Long-leaf pines are the most beautiful varieties. Growing. Canary pine - an endemic with superpowers Pinus canariensis seedlings

The pride of the sunny island of Tenerife in Spain is Canary pine Pina Gordo. Its difference is that it belongs to a type of tree that grows exclusively in the Canary Islands.


The tree was located on solidified lava. Canary pine is endemic to the Canary Islands. At altitudes of 1200-2000 meters above sea level, a belt formed coniferous forests, which are located on the leeward side of the island.
The diameter of the Canarian pine is 3.16 meters. The height reaches up to 60 meters. This is the largest pine tree in the Canary Islands. An observation deck was built next to the tree especially for tourists. Scientists have calculated that the pine tree is several hundred thousand years old. However, this fact has not yet been proven.
Due to its size and age, pine attracts many tourists from all over the world. People come here to admire the “miracle” of nature.
The bark of the tree has a pyramidal shape, which makes it as similar as possible to spruce.
The tree is located in the city of Viferon and it is considered an important landmark of the city.


The Canary pine is so significant that the city authorities decided to depict it on the flag and coat of arms of Viferon. When tourists decide to spend their holidays in Tenerife, they should definitely visit the city and admire the majestic tree.
Coniferous forests adorn the heights of Tenerife. Young trees have bluish needles, while mature trees are shiny green. Based on these and other characteristics, the approximate age of the trees is determined.
From all other pine trees, Canary pine differs in the exceptional length of its needles, which reach up to 30 centimeters. Not two, but three needles are attached to the sinus (one of the main differences). Moisture accumulates on the needles, moistening the soil under the trees. Thanks to this, other plants grow well in the forest under these pines. They never need water. The tree cones are sessile on stalks up to 20 cm long. They have a brilliant brown color.

What's interestnig

Canary pine has managed to adapt to exist in anhydrous volcanic lava. The tree easily recovered from the fires that destroyed much of the vegetation on the island's heights.
The story tells that after the fire left only one burnt trunk, very soon the first young shoots appeared on the tree. Over the course of several years, the tree has become covered with greenery and there is little that reminds us of the fire. This is an amazing pine tree, it has invisible strength.
Pine wood is strong and fire-resistant, which is why it is considered a valuable material in construction.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Let's take a little break from the holidays and useful information and we will tell you about the features of the island of Tenerife. Here you can find many things that you cannot find anywhere else. Starting from the unique Canarian flavor and ending with rare endemic plants found only on the Canary Islands. We will return to the color and the Spaniards later, but now let’s talk about the pine forests of Tenerife, how they differ from ordinary ones and why the Canarians protect them so much.

Pine, Canary pine

Arriving in Tenerife, on one of the first days on the island, we went on a picnic. We wrote about this in more detail in. In addition to the picnic areas, which were cleverly designed and made for people, I was struck by the forest. There is no dense undergrowth, the ground is covered with a soft layer of pine needles, the pines are all straight, tall, similar to spruce.

Can you imagine a tree growing from a stone? You can see this here. Canary pines(lat. Pinus canariensis) they can take root on volcanic lava and still feel great - this is one of their features.

As mentioned above, the Canarian pine is considered endemic. You have already encountered this concept in previous articles and will see it more than once in new ones. It means that the plant has a limited growing area. For Canarian pine these are the islands,. Only here, at altitudes of 1200–2000 meters above sea level, are there ideal conditions for the growth of this type of tree.

The forest gave me a feeling of peace and comfort; in this feeling all my sorrows disappeared, the unpleasant were forgotten... Maxim Gorky

The features of Canarian pines do not end there: they are incredibly drought-resistant, the wood is fire-resistant, very strong, and the trees are easily restored after fires. All these qualities make Canarian pine valuable building material, but cutting it down has long been prohibited and is punishable by a large fine or even a prison term. Why is everything so serious?

The answer lies in one more thing unique property trees: moisture condensation. Canarian pine has very long needles (up to 30 cm) and moisture from the clouds condenses on these needles. The trees then release moisture through root system and moisten the soil for themselves and other plants.

But the point is not so much in moistening the soil, but in the fact that the water accumulating in the soil flows through underground channels into natural and artificially created reservoirs. This is how Canary pines create the only source of fresh water on the island (except for rain), and the locals call them the island’s waterers.

Tallest in the world

Typically the Canarian pine tree reaches up to 35 meters in height, but Tenerife is a unique island and boasts a unique pine tree! Its height is about 60 meters, the thickness at the base of the trunk is about three meters and it is rightfully considered the tallest Canary pine in the world.

The Canarians made it another attraction and equipped an observation deck near the pine tree. There we met enterprising sellers of souvenirs, however, not very cheap ones.

For entertainment near the largest Canary pine - a photo of the whole family hugging the tree trunk. There is also a small hollow at the base of the trunk, into which the bravest can stick their hand. There is even some belief that you need to make a wish, put a coin there and it will definitely come true - it’s almost like throwing a coin into a fountain.

It’s not worth planning a separate excursion for the big pine tree, but if you’re by car, you can plan a stop near it during your visit. By the way, you can “skip” it and not notice it if you are not careful, so at the entrance, look for the big one among the forest, it will be on the right side if you drive from the village of Vilaflor along the TF-21 highway towards Teide ().

There are so many amazing things Tenerife has to offer! We recommend that you definitely go on a picnic, breathe in the crystal clear air and see with your own eyes how Canarian pines differ from the ordinary ones that are more familiar to us.

Come visit, write comments and share your impressions of your vacation!

¡Adios, amigos!

The island of Tenerife is full of rare natural attractions - the Teide volcano, beaches with black volcanic sand, the dragon tree, secret “pirate” gorges and waterfalls, unprecedented endemic plants, marine flora and fauna, whales and dolphins - everything can be seen here. However, Canary pine deserves special attention, and here's why...

Unique wood species

Canary pine is an endemic tree that grows only on the Canary Islands, more powerful and larger than the usual pine. Largest quantity pine forests are located in Tenerife. When viewed from above, the island resembles a mountain of malachite - it is so densely covered with evergreen crowns. You can often see lonely pine trees growing in the so-called “lunar” landscape - valleys covered with solidified lava and fossils thrown out by the volcano. Pines grow well on the slopes of Teide, have a height of at least 30 meters, thicker bark, long silky needles and a special olive shade of green.

Similar forests can be seen on the islands of La Palma, La Gomera, Gran Canaria and Hierro. Canary pine is incredibly hardy, tolerates mountain climates well at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level or more, holding firmly almost to rocks, or more precisely, to volcanic lava. The Canarian pine receives a lot of sunlight, its crown stretches above the clouds, and in winter there is snow on it. The strongest winds do not bend its trunk. On its needles, the pine collects moisture from the winds blowing from the ocean, so the tree does not suffer from the dryness of the poor soil of Tenerife. Each tree lives on average 80 years, as do the owners of this land, the Spaniards...

Canarian pines have an amazing ability to recover after fire when the bark burns away; the trunk remains unharmed, and for this property the tree is called “phoenix”. Wood is actively used in construction; it is almost not subject to rotting or burning, and is very strong and durable. As you travel around the island, notice the carved balcony beams and supports reminiscent of gazebos. They are made specifically from pine. In Tenerife, such white houses with traditional dark brown balconies can be seen in every town.

Don't forget to buy souvenirs and crafts made from phoenix pine.

Healing properties

Tenerife, more than the other Canary Islands, is famous as a health resort. It is useful to spend time here for people of any age with nonspecific respiratory diseases, disorders of the nervous system and metabolism, cardiovascular, and kidney diseases. Just being in Tenerife and walking or jogging among the pine trees has a healing effect: it brings relief and can completely heal asthma, tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases. The needles and buds of Canarian pine are the most valuable medicine– analgesic, disinfectant, diuretic, choleretic, tonic. Decoctions for inhalation and pine baths treat persistent coughs, bronchitis, skin diseases, strengthen nervous system, help with gout and rheumatism.

Here are several recipes for medicinal compositions made from pine.

  • Bud decoction: mix 1 tablespoon of pine buds with 200 ml of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes and strain. Drink half a glass 3-4 times a day. For inhalation, use the same recipe, carefully breathe in the hot steam.
  • Infusion of pine needles: 30 grams of fresh pine needles are poured into 1 glass of boiling water, infused for about an hour and filtered. Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day, you can add sugar or honey.
  • Decoction for baths: boil 500 grams of fresh pine needles for 20 minutes in 5 liters of water, then strain and pour into the bath. Hot baths made from pine needles are good for inflammatory diseases of women reproductive organs and for various pains. 12 such baths make up a course of treatment.

Faith in miracles

On the way to the top of the volcano, be sure to make a stop in the town of Vilaflor. This is the highest mountain settlement in Spain, created by the Guanches (indigenous inhabitants of Tenerife) at an altitude of about 1400 meters above sea level and has a special attractiveness. On Tenerife, as on any island, there are problems with fresh water. Tap water can be cloudy and have an unpleasant taste, and bottled water is also often of poor quality. What does Vilaflor have to do with it, you ask? The point is that this the only place in Tenerife, where there is spring water gushing from the mountain depths, as well as a bottling plant for sale. Therefore, we advise you to look for the name “Vilaflor” on bottles of water in supermarkets. The same pure water local residents water the potatoes, almonds, oranges and grapes growing here. Vilaflor is home to Tenerife's best wineries, producing limited quantities of the white Malvasia wine for which the archipelago is famous.

It is in Vilaflora that a huge tract of pine forest begins and National Park, and near the settlement grows that same sacred Canary pine that fulfills wishes. Its size amazes the imagination; one gets dizzy when trying to see its top. This is the largest pine tree not only in Tenerife, but also in the entire Canary Islands archipelago - 45 meters in height and 11 meters in diameter. According to legend, it has been growing here for 200 years. She even has a name - Pino Gordo, which translates as “thick pine”. And indeed, only six or seven people, holding hands, will be able to grasp it.

"Pino Gordo" is easy to find, growing right next to the highway and clearly visible when approaching it. Access to the miracle tree is free, the entrance is directly from the parking lot on the highway. This is not a secret place, but still you won’t see a noisy crowd of tourists here, there are no signs of vandalism or inscriptions on the trunk. This magical place brings peace, people behave quietly, as if the pine tree really hears everything. The area around the pine tree has a small terrace and benches made of stones. This is one example of traditional Canarian masonry - black basalt stones are not held together by anything, but are stacked so tightly that they form a single whole. From here you have a beautiful view of the ocean and green slope. Here it is customary to sit down and relax a little, take a deep breath of the healing mountain air and think about your deepest desire.

If you forgot to take pen and paper with you, there will definitely be someone who will lend them to you. After writing your wish, stick your hand into the hollow and lower the note there. The hollow is located almost at the very roots, so even the smallest guests of the island can put a note on their own. Pine will fulfill any of your sincere desires!

How to get to Pino Gordo: highway TF 21, before reaching Vilaflor, about 40 minutes from the south of the island, about 1 hour 15 minutes from Santa Cruz.

on the world map, find the town of Vilaflor there.

One of the routes passes through it National Park to the volcano itself. Vilaflor is considered the highest mountain settlement not only in the Canaries, but throughout Spain and is located at an altitude of one thousand four hundred meters above sea level. The town was founded in the sixteenth century and is famous for its clean air and water.

Healing fresh air here not only because it is highlands, but also because there are pine trees all around, amazing trees world - Canarian pines with unusually long needles. The local forest area is the largest in the Canary Islands. On the outskirts of Vilaflor you can admire and take photos with one of the island's two most unique pine trees: Pino Gordo. In terms of height, the pine tree is comparable to a multi-story building (height 46 m, trunk in circumference 11.4 m), and only eight adults holding hands can grasp it. From the observation deck (mirador) near the Pino Gordo pine, a beautiful view opens up and from here you can go to the next, very famous attraction in Tenerife -.

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