It looks like it burns my leg. The causes of burning in the legs and methods of treatment. Causes feet are burning - diagnosis

Every person from time to time is faced with a burning sensation or muscle pain. Most often, the symptom is not paid attention to, since it can be mild and disappears after a few hours or days. But there are also cases when a burning sensation in the muscles of the legs or other parts of the body haunts and bothers every day.
If, in addition to burning, other symptoms appear, for example, the limb swells, hurts, changes color or itches, then you must definitely see a specialist. Sometimes unpleasant symptoms can indicate the development of a serious pathology, in this case, the earlier the patient begins to be treated, the more favorable the prognosis will be for him.

There are many reasons why there is an unpleasant burning sensation in the muscles of the legs. First of all, I would like to note physiological problems that do not speak of the development of pathology. In such cases, the symptom does not appear often, passes quickly, and no other symptoms occur.
Often a burning sensation in the legs is associated with overwork if a person spends the whole day on his feet. This happens in women who wear high-heeled shoes, since the foot is in the wrong position, because of this, the tissues do not have enough nutrition, the legs get tired.
The problem can be eliminated quite quickly, it is enough just to do gymnastics and give your legs time to rest. Women are advised to wear comfortable low-heeled shoes, preferably made from natural materials.
Often a burning sensation occurs in women during pregnancy. This condition is not a pathology, an unpleasant symptom arises due to a change in hormonal levels, as well as due to weight gain. A woman can relieve her condition with warm baths, wearing the right shoes.
But there are times when a burning sensation in the legs indicates the presence of pathology, in the following cases, a burning sensation may appear:
  • Problems with blood vessels, such as varicose veins, vein or arterial thrombosis, etc.;
  • Metabolic disorders, as a result of which muscle tissue suffers;
  • Endocrine disorders, in particular diabetes mellitus;
  • Diseases associated with impaired nerve conduction;
  • Degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the joints (arthritis, periarthritis, bursitis, synovitis);
  • Deformities of the foot, such as flat feet;
  • Bone problems, such as osteoporosis;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.


Another very common reason why there is a burning sensation and pain in the muscles is the accumulation of lactic acid. If a person leads a passive lifestyle for a long time, and suddenly he suddenly decided to go in for sports, then the next day he will definitely feel muscle pain, a more experienced athlete will feel an unpleasant burning sensation.

Burning sensation appears after exercise

This condition is associated with the peculiarity of muscle work. With increased loads, the muscles need more oxygen to take energy for movement, but with frequent contractions, the blood flow, on the contrary, slows down, muscle spasm occurs and then vasospasm. Then a mechanism is triggered in the muscles that allows you to take energy without oxygen.
A side effect of such processes is the production of lactic acid, it accumulates in the muscles and causes pain to a person, injuring them. After a couple of days, everything goes away on its own, since lactic acid is removed from the body.
To avoid the unpleasant consequences of training, it is imperative to warm up before strength exercises, and after them do stretching exercises. It is also recommended to calculate the load taking into account your training, you cannot overload yourself on the very first day.


Many patients are in no hurry to visit doctors with a burning sensation in the legs, as this symptom is often associated with fatigue. If the following symptoms appear, then the examination should be completed as soon as possible:
  • In addition to burning, pain appears, it intensifies with pressure and does not go away after a couple of days, or pain may appear during physical exertion or immediately after rest.
  • Disturbed by the feeling of numbness, cramps, muscles quickly get tired.
  • Veins began to appear on my legs.
  • Lameness appeared, motor activity of the limb was impaired.
  • The skin color has changed, it can become red, or white, cyanotic.
  • In the affected area, the skin changes temperature, becomes hot or cold, while other parts of the body maintain a normal temperature.
  • Rashes or sores appear on the skin, they itch, may bleed and hurt.
  • The general condition of the patient worsened, weakness, drowsiness appeared, and the body temperature could rise.

In the event that at least one of the above symptoms appears during a burning sensation, you should immediately contact a therapist and undergo an examination. It must be remembered that early diagnosis of pathology can save the patient's life or greatly facilitate treatment.

First aid

If an unpleasant symptom is caught by surprise, then it is definitely worth relieving your condition. First of all, it is worth paying attention to several main factors, whether there is swelling, redness, severe pain, whether the limb has turned white, whether there has been an injury recently. If one of these symptoms is present, it is best to call an ambulance.
In the lower extremities, thrombosis of the veins and arteries may occur, which are accompanied by burning sensation, impaired blood flow. This condition is very dangerous and the patient requires immediate hospitalization, since the separation of a blood clot can lead to death if a vital artery is blocked.
If the burning sensation bothers after a hard day's work or training. You need to take a warm bath, massage your feet with a nourishing cream. If at the end of the working day the feet are swollen, it is recommended to lie on your back and raise your legs above your head, placing a pillow under them.


Therapy will depend primarily on the diagnosis. If ordinary fatigue is the cause of the burning sensation, then the patient is advised to change his lifestyle, eat right, rest enough time, but also do not forget about physical education and wearing good orthopedic shoes.

If a specialist discovers a pathology, then it will be necessary to deal with its treatment. In this case, a number of medications, physiotherapy, a special diet and a course of physiotherapy exercises, if necessary, will be prescribed. In severe cases, even surgical treatment may be indicated.
The patient himself helps to detect the disease and diagnose the doctor. At the reception, you need to tell the specialist what exactly bothers you, when unpleasant sensations arise, what they are associated with. It is also worth bringing a medical record with you so that the doctor can see what the patient has been ill with recently.
To confirm the diagnosis, tests and various studies are prescribed. This is, first of all, blood tests, urine tests, ultrasound, X-ray if necessary. A puncture of a muscle or joint, neoplasm, may be indicated, depending on what is the cause of the burning sensation.
In any case, self-medication is not worth it, since it is simply not possible to make a diagnosis without examination. If you constantly postpone the visit to the doctor, you can wait for a strong deterioration in the condition. Often, in the initial stages, the disease can be cured conservatively, but in the neglected, you will have to go under the surgeon's knife, and then undergo a long rehabilitation.


Since there are a lot of reasons why there is a burning sensation, there are no specific preventive measures. But, observing the correct lifestyle, each person several times reduces the risk of serious disorders in his body.
To avoid burning sensation, follow these guidelines:

  • It is necessary to train correctly, without overloading the body and without neglecting warm-up and stretching;
  • You need to eat right, the diet should have a sufficient amount of vitamins and protein for the muscles to function normally;
  • It is necessary to avoid the appearance of excess weight, and try to remove it, if it is present;
  • It is necessary to do exercises every day so that the muscles are strong and healthy;
  • It is recommended to wear only natural and comfortable shoes of the right size; it is better to refuse high heels;
  • It is necessary to deal with the treatment of chronic diseases, treat infections on time;
  • It is recommended to undergo medical examinations annually in order to timely identify pathologies and treat them, avoiding complications.

Burning (video)

Burning sensation in the legs is an extremely unpleasant and alarming symptom. It can be the result of damage to blood vessels, nerve fibers or soft tissues of the lower extremities. Very often, starting the treatment of burning in the legs without taking into account the cause, the patient brings his condition to the point where he is threatened with amputation of the lower limb.

What should you pay attention to when such a symptom appears and what potential pathologies should be excluded? You can learn about this from the proposed material.

Causes of a burning sensation in the leg

There are various causes of a burning sensation in the leg - it can be endocrine and vascular pathologies, impaired innervation against the background of pinching of the sciatic and femoral nerves, dystrophy of muscle, connective and epidermal tissue. But most often these unpleasant symptoms are associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

A burning sensation in the leg can be caused by the following reasons:

  • tunnel syndrome in the popliteal fossa, where the sciatic nerve branches into the tibia and tibia;
  • pathology of the hip joint, causing damage to the sciatic nerve;
  • lumbosacral osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome;
  • piriformis syndrome;
  • myofascial pain syndrome.

Pathogenic risk factors for the development of these pathologies can be an improper diet and a violation of ergonomics when organizing a sleeping and working place. It is also worth monitoring your body weight, since being overweight creates an increased load on the lower limbs. Structural changes may occur in the large joints of the lower extremities. Burning and pain are signs of tissue damage.

Depending on the localization of the burning sensation, it is possible to exclude deformity of the foot, destruction of the knee joint, venous and vascular insufficiency, diabetes mellitus and even obliterating endarteritis.

Note! A burning sensation of the skin can be a symptom of neuropathy and this is not always associated with diabetes mellitus. Polyneuropathy can develop as a result of various toxic lesions of the human body. In about half of the cases, neuropathy of the lower extremities is associated with long-term osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine.

Insufficient innervation of the capillary walls leads to the fact that soft tissues, including the axons responsible for skin sensitivity, do not receive sufficient nutrition. Trophic lesions may be accompanied by a burning sensation, then itching occurs and trophic ulcers of the leg may develop. This is a very dangerous condition, in some cases leads to secondary infection and the development of septic arthritis of the knee and ankle joint on the affected side.

How do you handle situations like this? Timely treat osteochondrosis, radiculitis, radicular syndrome and a number of other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

If you have a burning sensation in your legs, then you can make an appointment with our doctors at the manual therapy clinic. You may need to consult a neurologist or podiatrist. Initial consultation is provided to all patients free of charge.

Why is there a burning sensation in the toes?

Burning toes is a sign of nerve fiber damage. This can be facilitated by plantar fasciitis, heel spur, deformity of the metatarsal bones, varus or valgus deviation of the big toe.

A burning sensation in the area of ​​the toes appears suddenly with prolonged walking in improperly selected shoes. It is worth paying attention to this and abandoning the further use of such shoes. Otherwise, there is a risk of impaired capillary blood supply and gradual destruction of the small interphalangeal joints of the foot.

If a burning sensation occurs, you should examine the toes. if you find redness, swelling in the area of ​​the base of the fingers or interphalangeal joints, then you need to urgently consult a doctor and ask for an X-ray. This symptom may be a manifestation of incipient polyarthrosis or polyarthritis. Over time, if untreated, the interphalangeal and metatarsal joints become deformed, which will cause severe pain in the future when walking.

Burning skin of the feet

Periodic burning of the foot associated with physical activity of unusual intensity is a sign of a violation of the blood supply to the soft tissues and muscles of the arch of the foot. This pathology can be primary or develop as a result of a violation of innervation processes. Stretching the ankle with subsequent scarring of the tendon and ligamentous tissue results in compressive pressure on the nerves.

The innervation of the vascular wall is disrupted and the tone of the capillary network decreases. The movement of blood slows down, soft tissues are deficient in the supply of oxygen, nutrients and fluid. Burning is the effect of a lack of arterial blood supply.

A persistent burning sensation in the feet may be due to plantar fasciitis or arthrosis of the small joints. In women, a similar symptom most often occurs with deformation of the joint of the big toe. In men, a burning sensation occurs when there is pronounced flat feet or clubfoot. If the foot is incorrectly positioned while walking or running, deformation of the bones occurs, the ligaments and fascia of the muscles of the arches of the foot will mix. All this forms the prerequisites for the tunnel syndrome.

Pinching of the plantar nerve can occur both at the level of the ankle joint and at its smaller branches. Depending on the place of compression, there may be a burning sensation both in the area of ​​the base of the foot and on the inner or outer lateral surface. Prolonged compression of the nerve fiber leads to its necrosis and deformation. It can be very difficult to restore normal innervation afterwards.

Therefore, when a burning sensation of the skin of the legs appears, a complete medical examination should be carried out immediately and all possible pathologies of the musculoskeletal system that can lead to compression of the plantar nerve should be excluded.

Why is there a burning sensation in the leg below the knee?

There are several objective reasons why there is a burning sensation in the leg below the knee, and among them, tunnel syndrome takes the first place in terms of frequency of spread. Due to the compression of the peroneal nerve in the knee joint, its neuropathy can form. The primary signs of pathology are the following clinical manifestations:

  • burning sensation in the lower leg area on the outside and inside;
  • pain in the back of the heel;
  • cramps of the muscles of the lower leg and inner arch of the foot;
  • rapid fatigue of the leg muscles when walking or running;
  • pain in the area of ​​the toes and its base;
  • soreness in the knee joint;
  • a feeling of numbness, crawling creeps, after which a burning sensation begins.

Another disease accompanied by similar symptoms is osteoarthritis of the knee joint, which occurs against the background of improper positioning of the foot. This is a pathology of a deformation nature. A change in the position of the heads of bones in the cavity of the knee joint leads to the fact that the cartilaginous synovial tissue is quickly worn out. After its thinning, the bone tissue is exposed. During movement, there is a traumatic effect on the bone tissue. It is covered with a network of cracks. They are filled with deposits of calcium salts and a coarse callus is formed.

Such deformation processes lead to the fact that the position of the saphenous femoral nerve and the tibial nerve is disrupted. This causes their neuropathy and inflammation. The most striking symptom is pain in the knee area, a burning sensation of the skin of the lower leg after a long walk or being on the legs.

Burning in the legs above the knee (in the thigh)

Most often, a burning sensation in the legs above the knee is a consequence of compression of the sciatic nerve. It can be caused by osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine, deforming osteoarthritis of the hip joint or piriformis syndrome. All these diseases lead to the fact that compression is observed at the place where the sciatic nerve passes. Prolonged compression of axons leads to the development of compensatory inflammation. As a result, there is a burning sensation in the leg in the thigh.

Depending on the localization of the compression site, burning pain can spread along the inner and outer thighs. To find the cause of this symptom, it is necessary to make a general X-ray of the hip joint and lumbosacral spine.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with tumors, impaired blood supply in the pelvic cavity, fungal and infectious lesions of the skin of the thigh. it is important to exclude varicose veins of the lower extremities and diabetic neuropathy.

Concomitant symptoms of burning in the joints and shins of the legs

Depending on the cause of the burning sensation in the legs, there are accompanying symptoms, knowing which an experienced doctor will be able to accurately make a preliminary diagnosis already during the initial examination of the patient.

It is important to understand that the burning sensation in the legs is not an independent disease. This is just a clinical sign of a disease.

Different pathologies are accompanied by different symptom complexes. And depending on this set, one or another disease can be suspected. We will analyze only a few of the most frequently diagnosed pathologies:

  1. burning sensation in the joints of the legs, accompanied by swelling, swelling and fluctuation (the sound of overflowing fluid on palpation) is almost always present with bursitis or an aseptic inflammatory process in the articular cavity;
  2. a burning sensation in the lower leg with swelling of soft tissues and mild convulsive syndrome is a manifestation of varicose veins with circulatory failure;
  3. crunching when moving, weakness of the calf muscles and soreness when stepping on the leg - this is osteoarthritis of the knee joint;
  4. severe burning sensation in the ankle joint and redness of the skin around it are signs of arthrosis or plantar fasciitis.

Do not self-diagnose. You have a great opportunity to get free advice from experienced doctors. Make an appointment with an orthopedist or neurologist at our manual therapy clinic, your first doctor's appointment is free.

Burning feet treatment

There is no isolated treatment for burning feet, since it is not a disease, but a symptom. To eliminate it, it is enough to cure the disease that provokes it. in simple terms, there is no such ointment, when using which you can permanently get rid of such an unpleasant sensation.

Accordingly, the treatment of burning feet begins with a complete diagnosis. Only after an accurate diagnosis has been made, the doctor will be able to prescribe a course of treatment. We use manual therapy methods. Osteopathy and reflexology, therapeutic gymnastics and kinesitherapy, laser action on damaged tissues and massage are used. The course of treatment can be prescribed only after the initial diagnosis.

It is impossible to give a general recommendation when such a symptom appears, since acute thrombosis can manifest itself. And if in such a situation you start to apply some advice from the Internet, then everything can end very badly.

Nerve damage, thrombosis and vitamin deficiencies are some of the common causes of burning feet. The burning sensation can be accompanied by pain and can affect your daily life. Therefore, it is necessary to understand why the burning sensation appeared and, accordingly, how it should be treated.
The first cause may be nerve damage or neuropathy. Nerve damage can be the result of many diseases. Due to nerve damage, the transmission of nerve impulses is disrupted and the brain does not receive proper signals. Thus, you can feel numbness and burning sensation in one or another part of the body without any injury or trauma. What can cause nerve damage?
- Lumbosacral sciatica: Burning sensation is quite common in patients with sciatica. It occurs due to irritation of the sciatic nerve. A burning sensation is usually felt in the lumbar region, radiating to the back of the thigh and knee.
- Diabetes mellitus: With long-term diabetes, your chances of a burning sensation increase. The reason is that in diabetes, due to a violation of the structure of nerve fibers, a complication develops - diabetic neuropathy. The affected nerve causes pain and numbness in the limbs and other parts of the body.
- Vitamin deficiency: Deficiency causes adverse effects on the nerves, and funicular myelosis may develop. In this case, a violation of sensitivity occurs, there is a feeling of "goose bumps", burning or tingling in the legs or hands.
- Other causes of neuropathy include: HIV / AIDS, heavy metal poisoning, kidney disease, alcohol abuse, drug side effects.
The second reason for circulatory disorders. Disruption of blood circulation causes blood clots to form in the blood vessels, and a burning sensation may appear in the leg. This state is called. The discomfort will increase after walking, lifting weights, climbing stairs and other loads. Peripheral arterial disease (for example) can also cause limited blood flow to a limb and be accompanied by a burning sensation.
The third reason includes many other factors that may also be responsible for the burning or tingling sensations in the leg muscles. Some of them are: nerve compression or trauma, fibromyalgia, tendovaginitis, bone fractures.
Since there are many reasons for the burning sensation in the legs, the treatment for each case should be individual.
If diabetes is the underlying factor, the first step is to get your blood sugar under control. In case of vitamin B12 deficiency, treatment with injections or capsules to compensate for the deficiency should be carried out.
An elevated position of the limb can be recommended. Place a pillow under your sore leg. Keep it in an elevated position while sleeping or resting.
Apply warm mustard or olive oil to the affected leg. Massage gently in a circular motion. It is best to do this before bed.
Add 2-3 teaspoons of cod liver oil to your daily diet. It is generally a remedy for many types of leg pain.
Reduce your intake of alcohol, tobacco, and other toxic substances.
If you experience a burning sensation, you can try applying an ice bag to your leg for up to 10 minutes and doing this 3-4 times a day until you get relief.
You can, on the contrary, use thermal procedures. Take a towel and warm it up with an iron. Wrap it around your leg and let it sit for 15 minutes. Do this twice a day.
You can use over-the-counter pain relievers to get instant relief from the burning sensation in your feet.
The home remedies suggested above can be quite effective. However, with the development of edema, a change in the color of the skin on the leg to blue or red, prolonged symptoms of discomfort and burning sensation, it is necessary to visit a doctor as soon as possible. Timely medical assistance will help restore healthy legs.

Burning sensation in the legs below the knee is a nonspecific, but common complaint that indicates a pathological process that is not always localized in the musculoskeletal system. In some cases, unpleasant sensations appear due to excessive load, skin damage. The exact cause can be established only after a detailed examination. Self-treatment can have dire consequences.

Etiology of the condition

Unpleasant sensations localized in the lower parts of the legs are manifested due to pathological processes:

  • Thrombophlebitis - inflammation of the walls of the veins and the formation of dense blood clots in them. Pathology requires urgent treatment to avoid death.
  • Varicose veins or varicose veins are a chronic pathology in which nodular enlargements form along the entire length of the veins. At the same time, the outflow of blood is disturbed, a stagnant process is formed.
  • Obliterating endarteritis is a lesion of vessels of small diameter in cross section. Pathology develops rapidly, so the scale of the lesion increases in a short time.
  • Atherosclerosis of the lower extremities is a chronic disease that is formed against the background of the accumulation of cholesterol in the medium and large arteries and their damage.
  • Polyneuropathy is a group of pathologies that cause damage to nerve endings. Typical symptoms are muscle weakness, burning and pain in the legs below the knee.
  • Pathological disorders of the lumbar and sacral spine.
  • Vegeto-vascular dystonia is a disease that affects the entire body. Most often, peripheral nerves, heart, vascular system are affected. Unpleasant obsessive sensations in the legs are evidence of the last stages of development of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Diabetes mellitus is a chronic type of disease that disrupts the endocrine system. Painful sensations in the lower extremities are a consequence of changes in the glucose processing system.
  • Disorders in the metabolic system.
  • Pathology of a fungal nature.
  • Pathology of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Gout is a chronic disease accompanied by impaired uric acid metabolism. The main clinical picture is recurrent arthritis, most often affecting the foot. Patients with gout complain of a feeling of warmth in the leg just below the knee.
  • Flat feet - deformation of the foot, leading to the loss of shock-absorbing and spring functions. As a result, the load on the knee joint increases, and there are unpleasant sensations in the legs while walking.

Etiological factors that are not considered as independent diseases are distinguished into a separate group of causes of burning in the lower extremities:

  • allergic reactions;
  • mechanical damage to the leg;
  • physical and static loads;
  • incorrect selection of shoes;
  • stressful situations, nervous strain.

During pregnancy, a burning sensation in the legs is usually considered normal. However, one cannot do without consulting a doctor.

Clinical picture

Bloating of veins in the legs is one of the causes of burning

Burning sensation in the legs does not have any generally accepted specific clinical picture. Unpleasant sensations are a nonspecific symptom, but not a pathological process as such. Therefore, the symptoms directly depend on the provoking factor.

Symptoms for varicose veins:

  • first it burns, and then the leg below the knee burns with fire;
  • by the end of the day, there is pain in the legs;
  • swelling, heaviness;
  • bloating of veins, noticeable after standing for a long time, strong physical exertion;
  • convulsions at night;
  • the skin below the knee becomes covered with seals, becomes a blue tint.

With the progression of the disease, the burning sensation becomes constant. Visually, signs of malnutrition of the skin are noted: they become dry, begin to peel off, trophic ulcers form. Free movement is limited. Lack of treatment leads to gangrene.

In cases where thrombophlebitis becomes the cause of fever in the legs, symptoms include:

  • painful sensations in the muscles, the leg burns inside and below the knee;
  • the skin turns red;
  • discomfort is felt;
  • slight swelling.

The aggravation of the severity of thrombophlebitis causes severe symptoms, even if the patient is at rest. The acute form of the disease leads to the formation of gangrene and subsequent amputation of the limb.

Swelling in the knee area is often accompanied by a burning sensation

Burning sensation in the legs against the background of polyneuropathy:

  • feeling weak;
  • gait changes;
  • swelling;
  • tremor;
  • the burning sensation is replaced by cold;
  • the skin becomes red or bluish;
  • sensitivity is partially lost;
  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

If patients have burning legs from knee to foot against the background of diabetes mellitus, the condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • insatiable feeling of thirst;
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • numbness in the legs;
  • convulsions that get worse at night;
  • deterioration of immunity;
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • discomfort in the region of the heart.

If the patient has discomfort in the legs against the background of vegetative-vascular dystonia, the clinical picture is characterized by:

  • unstable blood pressure;
  • paroxysmal headaches;
  • a sharp change in mood;
  • increased fatigue;
  • violation of the quality of sleep;
  • heartache;
  • dyspnea.

With vegetative-vascular dystonia, burning sensation in the legs occurs periodically.

With gout and simultaneous burning sensation, the following phenomena are observed:

  • soreness of the metatarsophalangeal joint area;
  • in the affected area, the skin becomes reddish, swelling may be observed;
  • burning, which was previously localized in the lower areas, gradually spreads to the entire surface of the leg;
  • increased fatigue;
  • fever, chills and fever;
  • signs of intoxication.

If the patient has systemic diseases, the burning sensation will be accompanied by the following phenomena:

  • an increase in temperature for no apparent reason;
  • rashes on the entire surface of the body;
  • disturbances in the work of the heart and gastrointestinal tract;
  • attacks of aggression;
  • deterioration in general health;
  • weight disorders;
  • changes in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system;

When infected with a bacterial infection, in addition to burning, patients note skin rashes, general intoxication.

If the patient has a fungal infection, discomfort in the legs is complemented by the following conditions:

  • nails become brittle, their surface is covered with dark spots;
  • spots on the skin peel off, itch, in their place are formed bubbles filled with liquid;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • the skin around the feet is cracking.

Diagnosis of the disease

X-ray is one of the diagnostic methods for burning feet

To determine what factor or disease triggered a burning sensation in the lower extremities, the doctor first of all conducts an external examination. Additionally, anamnesis and patient complaints are collected. Much attention is paid to questions about the duration of the clinical picture, the conditions for its intensification or, on the contrary, attenuation.

The patient should tell the doctor what medications he was taking to eliminate the condition. This will help avoid false results during diagnosis.

Laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods:

  • general analysis of urine, blood;
  • biochemistry;
  • blood glucose test;
  • radiography;
  • contrast medium angiography;
  • CT scan;

Other methods can be used for diagnosis, depending on the symptomatology. In some cases, surgery may be required.

Therapeutic tactics

Physiotherapy exercises - part of therapy for pathologies of the lower extremities

Burning in the legs above the knee, as well as in the thigh, is a signal from the body about the existing pathology in a certain place, not always associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Often these are the consequences of inflammatory processes in the nervous or muscle tissues, dysfunction of the vascular system associated with partial or complete blockage of blood vessels.

A burning sensation can be caused by factors of arbitrary etiology: wearing tight clothes, uncomfortable shoes, an allergic reaction to an external stimulus, or the consequences of emotional stress.

The nature of the problem and the reasons for its occurrence

A burning sensation in the legs above the knee often occurs after intense exercise

A burning sensation in the leg above the knee is a general symptom of the disease, the cause and nature of which is to be determined, or the physiological reaction of a particular type of tissue to an external or internal stimulus.

A burning sensation, according to the definition of the dictionary, is a feeling of heat in the body or on the skin, which appears when nerve tissues are irritated by various provoking factors. This negative feeling makes the person uncomfortable.

The location of the symptom may indicate an inflammatory process, mechanical friction, vascular pathology, or impaired activity of nerve endings.

The cause is determined by several factors, and in order to analyze them, you need to have medical knowledge. They allow you to put together the localization of the disease process, knowledge of the anatomical features of the body structure, data from laboratory and hardware studies during diagnostics and anamnesis of a particular patient.

Possible causes of a burning sensation in the legs above the knee:

  • allergic reactions caused by endogenous or exogenous provocateurs;
  • chronic or acute skin diseases: mycotic, infectious, inflammatory lesions of the upper dermal layer, which are in the development stage;
  • degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the musculoskeletal system, in which the nerve roots are pinched: osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia;
  • muscle tissue abnormalities often cause a burning sensation in the leg muscle above the knee;
  • disruption of the endocrine system, which is expressed in a systemic or chronic disease of the body: for example, in diabetes mellitus, this is a symptom indicating a predisposition to the formation of ulcerations, which eventually grow into trophic ulcers;
  • vascular pathologies: stenosis or blockage of arteries, thrombophlebitis, obliterating endarteritis, atherosclerosis, accompanied by blockage of nearby vessels.

A burning sensation in the thigh above the knee under the skin may indicate at least three of the above reasons: a sore muscle, affected skin, or a blocked vessel. This is not a pathology of the knee joint, because it is indicated by discomfort below the knee, in the region of the lower leg, but not above.

The results of analyzes and studies will help to determine more accurately, but first, objective reasons of a physiological nature are excluded:

  • prolonged physical activity or overexertion;
  • the result of an excessive addiction to sports exercise;
  • mechanical damage to the skin resulting from a fall or injury;
  • irritation from tight-fitting synthetic clothing due to constant rubbing against the skin;
  • emotional overstrain and stress, which caused a specific reaction of the nervous system.

If the leg is burning above the knee, it may be due to infection or inflammation. Only a visit to a doctor and treatment can eliminate pain and other symptoms. You should also pay attention to accompanying signs.

Symptoms, main and characteristic

Varicose veins are one of the causes of a burning sensation in the thigh

The main symptom of any of the listed pathologies is dislocation. The clinical picture will be consistent with the diagnosis if a combination of signs is taken into account. If they do not give a specific clue, differential diagnostics is carried out, which makes it possible to distinguish between diseases, or to exclude all possible options and leave one reliable one:

  1. For varicose veins characterized by bluish skin, seals, dilated veins, sometimes forming clusters and plexuses of an unaesthetic appearance. The general symptoms are increased fatigue, swelling, pain and nocturnal muscle cramps. Violation of the blood supply is characteristic of many pathologies, as well as the formation of trophic ulcers at a late stage of development.
  2. Obliterating endarteritis manifests itself as pallor to blueness of the skin, pain in the limbs, their increased fatigue and swelling. It is possible to differentiate the pathological process by the absence of a pulse beating, a feeling of cold, which manifests itself along with burning; necrosis that occurs after trophic ulcers.
  3. Polyneuropathy in the initial stages, it leads to burning sensation in the limbs. At later stages, tremor, a change in gait and an exacerbation of all negative processes in the body appear. At first, the pathology is accompanied by the same sensation of cold as endarteritis, hyperemia or cyanosis of the skin. Then all doubts disappear, but it is better not to bring it to a late stage, because it can be fatal.
  4. At diabetes mellitus the main signs are accompanied by burning sensation in the limbs, lacrimation or blurred vision.
  5. For vegetative-vascular dystonia the periodic sensation of heat passes along with the attack and is not accompanied by anything particularly outstanding.
  6. Gout recognized by pain in the joints, hyperemia of the periarticular region and swelling of the joint, which is sometimes accompanied by a burning sensation throughout the limb. Other symptoms - fever, impaired functionality of the digestive system, and increased fatigue - can manifest themselves in any pathological process. The main landmark is pain in the metatarsophalangeal joints.
  7. Fungal infection determined by the pathological condition of the skin, peeling, bubbles with a liquid that exudes an unpleasant odor, and cracking of the skin. Redness and itching appear, which are caused by an initial disruption in the supply of the upper layer of tissues with nutrients and oxygen. This is due to insufficient circulation of humoral fluids caused by toxic waste products of mycotic invasion.

Diagnostics and treatment

Doppler ultrasound - ultrasound of blood flow in the vessels

The disease is treated by a specialized specialist who knows how to eliminate negative symptoms and deal with the main provocateur:

  • Infectionist - with a mycotic infection or bacterial infection.
  • Phlebologist - for vascular pathology.
  • Orthopedist or neurologist - with pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

Each has its own arsenal of diagnostic tools and laboratory tests, professional knowledge and medicines. This is enough to prescribe a medical protocol adopted at a certain stage of the diagnosed disease.

The duration and effectiveness of therapeutic measures depends on the stage of development of the disease.

Untimely access to a doctor leads to the fact that treatment begins at a stage when it is difficult to eliminate the consequences and irreversible changes, and in some cases it is no longer possible to prevent amputation or death.

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