Exercises for active fat burning. The best exercises for burning belly fat at home. Crunches with vertical leg raises

Most of us, or rather about 99%, expect one result from fitness - weight loss by reducing the fat layer on the abdomen, waist, hips, legs and other "problem" areas. Trainers unanimously claim that sports help burn fat, but no one specifies what kind of sport and “what they eat it with”.

Fat begins to "burn" only after 20-30 minutes of continuous exercise,
- aerobics is best for weight loss,
- strength training only strengthens muscles, but does not affect fat,
- the most effective fat burning workout is fasted workout,
- heart rate should be between 60 and 70% of maximum
- before a fat-burning workout, you can’t eat for 2 hours, and after it - also for two hours, you can’t drink either, so that the body spends water from fat, you will lose weight faster ...

You can continue this list indefinitely, but what's the point? I propose to figure out together what types of fitness are best for burning fat and how to do them correctly so as not to waste time and effort.

What types of workouts burn fat

1. Aerobics (dancing, running, cycling, walking, etc.) Aerobic activity has long been considered, and is still considered the best sports way to lose weight.

During aerobics, oxygen consumption increases, and it breaks down fats (when an oxygen molecule interacts with a fat molecule, the latter breaks down, and the decay products are excreted from the body). For an hour of aerobics, 300-500 Kcal is consumed.

2. Strength training. Few people consider resistance or weight training as a way to burn fat, because they believe that the main function of such training is to strengthen and build muscle. In fact, things are a little different. Developed muscles themselves force the body to spend energy, due to this, weight loss occurs. Another type of strength training is terrain training, which is necessary specifically for burning fat. High-rep training forces the body to burn fat to keep the muscles working.

3. Breathing techniques. Not so long ago, the world of fitness was replenished with techniques that have gained great popularity - these are body flex and oxysize. They promise a simply stunning effect - up to 5-7 kg per week, and weight loss will occur due to fat burning. According to the ideologists of respiratory practices, the process of global “fat melting” occurs as follows: during exercise, a special breathing technique saturates the body with oxygen, which supposedly gets to the places we need and burns fat there. The ability of bodyflex and other breathing techniques to burn up to 3000 Kcal per session has been refuted, since this is simply impossible. However, these workouts have a good effect on metabolism and are good for digestion, but calling them fat-burning would be a very bold statement.

4. Static exercises - callanetics, flexislim, Pilates, power yoga. During muscle contraction, there is an improvement in protein synthesis, that is, muscle building, for which energy derived from fat is used. Do not be afraid of the word "building", this does not mean that you will grow large muscles, they will simply become stronger, but calories will be spent on this, so static exercises also contribute to weight loss.

Here is a brief overview of the most popular fat burning workouts. Now let's talk about how fat actually burns and how to properly use physical activity for weight loss.

Conditions for burning fat

1. The duration of the workout.
The first 20 minutes from the start of a workout, the body consumes glucose as an energy source, and only then does it switch to burning fat. As I said, aerobic activity helps to use fat as the main source of energy, but it has little effect on muscle tone, and excess aerobic activity can lead to a slow metabolism due to muscle mass loss.

Hence the conclusion - be moderate, 5 hours of aerobic exercise per week is the limit (I'm not talking about the regimes of professional athletes now). You, who are losing weight, should not run for 2 hours in a row, because you will bring yourself to physical exhaustion and overtrain.

Now some will have a question - and if you do less than 20 minutes, for example, 15 minutes twice a day, then you can forget about losing weight? No. Short workouts, although they do not burn fat immediately, they help the body spend it after due to the fact that the muscles need energy to recover. Therefore, short strength training, although it cannot be called "fat burning", but you can lose weight from them if you devote at least 3 hours a week to them. To burn fat during a workout, it is better to exercise from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

2. Pulse rate.
Heart rate is another important point. Fat becomes the main source of energy only when working with low intensity, when the pulse ranges from 60 to 70% of the maximum (I remind you - the maximum heart rate per minute is calculated very simply - subtract your age in years from 220). With a lower heart rate, energy consumption will be extremely small, and high heart rate values ​​will lead to the fact that the body will begin to use up glycogen stores (this is a substance that is formed from carbohydrate residues and accumulates in the liver and muscles). In order not to keep your finger on the pulse of the whole lesson, monitor your well-being - you should feel the load, but be able to keep up the conversation, that is, you should have enough air.

3. Mode and diet.
Excessive nutrition can nullify all the efforts in the gym, so you need to reduce the number of calories obtained from fats and simple carbohydrates. There are people who practice training on an empty stomach in order to burn more fat or make a long gap between the last meal and training. There is a reasonable grain in this - when you do not eat for a long time, then the reserves of glucose in the blood decrease and training forces the body to burn fat. And after training, it is not recommended to eat, so as not to allegedly disrupt the process of burning fat. Hard mode, and it is relevant only for professionals who seek to reach the lower limit of the fat layer. I do not advise everyone else to starve, you just need to observe moderation in food and eat a lot of protein foods.

How to effectively burn fat?

So what does it do? To burn fat, do you need to constantly monitor your heart rate, limit food and exercise for at least half an hour? Not at all. In order for the training to be beneficial, you just need not to eat up in front of it, but during the lesson to use the maximum number of muscles. Each type of fitness is good in its own way, so combining them you can achieve excellent results. The best performance for those that combine strength and cardio load, they stimulate the metabolism and lead to increased calorie consumption. And this is the most effective and safe way to lose weight.

You can lose weight in many ways: in the gym or doing fat-burning exercises at home. The latter is convenient because there are no strangers around, and there is also the opportunity to focus on yourself as much as possible. Moreover, it saves time that could be spent on the road to the sports club. Especially such workouts are suitable for modern women who not only work and create home comfort, but also monitor their appearance.

How fat is burned

Our body constantly needs a source of energy to perform such vital functions as breathing, muscle work, etc. This energy is the calories that are obtained from the foods we eat. The need for the amount of necessary energy depends on the age, gender and lifestyle of a person.

Protein, fats and carbohydrates from food are converted into energy in the body. Especially effective "fuel" are carbohydrates - therefore, in their absence, the breakdown of body fat begins, as an energy source.

What is the key to success

The most important thing for successful fat burning workouts at home is calorie consumption - the more the better. It is on this basis that your studies should be based.

Principles of fat burning training

To get rid of excess weight quickly and keep the result for a long time, you need to do both, and strength. After all, the more muscles worked during the exercise, the more energy will be needed to restore them. Moreover, with constant training, the metabolism accelerates.

In order for the entire fat-burning workout to be as effective as possible, it must be carried out according to the following principles:

  • always start your workout with a warm-up;
  • after a warm-up, you need to switch to complex exercises: squats, work with a bodybar;
  • in the middle of the lesson, you can pay attention to the press;
  • exercises for the press / legs are best done in 2-3 sets;
  • finish training with 20 minutes of cardio and a hitch;
  • an hour before and after training, you should not eat anything;
  • cardio exercises are best done in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • it is important to monitor the pulse (according to the formula: 220 - age) and keep it stable throughout the workout;
  • At least three sessions per week are required.

How to do workouts

Classes for beginners

It is a good idea to start at home by watching the instructional video that you will find in our article, which explains in detail the correct exercise technique. Those who have had a long break from training should also start with moderate programs, during which the heart rate is no more than 70% of the maximum. As a result, more fat will be burned.

This tactic will help you get in shape faster, increase your stamina, and prepare you for more challenging exercises. It is necessary to constantly increase the duration of the workout: one minute in the first two weeks, then increase the intensity of the load.

At this stage, the following exercises will be suitable: swimming, cycling (exercise bike), low-intensity walking. You will have to perform the exercises five days a week for an hour, and preferably one and a half.

Exercises at an average pace

After endurance develops at the first stage, and the pulse increases to 70-80% of the maximum allowed, you can switch to an average training pace, which is characterized by rapid breathing.

All the same exercises will do, you can also turn on the step. You need to start with a warm-up, then gradually increase the pulse. It is necessary to drink clean non-carbonated water, as the blood thickens during exercise - this complicates the work of the heart. At the end of the session, be sure to stretch your muscles.

Intensive Fat Burning Program

To perform high-intensity exercise, you need to have good cardio and muscle endurance. Undoubtedly, such workouts will be extremely effective for burning fat, but you should consult your doctor before doing them.

Professional athletes often use interval training, the principle of which is to perform high-intensity exercises for two minutes and alternate them with two minutes of rest.

Effective Exercises

To achieve maximum effectiveness, it is very important to combine fat-burning workouts with proper nutrition and drinking enough water.


For home strength training, it is worth buying good dumbbells that are suitable for weight in a sports store. With them, you can do exercises not only on the muscles of the hands, but also on the buttocks and abs. For example, it will be useful to pick up a dumbbell while performing classic twists.

By and large, dumbbells can replace plastic water bottles, and even books - the main thing is not to be too easy during the exercises. It is also extremely important to do a large number of repetitions.

It is worth noting: to maintain 1 kilogram of muscle, the body consumes 100 calories per day. And strength training speeds up your metabolism.


Interval training is suitable for people with a good athletic background and is very effective. Their principle is the constant alternation of maximum load and rest. For example, combine fast running and calm walking.

This approach allows you to burn twice as many calories. This will allow you to lose 2 kilograms of fat per week - twice as much as with regular training.


The bottom line is that 10 different exercises are quickly performed one after another, then repeated two or three more times in the same sequence. An increased heart rate is maintained and light weights are used, at least 15 repetitions. This workout lasts at least 20 minutes.

Tabata is a four-minute high-intensity workout that consists of eight twenty-second bursts followed by 10 seconds of rest. You can work out with a rope, jump rope, squat, etc., combining power and aerobic loads, maintaining a high heart rate.

A great workout for boosting your metabolism, combining interval and resistance training. You can use the video of certified trainer Adam Rosante.

A very effective and popular workout that consists of short but very intense exercises such as kettlebell swings or squats. From them, extra pounds will melt right before our eyes.

It may seem that yoga is made for the lazy. However, it is great for training flexibility, which is useful when doing high-intensity workouts, and also improves health and the cardiovascular system.

An exercise bike or active bike ride can burn over 750 calories in one hour of exercise. It is especially effective to train on an empty stomach - this way the body will burn 300% more, using its own fat first.

During boxing, it is important to remember that you need to use the whole body when punching, and not just your arms - this will also involve the abdominal muscles.


When running to burn fat, it is best to accelerate and run downhill, bending your arms at a right angle and not squeezing them. It is essential to have comfortable shoes.

jumping rope

A jump rope is a great inexpensive sports equipment for the home that does not take up much space (you can carry it with you!).

Adam Rosante drew up a plan for such a workout:

  1. Warm up with jumping rope.
  2. Jump rope 100 times.
  3. Do 100 more sprint jumps.
  4. Repeat 50/50 of both types of jumps.

Subsequently, you can increase the number of jumps to 100/100. You can do jumping without a jump rope.


Swimming allows you to lose more than 750 calories without overloading your joints.

Rosante suggests the following water exercise plan:

  1. Keep your balance on the water.
  2. Rest 2 minutes.
  3. Swim 10 times 100 meters.

A set of exercises for daily home workout

30 minutes

An excellent fat-burning workout at home for girls takes about half an hour and consists of the following set of exercises:

  1. Warm up: 10 minutes.
  2. Running in place or jumping jacks: 15 minutes.
  3. Turning the head and tilting the body: 20 repetitions each.
  4. Push-ups: 16 times.
  5. Squats: 15 times.
  6. Lunges: 10 times.
  7. Abs: two sets of 20 reps.
  8. Stretching.

15 minutes

Express option, which will take only 15 minutes, but will keep the figure in good shape, looks like this:

  1. Warm up: 5 minutes.
  2. Twisting: 3 minutes.
  3. Leg raises: 3 minutes.
  4. Plank: 1 minute.
  5. Stretch: 3 minutes.

Dumbbell Workout

Dumbbells are universal helpers in the fight against fat. Classes with them are suitable for both men and women. All exercises should be done in 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

We offer such a complex:

  1. Warm up.
  2. Dumbbell bench press.
  3. Bending arms with dumbbells.
  4. Squats with dumbbells.
  5. 30 minute run.

High Intensity Workout

Fast but very intensive:

  1. Warm up.
  2. Jump Squats: 15 reps.
  3. Push-ups: 10 times.
  4. Burpee: 10 times.
  5. Dumbbell squats: 20 reps.
  6. Twisting sitting with dumbbells: 30 times.
  7. Hitch.

Why are there no results

In order for the result from home workouts, and indeed from any other sports activities, to really be, it is necessary to adhere to the correct technique for performing exercises. It is also very important to monitor your diet, exclude all flour, fatty and sweet, drink about 2 liters of water daily. It is important not to feel sorry for yourself, but to devote yourself to training to the fullest.

Holly Relinger, professional trainer, advises:

  • find a set of exercises that brings pleasure;
  • give all the best in the classroom;
  • start with three classes a week, then move on to five or six;
  • be sure to do strength training;
  • yoga is a great helper in the fight against fat.
  • never jump rope barefoot;
  • watch a training video before training if it is not possible to ask the coach for advice;
  • when running, even the smallest muscles are included in the work;
  • interval training should be 20 minutes;
  • think of boxing as just another type of interval training.

There is a wide variety of fat burning exercises that you can do at home. It is important to find a suitable workout for yourself so that classes bring pleasure and pleasant muscle exhaustion, not forgetting about proper and nutritious nutrition.


This video is a full body fat burning workout that you can do at home.

In order for the body to be beautiful and healthy, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. Nutrition is one of the components of such a lifestyle, but do not forget about physical health. Statistics say that today every third person is overweight. We are not talking about extra 100 kilograms, here we mean small reserves of fat that are debugged in both men and women, on the sides and abdomen.

In most cases, men are not as worried about their “belly” as women, for whom extra pounds are an eternal problem and a headache. You can lose weight by dieting, but exercise will help you effectively and quickly get rid of excess weight, hanging sides, and, among other things, will make your body toned and your body healthy.

Effective Fat Burning Exercises

First of all, I would like to note that today being beautiful and fit is not only good, but also fashionable. This trend has become popular relatively recently, but it is already widespread, both among young people and among middle-aged people.

Fashion for sports can be called both beautiful and useful, so today playing sports means being in trend and it's really great. Many people think that without a gym and an individual trainer it is impossible to get in shape, but this opinion is erroneous, because everything is in the hands of a person, and they will help you to make your body fit and beautiful. fat burning exercises at home. Here the main desire and, importantly, the right approach.

Before you start playing sports at home, you need to learn about a number of rules and recommendations that you need to listen to and follow. In order for homework to be beneficial and effective, you need to know the basic recommendations about this:

  1. Set a goal. This is very important, because aimless sports will not bring much result, which means that there is a chance that you will waste your strength and nerves in vain. If the main goal is to lose weight, you need to remember that sports at home should be regular, and long enough - three times a week will be enough. If you have a desire to just keep your physical shape, exercising twice a week is the norm.
  2. Regularity of classes. This factor is also important for achieving the goals. In order for the fat on the sides and abdomen to be burned, it is necessary to accustom your body to constant and progressive loads, otherwise your rare workouts will not give any result.
  3. Remember that and Excess can't lead to anything good.. This also applies to sports at home. Every day you can not bother your body with physical activity. The body must have time to recover, this is a mandatory rule for playing sports at home. Daily training is allowed only for professional athletes.

  1. Before proceeding to home exercises to burn fat, you must prepare your body - warm it up. Each workout should begin with a warm-up, otherwise, you can injure the muscles, causing physical harm to the body.
  2. Sports time. The length of the workout matters. In order to lose extra pounds and burn fat where it is not needed, you need to exercise for at least 30 minutes. In this case, the longer you play sports, the more fat you will be able to burn during this activity.
  3. Don't end your workout abruptly. After finishing the last exercise, keep moving for 10 minutes, do not immediately lie down on the sofa or bed. Walk around the house, apartment, and when the body cools down, and breathing returns to normal, you can do other things.
  4. It is forbidden do the same exercises constantly, they need to be changed. Our body, muscles, over time get used to certain exercises, and in order for fat to be removed from the abdomen and sides effectively, the body needs variety.
  5. It is impossible to lose 10 kg in one week of playing sports at home and tighten your body. Everything in the body should happen gradually. Among other things, it is necessary to take into account the individual structure and susceptibility of the body. The rate of fat burning and the process of losing weight may depend on this.
  6. If you are the owner of chronic diseases, it is best before you start exercises to burn belly fat, consult your doctor to avoid the so-called "side effects" of exercising at home. The main rule is do not harm your body.

Fat burning exercises for women

Regular exercise should be a carefully planned process that takes into account all of the above factors, and do not forget that exercises for men and women are different. This is due to the difference in the structure of the body.

No one says that the exercises will differ dramatically, there are just some nuances that should be taken into account when planning workouts. The female body is no less hardy than the male, but at the same time, not so strong, so this factor plays an important role in the lesson in question.

Do not think that in order to effectively burn subcutaneous fat, you need to perform supernatural and heavy exercises, the main thing in this matter is to perform them correctly. It's not as difficult as it might seem. Properly performed simple exercises will bring effective and long-awaited results. Exercises can be elementary, but if they are performed correctly, the fat on the sides will melt before our eyes.

Here is one of the many effective and simple workouts for burning fat on the sides:

  • Exercise "mill". Everyone knows this exercise since school. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, socks at an angle of 45 degrees. We make inclinations to each leg, touch the tips of our toes with our feet - 15 times on each side.

  • Next exercise: feet shoulder width apart, arms to the sides. We make inclinations in each direction 15 times, alternately, while tilting the body to the side as much as possible, helping with the hand.

  • Standing twist. Hands behind the head, feet shoulder-width apart, raise one leg and tilt the body along with the arm to the side, 15 times on each side.

By doing these simple exercises correctly, the very next day you will feel how your side muscles work and fat is burned on them.

Fat burning exercises for men

Men suffer from excess fat on the sides and abdomen no less than women, just, in most cases, they do not attach much importance to this. But, today, as mentioned earlier, being a slender and pumped-up guy is not only beautiful, but also fashionable, so guys should know how to get rid of annoying and unnecessary fat on the sides and stomach.

Since men are stronger, and to some extent, more enduring than women, they determine the number of repetitions on their own, taking into account their feelings and physical capabilities. For a short but intense workout, you will need a towel and a glass of water.

  • Take a sip of water, pick up a towel, stretch it to the maximum, and in this position twist it with your whole torso, without relaxing your arms, alternately, in different directions. The number of repetitions depends on the physical form. After completing this exercise, drink some water.
  • The second exercise is also performed with a towel. We stretch the towel to the maximum, keep our hands in constant tension. We squat a little so that the legs feel tension. We put tense hands with a towel in front of us, and in this position we linger for 30 seconds. We repeat this exercise several times. We drink water.
  • The third exercise: we get on all fours, cross our legs together and start push-ups. The depth and number of repetitions depends on physical fitness.

Such a workout will take no more than 30 minutes, but is really productive.

Exercises to burn belly fat

Belly fat is a real problem for both women and men. You can get rid of such trouble by properly performing fat burning exercises. First you need to warm up a little and stretch, prepare the body for physical exertion.

So, the order and correct execution of exercises for fat burning:

  • Push ups. The legs are crossed, the body is straight at an angle of 90 0. After it becomes very difficult to do push-ups in this position, we kneel down and continue push-ups until you feel a shiver in your whole body. We perform the exercise at an intense pace.
  • Intense jumps. Jumping up, we keep our hands on our sides, spreading our legs and connecting them. You set the pace yourself.
  • Jump Squats. Hands can be kept on the sides, we squat deeply and jump high up. We repeat this exercise at an intense pace. The number of times depends on physical fitness.
  • Sumo style squat. Wide setting of the legs, deeply squat, when lifting the body up, raise the leg up.

  • Squat with leg swing. Wide setting of the legs, deep squatting, when lifting the body up, we swing the leg, each leg, in turn.
  • Press exercise. Standard lifting of the body when fixing the legs. We go down and up quickly enough, preferably at the same pace.

It is important to perform all these exercises one after another without rest, at an intense pace, a large number of times. Such regular training will bring noticeable results in a week.

Side Fat Burning Exercises

French sides - the accumulation of fat deposits under the skin in the lumbar region and on the buttock. Causes of occurrence - the appearance of excess weight. They appear very quickly with malnutrition and in the absence of any physical activity. They are especially clear in the autumn-winter period, when we begin to move less and eat more. Getting rid of them is not as easy as building them up.

Nothing is impossible, and properly performed physical exercises will help get rid of fat deposits on the sides. To do this, you will need dumbbells, but since not every home has such equipment, they can be replaced with plastic sand bottles. Organizing such dumbbells will not be a problem, the main thing is that the bottles are the same, both in volume and in weight:

  • Feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in hands. Push the hips forward, pinching the buttocks. There shouldn't be any bends. Raise your shoulders up, then take them back, and gently lower them down. The lower part of the body, below the waist, must be motionless. The number of repetitions is determined independently.
  • Side bends with dumbbells. We stand in the same position as in the previous exercise. But now we do tilts to the side, the back is even. The legs are motionless. Each side should be done the same number of times, regardless of which part of the torso is stronger.
  • Feet shoulder-width apart, the pelvis is motionless, we bring the dumbbells together, you can take them to the lock for weighting. We bring the elbows in line with the shoulders, the pelvis is slightly pushed forward. We take a breath and scroll the body in one direction, then in the other. The number of repetitions is determined independently, each time increasing their number.

Such simple exercises will help you get rid of excess fat deposits on your sides. The main thing is not to be lazy and correctly perform all the exercises listed above.

Cardio exercises to burn fat

Excellent exercises for burning fat are cardio exercises, which can also be performed at home.

  1. Rope jumping - we jump fast, a lot and for a long time. We make several approaches. You can change the type of jumps: on two legs, raising legs one by one, etc.

  1. Jumps - we jump a lot, high, raise our hands up when jumping, bring our legs together and spread them apart. The exercise is called "Asterisk".

Jumping rope and without it is a great cardio workout for all muscle groups. Burn fat, lose weight, increase your endurance and keep your body in good shape. Simple and effective. The regularity of exercise is the main factor for achieving your goal.

Taking care of your body, its appearance through sports, you will not only be beautiful, but also healthy.

Video: Burn fat

16 simple exercises

Proper nutrition and exercise should go hand in hand. If you think that you can lose weight just by dieting, then you are deeply mistaken. This problem is discussed in various ways on the page. If you really want to lose weight, then you need to add belly fat burning exercises to your daily schedule. We have put together a list of 16 exercises for you that can help you burn belly fat faster than you think.

1. Twisting:

Nothing burns belly fat as fast as crunches, which are at the top of our list of fat burning exercises. Now is the time to start doing it daily.

How to perform:

1. Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Alternatively, you can also lift your legs off the floor and bend your knees 90 degrees (as shown).

2. Raise your arms and place them behind your head, or cross them over your chest.

3. Inhale deeply, and then exhale slowly as you lift your upper body off the floor.

4. Inhale again as you lower yourself and exhale as you rise.

5. If you are a beginner, then do 10 reps. If you can, then gradually increase the number of repetitions.

6. Do 2-3 more sets.


When doing crunches, instead of rising all the way to a sitting position, keep your back 10-15 inches off the floor. This ensures that you do not harm your back.

Also, do not make sudden movements of the head during the twisting. Otherwise, you will load your neck, which can lead to pain. Just keep your hands behind your head as you do the exercise.

Tip: When you lift your torso, do not sit down completely. Your back should rise 30-40 degrees from the floor. This is the only way you can work out the abdominal muscles as efficiently as possible.

2. Twisting with turns:

Once you get used to doing crunches regularly, modify simple crunches to get even more effective ones. .

How to perform:

1. Lie on the floor, hands behind your head.

2. Bend your knees, as you would in a normal crunch, with your feet flat on the floor.

3. Raise your upper body as you would with regular crunches. But, when twisting with a turn, you must move your right shoulder to the left, keeping the left side of the body on the floor.

4. After that, lift the left shoulder to the right, keeping the right side of the torso on the floor.

5. Do 10 reps on each side. 3 approaches.

We look at the video:

3. Side crunches:

How to perform:

This is similar to twisting with turns. The only difference is that you must tilt your legs at the same time as your shoulders to the same side. Side crunches focus on working the lateral sections of the press.


Make sure your movements are even and slow. The abdomen, being a complex area, can be damaged by sudden and fast movements.

We look at the video:

Do 3 sets of 10 or more reps on each side.

To make the oblique muscles of the press even more stressed, you can replace this exercise with the one shown in the next video. But we have already included a similar exercise in a separate one.

We look at the video:

4. Reverse crunches:

Now it's time to do the reverse crunches. This is another great exercise for getting rid of belly fat.

How to perform:

This exercise is similar to crunches. You need to tilt both legs at the same time over your shoulders.

Do 3 sets of 10 or more reps.

We look at the video:


Keep your back straight during the exercise. If you bend it, it can lead to pain and sometimes even injury.

5. Raised Leg Crunches:

How to perform:

1. Lie on the floor or on a rug with your legs extended up (pointing towards the ceiling). If stretching does not allow, then you can cross one knee with the other and bend slightly.

2. Now that you're in the perfect position, start doing the same thing you did with the easy crunches. That is, inhale and lift your upper body off the floor towards your pelvis. Exhale slowly. When you go down, inhale again, and exhale as you rise.

Look at the video:

3. Do 3 sets of 12-15 reps.


To begin with, do only a few repetitions of this exercise, as you may feel pain if you overdo it initially.

6. "Bicycle"

No, you do not need for this exercise. buy a bike. How so? We will tell you.

How to perform:

1. Lie on the floor and stretch your arms along your torso or place them behind your head, as in crunches.

2. Raise both legs off the ground and bend them at the knees.

3. Bring your right knee to your chest without moving your left.

4. Now take your right leg forward, and bring your left knee to your chest.

5. Keep doing it like you're riding a bike.

Do 3 sets of 10 or more reps on each side.

As shown in the video below, an advanced version of this exercise can be with the arms behind the head and simultaneously twisting the shoulders towards the knees.

Look at the video:

7. Lunges

This exercise is ideal for beginners to get rid of belly fat.

How to perform:

1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees a little.

2. Raise both hands in front of you, parallel to the ground. Or you can lower your arms, but take weights (dumbbells, water bottles, etc.).

3. Drop forward as shown. Take a big step forward with your right foot and sit down like a chair. So that the knees are bent at 90 degrees. The left leg should remain behind, leaning on the foot.

4. The back should be straight. Do not bend your back forward.

5. Turn your torso (only your torso, not your legs) to the right, then to the left.

6. Repeat 15 times on each leg. Do 3-5 sets.

This exercise has a dual purpose. Moreover, unlike the exercises described above, it does not directly load the abdominal muscles.

Firstly, this is the simplest strength exercise, suitable even for poorly trained people. Since it is strong (after all, all your weight is on one leg), it helps to speed up the metabolism. As a result, your body tends to gradually use fat instead of storing it "for a rainy day" in the folds of the abdomen in response to the calorie deficit that you create with proper nutrition and additional exercise.

The second purpose of this exercise is to strengthen the gluteal muscles and help reduce excessive lordosis of the lumbar spine. After all, if the bottom of your back is too arched, then your stomach bulges too much. Removing the excessive curvature of the spine (typical for many people whose work is called "sitting"), you make your stomach visually flatter (plus, you reduce the risk of hernias and protrusions).

8. Plank with rolls

The plank with rolls works out the muscles around the abdomen, thighs.

How to perform:

1. Stand on the floor on your elbows and knees.

2. Keep your neck in line with your spine. Look ahead.

3. Raise your knees and rest your toes on the floor.

4. Connect your knees and breathe evenly.

5. This position is plank. Stay in it for 30 seconds.

Now start moving back and forth for the next 30 seconds.

1. Lie on the floor on your side.

2. Support yourself with your right elbow and right foot. Your elbow should be perpendicular to your shoulder. The left foot should be over the right. Keep your feet together.

3. Knees should be straight. The thighs do not touch the floor.

4. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Once you get used to it, you will be able to hold this position for 1-2 minutes. There is no point in holding on for more than 2 minutes: if you feel that your abs have strengthened enough, then it is better to add the number of repetitions and the number of sets in other exercises.

Look at the video:

5. Repeat for the second side.

While holding this position, you can raise and lower your leg up and down. This movement will make the exercise more effective - the exercise strengthens not only the press, but also the hips with the buttocks.

9. Deep breaths with retraction of the abdomen ("vacuum").

This is an easy exercise that focuses on breathing instead of raising your heart rate.

How to perform:

a) This is similar to what we call the cat posture. Follow the steps below to properly do this fat loss exercise.

1) Get on all fours, supporting your body with your knees and hands.

2) Take a deep breath and relax your stomach.

3) As you begin to exhale, tighten your abdominal muscles.

4) Stay in this position for 15-30 seconds.

5) Repeat several times.

Look at the video:

b) Another variation of this exercise is called the lift. Here's how to do it:

1) Sit on a chair. Imagine that your belly is an elevator moving up.

2) Take a deep breath using only your nose and imagine that this is the first floor.

3) Exhale through your mouth and at the same time push your belly towards your spine, imagining that you are ascending to the fifth floor.

4) Exhale like this 5 times, squeezing the abdominal muscles each time.

5) Repeat the same 5 times.

c) You can try the same thing with moving the pelvis forward.

1) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly.

2) Inhale deeply through your nose. Push your belly towards your spine and at the same time push your hips forward.

3) Do 6 sets of 5 reps.

Here are a few more varieties of this effective belly fat burning exercises:

Look at the video:


If you have problems with your lungs or heart, then it is better not to do this exercise.

This exercise can only be done on an empty stomach, otherwise the exercise may lead to indigestion.

10. Captain's Chair:

The only thing you need for this exercise is a chair.

How to perform:

1) Sit on a chair. The back is straight, the shoulders are relaxed.

2) Hold the chair with your hands as shown in the picture.

3) Take a deep breath.

4) While exhaling, lift both legs up so that the knees come close to the chest.

5) Hold on like this for 5 seconds. Don't lean or arch your back.

6) Slowly lower your legs and repeat.

Do 3-4 sets of 10 or more repetitions.

11. Lateral slopes:

Another effective exercise for getting rid of belly fat.

How to perform:

1) Stand straight, feet together, arms at your sides.

2) Without lifting your legs, tilt your body as much as possible to the right, until you feel tension in your side. The right hand should be pressed along the right thigh, and the left hand should be raised. Stay in this position for 15 seconds.

3) Return to the starting position.

4) Now lean to the left. Hold on for 15 seconds.

Gradually, increase the time to 30 seconds.

Download and print PDF" Exercises to burn belly fat" to do them regularly:

Cardio Exercises to Lose Belly Fat (Exercise #12-#16)

Cardio is one of the most effective ways to get rid of belly fat. Cardio exercises are extremely helpful for getting rid of belly fat. If you do cardio regularly, you will get other benefits - reduced stress, increased lung capacity, improved sleep, and a sense of general well-being.

12. Walking:

One of the best cardio exercises to lose belly fat is walking. Surprised? Think it's too simple to be effective? Well, then you should know that walking is a great and effective way to burn belly fat. In fact, walking is great for burning fat all over your body. If you follow a healthy diet and walk at a moderate pace for 30-45 minutes 4-5 days a week, you will see gradual weight loss.

This simple exercise improves metabolism as well as heart function. An increased metabolism allows you to burn calories faster, which prevents fat from being stored around your belly. In addition, walking reduces the risk of injury and is an excellent exercise for beginners.

Don't know how to start? Download:

13. Running:

You can not let the body get used to certain exercises, turning them into a routine. Hence, you need to switch sometimes. Try running. This is a great way to improve heart function, burn calories and burn belly fat.

Watch the video:

For the correct running technique, see the following video. Don't let the phrase at the beginning about passing the TRP standards scare you. This is a really valuable breakdown of the correct running technique so that beginners do not get used to mistakes.

14. Jogging:

If you don't like running, try jogging. Studies have shown that jogging is more effective at burning unwanted fat than weightlifting. This is one of the aerobic exercises that is extremely beneficial for fighting obesity and maintaining physical fitness.

About the jogging technique and its difference from regular running, see the video from the same running technique specialist:

15. Cycling:

Another great cardio exercise that helps you get rid of belly fat by burning calories. Make sure your heart rate rises when you ride a bike.

16. Swimming:

Swimming has all the benefits of cardio - from weight loss to keeping your body toned - all at the same time! The swimming style you choose should be fast paced and strenuous in order to burn even more calories. You should start with 1-2 visits to the pool per week.

Follow these simple and effective exercises to get rid of belly fat. You can easily do most of these exercises at home without the help of a trainer. All it takes is determination and endurance. Getting rid of fat is no longer a pipe dream!

Other ways to get rid of belly fat

Of course, in order to "announce the entire list", it is worth reading.

We list the main points for the topic under consideration.

1. Eat Right

Getting rid of belly fat is 80% dependent on proper nutrition. You need a balanced diet with enough macro and micro nutrients. Most importantly, don't eat fast food. Eat only home cooked food. No time? Eat raw vegetables and fruits, or steamed vegetables.

2. Drink water

3. Short explosive exercises

According to the latest research, instead of hours of training or running several kilometers, it is better to burn belly fat by doing short explosive exercises. For example, if you are walking on a treadmill, sometimes increase your speed rapidly for a few seconds and then return to your original speed.

4. Say no to sugar

You need to significantly reduce the amount of sugar in your diet, and it is best to eliminate it completely. There are many sources of hidden sugar, so removing sugar from your diet is a great idea. Find an alternative. For example, honey, palm sugar or licorice.

5. Reduce your salt intake

Of course, you must add salt to your food. But, instead of table salt, it is better to use potassium, lemon and sea salt. In addition, if you add some herbs or spices (such as pepper) to the dish, then you will need less salt.

6. Eat More Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential for the release of carnitine, a substance that helps the body convert fat into energy. In addition, it also helps to block the release of cortisol, a hormone released during stress. Spikes in cortisol levels are the main cause of belly fat.

7. Eat Fat Burning Foods

There are many natural ways to get rid of fat. Garlic, onions, ginger, red peppers, cabbage, tomatoes, and spices (like cinnamon and mustard) are great fat-burning foods. If you eat a few cloves of garlic and a small piece of ginger every morning, you will improve your fat metabolism quite well.

There are many more fat burning foods that you can include in your diet.

8. Eat Healthy Fats

If you need to avoid bad cholesterol, then a small amount of good cholesterol can be beneficial. Avocados, olives, coconut, nuts are excellent sources of healthy cholesterol.

By the way, running lowers blood cholesterol levels.

9. Don't skip breakfast

Many people think that skipping breakfast is good for weight loss. On the contrary, skipping breakfast is a gross mistake. This increases bloating and pushes your body into starvation mode, which leads to belly fat.

Repeated studies have shown that small, but frequent, meals are ideal for maintaining a healthy metabolism, which is very important for weight loss. Hence, reduce the amount of food at every meal and snack on healthy meals. You can use dried fruits, nuts, raw vegetables and fruits, vegetables (eg steamed).

10. Healthy sleep

Not sure why we are talking about sleep in the belly fat article? Proper sleep is very important for weight loss. Everyone needs 6 to 8 hours of sleep. According to studies conducted by different organizations independently of each other, too much or too little sleep can lead to weight gain.

✅ Do you want to LOSE WEIGHT and get rid of belly fat? These 6 simple and effective exercises will help you lose extra pounds and fat deposits in the abdomen in just a few months.

Belly fat is not only unaesthetic, but also unhealthy. Spreading on the sides, it destroys the waist, stretches the skin, provokes the appearance of cellulite, gathers in folds. Fat deposits are especially unpleasant at normal weight. In this case, they are the cause of irritability and complexes.

A set of exercises for weight loss

With this set of exercises, you can easily cope with the problem in just a few weeks. A set of exercises is below.

Bike By engaging your elbows and rotating your torso, you can quickly strengthen your abs and legs.

Twisting with turns- Sit down, bend your knees and tighten your abs. Back straight, lean back lifting your feet off the floor. Stretch your arms forward and turn your torso to the right and left. Repeat 1 minute. Try to put your feet on the floor.

Chair exercise- sit in a chair, raise your legs. Exhale - pull your knees to your chest as much as possible and pull your stomach in as far as possible. Tighten your muscles

Side crunches- Reach with your elbow to the knee of the opposite leg. Engage a large array of abdominal and back muscles.

"Butterfly"- this simple exercise will help to model an elastic tummy and always keep it in shape.

plank- to increase the effectiveness of this popular exercise, keep your back straight and try to increase the duration to a minute. published.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

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