The same thing has to do with it personally. Separate writing of conjunctions. See what “and” is in other dictionaries


union And adv.

1. union.

Moreover, in addition to this, in addition.

This quarrel ended with both sides, tired of swearing, turning to my arbitration court, and trying to out-shout each other. Mamin-Sibiryak, Ava.

Larch and spruce bark is a good tanning agent, and larch bark is also used to prepare paint and alcohol. A. V. Kozhevnikov, Through the tundra, forests, steppes and deserts.

2. adv. interrogative

Why?, why on earth?

[Shablova (looking at the cards):] He will come. [Lebedkina:] Take a good look! --- What kind of lady is this? What does she have to do with it? A. Ostrovsky, Late love.

Small academic dictionary. - M.: Institute of Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Evgenieva A. P. 1957-1984.


See what “and” is in other dictionaries:

    AND, the union. Same as that. And moreover, the union is the same as that. Moreover (and moreover), the union is the same as that. He’s wrong, and he’s still arguing. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (or at what), union. In addition to this; besides. He did not agree with my argument, and immediately added that he did not quite understand it. || And we must take into account that... Five thousand were spent on the construction, and part of the money was received in... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    WHICKED, quailed. past vr. from comrade. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    and- moreover, a conjunction (about the idea, and it’s fair), but a pronoun. what (what do I have to do with it?) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    and- Moreover, the union The task is important, and urgent. Wed. preposition with pronoun. what does it have to do with it: What does it have to do with parents...

    moreover- 1st adjective is an unchangeable vocabulary unit, and 2nd adjective is an unchangeable vocabulary unit... Spelling dictionary of Ukrainian language

    Proverbs (abbreviation) participle Explanatory Dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    and moreover- and also, meaning. union... Together. Apart. Hyphenated.

    priched- [count] ... Dictionary of the use of the letter E

    and- (union) ... Dictionary of the use of the letter E

    account- and pri’chet (lamentation; pricht) ... Dictionary of the use of the letter E


  • Hair's How. Wedding hairstyles and style. Issue 6 (+ application). We are pleased to announce that the sixth generation of brides is getting married with our hairstyles! And our editors have been doing everything possible six times in a row to ensure that the hairdresser has something to offer...
  • The curl is burning, the curl is black. History of women's hairstyles, Rezanova Natalia Yurievna. Combs found in Paleolithic excavations indicate the first steps of hairdressing. His story amazes with its bold experiments on a woman’s head. Changing ladies' hairstyles...

In addition to this; besides. He did not agree with my argument, and immediately added that he did not quite understand it.

|| And we must take into account What... Five thousand were spent on construction, and part of the money was received on credit.

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


See what “AND” is in other dictionaries:

    AND, the union. Same as that. And moreover, the union is the same as that. Moreover (and moreover), the union is the same as that. He’s wrong, and he’s still arguing. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    WHICKED, quailed. past vr. from comrade. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    and- moreover, a conjunction (about the idea, and it’s fair), but a pronoun. what (what do I have to do with it?) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    and- Moreover, the union The task is important, and urgent. Wed. preposition with pronoun. what does it have to do with it: What does it have to do with parents...

    moreover- 1st adjective is an unchangeable vocabulary unit, and 2nd adjective is an unchangeable vocabulary unit... Spelling dictionary of Ukrainian language

    Proverbs (abbreviation) participle Explanatory Dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    and moreover- and also, meaning. union... Together. Apart. Hyphenated.

    priched- [count] ... Dictionary of the use of the letter E

    and- (union) ... Dictionary of the use of the letter E

    account- and pri’chet (lamentation; pricht) ... Dictionary of the use of the letter E


  • Hair's How. Wedding hairstyles and style. Issue 6 (+ application). We are pleased to announce that the sixth generation of brides is getting married with our hairstyles! And our editors have been doing everything possible six times in a row to ensure that the hairdresser has something to offer...
  • The curl is burning, the curl is black. History of women's hairstyles, Rezanova Natalia Yurievna. Combs found in Paleolithic excavations indicate the first steps of hairdressing. His story amazes with its bold experiments on a woman’s head. Changing ladies' hairstyles...

    Union but written together, its meaning is close to the conjunction but: The homeland did not wait for them, but(but) they could not live without their Motherland(Peak.). The conjunction, however, should be distinguished from the combination of the demonstrative pronoun then with the preposition for. The pronoun is easily replaced by a noun or extended by a pronoun (for the same thing); to the pronoun you can ask the question for what?: Not for that(for what?) they beat the wolf, that's gray, but for that (for what?) that he ate the sheep (last); Wed, also: Kleizmichel... despised him[Melnikova] for that that this man, perhaps the main creator of the road, did not manage to enrich himself, but lived on one salary(Peak.) - replacing a combination with a union but is impossible. - The heat comes and the morning voices fall silent, but(but) the world of insects comes to life(Przh.).

    Unions Also And Same written together, are synonymous and easily replace each other. In addition, they are synonymous with the conjunction and, which can be used as a means of distinguishing between these conjunctions and combinations of the particle with the adverb so or with the pronoun that: also and the same: But damn it Same(also) no one saw it, but who will say a good word about it?(Peak.) - replacing conjunctions does not change the meaning of the sentence. The combinations are the same and also cannot be replaced by the conjunction and, and the particle in them can be omitted, but the meaning of the sentence will not change. In addition, often the combination the same is followed by the pronoun (conjunctive word) that, and the combination the same is followed by the adverb how; sometimes the indicated combinations are preceded by the pronominal word everything (in the role of an intensifying particle): The patient's condition today same as and yesterday; compare: state what and yesterday; Her strong, magnificent, trained body resisted the transition to null space almost as well as for PPL drivers(Efr.); compare: because from drivers; All So or , How from drivers; In a hole without depths - how is life, dear? Is it harder as well as me with someone else?(Color); compare: So whether, How me with someone else?

    Note 1. In some cases, the general meaning of a sentence or features of its structure help to distinguish between such unions and combinations. Wed: In the audience Same listened carefully. - In the audience Same listened carefully- in the first case the meaning is “they listened attentively in the audience”, and in the second - “they listened to the same thing”; Just one month is all Also sailed brilliantly in the vast deserts of the luxurious Ukrainian sky, and Also the earth was beautiful in its wondrous silver shine(G.) - in the first part only separate writing is possible, as in the second, since we are talking about the beauty of impressions, and not about listing actions.

    Note 2. It is always written together as a particle: Same invented it for me! Same my assistant.

    Union to(so - colloquial) is written together, refers to subordinating conjunctions with a target or explanatory meaning. It should be distinguished from the combination of the pronoun that with the particle would; in combination, the particle would be easy to omit without changing the meaning of the sentence; compare: It’s worth at least reading “The Northern Forest” carefully. to make sure of this(Paust.) - why read it? for what purpose? - target conjunction so that ; I'll tell you in advance, I really want to my biography would show: I lived as I wrote, and wrote as I lived(Prishv.) - do you want what? - explanatory conjunction to . - He certainly wanted to become a hero and for this he was ready to do anything, the worst, to he was not offered(Sim.); compare: What he was not offered would ; On to(G.); compare: On What It seemed that Plyushkin needed such destruction of such products?
    Sometimes the choice of a conjunction so that or a combination that would depend on the meaning of the sentence; compare: There is no such power to stopped him from these difficulties- (no... for what?) - target relationships, so that - union and rearrangement is impossible.- There is no such power to stopped him in front of these difficulties. - There is no such power What stopped would his...- rearrangement is possible: there is no force, what? - defining relations, therefore, it is possible to write separately so that .

    Unions besides And and are written together, they must be distinguished from combinations of prepositions with pronouns at that and at what. Unions have a connecting meaning, are synonymous and easily replace each other; have synonyms yes and, at the same time, besides: I took it into my head to go under the shed where our horses were standing, to see if they had food, and besides(and, moreover, at the same time) caution never hurts(T.); He returned two hours later and received the same answer, and(besides, besides, at the same time) the footman somehow looked askance at him(T.).
    The combination of what is used in interrogative sentences or in complex sentences when adding explanatory clauses: What does it have to do with is this our relationship?; I asked him, what does it have to do with there are visiting guests here, if they have nothing to do with his work. The combination is assumed in the answer to a question containing the combination where: Our relationship while that I will not be able to make such a proposal(answer to question: What does it have to do with is this our relationship?).

    Note. The combination has nothing to do with it being written in three words: To tell the truth, there is a pike here nothing to do with it. She didn't come here(Kr.).

Separate writing of conjunctions

    Explanatory conjunctions are written separately that is(abbreviated in writing as i.e.) and that is (colloquial): She was brought up the old fashioned way that is surrounded by mothers, nannies, girlfriends...(P.).

    Compound conjunctions (consisting of two or more words) are written separately. in order to, because, since, so that, whereas, while and etc.

“Well, I have nothing to do with it, I’ll fight with a brick” is a well-known children’s saying, but in adulthood it is unlikely to help you write this verbal construction correctly. In this article we will figure out how to spell “neprichem”. but for many complex points from a huge number of rules of the Russian language.

How do you spell the word "nothing"?

Most often, people write simply by ear. What they hear is “nothing to do with it”, but the spelling absolutely does not agree with this option. According to the rules of the Russian language, the only correct spelling is “nothing to do with it.” Separately, in three words, with “ni” at the beginning, but not the particle “not”.

In fact, it is enough just to understand the lexical meaning of a given verbal construction in order not to get into trouble and write it correctly. Dictionaries use the following formulation of the meaning of this phrase: “a predicative colloquial evaluative phrase used to express non-involvement in something.” In simpler terms, "nothing to do with" means someone or something that has nothing to do with someone or something. That is, object A and B are not connected in any way. A more colloquial equivalent could also be the phrase "out of business."

Why "neither"?

We found out what the spelling rules say about “unnecessary”. But why is it necessary to use “neither”, because we hear “nothing to do with”? A logical question, given that all explanations use the negative particle “not”.

Everything is very simple. The lexical meaning of the particle “ni” is strengthening of negation. That is, in the case of the verbal construction “nothing to do with it,” you reinforce the meaning of the non-involvement of the object of the action or characteristic with anyone or anything.

Spelling examples. “Nothing to do with it” is wrong!

  1. It was the kids who scattered pencils and markers, and their older brother and sister had nothing to do with it.
  2. There is no doubt in my mind that you have nothing to do with it.
  3. Luck has nothing to do with it - the key to my success is hard work.

Good luck to all readers on the thorny path of learning the Russian language. We hope that you will no longer have to ask again how to spell “needless to do.”

Hello! I’ll say right away: I read in GRAMOTA.RU the section “Elemental truths”, paragraph 7, Letter e; read the article 3 Federal Law No. 53 dated July 1, 2005; I read the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 1, 2012 No. IR-829/08. There is no strict rule for writing the letters E and E! “Elemental Truths” sets out theoretical reflections that are suitable for a scientific article. The author or authors of theoretical discussions say: "... But denoting these combinations with the letter E is also bad: in this case, both the writer (typing) and the reader, who has to STILL over superscripts that are uncharacteristic of the Russian language." What does it mean? Isn't there a letter E in the Russian alphabet? What does STUMBLING have to do with it? Is it less difficult for parents to change their documents after writing the letter E instead of E on the child’s birth certificate in order to receive parental capital (compare the time, nerves, money and other costs of parents)? In my opinion, the reason is that everywhere they only speculate instead of writing a strict rule and strictly implementing it from the first grade of school to the Federal Law. My main question is: how can I explain the rules for writing the letters E and E to my grandchildren when reading literature?

We can only provide background information on this topic. Thus, the use of the letter E is regulated by spelling rules (set out in the Complete Academic Handbook) and a spelling dictionary.

Which of the questions asked requires an answer within the Help Desk?

Question No. 263128
Please help me figure it out: the spelling dictionary says: moreover, conjunction (offended, and rightly so), but a pronoun. what does it have to do with it (what does it have to do with me?)
In the Big Explanatory Dictionary: AND. I. pronoun. adv.
Why, why on earth? P. Are these people here? P. Is this your job? P. all this? Children, well, we don’t talk about them. II.
That being said, in addition to this; besides. They spoke loudly and tried to talk over each other. Wrong, p. is still arguing. I bought a suit, it was very fashionable. A good specialist, young and energetic.< Причём ещё, в зн. союза. =Причём.
So how is “At/what am I here” written and what part of speech is the word at/what? Isn’t this sentence similar in meaning to the sentence “What does that have to do with your job”? If it is similar, then “and” is written together and this is a pronominal adverb, and if not, then this pronoun is with a preposition and is written separately.

Russian help desk response

In matters of spelling, you must adhere to the recommendations of the spelling dictionary.

Question No. 255466
_At first I didn’t understand what Nizhny Novgorod had to do with it_
Is a comma necessary and why? Does it have anything to do with it?

Russian help desk response

Right: At first I didn’t understand what Nizhny Novgorod had to do with it. The subordinate clause is isolated.

Question No. 246183
Good day. I searched the Internet, but still couldn’t find an answer. Currently, a Fitness Convention is being held in our district. If I know the concept of the word “fitness,” then with “convention” everything is more complicated. In my opinion and according to dictionaries (including those on, the convention implies a paper contract. But what does fitness have to do with it?! Moreover, no contracts will be concluded at this event: only master classes and lectures.
So what does the word “convention” mean in this case?
thank you in advance!

Russian help desk response

Most likely just a bad name. By the way, the word fitness is written with one letter C at the end of the word.

Question No. 209951
A piece of anecdote: ... She: “No? Why not? Don't you like being married? He: “Well, what does that have to do with it?..” ... Is everything correct with the punctuation at the end of phrases? If necessary "?" and “?..” should be placed outside quotation marks? Should I put a period at the end and leave the punctuation as is?

Russian help desk response

Punctuation is correct, no period needed. Correctly separate spelling: _what does this have to do with it..._
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