Cooking fish in sour cream. Stewed fish with carrots and onions How to stew fish in a frying pan with sour cream

For lovers of fish dishes, here is a simple recipe for cooking fish stewed in sour cream in a frying pan. The dish attracts both its simple preparation and, of course, its taste.


  • 5 pieces Crucian carp
  • Seasoning to taste

In order to deliciously cook stewed crucian carp in sour cream, in addition to the frying pan, you need to prepare a knife, deep and regular plates, a bowl, a spatula for turning the fish and a whisk.

It is advisable to use fresh fish, but pre-cleaned and frozen fish will also work. A dish of crucian carp can be offered as an independent appetizer or served with a potato side dish, for example.

The details of stewing delicious crucian carp in sour cream are revealed in the recipe below with photos.

If we use freshly caught fish, then first of all we start cleaning the crucian carp. We gut the fish and remove the scales. Since our crucian carp is small (weighing approximately 100-150 grams), we do not cut off the head. Transfer the cleaned crucian carp to a deep plate for further culinary procedures.
Now season the prepared fish with spices. Salt the crucian carp to taste and season with a special seasoning for fish dishes. If such a seasoning is not available at the time of preparing the dish, then you can use a mixture of ground peppers, for example, or another favorite seasoning. Mix the fish well so that each crucian carp is seasoned inside and out. Also, at the same time, put a frying pan on the stove, pour in vegetable oil and heat it well.
Pour flour into another smaller plate, in which we will roll the crucian carp. One by one, roll each fish in flour on both sides.
Place the fish in a frying pan to fry. Fry the crucian carp on each side until a light golden brown crust forms.
While the crucian carp are roasting, dilute the sour cream with water. Place the sour cream in a bowl, add boiled water and mix the ingredients with a whisk until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Pour this mixture into the frying pan.
Sprinkle seasoning on top - oregano (dried seasoning). This is a culinary step - by preference. Simmer the crucian carp in sour cream over low heat for 10-13 minutes.
Delicious crucian carp stewed in sour cream is ready! Enjoy your meal!

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Stewed fish for dinner with red onions in sour cream - a simple recipe with photos

Good afternoon dear friends!

I often cook pollock for dinner with onions in sour cream. There are a minimum of ingredients, and the stewed fish for dinner turns out simply amazing. I will also say that my husband does not particularly like fish. But pollock prepared in this way is devoured by both cheeks. And my friends are surprised that such an excellent, almost festive dish can be prepared from simple and cheap fish.

Pollock is a lean, tasty and inexpensive fish. Pediatricians even recommend it for baby food. There are a lot of recipes with pollock - from fish soup to simply frying it in a frying pan in flour. This fish is also attractive because it has very few bones, it does not overcook and does not have the pungent smell inherent in fish.

I spend no more than 30 minutes for dinner. At the same time, I have time to cook pollock and boil potatoes or rice as a side dish. Potatoes and rice always go well with fish. Try to cook pollock according to this recipe - I’m sure your family will be delighted!

Stewed fish for dinner - recipe with photos step by step

So, we will need:

  • Pollock fillet - 600 gr.;
  • Red onions - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Sour cream - 300 ml;
  • Olive oil for frying;
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste.

Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into half rings and fry with olive oil in a deep frying pan or saucepan until golden brown. You can use regular onions, but red ones look prettier in this dish, in my opinion.

When the onion turns a beautiful golden color, you can throw in the fish. Fry the pollock on each side for 2-3 minutes until a crust appears.

At this stage of cooking, fry the pollock and onion over high heat. A small fire will not give the quality of frying to a golden crust that is required in this recipe.

The pollock is fried. Now add sour cream, salt and pepper to taste. Gently mix the fish with sour cream and onions, cover the lid and reduce the heat. Simmer for 15-20 minutes.

Pollock is ready for dinner in sour cream! Can be served with mashed potatoes or just boiled potatoes.

First decorate and sprinkle the fish with finely chopped green onions. The presentation of this dish looks very beautiful!

Enjoy your meal!

Pollock in sour cream with onions
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Dietary delicacy: fish stew in sour cream

Fish dishes are a delight for many gourmets. Low in calories and healthy, delicacies made from fish also have an excellent, delicate taste. Stewed fish in sour cream has a particularly soft, juicy and slightly sour taste. This simple and at the same time delicious dish is easy to prepare even for a novice housewife.

Any fish is suitable for this purpose: pollock, pink salmon, carp, catfish. The only thing you should think about in advance is whether you want to remove fish bones while eating. If you are not too picky or plan to stew the fish until the bones separate from the meat, then you can use any fish. If you decide that removing bones is not your favorite activity, then it is better to use fish that contains a small amount of bones or use fillets.

So, first you need to cut the carcasses: clean them of scales, remove heads, fins and tails and rinse thoroughly. Then the fish is cut into portions or cleaned of the backbone and rib bones. True, if you want to amaze your guests with the beauty of the dish, then you can cook whole carcasses. But in this case, do not forget that the cooking time will increase significantly.

Then prepare the onion: cut it into small or large (depending on desire and taste preferences) pieces and fry in vegetable oil for several minutes. Sometimes coarsely grated carrots are added to the onions. In this case, the overall taste of the dish becomes sweeter. It is better to fry the carrots at the same time as the onions for about five minutes over medium heat.

Do not forget to stir the mixture all the time to avoid burning. Then add water to the resulting mixture and simmer for another fifteen minutes. Many also add tomato paste at the end. After this, you should put the prepared fish into this mass. To ensure that the stewed fish in sour cream has a firmer consistency at the end of cooking, it should also be fried a little.

Therefore, increase the heat slightly and fry it for about five minutes until lightly whitened on both sides.

At this point, the first stage of preparation can be considered complete, provided that you are a healthy person who simply loves fish dishes. However, fish with sour cream, among other things, can be one of the main dietary dishes. Therefore, if fried foods are contraindicated for you or your family, you can do without this step.

In this case, you should simply chop the onion and fish and grate the carrots. All this (raw or fried) is filled with water or fish broth and, of course, sour cream. Here it is worth remembering that stewed fish in sour cream is a dish that does not have any special subtleties in preparation, so you should not waste time on specially preparing broth for pouring - you can get by with water.

By the way, some chefs consider water an unnecessary ingredient and advise using only sour cream as a filling. However, stewed fish in sour cream runs the risk of burning if you choose to stew it in a thick mixture.

Therefore, it is better to first add water and simmer the fish for about fifteen minutes (depending on the type of fish and the size of the pieces), and then add sour cream and simmer for about another twenty minutes. Salt, pepper and other spices are usually added at the same time as water.

After the pan is removed from the heat, the dish is usually kept covered for about half an hour so that the fish can soak in the aroma and taste of the sauce and spices.

Do not forget also that it is possible to add some additional ingredients to such a classic dish as fish in sour cream. The recipe can be modified according to your preferences and the ingredients you have on hand.

Bon appetit.


Fish stewed in sour cream

Many people love fish and every housewife has her own signature recipe for preparing this inhabitant of the depths. You can cook fish in different ways. The easiest way is to fry it, of course. You can also boil the fish soup or bake it in the oven with vegetables or any other side dish. But fish stewed in sour cream turns out to be very unusual and tasty.

Fish is a very valuable product. Freshwater fish is especially popular. Many people are attracted by the opportunity to sit on the shore and fish in a river or lake. But recently, sea fish has been gaining more and more popularity and love. Moreover, there is no shortage of it on store shelves.

Many people know the benefits of sea fish. It has an increased content of healthy protein. According to this indicator, sea fish is in no way inferior to meat. And since fish is digested faster, in some cases it can even be healthier than meat.

In addition, fish is a low-calorie product. There is less fat in fish than in meat, so it is better suited for dietary nutrition. But everyone knows about fish oil. If you eat a portion of sea fish prepared in any way 2-3 times a week, there will be no need to take fish oil in capsule form. Fish oil saturates brain cells with linoleic and archidonic acid. Cod liver, tuna, and conger eel are especially rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Sea fish is a storehouse of B vitamins. Fish also contains vitamin C, of ​​course not as much as lemons. Fish also has a high content of iodine, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and fluorine.

Sea fish is best suited for preparing fish stewed in sour cream. But it is very important to monitor the cooking time of sea fish. If you overcook or overcook sea fish, it will lose its shape and turn into mush.

Another good thing about sea fish is that it has very few bones. Therefore, fish prepared in this way will be easy to eat, and you won’t have to think about the bones. The best fish for cooking in sour cream are sea bass, perch, tilapia, haddock, cod, and dorado.

In general, when cooking fish in sour cream, you should not save money and do not buy ready-made fillets. It is better to purchase a whole fish carcass and cut it yourself. When cutting fish, it is worth remembering that, unlike freshwater fish, the head of a sea fish cannot be eaten.

It is in this part of the fish that all harmful substances are deposited.

In addition, sea fish has a specific smell. It can be eliminated during the cooking process, for example, by baking it in the oven. But in order to stew fish in sour cream and at the same time rid it of the unpleasant iodine odor, you can soak the pieces of fish in milk or water with the addition of lemon juice. When the fish is soaked in acidified water, it will acquire a piquant sourness, which can be felt in the finished dish.

You should also be careful when adding salt to a dish. Sea fish meat itself is a little salty, so you should reduce the usual portion of salt by about half. In addition, you will need to add a little salt to the sour cream sauce.

Cooking fish stewed in sour cream is not difficult. The process of preparing this dish will not take much time, but is guaranteed to delight you with a rich and delicate taste. You don’t need a lot of ingredients to prepare a hearty lunch or dinner for the whole family. The main ingredient in this dish, of course, will be fish, which will be perfectly complemented by sour cream and fried onions. If desired, you can add grated carrots to the sour cream sauce.

The entire process of preparing and directly cooking fish stewed in sour cream will take no more than 40 minutes. First you need to cut the fish into pieces and add a little salt. Set the fish aside for 10 minutes. During this time you can prepare the sauce. Fry the onion a little. When the meadow is fried until golden brown, sprinkle the onion with 1 tablespoon of flour and mix well.

After this, add a little water to the onion and place it well so that no flour lumps form. Then add sour cream and mix again. While the sour cream sauce boils a little, you can start working on the fish. Pieces of fish must be rolled in flour and fried until golden brown in a small amount of vegetable oil.

Fried fish will not fall apart during further cooking.

All preparatory stages have been completed. Now you can put everything in a thick-walled bowl, it could be a cast-iron casserole, pieces of fried fish. Then the fish must be poured with boiling sour cream sauce and simmered over low heat for no more than 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, you can add finely chopped parsley or dill to the sauce.

A side dish for such a dish can be boiled or mashed potatoes, boiled rice or buckwheat porridge.

Fish is a product that must be consumed at least 2 times a week. Basically, what could be easier than taking and frying your favorite fish? Yes, this is a tasty and everyone’s favorite way to prepare this product, but it’s not very healthy for frequent use.

We suggest you try fish stewed in sour cream, which is no less simple to prepare. The dish turns out to be satisfying, tasty, healthy and not at all expensive. All you need is the fish itself, sour cream, onions and some of your favorite spices.

Step by step recipe

Stewed fish in sour cream is prepared as follows:

Fish stewed in mayonnaise and sour cream

Surely, many housewives cooked meat marinated in mayonnaise - it turns out, of course, high in calories, but very tasty. Why not take and cook fish, marinated and then stewed in mayonnaise and sour cream?

The dish turns out exquisitely tasty and very juicy. When cooking, be sure to take into account the fact that mayonnaise already has its own taste, so practically no salt is used during the cooking process.

Lemon slices will add a special twist. They will give the finished dish a pleasant sourness and add piquancy.


  • pollock carcasses – 4 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise sauce – 4 tbsp;
  • sour cream 15% – 4 tbsp;
  • onions (large) – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • dill - a small bunch;
  • bay leaves – 2 pcs.;
  • lemon – ¼ part;
  • black pepper - to taste.

Cooking time: 45 min.

Nutritional value per 100 g: 110 kcal.

Description of preparation:

  1. Cut the cooled pollock carcasses (each into 3 parts), lightly salt and set aside for a few minutes;
  2. Chop the onion as desired, cut the carrots into thin slices;
  3. Place a layer of carrots on the bottom of the saucepan, then a layer of onions and place pieces of pollock on top of the vegetables;
  4. Prepare the filling: mix mayonnaise with sour cream in a glass. Pour the prepared filling over the fish, add bay leaves, season and, cover with a lid, set to simmer;
  5. Simmer the fish with the lid closed for 35 minutes. At the end of cooking, add a few lemon slices to the saucepan;
  6. Transfer the finished pollock to a dish (always along with the sauce and vegetables), sprinkle with finely chopped dill and serve. Bon appetit!

Notothenia with potatoes in sour cream

What could go better with fish than potatoes? These two products simply complement each other perfectly! Therefore, we could not pass up the recipe for fish stewed with potatoes and sour cream.

Just 40 minutes and you will have an excellent hearty dinner on the table for the whole family! To prepare this recipe, it is recommended to take boneless sea fish, such as notothenia or pollock.

Required ingredients:

  • notothenia – 1 kg;
  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • onions – 4 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 400 ml;
  • table rock salt - to taste;
  • a mixture of peppers - to taste;
  • khmeli-suneli - a pinch.

Cooking time: 45 min.

Nutritional value per 100 g: 135 kcal.


  1. Cut the peeled potatoes into small pieces and place in a thick-walled pan;
  2. Cut the notothenia carcasses into several parts and send them to the potatoes;
  3. Finely chop the onion and add it to the pan;
  4. Pour sour cream over all ingredients, lightly salt, sprinkle with a mixture of peppers and a pinch of suneli hops;
  5. Cover the pan with a lid and place over medium heat. Simmer potatoes and fish for 40-45 minutes. You should not stir the dish during the cooking process - delicate fish may lose its shape from stirring;
  6. After the specified time, a hearty dinner for the whole family is ready. Complete it with a salad of fresh vegetables.

Fish stewed with vegetables in a slow cooker

Fish stewed with vegetables in sour cream is one of the most popular dishes, as it contains the maximum amount of nutrients. You can prepare this dish in clay pots, a saucepan, or simply in a saucepan.

But today we want to offer you cooking fish in a slow cooker. After all, there is nothing simpler - fill the bowl with ingredients, install the necessary program and you can do what you love, and this miracle unit will prepare everything itself, and even signal its readiness.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • fish fillet – 0.8 kg;
  • carrots – 3 pcs.;
  • onions – 4 pcs.;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 400 ml;
  • salt, pepper - a pinch;
  • coriander – ½ tsp.

Cooking time: 30 min.

Calorie content per 100 g: 100 kcal.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash and dry the fish fillet, chop the onion the way you like, cut the carrots into slides, and cut the tomatoes into quarters;
  2. Place all the prepared ingredients in the multicooker bowl, sprinkle with a pinch of salt, pepper and coriander, pour in sour cream and, closing the lid, turn on the “Stew” program for 30 minutes;
  3. When the beep sounds, unplug the multicooker, transfer the fish stewed with vegetables to a dish, and serve. An easy and incredibly tasty dish is ready! To add a refined touch of aftertaste, you can sprinkle the finished fish with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Culinary tricks

  1. For stewing, it is better to choose those types of fish that do not have small bones;
  2. The backbone of fish carcasses does not need to be removed before cooking, thus the fish will not be deformed and will maintain its integrity during heat treatment;
  3. Low-fat varieties of white fish are well suited for stewing in sour cream - in combination with sour cream sauce, it turns out to be especially tender and “melting”;
  4. You can use absolutely any vegetables of your choice for stewing fish; it doesn’t have to be onions and carrots - if you like, you can use ready-made frozen vegetable mixtures (you don’t need to defrost them first).

Bon appetit!

Although I rarely cook fish stewed in sour cream and onions, it always turns out so tasty, juicy, tender and aromatic that you’ll lick your fingers. The peculiarity of this second dish is that it is prepared quickly, plus it can go well with almost any of the side dishes.

Required products:

  • Fish fillet (it can be hake, telapia, etc.) - half a kilo
  • Onions - a couple of heads
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Sour cream 15-20% - 1 glass
  • Any greens (leeks, parsley or dill) - 40 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying onions and fish
  • Pepper, salt and spices - to taste.

How to cook fish stew:

  1. To begin, cut the defrosted fish fillet into portions. Then put it in a bowl, sprinkle with pepper and salt, then stir and leave for half an hour.
  2. Meanwhile, prepare sour cream sauce. To do this, cut the onion into half rings, then fry it in a frying pan until golden brown over medium heat. Finely chop the garlic and herbs.
  3. Now mix together with sour cream: fried onions, chopped garlic and herbs, plus add a little spice to all this. The sauce is ready! It should be liquid, so you can add water.
  4. Next, transfer the fish to a frying pan and fry in vegetable oil on both sides.
  5. Then add the sour cream sauce prepared above to the fried fish. At the same time, all its thick base, namely: onions, garlic and herbs, should be on top. Then, when our fish in the sauce boils, cover the frying pan with a lid and simmer everything over medium heat. It is necessary to simmer until the liquid part of the sauce has almost completely boiled away. At the same time, do not forget to mix everything carefully so that it does not burn.

Fish is not only very healthy, but if cooked correctly, it turns out incredibly tasty! It contains a lot of phosphorus and microelements necessary to strengthen bones. If you are already tired of the fried and baked version, try making fish stewed in sour cream, which will surprise all guests with its tenderness, divine aroma and will certainly please everyone present.

Recipe for stewed fish in sour cream


  • sea ​​fish fillet – 700 g;
  • onion – 2 pcs.;
  • low-fat sour cream – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 40 ml;
  • greens - to taste.


To prepare fish stewed in sour cream, take the fillet, wash it well and dry it with a towel. Now cut into small pieces, place in a deep container, add salt and pepper to taste. We process the carrots, chop them into strips on a grater, and peel the onions and chop them into thin half rings. Sauté the vegetables over medium heat for 5 minutes, adding a small amount of oil. In a saucepan with water, add sour cream, seasonings and stir everything until smooth. Lightly fry the fish pieces on all sides, place vegetables on top and pour sour cream sauce over them. Place the dish with the fish on medium heat, cover with a lid and simmer the dish for 30 minutes. Before serving, decorate the stewed fish with onions and sour cream with fresh herbs. Boiled potatoes, rice or are perfect as a side dish.

Fish stewed in sour cream in a slow cooker


  • cod fillet – 1 kg;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • spices;
  • mayonnaise – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp. spoons.


We clean the fish, gut it, cut off the head, tail and fins. Next, carefully fillet it and cut it in portioned pieces. We process and rinse the carrots and onions. Then chop the onion into half rings, and the carrot into rings, but not very thick. Pour sunflower oil into a multi-cooker bowl, add the prepared fish and cover with a layer of vegetables, seasoning with spices. Mix sour cream with mayonnaise and coat everything with the resulting mixture. In the device menu, select the “Extinguishing” program, close the lid and press the “Start” button. The cooking process takes about 50 minutes, and then we take out the finished dish, decorate with chopped herbs and serve. Boiled potatoes, rice with vegetables or stew are perfect as a side dish.

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