New items in foreign literature are bestsellers. “We turn on the charm using the methods of the secret services,” Jack Schafer and Marvin Karlins


📖 Each dog has its own Purpose. And until the dog fulfills it, he will be born another puppy over and over again. It's such a heartfelt story that it's hard not to cry. Toby, Bailey, Ellie, Baby are different dogs, but... They are the same dog! Different breeds, different destinies... And all for only one purpose: to help, save and love for the rest of his life (no, several lives!) one truly dear person - his boy Ethan. To all people who love animals.

📖 Wonderful, wonderful book! I read it all evening until the morning!This is the kind of spring book when you need to wake up from winter hibernation and stop living a life that is not your own. If you feel like your life is like sitting in a swamp to please others, then this book will shake you up.A love story, irresistible and unpredictable.Paul publishes his first novel and leaves San Francisco for Paris. He writes, meets with readers - and feels immensely lonely. Mia flees London, leaving her husband who betrayed her, and finds refuge with a French friend. Mia accidentally goes on a dating site and makes an appointment with Paul...

📖 Perhaps the best book not only of this year, but also of the decade. A must read. Superbly written! Read in one go! The novel, which Pulitzer Prize winner Donna Tartt wrote for more than 10 years, is a huge epic canvas about the power of art and how it - sometimes not at all in the way we want it - can turn our entire lives upside down. 13-year-old Theo Decker miraculously survived the explosion that killed his mother. Abandoned by his father, without a single soul mate in the whole world, he wanders around foster homes and other people's families - from New York to Las Vegas - and his only consolation, which, however, almost leads to his death, is the money he stole from museum masterpiece of the Dutch old master. This is an amazing book.
📖 The long-awaited novel from David Mitchell, each book of which becomes an event in world literature. On the pages of this work, Mitchell created a whole world, immersed in which the reader, trusting the imagination and will of the author, will seem to walk through a labyrinth, where a lot of interesting things await him: unexpected discoveries, unpredictable plot twists, acquaintance with the most colorful characters, many of whom Mitchell’s fans know from previous novels. The plot of the story is an everyday situation: 1984, the main character, Holly Sykes, runs away from home after quarreling with her mother. But this is where the realistic component of the story ends. Next, events will happen to Holly that cannot happen to mere mortals.
📖 An interesting novel. I like it. Well written, lots to think about.From the first pages you are carried away by the author's style. The book was written in a pseudo-neutral style and permeated with irony. If you fail to read between the lines, you will be outraged by such political fiction. If you can see deeper, you will understand that submission can lead to something other than that.I think that the emphasis here is not so much on politics, but on internal experiences. The outside world becomes absurd, controlled by the powers that be, the media, it changes instantly and the average person can only take everything that happens for granted. And since everyone becomes such a passive recipient, that same humility is born.
📖 This book is truly worthy of an award. There are such books or films - there are very few of them - after reading or watching which you feel a lump in your throat and you simply cannot say anything. Because the words are too simple to convey the full power of the work. Winner of the 2015 Pulitzer Prize. Honorable first places in the list of the best books of recent years according to various publications. A dazzlingly magnificent novel of epic proportions. Intense, bittersweet storytelling. Fascinating story, beautifully written. Each minor episode adds new, significant details to the main plot, so that in the end the puzzle comes together and we see how magnificent the picture is as a whole.

📖 “What kind of a bitch life is this...”This is a book about how we live the lives of our parents, trying to correct their mistakes or fulfill hidden purposes. It is a cry of pain that lives in the soul of everyone who does not have the courage to live their own life. And when, at the end of your life, you realize that you are about to lose your mind, you want to once again rewatch all the events of your life, no matter what they were. To experience and realize with bitterness that everything could have turned out differently. After all, as you know, this is the biggest regret in one’s declining years.Fear of being brave, fear of following your true desires. It is he who is the cause of all our troubles. You can read this book to confirm this once again.
📖 The novel begins in the winter of 1930 in a remote Tatar village. Peasant woman Zuleikha, along with hundreds of other migrants, are sent in a heated carriage along the age-old convict route to Siberia. Dense peasants and Leningrad intellectuals, declassed elements and criminals, Muslims and Christians, pagans and atheists, Russians, Tatars, Germans, Chuvash - everyone will meet on the banks of the Angara, daily defending their right to life from the taiga and the ruthless state.Dedicated to all those dispossessed and resettled. Awards: 2015 “Big Book”,2015 “Yasnaya Polyana”.

📖 This is not only the love story of the famous writer Jerome Salinger for Una O’Neill, or Una for Charlie Chaplin, but more - the love of Beigbeder himself for his wife Lara Micheli (married since 2014). He speaks through his characters and we see that there is no trace left of the cynic who wrote “99 Francs” or “Ideal”. Love changes. Love opened Begbeder's heart. Only in the last pages of the novel do you realize that this book was actually born thanks to the fact that Frederick finally met Love. Because books written with a happy heart are different. Warmer. Real ones. To be honest, when I started reading, I expected, as always, a sea of ​​cynicism and negativity. But instead - moments of awe and tenderness.
📖 Cornwall, 1933. Alice Edevane lives on a beautiful estate with her family. The days flow by as usual, and nothing threatens the ideal world, devoid of worries. But one day the irreparable happens - Theo, Alice's younger brother, mysteriously disappears. And soon after, the lifeless body of a family friend is found. What is this - suicide or crime? And if it’s suicide, could Theo’s disappearance be the reason? In 2003, detective Sadie Sparrow finds herself in Cornwall. Walking through the forest, she accidentally discovers an abandoned house - the same one in which the tragedy occurred...
📖 Of all the variety of modern literature, Tolstaya stands out for its authenticity. Either this is a special Russian Spirit that is close to us and which we can smell everywhere, or she simply writes poignantly about painful issues, but this is the book that, after reading it, you want to reflect. And this is one of the factors of quality literature. In this collection you will find reflections on life, films watched, books read by Tatyana Tolstoy. I think there is even an emphasis here on getting the reader interested in the Great. For example, re-read Chekhov or watch films by really worthwhile directors - Sokurov, German, and not those that are in mass demand.
📖 You will never meet a French woman who does not love life in all its manifestations. A croissant and aromatic coffee in an elegant cup for breakfast; a drop of perfume that evokes so many memories; a mysterious glance towards a stranger at a crossroads... Every day is special for a French woman, because she knows how to find charm in everything. For the first time, the most charming women in the world will share the secrets of a beautiful life: how to find your source of joy and inspiration; how to buy less, but with much more value; how to look like a million for a few euros; how to flirt in French (with intention and just because) and how to enjoy life every day.
📖 Sensual. Frankly. Exciting. Attractive. Bright. Beautiful. A banal story, but an incredibly exciting style of the author. Anna Todd is very easy to read. This book will make your breathing faster. Excites. Inspiring. Your chest will rise and fall more and more often) While reading, get ready for goosebumps in all parts of your body... Descriptions of scenes with kisses are beyond call... A romance novel that will make you feel alive.
📖 An old, dilapidated mansion is located on the shore of a lake in a picturesque location near London. And passions flare up around this mansion, which locals call the Spanish House.For Isabella Delancey, a young widow with two children, this is a refuge from the storms and hardships of life that befell her after the unexpected death of her beloved husband. For Matt McCarthy, who is renovating his home while trying to keep Isabella alive by wildly inflating his prices, this is his chance to own the Spanish home. For Nicholas Trent, a developer, this is an opportunity to create a luxury village for the elite on the site of an old house. And Byron Firth is trying to at least temporarily find a roof over his head.
📖 Emily Wilson, once the luckiest girl in New York, is going through a dark period in her life. A creative crisis, a cool relationship with her family, and then her husband’s betrayal force Emily to leave the metropolis and go to Bainbridge Island to visit her great-aunt Bee, to a house next to which wild violets grow, and the ocean foams right next to the porch.Emily soon discovers the diary of a certain Esther Johnson, dated 1943, whose entries shed light on the strange behavior of local residents and change Emily's view of the island she has adored since childhood.
📖 This amazing book made its author one of the greatest spiritual teachers of humanity in the 20th century. In it, the philosopher and psychologist Viktor Frankl, who went through Nazi death camps, opened the path to understanding the meaning of life for millions of people around the world. In the terrible, murderous conditions of the concentration camps, he showed the extraordinary strength of the human spirit. The spirit is stubborn, despite the weakness of the body and the discord of the soul. A person has something to live for! An additional gift for the reader of this publication is the play "Synchronization at Birkenwald", where an outstanding scientist reveals his philosophy through artistic means.
📖 There is not a single more joyful holiday than Christmas, when any person expects that a miracle will also happen in his life, the most incredible dreams will come true! A holiday that gave people hope and salvation! The theme of Christmas has not gone unnoticed in Russian literature, and a whole tradition of Christmas and Yuletide stories has developed. These are stories that are good to read on a January winter evening, covered with a warm blanket and brewing a cup of hot chocolate. Perfectly inspires before Christmas and puts you in the mood for the Special Christmas Spirit. Heartwarming stories :)
📖 The book contains stories and stories about the love of the great masters of Russian prose: A. Pushkin, I. Turgenev, A. Chekhov, A. Kuprin, I. Bunin. What is love? One of the highest values, a force that creates a personality, collecting the best qualities of a person into a single whole, a reward, regardless of the suffering that accompanies this feeling? Or a fatal force, an unattainable peak that any person strives for, trying to find unity with another person, which invariably turns into loss, a tragedy that destroys the harmony of the world? Different stories and different views will help the reader answer this difficult question...

📖 By monitoring the virtual space, we do not become happier or more self-confident, and quickly swallowing the next “10 ways to become better” does not in any way increase the level of our development. By wasting resources on communicating with the hardware, we lose the quality of communication with living people; we do not have enough time to read real literature, to study the real world around us.This book provides a plan to help you reduce your use of technology, from gadgets to social media to video games, in hopes of becoming healthier, happier, and more whole in the 21st century. How to get rid of Internet addiction and spend less time online? The answer is in this book.
A collection of sermons by the famous Ukrainian Orthodox theologian, church leader and pastor Archimandrite Ambrose (Makar), delivered in 2014. The sermons cover the most important period in the liturgical life of the Orthodox Church - from the preparatory weeks for Lent to the Day of the Holy Spirit. The content of the sermons reflects the broad pastoral practice and rich spiritual experience of their author, touches upon important problems of the spiritual life of an Orthodox Christian - the fight against sin and repentance, inner work, growth in spiritual life, keeping the heart from the temptations of the world.


📖 “And this, bitch, hurts so much that you have to drink for weeks to drown it out.” Here's a summary of Minaev's books. Consumer society. Fashion trends. And the mental anguish of the main character, who has lost the meaning of life. It makes no sense. No one has. There is only Me. The illusion of me. Selfie. The self-portrait that we paint in the Internet space, which is as illusory as everything that happens. The absurdity of office brainstorming, new fashion trends, drinking parties, etc.

📖 Turing is called the first theorist of modern programming, the world's first hacker. He is one of the founders of computer science and, in particular, the theory of artificial intelligence.An ordinary English mathematician with atheistic views and homosexual orientation. A very chaotic and boring story about life cryptographer, released very quickly after the film's release. No fun to read.

📖 I don't understand why this book is considered a bestseller? The main character is 60 years old. She realizes that she no longer loves her husband. And suddenly he meets a stranger in the park... The author's style is not inspiring. Such works used to be in bookstores with a -50% sticker... The narration is boring, they constantly drink wine, there are no special experiences, philosophical reflections...Although, if you have a “sham marriage”, you will like this book. If you have been married for a long time and have not had sex with your husband for 10 years, like the main character. If you are afraid to leave and start a new life. If you think you're too old. This is a book about how life is just beginning at 60... But if the author had been a little more talented, she could have made this story a masterpiece, since there are very few such stories.

📖 The Bookshop is a book that I cannot rank as either the best or the worst books of this year. Rather, this is a piece for relaxing, traveling on the train, or just killing time. If it were not for the fact that a bookstore appears in the novel, then this book would be on my list of the worst...The novel is about nothing... No humor, no emotions. No, sometimes the author still jokes. But somehow... The constant comparison of various situations with events from movies was a little annoying. Apparently, Craig loves movies more than books. And he constantly boasts of his cinematic knowledge from the words of the main character. If he compared the situations with the situations of the heroes of literary works, it would be much better. This would be more justified given the theme of the work.

📖 To be honest, I didn’t want to add this book to the list of the worst, but it really is a complete disappointment.The first book is much stronger... Much. A LOT. Me Before You made Jojo Moyes a very popular author and the book a truly bestseller. Then other works came, but that first book is truly a masterpiece. I cried and couldn't stop after reading it. And now comes the continuation of this sensational story, “Me Before You.” I was completely speechless. I couldn’t wait to plunge back into the experiences of the main character; I wanted to read again about the further fate of the characters. Unfortunately, I was disappointed. No, you can read it, of course... But the second part will be a bestseller only because everyone who read the first book, of course, will want to know - what's next... Personally, I'm not delighted. While reading the first book I cried, while reading the sequel I didn’t feel anything. I read and waited all the time - come on, something so emotional must have already happened. No. Somehow overly sentimental and with a taste of American Happy End.Was it necessary to write this sequel at all? I think not.
📖 Cassandra Brooks' life seemed like a dream come true: wonderful parents, a nice brother, studying at the prestigious Royal University, mutual love. But a fracture of the spine changed her world: her lover left Cas when he found out that she was disabled, and her friends were unable to continue communicating due to constant feelings of guilt and awkwardness. Existence became hell for Cassandra. But hope for happiness, willpower and the desire to overcome the illness help the girl cope with difficulties. Will she be able to feel the sweet aroma of life again?

There was a time when Russia was called one of the most reading countries. What exactly do residents of the Russian Federation read, what books do they like and buy? Answering this question, RBC experts studied the sales statistics of the country's largest publishing houses. As a result, we selected best books of 2015, the reader rating ensured they were among the top bestsellers of this year.

10. Donna Tartt, "The Goldfinch"

65,285 books sold

Tartt received the Pulitzer Prize for best book in 2014. The story of a thirteen-year-old teenager begins under tragic circumstances - his mother dies due to an explosion at the New York Museum of Art, and he, in a state of shock, grabs a painting from the wall by one of Rembrandt's students and runs out of the building. A traditional “novel about education” in new conditions, where crime and devotion to art coexist.

9. James Dashner, The Maze Runner

69,483 books

One of the representatives of the popular young adult trend among them – new books of 2015 for a youth audience. Imagine an ever-changing labyrinth where monsters live in the darkness, and at the center of it is a valley surrounded by high walls where memoryless teenagers awaken and live. Interesting? That's it.

8. Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird

74,142 books

An eternally beautiful and eternally youthful classic that everyone should read. The surge in popularity may have been sparked by news of the discovery of the second book in the 2015 bestseller Go Set a Watchman, which was released mid-year.

7. George Orwell, "1984"

85,000 books

A gloomy dystopia about a totalitarian future, where poverty coexists with hypocrisy, and thoughts can lead to imprisonment.

6. Jojo Moyes, Me Before You

87,913 books

Having lost her job in a cafe, Louise is looking for new means of livelihood - after all, the whole family depends on her ability to earn money. After contacting a local employment center, she is offered to care for a completely paralyzed man... A story about finding yourself with a romantic twist.

5. Dmitry Glukhovsky, “Metro 2035”

97,459 books

Continuation of “Metro 2033” and “Metro 2034” (it’s safe to say what the fourth book will be called). A gloomy story about the Moscow metro, which became inhabited after a nuclear war, where the surviving humanity took refuge. Muscovites can already look for a cozy corner for themselves.

4. John Green, “The Fault in Our Stars”

103,321 books

This popular book broke sales records in America in 2012 and appeared on movie screens in 2014. A touching story about young people suffering from cancer who find each other on the verge of death. Along the way, there is a drunken misanthrope writer who, against the backdrop of death and childhood feelings, realizes and repents.

3. Andy Weir, The Martian

107,000 books

A mix of good old science fiction and survival literature, now anyone caught in a sandstorm on Mars will know what to do. Surely the recently released blockbuster of the same name by Ridley Scott had an impact on sales.

2. Gregory David Roberts, "Shantaram"

118,445 books

The writer himself lived a long and turbulent life - he was a heroin addict, robbed banks at gunpoint, was caught, received 19 years in prison, escaped two years later and flew to India, where he lived for ten years. He got involved with the criminal world, was a drug courier, was caught again and served six years. In the end he returned to India again, where he became president of a charitable foundation. "Shantaram" is an autobiographical work, partly written while the author was in an Australian prison. Although the best book was published five years ago, it continues to enjoy steady popularity on the Russian market.

1. Boris Akunin, “Planet Water”

168,000 books

Tops the reader's rating of books in 2015. 56-year-old, but still cheerful, Erast Petrovich Fandorin descends to the bottom of the sea, searches for a maniac on the tropical islands of the Atlantic, wanders around the Volga province, and investigates a train robbery against the backdrop of the specter of communism walking across Europe. Fantasy about Russia-which-we-lost still enjoys popular love.

Any top, however, is quite subjective, since there will always be someone who disagrees with the current ranking or the position of a book in it.

Bestselling books 2014

A list of popular books from last year might look something like this:

So, the best-selling books of 2014, the list of which was given above, are mainly represented by the mystical-fantasy genre.

Bestsellers of 2015

Although 2015 is not over yet, you can already try to consider the ranking of best-selling books in Russia for the first half of this year:

Genre rating

What genres of books do readers prefer most? Let's look at the ranking of bestselling books by genre. The first place, as in previous years, is occupied by the fantastic genre of various directions: these are apocalyptic books, and novels about victims, and simply science fiction. In the last few years, a genre such as young adult fiction has also been gaining popularity among readers, in which unrealistic characters often appear who are endowed with some inhuman characteristics.

In addition, in the wake of the popularity of “50 Shades of Gray,” books of a similar genre are appearing, which is difficult to define unambiguously. They are, however, not high quality and are rarely really worth spending time on. Of course, good light novels for women also occupy a worthy place in the ranking. It is also popular and By the way, it is worth noting that recently some publishing houses have been reprinting old Soviet books without changing their design. They definitely need to be given attention, especially if you have children.

Popular Romance Books

Bestsellers of all time

Usually known to everyone. True, not everyone can boast that they have read absolutely all the works included in the ranking of best-selling books of all time. Such lists are compiled by a variety of magazines, authors, websites, and bookstores. Most often, they contain the following best-selling books (this list probably contains books that you have already read):

Popular fantasy books

In this part, we will look at another ranking of best-selling books. Science fiction is loved by almost all men and an impressive number of women. We can say that this is a generally popular genre. So it would be wrong not to pay attention to it. Among the most popular science fiction works are:

Children's books

Recently, more and more books for children have been published. Therefore, we cannot ignore the rating of best-selling books (with reviews) for children:

  • M. Parr “Waffle Heart”: a sweet and kind story from the life of two bosom and inseparable friends is very popular with young readers. It is filled with adventures and various events. She is funny and sad at the same time. Definitely recommended reading for children of all ages.
  • R. Gossini "Little Nicolas and His Friends": a wonderful children's book consisting of funny stories and adventures of little Nicolas. There is a sea of ​​fights, mischief, disputes and quarrels. All this is presented in an entertaining way. According to reviews, the book can and should be reread many times.
  • N. Farmer “Sea of ​​Trolls”: a boy and his sister are captured by the Vikings, they have a huge number of adventures, interesting events happen. All this is mixed with Reviews recommend the book to be read by children of middle school age.

Non-fiction bestsellers

Books, ratings, descriptions of works of the non-fiction genre will be presented in this section. It must be said that over the past few years there has been an increase in interest in non-fiction books. Perhaps this is due to higher quality texts or simplification of the language in which they are written. So, if we look at the ranking of best-selling books in the non-fiction genre, it will include the following works:

  • A. Kazantseva “Who would have thought! How the brain makes us do stupid things”: a fascinating book about how our brain and nervous system work, what genes are, what activities they carry out. The author cites new experiments and talks about the achievements of modern scientists. The book is written in accessible, popular scientific language, which is undoubtedly its big advantage.
  • S. Strogatz “The pleasure of x. A fascinating excursion into the world of mathematics...”: the basis of the book was made up of notes that the author published in one and which the readers liked so much that they demanded more and more. That's why this book appeared. It is definitely worth reading for high school students, as well as those simply interested in mathematics; it will tell you a lot of new and interesting things, and will help you fall in love with this difficult subject.
  • M. Kaku “Physics of the Impossible”: the author tells readers about what seemingly incredible things will become possible in the future, which will affect their implementation. Using clear language, the American scientist describes complex phenomena in a way that is understandable even to those who are not well versed in physics.

Bestseller cycles

Now let's look at bestselling book series. These works captivate their readers for a long time. And among the most popular serial publications there are also bestsellers. Books whose ratings remain high, even though they are combined into cycles, are:

  • J. Martin and his series “A Song of Ice and Fire”: an intriguing and exciting story about the struggle for the throne in an alternative reality, where magic operates and fantastic creatures live next to people. The book is cruel and unpredictable and is partly reminiscent of M. Druon's "Damned Kings". In this story, human life is worthless, and the hero can die at any moment.
  • J. Rowling's "Harry Potter": starting out as a moderately kind and magical book, the story gradually becomes darker as the characters and their readers grow up, so we can say that its relevance remains unchanged. Some heroes turn out to be not what they seem at first, so the intrigue remains until the very end of the seventh book.


Of course, the ranking of best-selling books on online shopping sites does not always realistically reflect the situation, since their creators often place not very well-selling literature, as well as quite expensive works, in the top. In addition, sometimes pseudo-votings are held in which the book paid for in advance wins. Sometimes this goes unnoticed, and the work is awarded the proud “Readers' Choice” badge. Sometimes users notice injustice and protest against the increase in votes, leaving negative reviews for the book. Approximately this situation happened with a book (or rather, one of the series of best-selling books) by a not very well-known writer Elena Zvezdnaya on one of the book sites.

Therefore, we can conclude that often bestsellers are books whose ratings do not fully realistically reflect the choice of readers. Sometimes this is just a promotional ploy by the marketers of a certain book publishing house.

It was a great year for female writers, debut writers, long-awaited premieres by famous masters of the pen, and for critics who make up a wide variety of ratings. Whether you want to keep up with literary trends or are simply looking for something new to read, you're sure to find a worthy book among the 2015 premieres. We've compiled a list of the 15 best novels of 2015. Let's start turning the pages!

A new book from the creator of the bestselling Gone Girl. Libby Day was seven years old when her mother and two sisters were brutally murdered. The girl survived and began to testify that the killer was her fifteen-year-old brother, Ben. Twenty-five years later, members of the Murder Club, a secret society obsessed with high-profile crimes, find Libby and bombard her with questions about that terrible day. They hope to discover evidence that will help free Ben. And Libby seeks to profit from her tragic story: she decides to cooperate with members of society, but only for a fee. So the search takes Libby from a strip club in Missouri to abandoned tourist towns in Oklahoma, to the very place where she ran away from a killer twenty-five years ago.

2. “22:04” Ben Lerner

A year ago, the protagonist of 10:04 was enjoying his unexpected literary success when he was diagnosed with a potentially fatal disease and his best friend asked him to help her conceive a child. In a New York City beset by increasingly devastating hurricanes and social unrest, he must continue to live with his illness and the prospect of becoming a father in a city that may soon be flooded. Lerner, whose book has been hailed by critics as “funny, smart and original from the first line to the last,” reveals what it means to live right now, in the twilight of empire, when it is difficult to imagine the future without changing one’s relationship to the past and present.

Rachel takes the same train every morning. Every day she drives past cozy country houses and stops at the same place at the train signal to watch how the ideal couple, in her opinion, has breakfast every morning. She feels like she knows them well. Rachel even gives them names - "Jess and Jason." For her, their lives are perfect, unlike her own. And then she sees something shocking. Just for a minute while the train moves on, but that’s enough. Unable to hide what she saw, Rachel tells the police everything and immediately becomes involved in terrible events. Did Rachel hurt herself more than help justice? This is a wonderful debut novel by Paula Hawkins, written in the style of Hitchcock thrillers. The book instantly became a bestseller and took leading positions in the ratings of reputable publishing houses.

Adria Ardevol lived in this world for sixty long and at the same time terrible years. When Alzheimer's disease begins to take away his memory, he decides to write a goodbye letter to his beloved. In it, Adria openly talks about her life, which was closely connected with the ancient Storioni violin. Adria's father loved antiques much more than his son. But he had a special passion for the precious violin, which for many years belonged to the Ardevol family. The father forbade his son to touch the exhibit, and when Adria broke his oath, the father unexpectedly died. Realizing that the violin has made his father crazy, Adria himself is unable to give it up, even for the sake of the woman he loves. At the same time, the writer tells several stories that happened to people many centuries before Adria was born. But the connecting link of all the characters is the Storioni violin, a mysterious and cursed instrument that for a long time mercilessly interfered with the destinies of people and destroyed their lives.

“The Pauline Principle” is an elegant and unpredictable novel from French writer Didier van Covelrath, winner of the prestigious Prix Goncourt. A successful writer, Quincy, while walking through second-hand bookstores, accidentally finds his first novel among the books. When he opens the book, on the first page he finds his signature: “To Polina and Max.” These two were once the most important people in his life and played their part in it. Many years ago, Quincy had just published his first novel, and the literary reading was to take place in the city jail. Pauline was a student who really wanted to go to the book launch, and Max was one of the prisoners. That day their destinies were intertwined. Their meeting became the beginning of a strong friendship and true love.

Today we will talk about the best books that were published in 2015. Our favorite authors never cease to delight us and create new masterpieces, and in addition to this, books that were previously not in demand or were simply not understood are being republished. So, we present to you, our dear readers, the 15 best books of 2015. We hope these books will add to your 2015 reading list.

"Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years" - Haruki Murakami

Haruki Murakami, one of the most famous authors of our time, presented a new book, which immediately became popular among readers.

The main character finds himself in a metropolis. He is still young and amazed by the greatness of Tokyo. He is scared and delighted, and most importantly, he has a home where he can return at any time. He had support in life, until one fine summer day he learns that his familiar world has collapsed. His stronghold of friendship and harmony disappeared. He was simply wiped off the face of the Earth. This news completely changes Tsukuru’s life and a difficult future and many trials await him.

"Marina" - Carlos Ruiz Zafon

This book is published in the “Cemetery of Forgotten Books” series. The detective novel "Marina" was written in 1997. For almost a decade, the author struggled to publish the book, as many counterfeit editions were published, sometimes even with completely different text. But, nevertheless, the book found its readers of all ages.

The novel takes place in the 70s of the last century in Barcelona. It's spring outside. The main character, Oscar, disappeared for a whole week. All this time, his family, friends, acquaintances, teachers and police were looking for him. Where has he been all that time? To this question, Oscar simply answers that every person has his own secret. After which he begins to tell an amazing story about his meeting with the mysterious girl Marina.

"To the very ends" - Chuck Palahniuk

Chuck Palahniuk once again delights his fans with an incredible story. The apocalyptic novel by the king of the counterculture will tell, and most importantly, clearly demonstrate hundreds of new possibilities for achieving female pleasure. This book, however, like all other books by the author, bears the age mark 18+.

Penny Harigan is an ordinary secretary who, by chance, attracted the attention of mega-billionaire Linus Maxwell.

Linus is known in very narrow circles under the nickname “The Menopause Boy” and he is very fond of rich, sophisticated ladies. But he invites Penny to dinner and after dinner drags her into a hotel room, where for several days in a row he gives her pleasures that she had never dreamed of before. Everything would be fine if Penny hadn’t accidentally found out that she had become part of an experiment to develop a new line of sex toys for ladies. These toys will be sold all over the world, and women will satisfy their base sexual needs every free minute. Penny decides to stop Linus and prevent him from gaining global erotic domination over all women.

"Una and Salinger" - Frederic Beigbeder

And again a book with an age limit of 18+. The author himself defined the genre of this book as “faction”: from the English “fact” (“fact”) plus “fiction” (“fiction”). In 1940 New York, young author Jerry Salinger meets Una O'Neill, the daughter of a famous playwright. He is 21 and she is only 15 years old. Love, passion and an idyll that lasted only a few days until the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, after which the United States entered World War II. Jerry goes to war, and Oona auditions for a Charlie Chaplin film.

Una becomes the wife of a famous comedian.

Salinger went through the war. He made his way through his publications into the big world of literature and wrote the main novel of his life, “The Catcher in the Rye.”

But the most interesting thing is that the book is not about that. The author tells a wonderful story about the meeting of Una and Jerry, which turned into a lifelong separation. About the meeting that determined the lives of these people.

"The third humanity. Voice of the Earth" - Bernard Werber

Bernard Werber continues his socio-fiction series “The Third Humanity” with a new book “The Voice of the Earth”.

The book takes place against the backdrop of an imminent apocalypse. While all of humanity is preparing for the third World War, Gaia - Mother Earth is going to destroy people. But humans and microhumans do not pay attention to her warnings.

Environmentalists are unable to speak on behalf of the Earth. They can only see the immediate future. To understand what is happening to the planet, environmental rights activists decide to ask the Mother herself what she thinks about people and everything that is happening.

The answer from Mother Earth will help people evolve again, make a huge leap in development. After all, the desire to survive, and most importantly to live, is the best motivation for evolution.

“Planet Water” - Boris Akunin

Boris Akunin's collection has been republished again and contains a large number of illustrations. The collection contains three detective stories.

"Planet Water" was written in 1903 and has the subtitle "technocratic detective story."

Erast Fandorin gives up the search for a sunken galleon with gold to help catch a maniac who is hiding on one of the islands of the Atlantic Ocean.

The nostalgic detective story “Lonely Sail” was published back in 1906. Erast Petrovich is investigating the murder of his former lover.

The last detective story in this collection is called “Where Should We Go?” and is idiotic. Fandorin is investigating a train robbery. A trail that reaches back to the revolutionaries themselves.

"Castle of Glass" - Jeannette Walls

This is an autobiographical novel where the writer talks about her past.

Jeannette talks about her difficult childhood in a large family, where very, very shocking and cruel methods of raising children were practiced. For many years the author hid her past until she realized that if she only freed herself from the burden of the past and terrible secrets, shame and hatred, she would be able to move on and live in peace.

“The sea is my brother. The Lonely Wanderer - Jack Kerouac

This year a collection of Jack Kerouac was published, which contains two novels, “The Sea is My Brother” and “The Lonely Wanderer.”

“The Sea is My Brother” is the writer’s first novel, which was considered lost for half a century. It was only published in 2011. “The Lonely Wanderer” gained popularity during the writer’s lifetime. "The Lonely Wanderer" is a travelogue. And “The Sea is My Brother” is based on the writer’s experience when he worked on a merchant ship. These two works reflect the writer’s style and, most importantly, convey the amazing atmosphere of life of past years. This year, the writer’s work is increasingly in demand among readers.

"Half Code" - Sally Green

This book became the most anticipated in 2015. In some ways it is reminiscent of the story of Harry Potter, and in some ways this book is new and unique. One fact cannot be argued with - this book opens up a fantastic world of adventure and magic.

In England these days, magicians live alongside the Fain and ordinary people. The latter do not even imagine the existence of magic. In the world of magicians, power is controlled by the Council of White Witches, which hates half-breeds and monitors the purity of magical blood.

The main character is the half-breed Nathan. Mother is a White Witch, and father is a Black Sorcerer. A real hunt begins for Nathan and he has no choice but to run. He wants to find his father and receive three gifts that should help him find his Gift. But can Nathan hide his plans from the Council when he is constantly being watched and his entire family is in mortal danger?

"The Goldfinch" - Donna Tartt

Surely, you have already seen this novel on bookstore shelves. This novel won the Pulitzer Prize, and the online store Amazon named this work “Book of the Year.”

Donna Tartt worked on this book for over 10 years.

A book about art and how it affects our lives. At the center of the events is 13-year-old Theo Decker. He was the only one left alive after the terrible explosion that claimed the lives of his relatives. Theo ends up in the system and is now destined to bounce around in foster homes and shelters. His only consolation and meaning in life was the masterpiece of a Dutch old master, which he stole from a museum. This work of art could lead to the death of a lonely child.

"All the Light We Cannot See" - Anthony Doerr

The novel “All the Light We Cannot See” was published quite recently and only a couple of weeks ago appeared on the shelves of bookstores in Russian. The author did an incredible job of creating the book, which took ten years to complete.

The novel is about two children who, without knowing it, are going down different paths, but are moving towards each other. A blind French girl and a timid German boy. They are trying to survive in a world where World War II is raging. They try to survive and not lose their human face, feelings and emotions, they try to preserve their soul. A book about death and love. The book is about war and what it does to ordinary people, how it cripples not only physically and mentally. The book is about how invisible light can conquer even darkness.

"The Luminaries" - Eleanor Catton

The 2013 Man Booker Prize-winning novel was published in Russian for the first time. This book broke two records for this award. “The Luminaries” is not only the largest work of the award, but the author also became the youngest laureate.

The novel takes place in New Zealand at the height of the gold rush. 12 people got together to discuss some rather strange events that happened with their participation. A young guy who owns a huge share of the plots has disappeared. A prospector died and a treasure was found in his hut, and the “night butterfly” embarked on the path of correction. The conspirators tell everything to a stranger who happens to be among them. At the same time, they tell quite strange stories, including blackmail and revenge, and even a seance. The entire book is structured according to an astrological structure, which makes it all the more interesting to read this detective novel full of mysticism and mysterious events.

“Three apples fell from the sky” - Narine Abgaryan

Narine Abgaryan is an Armenian writer who writes about her country and its people. One of the most famous books of this writer is “Manyunya”.

And in the year of the centenary of the genocide of the Armenian people, the author released a new book that tells about a small village, lost somewhere in the mountains and the people who live there. This is a wonderful book about Armenia, traditions, love, death and the intertwining of human destinies. And most importantly, this is a book about incredible strength of spirit and treasures of the soul.

"September Roses" - Andre Maurois

Andre Maurois is considered a classic of French literature of the twentieth century. Author of famous biographies of Hugo, Balze, Dumas and others.

“I Confess” - Jaume Cabret

The book was written in 2011, but was published in Russian and 19 other languages ​​only in 2015.

An antique shop in Barcelona, ​​where among the many valuable things there is an antique violin. Adria, secretly from his father, replaces the violin with his own, after which his father is killed. Adria feels guilty. Many years later, he becomes a scientist and collector, but the mystery of his father’s murder has not been solved, and may soon disappear forever. In addition, Adria is afraid that the love of his life, Sarah, will also disappear. He writes a diary, his confession, because he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.

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