7.Which group can a food chain be made from? A) Fox, woodpecker, raspberry. B) Oak, wolf, boar. B) Eagle, rye, owl. a) Cabbage – caterpillar - ………………………….. – eagle; b) Algae - ………………………….. – pike. 9. There is a mistake in the text. Find her. The tall, thick rye on the field is a forest of its own. Birds and animals live here. During the day, hen harriers fly over the field, looking for mice and hamsters. Closer to night, some shadows are visible above the rye. The owls flew out to hunt. All night long they will catch mice and voles. But in the rye there live many small animals that are worse than rodents. These are insects - pests of the field: slugs, aphids, earthworms, caterpillars. But grains have friends who protect them. These are insectivorous animals: shrews, hedgehogs, insectivorous birds. Oak, pike, crossbill, timothy, grasshopper, aspen, bark beetle, water strider, bumblebee, strawberry, duckweed, fox, shrew, cedar, clover.

    Option 2. 1. Indicate a line in which only insects of the meadow are indicated. A) Bees, bumblebees, butterflies, fillies. B) Mosquitoes, dragonflies, swimming beetles. C) May beetles, bark beetles, caterpillars. 2.What meadow plants are harvested for domestic animal feed? A) Chamomile, cornflower, buttercup. B) Bluegrass, timothy, clover. B) Bell, reed, water lily. 3. Indicate the line in which the animals of the lake are correctly named. A) Crayfish, perches, seals, heron. B) Pond fish, toothless fish, dragonfly, hedgehog. B) Water striders, otters, frogs, mollusks. 4. Indicate the line that correctly names the plants of the reservoir that are attached to the bottom. A) Sedge, green algae, arrowhead. B) Capsule, water lily, reed. C) Reed, cattail, duckweed. 5. Indicate the line that correctly gives examples of artificial reservoirs. A) Seas, rivers, lakes. B) Canals, streams, rivers. C) Reservoirs, ponds, canals. 6. Which group can be used to make up a food chain? A) Bear, honey, bee. B) Pike, algae, roach. B) Rye, grasshopper, mouse. 7. Which of the power circuits is indicated correctly? A) Rye - mouse - snake - eagle. B) Pine – woodpecker – bark beetle. C) Slugs - cabbage - toad. 8. Insert the missing link in the power chain: a) cabbage – ……………… - ladybug; b) cattail - ……………………… - frog - heron. 9. There was an error in the text. Find her. At the very shores of the lake rise slender thickets of cattails with dark brown ears on the tops of the stems. Not far from him, a reed sways with its thick panicles of dark purple spikelets. Here you can also see a cluster of reeds and bluegrass. The water lily is easily recognizable by its large white flowers and round shiny leaves. In summer, the surface of the lake is covered with duckweed. Dragonflies grab flies, mosquitoes and other insects in flight. The water strider bug glides easily along a smooth water surface. The swimming beetle eats tadpoles and fish fry. Error: 10. Distribute representatives of wildlife into groups (communities). Name them. Bee, cuckoo, birch, frog, fox, timothy, squirrel, spruce, reed, perch, cattail, grasshopper, clover, mole.

    9. Layering is: a) the coexistence of organisms of different species;

    Task 2. Define the concepts: layering, temporary natural community, meadow.

    Task 3. Write down the numbers of the correct statements.

    1. Plant community – a natural collection of plants.

    3. The first tier in the community is represented everywhere by trees.

    4. The city park is called “agrocenosis”.

    Task 4. What is the significance of autotrophs in the natural community? What are the consequences of their disappearance?

    Task 5. Why don't the leaves that fall every year accumulate in the forest?

    Test on the topic: “Natural communities” Option 2.

    Task 1. Choose one correct answer

    1. Life on Earth is impossible without plants, because... They:

    a) living organisms; b) breathe, eat, grow. c) release oxygen;

    d) form organic substances.

    2. The plant organism is affected by:

    a) only inanimate nature; b) only other living organisms;

    c) living and inanimate nature; d) only a person.

    3. The change in plant communities occurs under the influence of:

    a) change of seasons; b) climate change;

    c) non-simultaneous development of plants; d) human activity.

    4. Science studies the connection of living organisms with the environment:

    a) geography; b) ecology; c) phenology; d) biology.

    5. Habitat is: a) living and inanimate nature that affects plants;

    b) only light; c) only water; d) predators.

    6. Pine occupies the upper tier because:

    a) loves the shade; b) moisture-loving; c) loves light; d) drought resistant.

    7. In a dark forest, many plants have light flowers because they:

    a) visible to insects; b) visible to people; c) decorate the forest; d) grow on fertile soil.

    8. During the process of metabolism, the plant:

    a) only receives substances from the environment; b) receives some substances and releases others;

    c) only releases substances into environment; d) moves nutrients along the stem.

    9. Layering is: a) the coexistence of organisms of different species;

    b) the use of some plants by others as a support;

    c) symbiotic relationships between organisms;

    d) division of the plant community into horizontal layers.

    Task 2. Define the concepts: phytocenosis, indigenous natural community, agrocenosis.

    Task 3.Write down the numbers of the correct statements.

    1. Plants of different tiers live in different conditions.

    2. The plant community is part of the biogeocenosis.

    3. A change in the plant community is its overgrowing.

    4. Plant height is an important characteristic of each tier.

    5.Field and garden are agrocenoses.

    6. Swamps and meadows are natural plant communities.

    7. All natural communities are stable.

    Task 4. What is the significance of heterotrophic transformers in the natural community? What are the consequences of their disappearance?

    Task 5.Why don’t we find the Colorado potato beetle in the fields where wheat grows?

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