Recipe for cottage cheese pancakes. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value. Calorie content of cheesecakes with sour cream Benefits of cottage cheese pancakes

The product is rich in vitamins B1, B9, A, E, D, minerals phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium.

The calorie content of cottage cheese pancakes per 100 grams is slightly less than 185 kcal. To understand why there is so much, let’s analyze the composition of the dish. The main ingredients of cheesecakes are cottage cheese and wheat flour.

Cottage cheese with 9% fat content contains 160 kcal per 100 grams. High-grade wheat flour has an even higher calorie content, equal to 335 kcal.

Calorie content of cheesecakes in 1 piece.

Calorie content of cheesecakes in 1 piece. depends on their weight. The average weight of one cheesecake is 50 g. Thus, it contains 91 kcal, 9.2 g of protein, 1.8 g of fat, 9.1 g of carbohydrates.

Calorie content of cheesecakes made from low-fat cottage cheese per 100 grams

The calorie content of cheesecakes made from low-fat cottage cheese per 100 grams is 126 kcal. In 100 g of dish there are 14.6 g of protein, 3.2 g of fat, 10.2 g of carbohydrates.

To prepare a 100 gram portion you need the following ingredients:

  • 12 g wheat flour;
  • 21 g chicken egg;
  • 1 g sunflower oil;
  • 66 g low-fat cottage cheese.

Cheesecake recipe:

  • Place the cottage cheese in a bowl and mash with a fork until it is free of lumps;
  • cottage cheese is mixed with egg and flour;
  • Round cheesecakes are made from the resulting mixture, placing them on a lightly floured plate;
  • the finished cheesecakes are rolled in flour and fried in a frying pan with heated sunflower oil;
  • The frying process is continued until a golden brown crust appears on the cheesecakes.

Calorie content of cottage cheese pancakes is 9 percent

The calorie content of cottage cheese pancakes is 9 percent 200 kcal. 100 g of product contains 14.2 g of protein, 7.5 g of fat, 19 g of carbohydrates.

The process of preparing cheesecakes with 9% fat cottage cheese is the same as in the case of a dish made from low-fat curd mass (see above). Nutritionists do not recommend eating more than one 85-gram serving of such cheesecakes at a time: in this case, you will saturate your body with 170 kcal, 12 g of protein, 6.3 g of fat, 16.1 g of carbohydrates.

Calorie content of cheesecakes with raisins per 100 grams

Calorie content of cheesecakes with raisins per 100 grams is 242 kcal. In 100 g of dish there are 11.7 g of protein, 9.5 g of fat, 26.2 g of carbohydrates. To prepare one 85-gram serving of cheesecakes you will need:

  • 45 g 9 percent cottage cheese;
  • 10 g chicken egg;
  • 11 g wheat flour;
  • 3 g sunflower oil;
  • 9 g raisins;
  • 7 g granulated sugar;
  • a little salt.

Cooking steps:

  • the cottage cheese is kneaded with a fork, mixed with egg, flour, sugar, salt;
  • raisins are added to the resulting mixture;
  • cheesecakes are made round or oval, rolled in flour, fried in a heated frying pan with sunflower oil poured in;
  • Fry the cheesecakes on both sides until golden brown.

Calorie content of cheesecakes with semolina per 100 grams

The calorie content of cheesecakes with semolina per 100 grams is 175 kcal. In 100 g of dish there are 14.9 g of protein, 7 g of fat, 13.2 g of carbohydrates.

The benefits of cheesecakes

The following benefits of cheesecakes are known:

  • cheesecakes are rich in calcium, which is good for healthy nails, bones and hair;
  • the dish contains a lot of potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, blood vessels and heart;
  • with regular consumption of cheesecakes, metabolic processes in the body are restored, which, in turn, accelerates the breakdown of fat;
  • cheesecakes are indicated for hypertension, kidney and liver disorders;
  • The beneficial properties of cheesecakes for normalizing the gastrointestinal tract have been proven.

Damage to cheesecakes

Despite all the usefulness of cheesecakes, you should not abuse this product. The calorie content of cheesecakes is quite high, so if you overeat them, you gain excess weight.

For intensive weight loss, only cheesecakes cooked in the oven are recommended. Fried food is not recommended as it contains too much fat.

Some people have an intolerance to cheesecakes. When consuming this product, they suffer from flatulence and heartburn.

When we hear the word “cheesecakes”, at the first moment images and associations associated with cheese appear in our heads. But in fact we are talking about wonderful tasty flatbreads made with cottage cheese.

We can talk a lot about their taste and benefits. But lovers of cottage cheese pancakes know that as soon as we eat a few cheesecakes for breakfast, we get a good boost of energy for our body, after which it can work without interruption until lunchtime. And here the question arises about what this dish is.

Let's take a closer look at the products included in cheesecakes. The calorie content of each of them separately is: cottage cheese (18% fat) - 236 kcal, flour - 334 kcal, sugar - 399 kcal, margarine (butter) - 743, chicken - 157 kcal. The energy of these products is mixed, and as a result we get a morning dessert with a calorie content of 300.2 kcal, of course, provided that you eat only 100 grams of them, and they are seasoned with a dessert spoon of sour cream.

Such indicators may force many to give up this cottage cheese delicacy, but there is no need to rush to do so. After all, the calorie content can be significantly reduced due to small changes in the recipe and method of preparation. So, for example, “raw” cottage cheese. They include: carrots, cucumbers, radishes and greens. All of the listed vegetables are grated on a fine grater and mixed with cottage cheese, previously strained through a sieve. You can serve dietary cheesecakes by forming stars, crescents, etc. from the resulting mass using pastry molds, decorating them with greens.

For lovers of traditional cuisine, we can recommend preparing delicious ones. The composition of the products included in them will remain the same, but you will not have to use additional fats for frying and sour cream as a sauce. These are cheesecakes, the calorie content of which is significantly reduced. And if you add raisins, dried apricots, prunes, banana, apple, pear to the dough, then the taste of the baked “cottage cheese buns” will take on a special, refined shade that no one can resist.

Many of the main ingredients included in inventive housewives are replaced with similar ones. So, for example, instead of sugar, you can add honey, of course, if you are not allergic to it. Or replace flour with semolina. In this case, they will turn out more loose and crumbly. But don’t forget about one thing - we prepare cheesecakes in which cottage cheese plays the main role. It is this that forms the basis of this dish. Its quantity should not be less than 500 g per 2-4 tablespoons of flour and 2 eggs.

But no matter what cooking method you choose, no matter what sauces you season them with, remember that cheesecakes, although high in calories, are very healthy. By eating even a small portion, you saturate your body with vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, E, PP, H, minerals and a whole range of micro- and macroelements. Therefore, you should not deny yourself such a pleasant dessert, even for the sake of a beautiful figure!

Cheese pancakes have been familiar to us since childhood. This is an unforgettable delicacy not only for children, but also for adults. Most people think so. But some people don’t like cottage cheese, and sometimes you can’t force children to eat this product. Probably, there is such a dish as cheesecakes, the calorie content of which is of most interest to the category of those losing weight.

Almost every housewife knows the recipe for preparing this dish from cottage cheese. Of course, eggs, sugar and flour are added to the dough. And these, as you know, are calories that threaten to “sit on your waist.” Therefore, those who are overweight, and those who are not indifferent to their slim figure, want to know the whole truth about the calorie content of cottage cheese pancakes. In addition, the question of the health benefits of cheesecakes comes first.

Often, taking into account the gastronomic preferences of their family, the keepers of the family hearth manage not just to fry ordinary cheesecakes, the calories of which are essential for those losing weight, but create entire culinary masterpieces, filling plump pancakes with dried apricots, apples, pears, carrots and other vitamins. The recipes of many experienced housewives differ from each other in only a few points, but the essence remains the same - cheesecakes are baked from cottage cheese.

You will learn about the benefits of cottage cheese and a dish made from it on the pages of our story. You will also get an answer to a question that interests many people who are losing weight: how many calories are in cheesecakes. You will learn how not to spoil your figure and not part with your favorite dish.

Even a child sees the benefits of cheesecakes

Fermented milk products, and especially cottage cheese, are known to be very healthy. It is appropriate in the daily diet of both children and adults. An easily digestible food product, cottage cheese, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of many organs. Therefore, cottage cheese dishes, in our case cheesecakes, the calorie content of which is of interest not only to those who are overweight, provide nutritional value to the body.

What beneficial substances make up cottage cheese? The fresh product contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, casein and other equally important microelements. Having a high percentage of calcium, cheese strengthens the skeletal system. The fermented milk product also helps improve metabolic processes in the body, thereby helping the body get rid of excess fluid and fat deposits.

During heat treatment, not all vitamins and minerals are lost, so cheesecakes, which are probably quite high in calories, are of interest not only to those losing weight, but also to nutritionists. Cottage cheese is good for hypertension, gout, stimulates the nervous system, liver and kidneys, normalizes blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Those people who, for one reason or another, are not able to consume meat and fish proteins, have found a worthy alternative in cottage cheese milk proteins of the same quality and beneficial effect.

Cheesecakes made from high-quality cottage cheese will also provide the body with many vitamins and beneficial microelements. How many calories are in cheesecakes? This question interests almost every woman who monitors the slimness of her figure. But since the benefits of cottage cheese are invaluable to the body, the nutritional value is always valued more than the calories of cheesecakes.

Thanks to the beneficial properties of cottage cheese, and in our case cheesecakes, the calorie content of which we will consider a little later, those suffering from gastrointestinal diseases can restore the health and functionality of the intestines, filling it with beneficial microflora.

How many calories are in cheesecakes?

It is known that fresh cottage cheese, like any food product, has more vitamins than the one that has been subjected to heat treatment. If you cook cottage cheese dishes, some of the nutrients in the cottage cheese are lost, but a larger percentage remains. The calorie content of cottage cheese determines its fat content. Therefore, the calorie content of cheesecakes will depend on the fat content of cottage cheese as the main ingredient of the dish.

When preparing cheesecakes, we cannot do without sugar, eggs, flour and vegetable oil for frying. These products add even more calories to cheesecakes. Therefore, the dish is considered high in calories, but beneficial for the body. This dish can be cooked not only in a frying pan, but also in the oven.

If the slimness of your figure comes first, then choose low-fat cottage cheese for cheesecakes. After all, you can buy homemade cottage cheese, the calorie content of which will, figuratively speaking, go off scale. Then the calorie content of cottage cheese pancakes will be approximately 300 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. Using fatty cottage cheese, of course, you will not lose excess weight, but the body will receive tremendous support with the elements necessary for its functionality.

The calorie content of cheesecakes made from 5% cottage cheese will naturally be lower - about 232 calories per hundred grams, so cottage cheese with a low fat content is more suitable for a balanced diet. The average calorie content when frying with vegetable oil is 300 kilocalories, while preparing a dessert using a minimum amount of fat is approximately 172 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

Considering the nutritional value of cottage cheese, regardless of its fat content, those who want to maintain a slim figure should prepare this dish correctly. When adding dried fruits or other products that add calories to cheesecakes, you need to take into account that then you need to limit yourself to other foods, giving preference to cheesecakes.

If we consider the nutritional value and organic substances in the composition, then cheesecakes contain approximately 18 g of carbohydrates, the same amount of amino acids and fats - 3.5 grams. Judging by the digital indicators of the nutritional and energy value of the product, cheesecakes are also suitable for adherents of a low-calorie diet.

Calorie content of cottage cheese pancakes and the ability to lose weight

Those on a low-calorie diet should consider how many calories are in cheesecakes. If you do the math, preparing this delicious and childhood favorite dessert will give disappointing results. Vegetable oil for frying, eggs, sugar, cheese, if fatty, - all together make up a decent indicator of energy value.

To reduce calories, bake cheesecakes in olive oil: it does not form carcinogens when frying. When baking dessert in the oven, you should also take into account that fat can react to high temperatures, so cheesecakes should be baked at a temperature of no more than 180 degrees.

As you know, there is a cottage cheese diet and it is very successful, since cottage cheese contains many useful minerals, as well as a whole storehouse of vitamins.

By eating 1-3 cheesecakes a day, you will not harm your body. But when the calculation is for 5-6 pancakes, the calorie content of the cheesecakes will add unnecessary kilos to you. And if you add flour to them, then weight loss is out of the question. The cottage cheese dish along with butter is considered high-calorie and contains a lot of animal proteins.

4.9 out of 5 (8 Votes)

    If the stomach accepts it well and there is no discomfort, then there is no harm. It's just that some people get heartburn from cheesecakes. For me, for example, it depends on where I eat cheesecakes. Those that I cook myself do not cause any discomfort at all. I fry them in butter and make them not very tight. For some spice I add cinnamon. Very tasty with sour cream and jam.

    The benefits of cheesecakes are beyond any doubt, because the main ingredient is cottage cheese, which is rich in calcium and vitamin D. Cheesecakes also contain vitamins such as A, E, B1, B2, B9 and the minerals magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. All this has a beneficial effect on the health of the brain and heart, hair and skin, teeth and bones. There are a huge number of options for preparing cheesecakes, as well as possible additional components in the recipe. The healthiest cheesecakes will be those without frying in a frying pan in oil, but baked in the oven with the addition of dried fruits.

    It seems to me that cheesecakes do more good than harm.

    After all, this dish contains healthy ingredients. Cottage cheese is especially useful for children and adults. Not all children like to eat cottage cheese in its pure form, so in this case, cheesecakes are just a great option.

    When cooked (heat treated), cottage cheese does not lose its beneficial properties. So feel free to cook it. Bake your favorite culinary masterpieces from it).

    For example, my family loves cheesecakes, so I cook them for breakfast from time to time.

    Sometimes I bake sochniki, but this hit is rarely cooked well).

    In general, a lot of different dishes can be prepared from cottage cheese.

    Cottage cheese is a fermented milk product, and if it is, of course, not fatty, it can be beneficial to a person. Vitamins, microelements, calcium for bones, easy digestibility - all these are advantages. But once in the dough, becoming an ingredient for cheesecakes, cottage cheese can also cause harm, because cheesecakes are high in calories, they are solid protein, and if they are overcooked, then we are talking about harm to the liver, heart and other internal organs.

    Cheesecakes are harmful those that are fried in a frying pan in oil. It’s better if you don’t fry them to a crisp, but it’s even better if you bake them in the oven or make a casserole.

    Cheesecakes are healthy because they consist of cottage cheese. And it’s easier to feed children cheesecakes than regular cottage cheese, even with sweet fillings. The bulk of the vitamins in fried cottage cheese will be retained. They contain calcium and vitamin D, which are necessary for children's bodies. Cottage cheese is easily digestible.

    If you take full-fat cottage cheese, then there are as many as 300 calories per 100 grams, but they will be healthier than cheesecakes made from low-fat cottage cheese.

    From 5% cottage cheese you will get cheesecakes that contain 230 calories.

    Therefore, those watching their weight should not overuse cheesecakes.

    Of course there are benefits, cottage cheese contains calcium and phosphorus, these components are very useful for strengthening the skeletal system of the body, they say that after heat treatment some of the beneficial enzymes are lost, but they are still there and only benefit the body.

    There are a lot of benefits from cheesecakes. Firstly, the content of the cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is calcium, it won’t hurt anyone. Secondly, positive emotions. Well, how can you not start enjoying life if in front of you are ruddy cheesecakes, so tender and delicious! And if it was not you who cooked, but you, then it would be doubly enjoyable!

    Well, what could be harmful in cheesecakes? Except fried butter. But if it's fresh, it's okay. Moreover, you can also make steamed cheesecakes.

    Therefore, I personally don’t see anything harmful in cheesecakes. Of course, if we talk about calories and diets, then cheesecakes are not a dietary dish in the classical sense, but they can also be adjusted to fit your diet by slightly changing the ingredients.

    The only harm from the cheesecakes can be if they were fried too much in a large amount of oil or the cottage cheese was of poor quality and not fresh. If the cheesecakes are made from good cottage cheese, they have a golden crust, they were stewed under a lid, then it seems to me that the cheesecakes are healthy, especially since they are usually tasty and bring pleasure.

Syrniki is a traditional dish that has long been one of the most beloved among Slavic peoples. It is a cake made from cottage cheese with the addition of flour, eggs and sugar, fried in butter. It got its name back in ancient times, when the word “cottage cheese” did not yet exist, so this product was also called the word “cheese”. The technology for preparing this dish makes it easy to make even for those with little experience, and it is also very tasty and satisfying. That's why cottage cheese is still popular today.


The main component of the dish is cottage cheese. This fermented milk product is a source of substances necessary for the body. So, it contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus, which strengthen bones and teeth. When these minerals enter the body together, they are absorbed much faster, so the benefits will be much greater. In addition, cottage cheese contains a lot of iron and magnesium, which is necessary for the smooth functioning of the heart muscles.

Cottage cheese contains many vitamins. It is especially rich in B vitamins, including A, E, and D. In addition, this fermented milk product contains a high concentration of protein, which is not inferior in its nutritional properties to meat proteins. But such protein is absorbed much faster and easier, which is why the product is popular among athletes involved in strength sports, as it promotes rapid muscle mass gain. The use of this product is also indicated for physical exhaustion.

A particularly valuable quality of cottage cheese is that after heat treatment its beneficial properties do not disappear.

Cheesecakes contain many valuable amino acids, so they are useful for adults, children and the elderly to eat. The dish also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, promoting its rapid recovery and lower susceptibility to stress.

Sour cream, with which the dish is usually served, has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and also contains many vitamins and minerals.


Cheese pancakes are prepared in vegetable oil, so during frying, carcinogens are formed that negatively affect health. It is these substances that can cause the appearance of malignant cells that provoke cancer. In addition, this is a very high-calorie dish, so if you abuse it, you can quickly gain excess weight. Sometimes they also provoke digestive problems. Also, cottage cheese, which is the main ingredient, causes allergies in some people; this should also be taken into account before trying cottage cheese pancakes.

The nutritional value

Those who want to diversify their menu with cheesecakes will be concerned about how many calories they contain. So, in 100 g of a dish with sour cream, the main indicators are as follows:

  • calories - 275 kcal;
  • fats - 9 g;
  • carbohydrates - 39 g;
  • proteins - 11 g.

It is equally important to know calorie content of cheesecakes with sour cream 1 serving. This figure is approximately 250 kcal.

Weight of one cheesecake depends on its size, but on average it is 50-70 g, so it will contain about 100 kcal.

For those on a diet

This is a very high-calorie dish, so it is not recommended to abuse it while on a diet. However, there are diets in which it is recommended to eat these curd pancakes for breakfast. You can also prepare a dietary option that will not harm your figure.

How to reduce calories

You can reduce the number of calories if you use sour cream and cottage cheese with the lowest percentage of fat content. In addition, it can be replaced with fruit or jam.

If you do not fry the curds, but bake them in the oven, the energy value will be even lower, and the taste will be no less bright.

You can also add grated carrots or pumpkin to the dough (see recipe).

By replacing fiber, it gently cleanses the intestines of toxins, which promotes weight loss and normalization of digestion.

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