What is self-education 2 arguments Tsybulko. How do you understand the meaning of the word self-education (USE in Russian). Dostoevsky and self-development

What is self-education? It represents a conscious attitude towards one’s life, thoughts, plans and actions, as well as perseverance and the desire to achieve the intended goal.

Let us verify this using an example from the text of Boris Nikolaevich Polevoy, in which main character, unfortunately, he was left without legs and could not fly. (Sentences 1-3) But by training daily, he believed that he could fly again. No one in the ward believed in the main character, but he, having set himself a new life goal, began to achieve it and he succeeded! (Sentences 2, 20, 22) The main role in this was played by self-education and his thirst for life.

In general, I believe that self-education occupies the most important place in our life, it is an integral part of it. I’ll give an example to prove my words: I know one guy who literally three years ago was a hooligan, a poor student, and I didn’t want to communicate with him at all. At one point, a friend of mine realized his behavior and decided to change. Now he is finishing the eleventh grade with honors and is going to enter a very respectable institute.

He achieved such success only thanks to self-education.

So, we come to the conclusion that self-education is educational work on oneself.

Updated: 2017-05-08

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In my opinion, self-education is the formation of personality with the help of the will and desire of the person himself. In order to achieve your cherished goal, most often you need to seriously work on yourself. The path of self-education is very difficult, but only it leads to the fulfillment of dreams.

The text by V.A. Kaverin tells about a hero who is passionate about aviation. The narrator understands that in order to enter a flight school, one must train hard. Hiding his intention from others, the boy daily “did gymnastics according to the Anokhin system and cold rubbing according to the Muller system” (sentence 34). It seems to me that success awaits the hero, since he cultivates in himself the qualities necessary for a pilot: determination, strength of character, perseverance.

As another argument, I will give an example from my own life. My friend Alexey never liked to read, so he often received unsatisfactory grades in literature. But when he learned that to enter college he needed to take an exam in this subject, Lyosha decided to overcome his laziness and began to devote an hour a day to reading. At first it was difficult, but gradually my friend began to understand literature. Now Alexey easily completes exam tasks. This became possible only thanks to self-education.

Thus, self-education is a process necessary for the development of a person’s personality. Without self-education it is impossible to overcome difficulties and achieve success in life.

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Original text(option 1 from the collection edited by I.P. Tsybulko) :*

(1) Even in those years when I became interested in Amundsen, a simple thought occurred to me. (2) Here it is: by plane, Amundsen would have reached the South Pole seven times faster. (3) With what difficulty he moved day after day through the endless snowy desert! (4) He walked for two months following the dogs, who eventually ate each other. (5) And by plane he could fly to the South Pole in a day. (6) He would not have enough friends and acquaintances to name all the mountain peaks, glaciers and plateaus that he would discover on this flight.
(7) Every day I made huge extracts from my polar travels. (8) I cut out notes from newspapers about the first flights to the north and pasted them into an old office book. (9) On the first page of this book it was written: “Forward” is the name of his ship.” (10) “Forward,” he says and really strives forward. (11) Nansen on Amundsen.” (12) This was my motto. (13) I mentally flew past Scott, Shackleton, and Robert Peary on the plane. (14) Along all routes. (15) And since I had an airplane at my disposal, it was necessary to take care of its design.
(16) According to the third point of my rules: “What is decided, do it,” I read “The Theory of Aircraft Engineering.” (17) Oh, what kind of torment that was! (18) But everything that I didn’t understand, I learned by heart just in case.
(19) Every day I disassembled my imaginary plane. (20) I studied its motor and propeller. (21) I equipped it the latest devices. (22) I knew him like the back of my hand. (23) There was only one thing I didn’t know yet: how to fly it. (24) But this is exactly what I wanted to learn.
(25) My decision was a secret to everyone. (26) At school they thought that I was throwing myself away, but I didn’t want them to say about my aviation: “(27) A new hobby.” (28) It was not a hobby. (29) It seemed to me that I had long ago decided to become a pilot, back in Ensk, on that day when Petka and I lay in the cathedral garden, with our arms outstretched in a cross, and tried to see the moon and stars during the day, when a gray plane that looked like a winged fish easily walked around the clouds and disappeared on the other side of the Sand. (30) Of course, it only seemed to me. (31) But it’s not for nothing that I remember this plane so much. (32) It must have been then that I first thought about what now occupied all my thoughts.
(32) So, I hid my secret from everyone.
(34) Every morning I did gymnastics according to the Anokhin system and cold rubbing according to the Muller system. (35) I felt my muscles and thought: “(36) What if they don’t accept me?” (37) I checked my eyes, ears, heart. (38) The school doctor said that I was healthy. (39) But health varies - after all, he didn’t know that I was going to flight school. (40) What if I’m nervous? (41) What if there’s something else? (42) Growth! (43) Damn growth! (44) For Last year I only grew one and a half centimeters.
“(45) They will accept,” I answered decisively.

Task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the word SELF-EDUCATION? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic: "What is self-education", taking the definition you gave as a thesis.

Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) example arguments, confirming your reasoning: give one example argument from the text read, and second - from your life experience.

The length of the essay should be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay neat, legible handwriting.

Step 1 I am writing an INTRODUCTION.

I formulate definition words SELF-EDUCATION.

For help I turn to text for presentation (see page 221 “Text for presentation to options 13-16”, paragraph 2). There are these lines:

Now you need comment this definition, otherwise 1 point according to criteria C3K1 Interpretation of the meaning of the word (collection of I.P. Tsybulko p. 235) will be lost.
The comment could be like this:

Self-education plays a big role in the formation of a person. This is a complex process that requires strong-willed efforts from a person.

I combine the definition and commentary:

Self-education is a conscious attitude towards one’s own life, one’s thoughts and plans, and, above all, one’s own actions. (35 words)

Step 2 I formulate the first argument (from the text I read).

This argument needs tell briefly About, Who in the text K. Osipova is engaged in self-education and how he does it.

I highlight key offers, which I will rely on when writing the argument: 2-9, 11-14.

I build my argument like this: diagram:

1. thesis (the idea that I will prove is the first sentence),
2. evidence (story about Suvorov),
3. micro-inference (last sentence of the argument).

E Even as a child, the future commander managed to overcome what could have prevented him from realizing his dream of military service: physical imperfection, insufficient upbringing and education, and even lack of support from the father. For this, young Suvorov developed a whole system of self-education, which included hardening, self-education and reading military books. It is amazing how persistently a ten-year-old boy prepared himself for military activity. (86 words)

Step 3 I formulate the 2nd argument (from my own life experience).

Now I'm thinking about the second argument.

You can remember that how great people worked on themselves.

  • Alexander Nevskiy,
  • Dmitry Donskoy,
  • Mikhail Kutuzov,
  • Vasily Chapaev,
  • Georgy Zhukov,
  • Lev Tolstoy,
  • Maxim Gorky and others.

L. N. Tolstoy in adolescence, he starts a diary, notes his shortcomings in it, draws up plans for self-education and self-education for various periods, describes the progress of work on himself, analyzes mistakes; outlines new, general and private plans for self-education.

Seriously engaged in self-education A. P. Chekhov. In one of his letters to his wife, O. L. Knipper-Chekhova, Anton Pavlovich wrote: “You... envy my character. I must tell you that by nature I have a harsh character, I’m quick-tempered, etc., etc. But I’m used to restraining myself, because it’s not appropriate for a decent person to let himself go...”

The great Russian traveler paid great attention to the self-education of himself and his son. V. K. Arsenyev. For self-education of will, he recommended that his son adhere to the following commandments: 1. One today is better than a hundred tomorrow. 2. Delay is like death. 3. Don’t wait for a favorable moment, but create it yourself. 4. Either work or die. 5. Implement your decisions immediately. 6. Don’t waste your energy on aimless hesitation. 7. Not a single great deed has been accomplished by indecisive people. 8. Nothing has such a price as perseverance and patience. 9. Twenty things half done are not worth one completed. 10. It is better to overcome bad habits today than tomorrow. 11. Do not adhere to the rules like a blind wall. 12. Have respect for yourself. 13. Get used to thoroughness and accuracy. 14. Your life is what you make of it yourself.

The moral and volitional standards of behavior that the great Russian teacher followed in his work on himself are interesting. K. D. Ushinsky: 1. Perfect calm, at least externally. 2. Directness in words and actions. 3. Deliberate action. 4. Determination. 5. Do not speak a single word about yourself unless necessary. 6. Don't spend time unconsciously; do what you want, not what will happen. 7. Give a conscientious account of your actions every evening. 8. Never brag about what was, what is, or what will be. Ushinsky gave the impression of a man who knew how to perfectly control his actions and his own personality.

Working day Peter the Great. “I am a king, but I have calluses on my hands,” Peter 1 liked to say. He did not tolerate idleness, and his day was filled to the limit. I got up very early before dawn. At 3-4 o'clock in the morning - the Council of Ministers, then control over the construction of ships in the Admiralty. Often he took up the ax himself. Then at home he practiced his favorite craft: turning. During his life he mastered 14 crafts. Then lunch, rest. And again - to the workshops, for construction, to inspect ships. In the evening I visited friends and went to bed early. “Time for business is a time for fun,” Peter often reminded those around him.

You can write about your own self-education program.

  • option 14 (about Demosthenes),
  • option 15 (on my word of honor),
  • option 16 (about Meresyev).

I'll stop at Demosthenes. I use the same one diagram, as when writing the 1st argument.

Step 5 I connect the parts and get this COMPOSITION:

Self-education is a conscious attitude towards one’s own life, one’s thoughts and plans, and, above all, one’s own actions.Self-education plays a big role in the formation of a person as an individual. This is a complex process that requires strong-willed efforts from a person.

Most great people achieved victory and glory by working on themselves, overcoming their shortcomings and developing their best qualities. K. Osipov talks about one of them - the legendary A.V. Suvorov - in his text. E Even as a child, the future commander managed to overcome what could have prevented him from realizing his dream of military service: physical imperfections, insufficient upbringing and education, and even lack of support from his father. For this, young Suvorov developed a whole system of self-education, which included hardening, self-education and reading military books. It is amazing how persistently a ten-year-old boy prepared himself for military activity.

The famous Demosthenes was also seriously engaged in self-education. From a young age, the ancient Greek dreamed of becoming an orator. Meanwhile, he was tongue-tied, had a weak voice, short breathing, and a habit of twitching his shoulder. Then oh He began to learn to pronounce words clearly, putting pebbles in his mouth, read poets out loud, and practiced facial expressions in front of a mirror. Studying examples of eloquence, Demosthenes did not leave the room for weeks. His first attempts to speak publicly were not successful, but the future speaker continued to work on himself. Yes, n With persistence and hard work he achieved his goal.

Thus, these examples convince us that self-education helps a person not only get rid of shortcomings, but also achieve his goal.(221 words)

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word SELF-EDUCATION? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic: “What is self-education?”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.
The essay must be at least 70 words.
If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.
Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Self-education is a person’s desire to make himself better, to instill in himself useful character traits and skills.
It is very important that a person learns to educate himself, because when he grows up, teachers or parents will no longer make comments to him - he must improve himself.
In Kaverin's text we read about the boy Sanka, who dreamed of becoming a pilot. Nobody forced him, he made the decision himself and steadily walked towards his dream. Sanka did special gymnastics, strengthened himself, and studied special literature. I read the novel “Two Captains,” so I know that the hero managed to fulfill his dream.
I remember another pilot - Alexey Meresyev, the hero of B. Polevoy’s book “The Tale of a Real Man”, based on real events. The hero of this book lost his legs, but was able to ensure that he was allowed to fly again, and again went to the front. It was also very difficult for him, but he persevered.
Self-education is very important for every person.

In my understanding, self-education is the formation of a person’s personality with the help of his will and desire. To achieve your cherished goal, you need to work a lot on yourself. On the path to self-education, you may encounter many difficulties, but sooner or later this path will lead to the fulfillment of your dreams.

In the text by V.A. Kaverin we see a story about a hero who is seriously interested in aviation. The narrator understands that getting into a flight school is not at all easy; for this you need to train long and hard. The boy hid his intention from others, and every day he “did gymnastics according to the Anokhin system and cold rubbing according to the Muller system” (sentence 34). I think that the hero will definitely achieve what he wants, because he cultivates in himself all the qualities necessary for a pilot: determination, willpower, perseverance.

I would also like to give an example from my own life. My friend Nikolai was never interested in reading, so he always got bad grades in literature. But everything changed when he learned that in order to enter college he would have to pass an exam in this particular unloved subject. Nikolai began to read an hour a day and literally within a month he was already well versed in literature. Now Nikolai can easily handle even complex exam tasks. This became possible only thanks to self-education.

From all this we can conclude that self-education is a process without which the normal development of a person’s personality is impossible. Without self-education, you cannot cope with difficulties and achieve success in life.

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