How to change your last name on Facebook: editing personal data. How to change your name on Facebook - primary and alternative How to change your last name on Facebook

How to change your name on Facebook to something else? The administration of the social network does not recommend that its users frequently change their profile name and last name.

According to security requirements, frequent changes in data can cause fraudulent activities, so such accounts are often blocked.

The optimal time range between page name changes is 6 months.

If you change your data once or twice during this period of time, the technical support service will not have any complaints about your online profile.

There are several options for replacing the page title:

Standard Change Procedure

If you have a compelling reason to change your name, you can do so in your normal profile settings. The new name will appear immediately on your page.

The entire procedure occurs automatically.

Follow the instructions below to change the title of your page in the standard way using the desktop version of the site:

  • Log in to the social network Facebook. Next, click on the arrow located at the top right of the profile;
  • Open the settings menu;
  • Select the main settings tab, and then click on the “Name” field;

  • Click the icon. After this, you will automatically be redirected to the data editing page. Special characters, numbers and signs cannot be used. Of the special characters, only Roman numerals are available;

  • To apply the settings, enter the password for your page to further verify your identity;

  • Save your settings. Your new name will be checked by the automatic system for correctness and applied to your profile if the check is successful.
    The maximum period for confirmation of a new name by the automatic recognition system is 24 hours. You will be notified of the decision via a letter that will be sent to your email (linked to your profile);

After you have changed your name 4 times, technical support will remove the “Name” item from your account. This way you will not be able to change the page title.

To add a second name, go to the settings, as shown in the first instructions, and enter your additional name in the Middle Name field.

It must also comply with all site rules and regulations.

What types of names can you use on Facebook?

Can I change my username from my phone?

This can be done from the telephone version of the site. To do this, press the menu button. It's at the top left.

Turn on the settings item, then select the main settings window and change the name of the page in the “Name” field. Save the settings and wait for the automatic check.

I am glad to welcome you friends. Many users of the social network Facebook are interested in the issue of changing their name and surname within their account. Indeed, this is an important point for a number of reasons. For example, during the initial registration, you did not want to indicate your real name and registered under a fictitious one. After some time, this became more of an inconvenience than an advantage and the decision was made to change my name to my real one. Or are you a girl who has become a happy wife and now wants to change her last name to her husband’s last name.

In any of the options, you should read my instructions and easily follow the steps described in it.

Login to your account at Facebook and in the upper right corner click the small arrow, then select the Settings menu item.

A window will open in front of you, where opposite the line with the name, click the Edit link.

The next window will display your first and last name in English.

First, let's make changes in English. To do this, in the Name line, indicate the changed name (in Latin), you can also indicate the Patronymic (if desired) and the changed surname.

Click the Check changes button.

In the pop-up window, select how your name will be displayed, specify your account password and click the Save changes button.

All friends, now you know how to change your Facebook name to English.

Now let's look at the issue of changing a name in Russian. To do this, click the Edit link next to the name again (2-screenshot) and follow the link - add or change a name in your native language.

In a new window, select the language (you may not have this window, then skip this step).

That’s it, after that we indicate the changed first and last name in our native language, enter the password for our profile and click the Save changes button.

Hello friends! Not long ago we dealt with . Today we will consider a situation where the name specified during registration for some reason does not suit you. We will change it. We will also indicate our first and last name in English. We will also consider what to do if, in addition to everything else, you also want to indicate your nickname or maiden name.

Before moving on to practice, I want to bring to your attention several rules for changing names that were established by Facebook developers.

1. If you change it now, then the next time you can do this only after 60 days.

2. You must indicate your real full name, otherwise, if they require a copy of your passport to verify your account, then, you know... If the name in the account and in the passport do not match, such an account will most likely be blocked.

3. You can change your full name only 4 times.

Changing your name from your computer

We go to the official website and log in with our account. Next, look at the upper right corner and click on the menu button in the form of an arrow. From the drop-down list, select “Settings”:

Our general account settings pop up. Opposite the “Name” item, click on the “Edit” button.

We reached the treasured window for changing your name. Let's try changing the name on Facebook to English as an example.. To do this, simply write it in the available fields in Latin letters and click on the “Check changes” button.

In the next window, indicate how it will be displayed in your profile and enter the password for your account to undergo automatic verification and the changes will take effect.

If you want your full name in Russian or another native language to be displayed next to the one written in Latin letters (in English), then go back to the general account settings.

We write the name in Cyrillic, enter the password for the account and click on the “Save changes” button.

Now your account will display your name in Russian, and in brackets in English:

Now let's imagine a situation where you also need to give your maiden name or some nickname or nickname of yours.

Again, go back to the general account settings and click on the “Add other names” link:

In the window that opens, we find the link “Indicate a nickname or name given at birth.”

Choose what exactly you want to indicate: nickname, maiden name or patronymic, or anything else from the proposed list and indicate.

Change your name from your phone

To solve this issue, no one is stopping you from going to the Facebook website from your phone through any browser and doing everything we did in the first paragraph of the article.

If you want to do this in a mobile application for Android, then launch it and click on the menu button in the form of three horizontal stripes.

5 / 5 ( 4 voices)

Each member of the online community needs to correct the personal information of their account.

The global popularity of this portal is so great that the number of users approaches one and a half billion, and, according to independent rating agencies, Facebook is the largest social network on the planet.

In February 2004, Harvard University student Mark Zuckerberg launched his main Internet project - the youth network Thefacebook. Soon, Mark’s friends joined the project: Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskowitz and Chris Hughes, and as a result of their joint efforts, the network became known in the United States, and subsequently in other countries, under the name Facebook. Initially, the project was created as a portal for students at Harvard University, but students from other Boston universities soon joined it.

Later, members of online communities of any US higher education institution received access to the network, and since 2006 - all users over the age of 16.

The name of the Facebook account owner is the most important information for network participants. With its help you can find classmates, old friends, colleagues, make friends and like-minded people.

Sometimes there is a need to change personal data: women change their last names, creative people consider it necessary to add a pseudonym, teenagers - use an additional nickname (nickname), business representatives - keywords according to the type of their activity.

The article will be useful to anyone who wants to change their data in their account settings, but does not know how to change their name on Facebook.


Everyone sometimes asks themselves the question, how to change their name on Facebook? To do this, you need to find the arrow icon in the upper right corner of the main page. If you left-click on the arrow, a drop-down list of context menus will appear.

In the list, select the “Settings” command, as a result the user will be taken to a page with general account settings and current personal data: full name, user name (personal address of the user’s Facebook page), email address, password, etc. Change any of these parameters can be done using the “edit” commands located line by line on the right side of the screen.

To edit your full name, click on the “edit” link on the right side of the corresponding line to open a page with additional columns for making changes.

  • Column “Name” - the real name is indicated here, in full or abbreviated form.
  • The “Patronymic” column can be filled in as desired.
  • Column "Last name" - it indicates the current surname of the user.
  • The user's first and last name are displayed on the main page in English. If it is important for a network participant that other users see his last name and first name in Russian, you need to fill out the “Name in native language” field.
  • Column “Other names” - here it is permissible to indicate your alternative name: maiden name, nickname, creative pseudonym or nickname by which the account owner is known offline. This can be done using the “Add or change other names” link, which redirects to a page of additional personal information for filling it out.

    To add a maiden name, you need to follow the link “+Add a nickname, name given at birth.”, in the drop-down list, select the required attribute (“Name Type”) and enter the previous surname. When entering data, you must save the changes using the appropriate button (“Save Changes”), otherwise they will not be recorded.

  • We need to go back to the main settings. If the new data is entered correctly, without errors, the next step is to click on the “Check changes” icon. In the dialog box that opens, 2 options for spelling the name will appear (Last Name First Name/First Name Last Name). Having selected an option and confirmed it by entering a password, the user must save the updated settings (the “Save” button).

Note: the site developers allow you to change your full name no more than once every 2 months, so you should not make mistakes in writing them!

Sometimes the question arises - why, after all the manipulations done, old data is displayed on the main page?

You can change your name on Facebook after checking by moderators, and it may take about a day, so it is recommended to wait until the next day - the new name will be approved and appear on the page. If it does not pass moderation, the administration will notify you about it.

Facebook name requirements and restrictions

Developers have a number of requirements for account data. The use of offensive or obscene words is not allowed, the name should not consist of symbols, punctuation marks, or numbers.

Incorrect spelling and combination of different language symbols in one word is prohibited.

The “Patronymic” column cannot contain a nickname or nickname.

Changing your email on social networks

From time to time you have to deal with the problem of changing your email address. Facebook allows you to quickly change and activate an additional email address.

This can be done using the same “Settings” command in the context menu, called up by the arrow in the upper right corner of the main page. When you click the “edit” hyperlink on the right side of the email address line, an additional settings section opens.

To enter a new email, use the “Add another email” link. Address or mobile number Phone" - as a result, a pop-up window will appear for entering new data.

If you wish, you can link the page to a mobile phone number - this will protect your account from fraudulent activities.

After clicking on the “Add” icon and saving the new address (“Save”), the request for change is sent to the portal administration.

You need to wait for an email confirmation of your additional mailbox. Subsequently, it can be transferred to the category of basic ones, and the old one can be removed from the list.

As a rule, when registering on Facebook, people indicate their real first and last name. And this makes sense. After all, the administration is trying to fight fakes by punishing users who provide false personal data. In addition, registering under your real name is convenient. After all, this way your family, friends, colleagues, etc. will be able to find you without any problems. However, sometimes there is a need to establish a new name. We will talk about how to change your name on Facebook in this article.

How to put a new name

There are many reasons for changing your name. Perhaps you got married and changed your last name. Or maybe they wanted to take a pseudonym for creativity. In any case, the process of changing personal data will be the same. Before you change your first and last name on Facebook, you should know that the administration allows you to set a new full name only once every 60 days. This is a necessary measure designed to protect users from spammers.

The process of changing your full name is quite simple and does not require confirmation by phone, mailbox, etc. So, how to change your last name on the Facebook website? Just follow the following instructions:

As a rule, owners of Facebook pages indicate their full name in English. However, this is not at all necessary. In this social network, you can duplicate personal data in Russian. You need to complete the first three points of the instructions described above, and then click on the hypertext “Add or change a name in your native language.”

Nicknames on Facebook

If you want to indicate your nickname, maternal last name and other information, then it is not at all necessary to change your name on Facebook through the settings. Everything can be done much simpler:

Voila - from now on, the “Information” menu will display not only your real name, but also nicknames, etc. In addition, you can make sure that your nickname is displayed in your profile along with your full name. To do this, simply check the box next to “Show at the top of your profile.”

How to change your account short address

Each Facebook page has its own unique name. By default, the page address consists of numbers, which looks rather unaesthetic. Fortunately, the account name can be changed. This is done as follows:

By the way, there are certain restrictions regarding changing the address. Firstly, you can only change the page title once. Secondly, the address must meet certain characteristics (only letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers can be used, writing some words is prohibited, etc.). Thirdly, you can change the name of the page only if you have already been identified through your mobile phone.

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