Presentation on the topic of emo in English. Youth subcultures presentation for a lesson on the ICC on the topic. Emo in culture

Emo style and its characteristics as a youth subculture. The history of the emergence and development of emocore - a style of rock music characterized by melodic musicality and expressive lyrics. Emo image: clothing, paraphernalia, symbolism, characteristic gestures.

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  • Over the past few years, when it comes to youth subcultures, quite often one has heard a hitherto little-known concept - EMO. And, as a rule, it is mentioned in a negative light. In the philistine consciousness, this is yet another destructive movement of young people, which does not bring anything good to either its participants or the entire society. Meanwhile, if you understand the topic at least a little, you can find out that initially the emo movement, although it inherited a number of asocial ideas from punk culture, was quite peaceful, and in many aspects even progressive. Thus, emo culture was closely connected with the ideas of hardcore - sXe, anti-fascism and DiY, and at the same time carried much less aggression than the punk movement
Emo kids didn’t drink, didn’t use drugs, and didn’t organize into youth gangs. In other words, although we cannot say that this movement was socially useful and conducive to the moral education of young people, nevertheless, it represented a better alternative for teenagers than gatherings of gopniks, Nazi skinnies, or football hooligans. However, in reality a completely different picture appears before us. Today's emo kids not only do not know the history of their culture, its worldview and the most significant musical groups, but they also behave no better than the gopota from the industrial area of ​​​​a provincial Ural town. All the vices of modern youth - drunkenness, drug addiction, sexual unbridledness, racial and other intolerance, lack of respect for others - have not just spread to emo culture, they have become its integral attribute. So what is the matter, why do we see one thing, but hear and read something completely different? Why is it that all the inhabitants of emoforums have a complete mess in their heads when it comes to their own subculture? In order to eliminate mass illiteracy caused by the flow of shitty articles, we must first systematize the existing historical knowledge about subcultures, trace the chronology of the development of punk, hardcore, and emo movements, and then, using elementary logic and common sense, understand what we are dealing with .
  • The origins of the genre of music, better known as emotional hardcore, are directly related to two bands in the mid-80s: Rite of spring (Guy Pizziotto) and Embrace (Ian Mackay). These groups retained the hardcore style of music and singing, but interspersed with specific “emo” vocals, when the vocalist’s voice broke into a hoarse and passionate moan in bright moments. At the same time, the lyrics were sometimes personal in nature, touching on lost love and dying memories. The most notable group of this trend was, perhaps, Moss Icon, which appeared in Annapolis near Washington in 1987 (another famous emo group, The Hated, had previously played there). Already the early work of the group, which many do not attribute to emo itself, had texts that were uncharacteristic for hardcore groups. Later records Hate In Me, Mahpiua Luta had more pronounced emo elements in the music and vocals. But the truly iconic and most memorable album was Lyburnum Wits End Liberation Fly, the main composition of which lasted more than 11 minutes. It is curious that this album was recorded in 1988...89, but was released only in 1994 thanks to Vermiform Records. The question arises, can Moss Icon be classified as a subculture? There may be many different opinions here, Moss Icon's lyrics are quite difficult to analyze, but in general, their main ideas did not go beyond the boundaries of hardcore punk. At the same time, they cannot be considered pronounced hardcore players; it is known that the band’s vocalist had a penchant for using all sorts of relaxing substances. And the audience at the concerts was very diverse - hippies, punks and just people who came to hang out. So, the groups of the so-called first wave of Imo existed entirely within the confines of hardcore punk culture and did not form any of their own. What then is the history of the origin of the word “imo” (or emo, as one likes)? The answer to this question is given by one of Ian Mackay’s interviews:
“I myself have never used the prefix “emo”. This word has a funny history. In 85-86 in Washington, some part of the local scene was actively developing, from which came such bands as Rites Of Spring, Embrace, Rain and many others. Many cynical people didn’t like their style and...god knows what they didn’t like, but they made fun of this kind of music and started calling it “emo-core.” It’s like, it’s not hardcore at all, but some kind of emotional core. This joke was also picked up by fanzines: when it was necessary to curse the group, they often called it “emo-core.” But for some reason, after five years, people began to use this word as the name of a certain musical style. Bands allegedly playing in this style immediately appeared. I can’t understand this. It seems to me that all music is emotional, it doesn’t need to be called “emotional”. - especially emotional, usually it's just pop music. And a special name is invented for it, so that it is easier for the listener to understand what he is buying. I have nothing against this, but I don’t want to invent a definition for my music myself.” Similar thoughts were expressed by musicians of other groups belonging to the first and second waves of emo music. Thus, if we delve into history, we will see that no Imo subculture simply existed in those days, and those who were mistakenly included in it were ordinary hardcore punks. But what about the group SDRE, which performed in the 90s and broke up several times? The music of this group was a fusion of 80s emocore with its emotional vocals and indie rock with its melody and rhythm. Some believe that it was thanks to her work that the emo music genre went beyond the underground, in which it had been since the mid-1980s, and achieved success in the mainstream. The latter casts doubt on her belonging to hardcore, which, according to true connoisseurs, can only be underground. At the same time, this group did not create any subculture of its own, with its own ideas and style, and its fans are mainly fans of either alternative or punk rock. So what conclusions can we draw from all this? We have already talked about three points of support on which any subculture rests. In the case of IMO, in those years there was only a musical direction, and that, for the most part, was a “spare part” of the long-established hardcore culture. The emergence of a subculture.
  • After 2000, a new unusual subculture, which originated among the emo and emo-hardcore music scene, began to gain popularity in the United States and Europe. Actually, it got its name from its musical direction. Having inherited the musical style and, in some places, ideology from hardcore, the emo kids acquired their own appearance. At the same time, commercial music groups appeared, in particular The Used, which became popular far beyond the boundaries of hardcore and indie rock scenes. Combined with an unusual appearance, this led to the rapid development of a young subculture, mainly due to melancholic and not very physically developed teenagers of 12...17 years old. These young people found in emo what they so lacked when surrounded by peers and strict teachers - an opportunity to take a break from the constant struggle for leadership in a teenage group, to be themselves, without hiding their weaknesses and feelings. All this was quite consistent with the image of an emo kid: sad, thin guys and girls, often wearing glasses and headphones, avoiding noisy companies, constantly thoughtful and with their heads down. Loneliness, unhappy love, the desire to realize oneself through creativity have become some of the attributes of emo culture. Emo kids were not accustomed to the hobbies and habits common among ordinary teenagers, such as drinking alcohol, smoking, the cult of sex and the desire to assert themselves through obscene language and physical force. In other words, their worldview was quite close to sXe. This is approximately how emo culture came to Russia in 2004..2005...
Peculiarities of life of emo culture in Russian conditions.
  • Before we move on to the chronology of the development of Russian emo, it is necessary to understand what the first Russian imokids were like. By the word “Russian” I mean those living not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries too. Understanding the essence and characteristics of the psyche of these people will help us understand the motives of their actions in the future. Firstly, these were people who were not very developed mentally and physically, those who are usually classified as “alternatively gifted.” Indeed, a well-rounded teenager with a high IQ and academic success would hardly be interested in this antisocial movement, especially in the basis of Russian (former Soviet) culture. But this antisociality, at the same time, explains another characteristic feature of these people. This feature lies in their denial complex, based on an inferiority complex. That is, they in every possible way denied the social values ​​and way of life of the people around them, sought to stand out from the crowd, show themselves as non-standard individuals and, due to this, assert themselves. In short, these teenagers, fearing to fall into the category of outcasts, were very eager to be “not like everyone else.”
This led to self-affirmation through denial and led these young people into this rather non-standard subculture for Russia. As we will see later, it subsequently destroyed her. But first things first. So, as often happens, the rapid growth of popularity, on the one hand, led to the emergence of a new mass youth culture in our country, but on the other, became a real test of strength for it. In just a year, from a group of a maximum of a couple of hundred people, the emo movement turned into a crowd of thousands of imitators who took only the outer shell of the subculture and never understood its essence. In an effort to look as creepy as possible, the newly minted imo-kids began to take the emo image to the extreme: crying in front of others, throwing hysterics, screaming about suicide and cutting veins, etc. Together with overly emotional teenagers, on the wave of fashion, gopniks began to fall into the emo movement. Because of this, phenomena such as drunkenness, swearing, etc. spread at emo gatherings. However, the main thing that led to the massive spread of IMO was that tens of thousands of young people across the country became familiar with IMO music, including old school hardcore - such groups as Rites of Spring, Embrace, Moss Icon, etc. Along with the music, the ideas of the hardcore punk movement also spread: sXe, anti-fascism, DiY. The biography and work of Ian Mackay became known in wide circles. All this information was distributed via the Internet; most emo sites had articles about the history of the subculture. Thanks to this, after some time a fairly large number of people who were knowledgeable and well versed in these things appeared, many of whom became interested in punk ideas and even became straight edgers. Govnari.
  • None of the subcultures that came to Russia from the West escaped transformation in accordance with the Russian mentality. Many remember the metalheads who staged wall-to-wall fights with the gopars and differed from the latter in many respects only in the length of their hair. In the mid-nineties, one could easily meet punks drinking and listening to chanson. The phenomenon of mixing two cultures that are very different from each other has been described more than once in books on cultural studies and, when left to its own devices, leads to the formation of cultural chimeras. In the case of subcultures, such a chimera manifests itself in the form of shitheads. Imagine a person who looks like an emo, but behaves like a gopnik, i.e. swearing, beating the weak, using prison vocabulary. Surely, many of the readers have heard about the so-called Nazi-emo. This is all hard to wrap your head around, but since the end of 2007, such things have been occurring more and more often in our country. A govnar is a person who considers himself a member of a subculture, but has habits and beliefs that are incompatible with the ideology of this subculture. A typical example of shitheads are Nazi straight edgers who consider themselves punks. It’s well written about them in Craig O’Hara’s book “The Philosophy of Punk: More Than Noise.” Shitty behavior is an extreme manifestation of posturing. If the poser simply does not know or does not understand the meaning of the subculture, then the shitty one in principle cannot understand them, since his whole way of life psyche is deeply alien to this meaning. There are many reasons that contribute to the development of govnarstvo, but the main one is the influence of the environment in the person of peers, authoritative adults and the media, which, on the one hand, shape the worldview of young people, and on the other, offer them fashion. a certain image. Coupled with a herd feeling and a teenage inferiority complex, all this does not help in the formation of a holistic personality. A large number of shitheads leads to the destruction of the subculture from the inside, since those who understood the meaning of the ideology of the movement begin to become disillusioned with it. Actually, this is what happened. with emo culture in the vastness of Russia in 2007-2008.
The current state of affairs around the so-called. "emo culture". Results.
  • In recent years, there has been a decline in interest in IMO all over the world. Perhaps this subculture is now going through the fourth (final) stage of its life, although it is believed that it has never emerged from the second stage. Modern imo culture is moving further and further away from its hardcore roots, degenerating into two directions that have little connection with each other - music and image. At the same time, the emo style gradually ceases to be associated with imo itself and becomes part of mass culture. Well, what about in Russia? Here the above-described phenomena take on a special character, aggravated and seasoned with national flavor. To understand what we are talking about, just look at the comments to the pictures on the website On another popular emo resource,, the situation is approximately the same - the forums are filled with crowds of gopots slandering each other. In free time from sracha, problems of smoking, booze, and drugs are discussed mainly. Everything related to punk, straight edge and social protest is not relevant to the current audience of emo sites. Moderation doesn't really help here - the moderators on these sites are the same. Such a party sharply repels sane informals, and, on the contrary, in every possible way attracts gopniks, fans of online trolling and simply idiots. So what is emo now? Currently, people who consider themselves emo are united only by their appearance and, quite a bit, music. However, fans of original imo music try to distance themselves from the emo image and even dislike it. Most modern “emo kids” are girls 14-17 years old, differing from their peers only in their extravagant hairstyle and clothes. The scale of emo fashion, as well as the social danger of this subculture, if you can call it that, are greatly exaggerated.

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“Youth subcultures” (emo, goths, rockers)


A subculture is a community of people whose beliefs, views on life and behavior are different from the generally accepted ones or are simply hidden from the general public, which distinguishes them from the broader concept of the culture of which they are an offshoot.

Subcultures may vary by age, race, ethnicity, class, or gender. The traits that define a subculture may be aesthetic, religious, political, sexual, or any other nature, or a combination of these.

The meaning of the word “EMO” Emo (English Emo, short for “emotional”, the transcription “imo” is also common) is a term denoting a special type of hardcore music, based on strong emotions in the vocalist’s voice and melodic, but sometimes chaotic or completely absent musical component.

Style Narrow, tight-fitting T-shirt. Skinny jeans in black or ash blue, possibly with holes or patches. A black or pink belt (often made of fake leather due to the adherence of some emo kids to veganism) with rivets, dangling chains and a large plaque with symbols. Sneakers with bright or black laces, laced in a special way. Checkered scarf - arafatka on the neck. In the hairstyle, the bangs are sloping to one side, the hair is usually straight and dyed black.

Makeup Eyeliner with a black pencil is common among both girls and boys. Nails black or silver. A whitened face, pale lips almost matching the skin tone and very brightly lined eyes. Sometimes emos draw black marks on their faces, supposedly from makeup blurred by tears, and draw tears with a black pencil. Black varnish on the nails. Boys too.

Symbolism Pink heart, often with a transverse crack or torn to shreds. Skull and bones. A pink (or black) pistol or crossed pistols with the inscription “bang-bang” (the sound of a gunshot). Black five-pointed star on a pink background. Pink and black checkerwoman. T-shirts with children's cartoon characters (for example, Mickey Mouse).

Jewelry Emo kids often have their ears pierced or tunnels made. In addition, an emo kid may have piercings on his face (for example, in the lips and left nostril, eyebrows, bridge of the nose). Emo badges are always black and pink, like sneakers with hearts and shards.

Goths have rather specific tastes in everything related to music and appearance.

Characteristics of this subculture include nonviolence, passivity, and tolerance.

Goths do not create any political slogans, do not call for social activism and do not support forces or blocs in politics.

Style.Fashion Goth fashion is quite stereotypical. Their style is distinguished by dark colors, mourning, sometimes combined with eroticism. The image of a typical goth includes hair dyed radically black, eyes lined with black, nails painted with black varnish, and black clothes in the same style.

Jewelry There may or may not be piercings on the body. The jewelry is usually made of silver and includes various symbols such as crosses, pentagrams and so on.

Meaning of the word The word rockers, initially, served to define British youth in Britain in the sixties of the last century, who allowed themselves to very irreverently ride along the roads on motorcycles. Rockers have become a concept opposed to mods - their peers who only use scooters as transport.

Ideally, a rocker is a well-read person who understands the social situation, knows how to think independently and draw conclusions, which he sets out in appropriate lyrics set to music.

In Russia, we associate Viktor Tsoi (“Kino”), Yuri Shevchuk (“DDT”), Konstantin Kinchev (“Alice”), Vyacheslav Butusov (“Nautilus Pompilius”), Andrey Makarevich and others with rock legends. Russian rock is a separate concept that has no analogues, but is very respected in the rest of the world.

Style The rocker style was born out of necessity and practicality. Rockers wear leather motorcycle jackets, abundantly decorated with buttons, patches, stripes and pins. They often wear quite fashionable leather caps on their heads. They usually ride a motorcycle wearing an open-face helmet, aviator goggles, and a white silk scarf to protect their mouths from hypothermia.

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Subculture concept

Subculture - these are patterns of behavior, life styles, specific values ​​and their symbolic expression of a social group.

Youth subcultures have existed for a long time, at least since the second half of the twentieth century. In our country, they attracted the attention of society and the media in the 1980s. In those years, bearers of such special cultural practices were usually called participants in informal youth associations. The most famous examples are hippies, punks, rockers, and metalheads.

The main socio-psychological feature of informal youth associations is the symbolization of appearance, lifestyle, behavior, in particular, clothing, speaking style. For example, long hippie hair is not only long hair, but also a symbol of freedom.

Hippie subculture– one of the oldest youth subcultures. The movement formed in San Francisco in the mid-60s. XX century as a protest against philistinism. The hippie ideology was based on philosophical teachings associated with the “Jesus movement.” They adhere to pacifist views, profess the idea of ​​“non-resistance to evil through violence,” and are prone to creativity.

The main form of leisure activities is parties with never-ending discussions, constant polemics and mandatory music playing. Parties are usually accompanied by the use of alcohol and drugs. Hippies often break away from home, traveling with virtually no means of support. Hippies are known to love flowers and walking barefoot. Part of the hippie ideology is “free love” with all the ensuing consequences.


Close in many respects to hippies Rastafarians. Rastafari is the religion of the universal Lord Jah (distorted “Jehovah”). Rastafarians– convinced pacifists, especially protest against racism. Two features confirmed the worldwide nature of the Rasta movement - marijuana and reggae. Rastafarian life also provides for a healthy lifestyle, a ban on tobacco and alcohol, vegetarianism, and art classes. Their symbols are a red-yellow-green “Pacific” cap, pulled over dreadlocks (“dreadlocks”). Rastafarians can often be found in the company of hippies. In Russia, young Rastafarians for the most part are simply fans of reggae music.

The punk movement began in the mid-1970s. XX centuries in England during a period of severe economic crisis. The main slogan of punks is “No future!” The philosophy of punks is the philosophy of the “lost generation”, simple to the limit: in a pigsty it is better to be pigs yourself. They finally decided that it was impossible to change the world for the better, and therefore life and career in the old sense of the word were put to rest. According to their political leanings, punks are considered anarchists. Hence their main symbol is the stylized letter “A”.

The standard punk hairstyle is the mohawk. Punks prefer torn, dirty clothes. Punks are the most avid partygoers, great “specialists” in drinking, drugs, and fights.

The punk subculture entered the USSR in 1979. One of the first punks were famous St. Petersburg rock musicians Andrei Panov and Viktor Tsoi.

Gothic originated in the late 70s. XX century on the wave of post-punk. The early goths took a lot from the punks, they looked the same as punks, with the only difference being that the dominant color of clothing and hair was black. At first, only fans of gothic musical groups were called goths. Gradually, the Goths acquired their own lifestyle, value hierarchy and mentality.

The modern Gothic image is quite complex and varied, it includes clothes, shoes, jewelry, accessories, make-up, and hairstyle. Occult symbolism is quite widely represented - pentagrams, eight-pointed stars, symbols of death

The Goths developed their own original style of makeup and manicure. Using makeup or powder, the face is given a deathly pale shade, black eyeliner is applied, and lips and nails can also be tinted black. Black is the dominant color, but other colors are acceptable.

Emo– short for “emotional”, a term that denotes a special type of hardcore music based on the crushing strong emotions in the vocalist's voice and the melodic, but sometimes chaotic musical component. Squealing, crying, moaning, whispering, breaking into a scream are the distinctive features of this style.

Today this style of music is divided into: emocore, emo-rock, cyber-emo, punk-emo, emo-violence, screamo, French-emocore hardcore San Diego, etc. Fans of emo music, identified as a special subculture, are called emo kids . The concept of emo is very common among modern youth. In addition to bright outfits, hair and makeup, these guys have other ways to express themselves. Through music and heightened emotions about everything that happens in their lives.

Yuppie– a youth subculture whose representatives lead an active business lifestyle as an urban professional. Yuppies have well-paid jobs, prefer business casual clothing, follow fashion, and visit fitness centers. The main criterion for belonging to a “yuppie” is success. A self-respecting yuppie wears a formal suit, woolen and very expensive.

Often the external manifestations of the “yuppie” worldview are cynicism, pragmatism and contempt for less successful people, and apoliticality. The yuppie's favorite topic is lack of time. It is not customary among yuppies to publicly discuss their illnesses and problems in general; the conditions of the game require you to look cheerful, healthy and energetic. Yuppies love their work and do it with pleasure.

All adherents of this subculture are united by one faith and the worship of one idol - speed. The main concept in biker ideology is the motorcycle. The whole world is divided into those who move on it, and those who prefer any other way. The motorcycle always comes first for a biker. The background is everything else, including love and family. The philosophy of a true biker is based on the spirit of brotherhood and freedom. The knowledge of a bike club member includes knowledge of the technical intricacies of servicing your favorite iron horse, as well as the history of the movement and the club, and rules of behavior. Each motorcycle club has a president, vice-president, sergeant-at-arms, treasurer, and secretary who perform their assigned duties.

Football team fans

Communities of football fans are one of the most common forms of subcultural youth activity in modern Russia, which has a long origin. The specificity of this subcultural form is the situational nature of identification, which requires a minimum of effort from participants and does not deeply affect the way of life. For football fans, the most significant moments are general emotional release, the opportunity to express their feelings to the fullest, expressed in rioting at the stadium and vandalism after the match.

The raver subculture has been spreading in Russia since the early 90s. Musically, the rave style is the successor to the techno style. An integral part of the raver lifestyle is night discos with powerful sound, computer graphics, and laser beams. Ravers prefer clothes made of bright colors and artificial materials. The idea of ​​man's departure from nature is realized in the appearance of ravers and their style of behavior. The ravers subculture is based on values ​​such as a carefree attitude to life and the desire to live for today.

To “expand consciousness,” ravers use drugs, in particular “ecstasy.”

A major is a young man who has highly paid parents and, thanks to this, enjoys opportunities that are not available to most of his peers. These are the so-called “golden youth”. They mostly spend their free time in expensive night bars. He does not lack money, wears expensive clothes and shoes, and drives his own expensive car. Among the majors, the position of parents in society and the associated prospects for their own life are assessed

These are mainly students of technical faculties of universities, high school students of schools with a physics and mathematics focus. It is also difficult to determine the exact number of hackers because they communicate primarily through computer networks. In addition, not all computer fans recognize themselves as a kind of community with their own values, norms, and specific style.

Roller skaters are called roller skaters. They prefer sportswear in bright colors and often wear knee and elbow pads on a daily basis. Mostly roller skaters are schoolchildren of both sexes or elementary students.

A presentation on the topic Welcome to the life of EMO can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Subject of presentation: MHC. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the contents of the presentation, use the player, or if you want to download the presentation, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 46 slides.

Presentation slides

Slide 1

SHVF - Central Medical Education Center of Moscow State University. Lomonosova Kristina Jaskiläinen 06E Imatra Anastasia Safonova 2i Lappeenranta Telecommunications project:

Slide 2

Welkome to EMO –life 3 Research plan 4 Stereotypes 5 Emo - vocabulary 6 History of the development of Emo - culture 7 - 10 Emo - culture in Russia 11 - 12 Worldview of Emo 13 - 15 Music 16 - 19 Tokio Hotel 20 - 24 Emo - style 25 - 26 Clothes 27 - 28 Shoes 29 Accessories 30 Hairstyles 31 -32 Makeup 33 Relationships 34 - 35 Conflicts and scandals 36 Depression 37 Love<3 38 - 40 Опрос 41 Интервью 42-43 Выводы 44

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Welcome to EMO-life… =)

Today, people with a distinct appearance who stand out from the general gray mass cause mixed reactions from society. Some consider Emo followers to be people with an unbalanced psyche, prone to suicide and depression, while others, on the contrary, find attractive young people who stand out from the crowd with bright colors. We would like to look at this culture in more detail. This is especially close to us, since this is our generation, our peers. Most people only know that the name Emo itself comes from the English word Emotion, but few people know exactly what feelings, emotions and experiences are hidden in Emo’s soul. Our main task is to understand who Emo are?

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Study plan

Stereotypes Emo dictionary - History of the development of Emo culture Worldview Emo Music - Tokio Hotel Emo style - Clothing - Makeup - Hairstyles Relationships - friends - parents - conflicts and scandals - Depression Love Poll: Who do you think Emo is? Interview - different points of view

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All people are influenced by stereotypes. I would like to cite a couple of common opinions, often erroneous and concerning Emo. They cut their veins - Emo themselves deny this phenomenon, saying that only people with an Extraordinary reason or with a sick psyche will do this. They cry constantly - Emos say: everyone cries, everyone has their own problems and experiences, we just don’t hide our emotions within ourselves. Strong emotions - Emos believe that life is given once and you should not be afraid to show the feelings that overcome you.

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Emo - dictionary

Emo-kid is a person considered to belong to the emo culture. Scream - a piercing scream, scream. A special feature of emo groups. sXe – short for “straight edge”, promoting a healthy lifestyle. bang-bang – (one of the favorite phrases of emo kids) the sound of a pistol shot. Vans are shoes similar to slippers, but with a sole like a sneaker. Snaps are wrist bracelets made of rubber bands and wires. Tunnels are round holes in the ears, as well as earrings inserted into them, empty inside. Plugs are earrings without holes inserted into tunnels.

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History of the development of Emo culture

Background After Minor Threat disbanded in late 1983, the vibrant Washington hardcore punk scene that erupted in 1981 seemed to be losing steam and fresh ideas within the resulting Washington hardcore sound. Washington's style began to change mainly towards melodic rock with a punk sensibility. 1984 saw the release of Minneapolis band Hüsker Dü's Zen Arcade, which was a testament to their new sound, combining soft, negative vocal delivery and mid-range guitars with slower rock tempos and lighter, more chaotic songwriting.

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In the spring of 1984, a new group called Rites Of Spring was formed from members of The Untouchables, Faith and Deadline. This band retains the punk speed and frenzy, but mixes in a whole new vocal technique. Singer Guy Picciotto maintains a frantic punk style of singing almost all the time, from time to time delving into very personal lyrics, colored by emotions and spiritual quests. At climaxes, his voice turns into a guttural, husky, girlish moan.

First wave (1984-1994)

The summer of 1985 became known as the "Revolutionary Summer", which was when a new wave of bands appeared in Washington DC with a diverse rock sound, focused on rock tempo, musicality and melodic vocals: Gray Matter, Soulside, Ignition, etc. Some bands retained the fast hardcore sound , based on punk with new vocal techniques, Dag Nasty being a notable exception.

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The sound of these bands eventually became known as the "classic Washington sound". Part of this sound was ironically called "Emo". One source claims that this term first appeared in an interview with Ian MacKay, a famous musician of this genre. Shortly thereafter, the Washington bands received the "Emocore" label. A little later, some groups began to focus on the "Emo" element as such. Moss Icon develop an Emo element and add a fair amount of sophisticated guitar melody, while the vocals also reach new heights, soaring to the point of screaming at the top of their lungs at the song's climaxes. By the early 90s, this style had gained sufficient popularity among the independent musical community and developed into a separate subculture; new subtypes of this style appeared.

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Second wave (1994-2000) In 1994, thanks to the release of the debut disc of the group Sunny Day Real Estate “Diary”, Emo became known to a wide circle of listeners. At the same time, it underwent significant changes in terms of music - it became more pleasant to the ear, and influences from other styles such as grunge and indie rock were felt. Many groups appeared similar to Sunny Day Real Estate in style - Christie Front Drive, Braid, Boys Life, etc. Thus, thanks to these groups, Emo got into rotation on radio and television programs. Third Wave (2000 - Present) In the mid-2000s, "emo" became a popular cultural phenomenon, expressed in subculture, clothing and lifestyle fashion, influenced by indie culture. The term “emo” began to be used mainly to describe bands playing post-hard rock and following the fashion trends of the Emo subculture. However, in each case, the band's classification as emo is controversial and subject to debate and criticism, as they all differ significantly from the genre's hardcore roots.

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Emo – culture in Russia

Russian teenagers quickly picked up the Western trend of emo culture. It is obvious that there are many more people who condemn this trend in our country than admirers. The first speak about the unnaturalness of such a phenomenon in Russia. In their opinion, tracing paper taken from the West contradicts the true culture of the former Soviet Union. Others argue that representatives of this trend are distinguished by their young age, and such experiences are precisely typical of young, unsuccessful and emotional teenagers, that is, one should not take such a culture seriously. Still others argue that the desire of emo kids to be “themselves” and at the same time strictly following instructions like “what a true emo should look like” is more than paradoxical.

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Admirers claim that in Russia there are several musical groups that founded the emo movement. For example, "Psyche". However, even the famous Russian singer Mara decided to release an album in the emo style. If representatives of show business are betting on a relatively new movement, it means that it is becoming more and more popular in our country. On the Internet you can find a huge number of resources where they offer to order patches, T-shirts, badges, bracelets and even wall calendars in the emo style. Time will tell how this trend will take root in our country, “Russify” or leave its mark on the culture of Russia.

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Emo Worldview

The desire to experience bright and pure emotions and express them is the main rule for emo kids. They are distinguished by a thirst for self-expression, opposition to injustice, and a special, sensitive worldview. There is a stereotypical idea of ​​emo as whiny boys and girls. First of all, for representatives of this subculture, the main values ​​are: reason, feelings, emotions. The ability to combine all three components is the main essence of Emo. But positive emotions, just like individuality, are not forgotten, but appreciated.

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On the other hand, feeling the complexity of the world around them and experiencing a lack of love and understanding, a representative of emo-culture expresses the pain that everyone experiences. An emo kid is often a vulnerable and depressed person. He stands out from the crowd with his bright appearance, looks for like-minded people and dreams of happy love. The emotionality of emo kids is so significant due to the frequent manifestations of extremes: grief and happiness, sadness and joy. It is this feature that sets emo apart from other subcultures, which, as a rule, reflect no more than one extreme mood.

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Some consider emo a kind of Post-Punk, others a mixture of gothic and glamor. Emo is characterized by a view of the world based on the aesthetics of beauty, predominant introversion, and an emphasis on internal experiences. Unlike classic punks, emo is distinguished by romanticism and an emphasis on sublime love. True emo (from the English true - true, real) is distinguished by sXe, that is, a healthy lifestyle: giving up cigarettes, drugs, alcohol and promiscuity, and sometimes vegetarianism.

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Emo music, which served as the basis for the subculture of the same name, is difficult to define unambiguously. It’s not even a style or a direction, or even a mixture of styles, emo is a unique spirit and way of life. Not a single thing in this world, and not a single musical direction comes from nowhere, and emo also has its roots. Emo music grew out of punk. As a musical style, emo separated from punk-hardcore around the mid-1980s. Columbia (USA) is considered the birthplace of emo music. Despite its youth compared to other musical trends, emo music has managed to acquire its own history, change and give rise to several trends.


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Emo is a genre of rock music. Since its inception, emo has been used to describe several independent styles of music related loosely but with a common ancestry. Also, the use of the term has been the subject of much debate. In its original incarnation, the term emo was used to describe a subgenre of hardcore punk music that first emerged in Washington, D.C., in the mid-1980s. The term emo referred to the fact that, on occasion, members of this subculture can spontaneously become more emotional during the course of a performance.

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Nowadays, emo as a musical style is a rather vague concept, uniting several styles under a common name. Emo styles are as different from each other as the emotions they reflect. A classic of emo remains emo core, which in essence remains hardcore, complemented by lyrical, emotional lyrics. A somewhat tougher (on the verge of cruelty) direction is emo violence: screaming vocals, cruel lyrics, and this is also a manifestation of emotions, a manifestation of anger, hatred and aggression, which seethed in every teenager at least once in their life (or even more than once). . Emo punk is somewhat livelier and more fun than emo core (if, of course, punk music can be fun at all). Well, screamo is just complete chaos, which not every ear can bear, but this movement also has its fans.

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Many music critics and music lovers believe that the concept of “Russian emo music” does not exist. This point of view comes from the fact that only a few of the newer emo groups have declared themselves as “emo” and try to conform to the Western style of emo. Most of the Russian emo groups were initially just amateur underground groups, which are called “widely known in a narrow circle,” which, in the wake of the popularity of emo, slightly retrained, changed their performance style and repertoire, and thus achieved the long-awaited popularity. It’s not for nothing that Russian-language emo compositions are sometimes called “crazy punk” or “pop punk” (naturally, by critics, not emo fans).

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Biography of Tokio Hotel

The style and sound of the group is very unusual. Tokio Hotel quickly captivated many listeners. What they play is undoubtedly different from what was done before them in the world of music. Tokio Hotel's success continues unabated. First places in all charts in Germany with the single, awards as the best newcomer and the best group of the year, awards, great approval from critics - and this is only the beginning of their creative journey. With the release of their debut album "Schrei", Tokio Hotel began a new era - an era of sensational success. Today he and his twin brothers are almost as much idols for German girls as the Beatles once were for their grandmothers. In the summer of 2005, the group from the small town of Magdeburg went on their first concert tour. The last concert of the season was attended by 75,000 spectators. In just a few weeks, Tokio Hotel rose from obscurity to the top of the charts. Numerous nominations and awards soon followed in Germany and Austria, mainly for best rock debut.

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Tokio Hotel has created a unique style. Music has always been a huge part of the life of each of the band members. Lead singer and songwriter, Bill Kaulitz, wrote his first lyrics at age 9. Tom Kaulitz, has been playing guitar since he was 6. The boys discovered their love for music and chose the path of musicians. Their stepfather believed in them and helped them in all their endeavors. At the age of 10, the twins began to study music professionally. Two years later - in 2001 - they met bassist Georg and drummer Gustav. The guys created a group and called it Tokio Hotel.

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"Tokyo is a city that every one of us would love to visit. We hope to have a fabulous show there someday! A Hotel is just a sign that we are always on the road," they say. After just six months of hard work on songs, the group began giving their first concerts in their hometown, Magdeburg. The audience was simply delighted with the sincerity of their performance and the extraordinary charisma of Tokio Hotel. Soon the guys were noticed by serious people in the music industry.

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The creativity of Tokio Hotel has always been depressive. Here is a translation of the popular song Durch den Monsun - Racing with the Wind

I see the crescent moon setting, and just recently you saw it too. Will he keep his promise? I know I can find you. A hurricane wind brings your name from somewhere, And then it seems to me that I can no longer believe in it... Chorus:... Hey. Hey. I'm fighting through the "I can't" behind this door. And when I gain the upper hand, Higher powers will lead me to you. And then everything will be fine. Then everything will be fine. Everything will be fine. Will be good. Chorus:...

The window no longer opens. Here inside everything is filled with you and at the same time empty. The last candle went out before my eyes. I've been waiting for an eternity, And now, finally, everything will begin: Storm clouds are approaching... Chorus: I will go towards the wind, To the ends of the world Until the end of time, until the rain stops. I will go towards the hurricane on the edge of the abyss. And when my strength is running low, I will think about the fact that one day we will run together Race with the wind, and everything will be fine.

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Emo as a lifestyle?

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Emo - style

Emo style presupposes the presence of strong emotions, both positive and negative. For emo, expressing your feelings is not a sign of weakness. Emo is a way of life and thinking of a person. Here's a simple provincial concept of emo style: you have to paint your hair and nails black, wear side bangs, skater sneakers, wear pins with the names of your favorite bands, and so on. Any musical direction develops its own style of clothing, unique to it. Emo turned out to be no exception to the rule, and moreover, it is developing in this direction much faster and more interesting than other styles.

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The color most commonly used is black and pink. If there are sleeves, then preferably striped ones, but you can also use a checkerboard pattern; - jeans are better skinny and black, or rather tight-fitting and tapered at the bottom; - the jeans have a double belt. That is, one main belt of a regular cut, but the second preferably with rivets, three iron strips, the so-called three-sheet; - riveted belts of different colors and wristbands; - “parental” polyester pants look great;

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Thin sweatshirts made of polyester, preferably in a tiny size (with the top row of buttons and a collar), maybe even 2 sizes smaller, but with interesting and funny prints depicting cartoon characters or rock musicians; - tight sweatshirts and no baggy clothes; - children's size T-shirts with sports numbers on the back or randomly written slogans; - narrow, slightly worn T-shirts with a heavy metal design - a variety of colored scarves; - a coat (which is generally considered classic emo clothing); - narrow and tight sweaters and jackets. V-shaped necklines also look impressive on them. The tones of the sweaters are dark with a transverse stripe; - pants, black denim, but rolled up no more than twice; - "workwear" type jackets in earth, dark blue, gray or brown colors. 1-2 stripes are allowed; - fingerless gloves and bracelets with skulls or similar themes.

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Shoes - black sneakers, pink laces; - pink sneakers with a checkered pattern; - tennis or skate shoes; - conversion or avant-garde style sports shoes. - special lacing

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Accessories - glasses with thick black frames, but horn-rimmed ones are better; - a huge key ring in the “a la doorman” style, but you can also just have wallets with a chain; - large large beads on the neck; - bracelets on the hands (imitation of covering imaginary vein cuts); - piercings (in the lips, tunnels and anywhere on the face); - various bags (you can even use a courier bag) or backpacks with teddy bears and badges on the straps or clasps. All this is decorated with proofreaders, stickers and checkered ribbons; - all kinds of hairpins for children; - “Kangaroos” with a metal zipper.

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They are not divided into women's and men's; you can see the same stylish hairstyles for both boys and girls. Bangs cover one eye, black or dark brown hair color. Styling or lack thereof, all this gives you freedom in choosing your individuality, while making it clear that you see a real Emo in front of you.

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Often dyed or naturally black hair (blonde hair is also possible) is cut exactly halfway across the forehead. The haircut is torn and shredded, no straight lines. Boys grow sideburns. Hair should be tousled and sticking out in different directions. If the bangs can be quite straight, then the hair on the back of the head is tousled and raised; The bangs are cut to the side, often one strand is highlighted in purple or white. The length of the bangs should be enough to cover the eye and reach the cheek. Hairstyles are decorated with different hair clips, with cartoon characters, the more hair clips the better, boys are also not averse to decorating their hair with accessories.

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Emo makeup is primarily a very pale face, black eyeliner is used by both boys and girls. Dark eye shadow, fluffy eyelashes, often very light lip tone, almost merging with the face. Emos often draw an imaginary tear on their cheek or a trail from it by shading a black pencil. These are just norms for Emo, although the word “norm” itself is strange for Emo. If you're emo you can look whatever you want, with green eyelashes and red contacts or like a librarian girl. The main thing for Emo is inner peace. For Emo, the face is like an artist’s canvas and everything that a teenager wants to show to the world is reflected on it.

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Friends Becoming an Emo teenager experiences a strong shock, because many of his friends with whom he was still playing in the sandbox turn away from him only after learning that he has joined the black and pink subculture. People are influenced by stereotypes about various youth movements and in particular about Emo, as a bunch of suicidal people. But as a rule, True friends accept the new image of those who have gone into Emo. The friendly relations of Emo within their environment are no different from ordinary manifestations of friendly feelings with one difference, that here all emotions are heated to the limit. If Emo friends have not seen each other for at least a day, there will be no joy from the meeting, Emos also experience separation from friends with emotional turbulence.

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Parents No matter how stupid and terrible Emo may sound, it is fashionable to love your parents. Emos are kind to their parents, value them, but experience any conflicts very strongly emotionally. The position of parents of Emo teenagers is quite understandable; parents do not want to see their beloved children in a constant state of depression, they are also against wild outfits, extraordinary hairstyles and all possible piercings. The older generation is more conservative and it is difficult for them to understand that their children will get over this, grow up, take out the piercings and make their appearance more presentable. Frequent Emo depressions are based precisely on problems with parents; impressionable teenagers feel that every quarrel alienates them from their parents and they love them less; Emos often organize “demonstrations” with cutting veins for their parents, thereby showing how they suffer and how their parents are wrong .

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Conflicts and scandals

Currently, due to the widespread popularization of this culture, many people forget about its true meaning and focus only on its appearance. As a result, a division occurred among its representatives: true emo call themselves “true”, and those who give preference to popularity and fashion rather than music are called “posers”. The conflict between “imitators” and true representatives of the emo subculture has grown into the emergence of so-called “anti-emo”. They, in turn, pursue the “posers” and cut off their bangs - a characteristic feature of the appearance of emo kids. The emo subculture became an object of criticism. Its opponents believe that emo cultivates depression and victimization, and promotes suicide. In the winter of 2008, information appeared in the press that the FSB intended to fight emo kids for promoting child suicide.

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Emos are prone to depression; any reason can cause them, be it unhappy love, misunderstanding of friends, problems at school or quarrels with parents. Emo, who are not used to hiding emotions within themselves, acutely experience life’s failures - they cry, lose their joy in life, and withdraw into themselves and emo music. In a state of depression, Emo is even capable of attempting suicide, but rarely goes through with it. Only strong positive emotions can bring a teenager out of a state of depression, and then Emokid again sees the world through rose-colored glasses.


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Love is an ideal feeling that cannot be hidden, say emo kids. Therefore, if the heart is torn into pieces, an emo will not be silent about it - he will be openly sad, worried, and if necessary, cry bitterly. Since love is a very strong emotional experience, it is the emos, who are spiritually very rich and sensual, who worry about responding to such strong feelings. When their love remains unanswered, the world collapses for Emo, they lose their wings, tears, pain, and the bitterness of betrayal settle in their soul for a long time. They lose themselves, their soul, dissolving in the pain of loss and depression begins, tears and suicide attempts appear.

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Did you know that the Emo subculture approves of homosexual relationships? Both Emo guys and girls are very feminine and sensitive. It should be noted that in the emo environment the boundaries between the sexes are blurred: boys look like girls, girls look like boys - it is sometimes very difficult to distinguish them. A guy can look like a girl and vice versa - this does not cause the least bit of embarrassment; on the contrary, it is considered natural. Emos promote free love. Bisexuality is common among this "brotherhood". In many Emo communities there is even an unwritten rule: anyone who wants to be Emo must be bi. Often teenagers, disappointed in the opposite sex, seek understanding and consolation from friends, and since Emos are used to expressing emotions more freely, their love often goes beyond moral principles, although Emos, of course, also have a lot of heterosexual couples.

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Poll: Who do you consider Emo?

Although our survey included a small number of people, we can say that at least those people who took part in the course still have a more favorable attitude towards the new culture of teenagers. Also, having looked at various forums where Emo was discussed, we can say that most people do not make hasty conclusions and want to figure out who the black and pink people really are.

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Interview Maxim Rugoev (18 years old) answered the questions.

Who do you think Emo are? People who want to stand out from the crowd and attract attention. What makes them different from other people? They dress provocatively, brightly, and I don’t like the music they listen to. What do you mean by bad music? The music that a very small percentage listens to, I don’t like the style. Do you know any Emo music artists? Yes, only Tokio Hotel What exactly do you not like about Emo? Boys - Emo. Their clothes, hairstyle, commitment to homosexuality.

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How would you describe Emo? They cut their veins, cry, pretend that they are suffering, although in fact they feel fine. Why do Emos pretend? They are driven by image. Could you be friends with Emo and help cope with depression and prevent suicide? Yes, I could and would try to help. Do you think Emo will continue to develop in Russia and Europe? I think no. They will get over this and some new trend will appear. This happened, for example, with rappers, a new generation will come and the trends among young people will change, and the current adherents of Emo will simply grow up.

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Having analyzed the situation with Emo at the moment, we can say that Emo is not so scary at first glance. Real Emos will never cut their wrists, take drugs or enter into conflicts with anyone. All we hear about Emo now are mostly stereotypes. For some teenagers, emo is the only way to hide from the misunderstanding of friends, parents or problems at school. Older people need to learn to understand that children who call themselves Emo want to attract attention, they need help, support and love. We hope that our work will help you think that Emokids deserve attention, not neglect. Everyone has the right to live as he wants, the question is why he lives this way...

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List of information sources used http://emokidz. ru/ /jemo_mir_jemo_kidz_109_foto.html http://emo-mir.

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