Nikolskoye-Arkhangelskoye. Church of St. Michael the Archangel. Nikolsko-Arkhangelskaya Church Nikolsko-Arkhangelskaya Church Nikolsko-Arkhangelskaya Church

The site was created with the participation of parishioners of the St. Nicholas Church and the priesthood on December 20, 2009.

St. Nicholas-Arkhangelsk Temple Balashikha, Nikolsko-Arkhangelskoe microdistrict

On the banks of the once quite wide (navigable!) Pekhorka River and its tributaries there are several more churches, now part of the Balashikha deanery. But first, let's make a small digression. When roads on Balashikha land ran through impassable forests, and waterways gradually lost their transport significance, the Pekhorka River and its tributaries Serebryanka, Malashka, Chernaya, Vyunka were dammed in several places; mills, weaving factories and other enterprises were set up on the dams. In the seventeenth century, people began to think not only about practical benefits, but also about beauty: cascades of picturesque ponds with a system of sluices began to be built on manorial estates on rivers - the model was the cascades of ponds in Izmailovo, built by order of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich /2/. It was possible to reach every temple standing on Balashikha land by water.

At this time, ponds appeared on the estate of Prince Yuri Alekseevich Dolgorukov (d. 1682) on the Serebryanka River, which were called Church ponds and surrounded the Church of the Archangel Michael on three sides. The “church place” in the village of Nikolskoye-Arkhangelskoye has been known since the 16th century. - the village was then called “Stupishino, Zvorykino also” and belonged to the ancient princely family of the Turenins. In 1641, the estate was bought by boyar V.I. Streshnev. “Behind the boyar Vasily Ivanovich Streshnev, in the patrimony of the village of Zvorykino, in the village there is the Church of the Archangel Michael, a boyar’s courtyard and five peasant courtyards.” This entry in the Refusal Book for 1646 is the first mention of the Archangel Michael Church. Prince Dolgorukov acquired the village in 1651, and in 1676-1677. a new wooden church was built to replace the dilapidated one. From that time on, the village received the name Arkhangelskoye; The Dolgorukovs were its owners for ten generations, and in their family coat of arms, the Archangel of God Michael is depicted on the upper right field of the shield; They descended from St. Martyr Michael, Prince of Chernigov (+1245).

The builder of the now existing temple was the great-grandson of Prince Yuri Alekseevich, Prince Alexander Vladimirovich Dolgorukov: in 1748 he petitioned the Moscow Spiritual Consistory for permission to build a new stone church on his estate. The project included a two-story temple with thrones in honor of the Archangel Michael on the upper floor and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the lower floor, as well as four chapels: on the lower floor - in honor of the prophets Elijah and Zephaniah; on the top - in honor of Rev. Alexander Svirsky and St. martyrs Florus and Laurus.

The new stone church was located not far from the old one, which stood until 1770 when it was destroyed by fire. Ten years earlier, in 1660, the fire did not spare another wooden church in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the neighboring village of Nikolskoye. Therefore, in 1767, the parish of the village of Nikolskoye was united with the Arkhangelsk parish and began to be called Nikolskoye-Arkhangelsk. Construction took a long time; By 1773, the construction of a new stone church with a bell tower was almost completed, and the Moscow Synodal Office allowed to consecrate the completely finished lower church in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with chapels in honor of the prophets Elijah and Zephaniah. The upper one, the Archangel Church, was supposed to be opened later - “when it is ready for consecration.”

However, due to miscalculations in the design and construction of a new church building in 1789, the side aisles had to be dismantled; the antimensions from the dismantled chapels were transferred for storage to the sacristy of the Chudov Monastery in the Kremlin. After reconstruction, only two consecrated altars remained in the temple: the main one - in the upper church, the summer one - in honor of the Archangel Michael; and in the lower church (warm) - in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The temple, built in the Moscow Baroque style, is brick with white stone inserts, plastered; in terms of architectural composition, it is three-part: the central part - an “octagon on a quadrangle” - is placed on the high basement of the lower church (Nikolsky); Stairs lead up to the top, located on both sides of a low three-tier bell tower. Architectural monuments of this type have not survived on Moscow soil, and the St. Nicholas Church is considered unique in its own way. The walls and vaults in the interior of the temple are decorated with rich stucco and painted. In the five-tiered iconostasis there are icons dating back to the time the temple was built.

During the Patriotic War of 1812, the French passed through Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye, but did not touch the temple. The storm of godless hard times did not damage the temple either - even the church utensils remained intact; It has been preserved in its original splendor to this day. The interior of the temple was not damaged. The temple is especially good during the spring flood, when, surrounded on all sides by water, it rises like a ship of salvation, convening the Orthodox people under its arches.

For many years (1878-1926), Archpriest Mikhail Lebedev was the rector of the St. Nicholas Church. After graduating from the Moscow Theological Seminary, he taught for two years at the Kolomna City School, and then was the overseer of the Zaikonospassky School, and in 1878 he was ordained to the priesthood by the vicar of the Moscow diocese, Bishop Ambrose of Dmitrov (Klyucharyov, +1901) and assigned to the St. Nicholas of the Archangel Church . He taught the Law of God at the factory school of the Reutov Manufactory Partnership, the Kuchinsky Zemstvo School, and the Reutov Factory School. He was elevated to the rank of archpriest on Easter 1919 by St. Tikhon. In the difficult twenties he did not leave his ministry; the latest information about him (he is listed as “disenfranchised”) dates back to 1926. Other clergy of the St. Nicholas of the Archangel Church also worked hard in the field of spiritual enlightenment. Priest Evgeniy Arkhangelsky, who served in the church at the beginning of the twentieth century, was awarded a silver medal with the inscription “For Diligence” to be worn on his chest on the Alexander Ribbon for his work in public education. In those same years, priest Adrian Klyucharyov also served in the church; He taught law at the Reutov Ministerial School and the Arkhangelsk-Nikolsky Zemstvo School. His mother also helped him (although they had seven children in the family) - she was a teacher at the Klokovo parochial school.

The good traditions of spiritual education are alive in the St. Nicholas Church in our time: the cleric of this church, priest Alexander Kozyrev, not only teaches classes at the church’s Sunday school, but is also the executive secretary of the commission for religious education and catechesis of the Balashikha deanery. The rector of the church, Archpriest Evgeny Sidorychev, is one of the oldest clergy of the deanery.

Divine services are held in the temple: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday (weekly): 7.30 - Matins and Divine Liturgy;

Sundays, twelve days and great holidays: 9.00 - Divine Liturgy, the day before: 16.30 - All-night vigil

Directions from Moscow: - from Kursky station by train in the Gorky direction to the Nikolskoye platform

Temple address: 143956, Moscow region, Balashikha, Nikolsko-Arkhangelskoye microdistrict, st. Chernaya doroga, 16 A. Phone: 791-43-16


The rector of the temple is Archpriest Evgeny Mikhailovich Sidorychev, 1942.

Archpriest Alexander Ivanovich Kozyrev, 1951

Priest Konstantin Konstantinovich Shchegolev, 1985

St. Nicholas-Arkhangelsk Church. Nikolsko-Arkhangelsky village

Story. The church site in Nikolsko-Arkhangelskoye has been known since the 16th century, when the village was called “Stupishino, Zvorykino also” and belonged to the ancient princely family of the Turenins. In 1641, the estate was bought by boyar V.I. Streshnev, and in 1651 the village was acquired by Prince. Dolgorukov.

In 1676-1677 To replace the dilapidated one, a new wooden church was built in the name of Archangel Michael. From that time on, the village began to be called Arkhangelsk. The church was built by order of Prince. A.V. Dolgorukov on his estate between 1748 and 1773. In its original design, the monument was close to the cathedral of the Moscow Barsanofevsky Monastery, which obviously served as a model for it.

A new stone church was built not far from the old one, which stood until 1770, when it burned down. In 1760, the fire did not spare another wooden church in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the neighboring village. Nikolsky. Therefore, in 1767, the Nikolsky parish was united with the Arkhangelsk parish and began to be called Nikolo-Arkhangelsky. The construction of the new church with a bell tower took a long time and was completed only by 1773.

In the 17th century, on the estate of Prince Yuri Alekseevich Dolgorukov, ponds appeared on the Serebryanka River, which were called Church ponds and surrounded the Church of the Archangel Michael on three sides. The “church place” in the village of Nikolskoye-Arkhangelskoye has been known since the 16th century. - the village was then called “Stupishino, Zvorykino also” and belonged to the ancient princely family of the Turenins. In 1641, the estate was bought by boyar V.I. Streshnev. Prince Dolgorukov acquired the village in 1651, and in 1676-1677. a new wooden church was built to replace the dilapidated one. From that time on, the village received the name Arkhangelskoye; The Dolgorukovs were its owners for ten generations, and in their family coat of arms, the Archangel of God Michael is depicted on the upper right field of the shield; They descended from St. Martyr Michael, Prince of Chernigov (+1245).

The builder of the current temple was the great-grandson of Prince Yuri Alekseevich, Prince Alexander Vladimirovich Dolgorukov: in 1748 he petitioned the Moscow Spiritual Consistory for permission to build a new stone church on his estate. The project included a two-story temple with thrones in honor of the Archangel Michael on the upper floor and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the lower floor, as well as four chapels: on the lower floor - in honor of the prophets Elijah and Zephaniah; on the top - in honor of Rev. Alexander Svirsky and St. martyrs Florus and Laurus.

The new stone church was located not far from the old one, which stood until 1770 when it was destroyed by fire. Ten years earlier, in 1660, the fire did not spare another wooden church in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the neighboring village of Nikolskoye. Therefore, in 1767, the parish of the village of Nikolskoye was united with the Arkhangelsk parish and began to be called Nikolskoye-Arkhangelsk. Construction took a long time; By 1773, the construction of a new stone church with a bell tower was almost completed, and the Moscow Synodal Office allowed to consecrate the completely finished lower church in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with chapels in honor of the prophets Elijah and Zephaniah. The upper one, the Archangel Church, was supposed to be opened later - “when it is ready for consecration.”

However, due to miscalculations during the design and construction of a new church building in 1789, the side chapels had to be dismantled. After reconstruction, only two consecrated altars remained in the temple: the main one - in the upper church, the summer one - in honor of the Archangel Michael; and in the lower church (warm) - in honor of St. Nicholas.

The temple, built in the Moscow Baroque style, is brick with white stone inserts, plastered; in terms of architectural composition, it is three-part: the central part - an “octagon on a quadrangle” - is placed on the high basement of the lower church (Nikolsky); Stairs lead up to the top, located on both sides of a low three-tier bell tower. Architectural monuments of this type have not survived on Moscow soil, and the St. Nicholas Church is considered unique in its own way. The walls and vaults in the interior of the temple are decorated with rich stucco and painted. The five-tiered iconostasis contains icons dating back to the time the temple was built.

During the Patriotic War of 1812, the French passed through Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye, but did not touch the temple. The storm of godless hard times did not damage the temple either - even the church utensils remained intact; It has been preserved in its original splendor to this day. Neither the interior decoration of the temple nor the priceless ancient “prayed” icons were damaged. The temple is especially good during the spring flood, when, surrounded on all sides by water, it rises like a ship of salvation, convening the Orthodox people under its arches.

For many years (1878-1926), Archpriest Mikhail Lebedev was the rector of the St. Nicholas Church. After graduating from the Moscow Theological Seminary, he taught for two years at the Kolomna City School, and then was the overseer of the Zaikonospassky School, and in 1878 he was ordained to the priesthood by the vicar of the Moscow diocese, Bishop Ambrose of Dmitrov (Klyucharyov, +1901) and assigned to the St. Nicholas of the Archangel Church . He taught the Law of God at the factory school of the Reutov Manufactory Partnership, the Kuchinsky Zemstvo School, and the Reutov Factory School. He was elevated to the rank of archpriest on Easter 1919 by St. Tikhon. In the difficult twenties he did not leave his ministry; the latest information about him (he is listed as “disenfranchised”) dates back to 1926. Other clergy of the St. Nicholas of the Archangel Church also worked hard in the field of spiritual enlightenment. Priest Evgeniy Arkhangelsky, who served in the church at the beginning of the twentieth century, was awarded a silver medal with the inscription “For Diligence” to be worn on his chest on the Alexander Ribbon for his work in public education. In those same years, priest Adrian Klyucharyov also served in the church; He taught law at the Reutov Ministerial School and the Arkhangelsk-Nikolsky Zemstvo School. His mother also helped him (although they had seven children in the family) - she was a teacher at the Klokovo parochial school.
From 1935 to 1937, the rector of the St. Nicholas Church was the holy martyr Alexy (Smirnov), who was shot at the Butovo training ground on March 22, 1938. By the determination of the Holy Synod of October 6, 2001, the name of Hieromartyr Alexy (Smirnov) was included in the Council of New Martyrs of the Russian Church.
Morning and evening services in the temple are performed daily. Information about the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk Church is reflected on the official website of the parish: http://nikolo-arkhangelsky.rus/, as well as on social networks.
There is a Sunday school at the temple, taught by the clergy of the temple and professional teachers. The school organizes classes on the study of the Old and New Testaments. Within the framework of the general curriculum There are lessons on the Church Slavonic language, the basics of Christian morality, the history of the Church, and hagiography (the lives of saints).

For those wishing to receive the Sacraments of Marriage, Baptism, as well as for godparents and parents, public talks are held in the church on Saturdays at 13.00.

In princely times, the Yellow Pond was also called Luxurious. There were master baths on it. Not to say that the pond is big. About 500 meters long and no more than 100 wide. But the place is very beautiful. And if you imagine that once upon a time it was possible to get from the Saltykov estate by boat to Izmailovo, where the country residence of the Russian tsars was located in the 17th-18th centuries? By the way, that’s how it was – we got there. Round trip. The Dolgorukov princes enjoyed the special favor of the teenage Tsar Peter II. Everything was heading towards the fact that the princes would become related to the royal family. The ambitious plans were prevented from coming true by the absurd and fleeting death of the sovereign.

Prince Yuri Alekseevich Dolgorukov also took up the improvement of his lands and, using the Serebryanka River, planted a series of dams, dams, and locks on it, which formed a chain of beautiful ponds along its course. It was a kind of waterway through the estate. As a result of this reorganization, in the center of rich forest lands with a predominance of slender ship pine, oak, spruce, maple, and birch, a system of park complex management of a high artistic level was established.

According to various sources, there were from 11 to 13 ponds. One is better and more beautiful than the other. Their stepped cascade allowed for a simplified design of sluice dams. Drainage canals were dug in the swampy wasteland, dams were built, on which mills and factories, weaving factories and other enterprises were installed.

Before moving on to the description of the ponds and the history of their construction, it should be noted that the old Saltykovsky Park with its ponds began to be created in 1651 under Prince Yuri Alekseevich Dolgorukov and continued to develop until 1799 - 1800. The ponds were also not created immediately, but gradually.

Of particular interest are, of course, the Church Ponds, near the Church of the Archangel Nicholas (as the church is called in the Refusal Book of the 18th century). The church stood, as it were, on a peninsula, and the three ponds that once surrounded the temple were deep and connected by a canal with the Peasant Pond, which is in the southeast of the church. Previously, these ponds served as a reserve reservoir for the entire cascade of Saltykovka ponds.

Currently, only one pond has survived in the western part of the church territory; it is heavily overgrown and swampy. On the northern side the pond has been lowered, but the remains of the dam remain. From the outside railway under the bridge a stream flows from north to southeast, which connects with the Serebryanka river.

Peasant Pond previously adjoined the village of Nikolskoye and was separated from the Serebryany Pond by a dam (the height of the water rise was 2 meters). The dam on the quicksand was reinforced with piles and lined with trees. Nosovikhinskoye Highway runs along it. The road that passed along another dam to the villages of Rudnevo and Kozhukhovo was lined with linden and oak trees. Currently there is an extensive swamp. The remains of dams have been preserved, which have never been eroded in their history.

Silver Pond was lined with silver poplars, which is why it got its name. In the sun, the water in it ripples silver. The banks here are artificial; the excavated soil was used to fill the islands. Once upon a time, the pond was decorated with an arched bridge that connected the forest road with the village of Nikolskoye. And on its southwestern side there was a pine grove.

In the hollow between the Silver Pond dam and the Yellow Pond there was Knyazhiy Pond. In 1812, French supply detachments scoured the Moscow region in search of food supplies. The pond was drained, apparently assuming that there were a lot of fish there. Since then he has not recovered. The Serebryanka River flows from the Serebryany Pond to the Yellow Pond along the preserved bed of the Prince's Pond.

Yellow, or park Luxurious(the most beautiful), the pond was well preserved, although in its lifetime it went into flood several times through a washed out dam (six times in 40 years). Because of this, the eastern and part of the southern shores of the pond are worn out by ravines that stretch to Tarelochkin Pond. During the reign of the Dolgorukov princes in the second half of the 17th century, on the shore of the Yellow Pond stood the village of Nikolskoye with a wooden church that burned down from lightning. There was a cemetery nearby, which is reminiscent of the remains of tombstones in the ground. The bottom of the Yellow Pond was covered with yellow sand, which is how the pond got its name. The banks of the ponds were reinforced with oak logs and lined with stone. The dam between the Yellow and Knyazhi ponds was reinforced with a cage, brickwork and had an arched bridge.

Pond of Stepan Stepanovich, which got its name from the tenant-gardener, was previously a reserve reservoir for fishing. It was connected to the Yellow Pond by a canal. Previously, there were berry fields here, which also ran along the shore of the Yellow Pond, where there is now a new park, between the dam and the Rus restaurant. The pond has now been drained.

Sterlet Pond- sterlet was bred there for the princely table - it was a continuation of the Yellow Pond. The 2nd diversion channel began here, directing the upper waters of the Yellow Pond to Sterlyazhiy. (A similar system can be observed in Gorenki). In some places, centuries-old trees have been preserved on the crests of the dams - a 200-year-old willow near the whirlpool of the (old) Tarelochkin pond stood there until 1963. On the small bank of the pond there was a princely beekeeper. The remains of the embankment - "Gorodishche" - have been preserved here. Old-timers consider it the remains of an ancient settlement. The stone slabs of the tombstones of an ancient churchyard previously lay near the dam itself.

Tarelochkin pond, or Red, so named after the miller Tarelochkin, who had a mill here. On the shore of the pond there was a distillery and tavern building, and later a mill was built. The pond is located in the south-eastern part of Saltykovka, its length is 325 meters, width 25 meters (these are its modern dimensions). The bottom of the pond slopes to the east, towards the dam. Previously, the pond was inhabited by perch, pike, loach, char, bleak, and gudgeon. Traces of ancient settlements were also discovered on the left bank of the pond.

Golden Pond got its name from the bottom lined with golden-colored stone. It was once crowned with an arch on columns, decorated with ceramics. The bathhouses of the princes Dolgorukovs and Saltykovs were located here, and along the banks there were gazebos surrounded by golden maples. There were golden carp in the pond.

Kuchinsky Pond mainly formed on the keys. Previously, Kuchinsky Pond fed Zolotoy Pond with water. Now this channel is cut by the railway.

This ends the cascade of Saltykov ponds, located along the bed of the Serebryanka River and the key system of Kuchinsky and Zolotoy ponds. However, the picture will be incomplete without mentioning two more ponds.

Vishnyakovsky Pond formed by a dam on the Gorenka River (between the estates and), it crosses the Razinskoye Highway on the northern outskirts of Saltykovka. This pond has also existed for almost 300 years and is one of the cascade of ponds of the Dolgorukov-Gorenki estate. At one time, on its bank there was a Vishnyakov cloth factory and a mill at the dam. In the 20-30s, a turbine power station was located here, supplying electricity to the entire district. [“Balashikha in essays and sketches” - M.: Modern notebooks, 2003].

St. Nicholas Church of Balashikha (Russia) - description, history, location. Exact address and website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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The Arkhangelsk Church was erected by the will of Prince Yu. A. Dolgorukov in the 18th century; for this purpose, he specially submitted a petition to the Moscow Spiritual Consistory. It was built on the territory of an aristocrat’s family estate to replace a dilapidated wooden building built in 1677. For this, Yuri Alekseevich specifically submitted a petition to the Moscow Spiritual Consistory. After the wooden parish in the neighboring village of Nikolskoye burned down in 1760, the church began to be called the St. Nicholas-Arkhangelsk Church and received parishioners from all the surrounding villages. Due to miscalculations in the project and changes regularly made to the original plan, construction work lasted for several years and was completed only by 1773.

What to see

The building has survived to this day in its original appearance - no Patriotic War 1812, nor the years of Soviet power caused it significant damage. Even the church utensils, interior and priceless prayer icons that have been decorating the walls for more than 200 years have survived.

The main building is a composition of octagons on a quadrangle, standing on a wide basement. The upper part of the tower ends with figured structures made in the form of skillful lace. This highlight, unusual for traditional religious architecture, gives the temple fragile and graceful features. To the left of the main entrance gate there is a low three-tier belfry with a covered porch and a staircase leading upstairs.

The interior space is distinguished by rich decor, an abundance of artistic painting and stucco. Main iconostasis consists of 5 tiers and is generously covered with gilding.

The church was built in the Moscow Baroque style. Its architectural value is obvious, since there are no more structures of this type in the Moscow region. The beauty of the bright blue facade is especially noticeable in winter against the backdrop of snow-covered surroundings or during the spring flood.

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