"A Second Chance for Him" ​​by Monica Murphy. Monica murphy a second chance for him monica murphy a second chance epub

Second chance for him

Main Street. Collection "Scarlet"

Girl for a week – 2

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To my family, who put up with me sitting in front of the computer all the time - thank you for your love and support. For me you are the whole world.


You can close your eyes to what you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to what you don't want to feel.

Johnny Depp

Have you ever done something incredibly stupid, then tormented by guilt and remorse that hung over you like a dark heavy thundercloud, making it impossible to think and make decisions, draining your soul until you turned into the only thing that was constantly heard, stood before your eyes, the only thing you were able to think about?

I did. I have done many things that I regret, and I am plagued by guilt. But I did the worst thing yesterday.

I left my beloved girl - naked, alone in bed. Like some smug macho who uses a girl for sex and then dumps her: so that’s me. I turned into such guy.

But in reality I am not that guy. I love this girl I left naked in bed. I just don't deserve her...

And I know it.

Chapter first

Sometimes you need to be alone. Make sure you can handle it.



Two month. I haven't seen him or heard anything from him for two fucking months. Well, who does this, I would like to know? Who spends a crazy week of their life with another person, shares their deepest thoughts, crazy, dark secrets, has sex - and we're talking about amazing, amazing sex - leaves a note saying "I love you" and then disappears? I'll tell you who.

Drew - I'll kick him in the balls as soon as I see him- Callahan.

Well, I'm moving on. After all, I tell myself, time didn’t stop because my heart stopped beating, I have responsibilities. The three thousand dollars I made in a week pretending to be the girlfriend of a rich idiot helped me a lot. And I still have money left in my savings account. So I picked out some cool Christmas gifts for my brother Owen. And one more thing for mom.

Mom didn't buy anything for either of us. Anyway. Owen gave me a small bowl that he had sculpted in his high school ceramics class. As he handed it to me, he looked so proud and a little embarrassed, especially when I suddenly burst into tears. The boy wrapped the gift in bright Christmas paper and everything. I was simply shocked that he actually took the time to do something for me. The bowl sits on my dresser and I keep my earrings in it.

At least someone cares about me, you know?

He didn't give his mother anything. To the witch - the petty witch inside me - I liked it endlessly.

Second chance for him Monica Murphy

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Title: A Second Chance for Him

About the book “A Second Chance for Him” by Monica Murphy

The book “A Second Chance for Him” is a continuation of the modern romance novel “A Girl for a Week.” There are only six books in this cycle, but in the next four works new heroes appear in the foreground. The touching story of the relationship between Andrew and Fable is completed in the novel “A Second Chance for Him.”
Monica Murphy finished the previous work on a dramatic moment - the separation of two lovers. Andrew and Fable are young people who love each other, but something constantly interferes with their relationship. The main character's lack of self-confidence becomes the reason for their separation, but after visiting a psychologist, the guy finds the strength to return to his beloved. The novel “A Second Chance for Him” is a new round of the love story of young people. In this part, everything is more serious - Monica Murphy supplemented the communication between the characters with piquant love scenes, but did it very unobtrusively, without even a hint of vulgarity. Just as in the first book, the development of the relationship between Andrew and Fable is affected by interference from their relatives. Each of the main characters has their own family drama, a detailed description of which the reader will find in this novel.

Andrew and Fable are classic representatives of modern youth. He studies at the university, she is forced to work in a bar and lives a modest life due to her difficult financial situation. Monica Murphy very deeply described the key characters - their life priorities, aspirations, experiences, making an excursion into their childhood and teenage years.

“A Second Chance for Him” is a light and exciting book that will be fun to brighten up a boring evening. The language of the narration is light and figurative, the storyline is written quite clearly with an abundance of unexpected turns and impressive scenes. Here, both the dynamics of the plot and the deepening into the inner world of the characters are equally present. Reading this work will be interesting for everyone who wants to understand their confusing world of feelings and emotions using the example of Andrew and Fable.

As the story unfolds, other characters appear in the book and develop budding relationships. You can read about new love stories, no less impressive and colorful, in the subsequent novels of this series; along with this, the beloved Andrew and Fable will also appear in other works. The continuation of this work is the book “Three Broken Oaths”.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “A Second Chance for Him” by Monica Murphy in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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City of publication: Moscow
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ISBN: 978-5-17-096605-9 Size: 484 KB

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That's the word that best describes my life right now. We lost the last games of the season: both the team and the coach blamed me. I've been drowning in despair for the past two months, feeling like a complete failure. And I lost the only girl who meant so much to me out of fear that our intimacy would destroy her too.

If only I could convince Fable to give me a second chance. Then I wouldn't feel so lost anymore, and neither would she. We both could have been found.


Monica Murphy's love stories have repeatedly made it onto The New York Times bestseller list and become the choice of readers of Romantic Times magazine.

Monica Murphy


Copyright © 2013 by Monica Murphy

© Vakulenko N., translation into Russian

Copyright © AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

To my family, who put up with me sitting in front of the computer all the time - thank you for your love and support. For me you are the whole world.

You can close your eyes to what you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to what you don't want to feel.

Johnny Depp

Have you ever done something incredibly stupid, and then been tormented by guilt and remorse that hung over you like a dark heavy thundercloud, making it impossible to think and make decisions, draining your soul until you turned into the only thing that was constantly heard, stood before your eyes, the only thing you were able to think about?

I did. I have done many things that I regret, and I am plagued by guilt. But I did the worst thing yesterday.

I left my beloved girl - naked, alone in bed. Like some smug macho who uses a girl for sex and then dumps her: so that’s me. I turned into such guy.

But in reality I am not that guy. I love this girl I left naked in bed. I just don't deserve her.

And I know it.

Chapter first

Sometimes you need to be alone. Make sure you can handle it.


Two month. I haven't seen him or heard anything from him for two fucking months. Well, who does this, I would like to know? Who spends a crazy week of their life with another person, shares their deepest thoughts, crazy, dark secrets, has sex - and we're talking about amazing, amazing sex - leaves a note saying "I love you" and then disappears? I'll tell you who.

Drew - I'll kick him in the balls as soon as I see him- Callahan.

Well, I'm moving on. After all, I tell myself, time didn’t stop because my heart stopped beating, I have responsibilities. The three thousand dollars I made in a week pretending to be the girlfriend of a rich idiot helped me a lot. And I still have money left in my savings account. So I picked out some cool Christmas gifts for my brother Owen. And one more thing for mom.

Mom didn't buy anything for either of us. Anyway. Owen gave me a small bowl that he had sculpted in his high school ceramics class. As he handed it to me, he looked so proud and a little embarrassed, especially when I suddenly burst into tears. The boy wrapped the gift in bright Christmas paper and everything. I was just shocked that he actually took the time to do something for me. The bowl sits on my dresser and I keep my earrings in it.

At least someone cares about me, you know?

He didn't give his mother anything. To the witch - to the petty witch inside me - I liked it endlessly.

It is believed that January is a time of healing. New year, new goals, decisions - call it what you want, but a person is full of hope that new roads are open before him. I tried my best to be positive, but when New Year's midnight arrived, I burst into tears again. The clock strikes twelve, I sit alone, watch the match on TV, and tears flow in a stream. A pathetic, lonely girl sobs into her own sweatshirt, missing the guy she loves.

Most of the month has already passed - thank God. But last night I had a realization: instead of dreading each new day, I should enjoy it. I have to figure out what I'm going to do with my life and just do it. If I could, I would leave, but I can't leave Owen. I can’t even imagine what will happen to him without me, and it’s not worth the risk.

That's why I'm staying. I promise myself to get the best out of life. I'm so tired of living in poverty.

So tired of feeling sorry for myself. Tired of wanting to shake my mom up: to finally make her see that she has children to take care of. She also has to find a job. Sleeping all day and having fun at night with loser Larry is not the answer.

And I'm tired of grieving the loss of a beautiful, damaged man who is constantly on my mind, no matter where I am.

Yes, I'm tired of this pain.

Having thrown all depressive thoughts out of my head, I go to the table to take the client’s order. He entered a few minutes ago: an unfamiliar tall young man, quick in his movements, dressed too well to just run into the La Salle. At night our bar is full of noisy students drinking themselves into oblivion. But during the day? Usually there are a couple of slackers hanging out here with nowhere to go, sometimes someone comes in for lunch. The burgers are quite decent, everyone is satisfied.

- What can I offer you? – I ask, stopping at the table, bowing my head and burying my face in the order pad.

– Maybe a little attention?

This question—spoken in a velvety, deep voice—makes me look up from my notepad.

And now I look into the bluest eyes I have ever seen. Their color is even deeper than Drew's, if that's even possible.

- Hmm, sorry. – I send him an uncertain smile. He instantly makes me nervous. Looks too good. Yes, he is simply magnificent: classic facial features, light brown hair flowing over his forehead, a strong jaw, sharp cheekbones, a straight nose - as if he came out of an advertising poster.

– Are you ready to place your order?

The stranger smiles, showing even white teeth, and I compress my lips so as not to open my own mouth. I have never met such attractive men. Of course, Drew is wonderful, I admit, even though I'm angry at him. But this guy... can make all the other guys have complexes. His face is just perfect.

- I will take Pale Ale“He points his chin at the tattered menu lying on the table in front of him. – What snacks do you recommend?

He must be joking. I would not recommend anything to this magnificent specimen. La Salle, maybe just burgers. God forbid! For everyone else, he will simply be poisoned.

- And what would you like? - my weak voice sounds.

Frowning his brow, the guy picks up the menu and looks over it, his gaze meeting mine.

I shake my head.

– Beef rarely turns out as it should.

More often it has a pink tint. And the pieces are too thick.

– Potato wedges? – he winces.

I wince in response.

– It’s like going back to the nineties, don’t you think?

- How about some Buffalo wings?

– Only if you want to create a blazing fire in your mouth. Listen. “I look around and, making sure that there is no one of higher rank nearby, I propose. – If you want something to eat, I suggest a cafe down the street. They have great sandwiches.

He laughs and shakes his head. A rich, resonating sound washes over me, warming my skin, quickly giving way to a huge sense of anxiety. I don't react to guys that way. The only one I care about So I react - Drew. And he's not around... but why can't I end this?

Perhaps because she's still in love with him like an idiot?

For all fans of Monica Murphy's novel "Girl for a Week"! The long-awaited continuation of the story - “A Second Chance for Him”!

Do you believe in love? With all her trials, stupid actions and random phrases thrown in a fit of emotion? With all the pain it carries with it, the disappointments and blows it has to endure? Such descriptions are always described most vividly in romance novels, which often give us stories more beautiful than the present. But what's wrong with daydreaming a little about what we can read on the pages? On the site you can download the free e-book “A Second Chance for Him” in fb2, epub, pdf, txt, doc and rtf by Monica Murphy.

"Second Chance" by Monica Murphy takes us back to the main characters of the first part. As we remember, Drew and Fable were like two completely different planets, each of which had its own galaxy. Their interests practically did not intersect, because each lived his own life, without even thinking about the other. The girl tried to make ends meet, worked two jobs, looked after her brother and quietly recalled the times when she dreamed of a university diploma, a good job and a loving family. Drew, aka Andrew, who desperately hates his full name, is a rich boy, handsome and an athlete who made all the girls on campus squeal.

This couple made a deal: for a whole week, Fable would play the role of a devoted, loving girl, and the guy would pay her a handsome sum for it. Each of them has their own reasons for agreeing to such a strange agreement, because, as you know, everyone is hiding something. But they became a real salvation for each other, because they appeared at the most necessary moment. A simple deal grew into something more for the characters in Monica Murphy’s book – true love. But Drew's dark secret prevented him from being with his beloved, as he considers himself unworthy of her. That's why he leaves her. You can listen to the audiobook in mp3, read online or download the e-book “A Second Chance for Him” in fb2, epub, pdf, txt – by Monica Murphy for free on the website.

This incident did not destroy Fable, but it shook her world, in which, it seemed, at least something was beginning to improve. But what should she do? Trying to get him back. Those who do not want this are a stupid idea; all that remains is to continue their lives. And everything returned to normal: work, work, work, younger brother. The wandering mother never came to her senses. But suddenly a handsome man appears in the bar and makes a tempting offer to the girl: he has opened a new restaurant and is just looking for staff. The size of the salary becomes a decisive factor, and besides, in a familiar environment, everything reminded her of Drew.

Perhaps, if her new employer had not appeared at the right moment and Fable had not agreed to this offer, they would not have seen each other soon. Drew would still go to sessions with a psychologist, trying to become a real man and get rid of past trauma, and she would still spend her nights cursing her feelings. But within the walls of the new establishment they met and realized that love is stronger than anything in the world. Even at the cost of trial and error, they must be together, even if the whole world is against it! But were they ready for the world to really resist, and for the past and reality to persistently knock on their doors? Read also a summary of the book (abbreviated retelling) and reviews of the book.

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