Find information about people who have achieved this goal in additional sources of information. Find in additional sources of information information about people who have achieved the significance of Sylvester Stallone: ​​success story, achievements, photos

My list includes businessmen who were able to achieve global success by revealing their capabilities to the fullest. What they all have in common is that they all started without capital, connections and thanks to their activity, perseverance in making money and faith in their idea. You can also discover and develop these internal qualities in yourself. I recommend reading my article, where I described in detail how this can be done. So, are you ready?

Top 10 people who achieved global success

1.Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs grew up in a foster family who promised his biological parents upon adoption that they could provide him with a good education. He started earning money early, while still in college, working at Hewlett-Packard. There he met Stephen Wozniak, with whom he later created the first Apple personal computer. By the way, they assembled the first boards in Uncle Jobs’s garage, having no money for an office.

He dropped out of college after his first semester and went to India to seek enlightenment. The joint projects of both Stephens were successful, and over time they were able to attract large investors. In 1984, Steve Jobs, in collaboration with Xerox, released the Macintosh (Mac), a modern personal PC that anyone could operate, even without programming skills. He had a bad character, and in 1980 he was “kicked out” from the company he created.

But by 1996, the corporation suffered losses of 700 million, which forced the board to bring Stephen back. He staged a coup by cutting back on planned projects and later introduced the iMac, then the iPod. Thanks to his efforts, the iPhone and the thinnest laptop on the planet were created. He died in October 2011 from pancreatic cancer.

Before his death, despite his illness, in March of the same year he himself presented the iPad2 tablet at a presentation, proving that he could fight to the last, not giving in even to a terrible diagnosis.

2. Bill Gates

He was born into a wealthy family, and despite the fact that he studied at the most privileged school, he did not excel in some subjects, paying attention only to mathematics. His behavior alarmed his parents so much that they considered taking him to a psychiatrist. Over time, his only hobby became programming; he spent all his time in the classroom with computers, staying up until the night.

Surprisingly, he was expelled from Harvard after two years of study due to poor academic performance. Not despairing, he began to pore over creating software, eventually founding Microsoft Corporation. Since 1996, he was officially considered the richest person on the planet. Received the title of Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire for his charity work, he actively fought against global poverty. Bill Gates earns almost 7 thousand dollars per minute.

3.Amancio Ortega

Amancio's family lived so poorly that he had to work since childhood. He never managed to finish school, so he got a job as a delivery boy for a tailor. From whom I learned cutting and sewing, delving into the specifics of creating clothes. At the age of fourteen, he was already sewing on his own for the La Maja haberdashery store. Over time, he created his own business, selling his product to wholesalers. But one day he was let down by canceling the order for a large batch.

Amancio Ortega was under threat of ruin, but decided to create his own store, with affordable prices and quality materials. This is how the first grain appeared in the creation of the huge network of the famous brand Zara. Amancio Ortega launched his own clothing brands: Stradivarius, Pull & Bear, Bershka and Massimo Dutti. Today, its products are popular in more than 70 countries around the world. Amancio, relying only on his own strength, managed to escape, as they say, from rags to riches.

4.Ingvar Kamprad

Ingvar's grandfather owned a company that was on the verge of bankruptcy, and, unable to cope with the difficulties, he committed suicide. The grandmother managed to save the business by teaching Ingvar not to be afraid of difficulties and to show determination. Therefore, from his school years, he sold everything he could buy in bulk, saving money for his own business. And already at the age of 17 he opened the first IKEA store, which, due to his age, had to be registered in his father’s name.

Wanting to win competition with other furniture companies, Ingvar Kamprad comes up with names for each type of furniture and treats visitors to a cup of coffee and fresh bread. This further contributed to the idea of ​​​​creating a fast food cafe at each store in the chain. He released a catalog of goods, opening a new service - accepting orders by mail, organizing home delivery.

One day he acquired an old factory in Switzerland, which allowed him to produce furniture even cheaper. Competitors boycotted him, so domestic loggers stopped cooperating. But even here Ingvar did not give up, deciding to purchase material from foreign suppliers. He introduced a new type of sale in stores - customers could serve themselves, and over time, also assemble purchased furniture themselves using the simple instructions provided.

He was able to successfully achieve his goals, becoming the richest man in Europe. You can read more about this person.

5.Carlos Slim Helu

Carlos Slim Helu worked for his father since childhood, saving money for stock investing, which he became interested in from the first grade. And thanks to his diligence and acquired knowledge, he was already able to receive his first million at the age of seventeen. Most of which he invested in the development of insurance. In 1982, after the default in Mexico, Carlos acquired many different and promising companies very cheaply.

Over time, political assets also came into his hands. Thus, he became close to high-ranking officials in Mexico, as well as the country's president. The founder of Carso Group was considered the richest in the world by Forbes magazine in 2010. Born into a family of Libyan immigrants, learning the basics of entrepreneurship from childhood and working for his father's company, he became the pride of his country.

6.Roman Abramovich

Russian businessmen also began to win the championship and become famous throughout the world. Roman Abramovich became an orphan when he was only four years old and was taken in by relatives. He grew up ambitious, sometimes too ambitious, for which he suffered from ridicule from his classmates. In high school, he worked part-time selling cigarettes, jeans and chocolates. Later he worked at a children's toy factory, but this was not enough for his intended purposes.

Having met Boris Berezovsky, he organized the Sibneft company, and after selling it, he bought the Chelsea football club. Then he is elected to the post of governor of Chukotka, which he was able to lead out of the crisis and develop during seven years of work. And already in 2010, Abramovich was one of the five richest people on the planet.

7.Jack Ma

Born into a very poor family, he decided to make every effort to succeed. Realizing that development and education are most important, he, while still a child, ran to the park, where he offered foreigners a free lecture-excursion, wanting to learn English perfectly. But I entered the university only on the third attempt, having failed the exams the first two times. Nobody hired him; he was rejected over a dozen times.

In the end, I was able to get a job as an English teacher. One day he gathered his friends and offered to invest in his project called Alibaba. This trading platform soon released the well-known Taobao project, the Chinese equivalent of eBay. In addition to the fact that Jack Ma has become the richest man in China and is one of the most influential people in the world, he is grateful to many entrepreneurs who, with the help of his platforms, have the opportunity to develop their small businesses.

8.Moed Altrad

Surprisingly, this man not only started from scratch, but did the impossible. He was born into a Bedouin family, lost his mother at the age of four and was raised by his grandmother. She did not let him go to school, and Moed had to secretly gain knowledge. His childhood in the desert was difficult, he ate only once a day and still does not know the date of his birth. His studies were excellent; he even eventually entered a university in France.

At about 46 years old, he moved to France for good, without even money for food. He survived thanks to internships in oil and technology companies. Over time, I was able to open a business related to the construction of “Altrad Group”. Today it is the largest cement production company in the world, and Moed's net worth is over $1 billion.

9.Sheldon Adelson

Sheldon grew up in a very poor family, he had to sleep on the floor because there was only one bed for the whole family. Therefore, from the age of ten, he made a living by selling newspapers, and after graduating from school, he sold toiletries for hotels. He had a lot of ideas that he constantly implemented with his friends. His uncle made money using the Wheel of Fortune at the fair, and he really liked the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch easy income.

He created many different companies, but it was Comdex (organization of computer exhibitions) that brought him his first millions. Over time, this became no longer interesting to him and he bought a casino in Las Vegas. And then he built the Venetian motel-casino. Today, many countries around the world compete with each other for the right to have on their territory the same analogue as in Las Vegas, and the winner is determined by Sheldon himself, a billionaire who started his business from scratch.

10.Oprah Winfrey

Oprah was raised by her grandmother, and until the first grade, due to poverty, she did not even have shoes or a dress. At two and a half years old, she already knew how to read and write, and from that moment she never parted with books. At the age of nine, she was raped by her cousin and received ice cream for her silence. Adolescence was very difficult, she wandered, stole, cheated, and at the age of fourteen she already gave birth to a child, who died soon after giving birth.

At the same time, she had oratorical abilities, thanks to which she got to study at the University of Tenne. Having worked a lot on various television programs, being both a presenter and a commentator, she opens her own program, “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” which brought in over $120 million in a year.


Because of their perseverance and desire to change the world and escape poverty, these people have done a tremendous amount of work. Did you notice how they started? Some didn’t even have money for food, but now they are the most influential people in the world. Believe in yourself and be persistent.

Stories of outstanding people who achieved success on their own from scratch.

In this article we will tell you about people whose names are well known. Many admire the creativity, inventions, and talents of these people, but few have thought about how they achieved success.

It has long been known that achieving a certain goal in life is much easier when you have a material base under your feet. The people we will talk about today started their activities from scratch, without the support of influential parents and money.

IN TOP 10 most famous people in the world who have achieved incredible success include:

  1. Steve Jobs- founder of Apple, a revolutionary in the field of IT technologies.
  2. Thomas Edison is a famous self-taught inventor who has patented more than 1,000 inventions.
  3. Joanne Rowling- writer, author of the Harry Potter series of books.
  4. Henry Ford- inventor, automobile designer, founder of the Ford Motor Company.
  5. Walt Disney- Animator, actor, screenwriter, founder of Walt Disney Productions.
  6. Amancio Ortega- entrepreneur, founder of the fashion brand Zara, the richest person in the world according to Forbes.
  7. Croc Ray- entrepreneur, restaurateur, founder of the fast food corporation McDonald's.
  8. Soichiro Honda- founder of the world famous automobile company Honda.
  9. Elvis Presley- American singer and actor, nicknamed the “King of Rock and Roll.”
  10. Sylvester Stallone- film director, screenwriter, actor.

All these people found themselves at the pinnacle of fame, but it is difficult to imagine what hardships they went through to achieve success. Their life stories are a clear example that the impossible is possible. You just have to believe in your dream and do everything to make it come true.

TOP 10 people who have achieved success in life

Video: People who did not achieve success right away

Steve Jobs: success story, achievements, photos

Important: Steve Jobs is an outstanding person who was able not only to build a computer empire, but also to change the lives of millions of people. He made complex technologies easy to use, aesthetically pleasing and accessible to people.

Steve Jobs was adopted by foster parents shortly after his birth. His biological parents were students, experienced difficulties and could not raise their son. It is known that Steve’s birth mother took a receipt from his adoptive parents stating that they undertake to pay for the boy’s college education.

Steve never considered his adoptive parents to be strangers; on the contrary, he was very irritated if this fact was mentioned in his presence. Steve Jobs' parents were people of humble origins: his father was an auto mechanic, and his mother was an accountant. Together they earned money to fulfill their promise and educate Steve. However, Steve himself was not distinguished by a diligent disposition, although he was a very capable child. His teachers called him a “prankster.”

After graduating from school, Steve left his parents' house and moved into a cabin with his girlfriend. By the way, he managed to go to college, but Steve could not finish it - his disposition was too free, not conducive to discipline.

Steve Jobs easily made new acquaintances, became interested in hippie culture and spiritual practices, and became a vegetarian. One of the decisive acquaintances was meeting Stephen Wozniak. Having become best friends, they began developing their first computer. To raise money for their developments, they sold their main assets: Jobs' minibus and Wozniak's programmable calculator.

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in their youth

Thanks to the oratorical and entrepreneurial skills of Steve Jobs, it was possible to attract sponsors. Soon Jobs's house and garage were occupied: development of the first batch of Apple computers was in full swing here.

Steve Jobs loved simplicity, and successfully applied it to the design of his devices. Many team members found him extremely difficult to work with; he was characterized as a hot-tempered and stubborn person.

During the years of Steve Jobs's life, he managed not only to become the founder of Apple, but also to fail and be fired from his own company. Subsequently, Steve Jobs returned and helped Apple achieve unprecedented levels and success. But besides Apple, Steve Jobs made significant contributions to other industries, for example, he bought and developed the animation film studio Pixar.

Steve Jobs' irrepressible energy was undermined by health conditions; in 2003, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and in 2011, he resigned. That same year, Steve Jobs died at the age of 56. However, his name remains forever in the pages of history.

He is called differently: “father of the digital revolution”, “visionary”, dreamer and innovator. One thing is clear - crazy love for your hobby and confidence in what you do can change the world.

Steve Jobs

Thomas Edison: success story, achievements, photos

The future inventor was described at school as “limited.” The teachers considered him an absolutely incapable student, given his small stature and weak physique, and after three months of training they asked his parents to take Edison out of school. To which the mother categorically disagreed with the teachers, but still took the child from school and taught her on her own. Thomas Edison's mother was the daughter of a priest and had a good education.

Thomas Edison has been experimenting since childhood. After reading the book “Natural and Experimental Philosophy” by Richard Greene Parker, he repeated most of the experiments.

The future inventor set up a laboratory for his experiments on a train, where he earned extra money by selling newspapers and candy. But one day, as a result of his experiments, he started a fire right on the train, after which he was thrown out onto the street with a crash.

But this fact did not stop Edison. Once, by chance, he saved the life of the son of the head of one of the stations. This incident was happy for Edison, because the boss, as a thank you, taught Edison telegraphy. Subsequently, Edison got a job as a telegraph operator at Western Union.

Thomas Edison continued to invent, but his attempts to sell devices were unsuccessful. Until the moment when his improved telegraphy system was acquired by one rich company. Edison earned $40,000 for the invention, while his salary was only $300.

Thomas Edison

With the proceeds, Thomas Edison equipped the laboratory and continued his painstaking work. He became the author of many inventions, but the most popular of them was the electric light bulb, which is still used today.

Other inventions of Thomas Edison:

  • Phonograph is a device for recording/reproducing sound;
  • The carbon microphone is one of the first types of microphones;
  • Kinetoscope is a moving image device used in cinematography;
  • An aerophone is a device for transmitting sound over a long distance.

And many other inventions. In total, he patented more than 1000 inventions. By the way, Thomas Edison suggested using the word “hello” at the beginning of a telephone conversation.

Important: The great inventor was a great workaholic; he argued that what makes a person a genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. It is known that Edison worked 19 hours a day in his laboratory.

Thomas Edison in the laboratory

JK Rowling: success story, achievements, photos

The name JK Rowling became known after the world was stunned by the first book about Harry Potter. The writer worked on her book for many years. Over the years, she experienced a variety of life events, joyful and painful: the illness and death of her mother, the wedding and birth of her daughter, divorce soon after the wedding and life on the brink of poverty.

JK Rowling grew up in an ordinary family and did not experience any shocks until a certain stage in her life. However, the death of her mother and a divorce with a baby in her arms forced her to plunge into the abyss of life's troubles. After the divorce, the woman was forced to live on social benefits. She often felt humiliation, shame and resentment for her little daughter. It seemed to JK Rowling that this dark streak would never end, and the woman was often depressed.

Despite life's difficulties, for a long time Rowling wrote a book about a boy who was a wizard. According to Rowling's stories, her first inspiration came to her unexpectedly. She was just sitting on the train, which was delayed for 4 hours, and images and situations arose in her head.

When the manuscript was finished, Rowling sent it to 12 publishing houses and was rejected by them all. Only a year later, Bloomsbury gave the book the green light. And it was a real sensation! JK Rowling received a grant to continue writing the Harry Potter series of books.

Since then, the writer’s financial difficulties were resolved, and fame came to her. It is believed that JK Rowling introduced the fashion for knowledge. She was able to revive children's interest in reading at a time when children forgot about it and became interested in computer technology.

JK Rowling also wrote other books, such as “The Casual Vacancy”, “The Cuckoo’s Calling”, “The Silkworm”, etc. The writer married a second time, gave birth to a son and a younger daughter, continues to create and is involved in charity work.

Writer JK Rowling

Henry Ford: success story, achievements, photos

Henry Ford was the eldest of six children in a farming family. From childhood, interesting technical ideas that could make life easier arose in Henry Ford's head, but his father did not support him. Soon after his mother's death, Henry Ford ran away from his father's house.

First he worked as a mechanical engineer, and then received the position of chief engineer at the Edison Electric Company. Henry Ford worked on creating a steam engine. One day he met Thomas Edison, and he believed in Ford, which incredibly inspired the latter.

Later, Henry Ford and some businessmen created the Ford Motor Company. His goal was to create inexpensive cars that would be accessible to many, not just wealthy people. Ford's partners did not support his idea, and as a result, the majority of the company's shares passed to Henry Ford.

Later, he was able to establish an assembly line production of cars, which became his main achievement. The Ford car became easy to drive, did not require complex maintenance, and also differed from its predecessors by a significant reduction in cost. Now the car has become a means of transportation, and not a luxurious toy for the powers that be.

Henry Ford took strict control over the management of the plant and the automobile production line. He controlled all stages of production, organized a workers' village, and also established the highest minimum wage in the United States at that time - $5 a day. Henry Ford later handed over the management of the company to his son, but after the early death of his son, he again took the reins into his own hands. The company was then taken over by Henry Ford's grandson, Henry Ford II.

Henry Ford and his car

Walt Disney: success story, achievements, photos

Walt Disney was born into a poor family; from childhood he was forced to work as a newspaper delivery boy. When World War I began, Walt Disney had to become a Red Cross driver.

He had a passion for drawing, and later got a job as an artist in a film studio. He managed to open his own studio, but it soon went bankrupt.

Walt and his brother moved to Los Angeles, where together they founded the animation studio The Walt Disney Company. They began to produce cartoons, but did not achieve great success.

Success came to the company when the cartoon about Oswald the Rabbit was released. Later a new hero appeared - Mickey Mouse. At first, the cult cartoon character was not approved, but then Walt Disney received an Oscar for creating the image of this mouse.

In terms of the number of cinematic awards, Walt Disney is the most titled person. He made the world of animation completely new, revolutionized the idea of ​​cartoons and animation.

His achievements include the famous Disneyland amusement park. The idea for the park came to Walt during a walk with his daughters, whom he adored.

Walt Disney and his heroes

Amancio Ortega: success story, achievements, photos

Amancio Ortega is today one of the richest people in the world. But one day he had to quit school to help his family. The family was very poor, the mother worked as a maid, the father as a railway worker. The parents' salary was not enough to survive until the end of the month. The boy had a developed sense of pride, he did not want to live like that and got a job in a shirt store, where he was literally “at his beck and call.”

Thanks to his responsible attitude to work and determination, Amancio Ortega began to quickly climb the career ladder. By the age of 17, he had already gained sufficient experience and quit to create his own company. At first, in the small workshop of Amancio Ortega, workers sewed women's robes for a small fee. Gradually, production grew, all the proceeds were invested in production, the customer base also began to increase, and eventually the first Zara retail store opened.

Amancio Ortega became the founder of a group of companies that united various fashion brands. But Zara remained the most recognizable brand. Amancio Ortega occupies a leading position in the ranking of world millionaires according to Forbes.

Amancio Ortega

Croc Ray: success story, achievements, photos

Ray Kroc is a shining example that it's never too late to start. Success came to him at the age of 52. Before this, the future founder of the McDonald's empire sold paper cups and was even able to found a company producing mixers, but it did not bring tremendous success.

One day he was selling his mixers to the McDonald brothers and saw their roadside restaurant. It had a self-service system, and the price tags for food were obscenely low. And Ray Kroc, unlike the McDonald brothers, saw a “gold mine.” He invited them to sell franchises, the brothers quickly agreed and gave permission to use their name.

Ray Kroc improved the franchising system by establishing strict requirements - everything must meet the standards. He didn't want the brand to be disgraced in the pursuit of quick profits.

Kroc's real success came after McDonald's opened in a small town and lines began to line up at the cash registers. Since then, crowds of people who wanted to invest their money profitably came to Kroc, because, as it turned out, the business paid off very quickly.

Ray Kroc

Soichiro Honda: success story, achievements, photos

The future founder of a famous automobile company was born into the family of a village blacksmith. He did not like schoolwork; he believed that they would not bring him any benefit. Soichiro recognized only practice; later he gave preference to practitioners, not theorists, and emphasized that learning theory without real experience means nothing.

Since childhood, he adored the smell of machine oil; in his opinion, it was the best smell in the world. It is not surprising that Soichiro Honda's soul gravitated towards cars and everything connected with them.

However, his life passed through difficult years for Japan: first the Tokyo earthquake, then the war. His life was undergoing changes that were beyond his control. In the post-war years, a self-taught mechanic began to create motorcycles from bicycles by attaching a low-power motor.

Over time, Honda has become the leading motorcycle manufacturer in the world. This is how Soichiro’s main idea came to fruition - the production of cars. Despite the opposition of the Ministry of Industry, Honda achieved the creation of the largest automobile manufacturing concern in the world.

He adhered to strict rules, loved simplicity in clothing, and was interested in people who differed from him in their views. A person with a strong spirit did not break under the pressure of external circumstances and went towards fulfilling his dream.

Soichiro Honda

Elvis Presley: success story, achievements, photos

“The King of Rock and Roll” is the name given to Elvis Presley, who died early but left a significant mark on the history of music. Since childhood, Elvis liked music; he sang in the church choir. At school he took part in music competitions, for which he once received a guitar as a gift from his mother.

Elvis Presley's family cannot be called wealthy. My father worked various jobs to make ends meet. As a teenager, Elvis Presley became interested in styles such as blues, rhythm and blues, and boogie-woogie. He often played the guitar in the yard with friends.

After graduating from school, Elvis Presley began working as a truck driver, but did not want to give up his childhood dream. He went to auditions and failed them successfully.

One day, in frustration, Elvis began to play a melody, but because he was nervous, he did it too quickly. As a result, everyone liked his style of performance so much that the song soon became a hit. Since then, Elvis Presley's musical career has skyrocketed. One after another, hits and videos were released. A real “Elvisomania” began in America. Elvis Presley later began acting in films, but achieved enormous popularity thanks to his hits.

Elvis Presley

Sylvester Stallone: ​​success story, achievements, photos

Sylvester Stallone's filmography includes more than 50 films. The first film that brought fame to the actor was “Rocky”. Sylvester Stallone himself wrote the script and wanted to star in the title role, but no one wanted to see an unknown actor of average height in the title role, albeit in good physical shape. However, Stallone did not concede anything and did not want to sell the script. His persistence and determination prevailed, and the director agreed to his conditions. Since the release of the film “Rocky”, Stallone has received long-awaited fame and success.

However, until this moment, Sylvester’s life had not been pampering: he studied at a school for difficult teenagers, then worked as a doorman, a bouncer in a night restaurant, and cleaned animal cages at the zoo. Once he was even forced to sell his dog because he could not feed it. It is worth noting that he later bought his four-legged friend back by paying his fee.

Sylvester Stallone

Examples of Russian famous personalities who achieved success in life through their work, from scratch: list, photos

Among Russian famous personalities there are also people whose stories and path to success inspire respect. For example:

  • Roman Abramovich- entrepreneur, owner of Chelsea FC, ex-governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, billionaire. It's hard to believe, but Abramovich's career began as a simple worker.
  • Anna Netrebko- People's Artist of Russia, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, opera singer. Born in Krasnodar, she studied music and singing since childhood, won the competition named after. M.I. Glinka, after which her talent was appreciated.
  • Vladimir Voroshilov- television personality, theater director and artist. Creator of the intellectual game “What? Where? When?". Bans on appearing on air could not stop the talented figure; he continued to do what he loved and achieved tremendous success.
  • Maria Sharapova- famous Russian tennis player, former “first racket of the world.” Numerous victories and well-deserved success went to Maria at the cost of hard work and the presence of a fighting spirit.
  • Darya Dontsova- author of ironic detective stories, winner of literary awards, is a member of the Russian Writers' Union. Dontsova suffered a serious illness - breast cancer. However, this did not break her, but on the contrary, made her even stronger. Now the writer pleases her readers and helps women cope with their illness.

Luck, wealth, fame do not come to some right away. Often, to make a dream come true, you have to go through many tests. But those who are ready for defeat on the path to success will definitely achieve their goal. You can see this from the example of our heroes.

Video: Rich people who rose from scratch

These are stories of people who started doing what they loved when their peers had years of experience behind them. Some of them worked at odd jobs for many years, but still dared to try themselves in what they loved, and they were right. They were able not only to achieve success, but to become famous throughout the world and become role models for those people who want to change their lives, but are hesitant to take a step forward.

Misty Copeland: skin color is no barrier to ballet

When there is not the slightest hope of making a dream come true, but there is a great desire and ability to work, everything is possible if Misty Copeland gets down to business.

This dark-skinned pearl was born in Kansas City in the USA. This year, Misty's star lit up with renewed vigor, as the girl became first black ballerina, and also wash at the American Ballet Theatre.

Misty first entered ballet class when she was 13 years old. The girl was noticed when she was playing basketball and did not even suspect that dance would become her passion. She comes from a poor family who had a hard time spending a few dollars on a pair of pointe shoes. Her mother had no time for her daughter’s talents, since she was raising five more children and was constantly trying to arrange her personal life. Did Misty have a chance to become anything in ballet?

To achieve significant success in this art form, girls come to ballet studios at the age of 5-6 and work until they sweat. When Misty first started wearing pointe shoes, her peers had been wearing them for half their lives. But just a few months later it was impossible to distinguish which of them came to the profession so late.

Misty Copeland's path to fame was long and thorny. Not all theaters accepted a girl with a non-standard skin color into the troupe; her body was not ideal for classical ballet. With a height of 158 cm and a weight of 45 kg, she was persistently asked to “stretch out,” that is, to lose weight, since Misty’s body is quite muscular.

But when they saw how she looked in dance, the experts’ opinion changed. Of course, many accuse the girl of being different from the usual classical ballet dancers. But no matter what anyone says, Misty is great at dancing. You want to look at her and enjoy her movements.

Saxia de Brauw: at 29 years old in a model

Working as a model is probably the dream of every girl whose height is over 170 cm and weighs no more than 50-55 kg. The main thing is to “light up” before 17-18, get a good contract at 20, and retire at 30 and rest quietly on your laurels. But what to do if a girl likes working as a model when her peers have already forgotten what it’s like to walk along the catwalk? Never give up on your dreams!

The story of the Dutch model Saxia de Brauw is direct proof of this. She tried to become a model at the age of 16, but the attempt was in vain. Saxia was not upset, got an education, and found a job. But fate returned the girl with an unusual appearance to the world of fashion when she was 29 years old.

What is so amazing about Saxia? It looks organically in both women's and men's outfits. She worked with such fashion houses as Givenchy, Chanel and MaxMara, and appeared on the covers of the most fashionable and famous magazines.

Today Saksia is 34 years old, and her career doesn’t even think about slowing down. Confident, disciplined, restrained - she gives a head start to frivolous, flighty girls who sometimes do not know what they are looking for from a modeling life.

Charles Bukowski: first novel at 50

American writer of German origin Charles Bukowski spent half his life doing odd jobs, and only at the age of 50 he wrote his first novel, which he worked on for 20 days and which instantly brought fame to the author. No, he was always talented, had a passion for literature, tried himself in poetry and prose, but all attempts to break through to the reader failed. It took many years for him to be heard and understood.

Charles Bukowski's work was greatly influenced by his childhood. A cruel father who raised his son with both a hard word and a fist, a mother who never stood up for her son. His childhood years never let go of Charles and had an indelible influence on his work and life.

He avoided people, always emphasized that he did not like them, did not trust them, and preferred to be alone with himself and his thoughts. “Loneliness strengthens me; Without him I’m like without food and water. Every day without him weakens me. I am not proud of my loneliness, but I depend on it,” these are the words of Charles Bukowski.

The works of Charles Bukowski are indecently truthful, realistic, devoid of embellishment and romance. He is harsh, cynical, critical and honest. But this is what made his novels beloved by many readers around the world.

Anna Maria Moses: artist at 78

The story of this woman seems to have been written by a screenwriter with a rich imagination. It seems that this can only happen in the movies. Anna Maria was born in 1980 in the USA into a large family. Her parents were farmers. Anna devoted her young years to her younger brothers and sisters and helped her parents run the household. Then she worked as a housekeeper and nanny for different families.

From early childhood she drew and dreamed of getting an art education. But when her mother saw her daughter’s drawings, she only said that this was “primitive scribbling” and that she needed to do concrete work, not nonsense.

And Anna Maria took up concrete work: she got married, gave birth to ten children, five of whom she buried; With the money they saved, she and her husband bought their own farm, where they worked tirelessly. Over the years, Anna has embodied her artistic vision of the world in embroidery. But after the death of her husband, her health deteriorated, and holding a needle in her hands became increasingly difficult. Then she returned to drawing.

Anna Maria Moses' paintings were noticed when she was 78(!) years old.

One day, New York collector Louis Kaldor noticed paintings of Anna Maria in a pharmacy window. He immediately bought all the works that were in the woman’s house for $200. In those years it was a lot of money.

Fame fell on Anna Maria Moses like an avalanche on a careless skier. The whole country instantly started talking about her. Her paintings have been shown at numerous exhibitions throughout America. Because of the artist’s age, she was affectionately known as “Grandma Moses.” Her paintings are devoid of signs of modern civilization. The drawings depict scenes of everyday rural life.

Grandma Moses continued to paint for another 20 years. She died at the age of 101.

John Sperling: at 53 his university

Who said that becoming a billionaire is impossible when you were born into a poor family and worked half your life in ordinary positions? John Sperling amassed a stunning fortune at a fairly mature age. He worked as a sailor, was a beatnik, and then taught at the university. Life seemed to be getting better, but something was missing.

At 53, John decided to make dramatic changes in his life. He decided to try his hand at business and founded The Apollo Group, a corporation that specialized in commercial education. When John Sperling opened his university in Phoenix, his first class had eight students. Thirty years later, the number of people wishing to receive an education at this university was 345 thousand.

Henri Rousseau: at 41 ahead of his time

The story of a sad genius who was many years ahead of his time. He was criticized, lived in poverty for many years, served in the army, worked as a clerk, and studied music, but all his life he did not doubt his talent in painting and looked for ways to realize his dream.

Having no artistic education, Henri Rousseau only began to do what he loved at the age of 41 - to draw, to embody on canvas his feelings, experiences and his own vision of the world. Fame and recognition among his colleagues came to him when he showed his paintings at the Independent Exhibition.

Despite all the hardships and amazing efforts, fame did not come to Henri Rousseau. And the whole point is that the artist was one step ahead of traditional art and created a new style in painting - primitivism or naive art.

He paints jungles he has never been to, beautiful ladies in unusual places, cityscapes; reality intertwines with dreams in the artist’s paintings, reality and fantasy seem to freeze in an amazing dance.

Bruce Lee: record speed

Bruce Lee is probably the most famous actor who mastered martial arts. Bruce Lee's skill is simply amazing. He was fast, strong, dexterous and wise. His life was short and eventful. He died at 32, but managed to star in 36 films.

Bruce Lee began his acting career at a fairly young age, when he played... a baby. But few people know that the actor first took dancing very seriously, and not martial arts. Until the age of 14, he practiced cha-cha-cha and won the championship in this dance in Hong Kong. And only after that he decided to study martial arts. His first teacher recalled that Bruce Lee suggested that he exchange knowledge: teach the master to dance, and asked the teacher to teach him to fight.

In order to flawlessly master martial arts techniques and achieve such heights, you need to start practicing them from early childhood. But this does not apply to master Bruce Lee. In a fairly short period of time, he mastered the techniques of judo, jiu-jitsu and boxing, bringing his body and skills to perfection. Today, many people demonstrate their skills in these sports, but few can show the same excellence as Bruce Lee, and, let’s face it, no one has ever managed to surpass him.

Vladimir Kuts: late runner

He broke into the sport and achieved stunning results, despite the fact that he only started running at the age of 24. Taking your first steps in sports at such a mature age is quite difficult, because many athletes already end their careers before the age of 30. But for Vladimir Kuts, age did not become an obstacle to achieving amazing heights.

A native of Ukraine, Vladimir Kuts became a two-time Olympic world champion in 1956 at different distances, and in 1956-57 he was recognized as the best athlete in the world.

Vladimir Kuts’s early years coincided with World War II. Of course, at such a time there is no time to develop your talents. But after the end of the war, he began to play sports and at the age of 29 became the world Olympic champion in running and the first Soviet Olympic champion among athletes. The record, which the athlete set in 1957, lasted eight years.

Harrison Ford: the older, the richer

Today it is difficult to find a person who has not at least once watched films with the participation of Harrisrn Ford. He is one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood. But it was not always so.

In his youth, Harrison Ford tried to make his way onto the screens, but his attempts were unsuccessful, scenes with his participation were cut out, and he was only invited to play cameo roles. For many years he had to work part-time in bars and pizzerias to make a living. The young actor did not like this situation at all; he abandoned attempts to make a career in cinema and became... a carpenter.

The second wind of his acting life was brought by his role in the film “American Graffiti.” At the time, Harrison Ford was “in his early thirties.” But real fame came after “Star Wars” in 1977, where he played the role of Han Solo. It’s paradoxical, but the older an actor gets, the better roles he gets, the more famous he becomes, and the richer, of course.

Garland Sanders: Success at 65

He was born in the USA in 1890. Garland Sanders had a difficult childhood. His father died early, and the boy had to help his mother with housework. Garland, preparing food in a small kitchen, had no idea that this activity would bring him worldwide fame many years later.

But before that, fate had pretty much battered the future millionaire. When his mother remarried, he could not get along with his stepfather and left home. Garland served in the army, worked in insurance, on the railroad, and was even a farmer. But these activities did not bring him joy.

And only after forty years, having saved up money, he opened a small business. He cooked his signature chicken and sold it to people who mostly lived nearby. But the popularity of his dishes grew every day. When he turned 65, he sold the franchise of his restaurants. His Kentucky Fried Chicken company was sold in 1964 for $2 million. Today it is the main competitor of McDonald's restaurants.

The stories of these people are proof that it is possible to achieve success at any age if you have talent and a great desire to work.

Find in additional sources of information information about people who achieved significant success in their youth, but found themselves unclaimed in adulthood. What is most often the reason for the fragility of success?


Such an example could be most vocal groups of the early 90s-2000s. For example Ivanushki Int/. This is a clear example of the fact that young guys are popular in the country at a young age, but by maturity they find themselves unclaimed. The reason for this collapse lies primarily in the demand of the population. Society does not stand still, people change their morals, tastes, time moves forward, something becomes a thing of the past, new directions and new groups come to replace it. This is a big problem for singers, how to have the proper impact on the audience and touch, for example, with their songs. What was popular in the 90s has now lost its significance and the demand for songs has fallen. As a result, Ivanushka's group Intrrenational does not perform on the big stage. People who, at the right time, cannot switch to a new trend and sing for the generation of youth, turn out to be unsuccessful in adulthood.

Some people actually believe that disabilities impose certain limitations on those who have them. But is this really so? This post will tell about those who did not give up, overcame difficulties and won!

Helen Adams Keller

She became the first deaf and blind woman to earn a college degree.

Stevie Wonder

One of the most famous singers and musicians of our time, Stevie Wonder suffered from blindness from birth.

Lenin Moreno

Vice President of Ecuador from 2007 to 2013, Lenin Moreno, moved in a wheelchair, since both legs were paralyzed after the assassination attempt.

Marlee Matlin

With her role in Children of a Lesser God, Marley became the first and only deaf actress to win an Oscar for Best Actress.

Ralph Brown

Ralf, born with muscle wasting, became the founder of Braun Corporation, a leading manufacturer of cars equipped for people with disabilities. It was this company that, as a result of its work, created a minivan that is fully adapted for people with disabilities.

Frida Kahlo

One of the most famous Mexican artists of the 20th century, Frida was in an accident when she was still a teenager and severely injured her back. She never fully recovered. Also, as a child, she contracted polio, which left her leg deformed. Despite all this, she managed to achieve amazing success in the visual arts: some of her most famous works were self-portraits in a wheelchair.

Sudha Chandran

Famous Indian dancer and actress, Sudha lost her leg, which was amputated in 1981 as a result of a car accident.

John Hockenberry

Becoming a journalist for NBC in the 1990s, John was one of the first journalists to appear on television in a wheelchair. At the age of 19, he injured his spine in a car accident and since then has been forced to move only in a wheelchair.

Stephen William Hawking

Despite being diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis at age 21, Stephen Hawking is one of the world's leading physicists today.

Bethany Hamilton

Bethany lost her arm in a shark attack in Hawaii at the age of 13. But this didn’t stop her, and she was back on the board after 3 weeks. The story of Bethany Hamilton formed the basis of the film "Soul Surfer".

Marla Runyan

Marla is an American runner and the first blind athlete to officially compete in the Olympic Games.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Despite the fact that from the age of 26 Beethoven began to gradually lose his hearing, he continued to write amazingly beautiful music. And most of his most famous works were created when he was already completely deaf.

Christopher Reeve

The most famous Superman of all time, Christopher Reeve was left completely paralyzed in 1995 after being thrown from a horse. Despite this, he continued his career - he was engaged in directing. In 2002, Christopher died while working on the cartoon "Winner".

John Forbes Nash

John Nash, a famous American mathematician and Nobel Prize winner in economics, whose biography formed the basis of the film A Beautiful Mind, suffered from paranoid schizophrenia.

Vincent van Gogh

It is impossible to say with complete certainty what kind of disease Van Gogh suffered from, but it is known for certain that during his life he was admitted to psychiatric hospitals more than once.

Christy Brown

An Irish artist and writer, Christie was diagnosed with cerebral palsy - he could write, type and draw with only one leg.

Jean-Dominique Bauby

The famous French journalist Jean-Dominique suffered a heart attack in 1995 at the age of 43. After 20 days in a coma, he woke up and found that he could only blink his left eye. Doctors diagnosed him with locked-in syndrome, a disorder in which a person's body is paralyzed but mental activity is completely preserved. He died 2 years later, but during the time he was in a coma, he managed to dictate an entire book, blinking only his left eye.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is rightfully considered one of the greatest minds in human history. Despite the fact that he had serious problems with assimilation of information and did not even speak until he was 3 years old.

John Milton

The English writer and poet became completely blind at the age of 43, but this did not stop him, and he created one of his most famous works, Paradise Lost.

Horatio Nelson

A British Royal Navy officer, Lord Nelson is known as one of the most prominent military leaders of his time. Despite the fact that he lost both arms and an eye in one of the battles, he continued to achieve victories until his death in 1805.

Tanny Gray-Thompson

Born with spina bifida, Tunney achieved worldwide fame as a successful wheelchair racing competitor.

Francisco Goya

The famous Spanish artist lost his hearing at the age of 46, but continued to do his favorite thing and created works that largely defined the fine art of the 19th century.

Sarah Bernhardt

The French actress lost both legs as a result of amputation following a knee injury, but did not stop performing and working in the theater until her death. Today she is considered one of the most significant actresses in the history of French theatrical art.

Franklin Roosevelt

The President of the United States of America, who led the country during World War II, suffered from polio in early childhood and, as a result, was forced to use a wheelchair. In public, however, he was never seen wearing it, he always appeared supported on both sides, since he could not walk on his own.

Nick Vujicic

Born without arms or legs, Nick grew up in Australia and, despite all the obstacles, learned things like skateboarding and even surfing. Today he travels the world and speaks to large audiences with motivational sermons.

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