Read life stories about angels. The world through the eyes of a clairvoyant

I don’t believe in supernatural beings, their existence is equal to the existence of kappas or lamias... and I would be more happy to meet them than Christian creatures.

Okay, I’ll tell you my cases from life, what I remember.

1) I am not a geographic cretinist; in any case, in childhood I was well oriented in space. But I can’t remember the names and numbers. That is, if you throw me out somewhere, I will get out and get where I need to go, but I won’t be able to tell you the street or how to get there, even though I can get there myself without any problems.

Since I am well oriented and like to walk, I often go for walks. But even I had to wander and be mistaken, especially if the walk was for a very long period and in a completely unknown area and I begin to “shorten the road” in different directions without thinking in advance.

The first time I got lost was when I was 7 years old; we had recently moved to a new city and my cousin and I went to a new school (of course, alone, he knew the way). At first we walked along one road, and from school along another. Of course, he abandoned me in the middle of the street, in the middle of an unknown city. I was a little nervous, I just walked approximately in the right direction, it took enough time to get out and I finally found a way out into the courtyards of the house. Not at all, but I had a good walk and saw a lot of interesting places)))

Which I remember that I was just wandering. I decided to go to the forest with my dog; it was half an hour’s walk from home. Of course I wasn’t there, but it was interesting. Let's go for a walk, let the dog off the leash. I’m walking along the path, I hear people ahead, if there’s food or something else, I can’t put the dog on a leash and hold it, I was 12-13 years old, but most importantly I didn’t want to see anyone. I left the path and decided to make a circle, walked through the thicket..... we met a viper, it hissed not contentedly and crawled into a puddle. The place there is very swampy. We went further, there was another viper, a huge one, we had to go around just in case, and then I found out that it was in the bushes when the dog started barking and a huge head appeared from the bushes... let's move on... we should have already gone out on the route, and I several times cutting in different directions. Plus, I was afraid that since I didn’t know the road well, I might veer to the side, that is, I wouldn’t walk exactly straight. On the way further, the swamp overflowed heavily, then more ravines.... in short, I was already tired. It's starting to get dark. I’m leaving...... some village, unknown to me, a temple and such a quiet.... well, I think I’m out(((I’m going back to the forest, trying to understand how many times I turned in which direction and where I have to go out. And after about 20 minutes I still go out to the familiar area where I was, only I have to go around the swamp again. But we had a good walk, we really chased snakes and vipers, we didn’t let them go down into the sun, which they weren’t very happy with and seemed to swear on us))) I left somewhere around 11 o’clock in the afternoon, I came home by midnight, maybe also around eleven.

I never caused a panic and sometimes only asked people roughly something in such cases, mostly myself.

2) but here are some really lucky cases:

I won't take it into account. several times that I was almost hit by cars, several times I almost drowned and a couple of times when I took pickpockets by the hand. Recently I fell out of a bus while it was moving))) it probably looked very funny from the outside, I don’t know, but I laughed. E

case of pure luck:

I am 6 years old, I am walking around the yard, the territory of private houses. There are no children, the rain is slushy. At the other end of the street there is a girl (maybe a year older), I decide to go up to her, I haven’t seen her before. I cross the road, say hello, and then a healthy woman runs out of her yard German Shepherd and attacks me. The girl screams, but she can’t help and doesn’t know what to do. A few minutes of struggle. the dog grabbed the umbrella.... for some reason I was most afraid that something would happen to the umbrella and I would get punished for it. I end up fainting. I came to my senses already at home, shabby, but nothing serious, except that my jacket and umbrella took a beating... then my father bought a puppy so that I could get used to it, but I was too afraid... then this will help and the German shepherd will become my favorite breed.

I am 9 years old, my siblings and I are alone in the apartment. Call. I go to the door, who's there, strange female voice, not familiar - “mother”. We always had one front door closed, but I immediately closed the second one. She got scared, turned everything off and told her siblings not to make noise, I’m listening... the woman stood there and left. A week later, the call again, “Who?” a man's drunken, unfamiliar rough voice "mom". I immediately remember the previous incident, and I get even more scared. I close the second door, run into the rooms, take my siblings and put them under the bed (I don’t know why, I was scared) at this time several more calls and a knock on the door.... I’m thinking whether I should hide too or not. If he breaks in, how to scream for help? We are on the first floor - but I cannot physically open the bars and windows. The only place where to hide under the bed, I hide there and if they find me, they find my siblings...... I'm in a panic...... I can barely breathe, I'm sitting on the sofa and I'm all ears. The guy rang again, hit the door and left. No one told me anything about this, I’ve probably always been an alarmist. True, in a month I will find out how my ex was shot. a friend, the same age, because she opened the door to a stranger, then the whole city was buzzing, and the teachers sharply began to tell us that we should not open the door to strangers.

In general, there are some roads in life, constantly changing cities, the strangeness and cruelty of the world around. I was walking along roads that I had never seen before (this is how I relax, there is no one waiting at home and there is nothing there, but here on the street you can walk, look into the windows of houses and imagine cozy apartments and families there) I could go into an abandoned building, to leave a crowded place, I had to make my way through gypsy apartments several times, I could always get in, and I understood that. Nearby, someone was constantly unlucky. And I was walking, just avoiding unnecessary things, suspicious things, going around the tenth road, being timid, I was just afraid of people most of all in childhood.

I was very lucky with my Andrey, otherwise I wouldn’t have made it out in due time.

and I don’t remember anymore for now... except for little things, then a huge mirror will fall, then they will drill into my arm with a drill, then a metal rod will stick into my leg, and then the wound will begin to fester, but these are small things.

The publishing house of the Sretensky Monastery is preparing to publish a book Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) . It included real stories that occurred in different years, which were later used in sermons and conversations given by the author.

Guardian angels not only instill in us good thoughts for eternal salvation, they actually protect us in everyday circumstances. The word “guardian” is not an allegory at all, but a living and precious experience of many generations of Christians. It is not without reason that, for example, in prayers for those traveling, we ask the Lord for special guardian angel care for us. And indeed, where else, if not when traveling, do we need God’s special care.

Probably thirteen years ago, we and our parishioner Nikolai Sergeevich Leonov, professor-historian, lieutenant general of intelligence, with whom we participated in the television program “Russian House” for many years, were in the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery. There Nikolai Sergeevich first met Father John (Krestyankin). As Nikolai Sergeevich himself later said, the elder not only made a huge impression on him, but helped him a lot with his prayers.

Nikolai Sergeevich in those years was just entering the life of the Church, and therefore he had many questions, including asking me to explain the Orthodox teaching about the angelic world, about guardian angels. I tried very hard, but, as annoying as I was, I still felt that Nikolai Sergeevich was disappointed with my inept explanations.

Early one summer morning, encouraged on the way by Father John, we left the monastery back to Moscow. The road was long, and before leaving, I asked the mechanics from the monastery garage to inspect the car and add oil to the engine.

We quickly rushed along a deserted road. Sitting behind the wheel, I listened without stopping to Nikolai Sergeevich’s story about one of his long-distance business trips. He promised to tell me about this story a long time ago. I have never met a more interesting storyteller in my life: you always listen to Nikolai Sergeevich with bated breath. So it was this time.

But suddenly, unexpectedly, I caught myself with a strange thought that right now, this very minute, something special and threatening was happening to us. The car was moving as usual. Nothing - neither the instruments, nor the smooth movement of the car, nor the smell - spoke of alarm. But, nevertheless, I became more and more uneasy.

Nikolai Sergeevich, it seems that something is happening to the car! - I said, deciding to interrupt my companion.

Leonov is a very experienced driver with many years of experience. After carefully assessing the situation, he eventually calmed me down, assuring me that everything was fine. But this did not make my inexplicable anxiety go away. Moreover, it intensified with every minute. I was ashamed of my cowardice, but fear simply irresistibly gripped me.

We should probably stop! - I finally said, feeling myself covered in cold sweat.

Nikolai Sergeevich looked carefully at the instruments again. Then through the windshield onto the hood of the car. I listened to the movement of the car. And, looking at me in surprise, he repeated again that, from his point of view, everything was fine with us.

But when I began repeating for the third time, without understanding anything at all, that we needed to stop, Nikolai Sergeevich agreed.

As soon as we braked, black smoke poured out from under the hood of the car.

We jumped out onto the road. I rushed to open the hood, and an oil flame immediately burst out of the engine. Nikolai Sergeevich grabbed his jacket from the back seat and started the fire with it.

When the smoke cleared and we were able to figure out what was going on, it turned out that the monastery mechanics, while pouring engine oil, forgot to close the engine cover. She was still lying next to the battery. From the open hole of the engine, oil poured all the way onto the hot engine, but due to the high speed, smoke spread under the wheels of the car, and we did not feel anything in the closed cabin. Another kilometer or two of travel - and everything could have ended tragically.

When, having put the car in order a little, we slowly returned back to the monastery, I asked Nikolai Sergeevich if he needed to add anything about the guardian angels and their participation in our destiny. Nikolai Sergeevich replied that it was quite enough for today and that he had fully grasped this dogmatic question.

Many Orthodox Christians can tell how their Guardian Angel saved them from a dangerous step, saved them when danger threatened, protected them in a difficult situation, and told them how to do the right thing. His voice is sometimes heard as real as the voices of those who are close to us. But even when he seems to be “silent,” but we unexpectedly act differently than we intended, contradicting our desires, he, our assistant and protector, guides us, the Guardian Angel. Here are some stories about this.

Story one. "I am your father…"

I was baptized late, at 15 years old. This happened at the urgent request of the mother. Then I was an unbeliever. After baptism, things began to happen to me that I could not explain from a physical point of view... I remember at the age of 19 I was standing at a bus stop. There were about ten people around, shifting from foot to foot, waiting for the bus. Suddenly, 200 meters away from me, I see a car flying at high speed. A voice sounded in my head: “Move away, otherwise she will run into you!” Moreover, this voice had such power that it was very difficult to resist it. And I jumped ten meters deep into the sidewalk. The car accelerated onto the sidewalk exactly at the place where I was standing five minutes ago. The hood opened with a clang, and a heavy rectangular box fell at my feet. Battery or something like that. That’s when I crossed myself with feeling for the first time in my life.

The explanation for all this came much later.

Another incident when my Guardian Angel reminded me of himself occurred after my first attempts to become a church member.

I once went to buy bread, taking my mother’s old bag. I look: an elderly, unremarkable man is walking towards me. And suddenly the same clear inner voice in my head again: “Look, this is your father!” (By the way, I had a long-standing childhood resentment against my father: “Everyone has it, but I don’t! Why did he leave me?!”) Against this background, the inner voice was so shocking that I immediately turned sharply in his direction , not understanding why on earth this rumpled, uninteresting guy should be my father. And she turned around again. I look: he is running towards me and waving his hand: stop, stop! Out of curiosity, I stopped. He runs up and says:

I am your father.

“I know,” I answer him.

You can't know me. You were one year old when your mother and I separated. I recognized you by your bag. Your mother wore it when she was pregnant...

How many times as a child did I imagine this meeting. How I will express to him all the resentment that has accumulated over many years. And then... I couldn’t say anything. Everything disappeared somewhere at the sight of a stranger looking away...

It was a different matter. The state of quiet spiritual joy, in which I was almost constantly then, was immediately replaced by a storm of condemnation and anger. I told this to my sisters in Christ and instead of sympathetic oohs and aahs I heard an imperturbable answer:

- That's how it should be. You began to pray for your parents, even through the stump of the deck, but still remember your father in the morning rule. So your Guardian Angel showed you the person for whom you are praying. And your condemnation is also understandable. This is just proof that your soul is still covered with layers of sin. You will still have to work on yourself to learn to forgive your debtors. Otherwise, there is no point in reading “Our Father.”

The second story. “Ask for forgiveness!”

Badri says:

- My father died during Patriotic War. I was very worried about the poor situation I was in, and decided to become a pickpocket. Once I was riding on a tram and decided to open one gap for myself. And he was about to take out his wallet, if not for one priest. He sat and did not take his eyes off me. I waited for him to turn away, but he continued to stare at me. In the end he took my hand and we got off together at the bus stop.

When we were alone, he put a paper bill in my hand, crossed me and said: “May your Guardian Angel not leave you.” “What other Guardian Angel?!” – I shouted, pulled out my hand, hit the priest on the ankle with all my strength and ran away.

Returning home, I felt sick. Then I lay with him for three days high temperature unconscious.

All this time, a boy dressed in white did not leave my side. He put his cool hand on my hot forehead and I felt relieved

All this time, a boy dressed in white did not leave my side. He put his cool hand on my hot forehead, and I felt relief.

I asked: “Don’t leave me.” - “How can I leave you? I am your Guardian Angel. And then I will be with you when others leave you. But if I protect you, you must help me too.”

After I recovered and started going to school again, I returned to the place where we “broke up” and began asking people. After a long search, I finally found that priest. He recognized me immediately.

“My Guardian Angel sent me to you to ask for forgiveness,” I said, looking away.

Maybe I would not have decided to tell this old story now if not for one recent incident.

I was already in my sixties when I had an accident - my car fell into a gorge and lay unconscious in intensive care for several days. Surprisingly, but true: all this time I saw next to me that same luminous boy who had not changed at all for so many years...

Story three. Rescue from terrorist attack

2004, August 31. This day is the patronal feast day of our church of the holy martyrs Florus and Laurus. I was at work in the morning, then got ready to go on the road.

And so I’m going to Sebezh to my friend’s dacha to work while they leave. I bought tickets for the Moscow-Riga train (Sebezh is a border town). I arrived at the Rizhskaya station long before the train. It's early to the station. I'm thinking of going right, to the Krestovsky shopping center. The thought arises: “Danger: terrorist attack.” I’m surprised at the unexpectedness of the thought, since I was thinking about something completely different. But I turn left, go into Rostix, get some ice cream... Then it boomed. Then she moved like a well-oiled computer: she had to quickly get to the station before traffic was blocked, and so on. I looked back: above the place where I was going first, there was a tall black pillar... A terribly vile impression... Then more than 10 people died.

I thought later why I ended up in a dangerous situation in the first place. Namely: did I mess something up by making the wrong decision? Then everything coincided: the trip turned out to be unsuccessful and unnecessary, I had to quickly return, and it turned out that I was needed at home...


Story four. "Don't touch your wife!"

I prayed: “Lord! After all, I have to fast, but I can’t fast...” The Lord sent an angel to my husband!

This was also a long time ago, 20 years ago, maybe more. My husband and I got married, and then we got married. And I remember that I was Lent. And then I became sad. My husband married me, but remained a Lutheran. And the post was incomprehensible to him. Neither physical nor spiritual. Then I prayed: “Lord! What should I do? After all, I have to fast, but I can’t fast...” The Lord sent an angel to my husband! That's how it was. Unfortunately, I no longer remember the details; then I should have written everything down in detail. Now I regret not doing this. But what happened is very remarkable.

The husband then slept alone on the second floor due to renovations on the first floor. In the morning he comes running with bulging eyes and tells me. An angel came to him at night, as he later understood. At first, my husband thought, half asleep, that it was I who had come to him, because the angel’s voice was subtle, like a woman’s. Then I realized that it was not my wife. The angel asked if my husband believed in God. To which my husband allegedly replied that it’s not really true…. They discussed something else, I don’t remember. But I remember well how the angel strictly ordered the husband not to touch his wife for another 40 days because he had broken the fast three times. My husband was quite scared, and I also felt somehow uneasy. I told everything to two priests, who took the angel’s ban very seriously and advised me to fulfill the ban.

In many religions, an angel is a messenger, a messenger, a supernatural being who communicates the will of God to people. This category contains mystical stories about angels: meetings with angels, predictions received from angels, as well as cases of unexpected help and the rescue of people by guardian angels.

I’ll tell you an incident that happened to me literally half an hour ago. Please forgive me in advance for any mistakes, my hands are still shaking.

It all started on Friday after work when I was too lazy to go to the pet store to buy cat food. The cat still had a supply, he thought he would have enough until Monday.

But since Kuzma is quite gluttonous and also has a phenomenal talent for begging for food at any opportunity, by Sunday the supplies had dried up.

I really didn’t want to tear my mortal body away from the sofa, but Kuzma’s reproachful look made me feel like the last bastard and I went to the store.

The store is not far from me, so I rode light, fortunately the weather allowed.

I would like to note that I accidentally wandered into this site and into a similar community, so to speak.
For many years now I have been searching for answers to my questions regarding mysticism. Perhaps this is why fate brought me here. I previously shared a story called . I will write about some more cases that happened to me.

Story 1.

This story happened yesterday to my son. He is eighteen years old. He studies at school in the 11th grade, plays volleyball, participates in all school competitions, studies with only fours and fives.

He has virtually no interest in computers. His passion is technology, especially motorcycles. He also has a very beautiful and expensive motorcycle, which he earned himself. I worked for two summers, during the holidays, and collected some money. We added just a little bit.

About a year ago, he met a girl, they began to be friends, then began dating. The girl lives in another village, seven kilometers from ours, so during the warm season, my son goes to her on weekends on his motorcycle.

This story happened to me in 1998, when I was 15 years old.

I was born into a believer Orthodox family. Icons always hung in our house; my parents went to church whenever possible. I saw my grandmother every morning and evening fulfilling the prayer rule, reading psalms and Holy Bible. At an earlier age, she often took me to church for confession and communion.

At that time, I was in ninth grade at school, and a new girl came to our class, her name was Lena. Our class was not friendly, everyone immediately disliked Lena, because she was overweight, not very pretty and looked much older than her age.

I know for sure that I am protected by a guardian angel. I realized this after two cases when I was one step away from trouble. The first time this happened was when I was 19-20 years old, I was still wearing high-heeled boots, and I walked into the ice in them; not only was it slippery, but the street was downhill. I minced and kept my balance as best I could, just so as not to fall. She walked and looked at her feet, did not notice anything else around her, a man with a 2-3 year old girl in his arms walked just as carefully in front. And suddenly a huge block of ice falls from the roof between us with a roar. Several ice shards flew to my feet.

My grandmother then (about 15 years ago) lived almost constantly in the village, kept a fairly large farm - chickens, goats, rabbits in huge quantities... She was busy from dawn until dark. And then one day, among her general affairs, she desperately needed something in the garage. Grab - there is no key, although it always hung in one place. And the castle is such that only an autogenous one... I was terribly upset, something important lay there; I searched and searched for this key, but I couldn’t find it. But I must say, she was unbaptized. And so she goes to bed and says: “Lord, guardian angels, help me find the key. If I find it, I will certainly be baptized and baptize my granddaughters.” And she dreamed of something like an angel saying that she would find the key, but only if she fulfilled this promise.

Good day to you, once again.
A friend of mine told me a story that happened to him. I am inclined to believe him 200%, since he is of sound mind and judgment and is not inclined to lie about such things. When this incident happened, I remember the shock and confusion in my friend’s eyes. The story touched me. Next, I will write on his behalf:
The story took place in a large shopping center where I have an office. From the top floor there is a wide staircase paved with granite, which goes down along fashionable boutiques, reflected in the mirror surface of sparkling shop windows.
I somehow go down it, in a hurry to run errands. It should be noted that at this time the staircase is practically deserted, like the rest of the shopping complex, security at the entrance and exit, and a couple of sellers hiding in their shops. So, I’m in a hurry to run errands, I step onto the stairs, I run, but somewhere in the middle, for no apparent reason, I stumble. I don’t have time to grab the railing, I’m flying through several steps, and one thing is spinning in my head - that I’ll have to fly for a long time and with a great roar, I wouldn’t break my neck, since a flight from such a steep staircase will end not only with broken limbs, but also with a broken head...
Suddenly someone interrupts my flight, grabbing me by the shoulder and bringing me back to balance on the steps. He grabs you with one hand and with unknown strength brings you back to your feet. I turn around in bewilderment: a tall guy. There is something familiar in the image, but I can’t immediately understand what it is. A dark-haired young man, 23-25 ​​years old in appearance, wearing a stylish suit and shirt. Piercing blue eyes. I didn’t have time to say anything, a slight half-smile twitches his lips, he winks at me and quickly goes further down the stairs.
I can’t explain only one thing: in the reflection of the shop window I saw him going down, but, believe it or not, behind him in the reflection I saw a shadow somewhat similar to wings... I stood there for a few seconds, then ran down past the guards to catch up with the savior and at least Thank you for such sudden and unexpected help. I run past the security guard, run out into the street and see no one. It was as if he never existed!
I'm going back. I ask where the tall young man in a dark suit went, who had just walked out the door? The security guard looks at me in bewilderment and says that in the last five minutes no one has entered or left the shopping center! I'm shocked! I go back up, simultaneously remembering the surprise in the eyes of the saleswoman of one of the boutiques, who was watching my exercises performed on the stairs. It takes me a couple of hours to come to my senses, maybe I’m gradually losing my mind? Are you working hard? I gather my thoughts and go into that same store. The saleswoman looks at me like I'm crazy after I ask her a question about my savior. According to her, there was no one next to me, she was also surprised how I didn’t fly head over heels down the stairs and got to my feet in time...
I would have had an older brother, but he died before I was born... He had big blue eyes and dark hair...
This half-smile and the image in a suit still stands before my eyes... Maybe they still exist, those who protect us?

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