Skyrim juggernaut level 3. Unrelenting Force. Scream a relentless force in a spell

Greetings, dear magicians, wizards, sorcerers, magicians! I'm already hooked on new spells and I'm not going to change my habits. I present another mod that will put you in front of a difficult dilemma. You can not download it and continue to show hundreds of miles on the speedometer of your Dovahkiin in Skyrim and look for words of Power, or you can download the mod and arrange fireworks from the guards almost immediately after Helgen - the choice is free and it is yours. The new spell is called “Ruthless Force” - what a surprise! Overall, Unrelenting Force can now be cast as a spell.

You can find the volume with the spell in the Prancing Mare in the kitchen, unless, of course, the greybeards found out about it and dragged it to High Hrothgar, so as not to tear the veins and vocal cords for decades, but to relax and take care of personal affairs.

There are two folders in the archive, one with a spell, the other contains an enhancement of this very spell. When used, the enemy will not only be thrown back and stunned, but along the way he will also lose his weapon and lose all his health, acquired through back-breaking labor.


Move the file from the archive to the Data folder.

Connect esp file to “Skyrim Launcher”.


Disable esp file in “Skyrim Launcher”

Delete the file from the Data folder.

Author infaredj
Localizer Dead_Knight_of_Tamriel
Russian language
Mod size 2.6Kb
Distribution Under no circumstances
Date added/updated 08/25/2014 at 20:17

Words of Power in TES5- these are powerful spells in the dragon language that make up the Shouts. The first dragon-teacher to share knowledge with people was Paarthurnax, who rebelled against Alduin, the World Eater, gifted, greedy and eccentric, as is often the case with the firstborn. Each Shout in TES5 consists of three Words of Power, most of which are written on huge black obelisks, or walls, scattered throughout Skyrim, the rest are learned with the help of teachers during the main story. Huge black obelisks They attract attention not only with their size, but also with their sound. If a characteristic ringing hum is heard while traveling, it means that there is a Word of Power nearby that can be studied by standing close to it for 10 seconds. Words of Power themselves are worthless, they are just a set of symbols. But to turn them into weapons, you need dragon soul, which activates Scream. Without activation, you cannot use learned Words of Power.

Activating Words of Power in TES5 occurs automatically if they are related to the main plot, or manually. To do this, press the [P] key, go to the “Screams” tab, select the desired Shout, marked in gray, and press the [R] key. If there is a dragon soul in stock (their number is indicated in the lower right corner of the screen), then the Word of Power will be learned and become available for use. They can be used individually or all together. The longer you hold down the [Z] key, the more powerful the effect will be. After each Shout, some time must pass before the voice rests. When the compass bar at the top of the screen turns gray, Shout will be available for use again. Harvest dragon souls necessary in battles with them. Dragons in TES5 are divided into several types: ordinary, ancient, noble and legendary; souls are no different from each other. The latter are dangerous because in battle they are capable of immediately draining health, magic, and strength from the enemy. They very often appear over large cities and settlements, and as the plot develops they will come across you at almost every turn. As a result, there will be enough souls to study all the Shouts.

Information about the location of the new Words of Power in TES5 will come from various sources: from tavern owners, from messengers who will transmit letters from “friends” who personally heard Dovahkiin’s thu’um (just go to the jarl’s house or shout on the street among passers-by), or from the Greybeards of High Hrothgar (the highest mountain in Skyrim). You can collect them throughout the game, except for combat they do not affect anything. The coordinates of the received places are recorded in the journal in the “Miscellaneous” section, from where you can instantly go to them by hovering the mouse cursor over the task and pressing the [M] key, but a quick transition, if the place is new, will not be available, so you should select the nearest studied place, and from it already move to the Word of Power. If the obelisks with the Words of Power are located high in the mountains, the roads to them most likely run through caves or catacombs located somewhere nearby. There is no need to try to climb steep slopes; it is wiser to find the entrance (although some places, with the right skill, can be reached even in this extravagant way).

All dragons are extremely dangerous, but some are more powerful than others: brown and green are usually weaker than their white and bronze cousins. Attacking the enemy with fire or ice breath, the dragon speaks words in an ancient powerful language. A battle between two dragons is essentially a duel of words to the death.

Locations of Words of Power for learning Shouts in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Legendary Edition):

  1. Ruthless force(Unrelenting Force): Stuns and pushes back with a sound wave.
    • Force(Fus): At the exit of the Bleak Falls Barrow Shrine, in the mountains northwest of Riverwood. Related to Scream side quest“Golden Claw”, which is given by Lucan Valery from the “Riverwood Merchant” in Riverwood or Farengar, the court magician, after a conversation with the Earl of Whiterun in Dragonsreach.
    • Equilibrium(Ro): Taught by Einart at the Greybeard Temple atop Mount High Hrothgar, southeast of Whiterun, during the story quest "The Way of the Voice".
    • Push(Dah): Trained by Wulfgar in the Greybeard Temple atop Mount High Hrothgar, after delivering the Horn of Jurgen in the quest of the same name.
  2. Ethereality(Become Ethereal): turns into a spirit and grants immunity to damage.
    • Disappearance(Feim): in the depths of Ustengrav during the quest "Horn of Jurgen", given by the Greybeards of High Hrothgar.
    • Soul(Zii): At the top of the outcast stronghold in Lost Valley Redoubt, south of the village of Rorikstead between Markarth and Falkreath.
    • Connection(Gron): in the hall with the warlord Gatrik in the Ironbind Barrow, in the mountains between Dawnstar and Windhelm.
  3. Dragon Incarnate(Dragon Aspect): Huge weapon damage, thick armor and increased Screams (DLC "Dragonborn").
    • Force(Mul): in the hall with Zakrisosh in Raven Rock Mine, which connects spiral staircase with Bloodskal Barrow, north of Solstheim Landing. Associated with the Word of Power is the quest “The Last Descent”, which is given by Krestius Karellius at the entrance to the mine (you can get to him by taking the quest to return the pickaxe from the blacksmith Glovir Mallory in the port).
    • Armor(Qah): in the hall with the Gatekeeper in the Sanctuary of the Temple of Miraak, at the northeastern tip of the island of Solstheim. The story mission “Temple of Miraak” is associated with the Word of Power.
    • Serpent(Diiv): from the Black Book of Waking Dreams in the realm of Hermaeus Mora. The book can be found on the counter before exiting the Temple of Miraak in the story mission of the same name.
  4. Summoning Durnevir(Summon Durnehviir): calls for help the dragon Durnehviir from the Cairn of Souls (DLC “Dawnguard”).
    • A curse(Dur), Never(Neh) Fading(Viir): Taught by the ghostly dragon Durnevir on the way back from the Cairn of Souls, which can be reached through Castle Volkihar in the northwestern part of Skyrim, in the quest "Beyond Death". To summon Durnevir, the Scream must be directed to the ground, not into the air, and there must be enough space for the call, otherwise the massive body of the dragon simply will not fit, and the Scream will not work, ending in mid-sentence.
  5. Draining Life Energy(Drain Vitality): Drains magic and vitality(DLC "Dawnguard")
    • Strength reserve(Gaan): on the plateau at Arcwind Point, south of Ivarstead on the southeastern slope of the Throat of the World, the highest point in Skyrim.
    • Magic(Lah): in the hall with the main commander in the Crypt of the Night Void, at the foot of the mountains southwest of Dawnstar. The task to free the vampire Serana “Bloodline” is associated with the Word of Power.
    • Health(Haas): In the middle of the icy lake where two Voslarum water dragons appear, in the Forgotten Valley while searching for Auriel's bow and filling the initiate's jars in the quest "Touching the Sky".
  6. Harmony Kin(Kyne's Peace): Calms wild animals.
    • Keen(Kaan): in the depths of the Shroud Hearth Barrow, east of the village of Ivarstead at the foot of the Throat of the World, in the direction from Whiterun to Riften. The quest can be started at the tavern by talking to the caretaker at the counter.
    • World(Drem): in the first large hall in Rannveig's Fast, in the mountains south of Morthal.
    • Confidence(Ov): behind the sarcophagus of the dragon priest Otar the Mad in the Ragnvald temple, among the hills north of Markarth.
  7. Voice cast(Throw Voice): Draws the attention of enemies to the specified location.
    • Voice(Zul), Fool(Mey) Far(Gut): On the plateau of Shearpoint Mountain, near the entrance to the Dwemer city of Irkngthand, west of Windhelm. The obelisk is guarded by the dragon priest Krosis, from whom you can take one of the magic masks, along with the dragon. You can learn about the location of the location from the guards in the cities.
  8. Storm Call(Storm Call): Shakes the skies and unleashes the destructive power of lightning.
    • Storm(Strun): behind the throne room of the dragon priest Vokun, from whom you can take one of the magic masks, in the High Gate Ruins, on the coast between Dawnstar and Solitude. The side quest “A Scroll for Anska” is associated with the Word of Power, which is activated after talking with Anska at the entrance to the ruins.
    • Anger(Bah): on the balcony after the battle with the dragon priest Ragot, from whom you can take one of the magic masks, in Forelhost, in the mountains south of Riften. The side quest “Hunting the Dragon Cult”, which is given by Captain Valmir before entering the ruins, is associated with the Word of Power.
    • Lightning(Qo): in the hall behind the door with the diamond claw in the second half of Skuldafn. The Word of Power can only be obtained once during the story quest “House of the World Eater”, where Dovahkiin is delivered by the dragon Odahviing riding on himself. You cannot return to the location.
  9. Dragon Slayer(Dragonrend): Causes the dragon to fall to the ground.
    • Mortal(Joor) Limited(Zah) Temporary(Frul): after using the Temporal Rift at the top of the Throat of the World, which will open after reading Ancient scroll, found in the story quest "Curse of Alduin".
  10. Friendship with animals(Animal Allegiance): Turns wild animals into allies.
    • Animal(Raan): on Mount Ancient's Ascent, east of Falkreath. You can get to the top through the Boncehill Passage. The side quest is given by Nenya in Falkreath at the Jarl's longhouse.
    • Devotion(Mir): On top of Ysgramor's Tomb, northwest of Winterhold. The Word of Power is associated with the quest “The Last Duty”, which is given by the Companions in Jorrvaskr in Whiterun.
    • Pack(Tah): in the ancient temple of Angarvunde, near the entrance to the Dwemer city of Avanchnzel, in the mountains west of Riften. Associated with the Word of Power is a secondary task to clear dungeons of draugr, which is given by Madrasi Dren at the entrance to the ruins.
  11. Time dilation(Slow Time): Causes enemies to freeze for a short time.
    • Time(Tiid): at the exit from the Witch's Nest (Hag's End), in the mountains west of Solitude.
    • Sand(Klo): On the lower level of Labyrinthian, in the mountains between Morthal and Whiterun. The Word of Power is associated with the plot quest of the Winterhold College of Mages, “The Staff of Magnus.”
    • Eternity(Ul): in the Korvanjund Crypt, west of Windhelm. The story quest “The Jagged Crown” is associated with the Word of Power.
  12. Call of Valor(Call of Valor): calls on the legendary warriors of Sovngarde to help.
    • Hero(Hun), Defender(Kaal) Legend(Zoor): Trained by Tsun in Sovngarde after defeating Alduin. The story quest “Dragon Slayer” is associated with the Words of Power.
  13. Call of the Dragon(Call Dragon): Summons the dragon Odahviing to help.
    • Snow(Od), Hunter(Ah) Wing(Viing): Taught by Esbern at the end of the peace negotiations in High Hrothgar. The story mission “Endless Time” is associated with the Words of Power.
  14. Fright(Dismay): strikes fear into opponents and causes them to flee.
    • Fear(Faas): on top of Dead Crone Rock, behind the outcast settlement, in the mountains south of Markarth. The side quest “Fragments” is associated with the Word of Power former glory", which begins after talking with Sil in the Dawnstar Museum.
    • The escape(Ru): in the dragon's lair at Lost Tongue Overlook, in the mountains south of Riften.
    • Horror(Maar): in the central hall of Shalidor's Maze in Labyrinthian, in the mountains between Morthal and Whiterun.
  15. Ice form(Ice Form): Turns opponents into ice.
    • Ice(Iliz): Exiting Saarthal, southwest of Winterhold. The Word of Power is associated with the story quest “In the Depths of Saarthal”, which begins in the College of Magicians of Winterhold after a conversation with Tolfdir.
    • Flesh(Slen): In the dragon's lair at the top of Mount Anthor, south of Winterhold.
    • Statue(Nus): in the depths of the ancient Frostmere Crypt, at the foot of the mountains southwest of Dawnstar, towards Whiterun.
  16. Frost Breath(Frost Breath): allows you to breathe cold.
    • Freezing(Fo): In the Folgunthur Crypt, among the swamps southeast of Solitude. The side quest “Forbidden Legend” is associated with the Word of Power, which appears after reading the book of the same name.
    • Cold(Krah): In the dragon's lair on Bonestrewn Crest, in the hills south of Windhelm.
    • Freezing(Diin): on the Skyborn Altar next to the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon and the Labyrinthian, in the mountains east of Morthal.
  17. Fire Breath(Fire Breath): Allows you to breathe fire.
    • Fire(Yol): Trained by Paarthurnax at the top of the Throat of the World, southeast of Whiterun. The story mission “Throat of the World” is connected to the Word of Power.
    • Flame(Toor): at the exit from the ancient crypt in Ancient Cairn (Dustman's Cairn), in the lowlands between Morthal and Whiterun. The Word of Power is associated with the quest “Test of Valor”, which is given by the Companions in Jorrvaskr in Whiterun.
    • Sun(Shul): at the exit of the Divided Gorge behind the lake (Sunderstone Gorge), northwest of Falkreath.
  18. Submission of the will(Bend Will): turns animals, humans and dragons into allies (DLC “Dragonborn”).
    • Earth(Gol): In the dragon's lair at Syringa Post, off the northern tip of Solstheim Island. The Word of Power is associated with the story quest “The Fate of the Skaals”, which is given in the Skaal Village by Storn the Mountain Wanderer after returning from the Temple of Miraak with Freya.
    • Intelligence(Hah): Taught by Hermaeus Mora before returning to reality after reading the Black Book "The Sharp Feather", obtained from Nchardak with Neloth from Tel Mithryn, located in the southeastern part of the island of Solstheim, in the quest "The Path of Knowledge".
    • The Dragon(Dov): Taught by Hermaeus Mora after learning the secrets of the Skaal in the story quest "Gardener of Men."
  19. Disarmament(Disarm): Disarms enemies.
    • Weapon(Zun): in the sanctuary in the Snow Veil Sanctum, on a plateau southeast of Winterhold. The Riften Thieves Guild quest “Talk to the Silence” is associated with the Word of Power.
    • Hand(Haal): In the dragon's lair at the top of Eldersblood Peak, south of Morthal.
    • Defeat(Viik): in the ruins of the Silverdrift Lair, on the southern side of the mountain range between Dawnstar and Windhelm.
  20. Soul Rip(Soul Tear): enslaves the souls of opponents and turns them into allies (DLC “Dawnguard”).
    • Essence(Rii), Tear(Vaaz) Zombie(Zol): Trained by the ghostly dragon Durnevir from the Cairn of Souls, which can be reached through Castle Volkihar in the northwestern part of Skyrim if you learn three Words of Power from the Durnevir Call Shout and summon him three times during battle in Skyrim.
  21. Death Sentence(Marked for Death): Reduces the enemy's health, magicka, stamina, and armor.
    • Murder(Krii): in the hall above Kuralmil's tomb in Forsaken Cave, northwest of Windhelm. The side quest “White Flask” is associated with the Word of Power, which is given by the alchemist from the shop of the same name in the Windhelm market.
    • Exhaustion(Lun): In the dragon's lair at the top of the Autumnwatch Tower, south of Ivarstead on the southeastern slope of the Throat of the World, the highest point in Skyrim. The task to destroy the dragon is given by the manager of the tavern in Riften.
    • Suffering(Aus): in the common room of the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, west of Falkreath (you need to become the main thieves guild in Riften, kill Grelod the Good from the orphanage and go to bed for 24 hours).
  22. Swift Dash(Whirlwind Sprint): Instantly moves a short distance.
    • Vortex(Wuld): Teaches Borri in the courtyard of the Greybeard Temple atop Mount High Hrothgar, southeast of Whiterun. The story quest “The Path of the Voice” is associated with the Word of Power.
    • Fury(Nah): On top of Mount Volskygge, where the dragon priest Volsung with a magic mask lives, next to the Deepwood Redoubt and Hag's End, west of Solitude.
    • Storm(Kest): in the throne room of Dead Men's Respite, southwest of Morthal, where the Solitude College of Bards sends for the book "The Song of King Olaf" in the quest "Fire It Up!"
  23. Cyclone(Cyclone): creates a powerful current of wind and wreaks havoc (DLC "Dragonborn").
    • Wind(Ven): in the hall with Dukan guarding the Black Book, in the White Ridge Barrow Shrine, in the mountains in the northern part of Solstheim.
    • Let go(Gaar): In the final stages of excavation at Kolbjorn Mound, southeast of Raven Rock on Solstheim. Excavations are carried out by Ralis Sedaris.
    • Hit(Nos): in the great hall of Bencongerik, in the mountains on the northern coast of Solstheim.
  24. Clear sky (Clear Skies): disperses bad weather and improves visibility.
    • Sky(Lok) Spring(Vah) Summer(Koor): Trained by Arngeir at the Greybeard Temple on High Hrothgar, southeast of Whiterun, before ascending to the top of the Throat of the World to Paarthurnax in the quest "The Throat of the World".
  25. Whisper of aura(Aura Whisper): Shows the life currents of everyone at a great distance.
    • Life(Laas): in the dragon's lair on the Northwind Summit, in the mountains northwest of Riften (behind the village of Shora's Stone). You can get to the top of the mountain through the North Wind Mine.
    • Search(Yah): in the Elder's cairn in Volunruud, northwest of Whiterun. The quest “Silence of Tongues” is associated with the Word of Power, which begins after reading the book at the entrance to the ruins.
    • Hunting(Nir): In the southwestern part of the catacombs in Valthume, southeast of Markarth, towards Falkreath. Associated with the Word of Power is the side quest “Evil Slumbers” to destroy the dragon priest Hevnorak, which becomes active after talking with the spirit at the entrance to the ruins.
  26. Elemental Fury(Elemental Fury): Increases the speed of attacks with melee weapons.
    • Air(Su): In the dragon's lair at the top of Dragontooth Crater, northeast of Markarth.
    • Battle(Grah): At the exit of Shriekwind Bastion, north of Falkreath. The Word of Power is associated with the quest “Totems of Hircine”, which is given by Aela Ochoinica from Jorrvaskr in Whiterun.
    • Grace(Dun): On the hill next to the Statue of Meridia, west of Solitude. The statue of Meridia can be reached in the quest "Dawn", which is activated after the Guiding Star of Meridia is found in the Frosty Cave (Rimerock Burrow) on the northwestern coast of Skyrim.
  27. Fury of battle(Battle Fury): improves allies' weapons and increases attack speed (DLC "Dragonborn").
    • Loyal(Mir), Valor(Vuur), Inspire(Shaan): in the tomb of Valok, which the historian Tarstan from the Skaal Village, in the east of the island of Solstheim, suggests going to for research, after returning the map from the Thalmor from the northern shore and obtaining Stalhrim for the blacksmith Baldor Ironcut. The blacksmith disappears during the main plot, and is held captive by the Thalmor in an abandoned inn in the center of the island.

Dragon screams (Voice or Tu "um) are Words of power in the dragon language, used to unleash a powerful magical effect. Dragons have always been able to Scream, this skill is inseparable from their nature, Screaming for a dragon is as natural as breathing and speech. Well concerns people... B ancient times The goddess Kynareth granted them the ability to speak the language of dragons, but most take many years to learn the simplest Shout. Only the Dragonborn have the great gift of the Voice - the ability to direct vital energy in Tu "um, or Shout. The speech of dragons is in their blood, it is given to them without much effort. Your character is the Dragonborn - a warrior with the soul of a dragon in a mortal body, although at first no one knows about this. The ability to use Shouts will become available upon completion of the quest "Dragon Rising", after absorbing the soul of the first slain dragon.

To open a new Shout or improve an already known one, you should approach the Wall of Words and find out the Word of Power, then spend the absorbed dragon soul to unlock the word (R button), and if there is no available dragon soul, you will have to kill some dragon and absorb his soul. All Shouts consist of three Words, and each time you master a new Word, your Shout becomes more powerful: unlocking the first word from a Shout unlocks a weaker version of it, the second and third increases intensity, duration, etc.

In order to Shout, you need to press the Z button (default). Simply pressing the Scream button will produce a weak version of it, holding it for a short time will result in a medium version, and holding it for a long time will cause a strong Scream. After Shouting, there will be some cooldown time before you'll be able to Shout again (watch the compass outlines turn from blue to white).

A total of 20 Shouts can be learned. As you progress through the main quest, you will learn 15 words from various Shouts (no dragon souls are required to unlock them). You will need 44 Dragon Souls to unlock all other available Words of Power. Some Words can only be learned in certain places during the main quest and completing quests for various factions (see tables below), but most are open to learning at any time (the order does not matter). To make searching for Word Walls easier, there are two ways to obtain information about their location:

1. It’s worth shouting more often in cities, settlements, camps and dungeons, after which wait for a messenger with a “Letter from a Friend” containing a hint about a place with the next Word Wall. Messengers will continue to bring similar letters as long as all available on this moment Words of Power will not be found. However, keep in mind that you will not receive a new “Letter from a Friend” until you complete the quest associated with the previous letter you received.

2. After completing the quest “The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller”, you can also ask Arngeir from the masters of the Way of the Voice, the Greybeards, if they have become aware of anything about places of power, and he will mark them on the map. Once you know all the currently available Words of Power, Arngeir will stop giving you tips.

Unrelenting Force

Location of the Word Walls: You will learn the first word at Bleak Falls Barrow, it is automatically unlocked after killing the dragon Mirmulnir in the main quest, the second and third will be taught to you by the Greybeards during the main quest.

Become Ethereal

That "mind reaches the Void, changing your form so that neither you can harm anyone, nor anyone can harm you.

Location of the Word Walls: Ustengrav, where you will have to look during the main quest, Ironbind Barrow and Lost Valley Redoubt.

Throw Voice

The mind is heard, but its source is unknown, and those who hear begin to look for it.

Location of Word Walls: You will learn all three words at Double-Headed Peak (Shearpoint).

Storm Call

The scream shakes the skies and awakens the destructive power of Skyrim's lightning.

Location of word walls: Skuldafn Temple, where you will have to look during the main quest, Forelhost, High Gate Ruins.


Location of the Word Walls: Throat of the World, during the main quest.

Animal Allegiance

A cry for help to the wild creatures, and they come to fight by your side.

Location of the Word Walls: Ancient's Ascent, Angarvunde and Ysgramor's Tomb.

Slow Time

The scream forces time to obey the order, and everything around freezes.

Location of the Word Walls: Labyrinthian, where you will need to visit on the quest of the College of Winterhold, the Witch's Nest (Hag's End) and Korvanjund, where you will go on the quest for the Imperials or the Storm Brothers.

Call of Valor

Location of the Word Walls: Sovngarde, during the main quest.

Call Dragon

And the weak will be afraid of this mind, and will rush to run, seized with horror.

Location of the Word Walls: Lost Tongue Overlook, Shalidor's Maze and Dead Crone Rock.

Ice Form

Your mind turns your opponent into a block of ice.

Location of the Word Walls: Saarthal, where you will need to visit for the College of Winterhold quest, Frostmere Crypt and Mount Anthor.

Kyne's Peace

Location of the Word Walls: Shroud Hearth Barrow, Ragnvald and Rannveig's Fast.

Frost Breath

Your breath is winter, your mind is a storm.

Word Wall Locations: Bonestrewn Crest, Skyborn Altar and Folgunthur.

Fire Breath

Inhale air and exhale fire - this mind itself is fire.

Location of the Word Walls: Throat of the World, during the main quest, Dustman's Cairn, where you will need to visit for the Companions quest, and Sunderstone Gorge.


Steel is subject to this cry - you snatch the weapon from the hands of the enemy.

Location of the Word Walls: Snow Veil Sanctum, where you will need to visit for the Thieves Guild quest, Eldersblood Peak and Silverdrift Lair.

Marked for Death

Word Wall Locations: Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, Forsaken Cave and Autumnwatch Tower.

Whirlwind Sprint

That mind rushes forward, taking you with it at the speed of a whirlwind.

Location of the Word Walls: The first word will be taught to you by the Greybeards during the main quest, the rest you will learn in Dead Men's Respite and Volskygge.

Clear Sky (Clear Sky)

Skyrim itself obeys this “mind” - the fog dissipates and the weather becomes clear.

Word Wall Location: High Hrothgar, during the main quest.

Aura Whisper

Word Wall Locations: Northwind Summit, Valthume and Volunruud.

Elemental Fury

Tu "mind gives your hands the speed of wind, allowing you to strike with weapons faster.

Word Wall Locations: Shriekwind Bastion, Dragontooth Crater and northeast of the Statue to Meridia.

The very first dragon cry of Skyrim, which does not require any additional words of power at first, does not lose its effectiveness in the future. However, the experienced world explorer The Elder Scrolls 5 may well find another dragon cry long before the main one is completed storyline games, which, however, does not negate the need to invest the soul of a dragon in the study of any cry.

Unrelenting Force, like all dragon cries, consists of three words of power: Force, Balance, Push. The usual principle applies - with each spoken word the destructive power of the cry increases, as does the reload time. That is, when all three words are pronounced, the character will receive the most effective cry, but the next one can be pronounced after a maximum time. The cooldown of the Unrelenting Force cry is 15, 20, 45 seconds respectively. The immediate time for pronouncing words of power also increases - roaring one word is easier and faster, but the effect of such a cry will be weak. On the site you can find a description of other dragon cries of tes 5, which will be useful not only when passing the main story of the game, but also in the usual wanderings of a Skyrim adventurer. The Unrelenting Force cry is useful in the daily life of the hero, which cannot be said about some other cries.

Unrelenting Force pushes enemies away, dealing minor damage. However, with the proper approach to pronouncing the cry, the enemy may even die, for example, by falling from a great height. The area of ​​effect of this cry allows you to push away several opponents at once, but this will require some dexterity and accuracy from the player. If possible, you need to direct stunned enemies towards sharp objects or into abyss. In the latter case, it may be difficult to search the corpse for trophies. You shouldn't count on significant damage from the Unrelenting Force cry alone - it will be insignificant. But enemies will be thrown back a greater distance and stunned for several seconds; this time can be spent finishing off the enemy or making a tactical retreat if the forces in the battle are clearly not equal. Even powerful giants are thrown off balance by the Unrelenting Force cry.

Getting the full set of power words for Unrelenting Force is easy and simple. We receive the first word, like the cry itself, after our first victory over the dragon, for example, in the task Dragon Rising. In this execution, the cry will be clearly weak, but in the absence of others, you can use it. The next word will be told to us by the Graybeards as part of the task The Way of The Voice, and our cry will take on a more menacing appearance, still far from ideal. Completing the quest The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller will help you learn the final word of the Push power for the specified dragon call. However, even a full-fledged cry will be effective only if it is used correctly. However, the good news is that Unrelenting Force repels enemies well, many of them will fly down from narrow ledges and stairs to their death.

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Why are Words of Power needed?

You can use the powerful power of screams called Thu'um. These cries or cries are words of the ancient dragon language that have incredible magical power.
It is with their help that dragons breathe fire, and their battle is more like a verbal duel than a fierce fight. The scream consists of three words of power, each of which enhances the effect of the previous one. That is, a certain cry can be used with one word, but its strength will be much less than a full cry of three words.
Words of power are written on special walls with dragon writing that are scattered throughout Skyrim, one on each. To learn it, just go to this wall. It is difficult to miss it, since when the wall is close, the screen will begin to darken, voices will begin to be heard louder and louder, and the word itself will glow with magical fire.
This is what the Word of Power wall looks like

Location of all Words of Power

Continuing to study the guide to Skyrim , I suggest you familiarize yourself with the location of everyone Words of Power.

Locations of all Word of Power walls except the Word of Power from Dragonborn
Next, all the screams and their properties will be described in detail.

List of famous calls

Ruthless force
Relentless Force - A dragon scream that throws objects and creatures away. The weak version of the scream has a minor knockback effect, while the strong version can throw both objects and creatures large distances, rendering the latter helpless for a short time. This effect is especially useful when fighting strong opponents at high levels. You can deal with enemies by throwing them from a height using a scream. Also, not really strong enemies from this scream they can literally “hit themselves against the wall.”
The shout can also be used to open draugr sarcophagi in Nordic ruins. Executioner draugrs and warlord draugrs often use this particular shout against the player (despite the fact that all three words are spoken, the effect is equivalent to “fus”, but for some draugr (usually warlords) the shout is in full force, so do not forget to dodge from the enemy's mind and perceive the power of the Scream by ear.
This cry gives the Dovahkiin an ethereal form. While the shout effect is active, the player cannot deal damage to opponents, but opponents cannot deal damage to the player. In addition, no energy is wasted on running. Reflections on the word FeiM with Paarthurnax, gives the ability to increase the speed of health recovery while shouting by 25%.

Harmony(peace) Kin
Harmony Kin is a dragon cry that calms animals. Animals affected by the scream will not fight or run away.
Just like the Whisper Aura shout or the Detect Life spell, this shout will allow you to see nearby animals highlighted as peaceful creatures for the duration of the shout.
When one word is used, animals stop attacking or running until they are attacked again. With just a few words, animals become less sensitive to attacks, meaning now you can manage to deliver 3-4 hits before they start attacking. When using three words of cry, animals practically do not react to attacks.
Voice cast
The voice throw (correctly translated from English is "ventriloquism") is a dragon scream that is heard from a point on the surface marked by the player. Hostile NPCs and other enemies will often go to investigate the source of the sound, allowing the scream to be used as a distraction. The scream has a limited range and only fools those who haven't noticed you yet.
All three levels of scream have the same effect. Using a few words can reduce recovery time. And while all three words are learned simultaneously, each requires a separate dragon soul to unlock.
Dragon Slayer
Dragon Slayer is a dragon scream that weakens a dragon and causes it to sit on the ground.
As it turns out, this Scream is unknown to anyone for some reason: the Greybeards not only do not know it, but are even happy about it, considering it the Dragon-Hesy heresy, because it is impossible to study it without hating dragons (which includes the leader of the Greybeards, Paarthurnax). This cry is also unknown to Paarthurnax, but the dragon admits that he could not teach the Dragon Slayer, even knowing him - the essence of the Dragon Slayer is incomprehensible to immortal dragons, because this cry weakens the dova, making it impossible to hit the enemy with flames in flight and equating
Friendship with animals
Friendship with animals is a cry that forces animals nearby to fight on the side of Dovahkiin.
If you decide to hunt, you can use this cry to attract victims. The animals will not run away even when you start hitting them.
Can help in the battle with giants. By using this cry in the area of ​​their camp, you will force the mammoths to fight against their masters.
The scream has no effect on spriggans.
Note: If the shout is used while your companion is already fighting an animal, the fight will not be stopped, and the animal will continue to fight your companion.
Time dilation
Slow Time is a dragon cry that allows you to slow down the time itself around you. The “mind” itself is somewhat insidious, since it slows down both the enemy and the player himself (but to a lesser extent). However, if you get used to using it enough, this cry can be considered one of the most worthwhile - you will both leave the line of destruction and hit the enemy in the head give it.

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