Gemini amulets, talismans. Which stone is suitable for a Gemini woman?

The zodiac sign Gemini is under the protection of Mercury and the air element. That is why Geminis are characterized by contradictions to a greater extent than other signs. The character of these people is elusive, deceptive and changeable. They are intellectuals, however, they do not like to make efforts in search of knowledge, being content with what comes to them on their own. They are fickle, they tend to often change the nature of their activities, which is why they almost always have unfinished business. However, Gemini is able to subsequently return to the work he started and finish it.

These people always feel the need for society; they need communication. Thanks to their interests and knowledge in a wide variety of industries, Geminis can easily communicate with a wide range of people. They are excellent at negotiations, which is why Geminis make excellent teachers or sales workers. However, they may not psychologically cope with stressful situations, and then the negative qualities of this zodiac sign appear: selfishness, self-interest and pettiness.

Gemini birthstones by date of birth

Geminis born in the first decade (21st - 31st May) are under the influence of Jupiter. They have well-developed intuition and logic. Suitable stones for these people are rock crystal, amazonite, and obsidian.

Representatives of this zodiac sign born in the second decade (June 1st - June 10th) are protected by Mars. They are assertive, selfish, and sometimes aggressive. Suitable talisman stones for Gemini of this period are pearls, onyx, etc.

People born in the third decade (June 11th – 21st) are under the protection of the Sun. These are bright personalities, they have a lot of warmth in their souls for loved ones, but they can also experience strong uncontrollable anger. These people do not tolerate any subordination. Useful gemstones-talismans for them are distinguished by their unsurpassed beauty - this and tourmaline.

Talisman stones for Gemini

Alexandrite is the best stone for Gemini

According to astrologers, the best talisman stone for the Gemini zodiac sign is alexandrite. This stone promotes the development of strong personality traits in Gemini. In addition, alexandrite changes its shades and, thanks to this property, you can find out about the approach of a difficult life period or deterioration in health (in the case of a darkening of the shade of the gem). Alexandrite will also serve as a talisman for Gemini in the area of ​​good, stable earnings and saving the money they earn.

Moonstone will help Gemini choose the right path

Moonstone will also be a good talisman for Gemini. Such a talisman will restrain the throwing of this sign from one goal to another and will direct it along one right path. In addition, the frivolity of these people can sometimes lead to the collapse of normal family life due to a momentary impulse; the moonstone will also take care of stable relationships in the family. The stone will also help increase creative abilities and reveal them.

Good talisman stones for the Gemini zodiac sign are minerals that have sunny shades: amber, feline or citrine. Citrine, for example, is indispensable for businessmen. It promotes profitable business, protects against unreasonably risky transactions, and brings Gemini’s excitement within a reasonable framework. For representatives of this zodiac sign who engage in public activities, citrine will ensure successful performances.

Onyx will strengthen the resolve and develop the strength of character of Gemini.

Onyx will help Gemini make reasonable and real decisions, reducing the frivolity and superficiality characteristic of the sign. Moreover, an onyx talisman with straight stripes has a higher potential; it will reduce frivolity and develop strength of character.

Agate will build a reliable shield for Gemini and will easily ward off illness

Agate will also be an excellent talisman for Gemini. This stone itself is endowed with magical properties and will become reliable protection for weak and often ill representatives of the sign. Agate will help creative people to bring their plans to completion, not allowing them to soar in the clouds. Jewelry with agate will help develop such qualities as responsibility, attentiveness and prudence, which are so often lacking in Gemini.

A talisman with agate will help Gemini in the love field

An agate talisman is also good for romantic relationships; it will perfectly contribute to the success of the chosen candidate for the role of spouse and will help make the right choice, because representatives of this zodiac sign often hesitate between several options.

Jade attracts loneliness in Gemini

Jade has a beneficial effect on the state of the Gemini nervous system, helps overcome illness and normalizes sleep. The stone even increases life expectancy, but you should not wear jade for a long time, since this stone attracts loneliness, and for people of this sign this is unacceptable.

Turquoise is an excellent assistant in money matters

For Geminis who are prone to frequent travel, astrologers recommend turquoise as a talisman. The mineral will add energy and strength, protect against possible dangers. ‒ a peacemaker stone, it eliminates conflicts and prevents quarrels. In addition, turquoise will be a good assistant for this zodiac sign in money matters and will protect against slander and the evil eye.


Geminis tend to have a hard time withstanding the consequences of stress and nervous shock. They often have poor health, and during periods of illness and stress, these people weaken, losing energy at a high rate. A citrine talisman stone will increase vital energy and protect Gemini. The amulet is capable of accumulating energy in a person, protecting him from possible misfortunes in the future. During periods of stress or illness, citrine brings positivity to the owner’s emotions, helping to see the situation from the outside.

Citrine is also very good for businessmen, helping with contracts and conflict resolution. A citrine talisman for Gemini perfectly helps to concentrate on one specific direction, without scattering to the sides, and to convince opponents of your opinion.

A talisman for Gemini made from a tiger's eye will protect against his own negative qualities. Suspicion, suspiciousness, jealousy are traits that interfere with a normal life, and the tiger's eye fights them with constant success. This talisman is also good for stable material well-being and career growth of representatives of this sign. This stone relieves fatigue and nervous tension well. Sometimes the tiger's eye can cause a feeling of increasing its weight - this is how the amulet warns the owner about possible future unpleasant situations.

Chrysoprase protects Gemini from damage and the evil eye

Chrysoprase is a magical talisman for Gemini. The stone protects the owner from damage, the evil eye, and other mystical negativity. Chrysoprase is also a good protector for people whose occupation involves other people's money. These are, for example, brokers, bankers, cashiers. For married Geminis, chrysoprase will ensure family well-being. The mineral is able to protect against evil intentions or envy, so it will be useful in matters involving risk.

How to wear talisman stones correctly

How and in what product it is better to wear this or that gem is of considerable importance for a given sign. For example, alexandrite should be worn in a ring, and the ring itself should be worn on the middle finger, and the ring should be removed at night.

It is better to choose turquoise set in gold if it is Ural turquoise, and in silver if the birthplace of the mineral is Iran.

Talismans play a very important role in the lives of people who believe that with their help they can attract good luck and make positive qualities more active. Gemini talismans must be chosen especially seriously, because this sign combines opposites, such as evil and good. In a matter of seconds, their mood can change from good to menacing or vice versa, and one gets the feeling that the person has been replaced.

The most important thing when choosing a talisman is that its owner should like it.

This sign belongs to, therefore, the character of its representatives contains sociability, lightness and the most pronounced quality, changeability. Therefore, the talisman of the Gemini zodiac sign should be light and airy. It will be most active if it is inherited from close relatives or given as a gift.

Before you start wearing an amulet, you must cleanse it of negative energy. This can be done by holding it under cool running water, after which you should charge the talisman for Gemini with your energy.

It should be borne in mind that under no circumstances should you re-gift your amulet, since it will not bring any benefit to the person to whom you give it; it is charged with the energy of its owner and is capable of helping only him.


What is the most successful talisman for Gemini? Mask. This is explained by the fact that the character of people of this sign includes a whole range of diverse traits. They also really don’t like monotony in everything, which is what the mask symbolizes.

It can be difficult for people around Gemini to adapt to their mood, because it is constantly changing. The mask is able to save representatives of this sign from themselves. Women can wear it as a pendant, and men as a keychain.


The key is a symbol for accessing information that

Jewelry for Gemini should be small and elegant, for example, a pendant, medallion, etc.

Positioning is very important for Geminis. People of this sign are very sociable, open and inquisitive, they love to be the center of attention. And the key will allow you to find an approach to your interlocutors or, conversely, protect you from ill-wishers. They say that with the help of the key, its bearers “close” their spiritual world from outsiders. The talisman can be made of either silver or gold.

When choosing a talisman for a Gemini woman, it is recommended to wear a pendant in the form of a key on a chain. And men are asked to wrap it in a non-black cloth and always have it with them. When difficult life moments or difficult situations arise, you should hold the key in your right hand and everything will be resolved safely.

With the help of such a talisman, you can carry out fortune telling to find out the feelings of your lover. You need to hang this key on a string above the image of your loved one or just his name on a piece of paper. One side should be marked somehow and left overnight. The next morning, look at the result: if the key turned in the other direction, then the one on whom the fortune telling was performed has reciprocal feelings, and if the key has not changed position, then he does not have any feelings for you.

Other talismans

  • Geminis are considered intellectuals, so for them objects in the form of a snake, hand or star have a magical character;
  • Mercury is considered to be the ruling planet for this sign. This was the name given to the Roman god, who was famous for his speed in movement, dexterity, and cunning. Therefore, any object that is capable of receiving, storing and transmitting information, as well as all objects related to movement, can become a talisman. For example, a pen, a book, a flash drive, banknotes and even a car.
  • Geminis know how to work well with papers, so items such as a diary, notepad, notebook, etc. can become talismans.

The color of the amulet also has a certain meaning; for representatives of this sign it is recommended to give preference to cold shades:

  • Grey;
  • Blue;
  • Violet;
  • Blue;
  • Lilac;
  • Coffee;
  • Yellow.

If the interior of your home or work is done in these shades, then your work will be as productive as possible, and your relaxation will be a pleasure.

Pentagrams with a symmetrical and radial arrangement of lines are often applied to amulets. This can be especially often noticed among those who are prone to the occult. Such amulets help to avoid thoughtless mistakes and will make their owner more successful and lucky.

It is worth noting that when some elements are repeated in an object, they should be 3 or a multiple of 5, because these numbers are lucky for Gemini.

Animal mascots for Gemini

The elephant and the crow are most suitable for Gemini. In order for these animals to help, it is not necessary to have them at home; it is enough to have figurines at home or small figurines that you can always have with you.

Plant talismans for Gemini


the tree gives the ability to develop certain qualities in its owner: patience, scrupulousness and precision. But, despite this, the talisman tree does not allow its owner to get hung up on minor details and reveals to him the whole picture as a whole. Figurines made of ash and any other products made from this wood can serve as a talisman; they protect well from gossip, the evil eye and excessive interference.


Geminis often speak too harshly; this plant helps smooth out conflicts at work and in the family, this makes them diplomatic. In addition, such a talisman can help with health, as the functioning of the bronchi and lungs improves.


This plant is able to extinguish aggression, avoid negative emotions and is generally calming. If there is lavender in the house, then conflicts and quarrels disappear. Such a talisman brings harmony and tranquility to women of the sign and eliminates envious thoughts and unnecessary ambitions.

bay tree

This is a talisman for the Gemini man, which is considered a symbol of prosperity, good luck and success. It can protect you from making unnecessary mistakes and all kinds of misfortunes. In addition, bay tree has a beneficial effect on health, especially the lymphatic system and brain.

Indoor flowers

To attract good luck and avoid many problems, representatives of the Gemini sign are recommended to keep the following types of flowers and plants in their home:

  • Honeysuckle;
  • Tulips;
  • Quinoa;
  • Jasmine;
  • Daffodils;
  • Buttercups;
  • Violets;
  • Daisies.

These plants have a good effect on health, filling the home with calm, harmony, regularity, good spirits and positive energy. And if you have the opportunity to grow your own amulet tree in the garden, then even a couple of seconds spent next to this tree will lead to the correct train of thought and peace of mind.


It is worth having a violet at home if you want to add more love and romance to your life. After the appearance of this flower, you will definitely meet someone worth paying attention to.


To appease Fortune, you need to put a flower on a new tablecloth; this plant will attract financial well-being.

In this article:

Each zodiac sign has its own talisman stone, and sometimes more than one, including Gemini. These bright representatives of the air element should combine completely versatile qualities in their amulet.

This sign leads an active lifestyle, so the talisman stone should match. Geminis need amulets that will support their natural eloquence, and also give them strength and courage in any type of activity.

Alas, often the brightness of the personality of this Zodiac sign evokes not only admiration in others, but also a lot of negative emotions, thoughts, desires, as a result of which they really need powerful protection.

Many Geminis love to travel, so their talisman should protect them from troubles on the road. The amulet can have any shape, for example, a snake or a mask.


The most important talisman in the form of a stone for twins is agate. A semi-precious stone is as unique as the person who owns it. Agate gives the owner eloquence, protects from the evil eye and gives strength. People believe that agate prolongs life and protects against disease.



Beryls include a whole group of fairly popular stones, including the well-known ones: aquamarine, emerald, heliodor. Even in ancient times, people discovered the properties of this stone; it energetically cleanses the owner, relieving stress and fatigue, giving mental sobriety, fortitude, and physical vigor.

Like agates, beryls are also capable of revealing the gift of oratory, as well as protecting during travel.


Chrysoprase is a variety of chalcedony. He brings success in all endeavors! The best good luck charms made for twins are made from chrysoprase. Also, the stone can relieve the blues, improve mood and give eloquence to those who complain of tongue-tiedness.


Geminis are a fussy, restless people with changeable moods. Geminis are prone to suspicion, superficiality and envy. Increased activity depletes the nervous system, as a result of which Gemini really needs a lot of sleep.


Green, yellow, and golden shades of stones are considered preferable for this zodiac sign, which will help maintain self-discipline, focus and calmness in its owner. This is exactly what citrine is - a yellow-lemon stone with strong energy.

Citrine is on the side of the owner in any situation, bringing him good luck in all endeavors and activities, from teaching to business. He concentrates and works on concentration.

Citrine gives a positive charge and attitude to life, strengthens the physical condition of its owner and normalizes his emotional state.


Geminis who have connected their lives with literary activity can safely use the possibilities of carnelian. This stone can develop memory, eloquence and attract inspiration. Like amber, carnelian attracts prosperity and protects against misunderstandings and troubles. Carnelian also prolongs the love of spouses, helps to maintain calm and optimism.


Eye of the Tiger

What talisman can become universal for Gemini? Made from an orange-brown tiger eye that protects against gossip and intrigue, “dealing” with the enemy in such a way that he will no longer appear on the horizon of your life.

Tiger's eye pacifies jealousy and relieves the owner from various kinds of emotional turmoil, adding sanity and determination to him. A talisman with a tiger's eye eliminates frivolous extravagance, turning Gemini into a more practical and economical owner.

Geminis should absolutely and categorically not wear stones such as opal, aquamarine, and onyx.

Twins- sign of the air element. Changeable, flighty and at the same time versatile, intelligent and sociable, they give the impression of friendly know-it-alls, and their natural charm attracts interesting people to them and allows them to achieve goals more easily where others would spend a lot of effort.

To realize their plans and achieve harmony, twin women are helped by talismans in the form of both precious (beryl, emerald, sapphire) and semi-precious stones (agate, rock crystal and some others).

A mineral chosen by date of birth will become an effective amulet. Stones suitable for Gemini women are discussed below.

Selecting a stone by date of birth (decade):

  • Born from May 21 to May 30 beautiful representatives of the air are protected by Jupiter. He develops a strong will, generosity, developed intuition and logic. Moonstone, agate, rock crystal and beryl are suitable for good luck and overcoming obstacles.
  • Women born from June 1st to June 10th are influenced by Mars. They are charming, purposeful, and often put their career above other values. When their planets are unfavorably affected, they become aggressive, hypocritical and self-centered. Which stone is suitable for Gemini women of this decade to get rid of the bad manifestations of the stars is, first of all, citrine; onyx, chrysoprase and tiger's eye also have a beneficial effect.
  • Twins born from June 11 to June 21 are protected by the Sun. They are bright, have a sense of humor, and are intellectual, but at the same time they are overly vain, stubborn and talkative. The disadvantage of girls in their third decade is their frequent mood swings, which is why they get irritated out of nowhere. To soften undesirable features, be sure to purchase emerald, sapphire, topaz and tourmaline.

Geminis of bright and warm colors can become talismans for Gemini women. Crystals of light shades, yellow, green are preferable. Having several minerals in the box, you can wear them depending on your mood.

Garnet Stone for Gemini Women

It got its name due to its similarity with the grains of the fruit of the same name. It has the ability to identify and concentrate the positive character traits of the owner. It also charges with optimism and vigor. It is recommended for people with strong energy, as it depletes the weak-willed even more.

Women of this sign can choose the mineral as a talisman to acquire true love and friendship; it will help to show tact in relationships and depth of feelings. It is not recommended to wear jewelry with garnet all the time; to relax, you should take it off for a while. Which ones you will find out here.

Gems for Gemini women

Gems for women born under the sign of Gemini:

  1. Beryl. A noble crystal, which has several varieties, differing in color. Thanks to the admixtures of various metals (iron, magnesium, chromium), it acquires shades from golden-green (heliodor) to red (bixbite), and can be multi-colored and iridescent. In its pure form, beryl is colorless. In married twins, it restores family harmony; it attracts true love and mutual feelings into the lives of single representatives of the sign. For active Geminis building a career, the stone is suitable as a talisman. It will help you not to give up halfway, but to boldly move towards your goal and quickly overcome problems. In addition, it helps improve memory and concentration, which allows you to quickly understand new information. The mineral will be a good helper in the treatment of various female ailments. Beryl is also used in the fight against colds and nervous system problems.
  2. Emerald. A beautiful precious mineral of rich green color. One of the most expensive stones. Like no other, it suits Gemini according to the horoscope. When exposed to it, peace appears, peace of mind and even composure during stress, excessive anxiety and irritation. Strengthens memory, helps determine your purpose in life, increases self-confidence. For the child it will serve as a protector from the evil eye (including during pregnancy), while strengthening the family, and maintaining the fidelity and love of the spouses.
  3. Alexandrite. It changes color depending on the lighting and even the mood of the wearer, which echoes the dual character of the twins. Shades go from bright, rich emerald to dark blue and even burgundy red.
    Alexandrite carries with it an aura of balance, calms and improves the processes of the nervous system, and also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. The mineral is able to cool heated debates and disagreements, and acts as a talisman against evil intentions on the part of opponents. The owner will be given happiness and prosperity in family life. At the same time, it is removed at night so as not to provoke the leakage of energy.
  4. Sapphire. This precious blue crystal will help you become restrained and patient. He reveals the talents of the airy girl. Harmonizes relationships with people, while increasing the circle of friends and acquiring connections that Gemini needs. The inconstancy of the zodiac sign disappears, and this has a positive effect on personal and professional relationships.

Natural stones for Gemini women

Natural stones include both precious and semi-precious stones. The first ones were discussed above, so let's pay attention to the second ones.

Semi-precious stones for Gemini women:

Stones contraindicated for Gemini

Representatives of the zodiac should avoid heavy, dark minerals. They drain them of vitality and energy, lead them to depression, deprive them of ease of communication and a positive attitude towards the world. These are primarily diamonds and rubies. They attract a lot of troubles and worsen the health of women of the air element. They should also avoid aquamarine.

Basic stone amulets for Gemini women.

Which stones are best for Gemini women to wear as amulets will be determined by crystals that suit them primarily in terms of energy. It is worth paying attention to minerals, based specifically on the individual character of the girl. These can be either semi-precious or precious crystals.

By choosing the former, you can wear them in everyday life, since precious minerals will not always look appropriate.

The most favorable of them for the human aura are:

  • agate - worn on the left hand in the form of a ring or bracelet,
  • tiger's eye - best used in a pendant,
  • rock crystal – also worn as a pendant or pendant,
  • citrine - worn in a ring or a ring of another material on the ring finger of the right hand, and when speaking in front of an audience, it is worn around the neck,
  • chrysoprase is worn as a necklace or pendant on a thin silver chain.

Precious stones are more active and are suitable for strong personalities; it is not recommended to use them around the clock.

Features of wearing gemstones for Gemini:

  • The influence of alexandrite will be more effective if it is in a gold-rimmed ring on the middle finger. It is better to use it in combination with other jewelry - a necklace or earrings.
  • To demonstrate your qualities, it is recommended to wear an emerald on the little finger.
  • Beryl can be worn as a pendant to improve family relationships and find love, or in a gold ring on the ring finger for good luck.
  • Sapphire, as an amulet, is suitable in the form of a ring or bracelet.

The given tips for wearing certain stones according to your zodiac sign as a talisman are proven and effective. At the same time, they pay attention to the crystals examined by date of birth first of all, but it is up to Gemini women to decide which stones to wear, especially if they like jewelry or products with gems from a different decade. Your mineral is felt on a subtle energy level.

People born under the zodiac sign Gemini have an active and slightly explosive character. In addition, they are distinguished by their instability and originality. Since the sign belongs to the air element, then the stones for it will have light colors with sparkling tints - light yellow and soft pink.

Universal stones

The main stone of Gemini is considered to be beryl, which belongs to the crystalline minerals. It has a transparent glass luster with a white and yellowish tint, and in rare cases it may have a greenish tint.

There are different types of beryl, namely:

  1. Aquamarine.
  2. Emerald.
  3. Light green garnet.
  4. Noble beryl– a transparent mineral of golden-yellow shades.

In addition to beryl, there are other gemstones that have a positive effect on Gemini, these are:

  1. – rock crystal of a yellowish tint.
  2. It has been known since ancient times; it has a golden-brown structure with glassy shimmers.
  3. Emerald or alexandrite is considered an ideal amulet for Geminis born in May.
  4. Pearl Oriental(cream or pink shade) suitable for June Gemini.

The following types of talismans are suitable for Gemini women:

  1. Agate. This is a powerful mineral that has a wide range of magical properties. The presence of this stone will bring success in personal and professional affairs, and will also improve health.
  2. Nephritis. This mineral has high attractive qualities. First of all, it is capable of healing many diseases; its action is aimed at improving health. This type of stone for Gemini women can not only strengthen the immune system, but also bring good luck and happiness.

For Gemini men, suitable stones include:

  1. Red coral.
  2. Amethyst.

Birth period and amulets

Which stone suits Gemini best? Many experts in the astrological field recommend selecting amulets according to the decade of birth. After all, the Gemini zodiac sign has an active, unpredictable character, so it is recommended to select stones that are ideal for the individual.

First ten days – May 21-31

May Geminis have the patronage of the planet Mercury. Those born at this time have amazing logic and intuition. In addition, they are simply inexhaustibly generous, kind, reliable and practical. The following stones should be ideal for these people:

This stone has a variety of tones and tints. Beryl talisman stones are simply intended for Geminis with an intellectual mindset. Beryl can be used by Gemini men. Travelers and sailors often take it with them on hikes.

This talisman is able to protect its owner from traumatic injuries and accidents. In addition, it is ideal for women. The stone can relieve many gynecological problems and diseases. It can also eliminate colds. It is recommended to wear this talisman on a chain under clothes.

Second ten days – June 1-10

People who were born at this time have qualities such as assertiveness, sometimes even aggressiveness. This is due to the fact that they are under the protection of Mars. The most suitable for Geminis born during this period will be:

Third ten days – June 11-21

People born during this period have a bright and positive character. They always radiate warmth, kindness, and attract the attention of others. True, sometimes they may exhibit manifestations of anger and rage. These unpleasant moments can be removed with the help of stones such as:

If your friend or girlfriend suddenly became interested in stones and astrology, then do not forget to advise her to consider which stones suit her or him best according to her zodiac sign. Many astrologers assure that the presence of such a stone will allow you to improve your personal affairs, help you in your work, protect you from various unpleasant problems and improve your health.

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