Effective diet at home. The most effective diets for weight loss - top of the best. Problem areas, reasons for their appearance

With so many options to lose weight, what is the most effective weight loss diet for you? The one that allows you to lose 10 kg. in a week or one in which the weight is gradually lost, but health remains?

In anticipation of a vacation and a trip to the radiant shore, my friend came to the conclusion that her figure needed to lose at least 10 kg, and in the shortest possible time. Naturally, armed with the help of the Internet, she chose a strict diet and, of course, did not think about her physical capabilities.

The result of this experiment was a deterioration in health, an exacerbation of a chronic disease and digestive problems...

Diversity of the “world of diets”

Before resorting to any diet, you need to understand the causes of excess weight.

Fat deposits can be a consequence of:

  • hormonal imbalances
  • psychological problems.

None of us are immune from hormonal imbalances in our body.

In this case, no matter how hard you try to become slim, you will not succeed without the help of a doctor. Only a doctor can identify this problem and, with the help of vitamins and special medications, help achieve effective weight loss.

Regarding unhealthy diet, in principle, everything is clear - fast food, quickly prepared meals, overeating, etc. against the background of a sedentary lifestyle, they contribute to the deposition of lipids “in reserve”, because a lot of energy is supplied, but little is spent.

What diets will help remove fat from the stomach and sides?

The wealth of “dietary” practice is enviable; everyone will find the most suitable option for themselves.

The best diets for weight loss:

  • Low calorie diet. Its essence is to create a menu using products, the number of calories in which “tends to zero.” It is recommended to keep a diary of what you eat, which allows you to strictly monitor the amount of calories you consume and prevent overeating.
  • Low-fat diets. By analogy with the previous diet, foods rich in lipids are excluded from the diet as much as possible.
  • Protein diets. The amount of protein is calculated for each day, which is diluted with fruits and vegetables. In this case, it is not permissible to consume carbohydrates and fats, as well as sweets.
  • Kremlin diet has also proven to be effective. Minimum carbohydrates for seven days, and minus six kilograms in the end.
  • Diet of top models. For three days, your diet includes only one egg and 300 grams of cottage cheese. No dinner, and plenty of water. Agree, for such a diet you need to be in excellent health.
  • Soup. Without carbohydrates in the form of potatoes and legumes, without spices and butter, the soup is cooked, or you can use puree soup. You can add a little salt, but only slightly. Consume these soups within a week.
  • Mono diets are popular now. For a week or some period of time, only one product is present in the diet in different variations of its preparation.

Buckwheat diet

You can make buckwheat porridge simply by adding water, soaking it for 12 hours and that’s it, you can eat it crumbly or liquid, most importantly without any spices, salt or heat treatment. The duration of such a diet is a week, and the result is about 10 kilograms minus.

Kefir diet

A three-day mono diet, in which up to a liter per day is consumed. However, adding sugar or other products is not allowed. A more gentle version of this method is to add sweet vegetables and fruits to kefir, but their volume should not exceed a kilogram. Another variation of this diet is the striped kefir diet. Everything is very simple here: a day on kefir, a day of regular nutrition.

Apple diet

It is recommended to do it once or twice a week. The idea is that throughout the day you eat apples and wash them down with water. As a result, in addition to weight loss, blood pressure is normalized, prevented atherosclerosis and intestinal problems.


All of these diets have good reviews, but when choosing a diet, you should take into account not only your health, but also your taste preferences.

If you are not a fan of buckwheat, then the buckwheat diet will look more like “torture in a concentration camp” rather than a way to burn a few kilos. Also give preference to those diets for which you can purchase products.

In general, at home you can easily lose more than one kilogram of excess weight, the main thing is to choose the right diet, create a high-quality diet and menu for every day. Don’t neglect and enjoy the fact that your silhouette is being transformed for the better.

Since the disadvantage of any diet is an insufficient supply of vitamins and minerals, especially mono-diets, it is better to burn fat with vitamin complexes.

This is important for overall health.

In order to easily and without harm to your health, you need to maintain a balance of carbohydrates, protein and fat and provide your body with daily movement.

Another important point, don’t be lazy and consult your doctor for advice before you start losing weight, because it is possible that there is something wrong in the body So, some diets may be strictly contraindicated.

And the last reason is psychological. But we will talk about this in the next article.

To be continued...
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To get rid of extra pounds, you can sweat in the gym, or you can give up and say that there should be a lot of good people, but laurels are still far away. But you can do it more rationally. Fortunately, this is why there are modern diets that are effective for losing weight at home. These are exactly the ones collected in our top 10.

All effective diets for losing weight up to 10 kg on this list were developed or approved by professional nutritionists. We'll cover not only their basic principles, but also the short- and long-term effects on your health.

10. Dukan Diet

Developed by French nutritionist Pierre Dukan and consists of four steps.

  1. The first stage or “attack phase” is the first seven days. It includes foods high in protein (meat, eggs, fish, beef by-products, lean poultry, etc.) and oat bran. This helps activate your metabolism and kickstart the weight loss process. At this time, it takes from 1 to 6 kilograms.
  2. The second stage is called the “Cruise” phase and can last for months. During this time you eat lots and lots of vegetables and oat bran.
  3. The third stage is called “Consolidation”. It lasts 5 days for each kilogram lost, and includes meals with high levels of protein and low levels of carbohydrates.
  4. The final stage is the stabilization of results when you follow the rules of stage 1 once a week, throughout your life.

Short term effectiveness

As with most popular weight loss diets, people on the Dukan diet lose weight very quickly. Especially during the first phase, since the body is limited in carbohydrates.

Long term effectiveness

Many people quickly become bored with limiting their choice of products. The Dukan diet is strict, and animal proteins place a high burden on the kidneys. Even healthy people are not recommended to stick to it for a long time. And people with kidney problems are better off choosing a more gentle diet.

Ease of use

The Dukan diet has a lot of rules and a long list of prohibited and permitted foods. As you move from phase to phase, it's easy to forget which foods you can't eat. Many will find it difficult to give up salt and sugar.

The idea behind this diet is that by eating the foods that our caveman ancestors ate, we will not only lose weight, but also improve our health. This is sometimes called the stone age diet. It includes: fish, meat and poultry, nuts, fruits, rhizomes and vegetables. Although no one is sure that our Paleolithic ancestors ate wild grains or legumes.

The author of the diet, American gastroenterologist Walter Vogtlin, believes that our digestive system has not changed over many thousands of years. Therefore, eating what was not in the diet of primitive people - processed foods, dairy products, potatoes, etc. we gain weight and suffer from obesity-related diseases.

Short term effectiveness

Many people are enthusiastic about the "cave style", especially after losing the first pounds. However, for an unprepared body, a sudden switch to raw vegetables can lead to digestive upset. To avoid this, it is better to eat steamed vegetables for the first 2-3 weeks. They are easier to digest.

Long term effectiveness

Unfortunately, most people find it very difficult to live without familiar foods such as salt, bread, sugar, coffee and alcohol. People often get bored or tired of the complexity of this plan and try to "cheat" by, for example, drinking a small cup of coffee in the morning.

Ease of use

Paleo meals can usually be planned ahead of time since they are prepared at home from scratch. However, some people find this very inconvenient.

Perhaps the simplest diet for weight loss. It involves intermittent fasting or periods of food restriction to help you naturally cut calories and lose weight.

The idea is that for 2 consecutive days a week, you simply limit your calories to 500 calories (for women) or 600 calories (for men).

Short term effectiveness

A very effective diet, but only if you do not overeat after the fasting period ends.

Long term effectiveness

Most people find this diet difficult to maintain in the long term.

Ease of use

A difficult diet for those who do not like to scrupulously calculate the number of calories in food.

This very popular diet was developed by Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson. It is based on alternating proteins and carbohydrates.

You will need 6 colored food containers, which need to be filled with one type of product every day. Exceptions are fried foods, salt and sugar. They need to be reduced to a minimum.

  • 1 day - fish (baked or steamed);
  • Day 2 - vegetables (any except potatoes);
  • Day 3 - chicken;
  • Day 4 – cereals;
  • Day 5 - cottage cheese;
  • Day 6 - fruits (it is better to limit bananas).

Day 7 is a fasting day, eat the same foods as on days 1-6, combining them, or give your body a fasting day. You can't swap days. Liquids should be drunk up to 2 liters per day.

People who hate counting calories, weighing food, or counting carbohydrates find this diet the best for losing weight quickly.

Short term effectiveness

This plan is very effective when it comes to losing weight quickly.

Long term effectiveness

Although the diet can be repeated if necessary, many people get tired of having to eat only one type of food.

Ease of use

A fairly simple diet.

You are allowed to eat up to 150 grams of carbohydrates per day and at the same time lean on protein and vegetable foods.

This diet appears on all the lists of the most effective weight loss diets because it works for most people.

Short term effectiveness

The weight will go down as the body loses water in the first few days and even weeks.

Long term effectiveness

This diet can be continued indefinitely.

Ease of use

Does not require special products or equipment. Counting carbs becomes second nature within a few weeks.

This meal plan is becoming more popular every day. It's essentially a very low-carb diet, but its focus is higher in fat rather than higher in protein.

The essence of the ketogenic diet is to increase the content of ketone bodies in the body, which will be used as fuel. To do this, you need to strictly limit carbohydrates to 20-30 grams per day.

Short term effectiveness

This plan is extremely effective as consuming 20 grams of carbohydrates results in rapid weight loss.

Long term effectiveness

As with any restrictive diet, people get bored or feel like they're missing out on their favorite foods. There are no real calorie restrictions on the keto diet, so while it's difficult, some people eat more than they should. And this does not promote weight loss.

However, this type of diet has received high marks from health experts as it has numerous health benefits such as lowering blood pressure and lowering blood sugar levels.

Ease of use

Quite easy, as it does not require the purchase of special dietary supplements or special products.

Moderate consumption of protein and fat, as well as limiting carbohydrates to 40 grams or less per day, are the main components of this diet. On this diet, Kim Kardashian lost 30 kilograms after giving birth. The list of food products is almost unlimited.

Short term effectiveness

Most people start losing weight from day one. The body loses water and then begins to burn fat to replenish energy reserves.

Long term effectiveness

As you get closer to your goal weight, you can slowly increase the amount of carbohydrates you consume. However, many people lose interest in the diet before this stage.

Ease of use

Most people follow the Atkins diet plan without problems.

Three basic rules of this diet:

  1. Drink 250 milliliters of filtered or artesian water before each meal (snacks also count).
  2. Reduce the amount of each serving by half compared to the usual amount.
  3. Exclude fried foods, smoked meats, pickles, and foods with quickly digestible carbohydrates from the menu.

Short term effectiveness

In two weeks on such a diet you can lose 10-14 kilograms.

Long term effectiveness

Since no serious dietary restrictions are required, for many people such a diet becomes a habit. Although you may have to take water with you on the road.

Ease of use

One of the simplest diets available. No need to count calories.

The idea for this diet plan came from cardiologist Arthur Agatston and nutritionist Marie Almon. It was originally developed for heart failure patients in the United States.

There is no calorie counting and no portion restrictions. The essence of the diet is to replace “bad fats” (saturated and trans fats) with “good” ones (unsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fatty acids). Sources of carbohydrates that lead to a sharp increase in blood glucose levels are also excluded. These sources include grains and highly refined sugar.

In particular, you can eat lean fish, lean meat, nuts, moderate amounts of red wine and beer, but only during Oktoberfest (Agatston was from Hamburg and loved this holiday very much).

Short term effectiveness

A very effective dietary strategy that allows you to get rid of 7-10 extra pounds in a couple of weeks.

Long term effectiveness

Such a diet has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels, which makes it similar to the first number on our list. In a sense, it continues throughout life, as it leads to a revision of eating habits.

Ease of use

The first two-week stage of the diet is quite difficult, as it consists of a strict restriction of all types of sugars. And these include fruits.

At the second stage it is already easier, since fruits are acceptable.

1. Mediterranean diet

If you watch diet talk shows on television, you've probably heard many doctors talk about the excellence of the Mediterranean diet. This meal plan is based on the diets of those living in Greece, Italy and Spain. It consists of a large amount of vegetables, olives, olive oil, fish, dry red wine (a glass with meals) and whole grains.

Olive oil replaces regular fats (like butter) in almost every dish, and vegetables are the key to success. Chicken eggs and animal meat are acceptable, but in very small quantities.

Short term effectiveness

The Mediterranean diet works great when people control the number and size of their portions. This is the most effective diet for losing weight by 10 kg or more. Not in two days, and not even in two weeks, but without harm, and for a long time.

Long term effectiveness

Numerous studies have shown that people lose weight and keep it off while following this diet plan, especially if they follow it for many years. Spanish researchers from the University of Rovira and Virgili reported that using a Mediterranean diet, combined with physical activity, reduces weight by at least 5% of initial body weight over a year. Glucose absorption also improves and the positive dynamics persist over time.

Ease of use

This diet can be difficult for many people because there are no guidelines on how many calories to consume for any given weight. You will need to find out this yourself empirically.

Before using any of the diets described above, you should consult your doctor. Dietary restrictions can be dangerous for people with liver disease, kidney disease, gastritis and other ailments.

This is the one that loses a large number of kilograms in a short period of time, but without harm to health. Don't believe this happens? In vain! After analyzing all the available information and reading an incredible number of reviews, experts concluded that the best diet can be safely called the English one.

How did it appear?

After long and thorough experiments and research, British experts identified the best diet in the world, taking into account all the mistakes and shortcomings of other methods of losing weight. It should be especially noted that at first nutritionists had doubts about the effectiveness of this method, but the theory was quickly confirmed in practice and became one of the most popular in the world. By the way, a fairly large number of doctors recommend using this particular diet to restore the body after illnesses. As for figure correction, the best diet promotes rapid weight loss without the slightest harm to health.

Main principles

To understand why the presented diet has earned such popularity, you should consider all its basic principles. These include:

1. Alternation of consumed foods (fiber - proteins). In this case, the days should change according to the principle of 2 after 2.

3. Eat food 4 times a day, but in small portions.

4. Don't use sugar. It is best to replace it with honey.

5. You should sit down at the table only at a strictly designated time, and do not have any snacks.

Among other things, the best diet is based on the following rules:

  • the lack of consumed fats should be compensated by your own reserves;
  • fiber significantly speeds up and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the diet should last at least 20 days, during which you can lose up to 8 kilograms of excess weight.


As mentioned above, the best diet in the world requires strict adherence to the diet. After all, this is how you can lose excess weight without harming your own health. Thus, you should eat at the same time every day, namely:

  • how you woke up, that is, at 8-00, 9-00 or 10-00 (depending on the circumstances);
  • at 13-00 (lunch);
  • at 16-00 (afternoon snack);
  • at 19-00 (dinner).

Taking into account the indicated hours, the specialists who identified the best and fastest diet compiled a detailed menu. You can see it just below.

Sample menu for quick and effective weight loss

Above we said that the English diet is based on the principle of separate nutrition. Thus, for two days you should eat mainly protein foods, two days - carbohydrate foods, etc. But not everyone knows which foods belong to which category. In this regard, we will present to your attention a step-by-step menu of the best and most effective diet.

First and second day

The diet should start at this time and should be based only on kefir or milk. However, for breakfast and afternoon tea you are allowed not only to drink a glass of milk drink, but also to eat a small piece. As for lunch and dinner, it is better to make do with milk or kefir exclusively.

Third and fourth days

These days are protein days. Let's present their detailed menu:

Fifth and sixth days

These 48 hours are vegetable and fruit. Let's look at their detailed menu:

  1. Breakfast should consist of only two oranges or apples.
  2. For lunch, you should prepare a bowl of vegetable soup, which should not include potatoes. In addition, you should eat a vegetable salad (for example, vinaigrette) and a piece of black bread. For dessert, you can make mousse with the addition of fruit.
  3. In the afternoon you can snack on any fruit, except grapes and bananas.
  4. For dinner, you should make a vegetable salad, and also eat a dessert spoon of honey and drink a cup of green tea.

Next, you should return to the first fasting day and repeat the entire cycle again. If it’s hard for you to limit yourself to only milk and kefir, then you can immediately start a protein or vegetable diet. The result will remain virtually unchanged.

Let's sum it up

Perhaps the question of what is the best diet can be considered closed. This method of eating allows you to lose as much as 8 kilograms of excess weight in less than a month. It is worth noting that the presented menu is only approximate. In this regard, it can be modified at your own discretion. For example, instead of vegetables and fruits, it is allowed to use water-based cereals such as buckwheat, oatmeal or millet. This will diversify your diet and make it much easier for you to stick to your diet.

As you know, a huge number of modern women use this method of losing weight. And, it is worth noting, they are quite happy, because they are able to quickly get rid of excess fat on the stomach, hips and sides. But in order to consolidate the results after this diet, you should definitely change your usual diet in the future. In addition, you need to exercise more often or simply lead an active lifestyle.

There are many diets for every taste and style that help in the fight against excess weight, but not all diets are effective methods of losing weight. There are 10 best diets that are recognized as the most effective complexes in the fight against excess weight all over the world.

The best diets in the world: the Kremlin diet

This diet refers to mono-diets, since it is based on the principle of reducing the intake of carbohydrates into the body and increasing the consumption of protein foods. This diet is completely unsuitable for vegetarians, since the main product that can be consumed in unlimited quantities is meat. The daily diet includes eggs, mushrooms, butter and dairy products. Unfortunately, when choosing one of the best diets of this type, you will have to limit your carbohydrate intake as much as possible, namely bread, fruits, starchy vegetables, cereals, pasta and confectionery. Each of the permitted products is assigned points, depending on the content of fats and carbohydrates. You are allowed to eat no more than 40 points worth of food per day.

Buckwheat-kefir diet

The second best diet for weight loss is the buckwheat-kefir diet. Buckwheat porridge contains vitamins, microelements and iron, which help cleanse the body. To prepare the porridge, use a glass of uncrushed buckwheat, which is not boiled, but poured with two glasses of boiling water or 0% kefir without adding spices and left overnight. The amount of consumption of such buckwheat is not limited; you can also drink up to 1 liter of 0% kefir separately throughout the day, half an hour before or after meals. Following this best diet, according to reviews, you need to drink at least 2 liters of plain or still mineral water. The last meal should occur 4-6 hours before bedtime, but half an hour before you can drink a glass of 0% kefir. The duration of the diet is no more than one week.

Best diet: rice-compote

The third best diet in the world is the rice-compote diet, recommended for the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract, hypertension, kidney failure or circulatory disorders. The daily ration of this diet consists of rice porridge, which is cooked in water without spices, and 6 glasses of dried fruit compote or fresh fruit for five days. Ready rice is consumed in two doses, morning and evening, along with compote. The amount of food consumed per day for this best diet: 50 g of rice, 100 g of sugar (for compote), 1.5-2 kg of dried fruits or fresh fruits and at least 2 liters of water.

Stephen Pratt's 14 Superfoods Diet

The fourth best diet in the world is the 14-food diet. These 14 products are:

  • Oranges;
  • Broccoli;
  • Blueberry;
  • Beans;
  • Oatmeal;
  • Yellow pumpkin;
  • Nuts;
  • Spinach;
  • Black and green tea;
  • Turkey;
  • Salmon;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Yogurt.

The author of this best diet is plastic surgeon Stephen Pratt, who claims that in addition to the above 14 foods, you can eat others, but the weekly intake of beans should be four 350 g servings, salmon - 2-4 350 g servings, turkey - 3-4 350 g serving and at least 140 g of nuts, divided into 5 servings.

The best diet for weight loss: oatmeal

The fifth best diet in the world is considered to be the oatmeal diet recommended for atherosclerosis with obesity and diabetes. The diet is followed for three days, during which 5 times a day a portion of 140 g of oatmeal cooked in water, 1-2 glasses of green or black tea without sugar and rosehip decoction are consumed.

Cabbage diet

The sixth best diet, according to reviews, is a diet in which white cabbage is used as the main product, which prevents the deposition of fat in the body. Cabbage can be consumed in unlimited quantities, shredded with 1 tbsp. unrefined sunflower oil, boiled or in the form of soup, for the preparation of which you use half a kilo of cabbage, 5 onions and carrots, 2 tomatoes and peppers, 4 stalks of celery and 100 g of unpolished rice. You can also eat a little boiled chicken breast or fish, 0% kefir, one boiled egg, green tea without sugar and vegetables (except potatoes and corn).

Best Diet: Liquid

The seventh best diet, according to reviews, is a diet based on liquid food and water. The daily diet must include oatmeal or rice broth, fruit or vegetable juices diluted with water, low-fat kefir or yogurt, milk, strained broths, vegetable cocktails with kefir and water. Broths are allowed to be consumed once a day, liquids are taken every hour, the total volume of liquid consumed per day, including water, should not exceed 3.5 liters, the duration of the diet is 1 week.

Fish diet

The eighth best diet for weight loss is the fish diet, which bases your daily diet on fish. When following the diet, eat low-fat fish (bream, trout, cod, navaga), seafood (colmars, mussels, shrimp, scallops), fermented milk products, fresh fruits (except bananas, grapes and avocados) and vegetables (except corn and potatoes ), eggs, seasonings and a minimal amount of salt. You will have to forget about sweets and flour products and drink green tea without sugar, rose hip decoction and plain water as much as possible. The duration of the diet is one week.

The best diet according to Montignac

The ninth best diet for weight loss is the nutritional system developed by French nutritionist Michel Montignac. This diet is included in the 10 best diets not only because it gives excellent results, but because with the help of this system the attitude towards food changes psychologically and the functions of the pancreas are restored. The Montignac diet is based on the following principles:

  • Minimum consumption of carbohydrates and industrially processed foods;
  • Complete exclusion of alcoholic beverages, potatoes and corn;
  • The consumption of simple carbohydrates is allowed (beans, lentils, wholemeal cereals, fruits and vegetables);
  • Exclusion of prepared foods that contain both fats and carbohydrates (chocolate, liver, sauces, baked goods, fatty dairy products and sausages);
  • Breakfast should consist of fruits;
  • Taking complexes of vitamins and minerals;
  • Drinking at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • Three or more meals a day at the same time.

Cretan diet

The last diet included in the 10 best diets in the world is the Cretan diet, similar to Michel Montignac's system, which is based on a balanced diet. Recommended products for consumption are vegetables, fruits, cereals, olive oil, beans, eggs, raba, meat, dairy products, garlic, red wine and herbs. Meat can be consumed twice a week, fish four times a week, and eggs twice a week in any form. The duration of the diet is 1-2 weeks, food intake should be regular at the same time at least three times a day.

The World Health Organization has declared obesity a pandemic of our time.

Today there are 500 million overweight people.

World leaders in “mass obesity” among adults: Mexico (32.8%), USA (31.8%), Syria (31.6%), Venezuela, Libya (30.8%). Excess weight indicates a metabolic disorder in the body and is aggravated by the development of concomitant diseases.

Today there are many diets aimed at accelerated or systematic weight loss. Among the variety of weight loss methods, choosing the most effective one is extremely difficult, since its effectiveness depends on the individual characteristics of the body (the amount of excess weight, health status, hormonal levels, metabolic rate).

Let's consider the causes and consequences of obesity, 12 effective diets for the fight for health and a slim body, what changes occur in the body after losing weight.

Where does excess weight come from and what does it lead to?

Causes of obesity.

  1. A constant discrepancy between the amounts of energy expended and received, as a result of consuming high-calorie foods in large portions with a sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Genetic predisposition.
  3. Age and gender factors. Interestingly, women gain weight faster due to the hormonal characteristics of the body and less muscle mass relative to the physique of men. In addition, metabolism slows down with age, the need for energy decreases, which leads to the gradual accumulation of adipose tissue and weight gain.
  4. Primary pathology of the endocrine glands or dysfunction of the hypothalamic functions.
  5. Tumor development.

Complications of obesity:

  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • pancreatitis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • diseases of the gallbladder, liver;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • stroke;
  • amenorrhea, infertility, menstrual irregularities in women, impotence in men;
  • diseases of the respiratory, musculoskeletal systems (hypoventilation syndrome, osteoarthritis);
  • vascular diseases of the lower extremities.

In addition to deteriorating health, obesity disrupts psycho-emotional balance: it increases the level of anxiety, leads to frequent depression, decreased sexual function, causes difficulties in finding a job, and reduces self-esteem.

Excess weight in advanced stages causes endocrine dysfunction, which leads to death. In the world rankings, mortality from obesity ranks sixth, and from hunger – eighth.

12 effective diets

Let's look at popular weight loss techniques. Regardless of the chosen type, any diet requires compliance with the water regime: drinking 1.5 - 3 liters of clean water per day. At the same time, daily physical activity accelerates weight loss.

The best diets to combat extra pounds.

  1. . A distinctive feature of this technique is the high speed of weight loss: in 13–14 days you will become 7–10 kilograms lighter. The effectiveness of the Japanese diet is achieved through a complete restructuring of metabolism. At the same time, the obtained result lasts for at least two years. When following a dietary diet, it is prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages, baked goods, and sweets. The Japanese weight loss program is considered low-calorie; its diet focuses on foods low in carbohydrates, due to which the body must burn accumulated fat to produce energy. While following the technique, the stomach decreases in size, which facilitates the process of exiting it.
  2. . This is a protein nutrition program. The duration of the diet depends on the amount of excess weight and reaches 3–4 months. The Dukan method is divided into four stages: “Attack”, “Alternation”, “Fixation” and “Stabilization”, each of which has its own diet, duration, permitted and prohibited foods for consumption. General diet requirements: do morning exercises every day, add oat bran to your meals, walk outside for at least half an hour. The Dukan weight loss regimen does not limit the amount of “allowed” foods consumed, excludes the use of chemical additives and drugs, and is considered safe to follow.
  3. . It belongs to the category of strict mono-diets, designed for rapid weight loss. The main ingredient of the technique is, which must be prepared using a special technology. It is forbidden to cook the cereal; pour boiling water over it and leave for eight hours. At the same time, seasonings and salt cannot be added to it. After this time, buckwheat porridge can be eaten in unlimited quantities.
    In the classic version, the diet is designed for a week (over this period, weight loss is 4 - 5 kilograms), if necessary, the period of adherence can be increased to 14 days (minus 6 - 10 kilograms). When losing weight, in addition to buckwheat, you are allowed to drink one and a half liters of alkaline mineral water, and a liter with a fat content of 1%.
    If, while following the technique, you feel a deterioration in your health, it is recommended to introduce non-calorie fruits into your daily diet (,).
  4. Protein diet. The basic rule of the method is that 85% of the weight loss menu should consist of protein products: lean meat, fish, eggs, lactic acid products, seafood. This is an effective diet for 2 weeks, which will help you get rid of 4 - 8 extra pounds over this period.
    The principle of the protein day: eat small portions every three hours. It is allowed to introduce carbohydrate foods with a low glycemic index (up to 40) into the daily diet: nuts, chickpea puree, citrus fruits.
    To quickly lose weight and increase muscle mass, it is recommended to perform strength exercises.
  5. . The most important component of the menu is protein. Doctor of Medical Sciences and TV presenter of the “Health” program recommends getting it with low-fat dairy products, meats, and fish. The main condition is not to combine doses at one time. Eating meat and cereals at the same time is strictly prohibited; it is better to combine them with herbs and vegetables separately.
    The duration of Malysheva’s diet is one month, then everything depends on the result. At the initial stage, food consumed per day should be 1200 kilocalories, gradually reduce this figure to 1000 kilocalories per day. In addition, Elena Vasilyevna argues about the importance of a positive attitude, you need to eat in a good mood and a calm environment, mentally prepare yourself that food is a holiday for every cell of the body.
    Before swallowing food, Malysheva advises making eighteen chewing movements. This will reduce the load on the digestive organs and prolong dental health. The technique allows you to get rid of up to 25 kilograms in 2 months.
  6. . Designed to eliminate 10 to 20 kilograms in four weeks. The Maggi method includes the following most effective diets: cottage cheese and egg. Which option to choose depends on your personal eating habits and health status. Both options are effective. The Maggi diet is not a mono-diet; its diet includes vegetables, fruits, and meat. The products are selected in such a way as to activate the burning of accumulated fat and remove toxins from the body.
  7. . A modern way to quickly lose weight with a minimum of effort. Energy Diet is a complex of special cocktails that are designed to supply the human body with the maximum amount of nutrients with a minimum of calories. ED line products contain vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, carbohydrates,... This is an effective diet designed for 4–6 months, which will help you lose 10–30 kilograms over this period.
  8. . The main principle of the method is to count the amount of carbohydrates consumed daily (the maximum you are allowed to eat is 40 units per day), exclude flour products and sweets from the menu, and eat plenty of protein foods. In the first week of following the Kremlin nutrition system, weight loss is 4–5 kilograms, in 30 days – 10 kilograms, in two to three months – 20 kilograms.
  9. . The essence of the method is daily alternation of the following mono-diets: fish, vegetable, chicken, cereal, cottage cheese and fruit. Constantly changing the main product prevents the body from getting used to the component and “stagnating” weight.
    The effect of the diet for weight loss is impressive: the average daily weight varies from 0.5 to 0.8 kilograms per day. As a result, in two weeks of following the “6 petals” you can lose up to 15 extra pounds.
  10. Diet for the lazy. In its classic form, this is a mono-diet on water, which does not require financial investments, time and effort to prepare permitted dishes. The main rule of the method is to drink 250 milliliters of clean water before each meal, including snacks. Reduce the amount of food you eat by half. Eliminate quickly digestible carbohydrates, high-fat foods, pickles, canned food, and smoked foods from the menu. The preferred method of cooking is baking or boiling. Depending on their goals, girls can lose up to 10 kilograms in 14 days.
  11. . It is a low-calorie weight loss program. The average daily menu of the method provides the body with 1200 – 1500 kilocalories of energy. The diet consists of protein products (boiled eggs, lactic acid products, lean meat), non-starchy vegetables and allowed fruits (orange, grapefruit, apple).
    Conventionally, Protasov’s diet is divided into three stages: vegetarian, with the addition of meat, and consolidating. The duration of the method is 5 weeks. During this period, up to 10 kilograms of excess weight are lost.

  12. Kefir diet. This is a strict weight loss technique that is popular nowadays. The following lightweight modifications of the fermented milk diet are distinguished: kefir-curd, kefir-apple, kefir-egg, kefir-buckwheat, kefir-cucumber, striped.
    Subject to strict procedures, the only permitted product for consumption is low-fat kefir or 1%. A day you need to drink a liter of fermented milk drink in five doses. During breaks, drink water at least 1.5 liters per day. After three “kefir” days you will become 1.5 kilograms lighter, in a week – by 3, in 14 days – up to 8.
    To avoid increased secretion of gastric juice, the development of gastritis, and exacerbation of ulcers, it is not recommended to practice a strict fermented milk diet for more than two weeks.

As you can see, there are many ways to effectively lose weight. To achieve the desired result, unquestioning adherence to diet, water regime and daily physical activity is required.
While losing weight, it is recommended to do swimming, yoga, and gymnastics. It is useful to do mesotherapy, wraps, ultrasonic peeling, anti-cellulite, tightening massage. These procedures will help prevent sagging skin.

Losing 5-10% of body weight if you are overweight reduces the risk of exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases, and improves overall health.

Let's look at 14 changes that occur in a person's life after getting rid of unnecessary pounds.

  1. A burst of energy. After losing weight, you will become more mobile, catching up with a departing bus or climbing stairs will become easier.
  2. Memory improvement. Brain activity will increase, the amount of information remembered will increase.
  3. Increased sex drive, you will feel sexier. In the course of research, American scientists came to the conclusion that the loss of 30 kilograms of one of the partners improves family relationships.
  4. Reducing the dangerous risk of developing cancer. Excess weight causes inflammatory reactions in the body, changes in the cells of the body. Losing weight by at least 5% reduces the risk of appearance.
  5. Restoring psycho-emotional balance.
  6. Changes in taste buds.
  7. Strengthening bones and joints by reducing the load on them.
  8. Reducing the cost of maintaining health by an average of 42%. This is due to the fact that obese people are more likely to have chronic diseases that require ongoing treatment.
  9. Career growth. According to statistics, slim people are 5 times easier to find a new job and increase their income than overweight people. This pattern especially applies to women.
  10. Reduced need for medications. Losing weight lowers blood levels. As a result, the need for taking medications for high blood pressure will decrease. Maintaining a normal weight prevents the development of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, digestive tract, and thyroid gland. Interestingly, after losing weight, heartburn and asthma are less bothersome.
  11. Flabbiness of the skin. If, while losing weight, you limit yourself to just following a diet, ignoring sports, massage, the result of losing weight can be very disappointing. Sagging skin on problem areas (abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms) is an unpleasant, painful sight for every woman. To eliminate it, you need to resort to tightening procedures or start visiting the pool regularly.
  12. Improved sleep. Losing extra pounds “frees” a person’s upper respiratory tract from the soft tissue that has been blocking it. As a result, sleep becomes better and 22 minutes longer.
  13. Increased chance of getting pregnant. Remember, obesity can cause polycystic ovary syndrome and infertility. These effective diets will help you lose unwanted weight, restore the functioning of your internal organs, and increase the likelihood of conceiving and bearing a healthy child.
  14. Improved vision. Don't forget that being overweight increases your risk of developing diabetes, which can adversely affect your eyes. According to research from the University of Georgia, obesity reduces the amount of lutein and zeaxanthin in the retina, which causes degenerative age-related changes.

Losing weight has a beneficial effect on the human body: hormonal levels are normalized, immunity increases, performance increases, erection problems disappear, and the load on the joints/vessels/heart decreases. As a result, life brings more joy.


The benefits of losing weight are beauty, self-confidence, increased life expectancy, healthy body, emotional stability.

To lose 1 – 3 kilograms, effective diets for 7 days (buckwheat, kefir) are suitable; to lose 4 – 10 kilograms, pay attention to methods lasting from 2 weeks to a month (Japanese, protein, “6 petals”, “lazy”). If excess weight has reached 20 kilograms or more, it is recommended to use the “protein” programs of Dukan, Malysheva, Maggi, Protasov or “Kremlevka”. They are designed for systematic weight loss over 2 to 6 months.

To prevent excess weight from returning after finishing the diet, monitor the condition of your figure by volume. They should not increase. Take to avoid gastrointestinal problems that arise due to a diet that is low in triglycerides. Watch your sleep; a sleep-deprived person is prone to overeating. Move more, drink a lot of water, eat protein foods, increase your self-esteem.

Izvozchikova Nina Vladislavovna

Speciality: infectious disease specialist, gastroenterologist, pulmonologist.

Total experience: 35 years .

Education:1975-1982, 1MMI, san-gig, highest qualification, infectious disease doctor.

Science degree: doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences.


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