Urine is yellow in pregnant women. Can urine color change during pregnancy? Brownish, greenish-brown color

You are having a girl if: The color of your urine is a dull light yellow.
Among the numerous tests that a woman undergoes during pregnancy, the most “popular” is a general urine test. A natural question arises: why do you have to take it so often and what can you learn from it?

First, let's talk about a banal general (clinical) urine test. The first thing assessed in this analysis is color. The normal color of urine during pregnancy is yellow in various shades. But there may be some changes. And they don’t always talk about pathology. For example, if you eat beets, cherries or blackberries, the color of your urine takes on a corresponding shade. And if you take yellow vitamins, your urine will be intensely yellow. But if there were no coloring foods in your diet, then perhaps it’s worth thinking about why the color of your urine suddenly changed.

During pregnancy, a woman's genitourinary system experiences double stress. An enlarged uterus and a growing fetus put pressure on the kidneys, complicating their function. In addition, during pregnancy, the kidneys have to work for two organisms: to remove metabolic products from the body of the mother herself and her growing child. A urine test is ordered at every doctor's visit. This makes it possible to identify many pregnancy abnormalities.

The color of urine can range from light yellow to deep yellow. It depends on the pigment content in it. The degree of color varies depending on the total amount of urine excreted and the specific gravity of the urine. Pale most often has a low specific gravity, intense - high.

Pathological urine color may be due to:

  • presence of bile pigments (color from greenish-yellow to brown)
  • presence of blood (reddish tints)
  • presence of urobilin (amber)
  • taking certain medications
  • if you drink little

The main thing is that it is not cloudy.

Normal urine has a straw-yellow color of varying intensities. The color of urine in healthy people is determined by the presence of substances formed from blood pigments (urobilin, urochromes, hematoporphyrin, etc.). The color of urine changes depending on its relative density, daily volume and the presence of various coloring components entering the human body with food, medications, and vitamins. For example, red color can be due to amidopyrine, pink - acetylsalicylic acid, carrots, beets, greenish blue - methylene blue, brown - bear ears, sulfonamides, activated carbon, greenish yellow - rhubarb, Alexandria leaf, deep yellow - riboflavin , 5-NOK, furagin.

Normally, the more intense the yellow color of the urine, the higher its relative density and vice versa. Concentrated urine has a brighter color. However, the normal color of urine does not indicate that it is the urine of a healthy person.

For various diseases, changes in urine color can be an important diagnostic sign. For example, dark yellow urine is observed in heart failure (congestive kidney, edema), vomiting, diarrhea; pale - with diabetes, greenish-yellow - with drug jaundice, greenish-brown (beer color) - with parenchymal jaundice, red - with renal colic, kidney infarction (presence of blood or hemoglobin), the color of “meat slop” - with acute inflammation kidney (nephritis), dark (almost black) - with acute hemolytic anemia, melanoma.

Changes in the color of urine sediment alone may be associated with the presence of large amounts of salts, pus, mucus, and red blood cells. Thus, with a high content of urates, the sediment has a brown-red color, uric acid - yellow, phosphates - whitish.

Especially for beremennost.net- Elena Kichak


In a healthy person, urine has a clear yellowish color with varying degrees of intensity. Emptying the bladder normally should not cause discomfort. However, sometimes women note that the color of urine changes during pregnancy, acquiring a dark, cloudy hue. Cloudy urine during pregnancy can be due to various reasons; let’s look at them in more detail.

Cloudy urine causes during pregnancy

Normally, the color of urine does not change during pregnancy and remains the same as before. But if any changes have occurred, it is worth paying attention to it. Often, this phenomenon can be caused by a completely harmless reason, for example, a change in diet, and goes away on its own within a day.

For example, when eating beets, the color of your urine may take on a reddish tint; this is completely normal and you do not need to do anything. Juice from green grape varieties can give an almost white color to your urine. Especially often, the color of urine can change in the morning, when the urine is most concentrated. As for nutrition, there is no need to exclude foods that tend to change the color of urine, you just need to eat them in moderation. It must be remembered that fatty and spicy foods can have a detrimental effect on health, so you should not abuse them.

Cloudy urine during pregnancy can occur when a woman drinks little fluid. Do not forget that the daily water requirement is at least one and a half liters. This is extremely important, harmful substances come out with urine, and the body is cleansed. Therefore, every day you need to drink the prescribed amount, this can be tea, herbal decoction, compote, berry juice, mineral water.

In addition to the above, urine during pregnancy may change when taking medications. If you are taking prenatal vitamins or medications as prescribed by your doctor, ask him what color urine should be in pregnant women.

Diseases that cause cloudy urine during pregnancy

Cloudy or dark urine during pregnancy may also be due to illness. If the unnatural color of urine persists for several days, there is most likely an infection in the body that causes such a change. In such cases, characteristic symptoms are usually observed: pain in the lower abdomen, itching when emptying the bladder, unusual smell of urine, increased sweating. Sometimes the temperature may even rise. If such symptoms appear, you should urgently contact your gynecologist for timely diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Dark urine during pregnancy can be observed due to cystitis, in such cases there is itching and burning when urinating. Also, urine during pregnancy changes color due to hepatitis. With this disease, you need to pay attention to the color of the stool; it will be lighter in color than usual. Sometimes, when there is a lack of iron in the body (anemia), the urine becomes darker in color. Turbid urine during pregnancy is observed in cases of pyelonephritis; this is primarily due to the presence of various impurities, such as calcium salts, urates and oxalates. In such cases, not only the color of the urine changes, but also its smell. Sometimes there may be small amounts of blood in the urine. Therefore, if such symptoms are observed for several days, it is better not to delay and consult your doctor. During the consultation, the doctor should tell you what color the urine is in pregnant women and what diseases its changes may indicate.

It is worth noting that in most cases there is no need to worry. The body of a pregnant woman is sensitive to any changes in diet, so dark urine during pregnancy is not necessarily a symptom of the disease. Cloudy urine, the causes during pregnancy may not be related to the disease. However, if you adhere to proper nutrition, do not take any medications, drink enough fluids, and the color of your urine is unnatural, you should play it safe and go to see your gynecologist. Any illness during pregnancy can be extremely dangerous and cause serious consequences not only for you, but also for the unborn baby. During your appointment, ask your doctor what color your urine should be during pregnancy if you are prescribed any medications. Even some of the most harmless vitamins can cause changes in the color of urine. Therefore, cloudy urine in a pregnant woman is not always a consequence of the disease.

Diagnosis of diseases due to dark urine during pregnancy

If dark-colored urine during pregnancy is not associated with visible causes, the attending physician should conduct appropriate tests. Blood and urine tests will be ordered first. It must be remembered that for a reliable result, urine during pregnancy is taken for analysis in the morning. The day before the test, it is better to refrain from eating fatty, spicy and fried foods, and do not eat foods that can change the color of urine. Blood is also donated in the morning; it is advisable not to have breakfast before the test.

It is important to understand that any changes in the body during pregnancy cannot be ignored. If unusual symptoms appear, do not forget to tell your treating gynecologist about them in order to prevent dangerous consequences in time. Pregnancy is not only the happiest time for a woman, but also a very important period when it is very important to monitor your health.


Urine analysis during pregnancy is probably one of the most frequent; in the last weeks it has to be taken with enviable regularity. At the same time, the color of urine during pregnancy is one of those characteristics that you can evaluate yourself. It is imperative to pay attention to this, because a change in the color of urine may indicate serious health problems that require immediate attention.

Does urine color change during early pregnancy?

This question is of interest to pregnant women rather from the point of view of guessing the sex of the child, but it can tell a lot about the state of your health.
The color of urine in a healthy woman is due to the constant renewal of blood, young red blood cells appear, old waste ones are destroyed with the release of hemoglobin. The body reuses iron, but everything else is processed in the liver, while hemoglobin pigments are converted into urobilin, urochromes and other coloring substances, which are excreted in the urine and at the same time color it in all shades of yellow. The normal color of urine during pregnancy is light straw to dark yellow. When pregnancy occurs, if you develop early toxicosis and are dehydrated due to vomiting, drink little, the urine may become dark, if a lot of fluid enters the body or you have taken diuretics, the urine becomes light, almost colorless. These changes are normal and are associated with the concentration function of the kidneys. Your kidneys will still remove excess and harmful things from the body, regardless of how much urine is released, it’s just that in cases where there is little urine, these pigments and salts are diluted into a small amount and the urine becomes more concentrated and darker in color.
The sign that the color of urine becomes bright during pregnancy with a girl, and dark during pregnancy with a boy, does not mean anything, because it all just depends on how much you drink. Normally, the yellow color of urine during pregnancy can change due to both physiological reasons and diseases. But even if the urine has a normal color, this is not a guarantee that you are healthy.

Sometimes the color of urine changes during pregnancy due to diet.

Pink urine occurs when eating beets, carrots, blackberries, and cherries. Greenish-yellow - when consuming rhubarb, Alexandria leaf.

Taking medications also changes the color of urine:

Brown urine can occur when taking activated charcoal or bear ears. Red color - amidopyrine. Pink - aspirin. Bright yellow - many vitamins, riboflavin, medications for the treatment of kidney diseases (furagin, furadonin, 5-NOK). Greenish blue - methylene blue. For a doctor, a change in the color of urine during pregnancy, together with other symptoms, often helps to make the correct diagnosis of many diseases.
If a woman has edema, heart failure, dehydration due to diarrhea and vomiting, the urine becomes rich, dark yellow.
In diabetes mellitus, thirst forces you to drink a lot, and accordingly the amount of urine increases, it becomes diluted and very pale in color.
With liver damage, hepatitis, jaundice, urine becomes the color of beer.
With urolithiasis with renal colic, blood appears in the urine, turning it red.
Pink urine due to a small amount of blood may be due to cystitis.
Urine becomes almost black in severe hemolytic anemia.
The color of meat slops (dirty pink) occurs with nephritis (inflammation of the kidney). Cloudy urine during pregnancy and sedimentation are often associated with kidney inflammation. An admixture of pus, leukocytes and salts is usually evidence of illness. The color of urine sediment during pregnancy can tell a lot. A brown-red sediment occurs if a lot of salts - urates - are excreted in the urine; phosphates give a whitish color, and uric acid gives a yellow color. If you notice that the color of your urine has changed and you cannot accurately determine the reasons, consult a doctor, do not decide on your own what to do about it. Kidneys are under a lot of stress during pregnancy, and their function must be treated with particular care and attention.


How to determine pregnancy using traditional methods

Other articles about how to determine pregnancy:

  • Ectopic pregnancy

Today, pregnancy can be determined in various ways: test, tests, etc. But before, girls could determine an “interesting” position even without modern innovations - using folk remedies. At the same time, almost always, the results of traditional medicine were reliable.

Unfortunately, only a few of them have survived to this day. For some, these techniques will be familiar, but for others they will simply amaze. It is possible that someone will consider it crazy and impossible to reliably determine pregnancy using folk remedies. But, nevertheless, let's look at grandma's techniques in more detail.

Folk tricks

Of course, a pregnancy test today is one of the most reliable ways to detect early pregnancy. But our grandmothers did not have such an opportunity, and they used their own methods. Among them, determining pregnancy using:

  • iodine;
  1. Fill a small container with urine.
  2. Place one drop of iodine into this container.

Result: If the woman is not pregnant, the drop will begin to blur. If iodine remains on the surface, then the likelihood of pregnancy is confirmed.


Urine is the main source of information about a woman's position. Even before there was a modern test, urine could reliably indicate pregnancy. Nowadays, you can also try to determine pregnancy at home using this method. Eg:

  1. Soak a small piece of paper in the urine.
  2. Add a drop of iodine to it.
  3. If you are pregnant, the iodine will turn purple. Otherwise it will be blue.

In addition, you can guess that you are pregnant by the concentrated dark yellow color of your urine (both in the morning and evening).


  1. Lie on your back and feel a place on your stomach at a distance of 7-8 cm from your navel.
  2. If you feel throbbing, you are pregnant.

However, there may not be a lack of pulse during pregnancy.


This is a rather funny method, but who knows: maybe it is no less accurate than the test.

  1. Take 2 onions and plant them in different glasses. One - you are pregnant, the other - you are not pregnant.
  2. Then just wait until they grow to 4 cm.
  3. The glass that contains the first onion to reach 4 cm will give you the answer.

Even more ancient...

The famous Hippocrates identified an “interesting situation” by the eyes. He believed that, in this case, the iris of the eye became a little darker.

The ancient Egyptians used a certain herb called budu-doo-ku to recognize pregnancy. They mixed it with the breast milk of a woman who had recently given birth and gave it to the girl to drink. If a girl had gag reflexes, she was recognized as pregnant.

The Greeks’ folk method of identifying an “interesting situation” was even more trenchant. A red stone was rubbed in front of a woman's eyes, and the one whose eyes got dust in her was considered pregnant.

Remember, if you do not have the opportunity to use modern methods of determining pregnancy, traditional medicine will always come to your aid.


Signs of early pregnancy

Am I pregnant?

Most women begin to think about pregnancy only when their periods are delayed. However, while missing a period is a very strong indicator of a developing pregnancy, you may experience other symptoms and signs early in your pregnancy. It is important to remember that not all women experience each of these signs, and not all experience them to the same extent.

Signs of an early ectopic pregnancy are very similar to normal pregnancy symptoms and may include many of the symptoms described below. However, with a tubal (or other type of) ectopic pregnancy, other symptoms develop over time, such as fairly severe abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. This usually occurs between 6 and 10 weeks of pregnancy.

The most common signs of early pregnancy

Below we want to give you the most common signs of pregnancy that you may experience in the first trimester.

Lack of menstruation

A delay in menstruation is most often the first sign noticed by a pregnant woman who is not yet aware of her new situation. This symptom is common in the first trimester. That is, every woman will not have periods after conception and for the next 9 months. Sometimes a pregnant woman may experience some light bleeding or spotting, which may be mistaken for the start of her period. This usually occurs 6-12 days after conception.

This is called “implantation bleeding,” which is usually not as severe and occurs before your next period is due to begin. Most often it is difficult to even call it bleeding. Usually this is bloody discharge of one or another shade of pink. This phenomenon occurs due to the process of implantation of a fertilized egg (zygote) into the wall of the uterus.

If a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle, or doesn't track her cycle and doesn't know when her next period will be, she may notice some other early pregnancy symptoms before she discovers she's late. In addition, a delay in menstruation cannot absolutely confirm that a woman is pregnant. Even if she has a regular and stable menstrual cycle, there are a sufficient number of psychological or physical reasons that can cause the absence or delay of menstruation.

Changes in the breast

Breast changes are often similar to the sensations many women feel just before their period. This includes increased sensitivity, soreness of the nipples of the breast, as well as breast swelling, which women describe as a feeling of heaviness or fullness in the breasts. These symptoms often begin as early as one to two weeks after conception and often coincide with the onset of menstruation. Because of this, not all women associate such sensations with pregnancy.

Abdominal cramps and bloating

Some women may experience a feeling of bloating in early pregnancy. It is usually not directly associated with an enlarged belly because there is only slight weight gain in the first trimester. Typical for the first three months of pregnancy is a gain of 1-1.5 kg. Sometimes women in the first weeks of pregnancy also experience mild abdominal cramps, which can be similar to the pain women feel a few days before or during their period.

Cravings for certain foods

Many women experience cravings for certain foods in the early stages of pregnancy. It is impossible to say exactly why this happens. There is an assumption that the expectant mother’s body is in this way trying to compensate for the lack of certain nutrients. Often this craving continues throughout pregnancy.

Fatigue and fatigue

Fatigue and fatigue are common in early pregnancy. Some women notice these changes within a few weeks of conception. The reason for this behavior of the body is not precisely determined. Scientists believe this is due to an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone. At the same time, it should be noted that fatigue is a very nonspecific symptom that can be associated with a huge number of other reasons that have nothing to do with pregnancy.

Elevated basal body temperature

Another characteristic sign of pregnancy in the early stages is a constantly elevated basal body temperature. But only those women who constantly monitor their basal temperature can observe this sign. It is measured in the morning at rest (without getting out of bed), immediately after sleep. An increase in basal temperature occurs shortly after ovulation. Closer to the next menstruation, this temperature gradually drops. If it remains above 37 degrees for more than 12 days after ovulation, then this may indicate successful conception.

Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are very common in early pregnancy. Traditionally, this condition is called “morning sickness,” although, unfortunately, it is often not limited to one morning and occurs at any time of the day or night. You can often hear another name for this symptom – toxicosis.

The onset of toxicosis typically occurs somewhere between the 2nd and 8th week of pregnancy. Most women who report having morning sickness develop it about a month after conception. However, sometimes it can make itself felt a little earlier. Toxicosis may be accompanied by increased sensitivity to certain odors, which can also cause nausea.

No one has yet been able to determine the exact cause of morning sickness. The main version associates this ailment with high levels of estrogen, which are observed in the early stages of pregnancy. Some scientists believe that estrogen slows stomach emptying, which leads to nausea.

Often the characteristic "morning sickness" is accompanied by cravings or aversions to certain foods. This is quite normal for a pregnant woman. During pregnancy, some women change their dietary preferences greatly, and often have no desire to eat previously “favorite” foods, and, on the contrary, begin to happily eat what they previously did not like at all.

For most women, nausea and vomiting begin to gradually subside in the second trimester of pregnancy. However, some pregnant women suffer from toxicosis until delivery. But this is very rare.

Frequent urination

In the early stages of pregnancy, many women feel an increased urge to urinate. This is especially noticeable at night. May also exhibit mild urinary incontinence, which is characterized by slight leakage when coughing, sneezing, or laughing loudly.

This symptom can have both physical and hormonal causes. After the embryo implants in the uterus, a hormone known as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) enters the woman's bloodstream. This applies to the first weeks after conception. In the future, frequent urination may be caused by the pressure that the growing uterus puts on the bladder.

Changes in skin color around the nipples

During pregnancy, many women notice darkening of the pigmented skin surrounding the nipples of the mammary glands. These pigmented areas are also called areolas. It is also possible for a dark line to appear on the skin running from the navel to the pubic area. Some degree of darkening of the areola may remain with a woman after pregnancy, and the dark line on the abdomen always disappears within a few months after the birth of the baby.

Melasma (darkening of the skin)

In the first trimester, some women may experience a so-called “mask of pregnancy.” It is characterized by the appearance of dark pigment spots on the skin of the face. Typically, spots can be found on the bridge of the nose, forehead, cheeks and above the upper lip. Doctors call this symptom melasma, melasma, or chloasma. Most often, these pigmentation disorders are observed in women with dark skin.

It is worth noting that melasma can develop not only during pregnancy. Women who have family members who have had this disorder are at greater risk of developing this pregnancy symptom.

Mood swings and stress

Many husbands notice a sharp change in their wives' emotional state in the early stages of pregnancy. Due to rapid changes in hormonal levels, women may experience sudden mood swings, severe irritability, and rarely bouts of causeless laughter or crying. In this case, you should understand that this condition is typical for many pregnant women and do not beat yourself up for your behavior.

It is very important to understand that this sign of pregnancy is also non-specific and may indicate some psychological problems rather than pregnancy.


Some women suffer from headaches in early pregnancy. It is most likely that these pains may be associated with corresponding changes in hormone levels. However, headache itself can be a symptom of a huge number of different disorders and diseases. Therefore, a woman should consult a doctor and make sure that she does not have any serious disorders.

As a conclusion, we note several important points that were described above in the text of the article.


Correct urine color during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a great test for the body of the expectant mother. At this time, almost all organs and systems begin to work in enhanced mode. Therefore, starting from the earliest stages of pregnancy, it is necessary to carefully monitor your health. One of the most objective studies is a urine test, which is performed in a laboratory setting. But one parameter – the color of urine – can be assessed by the patient herself. The color of urine during pregnancy should be yellow, its intensity depends on many factors:

  • urine concentration,
  • pigment content (urochrome, urobilin, bilirubin),
  • nature of nutrition,
  • kidney function, etc.

Important: any changes in urine color should be reported to your obstetrician-gynecologist.

Why does urine color change during pregnancy?

Bright yellow shade

Urine turns orange or bright yellow when you take certain vitamins and medications. Very often, pregnant women are prescribed folic acid and vitamin complexes. These substances are not completely absorbed by the body, and some of them are excreted by the kidneys. Therefore, the urine becomes a rich yellow color. Other reasons may be treatment with nitrofuran preparations, frequent consumption of carrots or carrot juice. Sometimes urine becomes brighter after drinking drinks or eating foods that contain food coloring.

Dark yellow color

Dark colored urine can occur when the body is dehydrated. For example, with insufficient fluid intake, in hot weather with increased sweating. In the early stages, dehydration can occur due to toxicosis, which occurs with frequent vomiting. At a later stage, the cause of increased urine concentration is gestosis. The liquid part of the blood leaves the bloodstream into the tissue, resulting in the formation of edema. At the same time, signs of dehydration are observed.

Dark yellow urine is not always a sign of pathology. In all healthy people, urine is darker in the morning, as its concentration increases during the night.

Pink or reddish urine

Red or pinkish color of urine during pregnancy indicates blood getting into it. This can be due to inflammation of the kidneys (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis). Gestational pyelonephritis develops especially often in pregnant women. In this case, other symptoms are observed: fever, pain in the abdomen or lower back, painful frequent urination. With glomerulonephritis (which is quite rare), the urine takes on the characteristic color of “meat slop”. At the same time, swelling is observed, especially in the face, and increased blood pressure.

Blood can enter the urine when the walls of the urinary tract are damaged, usually due to urolithiasis. Another disease is cystitis. With inflammation of the bladder, the patient feels pain in the abdomen from below, a frequent urge to urinate, burning and pain in the urethra.

Sometimes pink urine appears for the most harmless reasons. For example, if a woman recently ate a beet dish (borscht or vinaigrette).

Brown, greenish-brown urine

Urine the color of beer or tea in pregnant women usually indicates problems with the liver or gall bladder. This can be viral hepatitis, cholecystitis. In pregnant women, the load on the liver increases significantly, as it is forced to remove metabolic products of the unborn child. Liver disease may cause other symptoms:

  • yellowing of the skin and sclera,


Signs of early pregnancy - 15 first symptoms

How wonderful it would be if the very next day after conception the uterus signaled to a woman that pregnancy had occurred with some obvious symptom. But this does not happen and we have to rely only on signs of hormonal changes in the body. Considering that each woman is individual, signs of pregnancy in the early stages may not appear at all, or they may all begin to bother the expectant mother as early as 1 month.

Studies have shown that an egg, as a rule, is fertilized within 12 hours after ovulation (and no longer than 24 hours, because after that it dies). You will begin to notice pregnancy symptoms only after implantation, which occurs 7-10 days after ovulation. The fact is that the embryo begins to produce hCG after its attachment to the wall of the uterus, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to detect any symptoms earlier. The longer you wait before taking a pregnancy test, the more accurate the result and the darker the second line. Ideally, you should take a pregnancy test from the day of your menstruation, which did not occur this month. There are also a number of other reasons that can cause late periods; read about them in our other article.

What are the earliest symptoms?

If you do not observe any of these signs, this does not mean that there is no pregnancy. Perhaps your body reacts differently to conception and changes in hormonal levels do not affect your well-being so much.

No. 1: High basal body temperature

If you regularly monitor your cycle and measure your basal temperature, you will notice that it will remain high throughout the luteal phase. Progesterone causes the temperature to remain high throughout ovulation, and if BBT remains high, this indicates pregnancy. If conception does not occur, then the BT drops and menstruation occurs on its due date.

#2: Lack of menstruation

The most obvious and well-known symptom is that you notice that your period is not on time. But, despite the fact that this symptom is most often attributed to pregnancy, there are a number of other reasons that can lead to a delay. For example, severe stress, serious illness or surgery. On the other hand, many women note the presence of menstruation already during pregnancy. For some, they will continue for several months or even the entire pregnancy.

#3: Morning Sickness

Another fairly well-known symptom is morning sickness. It, of course, can manifest itself not only in the morning, but also at any time of the day, as soon as the blood sugar level drops significantly. Therefore, you need to monitor regular nutrition. Nausea can occur throughout the first trimester, and some women suffer from this symptom for up to 9 months.

#4: Breast changes

  • nipples become tender, sensitive and darken;
  • the breast begins to hurt and/or becomes lumpy;
  • veins on the chest become noticeable;
  • areolas (circles around the nipples) may darken and enlarge;
  • small bumps on the areola may become larger or their number may increase.

No. 5: Natural discharge increases

An increase in the hormone progesterone leads to an increase in the amount of cervical mucus. For some women, this symptom may not be noticeable at all, while others have to change panty liners more often.

#6: Fatigue

During your first pregnancy, your metabolism speeds up to support your unborn baby and your own body. This leads to a feeling of endless fatigue. It may seem to you that you constantly want to sleep or at least just relax. Progesterone also has a sedative effect, so many women literally close their eyes from fatigue even during the day. There is no need to fight with your body - you simply need rest now.

#7: Frequent urination

Already a week after conception, you may notice that the urge to go to the toilet begins to occur somewhat more often than usual. This happens because the embryo has already begun to produce hCG, a pregnancy hormone that increases blood supply to the pelvic area. As a result, the bladder signals that it is full even when there is a small amount of urine. This especially bothers women at night.

No. 8: Cramps in the lower abdomen

This symptom causes concern for many women, because they are afraid of miscarriage. However, even if you are not pregnant, your uterus is constantly contracting. This is also normal while expecting a baby, because the fetus grows and puts pressure on the walls of the uterus, which leads to its spasms.

But if these contractions are accompanied by bleeding, then this could indeed be a miscarriage. In this case, you need to contact your gynecologist and an ambulance as quickly as possible. But don't panic - sometimes spotting can be another sign of pregnancy.

No. 9: Bloody discharge

Eight to 10 days after ovulation (when your next period is due), you may notice light-colored spotting called implantation bleeding. They are usually not as bright in color as periods.

#10: Constipation and gas

An increase in hormones leads to the fact that the intestines relax and work worse - this is necessary in order to free up more space for the baby. But as a result, this often leads to constipation. Fortunately, there are many products that can help and are safe for pregnant women.

#11: Smell

Smells that never bothered you before can now become a real problem. Even cooking can now be disgusting.

#12: Colds and/or stuffy nose

During normal pregnancy, the woman's immune system is suppressed. This is provided by nature so that the pregnant woman’s body does not reject the fetus as a foreign body. As a result of these hormonal changes, the expectant mother is very susceptible to various types of infections. And the nose is stuffy again due to hormonal effects on the nasal passages.

No. 13: The appearance of acne

You may find yourself prone to acne. And even if this trouble has not bothered you before, the period of waiting for a baby quite often leads to acne.

#14: Change of taste

Rising hormone levels in the body can also affect your saliva. You may experience a metallic taste in your mouth that changes the taste of regular foods.

#15: Emotional swing

From the very first weeks of pregnancy, a woman may feel either incomprehensible surges of joy or sudden influxes of sadness. Often, irritability becomes a very acute problem and relationships with others begin to deteriorate.

Pregnancy tests

Sometimes a test at a very early stage may not show the coveted second strip. Even if conception has occurred, the hCG level may still be too low for the test to detect its increase. If you think that conception did occur during the last ovulation, then you should wait only 2 weeks and the result will be accurate.

Examination by a gynecologist

The hospital may offer you several types of pregnancy determination:

  1. Analysis of urine;
  2. blood analysis;
  3. inspection.

To avoid infection, it is better not to do the last procedure. The first two are enough to determine whether the long-awaited pregnancy has occurred.

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With the onset of pregnancy, a woman needs to constantly monitor the condition of her body, because the normal development of the child directly depends on her health. Therefore, during the next medical examination, a number of laboratory tests are required. And one of the most common and at the same time simple tests is a clinical urine test. Its result displays a number of macro- and microscopic indicators that are important from a medical point of view. And perhaps the first line in deciphering the analysis is the color of the urine.

General information

Urine is formed in the kidneys by filtering blood plasma and excreting (secreting) metabolic products. Its composition is determined by the nature and intensity of physiological processes, quickly changing with various disorders.

The color of urine during pregnancy under normal conditions should not differ from that of other women. Its color is given by substances secreted by the kidneys - urochromes (urobilin and urobilinogen). These are yellow pigments formed from the main transport protein of the blood - heme - in a chain of transformations that ends with transformation into bilirubin. The latter, as part of bile, is secreted into the intestines, where it is converted into stercobilin, and, partially absorbed back into the blood, is excreted by the kidneys in the form of urochrome.

The color of urine is formed by pigment substances that are formed as a result of heme metabolism and subsequent excretion by the kidneys.


Given the penetration of pigments into the urine, its normal color varies from straw to deep yellow. At certain periods of time, urine can be light or dark, which is mainly determined by the woman’s drinking regime. The night portion always has a more intense color, since during sleep water is absorbed from the bladder, and the specific gravity of other substances increases accordingly. With an increase in fluid consumption, on the contrary, urine is diluted, which becomes less colored.

During pregnancy, the situation remains the same, despite the fact that the urinary system, especially in the later stages, experiences a fairly high load. Firstly, the kidneys must remove metabolic products with double intensity: not only from the woman’s body, but also through the placenta from the child. Secondly, an enlarged uterus puts pressure on the abdominal organs, which can worsen their function. But under physiological conditions, compensatory mechanisms are sufficient to cope with such a situation.

The color of urine during pregnancy depends on other factors. Substances supplied with food are of decisive importance. Therefore, having noticed a slightly different color, a woman should remember what she ate the day before or during the current day. The following changes in urine are completely physiological:

  • Reddish or pink - when eating beets, blackberries, cherries.
  • Bright yellow or orange - when eating carrots or pumpkin.
  • Greenish – when eating rhubarb and asparagus.
  • Brown - when eating beef, legumes, strong tea.

A similar situation is usually observed in cases where these products form a fairly significant part of the diet and are consumed frequently. This can happen in the early stages of pregnancy, when a woman’s appetite increases and she wants to eat something unusual. But there is no need to worry about this - you just need to reconsider your dietary preferences, and your urine will become its normal color.

Another situation where urine may be a different color is when you are taking certain medications. Since it cannot be said that the pathology for which a woman is prescribed certain medications is the direct cause of changes in urine color, we will accept this factor as a consequence of the normal metabolism of medications in a situation where their use is strictly justified. Depending on the type of medication, urine may be:

  1. Pink – taking aspirin.
  2. Red-brown - taking metronidazole, rifampicin.
  3. Red – taking amidopyrine.
  4. Orange – taking vitamin B2, furagin.
  5. Blue-green - taking triamterene.
  6. Brown - taking sulfonamides, activated carbon.

The most common option during pregnancy (early or late) is to take various multivitamin complexes containing retinoids, folic acid and riboflavin - they make the urine bright yellow. But there is no need to worry, because this is not a sign of pathology.

Normally, the color of urine changes under the influence of food preferences, drinking regimen and certain medications.


Urine during pregnancy is an important indicator of the health of the body. Having figured out what color it should be normally, you should separately consider the pathological causes of color changes. And if under physiological conditions the shade of urine is formed only by urochromes, then in various diseases the content of other substances may also increase. Some of them are already contained in the urinary sediment - formed elements, salts, protein - but in trace quantities, while others should not be there at all (bilirubin, hemoglobin, lipids, etc.).

The appearance of a different shade may be the result of a violation of the filtration and concentration function of the kidneys, an inflammatory disease of the urinary tract, or a pathology of another body system. Therefore, the color of urine during pregnancy is:

  • Dark yellow, orange - dehydration due to vomiting (in particular, with early toxicosis), diarrhea, after extensive burns.
  • Pale – polyuria due to renal failure, diabetes.
  • Dark brown – increased urochromes (hemolytic anemia).
  • Yellow or brown-green – parenchymal and mechanical jaundice (hepatitis, cirrhosis, calculous cholecystitis).
  • Red – the appearance of blood from the urinary tract (hemorrhagic cystitis, urolithiasis, tumors, kidney infarction).
  • Like “meat slop” – macrohematuria with glomerulonephritis.
  • Black – ingress of hemo- or myoglobin (hemolysis, crash syndrome), melanin (melanoma), homogentisic acid (alkoptonuria).
  • Whitish – identification of fats (lipiduria), pus (pyelonephritis, cystitis), increase in phosphates (phosphaturia).
  • Blue-green – hereditary indicanuria (defect in tryptophan absorption in combination with hypercalcemia and nephrocalcinosis), infection of the urinary tract with Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

As you can see, the spectrum of pathologies that provoke color changes in urine is quite wide.

Therefore, to find out their cause, the result of a urine test should be studied in detail. After this, the doctor will prescribe an additional examination to clarify the nature and location of the disorders. And only after undergoing a comprehensive examination can a woman count on full treatment that will help restore the color of urine. If, as a result of differential diagnosis, no pathology is identified, then the doctor will most likely recommend normalizing the diet and drinking regime. But you should always remember: when the color of urine changes during pregnancy, it is better to play it safe once again and consult a specialist.

Pregnancy is hard work for every woman’s body. During this period, her health and her developing life are monitored especially carefully by doctors. Using a urine test, they can find out whether the mother’s health is normal and whether the unborn baby has any abnormalities. The mother herself can find out this by paying attention to the color of urine during early pregnancy.

Throughout pregnancy, urine tends to change shades. This happens due to constant changes in a woman’s body at this stage of her life. Urine during early pregnancy is of interest to most representatives of the fairer sex due to popular belief. It is believed that if the urine is dark in color, then you should expect a boy, if it is light, then a girl will be born.

There is no scientific confirmation of this fact. Doctors consider this a myth and explain the change in urine color by physiological indicators:

  • volume of liquid drunk;
  • toxicosis, its consequence is dehydration;
  • taking a course of folic acid prescribed by the gynecologist;
  • frequent consumption of a certain food product.

During this wonderful time for a woman, you need to take care of your health doubly. After all, now you have to bear responsibility for two people. Therefore, if there are any visible changes in urine, you should immediately go to the doctor.

Yellow urine is considered normal. It can change its color due to food. For example, carrots affect the excreted liquid so that it becomes, beets are able to color it. Medicines make urine dark or deep yellow. The functionality of the kidneys during this period also affects the shade. The metabolic process can change color by slowing down or, conversely, speeding up.

What can be determined by the color of the fluid secreted by the kidneys?

As already written above, depending on the color of urine, you can find out deviations in the female body or the development of pathology in the baby. Let's take a closer look at all the changes:

  • Clear urine. This happens with uncontrolled consumption of liquid in large volumes. This leads to complete leaching of salts and minerals, which is highly undesirable. If your urine does not turn color within a couple of days, immediately inform your gynecologist.
  • Red color. This happens when blood enters the urine. Becomes an indicator of cystitis, urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis,. Associated symptoms: hyperthermia, general deterioration, pain attacks.
  • The pink color appears due to the use of vinaigrette or certain medications.
  • Dark yellow color. In the early stages, in pregnant women it occurs due to dehydration due to toxicosis. It is also observed in the morning, since during the night fluid in the kidneys accumulates and becomes more concentrated.
  • Orange urine. Most often, the orange tint appears through taking multivitamins and folic acid. Carrots also color urine.
  • Brown and brown-green tint. This color is unacceptable during pregnancy. Indicates the appearance of problems with the liver. If a symptom appears, consult a doctor immediately.

When should you not hesitate and rush to the antenatal clinic?

In the early stages, the color of urine can change quite often for physiological reasons. But pregnant women need to be very careful and, in case of any deviations from the norm, consult with their doctor. The following manifestations should alert a woman:

  1. the urine has become cloudy and impurities of pus, blood, and flakes of unknown origin are visible in it;
  2. when a brown tint appeared, symptoms arose reminiscent of the formation of liver pathology, which had not previously bothered;
  3. a sharp change in the color of the fluid excreted by the kidneys for no reason.

Any changes that have been noticed in the urine should be reported to the doctor. Pregnancy is not the time to turn a blind eye to pathological changes in the body.

Should cloudy urine be a concern?

The structure of urine is also important for assessing the health of the female body. Cloudiness in the urine can cause heavy discharge, which increases during pregnancy. This visually resembles colorless flakes floating in liquid. When the container in which the collected urine is located is not completely clean, the cloudiness effect will also appear.

Cloudy urine is often a sign of illness. With this phenomenon, inflammation of the urinary tract and the entire urinary system is possible. During this period, pus, mucus, and red blood cells are observed in the urine. The fluid secreted by the kidneys becomes cloudy in diabetes mellitus. The sediment in this case is slightly lighter than usual.

Cloudy urine is the first sign of pregnancy, during which the amount of salts in it increases.

During pregnancy, the color of urine changes. Often, this is a common phenomenon that is caused by physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman. In the early stages, its color changes from light straw to rich yellow. Most often, the reason for this is its concentration. It depends on the amount of fluid consumed by the fair sex. Less often, color indicates the appearance of abnormalities in the health of the fetus or mother. In any case, if the expectant mother sees changes in her urine, she should inform the gynecologist about this. It’s better to play it safe once again than to pay for silence all your life. After all, the lack of timely treatment leads to irreversible pathologies and harms both the woman and the unborn baby.

Any woman wants to give birth to an exceptionally strong and healthy baby. Such a desire is quite natural for a woman, but in order to determine the normal course of your pregnancy and the absence of threats to the fetus from the health of the mother herself, it is necessary to follow the sequence of taking all the tests prescribed by your attending physician.

The fact that during pregnancy, her body undergoes dramatic changes is well known. At this time, the uterus of the expectant mother is growing at a rapid pace and, naturally, causing significant inconvenience to the rest of the internal organs. The kidneys, for example, are subject to double stress, as is the genitourinary system itself. It removes everything unnecessary, both from the mother’s body and from the child’s body.

Your attending physician, carefully analyzing the indicators that are most characteristic of a pregnant woman’s urine, will be able to identify the disease in time and, thereby, protect the woman from further development of the disease, and, accordingly, help protect the fetus. It is for these reasons that a urine test during pregnancy is so important, which is why it should be taken regularly, while observing all the conditions for urine sampling.

A pregnant woman, immediately before taking a urine test, should refrain from exercise, as excessive exercise can cause increased protein levels. The day before the test, you should limit your consumption of fatty and spicy foods. Alcohol should be avoided, even in small quantities. To collect urine, it is recommended to use only sterile containers; it is advisable to purchase a special container for this, available at the pharmacy.

It is recommended to collect urine in the morning, during the first visit to the toilet, with toileting of the genitals. The kidneys, as a rule, function especially actively at night, so urine is most concentrated at this time. Urine should be delivered to a medical facility within two hours.

By following these recommendations, you will avoid false analysis results. A woman will have to take a general urine test 10 times during the entire period of pregnancy. Of course, a frequent procedure can cause negative emotions in a woman, but thanks to this particular analysis, it is possible to avoid certain health problems, so this should not be forgotten.

With the onset of a special period in a woman’s life, the time comes to take urine tests with constant regularity. The indicators of such an analysis are among the most important in the diagnostic plan for monitoring the ongoing pregnancy. Does urine color change during pregnancy? Let's try to find the answer to this question.

What causes urine to change color

Any fluctuations in the general urine test may indicate an incipient pathology. The woman herself can pay attention to the color and visually evaluate the transparency of the secreted liquid. The color of urine during pregnancy may change with changes in:

  • hormonal levels;
  • nutrition;
  • drinking regime.

And also this is related:

  • with the onset of inflammation in the genitourinary system;
  • with the use of certain medications;
  • with different times of day (morning urine always has a darker and richer shade);
  • with hepatitis;
  • cholecystitis.
  • with bloody discharge from the genital tract.

All this will not only affect the color and shade of urine, but also change its composition.

How does the color indicator of normal urine change?

The normal color of urine during pregnancy is no different from the color of any other person; it is straw-yellow and transparent. With changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy, the color shades of urine change. This is due to the properties of the blood filtered by the kidneys. It is believed that if a woman is pregnant with a boy, the urine will be darker in color.

Normally, the color range of a pregnant woman’s urine ranges from deep yellow to light yellow

A portion of morning urine will always be darker than throughout the day, since the concentration of pigment contained in the urine increases overnight along with the density of the excreted urine. During night sleep, which lasts at least 6–8 hours, no fluid enters the body, so the concentration of morning urine is richer and will always be darker than daytime urine.

The norm is also considered to be a change in the shade of urine when consuming various foods containing an abundance of coloring substances. Beets, pomegranates, carrots, and pumpkins contain color pigments that can change color. Changing color associated with food intake is always scary, but this phenomenon is short-term and reversible. As soon as all coloring foods are eliminated from the diet, the color is restored.

Violation of the drinking regime, a decrease in the amount of fluid consumed, reduces the concentration of blood composition in the bloodstream, and accordingly, the concentration of the filtered fluid also changes. The pigment content in urine, as well as its specific gravity, also change. It becomes even more saturated and concentrated, which leads to a change in color to a darker than usual.

On the contrary, with excess fluid intake, which often happens during pregnancy, yellow urine will become lighter, almost colorless. In this special condition, it is very important to maintain a balanced drinking regime, since excess fluid will lead to the formation of edema, which is not uncommon in pregnant women. A deficiency will change the density of urine and can cause dehydration.

The color index of urine can be affected by some medications containing coloring agents. Multivitamin complexes, the intake of which is inevitable during pregnancy, change not only the color of urine, but also its smell. Antimicrobial drugs of the nitrafuran series, prescribed by a doctor for infections of the genitourinary system and intestinal infections, contain a bright, yellow pigment, which will change the color of urine to deep yellow.

Some types of antibiotics, in particular rifampicin, can change not only urine, but also saliva and tear fluid to a bright red hue.

Change in urine color is a symptom of many diseases

Very often during pregnancy, a woman’s immunity decreases, the reason for this is the increased work of all organs and systems. The genitourinary area is most susceptible to infection.

The frequent occurrence of thrush is due to changes in the hormonal levels of the pregnant woman. Thrush causes infection of the urethra and bladder. In this case, urine may acquire a reddish tint. The developing inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the walls of the bladder is replete with micro hemorrhages; red blood cells entering the blood cause a change in the color of urine during pregnancy.

According to the same principle, red blood cells enter the urine during an attack of renal colic, when the discharge of sand and small stones injures the mucous membrane and changes the color of the urine to orange or reddish. The color indicator in this case will depend on whether fresh red blood cells enter the urine, for example, from newly injured ureters and urethra or from the renal pelvis, where blood has been mixed with urine for some time.

Blood entering the urine will change color from pink to bright red or burgundy.

Sometimes during pregnancy, women experience worsening hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoidal bleeding from the rectum often occurs; the blood with such bleeding is profuse and scarlet. When it gets into the urine, it can turn it bright red.

If the signs of urethritis or cystitis are not recognized in time, the disease will spread to the kidneys along the ascending pathways. The resulting pyelonephritis will be signaled by a change in the color of the urine. Inflammation of the kidneys very quickly changes the color and quality of urine; it becomes cloudy and light yellow or slightly whitish due to the release of leukocytes that accompany any inflammation.

Glomerulonephritis is a very complex and serious kidney disease in which renal filtration is impaired. Blood leaks through the glomerular filters and ends up in the urine. Urine becomes reddish in color, and fresh red blood cells that have not undergone glomerular filtration enter it.

During early pregnancy, the color of urine can sometimes change slightly due to the passage of red blood cells from the vagina. In the first trimester of pregnancy, in the first weeks, very often the hormonal balance has not yet been fully established. During this period, bloody discharge from the genital tract is possible. In this case, the urine takes on shades of pink.

The color indicator of urine is an indicator of many diseases

At later stages, when the uterus becomes large, hemorrhages into its mucous membrane are possible due to overstretching of the vascular wall. In this case, it is also possible for red blood cells to enter the urine, but this will most likely look like microhematuria. It should have a reddish tint.

The secreted liquid acquires a completely dark shade if a woman gets viral hepatitis during pregnancy. The accumulated bilirubin (bile pigment) is not utilized in the liver; its level rises in the blood and, consequently, in the urine. It takes on a dark beer hue. In this case, the amount of bile pigment in the blood is so high that the mucous membranes and skin turn yellow.

In addition, in the later stages, when the weight of the fetus increases, there is a violation of the outflow of bile from the ducts, stagnation in the gallbladder, which leads to a condition resembling obstructive jaundice. The shade of urine in this case will range from dark yellow to brown.

And finally, a change in color is possible if various injuries to the abdomen and lumbar region occur during pregnancy. Coming from an injured organ, blood also changes the color of urine during pregnancy. What shade it will be depends on the amount of blood entering the urine. More often this occurs with ruptures of the ureters, bladder, etc.

Urine during pregnancy is one of the main tools in the diagnostic study of various diseases, so it should be transparent and light yellow in a healthy pregnant woman.

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