Large size corrugated paper flowers. Flowers from corrugated paper: making it yourself and using it in design (80 photos). Corrugated paper hyacinths - tender as spring

Paper flowers can liven up any space and become a great addition to interior and exterior decoration. Paper buds are used to decorate wedding arches, areas for themed photo shoots, and corrugated paper compositions are used for a sweet design. You can also create masterpieces from corrugated paper with your own hands.

Flower decoration

Often there is a need to solemnly arrange a room for celebrating an event. Joint corporate meetings, family celebrations or photo shoot studios require a special atmosphere. To do this, it is advisable to use compositions that will not wither and will not fail at the most inopportune moment - paper flowers. They are versatile and unpretentious.

Experienced designers are ready to offer a lot of options, where every little thing will fall into place, and the space organization project will simply stun. However, in the modern world, needlework has captivated creative people so much that entire communities of craftswomen will be happy to share the secrets of creating flowers. Today it will not be difficult to find a master class where schemes and patterns of paper flowers will be provided. With your own hands, creating paper flowers that will act as a decor is easy and fun if you follow the instructions.

Corrugated paper

So, consider the options for bouquets that can be created using a paper web. For souvenir products, craftswomen use ordinary office paper, crepe or corrugated, special floristic products.

Paper glades are so popular that there is an entire industry of making special devices to make flowers look like real flowers. For example, the color scheme of corrugated paper is striking in its variety. Lilac shades are so ideal for creating violet inflorescences that it is difficult for the eye to distinguish them from natural ones. Pink and red tones can perfectly recreate any variety of the queen of the garden - roses.

Novice craftswomen should pay attention to the paper weight.... There is a very thin corrugated paper. It is intended mainly for children's creativity or for novice craftswomen as educational material. Real masterpieces are made of thick, high-quality, well-toned paper. It springs beautifully and takes the shape of a petal set by the craftswoman.

From office paper

Ordinary white sheets can also be used to make cute flower decorations.... Let's say beautiful calla lilies, chrysanthemums or chamomile will look delightful from snow-white high-quality A4 paper. One has only to show imagination, as the pieces of cut stripes come to life and become petals.

The advantage of such paper is that it holds its shape well. This means that the inflorescences will look original and solid in the interior. Another plus we find in the ability to create large leaves that do not wrinkle. Colored office paper also comes in a variety of shades. Delicate pinks or reds in bright colors combined with classic snow-white have often been seen recently in decorating wedding events.

You can glean a lot of ideas by looking at photos of ready-made holiday designs.... We meet such voluminous flowers in the design of arches, chairs, as additional accessories on the table - holders for napkins, stems of glasses, name plates for guests are decorated with them.

Ideas and embodiment of a gift from paper flowers

Today, sweets decorated in floral arrangements have become popular..

In this regard, a whole direction in paper art appeared - sweet design. Each candy can be wrapped in a paper flower. It will be an original sweet bud that will win the heart of any woman. It is very good to present such gifts on March 8, birthday. The hostess of the house who receives guests will also be delighted with such a surprise.

Idea number 1

For example, you can create a bouquet in a basket. A wicker basket with flowers, in which your favorite pastries will become a highlight, will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.

You can buy a basket ready-made and put roses or peonies in it. The basket can also be woven by yourself... There are many workshops on weaving crockery from vines or newspaper tubes. If there is no time to master many techniques at one time, then you should use a ready-made option.

Idea number 2

This method is considered the most simple and relatively budgetary. You can decorate a box of chocolates from the store with flowers that you made yourself. To do this, you just need to buy a few very good candies and create buds of your favorite colors with them.... After that, glue the buds to the box, forming an appropriate composition. You can plant calla lilies or tulips around the edge of the box as a frame. The main composition in the corner will look good, and on the opposite side there will be echoes of motifs in the form of buds that have not yet opened.

In the same way, you can decorate even an ordinary chocolate bar, and it will turn into a surprise made with a soul. And if you add more charm with the help of a beautiful personalized package, and choose the chocolate itself from elite varieties, then the product can even serve as a full-fledged gift.

Preparation and creation process

First, you need to take care that you have the right materials at hand, from which the flower will be created. And it is equally important to prepare the tools with which the parts will be made and the petals will be assembled.

So, let's take a closer look at how to make a flower out of paper with your own hands.


  • corrugated paper of the desired color;
  • PVA glue;
  • scotch tape (double-sided can be used);
  • glue gun;
  • threads;
  • toothpicks or wooden skewers;
  • favorite sweets.

These materials should always be at hand if you are thinking of getting to know paper flower art. This is an elementary minimum set with which you can make a classic bud. If the goal is to create masterpieces of a more complex level, then you will have to stock up on special tools that are sold in specialized stores for craftswomen.

Working process:

  1. It is necessary to decide what kind of flower you want to create, and consider whether all the tools and materials are available for this. When creating roses, chrysanthemums or chamomile, you will use paper of different colors and densities. Thinking over the mounts, you need to understand whether there are enough tools for the job.
  2. Create a template for cutting flowers from corrugated paper. Often, experienced craftswomen, achieving realism, can disassemble a live peony or tulip into petals and transfer them to cardboard. This method helps a lot to achieve a high level. This is done when working with fabric colors. It is better to immediately transfer the contours of a delicate natural petal to thick cardboard so that later you do not have to spoil the fresh flowers, and the pattern served for a long time.
  3. After preparing the layouts, you can start cutting out the petals from paper. It is worth paying attention to the location of the paper web. Arrange the petals strictly along the folds. This is the only way then it will be possible to model, stretch the sheet across, giving it a bulge. If you cut the blanks, placing them incorrectly, then they will have to be thrown away, from them it will not be possible to create the necessary parts.
  4. After the preparatory process, we proceed to assembling the bud.
  5. The candy is the center of the composition. If you are making a flower on a stem, then use a skewer or a toothpick for this, so that later you can put the flower in a vase or basket. If the bud is made just to stick it to the surface, you can also use a thin toothpick or shape the bud around the candy by tightening it at the base with a thread.
  6. First, we glue the middle of small petals, if it is a rose or a peony, and then move on to large ones.
  7. You can attach the petals with PVA glue or a glue gun. It is convenient to use double-sided tape and attach petals to it one by one at the base of the bud. The same can be done with a thread, tightening the details. In the process of creativity, you will understand which method is most convenient.
  8. Use ready-made paper flowers in bouquets, as your fantasy tells you.

Flowers from corrugated paper with candies must be well collected so that they do not disintegrate before delivery... This gift must be made mobile.

It is important that the candy from the bud is pulled out with some effort, but this should be possible. The problem is if it is unrealistic to get the candy out of the flower without damaging it, since the decorative composition itself will still serve to decorate the interior or the table. A craftswoman who has put work and soul into the product is unlikely to want the life of a carefully created bouquet to last only until the moment of eating sweets from it.

Pay attention to the expiration date of the candy. The flowers themselves do not fade - this is a huge plus, but confectionery loses its freshness. The creation of a composition can take some time if you are a beginner, and then a certain period passes before the gift is presented. Therefore, take care in advance so that sweets do not disappear in a beautiful bouquet.

If transportation is ahead, avoid fragile structures, it is better to stay on a simpler, but practical and transportable option.

Remember that all endeavors require patience. If the first works are not of very high quality, use a trick. Stock up on additional decor. Ribbons, braid, openwork lace, rhinestones, dried flowers - all this can be used in a composition to decorate or hide the first flaws. In the future, when you gain experience, all the shortcomings will be corrected.

Make your masterpieces with love! This will help convey the energy of warmth, care, a piece of the soul.

Useful Tips

Candy stand- ideal sweet gifts, created with your own hands, which can be presented to anyone: a woman, a child, and a man, and for almost any occasion or even just for no reason.

Read also:

Original bouquets are pleasing to the eye. Later you can take them apart and eat the candies. A bouquet of sweets is not a simple banal gift, but a real surprise that will always be unique.

Candy bouquets for beginners

The simplest candy bouquet can be made using plastic bottle, which needs to be taken as a basis. Thanks to the elongated round shape of the bottle, an original "bouquet" of pineapple can be obtained from it.

For work we need:

- Plastic bottle (better pot-bellied for 1.5 liters)

Glue or glue gun

Green corrugated paper

- Round candies in a golden wrapper

Let's get to work:

Prepare a suitable bottle as a base for your bouquet. The bottle should be pot-bellied, but if you can't find one, use a regular bottle. 1.5 liter plastic bottle and cut it into two parts, about 1/3 and 2/3, and insert the lower part inside the upper one. Before that, cut off the extra piece from the bottom. This will allow you to make the base less elongated and shorter:

When the base is ready glue it with candies in even rows... It is better to take large round-shaped candies, but any others are possible.

Cut out the leaves of the future pineapple from corrugated paper and insert them into the neck of the bottle, as shown in the photo. Your pineapple bouquet is ready!

A very simple bouquet of flowers can be made using corrugated paper. This type of paper is ideal for a variety of crafts, as it folds and sticks easily and has a rough texture.

For work we need:

Shiny Foil Candy

Corrugated paper in red and white

Wooden skewers


-- Scotch

Let's get to work:

Fill the pot tightly foam... Cut the paper into squares of the desired size, in the photo approximately 10 by 10 centimeters.

Pierce the center of the square with a skewer and crush the paper to make a flower, as shown in the photo. Then secure the base of the flower with tape. Better if the adhesive tape will be the same color as the paper... You can also use green tape wrapping around the base of the flower and the skewer. Get a leg.

Put candy on the sharp end of the skewer, and then stick the skewers into the styrofoam pot. Without the red flower paper, it would look like this:

In the end, you should get something like this basket with red flowers:

Wrap the pot light corrugated paper and tie it up with a red ribbon.

Another simple but cute bunch of flowers can be made using wire and oilcloth.

For work we need:

- Small plastic flower pot

Candy with two tails

Colored oilcloth and tape for packaging flowers

Long dense wire

Scissors and nippers

Green scotch

-- Styrofoam

Let's get to work:

1) Prepare the base: insert a colored oilcloth into the pot, and on top Lay the foam in a dense layer... You can cover the top of the foam with foil or paper so that it is not visible.

2) Prepare "twigs": for this, fasten on the wire three candies using scotch tape.

3) Each branch wrap with colored oilcloth, tie with a twisted ribbon for flowers.

4) Stick all the twigs into the base pot. Simplest a bouquet of sweets is ready!

Bouquet of candies: ship

Build candy boat not as difficult as it sounds. The algorithm is exactly the same as with ordinary bouquets: you need to prepare a base with foam, as well as candy blanks on skewers, decorated with foil or paper.

For work we need:

-- Candies

Skewers or toothpicks

Color wrapping paper for flowers

Wicker basket


Thick thread

-- Glue

Let's get to work:

1) Prepare a small elongated basket and cut out a suitable piece of styrofoam, securing it well inside the basket with glue.

2) Make blanks from short skewers or toothpicks, candy and colored paper.

3) Stick the candy skewers into the styrofoam so that the base is not visible. Elongated paper cones can be made in front and behind.

4) Make the masts of the ship out of long skewers and square or rectangular pieces of paper that will serve as sails. Decorate the top of the mast with paper flags.

5) Use a thread to fasten the bow of the ship and the mast.

Bouquet of sweets: tulips

This unusual bouquet of candy tulips can be made using ordinary gingham fabric and wire... You need to be patient and use a little imagination.

For work we need:

-- Candies

Pieces of fabric about 10 by 10 centimeters in pink, red and white colors

Piece of green felt for leaflets


Green scotch

- Skewers

Let's get to work:

1) We wrap the candies in a cloth so that it turns out tulip bud... If the candy has a flat base, you can take two candies as shown in the photo.

3) From below we stick a skewer and we tie the bud with scotch tape, wrapping the skewer to the end.

4) Cut out the leaves from green felt and attach them to the base of the bud with the same tape. The flower is ready.

5) Make the desired number of flowers from fabrics of different colors and collect them into one bouquet, tying it satin ribbon.

Bouquet of sweets: poppies

Very popular bouquets are made from sweets and artificial poppies... For this, corrugated paper and wooden skewers are also used.

For work we need:

-- Candies

Long skewers

Wicker basket

Styrofoam that fits in the basket


- Scotch tape and double-sided

Let's get to work:

1) First you need to prepare the flowers. To do this, wrap the candies in foil and attach a skewer to them. Cut out a rectangle from green paper and make on one side stamen incisions.

2) We wrap green paper with cuts around the base of the bud - it turns out the inside of the flower.

3) Cut out the petals. For each flower you need 4 pieces... Then each petal must be crumpled in your hands and straightened to create the effect of delicate poppy petals.

4) To the bottom of the petal glue a piece of double-sided tape, then wraps the petal around the bud. We do this with all the petals.

5) The result should be a poppy flower like this:

6) Making a green leg... To do this, cut out a thin strip of paper and glue a small piece of double-sided tape on the edge, then wrap the strip around the base of the flower and down to the end of the skewer. Paper in this case can be replaced with green tape.

7) Wrap the skewer paper in two layers to make the stem thicker. At the end, using the same tape, we fix the end. You can use glue instead of tape.

Patterns they look something like this on A4 sheet:

You can make a whole a basket of poppies with sweets:

Bouquet of candies: roses

The most popular flowers are roses... Like other flowers for candy bouquets, they are usually made from corrugated paper, the properties of which make it possible to make the perfect flower, as close as possible to the natural one.

For work we need:

-- Candies

Long skewers

Colored corrugated paper: red and green

Wicker basket

Styrofoam that fits in the basket


Additional decorations for the bouquet

-- Scotch

Let's get to work:

1) Secure the candies with tape on skewers. The number of chocolates depends on the size of your bouquet..

2) Cut out of red paper rose petals... These petals can be of different shapes, as in the photo. (You can see the size and shape of a natural flower).

3) To make the main bud, take rectangular sheet of the same red corrugated paper... Sizes may vary depending on the size of the future flower, but approximately 10 by 18 centimeters.

4) Using your fingers, stretch the middle of the sheet.

5) Wrap this sheet of candy on a skewer and secure at the base with tape.

6) Using tape, attach all the other petals to the base one at a time.

7) Spread and bend the petals down to form a rose flower, and so that you can see the candy inside the flower.

8) Wrap the base of the flower and the skewer green paper tape or green tape... The flower is ready. You can make roses of other colors and arrange them into a bouquet composition, adding additional details.

Bouquet of sweets: crocuses

Delicate multi-colored crocuses can also be easy to do with your own hands out of paper... A delicious candy can fit in the center.

For work we need:

-- Candies

Long skewers

Colored corrugated paper

For craftswomen who love all sorts of new creative ideas, as well as for hand-made beginners, we recommend making flowers from corrugated paper with their own hands - this incredible experience you can use in any holiday or everyday situation.

Big flowers can be put in a large vase, and they will significantly decorate and "revive" the interior. A surprise bouquet made of paper flowers with sweets can be presented for the birthday of a loved one or given to a baby with a sweet tooth.

With paper flowers you can decorate a living room or restaurant hall, they can be used as boutonnieres or make bouquets and artistic compositions from them.

Flowers made of corrugated paper will not wither like living plants and will not fade in the sun like plastic ones. Such light and natural material as paper is easy to process, does not cause allergies and does not harm the environment. It is pleasant to work with him both as adults and children.

All you need is several rolls of multicolored corrugated paper, scissors, glue, good mood and a step-by-step master class. We are armed with detailed instructions and are ready to teach you how to craft incredible bouquets in stages.

Paper flowers are the perfect decor for just about any holiday or event. If you learn how to make flowers yourself, it will be quite budget option for decorating the hall or making individual souvenirs for guests and visitors of the event.

Detailed photo instructions and our advice will help you make almost any paper flowers with your own hands. Corrugated paper the following flowering plants can be made that cannot be distinguished from the living:

  • tulips;
  • peonies;
  • roses;
  • chrysanthemums;
  • chamomile;
  • orchids;
  • and in general - any flowers.

The first flower - chrysanthemum corrugated paper easy to do even for beginners. Collect several sheets of paper in an accordion, and then fasten them with thread.

The following diagrams are remarkable in that you do not need to cut each petal separately, but just roll up a piece of corrugated paper and properly process the edge, according to the type of flower.

Try to do it yourself spring dandelion, tender carnation, lush peony or a touching chamomile.

For clarity, you can use templates for making paper flowers.

Ready petals will also help you craft the perfect paper flowers.

When creating incredible floral masterpieces, beginner hand-makers are very helpful. video tutorials with detailed comments from the masters.

How to make corrugated paper flowers for interior decoration?

Volumetric paper flowers often used when creating a festive room design.

They are hung from the ceiling, tied to the back of chairs and tables, decorated with walls and placed in huge vases.

Growth flowers will serve as an unforgettable attribute of the original photo session. And making these giant flowers is easy enough.

Huge white roses will become a wedding decoration and a chic detail for a festive photo zone. They can be made using a template.

Delicate and colorful spring flowers can be wall-mounted,arch or special screen.

How to make paper flowers: making bouquets

It is hardly possible to surprise with an ordinary bouquet today, but bouquet with candies hidden inside- this is a real surprise for those with a sweet tooth. If you know how to make flowers from corrugated paper, consider that you have already come up with an original and beautiful one or your loved ones.

Making a flower will not take you much time. And with the help of photos and detailed explanations, you will get wonderful english rose with candy inside.
We offer to study mk.

Crafts from paper flower often decorated with beads, leaves, decorative details... As a base - a vase or a small basket.

What other flowers can you make for the bouquet? Yes, any - it can be small pansies, exquisite orchids or delicate peonies.

I would like to dwell on the manufacture of peonies in more detail.

For work you will need:

  • corrugated white paper;
  • food coloring or watercolor;
  • water in a spray bottle;
  • round microwave bowl;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun (hot);
  • teip tape;
  • floral wire for a stem or an old element from an artificial flower.

  1. We take paper and cut out a petal.
  2. Turning the microwave bowl and fix a petal on it.
  3. We spray water from a spray bottle.
  4. Paint the petal paints of different shades.
  5. We put the bowl together with the petal in the microwave for 30 seconds or until it dries completely.
  6. Carefully remove the petal from the bowl. It will be concave.
  7. We prepare the wire or the old stem for gluing the petals.
  8. Attaching the middle and glue the petals around it.
  9. Decorate the stem with a tape.

Rose is a noble flower and at first glance it may seem that it is very difficult to do this miracle on your own. We will show you simple rose-making workshops from corrugated paper with your own hands step by step, and you will see that this mission is not only doable, but also very enjoyable.

Such a rose can be made with the child.

More large and lush roses you get it with this simple master class:

  1. A rather long strip must be cut out of corrugated paper (the larger the strip, the larger the bud will come out).
  2. We wind the paper around the wire- this will be the base of the bud. When winding the bud, each layer must be wound with glue.
  3. Cut out the petals of our future rose from paper - different in size and shape, so that the rose seems natural.
  4. Glue the petals to the base, apply glue on the underside of the petal.
  5. We use green paper to make sepals, which we glue to the base of the bud.

Another master class will tell you how you can beautifully pack a bouquet for a gift.

Video: how to make flowers from corrugated paper

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Thinking of what to give your friends for the next holiday? Are you going to present flowers and candies again? Combine these two attributes of the holiday into one gift and try to make a bouquet of candies with your own hands.

Delightful compositions of sweets, paper flowers, lush bows, ribbons and other decorative elements will become unforgettable gifts for your loved ones. Making them is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. To convince you of this, we have selected several detailed master classes on creating candy bouquets.

Elegant bouquet of poppies

Beauty can and should be created with your own hands. With the help of simple manipulations, ordinary candies can be easily transformed into a luxurious bouquet of poppies.

For work you will need:

  • 7 truffle-shaped sweets;
  • corrugated paper;
  • wide and narrow polypropylene tapes;
  • decorative mesh;
  • scissors and nippers;
  • floristic wire;
  • wooden skewer;
  • tape tape;
  • decorative greenery;
  • lush bow.
Divide each piece of wire into 4 equal pieces. Cut the thin ribbon into strips 25 cm long.

Cut 7 rectangles out of corrugated paper with sides about 18 * 12cm.

Cut out a trapezoid from each rectangle as in the photo.

Place the trapezoid on the rectangle, place the candy in the middle. Roll the paper tightly.

Insert the wire into the roll from the side of the base of the candy without piercing it. Wrap the paper around the wire and secure with tape.

Tie a ribbon around the roll near the top of the candy.

Straighten the edges of the paper to form poppy petals.

Prepare 6 more flowers in the same way.

Attach the resulting poppies to a wooden skewer with tape. Add greenery in random order between the flowers.

Wrap the flower blank with a net and tie a fluffy bow.

Simple tulip from Rafaello

A bouquet of tulips is a traditional gift for March 8th. However, their beauty fades quickly. To avoid disappointment, try making these elegant flowers with delicious chocolates.

For work you will need:

  • candies;
  • corrugated paper;
  • floristic wire;
  • scissors;
  • double sided tape;
  • threads;
  • tape tape.
Bend the end of the wire with a loop so as not to accidentally damage the candy.

Wrap it with duct tape and attach the candy.

Cut the paper into strips approximately 3 cm wide.

Cut each strip into 3 parts. Cut thinning in the middle of each strip, this will make the petals more realistic.

Twist the strip in the middle. And then fold it in half, stretching it slightly in the middle. Thus, make 2 more petals.

Wrap the finished petals around the candy, laying them on top of each other. Secure them with thread and cut off the ends. Wrap the base of the bud with tape for a more secure fix.

For the leaves you need 2 rectangles 10 * 3cm. Cut out the leaves of the desired shape from them, you can use a cardboard template.

Start wrapping tape around the wire.

Attach the leaves opposite each other and fix them with tape.

It turns out a beautiful tulip.

Make the rest of the flowers in the quantity you need using the same principle.

Sweet tulips can be collected in an elegant bouquet and decorated with ribbons, paper, bows - the perfect sweet gift is ready.

Easy-to-get candy tulip bud

If you are wondering how to get sweets from a flower without destroying the man-made beauty, be sure to check out this master class. Step-by-step pictures will tell you how to correctly assemble a tulip bud with candy.

You can also make beautiful flowers on wooden skewers. To collect them in a bouquet, it is better to use a convenient frame. It is easy to do it yourself from thick cardboard and a cylinder from foil or cling film.

See the photo for instructions on how to create such a stand.

Or you can make a cute bag, see the photo instructions:

Fantasy flower with a chocolate center

If you are afraid to start working on complex compositions, check out this mk. A detailed description and step-by-step photos will help even a beginner in sweet design create their first unusual flowers.

For work you will need:

  • chocolates without wrapper;
  • colored tissue paper;
  • scissors;
  • wooden skewers;
  • tape tape;
  • Scotch;
  • glue gun;
  • cardboard cylinder, for example, from foil or cling film;
  • transparent packaging film.
Cut the packaging film (it should be suitable for contact with food) into 15 * 15 cm squares. Pierce the chocolate candy with a skewer, wrap it with plastic and fix it with tape.

Cut out a large rectangle of tissue paper to fill its entire width. Roll it in several layers on a cardboard cylinder. On both sides slide the paper towards the center forming folds.

Pull out the cylinder carefully. Roll the resulting accordion into a bagel and cut off the excess paper.

Insert a candy on a stick into the ring. Tape the paper over the skewer.

Cut an oblong piece of green paper. Use a glue gun to glue it to the skewer.

Wrap tape around the stem of the flower.

As you can see, collecting such original flowers at home is not difficult at all. From them you can make a gorgeous bouquet that will definitely win the heart of any sweet tooth.


The rose is deservedly called the queen of flowers. Her elegance and grace deserve to be embodied in a sweet masterpiece. From corrugated paper and round candies, you can assemble an elegant rosebud.

Such exquisite flowers, collected in a beautiful candy bouquet, will be an excellent gift for an anniversary, wedding or for any occasion. The stages of making such a flower are presented in step-by-step photographs.

If you want to learn more about the technique of making a rose and drawing up a bouquet, watch a detailed video tutorial.

Organza-decorated candy bouquet

If you want to emphasize that it is a candy bouquet that you are giving, and not a floral arrangement made of corrugated paper, opt for the option with open candies. You can choose any sweets for him: toffee, lollipops, small chocolates. The main thing is that they are in beautiful wrappers, as this is part of the composition.

For work you will need:

  • Ferrero Roche sweets;
  • metallized and ordinary corrugated paper;
  • organza;
  • floristic wire;
  • double sided tape;
  • thin golden ribbon.
Cut out small rectangles from metallized paper according to the number of candies. Wrap the candies with them, covering half, roll the excess paper from the bottom.

Make a loop at the end of the wire, string the candy without piercing it, and fix it with tape. Wrap the entire length of the wire with duct tape and then paper tape.

Organza cut into squares about 20 * 20 cm (depending on the size of the candies) and fold each in half. Wrap the blanks with the resulting rectangles with the fold down and tie in the middle with a golden ribbon.

Now it remains to collect the bouquet. Fix the stems with tape so that the composition keeps its shape.

Wrap your masterpiece in corrugated paper, preferably in organza tone.

You can show your imagination and complement the bouquet with ribbons, bows or beads. To do this, cut off about 2 meters of organza, fold it up by 1/3 and wrap the bouquet (like wrapping a candy in small pieces of organza), tie it tight. Organza is obtained in 2 turns. You can add beads by placing them on hot glue, making "clips".

Pineapple from a bottle and Ferrero Roche candies

A bottle of champagne and a box of chocolates are the perfect gift for any occasion. Do you think this is corny and boring? Do you want to surprise your friends or win someone's heart? Spend a little time, show your imagination - and the usual gift set will turn into a cute pineapple. Even an absolute beginner in the design business can cope with such a culinary souvenir.

For work you will need:

  • a bottle with a drink;
  • Ferrero Roche candies or other round candies in a golden wrapper;
  • yellow sisal (palm fiber);
  • green tape of aspidistra;
  • glue gun;
  • leg-split.

Glue a layer of sisal to the bottom of the bottle.

Glue the first row of chocolates to it tightly to each other.

Glue the second row of sisal and candy, position them offset from the first row.

Continue to glue the bottle according to this pattern up to the neck. The last should be sisal.

Cut the pineapple leaves from the tape aspirids.

To do this, take 3 strips each 10 cm long and 15 cm long.

Fold each strip in half twice.

Cut off the corners from above, imitating a leaf.

Such gear blanks are obtained.

Tear them into separate leaves.

Glue 3 rows of small leaves to the top of the bottle, then 3 rows of large ones.

Wrap the bottom of the leaves with a tourniquet, dropping down to the sisal layer, secure with glue.

If you can't find aspirida, make leaflets crepe paper or felt.

Such a sweet handmade pineapple is not a shame to present for any holiday.

Strawberry berry

A round candy can magically turn into an appetizing strawberry. This will take very little time and materials. It is enough just to get acquainted with the photo of mk.

Still have questions? Watch a detailed video tutorial. In it you will surely find not only answers, but also a wonderful idea for a baby bouquet.

Bright sunflower

Do you want to surprise your loved ones with an original gift? Prepare for them an unusual sunflower from ordinary candies. Such a sweet flower will be a great and memorable gift.

For work you will need:

  • round candies in dark wrappers;
  • orange and green corrugated paper;
  • green organza;
  • toothpicks;
  • glue gun;
  • double sided tape;
  • stationery and manicure scissors;
  • Styrofoam;
  • knife cutter.
Cut out a circle the size of the sunflower you want from the thick foam. Cover the blank with green paper.

Cut a strip of orange paper long enough to cover three turns of the base. Stripe Width - the desired length of the petals.

Stick the strip to the base.

On each turn of the paper, alternately (on each layer) make transverse cuts.

Use a nail scissors to cut out the petals of the sunflower.

Fix the tails of the candies with double-sided tape so that they do not stick out. Glue the prepared candies to the base.

Cut small squares out of organza. Fold each in half and glue to half of a toothpick.

Insert the resulting nuts between the petals and the middle of the sunflower.

It's the turn of the green paper. Cut a strip out of it one turn around the base.

Cut it crosswise into pieces about 1.5 cm wide.

Cut out the petals, shape them with your fingers. Glue the resulting part to the base.

Bend each yellow petal slightly with your fingers and twist for more realism.

A wonderful sunflower is ready. As you can see, you can make it even without practice and special skills.

Another idea for a similar bouquet on a leg:

Bouquet in a vase

We offer another version of a sweet bouquet that can be made with your child. Such an interesting composition will delight mom, grandmother or sister on March 8 or birthday.

For work you will need:

  • candies in bright wrappers;
  • colored cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • wooden skewers;
  • green gouache or acrylic paint;
  • double sided tape;
  • glue gun;
  • opaque vase.
Paint the skewers green and let dry. On cardboard, draw the outline of the flower with 6 petals. You can use a cookie cutter as a template.

Cut out the blanks. Glue each flower to a dyed stick.

Stick the candies on cardboard blanks, make the middle contrasting.

Cut the petals out of green cardboard and glue to the skewers. It remains to put flowers in a vase. For more stability, you can first place a piece of styrofoam or flower foam in it, and then stick in the stems of the flowers.

Sweet chamomile

Cute field chamomile is another sweet present idea. She can please a woman of any age. You will be introduced to the process of assembling it in a detailed photo master class.

Christmas tree

The candy tree will be a great gift for the winter holidays. Bright and smart, it will definitely cheer up its lucky owner. You can stock up on sweets in bright candy wrappers in advance and arrange such sweet presents with your children in your free time.

A few ideas for inspiration

Now you know how to make a bouquet of sweets, and you can delight your loved ones with sweet creativity. Stock up on sweets, scrap materials and a good mood - sophisticated elegant compositions and very simple flowers will become wonderful gifts for your dear people.

Corrugated paper flowers are ideal not only for the beauty and decoration of the interior of your apartment, but also for a great gift. Roses, tulips, daisies, irises and more can give you a great mood and will delight you with their beauty for a long time.

The most important thing about corrugated flowers is their long-term life, since they do not require special care and will not fade like living ones.

You can arrange the composition, both in a single form, and in the form of a bouquet or basket. Nowadays, many people use these flowers as decoration for tables, walls, ceilings and decorations for various studios. The photos of corrugated paper flowers presented below are an illustrative example.

With a strong desire, you can not only buy finished products, but also learn how to make flowers yourself from corrugated paper with your own hands.

Tulips with sweets

Before you start creating beauty, prepare:

  • candies
  • corrugated paper (desired color)
  • Scotch
  • skewers (long) or wire
  • hot glue

We cut the paper into strips 20x2 cm in size. Twist each in the middle (we got two layers). We attach the candy to the skewer with tape.

Let's start assembling the tulip. We apply three strips to the candy and fix it with hot glue, first one layer, then another. Then, using the same method, we begin to overlay more strips in layers (the more, the more magnificent your flower will turn out)

Cut off a small amount of green paper 3-4 centimeters wide and wrap the base of the bud. Do not forget about the leaves (we cut narrow strips in the form of leaves and glue the base of the bud)

For a bouquet, you need to repeat all the steps as many flowers as you want. Do not forget about the splendor of the bouquet, add greenery (you can use green wrapping paper). And to add originality to the gift, use a wicker basket or a neat vase.

Large flowers are great for photographs, as well as decorating walls and various frames.

Big rose

You will need:

  • a roll of corrugated paper for a bud (you choose the color yourself) size 50x200
  • green corrugated paper roll (required for stalk and sepals)
  • scissors
  • hot glue
  • A4 paper a little time and patience is the most important thing

What are we doing?

We fold A4 paper into a tube using a pencil or a thin knitting needle. We get the stem of our flower. We unfold a roll of colored paper and fold it three times in half to make a rectangle, and then in half to get a square

We cut the resulting square with scissors on all sides of the fold and get 16 identical leaves that we need for the petals. Divide into two piles of 8 resulting sheets (squares) and work with each:

  • fold both stacks in half
  • from the first 8 we cut out half of the heart into the whole sheet, the remaining 8 according to the same principle, only less

Expand and get large and small petals. To give the shape of a real petal, you need to twist its tips, and stretch it to the sides and bend it with gentle, pressing movements.

We take a small petal and wrap it around the stem so that it does not fall off, fix it with glue. First we glue all the small petals, then the large ones (you need to glue at the bottom of the petal) In this way, we build them up and get a bud.

In order to make the sepals, we need a 25x25 green paper square. Fold it diagonally to make a triangle and start cutting from the fold side, and then make a small cut in the middle in the form of a cross. We put it on the stem and fix it with hot glue.

For the full beauty of our flower, a green stem is not enough. To do this, we take a sheet of paper of a given color, roll it up, retreat 1.5-2 centimeters from the end and cut it off. We dissolve the resulting ribbon and wrap our stem.

That's all, our rose has become a beautiful flower!

It is very easy to make flowers from corrugated paper to please yourself and your loved ones! And most importantly, in this creativity there is no limit to imagination and you can easily compose any composition of flowers, knowing the basics in execution.

Photo of flowers from corrugated paper

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