Draw beautiful owl pencil drawings. How to draw a wise owl with a simple pencil. Direction shape and silhouette

Today our guest is the wise night bird - the owl. Do not think that a drawing of an owl is something not very practical and will only be useful for illustrating the fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh. Owls are very interesting creatures not only for their way of life, legends and symbols, they all have an unusual plumage color and large eyes, and this should interest you as an artist. Let's look at beautiful images of birds and learn how to draw an owl.

Materials for drawing

In order to get a good sketch, all you need is a desire to draw, a sheet of paper and a simple pencil. The work will be more interesting if you use:

  • graphite pencils;
  • sketch paper;
  • add a few strokes with colored pencils.

If you know how to use ink and pen, you can create some very beautiful graphic work. You can also get a good effect by coloring the patterns on the feathers with a black felt-tip pen.

Where to begin

A thick ball of thick and lush feathers well hides the structural features of this bird. The silhouette of an eagle owl can be fit into fairly simple shapes.

Let's complicate our task a little and try to depict an owl from several angles, consider how to draw its portrait, paws, wings and feathers.

Direction shape and silhouette

We start with a line that will indicate the direction of the bird’s body, its pose, and also designate the silhouette with a simple geometric figure.

Don't neglect the line - it will help create a symmetrical pattern, and the bird's body will keep balance. Build a figure starting from the line.

After we have placed the bird on the sheet, the image should be a little detailed, making the silhouette and parts of the body clearer. We clarify the shape of the head, wings, tail, and add paws.


The main external distinguishing feature of owls from other bird species is their large round eyes and small, flattened but sharp beak. To correctly identify the eyes and beak, you should draw a vertical line dividing the head in half. Next, we will use two horizontal lines to designate the frames for the eyes.

  • Eyes very expressive, with large pupils, almost round, located at a fairly large distance from each other. Almost all species of these birds have an expressive halo of feathers around the eyes, they are highlighted with a beautiful pattern or color.
  • Beak the hooked one is located slightly below the center of the eyes. Often it is well hidden among the feathers, and we only see the very tip. In fact, the beak is large enough and opens wide, the owl can swallow even a mouse whole.
  • The head of an eagle owl is often drawn with ears- this is another feature of these birds. Long, sensitive feathers are located above the ears. These feathery ears help you hear perfectly and pinpoint the source of noise. Incredibly acute hearing coupled with vision help this bird species hunt at night.
  • Neck very short, it is not visible and it seems as if it is not there at all. Nevertheless, this part of the owls’ body is more than mobile; they can turn their heads 180 degrees or more.


Feathered predators hunt not only with the help of sight and hearing, but also with strong, dexterous and clawed paws. Since they are covered with thick feathers, most often we can clearly see and distinguish only the claws.

Drawing claws is quite simple, especially if you are drawing an eagle owl sitting on a branch. Usually we see only three front claws, the middle one is slightly larger than the others. In fact, there are four claws - one protrudes back, and helps the bird to grab, hold on and not let go of its prey from its paws.

Wings and tail

When a bird flies or lands, we can get a good look at the shape of the wings and tail, and also appreciate the beautiful patterns on the feathers.

The tail is very similar to a fan, all the feathers are the same shape and size, neatly painted. The wings do not have any features other than beautiful patterns; the largest and most powerful feathers are located at the tips; small feathers are located on the body.


There are many species of owls in nature, and they are distributed throughout the world. The color of the plumage of these birds directly depends on their habitat. Most often they are painted with brown and grayish colors to match the color of the trees among which they live. White owls live in the north among the snow, tawny barn owls live among residential buildings, gray-brown owls live in forests, and there are also ground owls.

Regardless of the species and habitat, the feathers of all birds are colored with very interesting and beautiful patterned spots. It will be easier to show these drawings if you can understand and follow the rhythm of the pattern.

Video tutorial

Watch the video on how to draw an owl step by step:

Works for inspiration

If you want to portray something beautiful and believable, find a suitable character to avoid serious mistakes. Since only the bravest and most dexterous will be able to catch and place this bird in front of their eyes, let’s look at the photographs for example and inspiration.

Who is considered the wisest and most mysterious in the world of birds? A bird that lives a nocturnal life and keeps many secrets? Of course, this is an owl - beautiful, with rich plumage and incredibly large intelligent eyes. She has always aroused the interest of artists. Today we invite everyone who is curious to learn how to draw an owl.

If previously we associated only the heroine of the famous cartoon about Winnie the Pooh with her image, now the forest beauty can be seen as decoration on clothes, notebooks, and in the form of gift figurines. Therefore, learning to portray a popular bird will be a fascinating activity for both experts and beginners.

In order to get beautiful drawings that are exactly the same as the original, you don’t need to be a professional. It is enough to stock up on a sheet of white paper, simple pencils and a good mood. After all, it is known that everything that is done with joy and desire comes easily and turns out doubly wonderful.

In the first lesson, “how to draw an owl step by step,” we suggest practicing on a diagram of a small bright chick sitting on a green tree branch. First and second step- draw two circles and a beak in a triangle with a pencil.

Third and fourth step— Mark the body as an oval and add small semicircular wings on both sides. These will be the head, wings and eyes.

In the final stages We designate a mask around the eyes, and on the sides of the body at the bottom we draw paws in the form of four stripes. We finish drawing small ears and feathers for him. We trace the lines, draw the last missing details, and then color the picture. It turned out to be a cute little gentle owlet.

The following diagram quite fully reveals the secrets of how to draw an owl with a pencil. It looks as if it were alive, and it seems that the branch will now sway and the bird will flap its large wings to fly into the sky.

You should start by drawing thin ovals - a large one and a slightly smaller one, then finish drawing the wing.

Now we need to give the owl expressive eyes, a long beak, legs and add plumage.

Using only simple pencils of varying degrees of softness, draw lines on the head, down on the chest and feathers on the wings.

Pictures of such an owl do not need paint; it looks great even in gray - so important, thoughtful with a deep, penetrating gaze.

Everyone will understand how to draw the next owl. This pattern will be especially interesting for children, since Along with drawing, you can learn a poem about a little chick.

WITH unusual description the child does the work much more fun and easier, the image turns out brighter, more fun, and more beautiful.

Let's try to draw with a pencil step by step another image of a wise bird. Its main distinguishing features can be considered a small beak and huge tail, smart and very deep. Their expressiveness should be emphasized in the owl in the picture.

Her neck is small, but at the same time it rotates almost 180 degrees. The bird has powerful claws on its paws, its tail resembles a fan, and its wings are always covered with unusual plumage patterns.

Here is another interesting diagram for sketching. It shows a cute little owl, but a little sad. By adding a small smile to its beak, you can turn it into a cheerful and cheerful bird. This will in no way spoil his wise and mysterious appearance; on the contrary, it will give him even more attractiveness.

IN Lately owls have become very popular, so let's draw together horned owl or Great Eagle Owl.

How to draw an owl with a pencil step by step

Let's start with a sketch. To complete the first steps, do not press too hard on the pencil; the lines should be light and even.

Step 1: Draw an oval on the top of the sheet. Leave some space at the bottom for the owl's body. It doesn't have to be even. This is just a sketch for the owl's head.

Step 2: Inside the future head, draw two intersecting lines - they will help you correctly position the features of the owl’s head in the future.

Step 3: Draw two small circles—the base for the eyes—above the horizontal line.

Step 4: Draw two triangle-like shapes on the owl's head as a base for the tufts of feathers where the ears would be.

Step 5: At the point where the lines intersect, draw the base for the beak in the shape of a kite or diamond.

Step 6: Draw a large slanted oval to represent the torso, below the head. It may not be perfect - it's just a sketch.

Step 7: Draw a U-shaped arc below the body to indicate the future tail.

Step 8: Draw a few curved lines at the bottom of the sheet, under the body - these will be the paws. Start with a C-shaped arc, then add a couple more curved lines to complete the base of the paws.

Step 9: Draw the owl's beak using the diamond shape as a guide. Smooth the edges.

Step 10: Draw tufts of feathers based on the original triangular shape. These are not horns or ears. These are just tufts of feathers, so draw with quick, short strokes. Inside each ear, draw a line using the same quick and short strokes; bring this line to the eyes and beak of the owl. Do the same with the other ear. The end result will be shaped like the letter V.

Step 11: Draw the owl's eyes, using rough circles as a basis. Draw lines at the top of the eyes to represent the eyelids. Darken the eye contour and draw a small line under the eyes for detail. Inside each eye, draw a circle and darken the pupil. Leave part of the pupil unobscured to create a stare effect.

Step 12: Use sharp, short strokes to complete the head. Don't forget about the original oval shape.

Step 13: For more detail, add additional lines. Use sharp, short strokes when adding details to create a feathered effect.

Step 14: While drawing the paws, look at the sketch lines. You can deviate from the lines to make the toes thicker; Add a rounded claw to the end of each. Draw the remaining fingers in the same way. In a normal sitting position, an owl has two fingers - front and back. I forgot about this while creating the drawing, so you can change your drawing - it won't take long.

Step 15: Complete the body with an oval base. Draw curved lines along the sides - these will be the wings. Please note that on the right side the line overlaps the body and goes down to the tail.

Step 16: Draw the tail, the base is a U-shaped line. Add several of the same lines to it to imitate feathers.

Step 17(optional): To prevent the owl from appearing suspended in the air, draw some support (a rock or a branch) near its feet.

Step 18(optional): To make the owl look neater, erase all the rough lines if possible. You don't have to wash everything. You can also re-draw any lines you accidentally erased.

Final step(optional): Darken some areas to give your owl volume and three-dimensionality. Determine your light source when shading so your shadows don't clash with each other. Vary the pressure on the pencil to achieve different degrees of shading quality.

For extra detail, you can add character to your drawing. The pattern may appear more intricate than it actually is. It mainly consists of dots of different sizes and small chaotic lines.

Translation of an article from how2drawanimals.com.

The wisest bird in the world is the owl.

He hears everything

But she is very stingy with words.

The more he hears -

The less he talks.

Ah, this is what many of us miss.

Boris Zakhoder

This is the poem we’ll start with today in our drawing lesson. Today we will find out! – have already been. Now the bird is more serious! The peculiarities of the behavior and lifestyle of the owl have led to the fact that many different qualities are attributed to it. When they are true, and when they are not so true. But nevertheless, the owl is a symbolic bird. The image of this bird is characterized by a connection with mystery: intimate, frightening, gloomy and nocturnal. Perhaps because the owl is nocturnal, sees in the dark and flies silently. This bird can turn its head 180 degrees, has a very “penetrating” look, and is practically motionless during the day. The owl symbol means wisdom, erudition, thoughtfulness, prudence and is often the trademark of organizations associated with science and education. Let's start drawing.

Step one. Let's start with the head. Let's place it in the very center of the sheet. In the center of the head there are auxiliary lines in the form of a cross: the level of the eyes, mouth and nose. Draw a torso to the head. Swinging to the sides, we draw the lines of the wings. The wings must be symmetrical. Together they are somewhat similar to . We will draw short curved lines on the wings, then they will turn into feathers. Below the bird we draw a fairly large arc - the outline of the tail. At the bottom of the body we outline the paws with claws. Step two. Let's draw the owl's claws in detail. Inside the contour we will show the body, which converges to the legs. At a horizontal level we outline the eyes. And then we draw feathers all over the owl’s body: along the line of the wings, along the tail. At the same time, the feathers do not have to be the same and their size can also be different. For especially large feathers, draw a center line. Step three. On the main area of ​​the large open wings we draw small curved lines representing the plumage. In some places we will show them more densely, in others less often. Look carefully at the owl's belly and try to do the same. Let's put a mark in place of the beak. Step four. Very important detail– . We draw the pupils and circles around the eyes themselves. Let's show the pattern on the top of the head and along the body. Step five. An equally important stage of the lesson. In the drawing we got a lot of small details. Now you need to carefully erase all the auxiliary lines. Well, the owl is ready. Can be painted. Try drawing some more.


An owl can be easily identified by its appearance. It has different feather colors, but its beak is short and predatory, its claws are sharp and long, and its eyes are large and round. Before, tell your child more interesting information about this bird. For example, what does it eat and where does it live?

Parents and their kids can learn in this lesson how to get a beautiful drawing of a bird.

Tools and materials:

- paper;

- pencil;

— eraser to remove unnecessary parts;

- colored pencils for coloring.

Everything you need for drawing is included. Therefore, you can proceed to the stages to find out in detail, beautifully and realistically.

Drawing steps that will help you get:

  1. Many people can learn about this from this lesson. In the first stage, we begin to draw the bird’s head, which will consist of two “drops”. We place them at an angle since the head is slightly turned. We connect the two contours with a small arc.
  2. Then we continue to depict a night bird and for this we need to find out. To do this, add a breast in the form of a semi-oval at the bottom of the picture, and then draw another circle, which will become the body of the bird. Remove the upper outline with an eraser and draw the tail below in the form of simple lines.
  3. Let's draw a branch consisting of two horizontal lines running parallel to each other. The bird holds itself on a branch with the help of its claws. We draw them in the form of oblong droplets that have sharp ends.
  4. In the middle of each “drop” on the muzzle we draw large eyes. We finish drawing the pupils and a couple of highlights. Between the two figures we place a small beak, consisting of two parts.
  5. We finish drawing the eyelashes and outline the outline.
  6. Using a black pencil, paint over the two pupils, the thin area around the eyes, long eyelashes and the upper part of the muzzle. We also draw an outline for them.
  7. We paint over the tree branch and the bird with a light brown pencil.
  8. We also use other shades of brown pencils to create voluminous plumage on the owl’s body and face.
  9. Eyes will have different shades
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