Russian students are having fun. How Russian students have fun these days Ukrainian students have fun with girls

Most importantly, when you go camping, wherever you go, always take enough food with you. This is extremely necessary so that in case of a shortage you do not have to return at the most inopportune moment, to the most interesting place. And this way you can always have a snack and continue on your way.

It is better to travel to nature in your own cars than to go exclusively on foot. In this case, you can take a lot of necessary things, and you can leave the car near the resting place. But you won’t have to carry all these tents and food on yourself.

When going fishing, take everything you need with you and don’t forget spare hooks and fishing line. This is never superfluous in such a matter. It often happens that you get caught somewhere and everything that was strung on the fishing rod comes off. Therefore, it is better to be thrifty.

How fun it is to go somewhere on vacation with friends or your student group. And if it’s also skis, then everything is fine. In this case, it is only important to find a good instructor so that such a vacation can take place without injury.

She is riding somewhere on her bike. Maybe she lives in a village and then she is very lucky. Or maybe I just went on vacation and decided to ride around the field a little on this vehicle. Also a good option to spend time during your summer holidays.

Family recreation in nature in the form of cycling is very beneficial for health. It’s just important to use helmets just in case. Because anything can happen on the road and extra protection never hurts. Well, the main thing is to choose the right company.

Before you go outdoors, decide right away who will cook for you. This is not an unimportant factor. Rest is relaxation, but you want to eat there even more. And you need to immediately understand from whom to demand your portion of food. Don't forget to bring all the utensils you need with you.

These are the kind of houses you can stay in when you are planning a holiday outside of civilization, on a hike. Tents are, of course, also good, but sometimes you can let your body relax in a more familiar environment. And it's inexpensive.

When going on vacation at the sea, choose a paid beach. Despite the fact that you will have to pay a certain amount of money, you will always have a place to lie down and sunbathe, and you will be confident in the safety of your belongings. And it’s just much more convenient and comfortable.

This must be so scary. Going downhill in the snow at that speed. And even when instead of legs you have these long wooden sticks called skis. You need to have not only courage, but also a certain kind of skill to risk such a feat.

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Want to know how American students spend their spring break? Then check out this shocking report from the so-called “biggest beach party on the planet,” which brought together more than 60,000 American college students on South Padre Island, Texas, right on the border with Mexico.

An endless party on the Coca-Cola beach, which implies enjoying relaxation, sun and sea, in reality is characterized by continuous drinking, drug use, debauchery and promiscuity. Moreover, many participants in the fun have not yet reached the age of 21 and, according to American laws, do not even have the right to drink beer.

What is noteworthy is that for the rest of the year, South Padre Island, where Catholic priest Padre José Nicolas Bally founded his farm in 1804, is a completely respectable American family vacation spot.

(Total 31 photos + 1 video)

1. About 60,000 college students head to South Padre Island each year to celebrate their spring break.

2. Many people literally have fun until they drop. For those who can no longer stand on their own, the police and friends help them get to a specially organized “field” first aid station.

3. Things are so bad that the authorities had to set up a mobile medical center with 32 beds, which is usually used during military operations and natural disasters.

4. Here is an example of a standard beach entertainment - a girl, upside down, must drink beer straight from the barrel.

5. And this young man in a red sombrero is already a client of the first-aid post. He cannot speak, but only emits an inarticulate zombie roar.

6. At 9 pm, the survivors of the beach party return to their hotels to rest before continuing the fun at the clubs, which are open until 2 am.

7. Another “standard” scene – the girls kiss to the cheers of the crowd and calls to “show your tits!”

8. The prices for alcohol in local stores, which are quite affordable by local standards, contribute to the fun: a 1.75-liter bottle of vodka sells for $11.95, although one cocktail in a bar costs on average $9.5

9. You might be wondering why this girl is wearing so many beads? And this is a local custom - if you give beads to a girl, she must show her breasts.

10. Judging by the excitement of the young people gathered around the girl, this custom is very popular.

11. And the girls, apparently, don’t mind either...

12. Another wonderful “tradition” is dousing yourself with beer. Why not formula one racers on the podium...

13. On the beach, students drink beer straight from the barrels and plant their college flags in the sand. All colleges are undoubtedly honored to be represented in this way.

14. There was also some romance.

15. But this young lady, despite the presence of beads on her neck, decided, unlike many, not to part with her swimsuit top, for which she was booed by a disgruntled crowd.

16. For some, the party is over. During the holidays, the island's police make thousands of arrests for drunk driving, speeding, not wearing seat belts and other misdemeanors.

18. But let’s return to those who can no longer not only dance, but also simply stand on their feet...

19. This is what that first aid station looks like, at times more like a morgue. Military personnel who served in Iraq are present on site. Even they say that they have never seen anything like this nightmare anywhere before.

20. A Texas State Police official orders the beach to leave.

21. Girls enjoy their vacation away from classrooms and the eyes of their parents.

22. Another scene of continued fun in clubs - for those who can still drink, dance and have fun.

23. Dancing on the open veranda of Louie's Backyard club.

24. The fun doesn't always end even after the nightclubs close. Many move to hotels to continue the party there.

26. Perhaps no less shocking is the reaction of local authorities to what is happening, who literally have to make a deal with their conscience. On the one hand, what is happening on the island, recognized as the second place after Las Vegas in the ranking of the most “gassy” parties in honor of spring break, does not fit into any framework of decency and worries the local population, but on the other hand, it brings very, very good income.

27. Even according to the most conservative estimates, taking into account the cheap special offers designed for students (a trip to the island can cost $200), during the week of vacation the island’s budget is replenished by $20 million. In reality, we can safely talk about a much larger amount.

28. As a result, the authorities prefer to turn a blind eye to the outrages of thousands of minors, while fining them, for example, $500 for glass on the beach.

29. Moreover, this whole bacchanalia is cynically sponsored by such giant corporations as Coca-Cola, Vitaminwater, Bic, Trojan and others.

30. On one day, the “field hospital” receives more than 60 patients, mostly 18-22 years old, at least 15 of whom are under the influence of not only alcohol, but also drugs. The number of calls to 911 during the holidays is 5 times higher than usual.

31. A representative of the island's fire service, also deployed to prevent unrest, assesses the situation this way: “If they don't come here, they'll go somewhere else. Stopping holiday parties here on the island won't stop them. So let them come here. “At least we’ve been dealing with this for 30 years now and at least we know what to expect and how to prepare for it.”

Video: Spring Break Beach Party on South Padre Island

“Student years are the best years in life” - a statement that you hate all your student years, poring over textbooks and sitting through the first pair of pants on Saturday. If you have never lived in a hostel, then missed parties and cool stories make you hate the “best years” especially acutely.

At the same time, students have always been considered the most advanced part of society, the most disobedient and eccentric. It is worth recalling, at least, the student unrest of 1968 in France with the wonderful slogans “Be realistic, demand the impossible!”, “Forbidden is prohibited” and “All power to the imagination.”

What happened in our institutions a century ago? How did students live after the revolution? How did they love, rowdy, and intellectually converse? What did our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers do in their youth? The book “In a Circle of Peers: The Life World of a Young Man in Soviet Russia in the 1920s” by Doctor of Historical Sciences Alexander Rozhkov is dedicated to this topic.

The period of the 1920s is interesting primarily because the previous attitudes and values ​​of the entire society were altered under the onslaught of the Bolsheviks: who to love, who to pray to, how to dream, how to behave and how to think. Therefore it is social institutions(from school to the army), in which the family had minimal influence on fragile minds, became the forge of a new philosophy of life. New “correctly oriented” comrades were already going to work. The book is interesting primarily not for its description of the everyday preferences of young people, but for how the forced transformation of their life principles was traced. Even in such things remote from politics as drinking and sexual relations, you can see hints of outside influence.

§1 Leisure and entertainment

Radio program for February 1927:

16.00 – 16.30 "Radio Pioneer".
17.20 – 18.10 Peasant radio newspaper.
18.15 – 19.05 Work radio newspaper.
20.00 Broadcast of the opera "Carmen" from the state. experimental theater.

20.00 Broadcast of an evening of Jewish music from the Small Hall of the Conservatory.

Through the Comintern station on a wave of 1456 m
16.00 – 16.30 "Radio Pioneer".
Lecture on radio engineering: “Capacity (capacitor)”, lecturer Belikov.
17.20 – 18.15 Conversation on natural science: “What controls the life of the body?”, T. Perelmuter.
18.15 – 19.05 Work radio newspaper.
20.00 – 21.00 Broadcast from the CDC of the report of Prof. Bronner: “How to fight syphilis in the village?”
21.00 Broadcast of Pushkin's evening from the Small Hall of the Conservatory.
23.00 Information in Esperanto.
23.55 The clock strikes from the Kremlin tower.
Through the station. Popova on a wave of 650 m
19.00 – 19.30 Cooperative accounting courses. Commercial arithmetic (Filimonov).
19.30 – 20.00 Profintern Report: “Trade Unions in Norway”, Comrade Segal.
20.30 Broadcast of the Leningrad State Concert. chapels from the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions: Stravinsky’s “Wedding”.

Through the Comintern station on a wave of 1456 m
16.00 – 16.30 "Radio Pioneer".
17.20 – 18.10 Peasant radio newspaper
18.15 – 19.05 Work radio newspaper.
20.00 – 20.30 Report of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.
20.30 – 22.35 Broadcast of the Leningrad State Concert. chapels from the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions.
23.55 The clock strikes from the Kremlin tower.
Through the station. Popova on a wave of 650 m
19.00 – 19.30 Aviakhim report: “On the Aviakhim congress,” Comrade Zarzar.
19.30 – 20.00 Report by Prof. Lapiro-Scoblo: “On the 80th anniversary of the great inventor Edison.”

Through the Comintern station on a wave of 1456 m
16.00 – 16.30 "Radio Pioneer".
17.20 – 17.45 Conversation by an agronomist: “The influence of various feeds on livestock productivity.”
17.50 – 18.15 Conversation on natural science: “How animals reproduce,” Comrade Novikova.
18.15 – 19.05 Work radio newspaper.
20.30 Broadcast of the Leningrad State Concert. chapels from the Polytechnic Museum.
23.55 The clock strikes from the Kremlin tower.
Through the station. Popova on a wave of 650 m
20.00 Broadcast of the opera "Lohengrin" from the Bolshoi Theater.

Through the Comintern station on a wave of 1456 m
16.00 – 16.30 "Radio Pioneer".
17.20 – 17.45 Report of the Central Committee of Rabpros: “How to work with a book?”, Comrade Rabelsky.
17.50 – 18.15 Report: “New materials for housing construction”, prof. Fedorovsky.
18.15 – 19.05 Work radio newspaper.
20.00 – 20.30 Report of the Komsomol Central Committee: “On the Chinese Komsomol.”
20.30 Evening of dances.
23.55 The clock strikes from the Kremlin tower.
Through the station. Popova on a wave of 650 m
19.00 – 19.30 Cooperative accounting courses. The ABC of Cooperation, Comrade Lintvarev.
19.30 – 20.00 Report by Comrade Ulitsky: “How to engage in economic self-education?”
20.30 Broadcast of Zoya Lodiy's concert from the Small Hall of the Conservatory.

As follows from the analysis of students’ time budgets, their leisure time was very short-lived compared to the rest of schoolchildren. Putting aside the textbook he had read, the conscientious student, tired of science, barely had time to look through a newspaper chronicle or a few pages of a fascinating book like “Tarzan” before going to bed. Most of the rest took place on weekends (Saturday evenings and Sundays) and holidays. Nonresidents who entered the capital's universities initially went on excursions and cultural trips. Many wanted to get to know Moscow or the city on the Neva, wander along the capital's streets and embankments, and ride a tram.

It was quite typical for that time that mass leisure was the subject of ideological control, both from special bodies and student organizations. As soon as Tula students published an announcement about the New Year's concert-ball, in which it was planned to take part in two brass music orchestras, organize dances, games, American auctions, and luxurious buffets for those times, they were subjected to angry criticism in the press by vigilant proletarian students. At the same time, they were sincerely perplexed as to how Gublit could have missed such an announcement. The organizers of the student evening-concert at the Moscow Dental College on Arbat heard similar criticism.

Sports, as noted above, did not become a mass phenomenon among students in the 1920s. At the same time, many students tried to improve their bodies, devoting every free minute to this. Dalcroze gymnastics were popular among university students, physical exercise according to the Muller system, games of football, rounders, cross-country skiing, swimming and rowing. These new youth introduced into everyday life the most common and accessible sportswear for students, which consisted mainly of panties and gymnastic shirts. As workers' faculty members said then, they were not ashamed to show the public their “liberated” bodies. On Sundays, Vorobyovy Gory in Moscow became the site of sports competitions and games for Soviet youth, among whom there were many students. The ideal models with which they sought to identify themselves were “Spartan toughness” and “Greek beauty.”
One of the forms of organizing students' free time was listening to radio programs. This everyday technological innovation changed the life world of a student in the 1920s no less than television did in the 1950s or the Internet at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. Radio intruded especially actively into the daily life of students living in dormitories, since radio receivers were distributed primarily among groups. By the end of the 1920s, many student dormitories were already equipped with radio. As a rule, each room in such dormitories had its own radio point, and the dormitory as a whole had a loudspeaker. Meanwhile, there is no need to talk about the priority of radio in the sphere of student leisure. One of the reasons for this was the very low sound quality. The imperfect radio equipment quickly compromised itself. According to reviews of contemporaries of those years, instead of words she “spit”, instead of a concert the result was only a howl.

At the same time, there were no other opportunities to quickly receive centralized information transmitted over long distances, and radio became for many students the most important means of forming a general picture of the world and contributed to the building of Soviet identity.

In addition to cultural forms of leisure, there were also more prosaic practices of “relaxation”. If the very environment of studying at a university, with its severity, significantly limited the manifestations of hooliganism, then the atmosphere of student dormitories, on the contrary, significantly contributed to riotous living. There were not only arrogant professors there, but also parental care. It was considered the norm and duty to “wash” any event of a personal or public nature. For example, “sprinkle” into a beer for receiving a scholarship, “drip” for a meeting. Therefore, many students who lived in dormitories loved and knew how to relax, sometimes without any external reason. One student described a typical weekend celebration:

“I went one Sunday morning to see my comrades. Knocked. They didn’t answer “it’s possible” right away. Has entered. I see something is fishy. They sit around the table, devouring herring, even without bread. They saw that it was theirs and began to convince him to take a sip from the cup. It turns out there was still a little there. After haggling, we drank it ourselves. Then it turned out that, despite the fact that it was not far from the scholarship, one had a ruble; They brought another bottle. Then I had to go alone and pawn my jacket. The next day, pale people with headaches wandered around the institute and took lunch coupons.”

Anne Gorsuch gives one opinion official at Moscow State University, which complained of students "smashing chairs at the local club, writing graffiti on walls, terrorizing their neighbors in their bedrooms into drinking games, and bullying small-town girls."

“The hostel life of a “merzlyakovka”,” reported in the student magazine, “is significant for three phenomena: drunkenness, rowdy behavior, and swearing. Any receipt of a scholarship leads to the inevitability of libations, which are inevitably followed by brawls and swearing.” Students drank alcohol not only in dormitories, but also often visited drinking establishments, of which there were many at that time. According to N. Lebina, in Leningrad in 1926 there were approximately 360 pubs. Joint drunkenness often brought party members and non-party members closer together, since the feast was often arranged by pooling. We celebrated not only the days of receiving the scholarship, but also various holidays, birthdays, and meetings after the holidays. For example, in August 1926, for a short time, the Krasnodar ambulance was called repeatedly to seriously “ill” students who too actively celebrated their return from vacation. The graduations of newly minted specialists from the university were even more noisy: “What kind of graduation is this if you don’t get so drunk that you can climb on your hands and knees,” one Taganrog Komsomol student expressed his attitude towards this event. Revolutionary holidays were no exception, which was reflected in a frivolous student song:

Let's have fun in October
Tsim-la-la, tsim-la-la,
We drink a bottle,
Tsim-la-la, tsim-la-la.

They had to call the police, to which the drunken students responded with a threat of reprisals against those who called the police, backed up by a fight with residents and the use of weapons.

The young student body demanded thrills, and therefore the rare group drinking session went without a scandal. The drunken students did not allow their colleagues to study. It happened that they used firearms, which was available to some communists and Komsomol members. For example, in one of the dormitories, a group of twelve people gathered in a room where three students lived. Having gotten drunk, they staged a loud party with dancing, which resulted in a scandal with their neighbors. Women and small children were frightened by the unruly students. They had to call the police, to which the drunken students responded with a threat of reprisals against those who called the police, backed up by a fight with residents and the use of weapons. In the Ostrogozh Pedagogical College, out of boredom, the “Oink” society was organized with regular membership fees and meetings. Its members adhered to ten “swine” commandments, the main of which were the commandments against drunkenness and gluttony. Students from Karelia, who came home for the holidays, created the “All-Russian Society of Alcoholics.” In total, 20 students united in the volost, of which 17 were Komsomol members and three were communists. Before their exposure, they managed to organize three closed drinking parties. A student at the Don Pedagogical College reported in a letter about the collective celebration of the holidays:

“All the days of old and new holidays... here, in the hostel, we spent drunkenness, for a while imagining a tavern with riotous Cossacks... There was no administration, and the guys were rioting with all their might... Everyone drank, even the orphanage girls... And who, one wonders, was drinking most? Of course, Komsomol members and many other sympathizing comrades were torn to pieces. We occupy a room together, we have set up a real boudoir there, where we often spend “Athenian nights” with our women. Life is good now... cheeky... fun. We don’t know what will happen next, when the last combat cohort leaves the DOPT, only one academic bastard will remain.<…>

The old guys still support the traditions of the old DOPT a little, and even then they are already dissipating. The booze has opened up like hell, and they are no longer hiding, but blowing with might and main. They get drunk and start cursing the Soviet government, the party and the Komsomol.”

A “hero” was considered a student who knew a lot of dirty jokes, obscene songs and did not hesitate to perform them in the presence of girls. In general, obscene language was a natural attribute of student everyday life, but during table conversations even the most well-mannered male and female students could not do without it. At the same time, the student correspondents seemed to justify their colleagues: “Swearing sometimes does not serve as a curse at all, it sometimes helps to say in a nutshell what cannot be said in pages.” As one resident of a student dormitory recalled, any attempts to protest against breaking the silence were resolutely suppressed: “As soon as anyone mentions (about stopping the noise in the dormitory at night - A.R.), they will attack him from all sides: “Intellectual!” Mommy's boy! I wasn’t in production!” And so on and so forth. The next night, the defamed “intellectual” himself proves his proletarian ideology with tap dancing, swearing, and swearing.” A vivid picture of student everyday life is given by the wall-mounted “Diary of our room” in the dormitory of Vkhutemas students, published in the student magazine:
“15/IV - they tore into pieces, Kolka made a mistake - he went “abroad”; 16/IV - did not eat or smoke. We are thinking of setting a world hunger strike record. Not a penny of money; 20/IV - played cards until... (then there was a little-used, but very strong word); 28/IV - Vaska deprived Ninka..."

2§ “Proletarians of all countries, do not multiply!”

I don’t have a family, I broke up with her a long time ago. I grew up in public, among friends. While I was studying at the workers' faculty, questions of love passed me by.

The original slogan that became the title of this paragraph belongs to a teacher at the Tuapse technical school, who actively preached sexual abstinence among students. The unreality of this good wish from the teacher to the student generation, which has felt the rapid flow of sexual freedom, is obvious. Unlike school, university life created much more needs and opportunities for students to satisfy their libido.<…>
Under the conditions of such a training system, all students had to adapt. It was especially difficult for a peasant and a resident of a small town who came to the university from the village to get used to the specifics of student life and the relaxed morals of city life. Revelations from an Odessa student and a Kharkov university student help to better understand this turning point in rural and provincial psychology:

“The change of residence (from village to city), where there are different morals, different people, forced what remained of the village to be hidden, hidden, because here they laugh at sexual innocence, at ignorance of what in the city a ten-year-old boy has comprehended perfectly; the dust and dirt of the city, its moral depravity does not allow you to become an “ascetic”... and you cannot turn away from the attractive, painted girls who, in accordance with the latest costume fashion, challenge your dormant feelings and mock them when they learn about your ideals.”

“I don’t have a family, I broke up with her a long time ago. I grew up in public, among friends. While I was studying at the workers' faculty, questions of love passed me by.<…>When I entered university, my life changed dramatically. I moved to Big city, into a new environment, and the new study and hostel comrades turned out to be completely different. I was faced with the fact that most students look at female students as a commodity for widespread consumption. They see only a woman in them and “play love” without loving. There are times when guys go to spend the night in women's rooms. I stay away from all this.<…>My friends who are starting to be sexually active... easily get together and separate, and have abortions without any moral oppression.

The horror is that this is done every day, casually and simply, and everyone is used to it.”

Premarital and extramarital affairs were widespread among the students of those years. Almost 75% of students lost their virginity before the age of 20. The age of 17–20 years was particularly intense, during which 46.8% of men began permanent sex life. For women, this peak occurred between the ages of 18 and 21. It is significant that there were no class or party differences in the sexual practices of students: 90% of communist students lived an active sex life, 40% of them used the services of prostitutes. Judging by some surveys of students, approximately half of them did not recognize love, although two-thirds of the students experienced love experiences. It is known that in one of the universities a real duel with seconds almost took place between two students who could not share the girl between them. Meanwhile, V. Nikitin, a student at the Moscow workers' faculty, wrote in a questionnaire about everyday life: “Love (the workers' faculty) rejects and considers it stupidity and boyishness. They recognize it only from the point of view of sexual intercourse.” The overwhelming majority of students (on average 85%) were prone to sexual intercourse.
It is quite natural that the views of boys and girls on this problem were often opposite. We find two extreme points of view in the questionnaires:

2nd year student: “The basis of love is the sexual attraction of two subjects to each other. If any misunderstanding occurs in sexual relations, then the entire poetic superstructure will collapse.” 3rd year student: “I’ve been living with best friend, with mutual love we do not have sexual relations. Both are completely healthy. I find that true human love is outside of sexual intimacy; sexual intimacy can only disrupt the harmony between lovers.”

D. Lass found that students in the second half of the 1920s began sexual activity somewhat earlier than students in the first years of the revolution. Peasants were the earliest to have a sexual debut, already at the age of 13, and representatives of the petty-bourgeois strata were the last to make it. The overwhelming majority of workers began regular sexual activity at 18 years old, peasants - at 19 years old, representatives of non-proletarian students - at 20 years old. Among women there were different trends. Most peasant women entered into regular sexual relations at the age of 18, women of the petty bourgeois strata at 19, and working women even later at 21–22.

Many students were characterized by a brutal type of behavior in relationships with the fair sex. A cynical formula was common among a significant part of the student body: “The power of love is directly proportional to the resistance of the material, that is, the resistance of a woman.” The “Red Don Juans” did not sing serenades to their lovers or write poems in the hope of charming a naive peasant woman. They based their seduction tactics on political literacy and the slogan of women’s emancipation, and such tactics often brought them success. One of the representatives of this generation of conquerors of women's hearts was Moscow student B. Bogdanov. Having two wives with children in different cities, he started a third affair with a gullible student. His life credo was to own a 12-story house, in which a wife should live on each floor. It is not surprising that Boris’s next girlfriend was shocked when she found out that she occupied only the third floor, and he needed women who “possess the art of cosmetics, know how to be naked and look into the eyes.” However, young men with this type of behavior often sought to demonstrate their superiority over a woman not so much in front of the opposite sex, but in front of other representatives of their own sex. One of the womanizers flaunted his love affairs in front of his comrades:

“You used to go for an evening or something else, and then you have your choice. Sometimes failure. Some bitch will be fidgety, even though she’s good, but you’ll leave her, because nothing will come of it anyway. Well, you’ll go into the garden with another girl, moon and all that. And there, of course, word for word - well, “ladies”. “What about alimony?” asked others, inexperienced in such love. - “Creative, you make sure that the wolf is fed and the sheep is safe.” Take everything you can from life. What you pick is yours. I’ve long lost count of how many girls I’ve fallen in love with. This requires skill, speed and pressure!’”

I am surprised at myself that a lot of intercourse is required. I get very excited, I can’t sit near women and I’m worried about their proximity. I've lost my way with the girls, I can't control myself. Please provide assistance.

Many people are interested in how Russian students have fun today. To study this topic, very serious social research was carried out, which was carried out for a long time with government support. As a result, the main trends and trends among the entertainment preferences of our students have become known. Based on their results, we can confidently identify the most favorite ways of entertainment among students.

Fifth place – variety of games

Our students love educational and exciting games. Today there are quite a lot of them, and more are appearing every day. Moreover, one should not write off classic chess, checkers, etc. Such games allow you not only to have fun, but also to help your own development.

Fourth place – tea culture

At the moment, he enjoys great love among our entire population. This trend did not pass students by. Our students love to spend time over a cup of tea and study tea culture different nations and try different types of tea. Not only Chinese teas, mate, etc. are very popular. Nowadays, more and more high-quality domestic teas of this type are appearing.

Third place – physical development

Sport is very exciting and interesting. Russian students have fun by playing a variety of sports. And the choice here is very large, including team sports, classes in gyms and fitness centers, and contact martial arts. And of course, we must not forget about yoga and other bodily practices that are very popular.

Second place - reading books

Undoubtedly, reading books is a real passion, a gigantic love, both for our students and for the rest of the population. Students enthusiastically entertain themselves by reading their books, visiting libraries or being in their personal library. They share their knowledge and recommend interesting books to each other.

First place - spirituality

Our students understand that the spiritual is the basis, this is the main thing. Accordingly, they enthusiastically and actively devote their time to meditation, prayer and various spiritual practices. Everyone wants to be as close as possible and to know Him as deeply as possible.

He did not know that indifference returns in the same way that love returns.
I didn’t know that time plays strange games, amusing itself with unexpected turns that always puzzle the participants; and one fine evening you will deathly desire the one or the one whom you sent to the devil ten years ago.
(Françoise Sagan)

Live life to the fullest while you're here. Try everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be mysterious. You're going nowhere, so you should at least enjoy the process. Don’t neglect the opportunity to learn from your mistakes, look for the reasons for your difficulties and get rid of them. Don't strive to be perfect, just be an example of a worthy person.

Artist Paige Thompson has fun by painting animals on her own lips. It seems to us that 21 is the right time for such experiments, especially since Page uses makeup left over from Halloween to create her masterpieces.

Steven Benjamin, photo author: “Cape Seals are my favorite fashion models. They are curious and playful, but at the same time difficult to photograph. In the water, hundreds of seals scurry around at breakneck speed, spinning, turning over, taking different poses. And sometimes Cape seal pups amuse themselves by tugging at divers’ fins.”

the buttercup chain - still from the film. I liked the story of several teenagers despite some of the film's shortcomings. I suggest you watch it, at least you'll be entertained a little.


Come to California, let's relax, have fun...

There are nine million terrorists in the world and I killed the one with the leg like Cinderella

Yippee-kai-yay, motherfucker!

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