The story of the nose doll is short to read. The image and characteristics of Akimych from the story Doll Nosova. Several interesting essays

E.I. Nosov

Name: Doll

Genre: Story

Duration: 9min 24sec


The story is told in the first person. The author recalls how he once loved to be near Lenino, on the river. There he communicated quite closely with the carrier Akimych. When the author returned to these places a few years later, he saw that the river had become shallow. Akimych is sad about what is happening, as he loves fishing and nature.
Akimych now works as a watchman at a school. One day the author and Akimych were walking down the street, Akimych suddenly picked up a doll thrown by someone. Someone set her hair on fire, gouged out her eyes, burned her nose with a cigarette. Akimych understands that it is just a doll. But for him this is cruelty, which he cannot accept and understand. For him, this is tantamount to his attitude towards a person. He carefully digs a grave to bury the doll. But at the same time he says the words: “You can’t bury everything.”

E.I. Nosov - Doll. Listen to the short audio content online.

During the lesson, students will become familiar with the content and issues of E.I.’s story. Nosov’s “Doll”, touches on moral issues careful attitude in the surrounding world, responsibility for actions towards oneself, other people and nature.

Topic: From the literature of the 20th century

Lesson: Story by E.I. Nosov “Doll”

What will you teach, what beauty,

what good is it if you are blind, your soul is deaf!

E. Nosov “Doll”.

Story by E.I. Nosov (Fig. 1) “Doll” tells about problems that are important for any region, district, school. The indifferent attitude of people towards each other, towards things, cruelty towards nature, unfortunately, is not becoming less, but, on the contrary, is growing.

The story is narrated in the first person. The action takes place in a village located on the shore picturesque river Sejm. Once upon a time the narrator had a chance to visit these places, which were famous for their famous fishing. And now the author comes here again. He is horrified by the changes in nature that have occurred over several years.

River in the old days

River after a few years

“Just right against the ancient headless mound, above which hot days Kites were always hovering, there was one treasured hole. In this place, the river, having rested against the indestructible Devonian clay, makes a turn with such force that it begins to spin the entire pool, creating a circular current.”

“... and day and night the scary little crows purr, gurgle and sob, which even geese avoid. Well, at night the pool is not at all at ease, when suddenly the washed-out bank collapses loudly, heavily, or the seasoned owner-catfish, rising from the hole, slashes through the water with a flat tail, like a board.”

“The channel narrowed, became grassy, ​​the clean sands at the bends were covered with cocklebur and tough butterbur, many unfamiliar shoals and spits appeared. There are no more deep drafts of rapids, where cast, bronzed ides used to drill into the river surface at dawn.”

“... where there was once a terrible twist and whirlpool, a dirty gray shoal stuck out with its hump, looking like a large dead fish, and on that shoal was an old gander. He stood so casually, on one paw, preening himself, using his beak to expel fleas from under his protruding wing. And the fool didn’t realize that just recently there was six or seven meters of black seething depth beneath him, which he himself, leading the brood, timidly swam around to the side.”

Agree, the change is striking. The powerful, stormy river turned into a swampy river. What happened? Who is to blame for everything? The reader begins to ask these questions and tries to find the answer in the story.

The main character of the story

This is Akimych, a local carrier. That is, the former, since the river became shallow. Now Akimych serves as a watchman at a local school. They are connected with the author by their military past.

Rice. 1. Photo. E.I. Nosov ()

It should be noted here that the writer himself went to the front as an eighteen-year-old boy, fought as part of an anti-tank brigade, and was seriously wounded. Later, everything he experienced, saw, and remembered came to life in his books. In his works, Nosov never directly described military operations.

“The war in Nosov’s works often sounds, albeit fragmentarily, fragmentarily - either in the memories of front-line soldiers, or in the circumstances of their life today, as if outside the plot.” A similar memory takes up several lines in the story “Doll”: “Then it turned out that Akimych and I, it turns out, fought in the same Gorbatov’s third army, participated in “Bagration”, together liquidated the Bobruisk and then the Minsk cauldrons, took the same Belarusian and Polish cities. And they even dropped out of the war in the same month. True, we ended up in different hospitals: I ended up in Serpukhov, and he ended up in Uglich.”

Akimych was seriously wounded: shell-shocked. Concussion or projectile shock is a general damage to the body due to exposure to air, water or sound waves. The consequences of concussion are varied - from temporary loss of hearing, vision, speech to severe mental disorders.

So for Akimych, the shell shock did not pass without a trace. In moments of great excitement and stress, he loses the ability to speak. It was at such a moment that the narrator met Akimych. What made the watchman so worried? Akimych could not explain anything, but he led the narrator to the school fence. “There was a doll lying in a dirty roadside ditch. She was lying on her back, arms and legs spread out. Large and still pretty in face, with a light, barely defined smile on her childishly swollen lips. But the blond, silky hair on his head was burned in places, his eyes were gouged out, and where his nose should have been, there was a hole that must have been burned by a cigarette.”

The picture is truly terrible, especially since we understand: this is not just a doll accidentally broken by a child. She was mutilated on purpose and by no means by children.

Reading the story, you experience feelings of fear and pity. After all, the doll is so similar to a person that we begin to understand: if someone disfigured a doll like that, then he will also ruthlessly treat a person.

You can find many examples that for us a doll is an identification with a person. In your literature textbooks you can find K. Sluchevsky’s poem “Doll”.

The child threw the doll. The doll quickly fell down

She hit the ground with a thud and fell backwards...

Poor doll! You lay so still

With her mournful figure, she broke so submissively,

She spread her arms, closed her clear eyes...

You, doll, looked quite like a person!

Together with Akimych, we share his indignation, pain, despair: “You seem to understand: a doll. Yes, because the appearance is human. They will do such a thing that you won’t be able to tell her apart from a living child. And he cries like a human. And when this likeness lies torn to pieces by the road, I cannot see. Beats me all over.”

Rice. 2. Photo. Amulet doll ()

Nowadays many people think that playing with dolls is a child’s activity. But many centuries ago, the attitude towards the doll was very serious. Ancient people believed that a doll with a painted face resembled a person, it was alive, and therefore it had a soul. In Rus', dolls were, first of all, amulets and participants in pagan rituals (Fig. 2). Gradually, the doll turned into a simple children's toy, although it remained aesthetically attractive. A doll, created inanimate, “comes to life” through play in the hands of a child who comprehends life through play. The child learns to love, care, protect. For him, the doll is alive.

The doll reminded Akimych of his experiences during the war. “I’ve seen enough human flesh my whole life,” he admits.

The war taught Akimych to appreciate life and everything connected with it: beautiful nature, his favorite business, human actions. The war is long over. And seeing the death of a river, a doll, a person is unbearable for Akimych. What outrages Akimych most of all is that no one around is sounding the alarm: “And people walk by - each on their own business - and nothing... Couples pass by, holding hands, talking about love, dreaming about children. They carry babies in strollers - they don’t raise an eyebrow. The kids run around and get used to such sacrilege. Here it is: how many students passed by! In the morning - to school, in the evening - from school. And most importantly, the teachers: they also pass by. That's what I don't understand. How so?! What will you teach, what beauty, what goodness, if you are blind, your soul is deaf!... Eh!...”

At the end of the story, Akimych buries the doll like a person. The last phrase leaves us alone with our conscience: “You can’t bury everything,” Akimych says bitterly. Indeed, is hiding, burying, out of sight a solution to the problem?

Conclusion. Evgeny Ivanovich Nosov in his story tries to fight not only cruelty, but also the indifference of people. Polish writer Bruno Jasenski surprisingly accurately noted: “Do not be afraid of your enemy, in the worst case he can kill. Do not be afraid of your friend, in the worst case he may betray you. Fear the indifferent, they do not kill or betray, but only with their silent consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth.”

Indifference became a reason not only moral, but also environmental problem, which the author touched upon at the beginning of the story. The writer wanted to remind each of us of the responsibility for everything that is alive on earth.


  1. Korovina V.Ya. Didactic materials on literature. 7th grade. — 2008.
  2. Tishchenko O.A. Homework on literature for grade 7 (for the textbook by V.Ya. Korovina). — 2012.
  3. Kuteinikova N.E. Literature lessons in 7th grade. — 2009.
  4. Korovina V.Ya. Textbook on literature. 7th grade. Part 1. - 2012.
  5. Korovina V.Ya. Textbook on literature. 7th grade. Part 2. - 2009.
  6. Ladygin M.B., Zaitseva O.N. Textbook-reader on literature. 7th grade. — 2012.
  7. Kurdyumova T.F. Textbook-reader on literature. 7th grade. Part 1. - 2011.
  1. FEB: Dictionary of literary terms ().
  2. Dictionaries. Literary terms and concepts ().
  3. Dictionary Russian language ().
  4. E.I. Nosov. Biography ().


  1. Read the story by E.I. Nosov "Doll". Create a story plan.
  2. What moment of the story is the climax?
  3. You recently wrote an essay on the topic: “Do people need empathy and compassion?” Is it possible to include Nosov’s story “The Doll” in a discussion on this topic?

Writer Nosov E.I. As an eighteen-year-old boy he went to the front. I went through the whole war. For his services to the Fatherland he was awarded many government awards.

In the story “Doll” the story is about a former front-line soldier. Akimych is the name of the main character, he was wounded in battle and seriously shell-shocked. The consequences of shell shock periodically affected the hero’s behavior. In moments of intense emotional excitement, he could be speechless for a while. This happened on the day when Akimych was walking with the narrator, whom he was a friend of.

During a leisurely walk, Akimych accidentally saw a mutilated doll lying in the mud by the side of the road. There is nothing unusual about broken toys; they break from time to time. But the doll Akimych found was not just broken. She was brutally mutilated by someone. Someone openly mocked what was once a beautiful toy. The heart of the front-line soldier, who had gone through battles, blood and pain, sank in his chest.

The hero of the story saw many casualties during the war. I saw soldiers in the hospital who had lost arms and legs in the war. But those sacrifices and losses were explained by a terrible, cruel war, bringing grief and tears to people. The front-line soldier could not understand how it was possible to mutilate the doll so mercilessly. His whole soul rebelled against this fact. After all, a doll, essentially a toy, is created in the image and likeness of a person!

Akimych decided to bury the doll as people are buried. He wanted to bury, together with the miserable doll, everything unsightly and terrifying that had settled in his soul. He could not understand and accept senseless cruelty. The pity that the old man showed for the broken toy gives everyone reason to think. On the one hand, there is evil, expressed in hatred and cruelty. On the other hand, there is boundless indifference. Can a society in which such events occur be considered morally healthy?

The theme of nature is also touched upon in the story. The author describes a polluted river, littered with all sorts of rubbish. The reservoir, on the shore of which it is pleasant to sit on a hot day, in which fish and crayfish used to be found, has been turned into a garbage dump. This river is also “disfigured” by people. And again - complete indifference on the part of people.

The work leads to painful thoughts. Every reasonable person must realize that his actions bring good or evil? And can indifference be considered a harmless quality?

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A very brief summary (in a nutshell)

The narrator tells us about his friend Akimych. He served with him and knows that he was wounded in the war. One day he came to Akimych’s native place, but did not find him in his usual place. He thought that the old man had died, but unexpectedly met him on the street with a shovel. He went to bury the mutilated doll. She was lying there without clothes, covered in cigarettes. Akimych was indignant both at those who did this and at those who passed by. He buried her carefully.

Summary (details)

IN old times the narrator loved to be “near Lipino.” This picturesque place was located not far from his home, and the most notable thing about it was “one treasured hole.” Where the stormy, full-flowing river made a sharp turn, there was a deep pool, in the whirlpool of which various debris, as well as wood chips and algae, could swirl for hours.

The old ferryman Akimych, a good friend of the narrator, loved to fish on this river. This was a man who went through the war and served with the author in the same army. During one of the battles, Akimych was seriously wounded, shell-shocked, and therefore ended up in a hospital in Uglich. Since then, when a man is very worried, he becomes speechless for several minutes, “painfully falls silent” and looks at his interlocutor, “helplessly stretching out his lips like a tube.”

Now the Lipina Pit has already become shallow, and in place of the former whirlpool, a section of bare bottom has formed, on which now only an old goose sits. Akimych himself disappeared somewhere, and the old man’s hut was burned. The narrator already thinks that the man is dead, but then he meets him on the road near the new school.

Akimych is very excited about something and therefore cannot speak again. He carries a shovel over his shoulders. When the narrator asks what happened, the man motions for him to follow him.

In a dirty road ditch not far from the school fence, a large mutilated doll lies sprawled out. Her blond hair is partially burned, a hole burned by a cigarette can be seen where her nose used to be, and her eyes are gouged out.

Someone undressed the doll and pulled down her blue panties right down to her shoes, and the place that had previously been covered by them, as well as her nose, was “streaked” with a cigarette.

Akimych looks “contritely” at the poor doll and does not understand what kind of person could do such a thing to her. He is surprised at the cruelty of people and wonders why none of the passers-by pays attention to such atrocities or tries to correct the situation, because children walk by and see all this.

Akimych takes a shovel and begins to dig a grave for the doll. He carefully covers the bottom of the pit with straw and carefully buries the mutilated toy. “Maybe this has happened to me since the war. I've seen enough human flesh for the rest of my life... It's like you understand: a doll. But the appearance is human,” he says.

An old man who went through the war, seeing a mutilated doll, is amazed at how callous people have become, and buries the doll as a person.

The narrator likes to visit Lipino, about twenty-five versts from his house. There on the river there is a large pool that even the geese avoided. In this place, only the old, wounded, war-torn carrier Akimych fishes.

Having again visited his native places, the narrator again meets the old ferryman. He is very excited and, holding a shovel in his hands, quickly heads towards the school, not far from which, near the road, lies a doll with gouged out eyes and traces of cigarette burns on the nose and in those places that were previously covered by panties.

It is difficult for Akimych to see such abuse of a doll. He had seen enough of this during the war: “You kind of understand: a doll. Yes, because the appearance is human.”

In addition, the old man finds it strange the indifference of people who calmly pass by and do not pay any attention to the tortured doll.

Akimych digs a small hole and buries the doll, just like a person. With pain in his voice, he says: “You can’t bury everything...”.

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