How to permanently delete files. Recovering a deleted file or folder Using a restore point

Often, novice users delete necessary data from a laptop or accidentally lose it without knowing whether it is possible to recover deleted files, including those on the desktop, and how to do it. There may be quite simple situations where lost documents are literally a couple of clicks away, but there may also be more serious problems that require the use of special applications to solve.

Recovering from the Recycle Bin

All files after deletion while maintaining the standard computer settings fall into the so-called. Recycle Bin is a special folder on the desktop, by opening which you can easily restore any deleted information by highlighting the desired object and selecting the appropriate item in the menu. But files can be deleted permanently without being placed in the trash.

Inexperienced users often accidentally delete application shortcuts and documents from the desktop, believing that if they are gone, then the rest of the program has also been deleted entirely. In this case, many people do not know how to recover deleted files. This is very easy to do, even if the basket is empty. There are two options:

  1. Roll back the system to the nearest restore point;
  2. Find the program in the main menu of the Start button and drag the desired shortcuts to the desktop.

The second option is preferable, but if lost programs and documents have disappeared from the list of the main menu on the computer and you do not remember the directory in which they were installed, you will have to use the first.

If you are deciding how to recover a deleted folder from your desktop, and the erroneous action was performed recently, then you probably won’t even have to go to the Recycle Bin. Deletion can be canceled by simultaneously pressing hot Ctrl and Z.

Using a restore point

It is important to understand that rolling back to a previous restore point will not return the program, documents and files if they were deleted. In this way, only erased shortcuts on the desktop can be returned to their place. Here's how it's done using Windows 8 as an example:

A window will open in which, by default, you will be asked to restore to the most recent checkpoint. If necessary, you can specify any other existing restore point.

We use third-party applications

If data and documents with hard drive laptop has been completely deleted and cannot be returned using standard OS tools; you will have to use special utilities to restore deleted files. It is important to remember the main rule that increases the chances of successful data recovery - do not write anything to the disk partition that you will be working with later.

Recuva is a simple free utility

The most famous and simple application with which you can recover deleted files is . When installing, select the partition of the disk on which there is no data to be recovered. The principle of operation of Recuva and other similar utilities is approximately the same:

After the scan is completed, the recovery wizard will display on your desktop a list of all the lost documents that it was able to detect. Those that are marked with a green circle can be restored by the utility without any loss.. If the icon color is red, then this file most likely cannot be returned - a recording has already been made over it and most of the data and information about the file are completely lost.

All that remains is to select the files (you can use the corresponding function to search for specific photos and documents), select the directory to save and click “Recover”.

PhotoRec is another functional free utility

The name of the program should not be misleading. The utility recovers not only photos, but also most other types of files. Its advantage is that there is no need for installation - it can be downloaded from the office. site in the form of an archive, unpacked, after which you can work with it. This is an important property for such applications - the program can be immediately downloaded to a flash drive and worked with it.

The scheme for returning long-lost information is as follows:

  1. After launching PhotoRec, the main window immediately opens, in which the drive is selected in the top drop-down menu - you will have to work with it during data recovery. The program also works with img format images created in other applications.
  2. Below in the window there is a list in which you can select a full disk scan or individual sections.
  3. Below, you can set the file type to scan by clicking File Format. If you skip this step, the program will try to recover all accidentally deleted data that it can detect.
  4. You can specify a folder to save the recovered information by clicking the Browse button. In addition, in the File System type menu you will need to select a file system. If you are working in a Windows environment, check the second box. Ext 2-4 system is the standard for Linux.

Let's compare the considered applications

For novice users, the PhotoRec program is no less suitable than the above-described Recuva. It is more powerful - it often extracts data from the computer better, but it still has one unpleasant feature. Free PhotoRec does not allow you to view the found files after scanning and select something specific from them. This must be taken into account when working with large hard drives - if you do not specify in advance which files are to be restored, everything will be saved.

Above we discussed the simplest free applications for retrieving accidentally deleted information on the desktop or lost documents after formatting flash drives, hard drives and other media.

It is important that PhotoRec, unlike Recuva, is also a cross-platform utility, i.e., it can work in any operating environment.

There is no magic button that will easily and simply restore a deleted photo or VKontakte ava. More precisely, when you delete a photo, a link appears "Restore" in case the photo was deleted by mistake. But if you have already left there, read this instruction to the end.

Deleted photos disappear from your page, but remain on VKontakte servers. This does not mean, that it will be easier to recover a deleted photo (or avatar) and especially does not mean that anyone can look at your deleted photos. The fact is that it is easier for VKontakte owners not to delete photos completely, but only to remove them from the pages so that no one can find them.

Recovery methods

Despite the fact that the deleted photo is still somewhere out there, on one of the VKontakte servers, it is almost impossible to find it. To open this file, you need to know the exact link to it (many, many letters, numbers and at the end “.jpg”). Even if we knew part of this link, selecting the remaining options would take a very long time (longer than you might imagine).

Therefore, you need to try to take advantage of other, more realistic chances. The main thing is not to waste time.

Is there a photo left somewhere?

If it was a truly valuable photo or profile picture, then most likely it is somewhere else. For example, on your computer in a folder with photos, on your phone, somewhere on a disk or on a flash drive. Perhaps your boyfriend or girlfriend. If someone else made you an avatar, then that person probably still has it. One of your VKontakte friends can help you restore a deleted ava, if he liked it and saved it somewhere at home. Don't be shy to ask people!

A copy of the page in the Google search engine

If your page was open to everyone (or the album with the photo you were looking for was not closed), then the deleted photo could be saved in Google. From time to time, Google makes copies of all pages on the Internet and stores them for a while. This is called "in cache". There is a chance of recovery if not much time has passed since the deletion (no more than a week). But even if the photo remains there, most often it is possible to restore only the miniature (photo in a small size).

Check if your page is still in the Google cache - enter the address of your VKontakte page in the search bar (below) - for example, The easiest way is to open your VKontakte page and copy the address here from the address bar of your browser.

Finding a saved copy of the VK page

Then press "Find", A new page with search results will open. If you find something, open your saved page:

  1. Click on the small green triangle next to the page address.
  2. Select an item "Saved copy."
  3. Click on it.

An example of what it looks like:

Now the saved copy of your page will open. If there is a photo there that you want to restore, open it and save it somewhere to yourself (usually you need to right-click on the photo and select "Save image as...").

If there is no green triangle at all, then there is no copy of the page in Google, and this method will not work.

Browsing history or browser cache is a chance!

If you recently looked at this photo in full size, then it could remain in your browsing history or in the cache (temporary files) of your browser - the program with which you view websites. This is one of the real chances. What if you opened the photo using the button "Open original" maybe you can even find a link to the VK site where this photo is still stored.

How to find a deleted photo in your browser history

Usually you can view your browsing history in the browser using a key combination Ctrl-H or call through the menu. It is especially useful to search there if you have recently opened a photo via a link "Open original."

How to find a deleted photo in temporary files

You will need a program to view the cache. There are different programs for different browsers, download and run the one that is designed specifically for yours (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer). If you're not very good with computers, it's time to stop touching anything and call a boy who is good at it to continue from there.

A page with programs for viewing the cache of various browsers: Web Browser Tools. Download the program for the browser used on this computer. Run it and look in the cache for image files (.jpg) of a sufficiently large size - among them may be the same deleted photo.

Is it possible to recover a deleted album and how?

Unfortunately, VKontakte albums are deleted immediately and forever. As in the case of individual photos, you can restore an accidentally deleted album only immediately after deleting it, as long as there is a link on the screen "Restore". Therefore, be especially careful when deleting an entire album. If you have closed the page, your only chance to restore the album is through support (read below).

Is it possible to restore a photo along with likes and comments?

This is absolutely impossible.

How to recover photos through support?

The last chance is to write to VKontakte technical support and ask to recover deleted photos. Do it as quickly as possible, you literally have only a few days! Give them the following information:

  • I accidentally deleted a photo, please restore it.
  • How many photos did you delete?
  • When exactly did I delete them and how exactly?

To avoid searching, you can create a new support request about deleted photos using this link.

Most users of personal computers and laptops store important information on hard drives. For some these are photographs, for others - working documents. But what if all these files were lost for some reason or even accidentally deleted? How to recover lost information?

In what cases can you recover deleted files?

The first thing you need to understand is how a hard drive works. All of its data is stored on clusters - these are small “pieces” of information with a capacity of 1 byte to 4 megabytes. Files are built from clusters. The first bits of each of them are marked with a zero or a one. Those electronic documents in which the attributes are set to “0” are considered deleted. In fact, they exist, but at the first need this information will be deleted, and new information will be written in its place.

What happens when a user deletes a file from their hard drive? It doesn’t disappear anywhere, but that same “zero” is written in its properties. Why is this algorithm used?

What happens when a user deletes a file from their hard drive?

Firstly, to speed up the hard drive. Otherwise, the process of deleting a file would take tens of times longer - it would be overwritten onto an empty electronic document (in time it would take the same amount of time as copying this file to another directory on the same hard drive).

Secondly, this algorithm allows you to increase the service life of the hard drive. After all, clusters become damaged over time, and when a critical point is reached (each manufacturer sets its own “critical” indicator), the hard drive may simply fail - the operating system will stop working with it. The same Windows, for example, in this case constantly displays a notification about the need to create a backup copy of the data and transfer it to another computer.

In total, after deleting a file, even bypassing the recycle bin, the data remains on the hard drive. But they will subsequently be overwritten if new data is copied to the hard drive (or rather, to the hard drive partition). Accordingly, lost files can be recovered only if the following factors are met:

  • the information was lost due to a software failure, and not a failure of the hard drive;
  • after data loss, no new data was written to the hard drive (to the same partition where the lost data was previously present).

But there are exceptions to the rules. In modern editions of Windows (from version 2000 and older), a system for automatically creating restore points has been introduced. That is, Windows creates backup copies of data that has undergone changes while working with the operating system. Several “snapshots” of the OS are created, so the user can roll back the changes made and restore the computer to the state it was in before the last startup. True, this is only relevant for small electronic documents. By default, Windows reserves 5% of the total disk space for recovery points. If the lost information takes up more space, then only part of it will be possible to recover.

It is also quite possible to recover data from a physically damaged hard drive. But such procedures are carried out only in a laboratory, and such a service will be quite expensive. At home, such manipulations are impossible.

How to recover files from the Recycle Bin?

In Windows, deleted files are first moved to the Recycle Bin (if standard settings are used). The user can restore them from there at any time. To do this you need:

  • open "Trash";
  • right-click on the previously deleted file and select “Recover”.

The file will be moved to the directory from which it was previously deleted to the Trash.

Recovering via Recycle Bin

Restoring through the "Previous Versions" tab

By default, Windows saves a backup copy of each file you edit. These are text documents, images, and executive files. To restore a previous version of a document, you must:

  • click on required file right mouse button;
  • select “Properties”;
  • then go to the “Previous versions” tab.

There will be a list of earlier versions of the file that can be restored. Just select the appropriate one and click “Restore”. But you should take into account the nuance - if you click “Restore”, the current version of the file will be overwritten. To save both the previous and current versions of the document, you must select “Copy.”

Recovering deleted files through the “Previous Versions” tab

How to get files back using Restore Point?

How to recover deleted files using the standard system recovery utility in Windows? For this it is enough:

  • go to “Start” - “All Programs” - “Accessories” - “System Tools” and run the “System Restore” utility;

In the System Restore window, click “Next”
  • after a short scan of the system, the user will be provided with a list of created recovery points, indicating the date of creation for each of them;

Select the point at which Windows worked without errors (use the dates)
  • select the appropriate one (created after the necessary information was still on the hard drive) and click “Restore” or “Finish”.

Before restoring the system, save all current files

After a few minutes, Windows will ask you to restart your computer. With new booting Windows will be brought to the state that was at the time the restore point was created.

It is worth considering that if the user recently installed any programs, then, most likely, after restoring the system they will be deleted, since at the time the restore point was created they were not on the hard drive.

Recovery using special utilities

There are specialized programs that can work with lost data marked “zero” in the properties. That is, they allow you to scan your hard drive and look at those files that were previously on the hard drive, but are no longer displayed through Explorer (because they were deleted or damaged). As an example, we present the most popular among them.

Program Short description pros Minuses Download link
PhotoRec Optimal for image recovery, there is a built-in algorithm for recovering damaged photos Works better than others with images, the program is free Almost unsuitable for restoring non-images
Recuva A simple file recovery program from the creators of CCleaner Simple interface, very detailed hard drive scanning Does not check documents for integrity, so after recovery they may simply not open
DiskDrill A specialized program with support for almost all existing file systems, it can also work with GPT, MBR file tables Allows you to recover files even from damaged hard drive partitions, there is a version for MacOS The program is paid, the free version allows you to recover only 500 MB of data
Ontrack EasyRecovery A very powerful program from a studio that has been involved in research and development in the field of data recovery for over 10 years Works with encrypted files, archives, files damaged by viruses Quite a high cost, the free version has too limited functionality
R-Studio A whole software package for recovering files and working with damaged hard drives Works with archives, supports the creation of quick “snapshots” of hard drives for their subsequent detailed scanning on other equipment High cost, free version only recovers files up to 64 KB in size

Experienced users recommend using Recuva, since this program is small in size, free, and has sufficient functionality for most cases. We offer you to watch a useful video on the topic, which shows in detail how you can recover deleted files using Recuva:

It is possible to recover lost data, although not in all cases. If the user simply accidentally deleted files or they disappeared, for example, due to a crash, then the most important thing is not to copy any new data to the hard drive after that. You should try to restore files using the built-in Windows tools, and if this does not help, use the above utilities.

Hello everyone again! Almost all computer users sometimes have to deal with the problem of deleted files. If, for example, folders, photos, videos or any other files are placed in the trash, then returning them from there will not be difficult. But what if you empty the trash? Or were all the files completely formatted on the hard drive? How to recover deleted files in this case? I will answer these questions in detail.

After reading this article, you will return important information to your computer. I will tell you in detail how to get back files that were deleted when emptying the Recycle Bin. In addition, special and serious programs created for data recovery of any complexity will be considered. I won’t forget about the users of Apple products. But first things first. So let's get started...

One of my regular blog readers sent me a letter asking for help in recovering deleted files on his computer. To begin with, I recommended that he perform the recovery using one utility. However, this method did not work, and then after a short search for other software, I sent him clear instructions for data recovery, but using another program. As a result, we successfully restored all the files, which is what I wanted to tell you about today in this article.

Dimych Hello! I have a huge request for you, I don’t know how to recover deleted files from my computer. I decided to clean up my desktop and remove all the junk, but the next day I discovered that the folder “Institute” was missing, and there I had everything: coursework, laboratory and practical work. Fuck... in general. Please help me restore my documents. Best regards, Evgeniy.

How to recover deleted files from the Recycle Bin?

Users who already fully own a computer can skip this point. It is made for beginners who deleted files with the “Del” button or sent them to the trash manually.

Find the trash can on the desktop and go into it.

If you deleted a file in the usual way, then in the trash you will see it in the window. Select it by left-clicking and click on the “Restore object” button, as shown in the screenshot:

Ready! Now let's move on to more serious methods.

How to recover deleted files that have been removed from the Recycle Bin?

Let's say you empty the Recycle Bin by mistake or selectively remove files from it. The problem can be solved quite simply. The simple and compact Handy Recover application will help us return data “thrown in the trash can”.

After installing the application, launch it. We will see the program interface - click on the “Select disk” button. We need the hard drive on which the files were located before you deleted them or sent the recycle bin. Hint: if the data was on the Desktop, then you need to select the system drive (most likely, you have drive “C”).

Explorer will show you the system Recycle Bin. Files that were sent to it from another system drive (for example, from partition “D”) are stored in other directories of the system. Recovery takes place through temporary files that remain in the registry even after they are deleted. The program “unearths” them and restores them. Therefore, you can recover deleted files using this method.

After selecting the desired disk, click on the “Analyze” button, which is located next to “Select disk”. Many folders will appear in the window, but we are interested in the “Recycle Bin” folder. Let's go into it. Here you will see all the files that were deleted in Lately. You can restore them using the “Recover” button, which is located on the toolbar. You can also right-click on them and press the corresponding key in the context menu.

Didn't find the information you need? Then you should try using the “Handy Recovery” tool, which launches an advanced search for files on your hard drive. Did not help? Then you need to check the system folder responsible for the recycle bin. It’s not difficult to find – “$RECYCLE.BIN”. Next, I suggest you consider one very interesting program, which, in my opinion, will also help you recover deleted files on your computer.

Recovery with DMDE

Despite the fact that this is a serious program created to search and subsequently recover lost data from hard drives and all kinds of media, you do not need to pay money for it. Of course, there is a paid version, but I can say with confidence that a free license is quite enough for home use.

You need to start the program from the official DMDE website -

In the list we need to select “GUI for Windows”. The application does not require installation. We just need to download it and unzip it. Go to the folder and run the dmde.exe file. There is help in the application, but I will explain more in simple words how to use it.

Together with me, you will restore files that I “accidentally” deleted. Among them was the “Collection” folder, where all the data that was important to me was collected. Let's take a detailed step-by-step look at the process itself - how to recover deleted files from my computer.

Recovery process

So, I deleted the files. Launch the DMDE program. The application immediately asks on which hard drive the deleted files were stored. The checkbox should be opposite “Logical drives/volumes”. Select the desired partition, in my case it is the “G” drive. If the data has been removed from the desktop, then you need to select the drive where the system is installed - in 95% of cases this is drive “C”.

Next drawing

The search algorithm used by this application is capable of recovering deleted information without in-depth analysis - on the fly. In the next window, we need to double-click on the selected drive and go into it.

Now go to the section (All found + reconstruction).

The search for deleted files has begun. Click on “OK” to begin the virtual reconstruction.

As you can see in the screenshot, the program found deleted files, including my important folder. By the way, about “Screenshot”, I can advise you to read. We didn't even need the advanced search, which is present even in the free version of DMDE.

The application completed the first part of the work. All that remains is to recover the lost data. You can restore everything at once or separately - to do this, check the box next to the desired file or folder and right-click on it. Select “Restore object”.

In Explorer, you must specify where the recovered files will be saved. Experience suggests that it is better to return files to the same drive from which they were deleted. In my case this is the "G" drive. I don't have a lot of data, so I'll just save it to my desktop. We confirm our action by clicking on the “OK” button.

If you did everything like I did, you will get an error - don’t be alarmed! Free version does not allow you to restore all folders at once. But you can select all the files in one folder and return them.

We go to any folder, in my case it is a collection and select the necessary files. Now right-click and select the “Recover files” button from the context menu.

Again, select where the recovered files will be sent and click on the “OK” button.

We are waiting for the installation to complete - the process looks like this.

We are still waiting...

Ready. Personally, everything worked for me, including video recordings. I’ll say right away that restored games may refuse to work. But they can always be reinstalled, and the saves will not be lost anywhere after restoration.

In-depth recovery - if the previous instructions did not help

If the disk was formatted, then the first method may not solve the problem of deleted files, so I made the second example. I deleted all data from the test hard drive and then formatted it. So, I want to recover deleted files that are very important to me.

My task is to restore files all from the same folder called “Collection”. We go into the program, which again asks us from which hard drive the data will be restored. Check the box next to “Logical drives/volumes” and select Physical Drive 1. In my case, the files were on the “G” drives, so I select it.

First, let's try a quick analysis again - double-click on that “G”.

Select “All found + reconstruction” in the folder tree, as shown in the screenshot:

We are conducting a virtual reconstruction.

As expected, a quick search did not bring any results positive results. Return to the “Disk Partition” tab.

It is necessary to highlight " New volume G" and click on the "NTFS Search" button. Important: Your disk may have a FAT32 file system (indicated in column F. System) - in this case, select “FAT Search”.

Click on the “Search” button.

This is an in-depth analysis of the disk, so the search may take 15 to 30 minutes. We wait for the scanning to reach 100% if up to this point you have not seen the necessary files in the window. The “Compliance” column reports on the quality of data recovery. Left-click on the first section.

Go again to the section (All found).

We confirm the actions.

The program will give an error in any case, click “OK” and continue.

As a result, the program recovered a huge number of files for me, some folders were 2 years old.

This is a useful feature that will protect your files from accidental deletion in the future. You will delete unnecessary data, but you can restore it if you wish.

Now you need to find the data you need among them, go to the folder, select the files there and right-click on them - select “Restore objects” in the context menu. Ready!

Sometimes the program does not cope the first time, so it is worth trying an in-depth search at least 3 times.

File recovery on MAC OS

I know there are many file recovery utilities for Windows, but what about MAC OS? Many people have switched from Windows to Apple products, so instructions for restoring files on MAC will definitely not hurt. We will use the simplest Disk Drill application.

Download the program from the official website

The Disk Drill program is available in 4 versions:

— Basic (free);

— Expert ($169);

— Enterprise ($299).

I recommend choosing Basic, since it contains all the functions we need. Download the application and launch it. A quick setup window will appear in front of us. Launch Recovery Vault and check the box next to “Keep my files protected from accidental loss”.

To recover deleted files, you need to activate the Recover Data mode and select the drive where the deleted data was. Before you restore anything, you can run Quick Look.

So, I will conclude today’s article on how to recover deleted files. And in conclusion, I would like to offer you a commercial offer. So that the data stored on your computers, laptops, be it your valuable photographs, personal documents, is always protected from accidental deletion or theft.

I suggest you purchase the course “Backup using the Evgeniy Popov method.” I already purchased this course for myself quite a long time ago and completed all the necessary settings on my computer. Now my data is reliably protected from fire, floods and even theft of the computer itself. I will always recover my data! You ask: How is this possible?? In the video course, everything is explained in detail and it is clearly shown that even the most distant teapot will understand everything!

In general, I will tell you that the video course is very interesting, and most importantly, in demand, so I recommend that you definitely purchase it at a discount through my affiliate program.

You follow the link below, place an order and pay. After that, you write me a letter and say that you placed and paid for the order for the course “Backup using the Evgeny Popov method”, I naturally check the whole thing and return 300 rubles back to you!!! Thus, the course will cost you 300 rubles less! I think you should take advantage of this opportunity.

That’s all, I hope that my instructions in today’s article will definitely be useful to you and, of course, help. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, I will answer. See you all in the next article.

Dear users, if after reading this article you have any questions or would like to add something regarding the subject of this article or the entire Internet resource as a whole, then you can use the comment form. Also ask your questions, suggestions, wishes..

So, for today, that’s actually all I wanted to tell you about in today’s episode. I can only hope that you found interesting and useful information in this article. Well, I, in turn, am waiting for your questions, wishes or suggestions regarding this article or the entire site as a whole

There are often cases when a user deletes important files and realizes what happened after the fact. It’s good if the computer owner did not have time to empty the recycle bin itself, but if the files are deleted from there, then many people think that they are lost forever. Today we'll figure it outand is it possible to return those objects that were deleted from the recycle bin too.

Regardless of the operating system that the PC owner uses, the list of services includes a “Trash”. This is a kind of intermediate buffer in which all deleted information is stored until a certain point. Today, “Recycle Bins” are even installed on mobile operating systems, albeit in the form of separate applications, but the essence of the action is the same. The service simply captures deleted content and stores it. Files are deleted from the Recycle Bin in two cases:

  • the user cleared the buffer independently;
  • The storage is full and previously deleted files are gradually replaced by more recent “garbage”.

It is worth noting that the data in the Recycle Bin continues to occupy memory and is deleted when using auxiliary utilities such as .

It is worth noting that files that are still stored in the Recycle Bin are quite easy to remove from there. The answer to the question iswill not cause difficulties even for the most inexperienced user. Simple enough:

That's all, the deleted file will be in the place from where it was sent to the trash. You can also find the required command in the context menu, which is called up by right-clicking on the found object. That is, if you accidentally deleted important documents or other content, you can quickly and easily restore it from the Recycle Bin, provided that the Recycle Bin has not been emptied and the file itself has not been replaced with fresh garbage.

How to recover deleted files from the Recycle Binif it is cleaned

At the time of emptying the recycle bin, the system notifies the user that the files will be deleted from the computer forever. Many PC owners really believe that after this, important objects are lost forever. Actually this is not true.

More experienced users know that there are special recovery programs that, in some cases, can restore accidentally deleted files. We will talk about them in more detail. But we warn you right away, this software is not a panacea and is not always able to give the desired result.

In fact, the process of permanent deletion is that the operating system changes the symbol in the file table code, after which the objects simply no longer appear in file managers. The recovery program scans the hard drive and finds similar files, allowing you to restore them. Today there is a lot of similar software available, both for paid and free access. We will consider only the most effective and popular.

Data Recovery Wizard

According to user reviews, this is excellent and very effective product. As mentioned above, such programs do not restore all files deleted from the Recycle Bin. Data Recovery Wizard will please even the most demanding user in this regard. The program has been personally tested several times and we can safely say that it will restore almost all deleted files in the OS, unless overwritten.

The big plus is that before restoration the program allows you to organize a preview of the object. This makes it possible to make sure that the content is exactly what is needed and the user is not confused.

The disadvantages of the software include the fact that it is paid. But there is a demo version that will allow you to perform the recovery several times. Having tried out the features, it will be easier for the PC owner to make a decision about purchasing it. You can download the program on the developers website , and on . We advise you to download programs only from official resources to avoid unnecessary troubles.

Let's figure it out using the program.

Experienced users advise saving recovered files not in the same place where they were located, but in a different partition of the disk. This will prevent you from losing data. Since in fact you will try to overwrite the partition that is being restored.

Handy Recovery

The previous software is not the only one that allows . The program is similar to Data Recovery Wizard and will help you recover a couple of files that were accidentally deleted from the Recycle Bin. But according to user reviews, it is not so effective.

You can download the distribution kit for installation on the official website The program has both a free and an extended version with greater capabilities. The free version allows you to recover up to 100 MB of deleted files. The software works with all types of drives, the main condition is that they are not damaged.

If the required file is not found, you can use the advanced analysis function, but it is only available in the advanced version. The program also allows you to preview found files. This is especially true considering that the latter often change names, but the expansion and size are preserved, this allows you to further identify the desired object.

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