The coolest photos are beautiful and cute. Cute pictures of animals. Red crested rat

There are few people on planet Earth who do not love animals and the natural world. At LifeGlobe, a lot of attention is paid to our little brothers. This time you will be pleased with cute pictures of animals that will touch even the hardest hearts. These animal pictures were taken in different parts of the Earth at different times, but they are all adorable and extremely positive.

Picture with baby elephant
This picture shows a baby elephant sitting comfortably on a tree stump next to its huge mother. When you see big elephant, they may seem scary, big and not cute at all, but if you see this photo, you will change your mind. This cute baby elephant seems so shy that he even folded his big ears back. The baby elephant is completely safe, but you must beware of the big mother protecting her baby.

Husky Cubs
Notice how amazing this photo is. The photographer skillfully captured two little huskies playing in the snow. Surely you are now looking at this cute picture and want to hug them both and cuddle up to these babies. Although they are cute when little, these cubs will make big and strong huskies. So think twice about whether you want to deal with such a serious dog before you take such a baby home.

Little Pandas

Pictures of animals often attract attention, but when it comes to baby pandas, even the coldest heart will melt. Watching these cute baby pandas play, you can’t help but want to pick one of them up and hug it. Nowadays, pandas are classified as endangered animals, as they are close to extinction.

Little pug on the sofa

Look at this young pug, how small and cute he is. After looking at this picture, many will want the same pet, who will sit next to you on the sofa while you read a book or watch TV. The pug is an excellent conversationalist and a loyal animal.


If you are a cat lover, here is another cute picture to add to the list. The look of this kitten's large and innocent eyes penetrates into the very depths of the soul. By setting this photo as wallpaper on your desktop, you can simply look at it at any time and cheer yourself up. Any job will be enjoyable if such a kid helps with it.


Pictures of animals always touch us with their innocence. So are these piglets, who are just beginning their journey into big life. Look at their cute and innocent faces - wouldn’t you like to have one of these at home? But if you are thinking about buying such a pet, you must understand that they can turn into a big and angry animal when they grow up. Therefore, it is better to think about dogs or cats.

Sleeping puppies

A very sweet and touching picture. Little puppies snooze on the couch wearing festive Santa hats. This is a great idea on how to take a cute photo of your pet - put a hat on him while the puppy is sleeping and take a photo like that. Children often play around by dressing animals in funny costumes, so feel like a child for a while and use your imagination.

Little chameleon

LifeGlobe has a number of articles about chameleons where you can learn a lot about these little creatures. Here, just admire the cuteness of this baby, who easily fits on your finger and is very embarrassed to be photographed.

Picture with a fawn

Deer is a noble and beautiful animal. This baby deer is so touching with its innocence and purity that you want to pick it up and hold it. The author of this photo, Jeff Moore, very skillfully conveyed the essence of the nature of this baby.

baby hedgehog

This cute hedgehog is simply irresistible. It seems as if he is smiling at the photographer and radiating kindness and positivity. This picture will certainly put you in a good mood. Animals can also enjoy life and smile.

This was a selection of cute pictures of animals, and at the end you will find this little kitten dreamily playing with soap balls. Comment, add your photos and participate in the discussion below. There will be a whole series of similar collections with cute pictures in the future, so stay tuned.

We all have an animal that we think is cute: it might be a puppy, a kitten, or a guinea pig, but you probably don't know how many other cute animals there are in the world. From mammals to birds, there are many fascinating creatures scurrying across the earth and sky around us. Since these fuzzies are quite rare, you definitely won't find them in your backyard. Curious to see some of the cutest animals? Here are 25 cute animals you never knew about.

25. Pike

This tiny and adorable little furball is called a pika or pika. Despite the fact that the animal looks like a rodent, in fact its relatives are hares and rabbits, representatives of the order Lagomorpha. There are 29 species of pikas, and they are all cute in their own way.

24. Tanuki


Native to East Asia, the tanuki, or raccoon dog, may look like a raccoon, but these animals have more in common with wolves. Tanuki are especially popular in Japan, and it's easy to see why. Their thick, fluffy fur and appearance making them an enviable cuddler.

23. Potto


Small, nocturnal and with large eyes, the potto is a cute prosimian found in tropical forests around the world. As a rule, they are very slow, but they can nevertheless grab prey at the right moment. And their cute appearance can probably also make someone clutch their heart with emotion.

22. Antelope jumper


Native to Africa, the jumping antelope, like pygmy antelopes, loves rocky terrain and keeps to itself. The Dutch name for these antelopes is “klipspringer,” which means “rock jumper.”

21. Lizuna


Lizuna is a type of weasel, but it is so white and charming, how can you not pet it? However, the only way to find this little furry is to go to the island of Hokkaido in Japan.

20. Long-eared jerboa

Photo: shutterstock

These tiny rodents live in harsh places like the Gobi Desert. It grows to 5-15 cm and weighs 28 g. Jerboas are nocturnal and dig holes to hide from enemies.

19. Pangolin


Walking the sands of Africa, the pangolin is a small creature covered in scales. It consists of keratin, which is what our hair is made of. Unfortunately, this animal is in high demand, due to which there is an active trade in pangolins, so it may be endangered.

18. Irrawaddy dolphin


The Irrawaddy dolphin roams the seas and oceans of Southeast Asia, and at the same time it looks quite joyful and calm, despite the fact that there are only 78-91 of them left in the wild.

17. Owston's civet


Found in the forests of Africa and Asia and in lowland river basins, Owstona looks like the child of a tiny cat and a raccoon. She's just so cute.

16. Red crested rat


The red crested tree rat is a solitary furry creature that looks like guinea pig. Few people have seen them in the wild, but after 113 years of not hearing about these animals, we managed to take some cute photos.

15. Pygmy loris


This furry animal with beetle-like eyes is not a monkey, and although you might want to hug it, it's best not to. The pygmy loris, also known as the slow loris, is the world's only poisonous mammal.

14. Shovel


These tiny hens have a special feature that makes them even more attractive in a certain way. The spadefish is so unique that it has formed its own genus called Eurynorhynchus.

13. Dik-dik


With his big ears, big eyes and cute little horns, you can't help but hug him. It is one of the smallest antelopes, native to the Somali peninsula, and generally avoids humans and predators.

12. Olinguito


Olinguito lives in the forests of Colombia and Ecuador. This furry creature, which looks like a cross between a cat and a bear, was rediscovered in 2013 and we wish it all the best.

11. Fennec


With a small body but ears larger than its head, the fox is both an anomaly and a prized desert animal, just begging to be stuffed. To hide from the heat, they dig underground burrows.

10. Maned wolf


The maned wolf is a majestic creature that looks like it materialized from an amazing fantasy novel. With a whole mane of hair and incredible long legs, this animal is not a wolf or a fox, but a representative of a separate genus Chrysocyon.

9. English Angora rabbit


The cute “furry king,” the giant Angora rabbit looks like a pillow with eyes. Weighing up to 3 kg, this rabbit grows a ton of fur every year and requires constant care.

8. Aardwolf Cub


The aardwolf is similar to the hyena and has two populations found in Southern and Eastern Africa. While the adults are certainly cute in their own way, their babies break all cuteness records with their adorable eyes and fluffy fur.

7. Japanese flying squirrel


The Japanese flying squirrel is found in Japan, and looking at their big eyes and cute appearance, you understand that they were invented specifically to cuddle.

6. Pygmy marmoset


These mini monkeys live in the rainforests South America, and are actually the smallest monkeys in the world. They weigh only 140 g and reach 16 cm.

5. Baby Bongo Antelope

Photo: shutterstock

The adult Bongo antelope isn't much to look at, but the baby Bongo is damn cute. These animals can be found in tropical forests throughout Africa and are endangered due to overhunting.

4. Golden Brushtail Possum


Who would have thought that a possum could be cute? The golden brushtail glider definitely wins the prize. Unfortunately, their white fur coat makes them easy prey in the wild.

3. Gundi


inhabitant North Africa The Gundi is an adorable, furry rodent with round ears and large eyes. They are found in rocky areas without much vegetation and on hot days they like to hide in the shade of rock crevices.

Rupert, an adorable three-month-old wombat cub, sits in a teacup at the Healesville Sanctuary in Victoria, Australia. His mother was hit by a car and the animal underwent a Caesarean section to remove the cub. The giant panda cubs sleep in the "baby room" of the Giant Panda Research and Breeding Center in Chengdu, in China's southwestern Sichuan province. In China, this year a nationwide panda census took place, which is traditionally held in the country once every decade. The purpose of the census is to determine how many endangered animals currently live in the wild. This year the census was carried out for the fourth time, having first taken place in the 1970s. This time, her goal is not only to establish the number of pandas, but also to determine in what conditions the universally loved animals live. According to the census, which was conducted ten years ago, the number of pandas in the wild living in China was 1,596 individuals, of which 1,206 individuals lived in Sichuan Province.
Four five-week-old baby squirrels sleep soundly on a bedding at Sanctuary Wildlife Care in Morpeth, Northumberland. The baby squirrels were thrown out of the nest by hurricane Katia, and now they are being helped by the center's staff.
Staff at St Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital in Buckinghamshire knitted a tiny sweater to keep the adorable, quillless hedgehog warm. The baby was found in a Bedford park. He received the nickname Potato because he resembles this vegetable when he curls up into a ball. The baby is undergoing a variety of tests as scientists try to figure out what caused the loss of needles. Potato gets a daily moisturizing massage with baby lotion because, for unknown reasons, his skin keeps drying out. Doctors still have not figured out the reason for the loss of needles; it is also possible that the hedgehog was already born this way.
Two adorable fluffy penguins, emperor penguin chicks. It seems as if one of them is hugging the other protectively. Very soon, babies will begin the molting period, when they will lose up to 30 percent of their body weight. During this period, they say goodbye to their fluffy plumage and develop “adult” feathers, which enable them to swim. Photographer David Schultz traveled to Antarctica aboard an icebreaker to take a selection of photographs from the lives of penguins.
This penguin couple appears to be holding hands. The touching scene was captured by professional photographer Silvio Getty in Port Lockroy, one of the bays of the Antarctic Peninsula.
Meerkats hugging at the Makgadikadi Salt Pan National Reserve in Botswana. The adult meerkat seems to be saying to the baby, “One day this will all be yours!” and shows the baby around. This scene was captured by forty-eight-year-old Thomas Retterath from Nürburg, Germany. A three-month-old polar bear cub sees snow for the first time. He pressed his nose and paw to the glass of the enclosure. The bear cub is an inhabitant of the Aalborg Zoo, Denmark. A zoo representative says: “The baby is having fun, he really likes the snow. Mostly he plays with his mother and tastes everything that catches his eye. Most often it falls to the paws of the mother bear.”
Polar bear cubs, male and female. They are bottle-fed by staff at the Dalian Laohutan Ocean Park Zoo in Dalian, Liaoning Province, China.
Richard Tesore, head of the wildlife rescue and conservation organization SOS Rescate Fauna Marina, bottle feeds a baby La Plata dolphin (Pontoporia Blainvillei), off the coast of Piriapolis, 90 kilometers east of Montevideo, Uruguay. A female dolphin, whose umbilical cord had not yet fallen off, was found washed ashore near Montevideo. The baby was given the nickname Nipper. Unfortunately, the baby dolphin did not survive - he died twelve days after rescuers found him. A featherless penguin that was abandoned by its parents days after birth has been adopted back into its family thanks to the efforts of staff at an aquarium in China's Liaoning province. The baby was born on August 17, and the parents stubbornly did not accept him, refusing to take care of the baby and feed him. Aquarium employee Wang Dan said that the penguin's parents refused to feed him, pinched him with their beaks and eventually simply left him to die. Zoo staff came to the conclusion that the lack of plumage was due to poor nutrition and weakness of the baby; his body did not absorb the necessary substances. At first, Wang Dan and her colleagues hoped that over time the harsh parents would accept the baby, but when this did not happen, people decided to feed the penguin on their own. A month after the constant care of the aquarium employees who created special group, whose duties included caring for the featherless penguin, the baby grew significantly stronger and even began to develop fluff, to the delight of the people caring for him. Only then the family relented and agreed to accept the baby. A zookeeper holds a baby orangutan named Bo, a nine-month-old orphan. The baby lives at the Madrid Zoo & Aquarium in Madrid, Spain. Bo was born on July 5, 2010, but at the age of seven months he lost his mother, Pundu. The little orangutan is now ten months old. Zookeepers are trying to “plant” him with one of the female orangutans living in the zoo.
A gorilla hugs a duckling that snuck into her enclosure from a nearby pond at Bristol Zoo. Zookeepers helped the duckling return home safely. A gecko licks the morning dew from its eyes. This gecko was found on the coastal sand dunes of Namibia. Nocturnal reptiles typically lick dew from their eyeballs in the morning when cooling air causes water vapor to condense on objects near the ground and turn into water droplets. This dew is a source of moisture for geckos. The photograph was taken by Isaac Pretorius. It took him three days to capture this scene. Over the course of these three days, he observed the geckos, waiting for the right moment.
Four durukuli night monkeys huddled closely together. They sit in a hollow tree approximately 25 feet (7.5 meters) above the ground in the Amazon rainforest. Photographer David Hemmings spotted the monkeys while traveling through tropical forest on the banks of the Amazon in Ecuador. Night monkeys, also known as durukuli or owl monkeys, are the only monkey species that are nocturnal. They have huge eyes, which is due to their nocturnal lifestyle and the need to see in the dark. An adorable Pomeranian named Shunsuke has received the official title of "Japan's cutest dog." Newspapers recently reported that a five-year-old Pomeranian named Boo was officially voted "the cutest dog in the world." Boo lives in America. Nine-year-old Shunsuke, born in 2002, is, however, a serious competitor for Boo. In Japan, the Spitz has become one of the local attractions. He has his own page on Facebook and on the microblogging site Twitter, where about 55 thousand users follow the dog’s adventures. In addition, he regularly appears on television, has published two books, and recently released the first calendar with his images. The ginger kitten named Garfield is smart and quick-witted. He apparently decided that if he covered his eye with his paw, he would become invisible. He hid in a flower pot from a large dog that was nearby. The photo was taken in her garden by Iveta Novotna from Brno, Czech Republic.
This cute brown bear cub lived in the courtyard of a private house. Veterinarians insist on the need to transfer the animal to a shelter to help wild animals.
It seems as if polar bear says hello and waves to the photographer. Ice dancing: Polar bears appear to perform ballet steps on ice. Photographer Siddhartha Garige took this photo during a trip to Alaska.
Sea otters rest on the water off the coast of Moss Landing in California. For the photographer wildlife Michael Young managed to photograph a colony of more than forty sea otters, which, lying on their backs, decided to rest in the water. The photographer said he was shocked by how differently the animals put their paws together while they rest. Some of them folded their paws on their chests, some covered their eyes with their paws, others simply stretched them along their bodies. Sea otters are absolutely amazing creatures, they are interesting to watch, the photographer assures.
A baby kangaroo named Bernie, who was rescued by Lisa Milligan. She found the animal abandoned by its parents and showing no signs of life on the side of the road in Melbourne, Australia. A baby baboon (Papio hamadryas) sticks out its tongue. Cali Zoo, Colombia.
Researchers wearing panda costumes place a baby panda in a basket to transport it to its new enclosure at the Panda Research Center in Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, China.
Baby orangutans at the Hong Kong Zoo. These are the first baby orangutans born at the zoo, but animal rights activists say they should be released into the wild.
A zookeeper holds a baby gorilla named Tano. A baby born at a Prague zoo was moved to Stuttgart after his mother abandoned him. The mother, named Bikira, showed no interest in the newborn and he had to be sent to an incubator.
It seems that this meerkat had difficulty seeing the surrounding area. I had to use human help. Penguins shower in a freshwater spring in the Falkland Islands.
Baby rabbits playing, England, suburban area, Wiltshire
Monkeys play hide and seek in the monkey forest in Ubud Badi, Indonesia. Baby gorilla Alice seems to be showing off to her parents.
Hungry pygmy hippopotamus Felix at Melbourne Zoo.

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