Daily rites of Matins. Follow-up of Matins. Following the Divine Liturgy

As usual, we start with the verb:

For the prayers of the saints, our fathers, Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. A min (bow).

Holy God, Holy Saints, Saints Immortal, have mercy on us (three times, with bows). Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen. Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Saints, visit and heal our infirmities; for your name's sake. Lord have mercy (three times). Glory, even now.

Our Father, Who art in heaven. Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread this day. And forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation. But deliver us from the evil one.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Ah min. (bow).

Lord have mercy (12 times). Glory, even now.

Come, let us bow to the King our God (bow).

Come, let us bow to Christ, the King and our God (bow).

Come, let us bow and fall before the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, the King and our God (bow).

Also, Psalm 19

The Lord hears you in the day of sorrow, the name of the God of Jacob will protect you. Send help from the Holy One, and you will intercede from Zion. He will remember all your sacrifice, and all your burning will be fat. The Lord will give you according to your heart, and He will fulfill all your advice. Let us rejoice in your salvation, and in the name of the Lord our God we will be magnified. The Lord will fulfill all your requests; now I know that the Lord has saved His Christ. He will hear him from His holy heaven; His right hand has the power to save. These on chariots and these on horses, we will call in the name of the Lord our God. Tia was asleep and fell. We will rise up and correct ourselves. Lord, save the king and hear us, even if we call on you the day before.

Psalm 20

Lord, in Your power the king will rejoice, and in Your salvation he will rejoice greatly. You gave him the desire of his heart, and you took away the desire of his mouth. As if you had preceded him with a blessed blessing, you placed on his head a crown from an honorable stone. Zhivo asked You to eat, and You gave him the length of days, forever and ever. Great is the glory of his salvation through Thy salvation, bestow glory and splendor upon him. For grant him a blessing for ever and ever, make him glad with Thy face. For the king trusts in the Lord, and is not moved by the mercy of the Most High. Your hand will find all your enemies, your right hand will find all those who hate you. For if you have laid them like a furnace of fire during Your presence, the Lord will trouble me with His wrath and destroy them with fire. Thou shalt destroy their fruit from the earth, and their seed from the sons of men. As if I was angry with You, I thought of advice, but I was not able to compose them. For if I have laid the backbone of My abundance, You have prepared their face. Be exalted, O Lord, in Thy strength, let us sing and sing of Thy strength.

Glory, even now. Trisagion. And according to Our Father. This Troparion, tone 1.

God save His people and bless His heritage, grant victory to the Russian power against the resistance, and preserve His people through the Cross.

Glory. Having ascended to the Cross by will, grant Thy bounty to Thy now named city, O Christ God. With Your strength you have rejoiced the Russian state, giving it victories as a match, the benefit of Your weapon, an invincible victory for the world.

And now. Terrible and shameless representative, do not despise the Good of our prayers. All-sung Mother of God, confirm the life of the Orthodox and save the Russian state, grant it heavenly victory by God, who gave birth to Him, the only Blessed One.

Lord have mercy (12). Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men (three times without bowing). Also: Lord, you have opened my mouth, and my mouth will proclaim your praise (twice). And he speaks exa psalms, easily, with quietness and with all attention and fear of God, as if talking to God himself invisibly, and beseeching Him about his sins. The brethren stand with their hands bent towards their breasts, but their heads are slightly bowed.

Psalm 3.

Lord, having multiplied the cold, many rise up against me. Many people say to my soul: there is no salvation for him in his God. You, Lord, are my protector, my glory, and lift up my head. I cried out to the Lord with my voice, and when I heard me from His holy mountain, I fell asleep and fell asleep; I awoke, for the Lord will intercede for me. I will not be afraid of the people around me who attack me. Rise up, Lord, save me, my God. For Thou hast struck all our enemies in vain; Thou hast broken the teeth of a sinner. Salvation is the Lord's, and Your blessing is upon Your people. I fell asleep and fell asleep; I awoke, for the Lord will intercede for me.

Psalm 37.

Lord, do not rebuke me with Your wrath, nor show me with Your wrath. As Thy arrows have destroyed me, and Thou hast strengthened Thy hand upon me. There is no healing in my flesh from the face of Your wrath; there is no peace in my bones, from the face of my sin. As my iniquities have exceeded my head, as the burden weighs heavily upon me, my wounds have become stale and bowed in the face of my madness. I suffered and humbled myself to the end, walking around complaining all day. For my body is filled with reproach, and there is no healing in my flesh. I would become embittered and humbled to death, roaring from the sighing of my heart. Lord, all my desire is before You, and my sighing is not hidden from You. My heart is troubled, my strength has left me, and the light of my eyes has left me, and that one is not with me. My friends, and my sparkles, approaching me directly, and stasha. And my neighbors are far away from me, and I am in need, seeking my soul, and seeking evil for me: the verb is vain and flattering, I have been learning all day. I am as if deaf: I do not hear; and as if dumb: not opening his mouth. And he was like a man who did not hear, and had no reproof in his mouth. For in You, Lord, I have trusted, You will hear, O Lord my God. As if I said: let my enemies never rejoice, and never let my feet move, but you speak against me. As if I am ready for wounds, and my illness is before me. For I will proclaim my iniquity, and take care of my sin. My enemies live, and have become stronger than me, and those who hate me without truth have multiplied. Having rewarded me with evil, I have slandered me: I have persecuted benevolence. Do not forsake me, Lord my God, do not depart from me. Hear my help, O Lord of my salvation. Do not forsake me, O Lord my God, do not depart from me. Hear my help, O Lord of my salvation.

Psalm 62.

God, my God, I have come to You in the morning; my soul has thirsted for You, since my flesh is a multitude of You, in a land that is empty and impenetrable and without water. Thus I appeared to You in the Holy One, to see Your power and Your glory. For Thy mercy is better than belly, praise Thee with my lips. Thus I will bless You in my belly, I will lift up my hands in Your name. For my soul is filled with fatness and ointment, and my lips will praise You with joy. When I remembered Thee on my bed, I learned from Thee in the morning. As if I were my Helper, and in the shelter of Your wing I will rejoice. My soul clings to You, but I am accepted by Your right hand. They, having sought my soul in vain, will go into the underworld of the earth. They will give themselves up to arms, the units will be foxes. The king will rejoice in God, and everyone who swears by Him will boast. As if the lips of those who speak lies were stopped. In the morning we studied in Tya. As if I were my Helper, and in the shelter of Your wing I will rejoice. My soul clings to You, but I am accepted by Your right hand.

Glory, even now. Alleluia, Alleluia, glory to You, O God (three times, without bowing). Lord have mercy (three times). Glory, even now.

Psalm 87.

O Lord God of my salvation, I have cried out before You by day and by night. Let my prayer come before You; incline Your ear to my prayer. For my soul is filled with evil, and my belly is drawing near to hell. Used with those descending into the ditch, like a man without help in the dead, freedom. Like the plagues of those sleeping in the tombs, You did not remember them, even though they were rejected by Your hand. Placing me in the pit of hell, in the dark and shadow of death. Thy wrath is established upon me, and all Thy waves are brought upon me. You removed those who knew me from me, making me an abomination to yourself, and you were betrayed and never left. My eyes are exhausted from poverty. I have cried out to You, Lord, all day long, I have lifted up my hands to You. Eating dead people work wonders? Will the doctors resurrect and confess to You? Who is the story of Thy mercy in the grave, and Thy truth in destruction? Will Thy wonders be known in darkness, and Thy righteousness in forgotten lands? I have cried to You, Lord, and my morning prayer will precede You. Lord, will you give away my soul? You turn Your face away from me. I am a beggar, and in labor from my youth, but I have lifted myself up, humbled and exhausted. Thy wrath has come upon me, Thy fears have troubled me. It washed over me like water, possessing me all day long. You removed from me a friend and a sincere one, and those I knew from passions. O Lord God of my salvation, I have cried out before You by day and by night. Let my prayer come before You; incline Your ear to my prayer.

Psalm 102.

Bless my soul the Lord, and all that is within me, His holy name. Bless the Lord my soul, and do not forget His rewards for all. Who cleanses all your iniquities, who heals all your illnesses. He who delivers your belly from corruption, who crowns you with mercy and bounty. Whoever fulfills your good desires, your youth will be renewed like an eagle. The Lord creates alms and destiny for all those who are offended. Moses told His ways to the sons of Israel His desires. The Lord is generous and merciful, long-suffering and abounding in mercy. He is not completely angry, he is never at enmity. He did not cause us to eat because of our iniquities, nor did He reward us to eat because of our sins. As the height of heaven from the earth, the Lord established His mercy on those who fear Him. The east is far removed from the west, and our iniquities have been removed from us. As a father gives generously to his sons, the Lord will provide generously to those who fear Him. As our creation was known by him, I will remember him as the dust of Esma. A man is like grass, his days are like the flower of a herb, so he will bloom. For the spirit will pass through it and will not be, and will not know its place. But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him. And His righteousness is upon the sons of sons, who keep His covenant and remember His commandments to do. The Lord has prepared His throne in Heaven, and His kingdom possesses all. Bless the Lord, all His angels, who are mighty in strength to do His word, to hear the voice of His words. Bless the Lord, all His might, His servants who do His will. Bless the Lord, all His works: in every place of His dominion, bless the Lord my soul. In every place of His dominion, bless the Lord my soul.

Psalm 142.

Lord, hear my prayer, inspire my prayer with Thy truth, hear me in Thy righteousness. And do not enter into judgment with Your servant, for no one living will be justified before You. For the enemy has driven away my soul, and has humbled my belly to eat in the earth. He made me sit in the dark, like the dead of an age, and my spirit is sad within me, my heart is troubled within me. I have remembered the days of old, I have learned in all Your works, and in Your works I have learned Your hand. My hands have lifted up to You, my soul, like a waterless land, has lifted up to You. Hear me soon, Lord, my spirit has disappeared. Do not turn Your face away from me, and I will become like those who go down into the pit. I hear Thy mercy upon me in the morning, for I trust in Thee. Tell me, Lord, the way, I will go, as if I have taken my soul to You. Deliver me from my enemies, Lord, I have fled to You. Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. Your Spirit of Goodness will guide me to the right land. For Thy name's sake, Lord, live me, by Thy righteousness bring my soul out of sorrow. And consume Your mercy by my enemies, and destroy all my cold souls, for I am Your servant. Hear me in Thy righteousness, Lord, hear, and do not enter into judgment with Thy servant. Your Spirit of Goodness will guide me to the right land.

Glory, even now. Alleluia, Alleluia, glory to You, O God (three times, with bows). Lord have mercy (12). Glory, even now.

The same God is the Lord and has appeared to us, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.

Verse 1. Confess to the Lord that His mercy endures forever.

Verse 2. They used me, and in the name of the Lord they resisted them.

Verse 3. I will not die, but I will live, and will tell the works of the Lord.

Verse 4. The stone, His carelessly built, This was at the head of the corner, This was from the Lord, and is wondrous in our eyes.

Also a troparion for a day, or a saint, or a holiday.

If it is fasting, Alleluia is sung to the voice of the oktay. The verses are verbs:

Verse 1. From the night my spirit groweth morning unto Thee, O God.

Verse 2. You who dwell on the earth will learn righteousness.

Verse 3. Lord our God, give us peace, for you have rewarded us with everything.

Verse 4. Such was the fate of Thy beloved.

The same are ternary in octays, and ordinary sticology, and sedalny, and others according to the charter.

Also, Psalm 50. God have mercy on me.

Therefore, prophetic songs and canons. At song 9 of the canon we sing a hymn to the Most Holy Theotokos (Luke, Conception 4):

My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior (right face). And according to each verse we sing: The most honorable cherub, and the most glorious seraphim, who without corruption gave birth to God the Word, we magnify Thee, the real Mother of God. And bow to the ground. Whether it’s a week or a festival, we perform small bows, only the last bow to the ground.

As you look upon the humility of Your Servant, behold, from now on all you have given birth to Me (left face).

For make me great, O Mighty One, and holy is His name, and His mercy forever and ever upon those who fear Him (right face).

Create power with Your arm, scatter the proud thoughts of their hearts (left face).

Descend the mighty from the throne and lift up the humble, fill the hungry with blessings, and let go of the rich (right face).

Israel will receive His servant, remembering His mercy, as He spoke to our father, Abraham and his seed forever (left face).

Also, canto 9 of the canons. According to the 9th song, both faces unitedly sing: It is worthy to eat, and we bow together to the ground. Also, small litany. Another week; We sing in the voice of the oktai: Holy is the Lord our God (three times), also luminous.

Therefore, Psalm 148. Praise the Lord from heaven, praise Him in the highest. Praise Him, all His angels. Praise Him with all His might. Praise Him sun and moon, praise Him all stars and light. Praise Him, the heavens of the heavens and the waters above the heavens, that they may praise the name of the Lord. Like that speech, and it happened; He commanded it, and it was created. May I put it in the age and in the age of the century. Give the command, and it will not go unnoticed. Praise the Lord from the earth, you serpents and all the deeps. Fire, hail, snow, bareness, stormy spirit, creating His word. Mountains and all hills, fruitful trees and all cedars. Beasts and all cattle, reptiles and birds. The kings of the zemstia and all the people, the princes and all the judges of the zemstia. Young men and maidens, old men and young men, let them praise the name of the Lord. For the name of Him alone has been exalted. He will confess Him on earth and in heaven, and He will exalt the horn of His people. A song to all His saints, the sons of Israel, the people who draw near to Him.

Psalm 149. Sing a new song to the Lord, His praises in the church of the saints. May Israel rejoice in Him who created Him, and the sons of Zion rejoice in their King. Let them praise His name in person, in the tympanum, and in the psalms, and sing to Him. For the Lord delights in His people, and will lift up the meek to salvation. The saints will be praised in glory, and will rejoice on their beds. The praises of God are in their throats, and two sharp swords are in their hands. Bring vengeance to the nations, reproof to the people. Bind the king with their fetters, and their glorious hand with iron shackles. To create judgment in them is written; glory is to all His saints.

Psalm 150. Praise God in His saints, praise Him in strengthening His powers. Praise Him according to His strength, praise Him according to His great greatness. Praise Him with the trumpet, praise Him with the psalter and harp. Praise Him in the tympanum and face, praise Him in the strings and organs. Praise Him with the cymbals of good will, praise Him with the cymbals of shouting. Let every breath praise the Lord.

The same, verses of praise, and Glory, and now according to the charter. Let us therefore say: Glory to him who showed us the light, and so on.

If there is no stichera on the praises and we say: Glory befits you, O Lord our God, and we send up glory to you, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen. Glory to him who showed us the light.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men. We praise Thee, we bless Thee (bow), we bow down, we glorify Thee (bow), we thank Thee great for the sake of Thy glory (bow). Lord the King of heaven and God the Father Almighty, and Lord the Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Soul. Lord God, Lamb Son of God, Father: take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; take away the sins of the world, accept our prayers. Seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For You alone are holy, You alone are Lord Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father, amen. Let us bless You every day, and praise Your name forever and ever. Lord, be a refuge for us throughout all generations. Az said: Lord, have mercy on me and heal my soul for those who have sinned against You. Lord, I have come to You, teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. For from You is the source of life, in Your light we will see light, add Your mercy to those who lead You.

Lord, grant that on this day we may be preserved without sin. Blessed are you, O Lord God of our fathers, and praised and glorified is your name forever, amen. Lord, Thy mercy be upon us, even as we trust in Thee. Blessed art thou, Lord, teach us by thy justification. Blessed art Thou, Master, enlighten us with Thy justification. Blessed are you, Saints, enlighten us with your justification. Lord, Your mercy endures forever, and do not despise the work of Your hand. Praise is due to you. Singing befits you. Glory befits you, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen.

Let us say the litany. Let's do the matins. Also, on the poem there are stichera. Therefore: Glory, even now, to the Mother of God. Is the same:

It is good to confess to the Lord and sing to Your name, the Most High, to proclaim Your mercy in the morning, and Your truth every night. If there is fasting, we say it twice. Same, Trisagion. And according to Our Father, the troparion for the day, or the holy day according to the charter, and the litany and after the exclamation the psalmist says: Amen. Come, let us bow three times. And the psalms of the First Hour. And so on. And let go.

If it is fasting, then we say this troparion according to Our Father: In the church worth Thy glory, we stand in Heaven, O Mother of God, the door of Heaven, open to us the doors of Thy mercy. Lord have mercy (40). God bless. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Verb: Amen. Heavenly King, strengthen our power, establish our faith, tame our tongues, pacify the world, and preserve this holy temple well, and our fathers and brethren who first departed in the blood of the righteous, teach us in the Orthodox faith and in repentance, Lord, accept and have mercy, as Good and Lover of Humanity.

Also, Lord have mercy (three times). Glory, even now. The most honorable cherub, and the most glorious truly seraphim, who without corruption gave birth to God the Word, the real Mother of God we magnify Thee (great bow).

Bless in the name of the Lord, father.

And we make great bows, with the prayer of St. Ephraim, as foretold at the daily midnight office. And we begin the first hour.

The priest, having put on the stole and phelonion, 1 opens the curtain of the royal doors and, taking the censer, utters the exclamation: “Blessed is our God...” If a deacon participates in the service, then he opens the curtain. The veil remains open until the dismissal (Typikon, Chapter 23).

Reader: “Amen”, “Come, let us worship” 2 (three times) and then reads the psalms: “The Lord will hear you in the day of sorrow...” (Ps. 19), “Lord, by Thy strength...” (Ps. 20). Then “Glory, and now”, “Our Father...” and troparia: “Save, O Lord, Thy people...”, “Glory”... - “Who ascended to the cross by will...”, “And now” - “The shameless intercession of Christians...” .

While reading psalms and troparions, the priest censes. The Typikon says about censing at the beginning of Matins: “The priest, standing before St. the meal and after this, he says: “Blessed is our God” (open the curtain first) and burns incense to St. the meal in the shape of a cross and the entire altar; and goes out to the northern country and burns incense to the St. icons, and the leader, and everything, as is custom” (Typikon, chapters 9 and 22), just as in the Old Testament it was commanded by God, “let Aaron burn incense over it (over the ark) with incense, piled up with fragrant, early and early” ( Exodus 30:7). After censing, the priest enters the altar through the “southern country,” that is, the door, and censes the altar.

These psalms “are spoken in monasteries inertly (slowly), so that all the brethren incense to the priest” (Book of Hours). In parish churches, the psalmist must also read the psalm slowly, in accordance with the censing of the priest. “The reader and priest must pay attention,” says the Typikon, and always say: “For Thine is the kingdom...” so that he may be in the middle of the temple” (Typikon, chapter 9).

At the end of the reading, the priest pronounces an abbreviated, intense litany: “Have mercy on us, O God...” (He pronounces the litany in the altar in front of the throne with a censer in his hands, see Typikon, chapter 9). After the exclamation: “How merciful...” the priest in the altar in front of the throne, drawing a cross with a censer, exclaims: “Glory to the Holy Ones and Consubstantial...”.

From the week of St. Thomas until the celebration of Easter, on all these days Matins begins with the exclamation: “Glory to the Saints...” Choir: “Amen” and then sings: “Christ is risen from the dead...” (three times, inertly). In some churches, but not everywhere, the priest at this time censes the altar and the entire temple. After this, the Six Psalms are read, always in the middle of the church.

Six Psalms six selected psalms are called, namely: third, thirty-seventh, sixty-second, eighty-seventh, one hundred and second and one hundred and forty-second. It is preceded by the following liturgical texts: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” This angelic doxology is read three times. Then the verse from the fiftieth psalm is recited twice: “O Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth will declare your praise.” This is followed by the reading of the first three psalms of the sixth psalm (that is, 3, 37 and 62).

These three psalms are accompanied by a doxology: “Glory, and now,” “Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee, O God” (three times), “Lord, have mercy” (three times), and “Glory, and now.” After this, the remaining three psalms of the sixth psalm are read (that is, 87, 102 and 142). They conclude with the texts: “Glory, even now” and “Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee, O God” (three times).

During the reading of the last three psalms, the priest goes out to the solea and in front of the royal doors, with his head uncovered, secretly reads the morning prayers. (These prayers are in the Service Book, there are twelve in total).

After the Six Psalms there follows the great litany “Let us pray to the Lord in peace,” after which the deacon pronounces “God the Lord...” with verses.

The choir responds by singing: “God the Lord...” (four times) to the voice of the troparion that follows.

If the priest serves without a deacon, then he recites the great litany and “God is the Lord” with verses before the royal doors, then he enters the altar by the southern door, bows to the throne and stands in his place. If a deacon participates in the service, then the indicated litany and other texts are pronounced by the deacon. 1

After “God is the Lord,” troparia are sung. They are sung in the following order:

1. If the service to a saint who has a sixfold sign (or without a sign) does not coincide with the Saturday service, as well as with the after-feast and forefeast, then the troparion to the saint is sung (twice), and on “Glory, and now” - the Theotokos (according to the voice of the troparion ) from the fourth appendix of the Menaion.

2. If the Menaion contains troparions to two saints, then the troparion to the first saint is sung twice, on “Glory” - the troparion to another saint - (once) and on “And now” - the Theotokos in the voice of “Glory”.

3. If the service to a saint coincides with Saturday, then the Sunday Theotokos is sung in the voice of “Glory.”

4. If the service to the saint coincides with a pre-celebration or a post-celebration, then the Theotokos is not sung at all, but the troparions are sung in this way: the troparion for the feast is sung twice. “Glory” to the saint, “And now” to the holiday.

After the singing of the troparions, the poetry of the second or third ranks of kathismas follows (see Typikon, chapter 17). After each kathisma, if the memory of a saint (sixfold or without a sign at all) coincides with Saturday, forefeast and afterfeast, a small litany is laid. If the service to the saint does not coincide with these days, then there is no litany between kathismas and the reader ends the kathisma with “Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee, O God” (three times), 1 “Lord, have mercy” (three times).

The following reads sedalene. 2 The sedals, in accordance with the instructions of the Typikon, are taken either from the Octoechos, or from the Menaion, or from the Triodion. There are cases that at the same matins, when holidays coincide, sedals after kathisma are given to two celebrations. In this case, some sedalnas are read or sung after the kathismas, while others (also placed after the kathismas) are read after the polyeleos, or after the third song of the canon (see Typikon, February 9, 24; April 23; May 8, etc.). After the final kathisma, Psalm 50 is read, followed by the canon.

The canon consists of nine songs. The first verse of each song is called Irmosom , that is, a “connection” - a model for other verses following it, which are called troparia. The number of troparia varies.

The expression: “The charter prescribes reading the canon on 16, on 14, on 12, on 8, on 6, on 4” is an indication for execution and means that the troparia must be performed so many times to make up the indicated number. For this, the troparia are repeated or the troparia of the second and third canons are introduced. This connection is motivated by the combination of several celebrations at one service. The eleventh chapter of the Typikon contains rules for connecting various canons with each other.

The connection between the troparia and the corresponding song are the irmos. To sing the irmos, sometimes both faces converged in the middle of the temple. Hence this irmos received the name “ confusion " - "convergence".

On the greatest holidays, katavasia consists of the initial irmos. On other holidays, including Sundays, the chaos is served by the irmos of another “related or close” holiday; on weekdays, the katavasiya is the irmos of the last canon, and it is sung after the third, sixth, eighth and ninth songs. IN Lent katavasia sometimes replaces irmos, that is, irmos is sung only as katavasia. In the nineteenth chapter of the Typikon there is a special instruction on the order of singing katavasiyas for the whole year.

After the third, sixth and ninth songs of the canon, small litanies are placed with corresponding exclamations from the priest. In addition, these same songs (that is, the third, sixth and ninth) are accompanied by: the third - ipakoi and sedal, the sixth - kontakion and ikos; the ninth - luminous and exapostilarium. 1

During the reading of the eighth song of the canon, the deacon first censes the entire altar, then the iconostasis, and at the end of the singing of the katavasiya he stands before the image Mother of God and proclaims: “Let us exalt the Mother of God and the Mother of Light in songs” (Typikon, chapter 2).

The choir sings: “My soul magnifies the Lord...”.

The deacon continues to cense (censes the choir, the worshipers and the entire church).

On the twelve holidays, their commemorations, as well as some other days, special choruses are sung, beginning with the words “Glorify, my soul...”. This is described in detail in the twentieth chapter of the Typikon “O hedgehog, when the Most Honest is sung and when it is not sung.”

After the ninth song, if a daily service is being performed, “It is worthy to eat...” is sung, and then the small litany. The Small Litany is pronounced by the priest in the altar, and by the deacon in front of the royal doors. After the litany there is a luminary or exapostilary.

In the Typikon there is a special (sixteenth) chapter “On the luminaries at Matins. According to the ninth song, after “It is worthy,” what are the verbs in the week; except for a week." This chapter indicates the order in which the luminaries of the Octoechos and Menaion are sung. So, on weekdays, except Saturday, the luminary Octoechos is sung first, and then on “Glory” - the luminary of the Menaion, on “And Now” - “Theotokos”, and on Wednesday and Friday - the Octoechos of the Holy Cross. On Saturday, first the luminary Menaion is sung, and then on “Glory” the luminary Octoechos is sung, on “And Now” the Theotokos is sung.

But the luminary of Octoechos is lowered if a celebration is taking place.

the saint with great doxology, polyeleos, all-night vigil, and then the luminary is sung only from the Menaion or Triodion.

When the polyeleos is sung at Matins, then the luminary or exapostilary is related to the Gospel read at Matins. Such, for example, are the Sunday exapostilaries (Octoeche), the number of which, like the Sunday morning Gospels, is eleven.

Following the luminary exapostilary, psalms are read. These psalms are called " laudable ».

“Praise the Lord from heaven...” (148);

“Sing a new song to the Lord...” (149);

“Praise God…” (150).

These psalms are supplemented with daily praise. There is a difference in the doxology that is sung and that is read at Matins. The doxology that is sung ends with the singing of the angelic song “Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.” The doxology that is read ends with the words of the prayer “Grant, O Lord, on this day...” (see Book of Hours and the Following Psalter).

After the exclamation of the priest, the choir sings stichera on the stichera from the Octoechos - special for each day of the week (Typikon, chapter 9). On Saturday, those stichera are sung at the stichera that are placed in the Octoechos on the praises.

After singing these stichera, the reader reads: “It is good to confess to the Lord...”, “Trisagion”, “Our Father...”. After the exclamation of the priest, the troparion with the Theotokos is sung, called the troparion of dismissal, the regulation of singing of which is in many ways the same as the regulation of singing the troparion of dismissal at Vespers. Both of these statutes are set out together in the fifty-second chapter of the Typikon, where one can see their similarities and differences.

On all days of the week the troparion of the daily saint from the Monthly Menaion is sung (once).

If there happen to be two saints, each of whom is assigned a troparion from the Menaion, then first the troparion of the first saint is sung, and on “Glory” the troparion of the other saint is sung.

If there is no troparion for a saint in the Monthly Menaion, then a troparion is sung from the General Menaion - according to the order, or face, of the saint.

If a forefeast or afterfeast coincides with any day of the week, then after the troparion to the saint the troparion of the forefeast or afterfeast is sung. If in the Menaion there is no troparion for the saint, then one troparion of the forefeast or afterfeast is sung (Typikon, chapter 52).

After the troparia, a special litany is pronounced: “Have mercy on us, O God...” Then: “Wisdom.”

Choir: “Bless.”

Priest: “Blessed be Christ our God...”

For a sample compilation of weekday vespers, see the Appendix - Diagram No. 2a.

Compose your own service - daily vespers for July 29th, tone 8, Monday evening.


According to its structure, Matins can be of 2 types - everyday or everyday and holiday.

According to the Rules, daily Matins must be performed in the morning. In modern practice, it (with the 1st hour) is served in the evening. Matins is added to the daily Vespers after “Confirm, O God...”, and it begins immediately with Six Psalms G. This practice is caused by the conditions of modern life, when the average Christian has a better opportunity to come to church for services in the evening. In monasteries and churches, zealous for the fulfillment of the Rule, they return to ancient practice, since the content and nature of chants and prayers really correspond to the beginning of the day, when a person is still full of strength, cheerful and can put more zeal and work in praising, thanking and propitiating the Creator. Metropolitan Benjamin speaks about it this way: “He’s still a fresh person, so the services are longer and there are more psalms: you need to gain a spiritual supply for the whole day. In the morning, the birds sing, but in the evening they fall silent. And the man praises the Lord. And with him all creation praises: the sun, clouds, fish, ... animals, birds, kings and common people, old and young. And the ascetics prepare for prayer and to fight the enemy. ...The Six Psalms also speaks of the same struggle, with alternating cries to God and hope for His help and glory to Him. ...So, Matins - service of joyful feat" i 8., p.58-59; 10., pp.65-67.

If daily Matins is served in the morning, then it begins a little differently than if it is performed in the evening in conjunction with Vespers:

& Ch.s.38-43 After the exclamation of the priest “Blessed is our God...” the reader: “Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. Heavenly King... Trisagion according to Our Father. Lord, have mercy 12 times, Come, let us worship...” (if the Midnight Office was served before Matins, then after the exclamation comes “Come, let us worship...”). Then the double psalm is read - psalms 19 and 20 (X at this time the priest censes the altar and the temple), “Glory, and now... the Trisagion according to Our Father”, the troparion is read “Save, O Lord, Thy people..., Glory... Ascended to the Cross..., And now... A terrible intercession...", then the abbreviated, intense litany "Have mercy on us, O God...", the exclamation "For you are merciful...", chorus: "Amen. Bless in the name of the Lord, Father,” then the exclamation of Matins, “Glory to the Saints...”. i 1., p.95-96; 2., p.266-268; 6., Lecture 6, pp.83-84; 8., pp.59-60.

The procedure for performing daily Matins is set out in Chapter 9 of the Typikon, where, as in the sequence of Vespers, instructions for non-fast service (with “God is the Lord”) and fast service (with “Hallelujah”) alternate. This order can also be traced through the Book of Hours and the Octoechos.

Brief outline of daily matins

Six Psalms – Ch

Great Litany – Sl

“God the Lord...” and troparia – Sl, Ch, M

Kathismas - Ps

Canon – O, M

Psalms of Praise – Ch

Everyday Doxology – Ch

Litany of Petition – Sl

Stichera on verse - O

Tropari – M

Sublime Litany – Sl

For a detailed diagram of daily (weekday) matins, see in the Appendix – diagram No. 3.

Explanations for the daily matins scheme.

X Daily Matins is celebrated with the royal doors closed, only the inner curtain is open. The priest is dressed in an epitrachelion, bristles and a phelonion.

X The priest in the altar, drawing a cross with a censer in front of the throne, proclaims exclamation of Matins: “Glory to the Holy, and Consubstantial, and Life-Giving, and Undivided Trinity always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.”, chorus: "Amen"

Six Psalms, & Ch.s.43-55, according to tradition, is read in the middle of the temple. Before the Six Psalms, it is read “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men” three times and “Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth will proclaim Your praise” twice. i 4., issue 2, pp. 197-198.

The oldest mentions of six psalms in its current composition date back to the 7th century. In several places, Octoeche is referred to by the Greek word “exapsalms.” The Six Psalms make up 6 Psalms– 3, 37, 62, 87, 102, 142, the main idea of ​​which is the persecution of the righteous by enemies, his hope in God, his final rest in God. Psalms 3, 62, 102 are more joyful, and 37, 87, 142 are more sad. During the Six Psalms, candles are extinguished so that a person can, unnoticed by others, cry about his sins. You need to stand in the temple while reading the Six Psalms quietly, and you need to read it very reverently, “without struggling,” because, as the Typikon puts it, at this time we are talking with God Himself. i 1., p.96; 2., p.268-269; 4., issue 2, pp. 198-203; 8., p.60-61.

After the first 3 psalms, “Glory, and now…” is read, “Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, glory to You, O God” three times (even without bowing to maintain special silence and attention!), “Lord, have mercy” three times, “ Glory, even now...” and the remaining three psalms. X During the reading of the next 3 psalms, the priest in front of the royal doors with his head uncovered reads to himself the so-called. morning prayers, numbering 12, which briefly outline the content of the chants and prayers of Matins. At the end of the sixth psalm it reads “Glory, and now...” “Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, glory to Thee, O God.” i 1., p.96; 2., p.269-270; 4., issue 2, pp. 203-208; 6., Lecture 6, p.84.

Great Litany

"God is Lord and appear to us, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” with verses - these are verses of Psalm 117 (& Ch p. 56). The deacon proclaims “Voice..., God the Lord and appeared...” and the verse “Confess the Lord...”, the choir sings “God the Lord...”. ! “God the Lord...” is sung in the voice of the 1st Troparion, which will be sung after “God the Lord...” with verses. Next, the deacon reads verses, and after each choir sings “God is the Lord...”. It is interesting to note that according to the Typikon, “God is the Lord...” with verses, it is not the priest or deacon who proclaims, but the canonarch. i 1., p.96; 2., p.270-271; 4., issue 2, pp. 209-213.

Troparion. On “God the Lord” (i.e. after “God the Lord”) it is sung Troparion to Saint Menaion(same troparion as at the end of Vespers) twice, “Glory, and now...” Theotokos from the 4th appendix of the Menaion according to the voice of the troparion to the saint(same as at the end of Vespers). i 1., p.96; 2., p.273; 7., Lecture 6, pp. 63-64.

Kathisma private


In liturgical books, the reading of the psalms is called “verse of the Psalms.” The psalms in the Psalter are divided into 20 departments - kathisma. Each kathisma contains several psalms and is divided into 3 parts- so called Glory.

11. Daily Matins

According to the rules, daily Matins usually follows immediately after the Midnight Office. The priest pulls back the curtain of the royal doors, takes the censer in his hands and, standing in front of the throne, draws a cross with the censer, exclaiming: “ Blessed be our God, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages! The reader answers " Amen" and reads " Come, let's worship..." three times, and then two so-called “royal psalms” are read, which contain a prayer for the King: Psalm 19 “ The Lord will hear you on the day of sorrow..." and Psalm 20 " Lord, in Your power the king will rejoice..." Then follows: " Glory even now”, Trisagion according to “Our Father”, exclamation of the priest: “ For Yours is the Kingdom...", troparion " Save, Lord, Your people", Glory, kontakion " Ascended to the cross by will,” And now, the Mother of God " Representation is terrible..." During this entire time, the priest performs a full incense of the entire temple, starting from the altar, and the charter notes: "The reader and priest must pay attention when they say: For Yours is the Kingdom, he should be in the middle of the temple” (Typikon ch. 9). Towards the end of the reading, the priest enters the altar through the southern doors and, standing in front of the throne, pronounces a special short, intense litany, consisting of only three petitions with the exclamation: “ For being merciful and a lover of humanity..." Lik (choir) sings: " Amen. Bless in the name of the Lord, father! The priest, drawing a cross with a censer before the holy meal, proclaims: “ Glory to the Holy, Consubstantial, Life-Giving and Indivisible Trinity, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages." The face sings " Amen", and the reader begins reading the Six Psalms in the middle of the temple, at which time the priest secretly reads the morning prayers. Next comes the great litany. Then " God the Lord, and appear to us"(according to the voice of the troparion) four times, and the singing of the troparion to the daily saint. The troparion is sung twice, then Glory and now, the Theotokos from among the so-called “Theotokos from the Lesser (not Sunday, as on the Vigil and Polyeleon feasts), which are placed in a special section, distributed according to the voices and days of the week, at the end of the Menaion and Psalter with the following , under the title: “The Theotokos of Dismissal according to the troparions of the saints, sung throughout the summer, at Vespers and at Matins with “God the Lord,” and again at the end of Matins” (Typ. ch. 57). If the Menaion contains troparions to two saints, then the troparion to the first saint is sung twice, and on “Glory” the troparion to another saint is sung once, on “And Now” the Theotokos is sung, according to the voice of the second troparion. After the Mother of God, the reading of kathismas follows: from St. Thomas Week until the celebration of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord (summer period), two kathismas will be recited at Matins; from the presentation of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord to the week of the Prodigal Son (winter period), three kathismas will be sung at Matins, excluding the period of Christmas and Epiphany holidays from December 20 to January 14, when, for the sake of the holidays, three kathismas will be sung in the same way as in the summer, only two Kathisma. The two preparatory weeks before Great Lent include meat and cheese, and there are also only two kathismas, “a little for the peace of the brethren” before the onset of Great Lent, when a very special rule about the Psalter is established, and at Matins there are again three kathismas. A very special charter for reading the Psalter during the fifth week of Great Lent and during Holy Week.

At daily matins, if it is not Saturday and there is no forefeast or afterfeast, the small litanies are not recited after each kathisma, but immediately follow each kathisma of the sedals of the Octoechos read. If it is Saturday, then small litanies are pronounced; if it is a forefeast or afterfeast, then the sedal menaions are read and small litanies are pronounced before them. At the end of the last kathisma and sedalna, Psalm 50 is read, “Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy,” and after the reading of this psalm, if this is an ordinary time of year and not Lent, a canon immediately begins, consisting of the following individual canons joined together:

On Monday, the Canon from Octoechos touching the Lord Jesus Christ, the canon to the disembodied forces and the canon of the Menaion to the saint of that day;

On Tuesday, the Canon of repentance to the Lord Jesus Christ, the canon to the holy great prophet John the Baptist, and the canon of the Menaion to the saint of the day;

On Wednesday the Canon of the Honest and Life-giving Cross, canon to the Most Holy Theotokos and canon of the Menaion to the saint of the day;

On Thursday, the Canon to the Holy Apostles, the canon is holy. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the canon of the Menaion to the saint of the day;

On Friday, the Canon to the Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, the canon to the Most Holy Theotokos and the canon to the Menaion to the saint of the day.

As for the service on Saturday, it has its own special charter: one when “God is the Lord” is sung at Matins on Saturday; another when Alleluia is sung at Matins.

But the canons on Saturday, when “God is the Lord” is sung, are usually sung as follows:

Is it the temple of Christ or the Mother of God:

1. Canon of the Church of Christ or the Virgin Mary, with Irmos at 6; And

2. Canon to the saint from the Menaion: on 4; And

3. Canon martyred from Octoechos: on 4;

Is it a temple of a saint:

1. Canon of the Menaion to the saint, which always precedes Saturday: with the Irmos at 6;

2. Canon to the saint of the temple: on 4; And

3. Canon of Octoechos first, martyr: on 4; and the second late canon of Octoechos is sung at Compline.

The Typikon has a special 11th chapter: “On the canons at Matins of the whole week,” which indicates how the canons of the Octoechos are connected with the Menaion. For each song there are no more than 14 troparions from all canons, and sometimes 12.

When on weekdays, except Saturday, the holy sixfold does not happen, then both canons of the Octoechos are sung, without any omission of troparions in them: the first canon of the Octoechos is sung on 6, the second on 4, and from the Menaion to the saint on 4. If the holy sixfold or holy with doxology, then in the canons of Octoechos two troparions are omitted, usually martyrdom when they exist. If two saints happen, on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, the second canon of the Octoechos is not sung at all, and on Wednesday and Friday both canons of the Octoechos are sung without the martyrs. On the days of the forefeast, post-feast and celebration of the holiday, the canons of the Octoechos are completely omitted, and instead of them the canons of the forefeast or holiday are sung, while in the period from St. Thomas week to the week of All Saints, the canons of the Colored Triodion are sung.

On Saturday, the canon of the church of a saint is not sung, if there is a commemoration of two saints: then we sing the canon: to the first saint with the Irmos at 6; the second saint at 4; and the canon Octoechos is martyred on 4. Also, the canon of the temple saint is not sung if the saint’s memory occurs with a doxology, polyeleos or vigil: then, instead of the canon of the temple saint, the canon of the Theotokos is sung. But the canon of a temple dedicated to the Lord or the Most Holy Theotokos is not omitted in these cases.

At daily matins, each of the songs of the canon is not concluded by the irmos of katavasia, as on holidays, but, instead of katavasia, the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 9th songs are covered by the singing of the irmos of the last canon from among those that are supposed to be sung on given day.

After the 3rd song of the canon and the small litany, there follows the sedal of the Menaion, Glory, and now, the Theotokos. After the 6th song and litany, kontakion and ikos, if there are, if not, then the kontakion is taken from the General Menaion. After the 8th song, the following is proclaimed: “Let us exalt the Mother of God and the Mother of Light in songs” and “The Most Honest” is sung, except on days when this singing is canceled according to the rules.

After the 9th song, at daily matins, “It is worthy to eat, as in truth” is usually sung and a bow is made to the ground, except on Saturdays, after which the small litany follows. Then follows the luminary, the charter of which is indicated in the 16th chapter of the Typikon. At daily matins, the luminary octoechus is read on the day of the week, Glory, and now, the Theotokos. If there is a luminary for a saint in the Menaion, then it is read on “Glory” after the daylight luminary Octoechos, “and now,” the Theotokos. If it is Wednesday or Friday, then Octoechos is the Holy Cross. On Saturday, first the luminary of Menaion, then “Glory”, the luminary of Octoechos, “and now”, the Theotokos. On the days of the forefeast and afterfeast of the holy luminaries, “Glory even now,” the luminaries of the forefeast or feast. “Lamps of the day throughout the whole week” are placed at the end of the Octoechos.

After the luminary there follows the reading of the Psalms of Praise: “ Praise the Lord from heaven» Ps. 148, " Sing to the Lord» Ps. 149 and " Praise God» Ps. 150. At daily matins, for the most part, there are no stichera for praise, then at the end of the reading of the psalms the priest exclaims: “ Glory befits you, O Lord our God, and we send up glory to you, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.. Reader: Amen" Then the priest says: “ Glory to You, who showed us the light", and a doxology is read, beginning with the words: " Gloria..." which is somewhat different from the "Great Doxology" that is sung at festive matins. Then, after the doxology, the Litany of Petition is pronounced “ Let us fulfill our morning prayer to the Lord"with the usual exclamations after it, as at festive matins, and then the stichera are sung on the stichera with the refrains indicated in the Book of Hours (the same every day). These stichera, which usually glorify St. martyrs, or the sufferings of the Lord on the cross, are placed on each day in the Octoechos in a row. They end with “Glory and Now” and the Theotokos or Mother of the Cross. Then it reads: “ It is good to confess to the Lord,” Trisagion By "Our Father", and after an exclamation the troparion is sung, Glory, and now, the Theotokos (or the troparion of the forefeast or feast) or the Theotokos of the Cross. Then a special litany is pronounced “ Have mercy on us, O God, according to Your great mercy" with her usual exclamation: " For God is merciful and lover of mankind..." Exclaims: " Wisdom", face: " Bless", priest: " Blessed be Christ our God..." Lik: " Amen. Confirm, O God, the holy Orthodox faith..." and after this, without the dismissal of Matins, the First Hour is read immediately, at the end of which the great dismissal is pronounced.

Matins according to Tertullian All the more so in the 3rd century. At the expense of agape, purely “verbal,” “mental” service to God should have come forward. And since the evening of the day was occupied by the Agape Divine Service, a service of this type and nature was confined to the morning and developed into quite

Matins according to the “Testament” From other monuments of the 3rd century. We find news about the morning service only in the “Testament of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Here the full and rather complex rite of Matins is given. About the morning service under the name of “doxology at dawn” (collaudatio aurorae)

Episcopal Matins “Testament” “From the first dawn,” the Testament instructs, “the bishop gathers the people to perform the service until sunrise. For the first doxology at dawn, he, surrounded by the upcoming elders, deacons and others (clergy), says:

Proclamation of the deacon (deacon's matins) But it should be noted that the stated rite of matins, with which the liturgy of the catechumens merged, is not complete: since it is placed in the section on the duties of the bishop, it gives only the prayers and exclamations of the bishop. In another section of “Wills”,

Presbyterian or weekday matins according to the “Testament” The presented rite of morning worship, according to the “Testament”, is the episcopal rite itself. Apparently, it was carried out only in holidays, since the “Testament” also gives another rite for this service,

Midnight Office and Matins for Widows According to the “Testament” Appointing for each degree of clergy its own service, more particularly its own matins, the “Testament” gives a special rite of such matins for widows, the main (p. 91) representatives (“presbyters”) of women’s church service, and together and that asceticism

Song Matins Matins in Sofia of Constantinople in the 12th century, according to the Russian traveler, “first they sing before the royal doors in the vestibule, and when they come out they sing in the middle of the church, and the doors of heaven will open, and the third they sing at the altar.” According to the description of Simeon of Thessalonica, the song

Matins We begin the Six Psalms, listening with all silence and tenderness; the reading brother with reverence and fear of God says: Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will among people. (3) Lord, You will open my mouth and my mouth will declare Your praise. (2) Psalm

Matins 1_Blessed is our God..._S_S_23.9_Often omitted in parish churches 2_Double Psalms_H S_H S_22.9_3_Glory of the Saints..._S_S__4_Six Psalms_H_S_9.7_According to the instructions of the Typikon, read by the primate_Morning prayers_S_S_9_5_Great Litany_D L S_S_9_ 6_God the Lord with verses_D_CH S_9_In the voice

Matins 1_Six Psalms_Ch_Ch_2_According to the instructions of the Typikon, read by the primate. _Morning prayers_S_S_2_2_Great Litany_D L S_S_2_3_God the Lord with verses_D_H S_2_In the voice of the week. According to the law. Typ., proclaimed by the canonarch. _Troparia on God the Lord_L_O M_2,48,52_T: Vsk voice x2 (O); Glory: M, And now: B

4. Matins in the 4th century Silvia-Eteria describes the Daily Matins in the Church of the Resurrection very briefly: “At dawn, morning songs begin. And then the bishop comes...” - i.e. the beginning of Matins is celebrated without a bishop: by priests or deacons for the monastics,

Matins Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men (three times). Lord, you opened my mouth, and my mouth will proclaim Your praise (twice). And the Six Psalms are read. The priest before St. reads morning prayers by the door

8. Daily Vespers Daily Vespers is celebrated on the eve of those days on which neither a great nor an average holiday will occur; it is performed on weekdays, as well as on the eve of minor holidays of the first category of “sixfold” and partly on the eve of minor holidays of the first

Lenten Matins It begins in the same way as an ordinary daily one, with the only peculiarity that at the beginning, before the psalms, not only “Come, let us worship,” but “Holy God” according to “Our Father” is read. Instead of “God is the Lord”, “Alleluia” is sung, and instead of the troparion to the saint -

Matins see: Services of the daily circle; Morning

Matins The second part of the all-night vigil - Matins - reminds us of the times of the New Testament: the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ into the world for our salvation and His glorious Resurrection. The beginning of Matins directly points us to the Nativity of Christ. It begins with the praise of the angels,


services of all levels:

simple, sixfold,

funeral service

is printed

Tobolsk, 1998.

Vespers service
Reader bareheaded
Deacon Small Litany
Choir "Quiet light"
Deacon Prokeimenon
Reader "Lord grant..."
Deacon Litany of Petition
Deacon Sublime Litany:
Deacon "Wisdom"
Choir "Master Bless"
Priest "Blessed are you..."
Choir "Amen". "God confirm..."

Follow-up of Matins

Choir Amen.
Reader Six Psalms
Reader Kathisma according to the charter.
Small Litany
Deacon Litany of Petition
Deacon The Great Litany
Deacon "Wisdom"
Choir "Bless"
Priest "Blessed be our God"
Choir "Amen." "God confirm..."
Reader 1st Hour.

Following the Sixfold Service.

The sixfold service differs from the daily service in that at Vespers the stichera on “I have cried to the Lord” are all taken from the Menaion (6 stichera), and at Matins they are omitted Martyred - in the sedals and on the canon.

The first Canon is read from the Octoechos without the martyrs with the Irmos at 4.

The second Canon is from Octoechos on 4.

The third Canon is from the Menaion on 6.

note. At the Sixth Service in Menaion there may be stichera on praises. In this case, they are read with verses from mark 4. After the Mother of God, “Glory befits You...” is not read, but immediately reads “Glory to You, who showed us the light...” and the daily doxology.

Following the Doxological Service.

The entire service is performed according to the Menaion, except for the canon. The canon is taken from the Octoechos and Menaion.

The doxological service before the singing of the stichera on the praises according to the scheme no different from the Sixth.

Features of the Doxological Service at Vespers

1. . On “Lord I cried” to “and now” the Theotokos (dogmatist) from the 1st appendix of the Menaion is sung in the voice of “Glory”.

2. The Holy Cross is not used at the doxological service.

3. The stichera on the verse are taken from the Menaion, with the refrains of the saint indicated in the Menaion. “Glory” of the menaion, “and now” along with or II appendix of the menaion.

At Matins.

1. On God the Lord on “And now” the Resurrection of the Theotokos from the 3rd appendix of the Menaion is sung according to the voice of “Glory” or troparion.

2. After the kathismas there is the Small Litany “Packs and Packs”, the exclamation of the Priest - “Like your power...”.

3. The sedals of the Saint are taken from the Menaion.

4. The canon reads: 1st from Octoechos with Irmos at 4, without martyrs,

2nd from Octoechos on 4,

3rd from Menaia at 6.

Festive chaos for every song.

5. According to the 9th pesei, “It is worthy to eat” is not sung; after the chaos, the Small Litany is immediately performed.

6. Exapostilary Octoechos, “Glory” of the Svetilen from the Menaion, “And Now” the Theotokos in a row from the Menaion.

Choir Stichera on Praise to the Saint from the Menaion, on “And now” the Theotokos on the row (or from the 2nd appendix) on “And now” the Royal Doors are opened.
Priest “Glory to you who showed us the light...”
Choir Great Doxology Troparion to the Saint, “Glory, even now” – Theotokos is risen from the 3rd appendix according to the voice of the troparion.
Deacon The Great Litany
Deacon Litany of Petition
Deacon "Wisdom"
Choir "Bless"
Priest Sy blessed
Choir "Amen". God confirm.
Priest Most Holy Theotokos save us.
Choir "The most honorable Cherub..."
Priest Glory to Thee, Christ God, our hope, glory to Thee.
Choir Glory to this day. Lord have mercy 3 times. Bless.
Priest Vacation (full).
Choir “Many years” of the “Great Master...”
Reader 1st Hour.

At the Liturgy.

Fine songs are sung

at the entrance - troparia: "Apostles, martyrs..."

"Lord remember..."

"Glory", kontakion "Rest with the saints..."

“And now,” the Mother of God, “To you is the wall and refuge of the imams...”

Prokeimenon, Apostle, Gospel, Alleluary and Sacrament- private and mortuary.

Features of worship on Saturday
2, 3 and 4 weeks of Great Lent.


Vespers is celebrated in the morning in conjunction with the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, according to the Lenten rite.

In the evening, Great Compline and funeral Matins are celebrated.

Great Compline is read quickly, without interruptions.

According to the 1st Trisagion the troparia are read:

"Apostles, martyrs and prophets..."

"Glory" - "Remember, Lord..."

“And now” – “Holy Mother...”

According to the 2nd Trisagion:

along with “Have mercy on us, Lord...”, etc.

According to the Daily Doxology, the canon for the departed is read in the present voice, printed in the Octoechos after Matins.

According to the 3rd Trisagion:

Kontakion: "Rest with the saints..."

At the end there is a Small Dismissal (and not the prayer “Master is Most Merciful...”) and the usual rite of forgiveness.


Matins begins with two psalms (in practice, without two psalms, immediately with the exclamation “Glory to the Holy Ones, Consubstantial and Inseparable...”).

Matins takes place in chapter 49. Typikon: "On Saturday 2nd of the fast at Matins." This service is in every way similar to the funeral service performed according to Chapter 13. Typicon. It differs only in the reading of the canon, because from the Triodi one is supposed to sing the four songs (6, 7, 8 and 9 songs each).

The canon reads as follows:

In the Church of the Lord and the Virgin Mary:

Temple canon with Irmos at 6.

St. from Menaion on 4.

It begins with the 6th song, the canon of the temple is left and the canon of St. is sung first. from Menaion, and then the Four Songs from Triodion.

In the temple of the saint:

St. from Menaion with Irmos at 6.

St. Church at 4.

Starting from the 6th song, the canon of the temple is abandoned and the canon of the Menaion is sung first, and then the Four Songs.

Funeral service
on Meat and Trinity Saturdays.

In their structure and scheme, these services are not much different from the usual funeral services performed according to Chapter 13. Typicon.

The charter on the performance of these services is in Chapter 49. Typicon, page 394 overleaf.

Comparing these services with the funeral service performed according to Chapter 13. Typicon, the following can be noted characteristic differences:

I. On “Lord I cried” to “Glory” - the stichera of Chapter 8 is sung: “I cry and sob...”.

II. Instead of the daily prokeimna, the deacon says “Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia,” ch. 8 with verses

1) “Blessed are you, whom the Lord has chosen and accepted.” “Their memory will last forever” (two verses together)

2) “Their souls will dwell in good things”

Choir: 3x3 sings Alleluia.

III. According to “Now you let go...” at Vespers and according to “This is Good” at Matins, the troparion of Chapter 8 is sung.

"The depth of wisdom..."

IV. Instead of “God is the Lord,” Alleluia 8 is sung in the same way.

Troparion "With the depth of wisdom..." 2 times

“Glory, even now,” “To you both a wall and a refuge...”

V. Reading the canon:

1) Canon of the temple (of the Lord or the Mother of God or a saint) with an irmos at 6.

2) Canon of Triodion on 8.

To the troparions of the Triodion canon – the refrain: “Rest, O Lord, to the souls of Thy servants who have fallen asleep.” The second song in a row in the Triodion is also sung. Katavasia Triodion for each song “Let us pour out a song to the people...”. “It is worthy to eat” is not sung.

In practice, most often only the canon of the Triodion is read. Irmos are ordinary funeral ones, chapter 6: “As Israel walked on dry ground...” (found in the Sunday service, chapter 6). As a rule, the canon is read by clergy in the middle of the temple. The choruses “Peace, Lord, souls...” the choir sings. The clergy enter the altar after reading the luminary with the Mother of God from the Triodion. (All the time from leaving the altar according to the 16th kathisma and until the reading of the lamp they are in the middle of the temple).

VI. On the clock: "With the depth of wisdom..."

According to the trisagion kontakion: "Rest with the saints..."

VII. Troparion at the Liturgy:

“With the depth of wisdom...”, “Glory” - “Rest with the saints...”, “And now” - “To you both a wall and a refuge...”

One funeral prokeimenon, two readings according to the Typikon.

VIII. On Trinity Parent Saturday, instead of “By seeing the true light...”, the troparion “By the depth of wisdom...” is sung.

On lithium

(the deacons take the blessing for censing from the High Place before the clergy enters the middle)

Incense is not performed in the Altar

a) Iconostasis (right and left parts)

b) Icon on a lectern, in the middle of the temple

c) Primate and those present (from the middle of the temple)

d) Choirs and people (from the pulpit)

e) The Royal Doors and local icons

e) Icons on the lectern

g) Primate


services of all levels:

simple, sixfold,

doxology, polyeleos, all-night vigil and

funeral service

is printed

with the blessing of His Grace Demetrius

Bishop of Tobolsk and Tyumen,

Rector of Tobolsk Theological Seminary

Following the daily service................................................... ....... 3

Following the sixfold service................................................... ..... 7

Follow-up of the doxological service................................................... .... 7

Follow-up of the polyeleous service................................................................... ..... 9

Consequence of the All-Night Vigil................................................................... ........12

The order of combining the all-night vigil with the services of the saints of all

ranks........................................................ ........................................................ 16

Funeral service (Parastas) .................................................... ... 17

Features of worship on Saturday of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks of the Great

Post......................................................... ........................................................ ..... …..20

Funeral service on Meat and Trinity Saturdays..... .21

The order of censing on All-night vigil and at the Liturgy................... 22

The diagrams were prepared by the teacher of the Tobolsk Theological Seminary, Hegumen Photius (Evtikheev)

Tobolsk, 1998.

Following the daily service

Clergy and clergy Vespers service
Priest The priest, at the end of the 9th hour, having put on a phelonion, opening the curtain, leaves the altar, stands in front of the Royal Doors, after three bows, proclaims “Blessed is our God...”
Reader "Amen". “Come, let us worship...” – 3 times. PSALM 103. "Glory; And now." "Hallelujah" - 3 times. While reading Psalm 103, the priest in front of the Royal Doors, bareheaded, secretly reads the 7 sanctuary prayers.
Kathisma (begins immediately without singing “Lord, have mercy”)
Deacon Small Litany
Choir “Lord, I cried...” "May my prayer be corrected..."
Reader “Lord, put it with my mouth...”, to stichera on 6. (If you have committed iniquity).
Choir Stichera on 6 (3 Octoechos and 3 Menaions) (after the verse “If you have seen iniquity...”). Note. If there are 2 saints, then the stichera are only from the Menaion. “Glory” - stichera to the saint (if there is one) “And now” - Theotokos according to the voice of glory from the 2nd appendix of the Menaion. If not for “Glory” to the Saint, then “Glory even now” is the Theotokos according to the voice of the stichera, on Tuesdays and Thursday evenings the Theotokos of the Cross.
Choir "Quiet light"
Deacon Prokeimenon
Reader "Lord grant..."
Deacon Litany of Petition
Choir Stichera on verse. Poems for stichera from the Book of Hours. “Glory”: of the Saint (if there is one), “And now”: Theotokos from the 2nd appendix according to the voice of “Glory”. On Wednesday and Friday the Holy Cross.
Reader “Now you let go...”, Trisagion after “Our Father...”
Choir Troparion to the Saint from the Menaion “Glory even now”: Theotokos from the 4th appendix of the Menaion according to the voice of the troparion to the Saint. Note: If there are two saints, then: troparion to the 1st saint, “Glory...” troparion to the 2nd saint, “And now...”: Theotokos from the 4th appendix of the Menaion according to the voice of glory.
Deacon Sublime Litany:
Deacon "Wisdom"
Choir "Master Bless"
Priest "Blessed are you..."
Choir "Amen". "God confirm..."

Follow-up of Matins

Priest "Glory to the Holy, and Consubstantial, and Life-Giving, and Indivisible Trinity, always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages." (The priest speaks this exclamation in front of the throne, putting on the Felonion, and making the cross with a censer).
Choir Amen.
Reader Six Psalms
Deacon Peaceful Litany. "God is Lord"
Choir “Troparion to the Saint” (2 times) “Glory, even now”: Theotokos from the 4th appendix of the Menaion according to the voice of the troparion. Note. If there are two saints, then the troparion to the 1st saint (2 times), “Glory.”: the troparion to the 2nd saint, “And now...”: Theotokos from the 4th appendix of the Menaion according to the voice of “Glory.”
Reader Kathisma according to the charter.
Reader “Lord have mercy” (3 times), Sedalny Oktoeha.
Choir “Lord have mercy” (3 times), “Glory...”
Reader Canon on weekdays there are 3 canons: two from the Octoechos, one from the Menaion to the Saint. If there are two canons in the Menaion, then one canon from the Octoechos is omitted. At daily matins, 3, 6, 8, 9 songs are sung. For the chaos comes the irmos of the last canon.
Reader According to the 3rd song of Sedalen to the Saint from Menaion; if there are 2 saints, then the Sedal Saint is preceded by a kontakion and an ikos of the 2nd saint.
Reader According to the 6th song of Kontakion (ikos, if available)
Choir Catavasia on the 9th song, and immediately: “It is worthy to eat.”
Small Litany
Reader Exapostilary (or exapostilary and luminous). (Exapostilary at the end of the Octoechos on the row. Illuminated in the Menaion)
Reader Psalms of praise: “Praise the Lord from heaven” and daily praise
Deacon Litany of Petition
Choir Stichera on verse. “Glory be even now...”: Theotokos on a row. Note. If on “Glory” there are stichera to the Saint, then on “And Now” there is the Theotokos from the 2nd appendix (according to the voice of Glory).
Reader “There is good” Trisagion according to “Our Father”
Choir Troparion to the Saint, “Glory, even now” – Theotokos. Note. If there are 2 Saints, then the troparion to the Saint, “Glory...” troparion to the 2nd Saint, “And now” the Theotokos “at the end of Matins” from the 4th appendix of the Menaion or according to the Book of Hours.
Deacon The Great Litany
Deacon "Wisdom"
Choir "Bless"
Priest "Blessed be our God"
Choir "Amen." "God confirm..."
Reader 1st Hour.
Priest Full dismissal (for the doxological service and above, the dismissal after the 1st hour is small, since the full dismissal is pronounced after Matins)
Choir Many years (after the Little Dismissal, Lord have mercy (3 times)). “Confirmation of those who hope for You...”
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