How to relieve lack of money on a full moon, a powerful ritual! Rituals. Conspiracies. Rituals for attracting money on the full moon Strong prayers for the full moon for a lot of money

The night of the full moon has long been shrouded in a veil of mystery and endowed with great magical power.

After all, it is on this night that the transition from the accumulation of energy by the moon to its waste takes place.

Strong magical spells to attract money will be especially effective during the full moon phase.

As we already wrote in the article about, this is a unique opportunity to attract not only money, but also other material goods closer to yourself.

Conspiracy: Money never transfers!

To carry out this conspiracy, you will need money received in the most “accidental” way: won, found, received in the form of a gift, returned a “bad” debt, given as a bonus, etc.

From this money, take a bill of the highest denomination and, finding your oldest wallet, which you have not used for a long time, put the bill in it.

On the first day of the full moon, whisper the following spell into the wallet in which you put the bill 7 times:

“Like a lost puppy rushes to its mother, like a lost dog rushes to its owner, like a cat separated from home always returns to it, so all the lost, lost, excommunicated money and money would rush to me today, tomorrow, always! LET IT BE SO!"

Then take this bill in your hands again, fold it in half lengthwise and read the spell again.

Then fold them in half again along the short side and hide them in the wallet so that they do not touch the said bill.

Do this for 3 months every full moon.

Then the money collected in the wallet can be spent.

And all the money will return to you again, in its place, in your old wallet.

Money love spell on sheepskin

In order to carry out a conspiracy and ritual for money on a full moon, you will need a sheepskin.

A small piece of old outerwear will also work.

You need to lay it in front of you and, turning your face to the full moon, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“As a sheep is small and rich in wool, so may I be rich. Just as I can’t count the hairs on my sheepskin, I can’t count the money in my wallet. May it always be like this!”

After the ceremony, the sheepskin needs to be hidden in a secluded place, but not forgotten about it.

Sometimes take it out, stroke it, mentally imagining banknotes.

When money begins to appear and prosperity comes, you need to wait for the waning moon and bury the sheepskin in a secluded place.

Magic spell to attract money

“Moon and night, please help. I ask you to remove debts and poverty. I ask you to give away wealth and generosity. I always attract money to myself. I renounce poverty forever. Just as the moon shines forever, so I will always be in abundance. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Full moon spell for coins

To carry out the conspiracy you will need seven coins. It is desirable that they be of large denomination. On a full moon, you need to take coins, a glass of holy water and say the words of the water spell:

“Just as you give life to everything, even a dead stump begins to grow, so let my money only multiply and make me richer.”

After this, the coins must be buried in any pot with a house plant and watered with the enchanted water.

Wealth Spell:

Do it on the night of the full moon, in clear weather. Fill the cup or pot halfway clean water, throw a silver coin into the water. Place the cup so (in a house or apartment - on the windowsill, opening a window or window, or on the balcony) so that the light of the moon falls into the water. It is better if the moon is reflected in the water. Lightly move your hands over the surface of the water several times, as if you were collecting moon silver in your palms. At this time, say three times:

“Beautiful Mistress of the Moon! Bring me wealth, fill my hands with silver and gold. I can take whatever You give!”

Go outside and pour water into the ground (not on the asphalt...). Keep the coin in your wallet.

Spell for money on the full moon

Look carefully at the full moon and literally inhale monetary power from the heavenly sanctuary. When your channels are open, you will feel a certain surge of strength and calm. Then you should read the money plot from a handwritten sheet filled with your handwriting.

“Oh, Moon and powers of the night, enter me and remain forever. Bring money, wealth and luck with you. Deliver me from scarcity and poverty. I attract into my life everything that I buy. I renounce forever anything that sells cheap. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

So that there is money

Go to the forest on the Full Moon, find a pile of ants, throw some change there. Read on to see how the ants start running after the money:

“Like there are a lot of ants in this heap, so that I don’t have any money
were translated. Amen."

Full moon spell for wealth

This is a home spell for wealth through a coin on the full moon, where the number 5 is present:

“I go to trade as a merchant, and return home a fine man. I bring home the treasure. God grant me so much money that I have nowhere to put it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Carry the spoken coin in your wallet until the next full moon. When the time comes, give it away when you buy something. You can repeat this conspiracy to the Moon two more times.

No matter how great the temptation may be to take advantage of the powerful lunar energy and use several conspiracies to attract money, you should not do this. Various spells for money on a full moon can often reduce each other’s effect or reduce it to complete zero.

Therefore, having a desire to correct one’s own financial position, you should choose one ritual you like and perform it.

We should not forget that all conspiracies and rituals for money relate to aspects of an intangible nature, so they must be carried out carefully. It is important to follow all the rules prescribed by the ritual.

If they seem ridiculous and awkward, it is better to refuse to perform the conspiracy ritual. Internal skepticism is also a huge obstacle to wealth and prosperity, as is an incorrectly performed ritual.

According to widespread opinion, it is with the onset of the full moon that energies, material ones in particular, accumulate to the maximum and spill out onto the Earth. Such energy can be used for one’s own purposes, to attract material resources. This energy can be used, among other things, to conduct effective rituals helping to increase material well-being, which are popularly referred to simply as full moon spells for money.

Many people feel restless during the full moon, experience insomnia, and rapid heartbeat. If you use the excess lunar energy of the moon for your own benefit, for example, to create your own well-being, an improvement in your well-being will not be long in coming.

Conspiracy for money and wealth

Look out the window at the full moon, or go out onto the balcony or street. While looking closely at the full moon, you need to read 3 times:

“Moon and night, I ask you to help: remove debts and poverty, give away wealth and generosity. I attract money forever, I get rid of poverty. As long as the moon shines forever, I will also be prosperous. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Money conspiracy using banknotes

Take the newest banknote you have in your wallet or at home. It may have a small denomination. Keep in mind that after the ritual it will become irredeemable. The corners of the bill need to be folded to the base, and then fold the bill in half, after which you will get a triangle. Now you need to hold the bill at throat level or opposite your mouth. At the same time, you need to say in a whisper:

“As a mighty river attracts small streams, uniting them, collecting them in itself like a wide sea, as a woman attracts a man to herself, and a man attracts a woman. Just as day attracts night, so money will attract similar things, gathering them together. The rivers all flow into my hands. All the money attracted by my banknote flows to my wallet. What is said, let it come true for the good of everyone. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, the charmed banknote “settles” in the wallet, folded, and remains lying next to the rest of the money. Remember that it is prohibited to take it out of there, much less spend it. This is a kind of battery for your well-being.

Ritual to attract money (done for 3 nights)

The conspiracy to attract money and material wealth should be read at 3 a.m. before the full moon, on the full moon and the next night, i.e. three nights in a row.

When the full moon is expected tomorrow, an empty wallet is placed on the windowsill on the side of the moon. The Earth's satellite should light up your wallet. Then you need to say:

“How many stars there are in the night sky. Just as there is a lot of water in the sea, there will be a lot of money in my wallet. To Money The servant of God (name) or the servant of God (name) had enough for everything, and there was always plenty. Amen".

On a full moon, some money is placed in the wallet, and moonlight should also fall on it. Then the same plot is read. On the night following the full moon, all the money is collected in the wallet, the conspiracy is the same.

Ritual with a handful of coins

A handful of coins, preferably from a wallet, is taken with 2 palms. Go to a place where the full moon is clearly visible. After this, close your eyes, imagining how the pile of coins in a handful is steadily increasing. As your hands become heavier, you are filled with a sweet feeling of well-being and joy. Next say:

“The fertile moon will saturate my house completely,
Multiplying my coins by number and color.
Come golden rain into my bottomless wallet!
Money comes into my life and finds shelter forever.

Full moon, and with it a full cup,
Rivers of prosperity flow through my house,
Settled to the required extent and somewhat more.
Let it be so for the common good! Amen".

It is generally accepted that the full moon accumulates energies as much as possible, especially material ones, and splashes them out onto the Earth. This energy can be used for your own purposes; in particular, attracting money during the full moon is popular, namely - full moon spells for money.

Some people in full moon they feel unwell, they are restless, they cannot sleep, their heart is pounding. If you use the excess energy of the moon for creation - for example, your own well-being - then your well-being will also level out.

Read a few below full moon spells for money. Choose any one for yourself and do it. And the results will not keep you waiting!

What you will learn from the article:

Spell for money and wealth on the full moon

Look out of the window at the full moon, preferably open the window. Or even go outside or onto the balcony. While looking at the full moon, read three times:

Moon and night, please help. I ask you to remove debts and poverty. I ask you to give away wealth and generosity. I always attract money to myself. I renounce poverty forever. Just as the moon shines forever, so I will always be in abundance. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Money plot using banknotes

Find the newest banknote in your home or wallet. It can be of a small denomination - and after the conspiracy it will become irredeemable. Fold the corners to the base. You will get a triangle. Next, bend it across, hold it at the level of the throat chakra or directly opposite your breath and whisper:

Like a mighty river attracts small streams to itself and unites them in itself, like a wide sea collects rivers in itself, like a woman attracts a man to herself, and a man attracts a woman. How night attracts day. So this money will attract its own kind and gather together. All rivers flow into my hands. All the money flows to my wallet, magnetized by this bill. May what is said come true, for the benefit of all. Amen. Amen. Amen.

“Place” the charmed banknote in a folded wallet, let it lie next to the rest of the money, but do not take it out of there, much less spend it. It will be the battery of your well-being.

Three-day money ritual

The conspiracy for money and material wealth is read for three nights - the night before the full moon, on the full moon and the next night.

When you see that the full moon is coming tomorrow, put your EMPTY wallet on the windowsill on the side of the moon. The light from the Earth's satellite must reach your wallet. Say:

“There are so many stars in the night sky. Just as there is a lot of water in the sea, so there will be a lot of money in my wallet. So that God’s servant (name) ((God’s servant (name)) has enough money and has enough for everything. Amen.”

On the full moon, put some money in your wallet, also make sure that the moonlight falls on it and read the same plot. On the night after the full moon, collect all the money you have in the house in this wallet, the conspiracy is the same.

Full moon ritual with a handful of coins

Take a handful of coins with both palms, preferably from your wallet. Go out to where the full moon is clearly visible, close your eyes and imagine how the pile of pennies in your handfuls grows, increases, multiplies, your hands become heavy and you are filled with a sweet feeling of joy and prosperity. Say:

Fertile Moon, saturate my house to the full.
Multiply my coins - by number and color.
Send some golden rain into my bottomless wallet!
Money comes into my life and finds shelter for itself.
Full moon, full cup, rivers of prosperity flow through my house, settling in the right amount and even more. Let it be so for the common good! Amen!

What rituals do you perform on the full moon? Share your secrets in the comments!

Yulia Alekseevna Caesar

Hereditary witch. Tarot reader. Runologist. Reiki Master.

Articles written

The full moon is such an energetically powerful time of day that even uninitiated people attach special significance to it. On the night, when the mistress of darkness reigns over the earth, everything takes on new shades and meaning, even a black cat seems gray. It is at this time that rituals for attracting money and conspiracies for financial well-being work most effectively. If you want to gain wealth, fulfill old dreams and not need anything, read carefully about the nuances and types of rituals on the full moon.

The ritual is different from others methods of attracting money by something that requires a special setting and sometimes paraphernalia. Compliance with the first rule guarantees 50% success, another 40% - your preparedness, and without at least 10% faith in the ritual, nothing good will happen. Full moon - full wallet.

During the full moon, nature experiences a special state. Our ancestors noted this. The whole world around listens to a person, perceives his requests more sensitively and strives to fulfill them. Modern witches and psychics understand this well. The full moon not only helps to create the necessary surroundings, but is also an integral part of the magical action.

How to prepare for the ritual

Before you begin to fulfill all the conditions of the ritual, you need to prepare psychologically. Night time still causes fears in some people, and these need to be overcome.

  1. Decide once and for all whether you need it. Are you ready to raise money this way? Do you believe in your success? If this is indeed the case, then do not deviate from your intended goal.
  2. Check the lunar calendar. It is sold at any kiosk and is available for free on the Internet. The moon must be in the third phase. Don't miss the beginning and end of the astronomical period.
  3. A magical ritual always accompanies some kind of text. If this is a conspiracy, understand it well so that you can read it confidently at a crucial moment. If it’s a whisper or a saying, learn it, because the phrase is very small. Just as money loves counting, rituals for attracting it love a thorough approach.

Follow all stages of preparation consciously, so that later you do not regret what you did, but confidently wait for a guaranteed result.

Simple money spells for the full moon

If you don’t have much experience in magical rituals, we recommend that you start by reading money conspiracies on the full moon. We offer a simple conspiracy that is used by people all over Russia. The text has been known since ancient times, passed down from mouth to mouth. It was used in noble and peasant families.

To attract money, the plot must be read at the moment when the full moon appears in the sky. Turn your face to the luminary and say the text below. No attributes are required other than your willingness to help yourself and your family. The ritual must be repeated every night (evening) until the moon wanes. Believe - and success will not keep you waiting.

Read also: Getting married through a ceremony

“As the moon is full, so will the treasury be full. A ruble to a chervonets, a chervonets to a hundred, a hundred to a thousand. Moon, moon, I ask you, give me more money and for as long as possible. Let it be so!"

The full moon is a magnet for attracting money. Try to “treat like with like” and use the following tactics. You need to take a small bill and roll it into a triangle, and then fold it in half. You need to cast a spell into this tube:

“Just as this day attracts the night of the full moon, so let this bill attract its “relatives.” I will have a lot of money and I will become a rich man. Let everything that is said come true! Amen!".

Put the money in with everyone else. Do not remove the banknote from your wallet or the place where you save it for three months.

Powerful magical rituals for gaining wealth

The full moon is not the best calm and good time in the lunar calendar. The very presence of a huge celestial body in the sky inspires horror. Sometimes the moon looks like a blood-red spot, evoking primal fear. In ancient times, it was called the “mermaid sun” and it was believed that it helped magical entities acquire a physical form and come into contact with humans. Such ideas lie deep within us, because they are connected with the long-standing ideas of our ancestors about the other world.

However, the midnight ritual to attract money is not a terrible ritual and not Walpurgis Night. This is just an ancient tradition that our ancestors followed. You can inflict horror on yourself. With all this, it is necessary to understand that money received in this way is not honestly earned, and careless people can pay for this way of getting rich.

Use natural forces for your benefit. To attract money into life, go outside on a full moon, turn your back to the luminary and take out a mirror. Catch the reflection of the moon in it. At this moment, your energy turns over and sets you up for a new line of life, the reverse is activated. Repeat three times:

“Mother Moon, take poverty and lack of money away from me.”

This is a powerful ritual, and one should not be afraid to see otherworldly entities in the night reflection.

Effective rituals for financial well-being

Among the rituals for attracting money, there are those in which it is necessary to use things. Very often these are coins, bills, banknotes. You probably have some irredeemable money in your wallet that you will never give away. It attracts larger bills. Money rituals work in much the same way, but with the difference that the effect is stronger and occurs faster.

Today I, a magician, will tell you about the money magic of the full moon for good luck. Who would refuse a happy life, luck, prosperity? Nobody. And never. In their dreams, people see themselves as strong and free, powerful, and superior to others. Practical magic can provide this. Today, I am a magician, I want to offer you several proven rituals and spells for money on the full moon. And among them there will be a strong ritual, to which I want to draw your special attention. The witchcraft ritual to attract money is not for beginners. You need to work on black energies, have contact with them. This is a powerful full moon ritual to fulfill a wish by the power of the Dark Prince Kharlam. So, let's begin.

The power of full moon spells to attract money

In practices ancient magic There are many independent full moon spells for money:

  • for good luck and luck,
  • for the growth and harvest of money,
  • greater profit in trading,
  • for success in business,
  • luck stealers
  • and the overall well-being of the family.

Many of them are ancient, very strong for independent use. There are, of course, new magical rituals, the authors of which are modern practicing magicians. Money rituals work well on a full moon even for beginners; they have been tested and practiced many times.

But, let's not forget that the effect of each money ritual that is performed during the full moon is individual. For one magician the same ritual will work one way, for another it will work differently, and for someone else it won’t work at all. Many factors play a role in the successful outcome of magical work. If there is an evil eye on affairs, business, or damage has been caused to lack of money, then, no matter how many of the most powerful rituals for wealth are performed, which ones are read at home full moon spells to attract clients, there will be no positive changes in life.

Until the negative is diagnosed and removed, the desired result will not be achieved. In witchcraft, work is done directly with energies, and this is a very subtle, sensitive and vulnerable matter. For this reason, any problem should be considered from different angles, with mandatory diagnosis.

Effective spells for money and good luck during the full moon

When the full moon comes, the world becomes fuller magical energies. It is difficult for people to withstand their influence, because during this period:

  • perception is heightened,
  • changes in reflexes are observed,
  • emotional outbursts - from delight bordering on despair to fatal doom,
  • people with vulnerable psyches develop inexplicable phobias.

The full moon can influence the emotional and mental state of a person, and not only medical specialists know about this, sorcerers are also aware of this. And if ordinary people hard to bear 14-17 lunar day, then people who cast spells on powerful streams of lunar cosmic energy achieve excellent results in their rituals. Strong conspiracies and rituals for money and luck, which are done on the full moon, usually unfold quickly and bring changes to the physical plane that a real magician needs.

Full moon spells for money and profit - to increase money through cat hair

Many people have a cat or cat at home. Energetically, cats are close to humans due to their unique ability to feel and perceive. The mysticism of cats is fascinating, it is as ancient as humanity itself. Use the magical power of this animal to improve your financial well-being. Perform a home ritual during the full moon to attract money for cat hair.

Made at home Ritual for money and good luck on the full moon, in the following way. Brush your cat with a brush and pick up any shed hair.

At the same time, throughout the process, read the conspiracy to receive money:

“As much hair comes off a cat, as much life will come to me. Come before me, (name) on the first and second day, on the third and fourth, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, on the new moon and on the waning one, on the black moon and on the full moon. All days are for me. Amen".

Then melt some wax, mix with wool and roll into a ball. Place it in an amulet and wear it around your neck.

Money plot on the full moon - for wealth for 6 funerals

To independently perform a ritual to attract money and good luck on the full moon, you need to attend six funerals at the cemetery. It is permissible to do more than one day, since this is not a prerequisite. Slowly joining the grieving relatives, stand on a short distance from the coffin, look at the deceased, and whisper a strong spell for money on the full moon:

“Just as they bury a dead person, so they would bury all my poverty. The first one will take it, the second one will drop it, the third one will pick it up, the fourth one will find what was forgotten, the fifth one will take it, the sixth one will take away all my hunger and poverty. I conjure with all the forces of earth and air. I have a rich life, and the kingdom of heaven belongs to the dead. Amen".

The most powerful conspiracy to attract money read at full moon 1 time is enough (but you can say 3 times), and leave. The gender and names of the dead do not matter; witchcraft does not work through attachment to a specific dead person, but according to a different principle. Additionally, nothing needs to be done regarding the deceased. But, you need to enter and leave the cemetery, observing general rules cemetery work. Be sure to leave the payoff to the Owner.

As for the lunar phase, this independent ritual for money is not at all tied to the moon; The ritual can be carried out on the full moon, on the waxing and waning moon, since the witchcraft ritual to attract good luck and money is universal, it works both as a cleansing of negativity on finances and as a conspiracy to attract cash flow.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

If you manage to carry out an effective ritual to receive money in a day by attending 6 funerals, well, not bad. I am a magician, however, I think that technically it is quite difficult. If we assume that the cemetery is in a metropolis, and people are buried at approximately the same time in different ends of the cemetery, it is very problematic to attend all the funerals before the coffin is lowered into the pit. What can we say about small towns and village cemeteries, where burials are not so massive! On one day, the ritual can be performed in several cemeteries, remembering that they are all connected by an invisible thread - the energy of cemeteries. Every sorcerer who works on graves knows and feels this. So, the conclusion: cemetery ritual for money and wealth can be carried out on one day, or on different days, but during the period of the same moon. This magical ritual is old, and many sorcerers who performed it to get rid of poverty and attract money and good luck on the full moon were satisfied with the result.

A powerful full moon spell for money luck - to become rich through demons

What is needed for a magical ritual to get rid of poverty:

  • pinches of earth or dust from 9 graves
  • nickel coin
  • sacrificial black chicken
  • ritual knife

Do it on a waxing moon, or on a full moon. On Thursday, take dust from 9 women’s graves and go to the dirt intersection on foot after midnight. Not to a cemetery, but to a demonic place. Stand in the center of the intersection, turn to face the west side. Pour the dust collected from the graves into a heap, and put a nickel on top. Cut off the head of the black chicken and place the head near the hill. Then take a step back, throw the chicken carcass to your left, and then read the spell for a love spell for money and good luck on your own during the full moon:

“Nine women, and nine devils, then through dead maidens, they multiplied with fruits, tossed and turned in their wombs, and this time they multiplied me with money. Amen".

Turn around and leave quickly, without stopping at the intersection. The demons will come quickly, and you need to find the victim and see him, then everything will work out, your request will be fulfilled. In this magical ritual for money and wealth, which is done on a full moon, the appeal is not to dead women, but to devils. They also use the sacrificial chicken. At the cemetery, taking earth and dust from the graves, leave a memorial for the nine deceased. Don’t forget about the Cemetery Master; leave gifts for him at the cemetery crossroads, or where he himself indicates.

Those dead women should have many children. The ritual of attracting good luck and money is old. Previously, sorcerers in villages knew exactly who had how many children. Today this is more difficult. It is impossible to determine how many children the deceased had. And therefore, at a minimum, those women should not be childless, so young deceased women are not suitable through whom the sorcerer wants to attract money on the full moon, and the more children, the better.

How to attract good luck and money on a full moon - ask for good luck through a black hole

You should make a black hole in the forest. In the evening of the full moon, on any of the three days of the full moon phase. For a monetary ritual to attract good luck, take:

  • golden thing
  • axe

In the evening go to the forest where birch trees grow. Go to any birch tree you like and dig a hole at the roots with an ax. Throw gold there and read the spell for good luck on the full moon three times:

“Not from above, but from below, I knock on the ground, and with an ax I open the doors, and I cry out the demonic power from the earth with a secret word, yes, you are the demonic power, hidden by the rawhide earth, I whisper to you with this verb, you have money, ladles of clay, and ladles of iron forged, and all the gold is filled with money, leather purses, and weaver's purses, made of flax, so they contain human money, royal money, repaired for your kingdom, so you reign over it as a kingdom, like a father bears children, so you multiply and multiply money, Yes, you can go through the white world, but with a strong deed and not by a standard, with countless money, with money marked with silver, and with gold like the ebb of the wind, to go around nine mountains, to cross nine rivers, like a traveler in the world, according to my words, you will go, Yes, you can collect gifts, and not in grains, but with ore gold, and hide various money, goldsmiths, and silver coins from the royal barns with a strip of money, and everything that you inherit throughout the world, everything that you take by demonic power, then into the depths of the rawhide, then into You will demolish the bowels of mother earth, and you will throw away what was dug with my gold, thrown by the demon himself, but you cannot measure it with a measure, you cannot grasp it with your grasp, distant secret, and gold barns. What he buried in a black hole, the demon himself raised thirty times over. So, not with the word of the church, not with the priest’s cross, but with an axe, created through the earth, to walk in demons, I am destined in the masters. So it is said. Amen".

After reading the strong words of an independent conspiracy to cast a love spell on yourself three times, fill the hole with earth. Plunge the ax into the tree trunk and say:

“The black hole grows in growth, guaranteed by demonic power, so the money is a whirlwind, but it comes to me (name), so it’s cut into a birch tree with an ax. Nima."

Leave without looking back so as not to ruin things. This is a proven ritual. A practical witchcraft ritual will help attract money on the full moon. The presence is usually felt very strongly. There are special effects, this is normal, this often happens when witchcraft is done in a place of Power. And this is just such a magical ritual, and not a home spell for good luck on the full moon. But the payoff is good, the witchcraft ritual to attract money on the full moon unfolds quickly.

Here gold is purchased, so nothing additional is needed. But, if your intuition tells you, you can place a separate payout at the nearest intersection. In my opinion, the magician Sergei Argrom, it wouldn’t hurt to make a purchase for the demons before the ritual to attract good luck on the full moon, and ask for help in your own words. The Lesovik also needs to make an offering so as not to offend.

  • strong alcohol,
  • tobacco,
  • large bills,
  • Golden coins.

They turn to the Great Demon at pedestrian crossroads, standing facing north-west, bowing three times to the ground. His appearance is accompanied by an animal roar. The presence is very obvious, and it is an animal roar. When the moon is waxing or during the full moon, ask for profit, but in order to take it from someone - during the waning phase.

After midnight, come to the crossroads with rich gifts.

Stand in the center and read a conspiracy to fulfill a wish on the full moon:

« Dead to dead, the living is to the living, and my sacrifice is to the demon of the night. I summon you, devilish prince, magician, with six words unspoken, six deeds not done, six speeches not spoken, six roads not traveled, six paths not taken, six letters not written. You, devilish prince Kharlam, accept the black sacrifice, and rise up as my faithful help, and with six servants, black demons, and with six spirits of darkness, and with six fallen angels, and with six reckless devils, and with six water murderers, and with six black ancestors, sorcerers and veritenitniks, who did not live according to the law of Christ, if they did harm to souls. Yes, come to me, Prince Kharlam, with the army of the crown, fulfill my request, as it was said.”

Prince Dark Kharlam, grant me

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