7 coins tarot meaning. Minor Arcana Tarot Seven of Pentacles: meaning and combination with other cards. Brief description and essence


Seven of Denarii in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - be impatient; quit the job halfway.
With the “Magic” card - wait in the wings.
With the “High Priestess” card - evaluate your investments.
With the “Empress” card, investments began to make a profit.
With the “Emperor” card - invest in business.
With the Hierophant card - show patience and mercy.
With the “Lovers” card, expect returns from the relationship.
With the Chariot card there is a crisis.
With the “Strength” card - show endurance and perseverance.
With the Hermit card - defeat.
With the Wheel of Fortune card - instability; everything can go wrong.
With the “Justice” card - achieve justice.
With the Hanged Man card - efforts that have led to a dead end; losses.
With the “Death” card, life makes adjustments to our intentions.
With the “Moderation” card, the fruits of labor gradually give results.
With the “Devil” card - show impatience; wasted labor; unsuccessful investments.
With the “Tower” card you are left with nothing.
With the Star card - hope patiently.
With the Moon card - problems are brewing; unsuccessful investments.
With the “Sun” card - a reward for waiting and patience.
With the “Judgment” card - reap the benefits.
With the “World” card - wait for the harvest; reward.

From other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Seven of denarii (pentacles, coins) in an upright position with the Major Arcana

Mag pr and per - Fraud
Priestess - Unexpected receipt of money
Empress - Quarrel over money
Emperor - Gift, fee/inheritance, property, profit
Priest - Good life lesson
Lovers - Quick Quarrel
Chariot - Winning, monetary
Justice - Empty Worry
Hermit pr and per - Balancing on the brink of failure
Wheel of Fortune - Things will get better / Profit
Strength - Victory in your quarrel. Victory over competitors
Hanged Man - Losses due to your fault. Lesion
Death - Breach of contracts. Breach of obligations
Moderation - Small profit
Devil - Doomed enterprise to failure
Tower - Large irreparable losses, rise of failures. Big losses
Star - Loss of profit. Robbery
Moon - Loss of profit
Sun - Great achievements in business
Court - Increase in Wealth
World - Trips to strengthen position
Jester - Empty Worry

Seven of denarii (pentacles, coins) in an upright position with the Minor Arcana

2 of Pentacles - Losses

Seven of denarii (pentacles, coins) in an inverted position with the Minor Arcana

7 of Cups - Unnecessary worries about money

This card represents patience and slow growth. She recommends not rushing to find a promising opportunity, but to think it over thoroughly, giving yourself time before making a decision: let the seed sprout, show its leaves and flowers. If we do not rush things and pick the fruits while they are still green, we can achieve success. Together with the Hanged Man and the Four of Swords, the Seven of Denarii forms a triad indicating the need for waiting. However, unlike these two cards, it does not indicate a stop, but continuous growth.


Here, the Seven of Denarii means the need to prepare for a long but grateful wait until the next phase of development ends. If we expected a quick result, we will most likely be disappointed; If we tried to speed things up, we might end up with nothing at all. The best thing to do now is to show maximum patience in order to wait for a positive result with complete confidence.


The period of maturation of new ideas, concepts and ideas. This is a slow but steady process. We are required not to rush into decisions, but to give ourselves time to assimilate new ideas and thoughts and get used to them.

Personal relationships and love

Slow but sure growth in the quality of relationships, promising a rich harvest. May also mean pregnancy. The Seven Denarii is a call to contemplation and patience, to the “wu-wei” of the Chinese (“do not do unnecessary things”), to what is said in the book of Daodejing: the sage acts, inaction. If we enter into a new union, then this card also advises us not to rush, and not to interfere with natural maturation with our impatience.

Inner meaning

The Seven of Pentacles is a card of profit, especially that received in reward for one's efforts. Profit is usually monetary (suit sign!), but is possible in any area where the Questioner has worked long and fruitfully.

The Seven of Pentacles tarot card also predicts continued gradual growth, both personal and in business, and you will receive satisfaction from both work and its fruits. In a numerological sense, the Seven of Pentacles also suggests that your success is at least partly due to previous decent work; the result will be richly rewarded.

Combinations with other cards


Empress: material reward

4 of swords: rest, position analysis

Court: moment to make a decision

Justice: assessing the current situation, charting a course for the future


5 of Pentacles: lack of reward, troubles

8 of Wands: Swift Action

Wheel of Happiness: movement, action, change of direction

Death: a long-awaited breakthrough in business




Saturn in Taurus

20°—30° Taurus

Original title: Lord of Unattained SuccessOriginal composition in the Golden Dawn system: from the clouds at the bottom of the map reaches out a hand holding a branch of a rose tree. There are only five buds on the branch, which bend over the five upper disks, but do not touch them.

Princess Color of Netzach: Olive, flecked with gold
Colors of Saturn on four scales: indigo; black; blue-black; black with blue veins
Taurus colors on four scales: red-orange; dark indigo; warm dark olive; juicy brown
Formula: Seven (Netzach) + Disks (Asiya) + Saturn in Taurus = FAILURE.
the map is full of cold, harsh beauty. But I'm afraid there's nothing more good to say about her. No matter how hard I tried, I could not find a single kind word from Crowley about Failure. And yet, hand on heart, was at least one of the other seven able to awaken even the slightest admiration in you? And the Seven of Disks—maybe we have Frieda Harris to thank for that. It was she who created this austere composition: seven lead coins (“counterfeit money,” as Crowley explains), marked with the symbols of Saturn and Taurus and set against a backdrop of withered, blackened vegetation. They form the geomantic figure Rubeus, which Crowley describes as "the most inauspicious and dangerous of all the sixteen figures."

One glance at the map formulas is enough to understand that trouble awaits us here. Netzach, the sphere of dreamy prima donna Venus, “has its wont to weaken the energy of the suit.” And cold, oppressive Saturn in the slow, earthly sign of Taurus does not at all save matters. This is how Crowley characterizes the dark imagery of this card: “...in the Seven of Disks there is no effort; there is not even a dream; the bets are made and the game is lost - that's all. Labor itself is rejected; everything is mired in laziness.” If the Seven of Disks came up in your reading, you can only hope that the question asked sounded something like this: “What is happening to my worst enemy now?”


Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

Description of the lasso

At times, the only thing we can do is wait. A seed planted, a child growing in the womb, a mollusk embracing a grain of sand and turning it into a pearl.

Straight position

This card reminds us that the time has come when all we have to do is simply be vigilant, patient, waiting. The woman drawn here is just an approach. Satisfied, without a trace of excitement, she simply waits. While the different phases of the moon pass over her head, she remains patient; she is so attuned to the rhythms of the moon that she has become almost one with it. She knows that for now she must be passive, letting nature take its course. But she is not sleepy or indifferent; she knows that now she must be ready for something important. This time is filled with mystery, like the hour before dawn. This is the time when the only thing to do is wait.

The meaning of the card

We have forgotten how to wait; it's almost a forgotten art. And our greatest treasure is to be able to wait for the right moment. All nature is waiting for the right moment. Even the trees know it - when is the time to bloom and when is the time to shed all their leaves and stand naked under the sky. They are still beautiful in their nakedness, awaiting new foliage with the greatest confidence; the old is gone, and the new will soon come, and new leaves will begin to grow. We have forgotten how to wait, we want everything quickly. This is a huge loss for humanity... In the silence and waiting, something inside you continues to grow - your true being. And one day it takes a leap and becomes a flame, and your whole personality is destroyed: you are a new person. And this new man knows what this ritual means, this new man knows the eternal juices of life. (Osho)

The interpretation of the 7 of Pentacles card is ambiguous. Tarot readers interpret the symbolism of the sign differently. The classic vision is Rider-Waite's. It is consistent with the opinion of Aleister Crowley. But a predictor, even a beginner, must form his own opinion, which he will form based on basic knowledge.

In this article

The meaning of the card in the broad sense of the word

The cards from the Waite deck depict a young man standing thoughtfully, leaning on an agricultural implement. In front of him is a luxurious bush strewn with coins, six in total. The seventh piece of money lies under the young man’s feet. Look carefully at the picture to see what associations arise:

  • disappointment;
  • expectation;
  • sadness;
  • futility of hopes;
  • the pointlessness of further work;
  • thoughts.

A novice tarot reader can continue the list of contradictory feelings that overwhelm him when looking at a card at his own discretion.

The second name of the Arcana: Lord of the Unacquired. This phrase contains the deep meaning of the symbol: expectations that were not met, wasted work, dreams that never became reality.

Classic image of the 7 of Pentacles from the Waite deck

According to Rider-Waite, the card denotes a small reward received for the efforts spent, slow development, stagnation. The man in the picture was tired, stopped to rest and realized that further work was useless, it took strength, energy, time, but did not bring results.

The main meanings of the card used when deciphering the magic symbol.

  1. Partial success, dissatisfaction with the results of work.
  2. Work that does not bring material benefits and emotional uplift.
  3. Patience and perseverance in achieving your goals.
  4. Failure of the case.
  5. Defeat, inability to influence the result.
  6. Prolonged wait.
  7. Distant, hazy prospects.
  8. Tired of work.
  9. Emotional burnout, emptiness, inability to demonstrate talents and abilities.

Meaning of the card in the upright position

Aleister Crowley says that the card is a symbol of withering, destructive processes, unrealized projects, plans doomed to failure. If a person gets 7 Pentacles, he advises him to abandon his plan. The costs of implementing the plan will significantly exceed the income. Crowley recommends winding down the business so as not to regret the efforts expended in the future.

Tarot-93 by Nikolai Kolesov

Modern tarot readers perceive the meaning of the card not so gloomily; they believe that seven Coins indicate the need to wait for the result.

If a card appears in a layout, a person needs to think about whether he is rushing things too much, wanting to get immediate benefits. The business you take on will bear fruit much later. The question is whether the questioner is ready to wait that long.

Pay attention to the cards that will lie next to you in the layout. You cannot unequivocally dissuade a person from implementing his plans just because he received this symbol. A lot of effort, energy and time have been spent, so it might be better to bring the work you started to the end, and not give up halfway.

When doing fortune telling, use all possible interpretations, do not limit yourself to the classic interpretation of the symbol, look at the situation from a different angle.

A lesson on the meaning of the 7 of Pentacles card. All combination options and energy cards.

Reversed card meaning

The reverse position enhances the negative meanings of the Seven of Coins.

  • Lack of result. In the modern interpretation – low salary, non-payment of bonuses.
  • Wasted effort.
  • Losses, project failure, bankruptcy, unreasonable spending.
  • Financial pyramids.

The Seven of Pentacles in an inverted meaning warns the questioner of the need to show foresight and wisdom. It is better not to take on a task if you are not sure of its successful outcome, the card says.

The meaning of the card when divining for business and work

When fortune telling about finances and career prospects, the card gives an unambiguous answer and most accurately predicts precisely such life situations.

In the upright position, seven Denarii symbolize slow movement up the career ladder, stagnation in business and lack of motivation at work.

7 Monet does not indicate direct conflicts and clashes in the team, but warns that defending one’s own point of view will not be easy. If a card appears as a symbol of the day, then the fortuneteller is advised not to take decisive steps. The coming day will be unproductive: you should not put forward innovative ideas, make rationalization proposals, they will not be appreciated.

You will have to wait a long time for rewards, says the card in the upright position, do not expect an immediate return on your investment.

In the reverse position, the Seven Pentacles directly indicate to a person not to get down to business. Refuse the offer under a plausible pretext: it is better to do nothing, save your strength and energy for promising projects.

When the reading deals with partnership, the 7 of Coins says that the alliance will not be mutually beneficial. One person will put effort and resources into the business, the other will take advantage of the results.

The meaning of the card when divining relationships

In the upright position, the card indicates that the relationship will not last long. This is a union in which there is no love, open and ardent feelings. The partners are in an unequal position: one of them gives, the other only benefits from the current situation.

The Seven of Coins means a frivolous attitude towards the marriage of one of the spouses. Perhaps the man is in love, and the woman only allows herself to be taken care of and does not make far-reaching plans for this person. It happens that, on the contrary, a lady hints in every possible way to her lover about the need to legitimize the relationship, but for the lover this is just another affair that is not worth attention.

In any case, if this card comes up during a love fortune-telling, the questioner should think about whether it is necessary to continue the relationship, whether it would be easier to break off the relationship so that later it would not be painful and offensive.

In an inverted state, the meaning of the seven of Coins is very bad: there is no hope for the situation to improve.

People and places

If the seven Pentacles are taken to determine a place, then they symbolize enterprises with hard, monotonous labor. These are not necessarily plants or factories, we are talking about activities related to routine, positions that pay little.

Modern representation of the Seven of Pentacles

As a significator, the card indicates a diligent, efficient and modest person. Most often, he occupies a small position and is a cog in a huge working mechanism. A modest salary, inconspicuous appearance, painful pride, unfulfilled dreams - this is a brief description of the qualities of 7 Coins.

An unusual video lesson dedicated to the differences between the Seven of Pentacles and the Eight of the same suit. It will be interesting as an alternative to the classical interpretation of the map.

Psychological condition

The character of the person who received the card can be described in a few words: hardworking, responsible, calm. He takes on any job just to get some money. Ready to work for a modest material reward, undemanding in everyday life, content with little.

From a psychological point of view, the card indicates serious changes in consciousness: depression, depressed state of mind, apathy, lethargy.

Analyze the emotions that the card evokes in you; if you feel that you are plunging into the abyss of despondency, urgently consult a psychologist. This condition is dangerous and foreshadows prolonged hypochondria.

In the reverse position, the card indicates a restless, hasty nature. A person wants to quickly solve problems and get instant benefits. When this is impossible, he becomes irritable and suspicious.

Classic card combinations with the Major Arcana

It is not enough to know only the general interpretation of the symbol. Knowing the basic combinations of the card with the Major Arcana will help you see the whole picture of the layout.

7 of Pentacles with Major Arcana

  • Jester - the job will not be completed, a frivolous attitude towards responsibilities.
  • Magician - you will have to wait a long time for the result.
  • The High Priestess means that the questioner is tormented by insoluble problems.
  • The Empress is profit.
  • The Emperor is an investment that is unlikely to pay off.
  • Hierophant - be patient.
  • Lovers - placing hopes on a partner that are unlikely to come true.
  • Chariot - the situation is getting out of control. The likelihood of crisis and bankruptcy is high.
  • Strength advises to show courage and endurance.
  • The hermit predicts defeat. Option: court decision to take into custody.
  • Wheel of Fortune – instability of position.
  • Justice - attempts to restore a good name.
  • The Hanged Man says that the fortuneteller is not free when choosing a way to solve a problem.
  • Death - plans will be disrupted, the cards say. The reasons why this will happen do not depend on the person.
  • Moderation predicts a positive outcome, but you will have to wait.
  • The devil - there is a high risk of investing money unsuccessfully and losing everything. Don't fall for dubious offers.
  • Tower - collapse, loss. The man is literally on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
  • The star advises to be patient.
  • Moon - melancholy, lack of money, wasted work. Option: clouds are gathering on the horizon, expect problems.
  • The sun is a well-deserved reward.

Do not forget to pay attention to the position in which the Major Arcana card fell: its influence on the 7 of Pentacles depends on this.

Classic combinations with the suit of Pentacles

Let's look at how the Seven of Coins behaves when cards of a similar suit appear nearby.

7 of Pentacles with its suit

  • Ace promises a stable financial position in the future.
  • Two is uncertainty. Option: not taking money seriously will lead to losses.
  • Three - the desired reward will not be received. In the modern interpretation: lack of financial incentives at work, an unaccepted project.
  • The Four advises to be careful with your savings.
  • Five – financial collapse, crisis. Work for which you didn't get paid.
  • Six is ​​a generous reward.
  • The Seven of Pentacles and the Eight of Pentacles indicate hard, thankless work.
  • Nine promises a stable financial situation in the near future.
  • Ten - good times will come, but you have to wait.
  • The Page of Pentacles promises important work news.
  • The knight promises a constant but modest income.
  • The queen indicates an independent woman.
  • The king is a symbol of authority and respect.

The video is dedicated to the compatibility of cards in layouts:

Classic combinations with the suit of Cups

Cups and Pentacles: how these cards manifest themselves in the layout.

7 of Pentacles with the suit of Cups

  • Ace says it's time to show your abilities and talents.
  • The two indicates the direction of movement. There is a way out, the map says.
  • The troika will disappoint - the gala meeting will not live up to expectations.
  • Four warns of emotional problems.
  • Five symbolizes a sad mood, indecision, timidity.
  • Six is ​​a sign of disappointed hopes.
  • Seven - expectations are in vain, throw away illusions, take off your rose-colored glasses.
  • Eight - you will not wait for the result.
  • Nine guarantees a successful investment. The money will double.
  • Ten – family happiness and harmony in relationships.
  • The page warns that frivolity will not lead to good.
  • Knight - disappointment is inevitable.
  • The Queen points to hidden reserves. Go ahead, you have enough strength.
  • The King of Cups symbolizes a partner who cares little about the common cause.

Classic combinations with the suit of Staves

Staves and the Seven of Pentacles: what to expect from their appearance in the reading.

7 of Pentacles with the suit of Staves

Ace guarantees quick changes.

  • Two foretells financial checks. Keep your records in order.
  • Three - there is still a long wait for the harvest.
  • Four - patience will be rewarded.
  • Five - the risk of ending up in debt.
  • The Six of Staves plus the Seven of Pentacles indicate an enterprising nature, prone to adventure.
  • Seven - you risk property.
  • Eight promises profit.
  • Nine - practicality and caution will not hurt in business.
  • Ten is a failure, a debt pit.
  • Page of Wands - obstacles in the implementation of plans.
  • Knight of Scepters - lack of vital energy, loss of interest in work. As a result, things will slow down.
  • The Queen advises not to lose optimism.
  • The king predicts that the invested funds will be returned, but not immediately.

Classic combinations with the suit of Swords

Let's consider how the behavior of the Seven of Pentacles changes when severe Swords are nearby.

7 of Pentacles with suit of Swords

  • Ace - you will have to come to terms with the coming crisis. Take losses for granted.
  • Two warns: you cannot make decisions under the influence of surging feelings.
  • Three - material losses, dismissal, financial problems in the family.
  • Four - it's time to make an important decision.
  • Five promises failure of projects, defeat.
  • The Six of Swords foreshadows a trip to earn money, a search for a better life.
  • Seven - be careful, your companions and colleagues are up to something.
  • Eight – despair, despondency, inability to speed up the process.
  • Nine - unjustified hopes will bring disappointment.
  • The Ten of Swords means complete failure and depression.
  • Page – quarrels with loved ones over money.
  • A knight means meaningless fuss and problems.
  • The Queen orders us to take the initiative into our own hands. Don't be afraid to make decisions.
  • The king is a hint on the surface; you will find a way to carry out your plans and receive a reward.

When reading the layout, listen to your intuition. To better remember combinations, keep a diary. Write down your thoughts and observations. This helps not only to train your memory, but also to find new associations. Compare forecast results with the current situation.

The meaning of the card when divining health status

Experienced tarot readers disagree about the meaning of the Seven of Pentacles in health readings. Depending on the neighboring cards, it indicates the absence of illness or recovery, which is progressing slowly but surely.

In the reversed position, the 7 of Coins indicates hidden illnesses. If this card appears in a reading, tarot readers advise immediately undergoing a full examination to identify the cause of loss of strength and malaise.

The Seven of Pentacles cannot definitely be called a bad sign. On the one hand, she calls for patience. The ability to wait and systematic movement forward will help you find ground under your feet. You have sown the seeds, take good care of the garden, and in gratitude it will bloom and produce a harvest.

On the other hand, the card advises not to waste your efforts in vain. If the garden does not bear fruit, then it is time to uproot it. Sometimes it is better to abandon what you have planned so as not to waste time and energy. Think about what is more valuable: mental and physical health or mythical, unattainable goals.

A little about the author:

Tarot reader Esoterics for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and prospects are hidden.

More than 20 years ago I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then I have used them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersing yourself in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life.

The Seven of Pentacles Tarot is a wise and promising card. It is the best option for people who are patient, calm, and focused, but it is not at all desirable for those who are lively and fidgety, concerned about quickly getting results. This Arcanum forces you to think about the main thing - time. Is it worth rushing what will come naturally? Can a person control time? The questions are rhetorical, but the prophetic card will answer them.

Seven of Pentacles Tarot – a wise and promising card

Map image of Seven Disks

The classic Tarot deck objectively and without unnecessary details creates an overall picture of the worldview, where each previous unit is an important link in the chain of subsequent ones. Remember the drawing on the 6 of Pentacles, where a person receives the rich man's money? The logical continuation of the plot is the 7 of Pentacles. It depicts a peasant wearily leaning on his working hoe. In front of him is a grape bush, on which 7 disks are hung instead of fruits. It can be assumed that the person wisely used the money received from the previous episode. I bought bushes with them, which I carefully planted, now I just have to wait to find out if there will be a harvest. As you know, chickens are counted in the fall. Future fruits will tell you what kind of owner he is.

We see that the work has weakened the man, because planting is only the beginning; the farmer took care of the bush: he watered it in the heat, and dug it up in the cold. Now he needs rest. But still the peasant does not leave the garden beds. He continues to stand in thought near the vineyard and expect a quick harvest.

This man has a family, a home. Otherwise, after plowing the garden, he would have gone to do his daily chores. But now he waits patiently, forgetting about minor matters. Although time burdens him. Because waiting is a test.

How to interpret the Arcanum of Seven Disks (Coins)

It is no coincidence that the 7 Coins are located in the vineyard. We begin to interpret Arcanum with this image. A person worked - which means that work must be rewarded. There will definitely be fruits, but later, you just have to be patient. Will a man receive true gifts? We see a silhouette indicating the obsession with our own ideas. One gets the impression that the person will continue to stand in the same position tomorrow and two days later. This is the main meaning of the Tarot card: know how to wait for the favorable results of your own work.

But does the result always live up to expectations? No. After all, it happens that efforts are destroyed by an unforeseen incident. It’s the same with a vineyard: it can be broken by the wind, or destroyed by a hurricane, or flooded by rain. The card says: we must be prepared for any turn of events and not focus on one thing. While waiting for forecasts, do not forget that the time of the present is passing.

Tarologists say that if you get the Seven Pentacles from the Minor Arcana in your reading, you should expect the results of your current achievements in a year. Yes, to some extent - this is a lot. But isn’t it better to wait than to make hasty conclusions, abandon what you started, and end up with nothing again? Therefore, another interpretation of the card is to warn the fortuneteller about the inappropriateness of rash actions. To pause, think and decide wisely - this is what the seven encourages.

Value in upright position

The meaning of the 7 of Pentacles Tarot is determined by the questions: “Will I be able to achieve success?”, “Will my business become profitable?”, “Is it worth continuing to do this?” As you can see, they all relate to time and results. Arkan says: the strength and work put into the name of achievement will definitely pay off. All it takes is patience.

The 7 of Pentacles, which fell in an upright position, speaks of a gradual, step-by-step unfolding of the event

Let us determine possible options for interpreting the map in the upright position:

  • the efforts will be worth it;
  • it will take a year of waiting for the results to emerge;
  • no need to jump from task to task, be patient to finish what you started;
  • your work will be appreciated;
  • expecting a positive outcome, you cannot sit with your hands folded, any activity must be for the good of the cause;
  • Problems in the initial period are not excluded, but their solution depends on human patience and the inner urge not to stop halfway.

The card states that if you do not have a sufficient sense of patience, if you are disappointed in the expected success, you will lose everything. Then the result is even more disappointing, since the efforts did not live up to expectations. But man cannot speed up the course of events.

The 7 of Pentacles, which fell in an upright position, speaks of a gradual, step-by-step unfolding of the event. And this is good. In this case, a prolonged year of time will only benefit the matter.

Reversed meaning

In the layout, the Seven of Pentacles reversed indicates unfulfilled dreams about the success of your own business. Excessive anxiety, the desire to speed up the “blooming” and “harvesting of the fruits” of the project became the main reasons for the negative result. This was preceded by other conditions: not enough invested power to improve things, leaving things to chance, unfavorable influence from the outside.

The meaning of the card in reverse predicts the following events:

  • the result of the case is not completely lost, it will take at least 2 years to achieve;
  • you are driven by negative feelings (depression, fear, anxiety) that make it difficult to be patient about the future;
  • it is unlikely to make a profit;
  • unrealistic success will become the basis for the emergence of self-pity, excessive tears and despair will weaken the inner state of the soul;
  • It will be necessary to change the direction of movement and speed, since now it is an accelerated path to nowhere.

The turned Seven indicates inertia in business. Either due to laziness, or due to lack of the required resources, the project that has been started is already initially programmed to be fruitless. In other words, the funds spent are many times greater than the final result. There is no profit to be expected. Therefore, a card in an inverted form, among other explanations, also means financial difficulties, a financial failure. The case when the risk brought nothing.

What to expect from the Seven of Pentacles in readings

The general characteristics of the card are clear. But let's figure out what this Arcanum promises in a specific scenario. What should you be afraid of and what should you prepare for? Vital issues are resolved with the help of the 7 Pentacles.

Work and success

You have a private business, and things seem to be going well, but you want maximum success. The profits made so far seem trivial. In such a situation, the card under discussion indicates a lack of patience. A Seven rolled upright promises future success. And despite the fact that at this stage the brilliant fulfillment of hopes is not yet visible, progress is still evident. And the time that is needed for the sustainability of the business will be used only usefully by a wise owner.

If the card is upside down, then you shouldn’t expect more in the matter.

If the card is upside down, then you shouldn’t expect more in the matter. The business you started was a rash decision. The profit that we have now is already a good result; no improvements are expected. Don't look for one reason. There are many of them: they allowed laziness to rule over them, they did not appreciate the degree of responsibility, etc. Accordingly, you reap the negative benefits. Fate itself has determined that this is not yours.

Personal relationships

We met a person who is fun to be with. But is this really your destiny? Will the emerging relationship have a positive continuation? Will feelings flare up or fade away in the near future? The Seven Disks card will answer all questions in the affirmative only if both partners want to build one destiny for two. If there is no reconciliation in a relationship, no patience for each other, no mutual cooperation in solving problems, then they are doomed. If the Seven Pentacles card appears in the reading, the tarot reader will advise you to take steps towards developing relationships, but not to rush. Trust time, it will put everything in its place. It’s not for nothing that they say that feelings are tested over the years.

The seven inverted already denies the harmony of feelings. She indicates irritation with each other. Both partners are sure that the acquaintance was only an accident, and it was a mistake to start something big. The card warns of betrayal or vile acts. Therefore, it is better to separate now, while the slightest mutual respect remains.

What kind of personality are you, what do the cards say?

We want to appear better than we really are. And while it is easy to give advice and analyze the actions of others, it is difficult to objectively evaluate oneself and one’s own behavior. The Seven Coins Card characterizes a person who knows how to wait, endure, and improve what he does. Such a person is doomed to success. He may be insecure and rebellious, but he knows how to value time. In leisure time, he is concerned about the progress of his own affairs.

Why is it so important to determine the position of the map?

A card in an upright position says that you are an optimist in life and are determined to succeed. And most importantly, know that to achieve it, you still need a lot of effort. To some extent, you are dependent on money, because the projects started are primarily created with the goal of generating financial income. And for this you have to work a lot, which can lead to emotional burnout.

The 7 of Pentacles card falling in a different position speaks of the frivolity of human intentions

A card dropped in a different position indicates the frivolity of human intentions. In a hurry, things are done haphazardly and not always thought out. This means that the result will be disappointing. This person is often in an irritated state, angry at the first failure. He is hampered by his laziness and mediocrity. Without changing his attitude to business, his projects will never become winning.

Features of the 7 of Pentacles in other Tarot decks

Above we described the image and meaning of the Seven of Pentacles Tarot card in the classic deck. But there is a peculiar Thoth Tarot deck, which is known as scandalous and mystical. In it, the 7 of Pentacles card is painted in black and blue. Seven disks are placed vertically in the center. The background of the card resembles peacock feathers. The meaning of the card differs from the traditional interpretation. In the Thoth Tarot she talks about fear and fear. And only the power of material thought can help overcome them and achieve a positive result. Experts perceive Arcanum as a hint that you are able to overcome panic, fear, and your own insecurities.

The Seven of Coins is a philosophical card. She teaches how to use time correctly, because everything in the world has a duration, nothing begins or ends in one second. Be consistent in decisions, thoughts, and actions. Be patient and your happiness will find you.

The 7 of Pentacles is a card that speaks of patience, waiting, and sometimes just walking away from something that isn't working. It's about stopping and wondering why something you've been meaning to achieve for so long is still not producing results.

The Arcanum predicts and warns of disappointments, long periods of waiting and offers that you should consider.

Sometimes we really need to step back and look at things from a different perspective. In some cases there is nothing more we can do. We must take a step back.

The Seven of Pentacles indicates that you need to think through all the details before making a decision.

Description of the card image

In the center of the card is a young man in the modest attire of a farmer or landowner. He leans on a hoe and thinks about something. The young man's gaze falls on a green flowering bush. But on the bush, instead of fruits, there are coins with pentacles. There are six coins on the bush, another coin lies under the young man’s feet, but he does not notice this coin.

The Seven of Pentacles is a card of process, not of result per se. Here patience and perseverance come into contact with despondency and impatience. Fate tests your toughness and helps you realize that you can achieve results through slow and painstaking work. The Seven of Pentacles teaches you to carefully weigh your decisions, to persistently pursue your goal, but not contrary to fate. You are more of an observer of what is happening, and to a lesser extent, the one who decides and determines the final result.

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Direct position value

Keys: expectations, uncertainty, tolerance. Reflection and analysis of the situation. Tired and exhausted state. Investments for the future. Laying the foundation for future success. Realization of plans. Perseverance. Profit of future periods. Getting what you want after some time. No effort goes unnoticed. Patience and more patience. Results within a year. An assessment of the situation and results is necessary. Slow progress.

Successful completion of the case and receipt of reward for your work awaits you. But it is worth considering that this will not happen now, but soon. To achieve what you want, you did everything right: you laid the foundation, made an effort, now all you have to do is wait for your investments to start making a profit. Until then, keep working hard and doing good work.

You work hard and it will definitely bring you profit. The quality of your life will improve, your financial situation will stabilize. You are on the right track, keep working and wait.

It is worth remembering and taking into account some points. Not all work and investments immediately begin to generate income and pay off. You may experience delays in business, delays in making decisions, delays in results, but all this will be for your benefit. So don't try to speed up the process. While you wait for success, don't forget about the present.

Advice: stop and look around, maybe you missed something, didn’t take advantage of any opportunity. Most likely, there is already profit and it can be used for your own purposes.

Learn to wait, cultivate calmness and perseverance. Don’t try to take on several things at once; trying to master everything at once will lead to nothing.

Now you need endurance; perhaps you should lie low to hear and see the details of the situation that were missed in the bustle.

Interpretation of the inverted position

Keys: uncertainty, anxiety, ambiguity. Retreat. A break is needed. Losses. Anxiety. Insolvency. Disharmony. Laziness. Slowness. Waste of funds. Dissatisfaction with yourself and your position. Financial problems, debts. Loss of position. Ill-conceived investments. Losing. Inability to be content with little and what you have. Awkwardness. The time period for implementation is a year or more. Unjustified investments. Self-pity. Bad credit history.

Your hopes will not come true, you will not be able to benefit from the situation. Your investment will not return, will not bring profit and will not pay off. Your calculations turned out to be wrong. There was a flaw somewhere in the plan. You miscalculated.

If someone asks you for a loan, you should not grant this request. The debt will not be returned to you.

You cannot succeed because you are impatient or too slow.

Your plans are not yet being realized. If you have ideas, postpone their implementation until a better time. The worst situation is loss and damage. Plus the position is to miss the profit, but the opportunity to stay with your own.

Warning: You are at risk of wasted effort.

Seven of Pentacles in health

Straight position. Weakened immunity, loss of vitality. Body systems are out of order. The problems are internal.

Inverted position. Apathetic moods, depression, weakness, drowsiness, increased fatigue, infectious diseases.

Seven of Pentacles in Relationships

The Seven of Pentacles can indicate failure and sadness in a relationship or someone you've been waiting for a long time. You may be disillusioned with the partnership and want to give it up. Or do you think that a lot of work needs to be done in this regard.

This lasso is not the best card to draw when you are looking for romance. It indicates failure.

Straight position. A lot of effort has been invested in the relationship, but the return is not yet visible. The development of relationships has reached a dead end. Understanding and awareness that this situation will not last long and you need to make a decision and get out of the situation. The first option is to develop the relationship, move to the next level and move on. The second option is to break off the relationship and take a break.

One-sided desire in a relationship - one partner wants something, and the other denies it or does not support the initiative.

It's time to ask the question: “What will happen next and what development should we expect?” Don't be afraid to talk to your partner. Remaining silent and hiding the true situation is not the best option.

Advice: do not rush your partner into making any decision. Let me calmly think about the situation. Express your thoughts, complaints, convey to your partner what does not suit you, and give him time to think.

Inverted position. Perhaps a third wheel is interfering in the relationship, betrayal by one of the partners, hopelessness of the situation, routine in the relationship, naivety of one of the partners, fatigue from the relationship.

The state of affairs is in limbo, one thing is clear: it won’t get any better. Crisis in relationships. Survive the crisis by following the flow of life.

Seven of Pentacles at work

Areas of activity of the Seven of Pentacles: work related to land, land cultivation, city landscaping, work in agriculture, farmer, investor, appraiser, real estate sales manager.

Straight position. Slowly but surely achieving what you want. There is progress, but it is little noticeable. You should be patient and wait until your work is appreciated. You should not expect rapid development or recognition. Persistently and persistently go towards your goal, move slowly but surely. Apply your skills and abilities.

What you should pay attention to: do your work efficiently and conscientiously, do not get involved in conflicts. Please be patient.

Inverted position. Unemployment, lack of proposals and projects. Working for unworthy wages. Business does not generate income; it drains not only strength, but also money. Lack of knowledge, skill and work experience. Lack of understanding of your purpose. Inability to enjoy work. Defects and poor quality work. A large amount of work that cannot be completed or delivered on time.

Seven of Pentacles about the current situation

Straight position. To get what you want, you need to be patient and do some extra work. When developing or implementing a new project, do not rush. Think about the current situation and think through your moves.

In the current situation, you should not be cunning and look for illegal or contradictory solutions, everything will be resolved by itself. Don’t rush things, don’t look for a quick solution, everything goes as it should. Trust the slow progress and let the situation pass through you.

You should reconsider your plan of action; most likely, you should understand yourself and find harmony within yourself. Phlegmatism and calmness are your comrades.

An assessment of the current situation, regardless of whether the fortuneteller is satisfied with the result or not.

Inverted position. Perhaps you yourself do not understand where you are moving, you are going for the sake of going. The surrounding bustle unsettles you. You're afraid to stop because you think you'll get hit. Don’t be afraid, step aside and analyze your situation, whether you are doing what you want. Accept your position.

Be careful that your work does not go to others. Stand up for your work so your profits don't go away from you.

Advice: you may have to gather your strength and do something that is unpleasant for you, but necessary for those around you.

Warning. You won't like what you're asked to do.

Keys to understanding the Seven of Pentacles:

  • Endless and useless work and investments.
  • A difficult period has come, difficulties in work. Unbearable obligations.
  • There are no prospects for development.
  • Emotional instability.
  • Loss of strength and emptiness.
  • Think about what you have gained, what positive moments and lessons can be learned from the situation.

Seven of Pentacles tips:

  1. Learn to be patient and wait.
  2. There is development and growth, but remember it is very slow.
  3. The result is not immediate, wait for the situation to be revealed.
  4. Know how to enjoy the moment and take your time.

Questions to analyze the situation when the Seven of Pentacles appears:

  • Why should you do or are doing something that you don’t want or want?
  • How to make your situation easier?
  • Why don't you like what you do?
  • The result of the work done? What do you see and what do others see?
  • How is your work perceived? How is it paid?
  • How to stop doing something you don't like?

The meaning of the 7 of Pentacles in combination with the Major Arcana

With a jester. Intolerance. Not being able to wait.

With a magician. Showcase your abilities. Expect victory.

With the High Priestess. Excuses. Obscurity.

With the Empress. Income. Possibility of conceiving a child.

With the Emperor. Attachments.

With the hierophant. Others are to blame for your problems.

With lovers. Disappointment. Expectation of reciprocity.

With a chariot. A choice must be made. Crisis situation.

With strength. A firm position is required. Know how to wait.

With a hermit. Defeats. Loneliness.

With the wheel of fortune. Departure from plans.

With justice. Doubts, search for truth.

C hanged. The hopelessness of the situation. Negative consequences.

With death. Uncontrollable forces. External influence.

With moderation. Income. Getting what you deserve.

With the devil. The futility of the work done. Disappointments.

With a tower of lightning. Loss of property.

With a star. Tolerance. Expectation.

With the moon. Avoiding problems.

With the sun. Make the right and thoughtful choice.

With the court. A new life awaits you ahead.

With peace. Reward for work done.

Seven of Pentacles in combination with the suit of wands

With an ace. The standby mode ends. Everything will become clear soon.

With a deuce. Delaying a decision.

With a three. Sudden changes.

With four. Support from loved ones.

With an A. Attempts to repay a debt, a quarrel on financial grounds.

With six. The right decision was made. The makings of an entrepreneur.

With seven. Financial instability. Debts.

With eight. Favorable position, you will achieve your goal.

With nine. Your strength is being tested.

With ten. You need to change something in your life.

With a page. Wasted talent.

With a knight. Lack of knowledge and skills.

With the queen. Stay optimistic and be firm in your decision.

With the king. Heightened self-esteem. Invest in business.

The meaning of the seven of pentacles in combination with the suit of cups

With an ace. Show your strength in practice.

With a deuce. Calm, searching for a way out of the situation.

With a three. Teamwork. There is no need to regret the past.

With four. Depression, apathy.

With an A. You don't understand what you're doing. Lack of control of actions.

With six. Missed opportunities. False hopes.

With seven. Closedness. Closedness.

With eight. Drive. The race for illusions and dreams.

With nine. The investment is worth it. Receiving income.

With ten. Family. Receiving rewards.

With a page. Frivolity. Reproaches.

With a knight. Disappointment. Empty expectations.

With the queen. Hiding your capabilities. Fear of something.

With the king. Your partner or friend is not reliable.

Interpretation of the 7 of Pentacles in combination with the suit of swords

With an ace. Uncontrolled emotions, breakdown, vanity.

With a deuce. Sadness. Recklessness.

With a three. Emptyness, loss of something.

With four. Internal changes occur in you that are not visible to others.

With an A. Experiences, worries.

With six. Favorable opportunities and new horizons for development open up for you.

With seven. Risks, reassessment of life principles.

With eight. You are captive of some circumstances.

With nine. The unknown.

With ten. Devastation, both moral and physical, and financial.

With a page. Lack of money, quarrels and conflicts.

With a knight. Bustle. Taking events too seriously.

With the queen. Control over the situation.

With the king. Profitable investments, making a profit.

Seven of Pentacles in combination with the suit of pentacles

With an ace. Stable position. Clarification of the situation.

With a deuce. Everything is in your power, there is an opportunity to correct the situation.

With a three. You can work and earn money.

With four. Planning your actions, following the plan.

With an A. Weakening of the immune system.

With six. Income. Getting what you deserve.

With eight. There is a lot of work, the pay is not worthy.

With nine. You can't stop living beautifully.

With ten. Empty hopes for others.

With a page. You won't achieve more until you take action on your own.

With a knight. Debts, both yours and what is owed to you.

With the queen. Lack of funds. Savings are needed.

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