Skyrim 5 heirlooms companions. Walkthrough of Companions quests The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Blood and Honor

IN free time Companions fight with each other. Beat your own so that strangers will be afraid!

Brave men, warriors, desperate grunts and biters - this is how the Companions appear before us. They are stern, but friendly. They live in the Jorrvaskr longhouse in Whiterun, but carry out quests throughout Skyrim. They are excellent fighters and can teach us a lot. The best blacksmith in the entire province makes weapons and armor for them. However, the Companions stay aloof from the public, and there is a reason for this - the “inner circle” of the Companions is entirely “gifted” with lycanthropy. The shaggy, toothy beasts are far from your average warrior guild.

Quests for Companions are not just a chain of tasks, like, for example, magicians. To receive each subsequent task, the hero must first complete one random one created by the Radiant Story system. This approach diversifies the game, but opens the way to unpleasant bugs that can completely shut down the Companions line. Therefore, when playing for this team, make it a rule to save at least after each story quest. If a random quest turns out to be impossible, load up and take another one.

THIS IS A BUG: Please also keep in mind that you will probably not be able to fully recover from the lycanthropy acquired from the Companions. The hero's ears will remain hairy and his grin wolfish until the end of his days. If you don’t want to constantly listen to the guards’ comments about ear hair and dog smell, think twice before starting the “Silver Hand” quest (it’s the one that gives lycanthropy).

Most likely, you will learn about the Companions by completing the quest “Before the Storm” from the main storyline. In the suburbs of Whiterun, on the Pelagio farm, you will meet a group of warriors kicking a giant. They will tell you that there are such Companions and they live on that hill, in the “long house” of Jorrvaskr.

ADVICE: It's best to get rid of the companion before going to Jorrvaskr. There will be their own companions, and the likelihood of unpleasant script bugs will be much less.

To arms

"I am not afraid of you!"

When you first enter Jorrvaskr, you will witness a fistfight between two of its inhabitants. After sorting out the relationship, the Companions will unanimously send the hero to the basement, to the Harbinger (as the elder is called here) Kodlak. He, in turn, will invite you to arrange a fight with Vilkas to find out whether we have enough strength.

The battle itself is not difficult, since it is designed for a hero of early levels. You cannot use magic in it (enchanted weapons are also undesirable). It is important for a strong hero to balance his blows so as not to inadvertently hit Vilkas when he has already given up - in this case, you will be in trouble.

After the battle, we will be sent on a postal mission to a nearby cliff, to the Sky Forge to Yorlund Graymane, and then back, with another postal mission. Farkas will show you the bed where you can now rest, and this will complete the task.

Test of Valor

Skjor is looking for us with a task - to look into the Ancient Cairn and find there a fragment of Vugluskr... that is, excuse me, Wutrad - the legendary ax owned by Ysgramor, the ancient leader of the Nords who came from across the sea. Our companion will be Farkas, a fighter with two-handed sword(You will have to let go of your companion, if you have one, for a while).

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: If you started the quest at a high level, be prepared for difficulties. The enemies will be strong, and Farkas will be weak. Don't let him go forward, guard him and try not to hurt him.

The unexpected will happen very quickly - the hero will be locked in a trap, and Farkas will have to reincarnate to help him out, thereby revealing the secret of the Companions' lycanthropy.

When you get to the Ancient Crypt, things take an interesting turn. First, you will meet an original hunter standing in a sarcophagus with his arms crossed and depicting a draugr. Secondly, you will find a huge hall (the key to the entrance is in a chest not far from the door), and there is the word of power “Fire Breath” and a fragment of Wuuthrad.

Of course, as soon as we take the fragment, the inhabitants of the sarcophagi, led by a strong leader, will begin to attack us. It is best to fight them off by standing on the table where you took the fragment - this will make it more difficult for the draugr to reach you.

The exit from the cairn is behind the stairs, from where the undead came running. Upon our return, we will have a conversation with Vilkas and a solemn ceremony of acceptance into the Companions.

Silver hand

The role of honorary donor is the huntress Eila.

And again you will have to complete a random task. Once done, return to Jorrvaskr. Skjor is looking for us again, but now he offers to meet under the cover of darkness at the foot of the Forge. Yes, you guessed it right - we are waiting for the rite of passage into werewolves, the Test of Blood. Until the hero agrees to it, he will not see a career in the Companions.

After the huntress Eila becomes a donor of werewolf blood for us, it is undesirable to run around the city - the public and the guards will not appreciate it. You can return to the Lower Forge and escape through the second exit, or simply wait until the effect wears off.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Lycanthropy gives strength, speed, agility and powerful blows. However, the effect of turning into a beast ends quickly if you do not extend it by devouring corpses. You can transfer once a day. The Ring of Hircine (a quest from the Daedra Lord of the same name) allows you to transform twice. In werewolf form, the duffel bag does not work, and you cannot use weapons or spells. Everyone hates the beast, but it won’t harm the hero’s reputation, as long as he doesn’t transform in front of everyone.

The hero again loses consciousness and wakes up far from Whiterun, at Gallows Rock, where the same Aela incites him to the fortress of the “Silver Hand”. Inside are hunters and the werewolves they captured. It is undesirable to release captured werewolves - they will attack us.

The leader of the hunters is Krev Shkuroder. Kill her and go on a new random quest from Eila.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Now, in order to take the next story quest, you need to do two random quests.

Blood and Honor

The Witch of Glenmoril. Already with feathers and claws, but not yet flying.

And again the Harbinger Kodlak calls us. He found a way to heal from lycanthropy, which was given to the Companions by the Glenmoril witches three hundred years ago. The secret is in the witches' heads. They need to be collected and brought.

Witches live in the Glenmoril Coven. It is designed simply - one entrance and five branches. Each contains one witch (technically, these are sorcerers). Some witches are guarded by trolls, others roam the cave on their own.

THIS IS A BUG: if you want to heal yourself, you need two witch heads. If you want to cure all werewolves - four. It is very important not to take extra heads “on board”, because then you will not be able to throw them out of your duffel bag, and carrying unused heads with you forever is not an acquired taste.

Returning to Jorrvaskr, we find that the Companions' headquarters has been attacked. Vilkas will fill us in on the details (Kodlak is dead, all the wreckage of Wuuthrad has been stolen) and will immediately give us the next quest.

THIS IS A BUG: The ending of the quest is very dangerous for stuck scripts, so save before heading back to Whiterun. The most reliable way to shut up the plot is if the hero has taken a quest to find the helmet of Winterhold from the jarl there. Make sure you don't have this quest (by the way, it's already very buggy).

Purifying revenge

The “Silver Hand”, when it sees a werewolf, says: “Rrrraarr!” What else can you say?

The fallen leader must be avenged. Together with Vilkas we go to Driftshade, which is far in the north, and clear it of the “Silver Hand”, so that at the end of the long journey we can take pieces of the legendary ax from the table.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Vilkas is also weak at high levels - moreover, to such an extent that a single blow can bring him into the state of “I’m lying down and I don’t feel well.”

Our enemies here will, naturally, be the Silver Hand hunters, and only them.

Last duty

So the wide furnace of the forge came in handy.

The first part of the quest is saying goodbye to Kodlak. He will be solemnly burned on the blacksmith's furnace. After the ceremony, the blacksmith Yorlund will catch us and ask us to bring the last fragment of Wuuthrad from the room of the former Harbinger in order to try to reforge her. After that, he sends us to the Lower Forge.

There is a debate about whether it is possible and necessary to fulfill Kodlak's last wish and heal his soul from lycanthropy so that it can go to the feast halls of Sovngarde. The result will be disappointing: to try to cleanse the soul of the leader, you need to look into the tomb of Ysgramor, and the key to it - the very ax of Wuuthrad - is broken.

“But no!” - says the blacksmith and enters the room with an ax at the ready. He finally managed to reforge it, and now everyone goes to the tomb, which is on an island northwest of Winterhold. Inside, give Wuuthrad into the hands of Ysgramor (then you can pick it up and use it) and go into the interior.

In addition to the usual rats and spiders found in moldy tombs, we will be greeted by the ghosts of deceased Companions. They will not greatly annoy us, since they are not our enemies, but simply want to test our strength. Partners can easily handle them.

At the end of the path you will find Kodlak and after a conversation, throwing the witch’s head into the blue flame, you will defeat the ghostly wolf that has jumped out, thereby sending the old Companion to Sovngarde. The trick can be repeated by healing yourself, Farkas and Vilkas. To do this, they need to be assigned as companions and brought to the blue flame. It's useless to lead Eila - she likes being a werewolf. Before leaving the dungeon, do not forget to take Ysgramor's shield from the chest.

The job is done - the reforged ax of Wuuthrad can be taken and used.

You are now the Harbinger of the Companions. Their random quests are open to you, you can take them along as companions and even take them as husbands and wives. In the Heavenly Forge you can forge new weapons and armor. Weapons will appear in the new “draugr” section, and armor will appear in the Daedric section (and forging it will require the ability to handle steel).

Companions is a parody of the familiar Fighters Guild. So, the Companions are a guild of warriors that settled in Skyrim a long time ago. According to legendary legend, an equally legendary Nord named Ysgramor gathered the first five hundred Companions in a place called Atmor and returned back to his native lands - Skyrim, in order to take revenge on the damned elves who captured these lands after the fall of Saarthal.

While going through the tasks of your comrades, difficulties arise as a couple, but we will help you overcome these difficulties in. If you have any problems, then write in your comments or watch the walkthrough below.

To arms

The Companions are a society of heroes who carry out their exploits for hard coin. As a home, they use a building called Jorrvaskr, which is located in the city of Whiterun near Dragon's Reach. In order to join this society of warriors, you first need to talk with one of the representatives of the Companions, but in any case, each of them sends you to Kodlak White Mane.

Kodlak usually wanders around the living quarters of Jorrvaskr, so go down there and tell him that you want to join the Companions. Although the old man sees some kind of strength in you, he still decides to give you a duel with one of his subordinates, and it will be a warrior named Vilkas. If Vilkas likes how you beat him, then he will ask you to take your favorite sword to a local blacksmith named Yorlund Graymane, who is constantly located in the Heavenly Forge. After talking with this blacksmith, he now asks you to take the shield to Aela the Huntress. Well, now go to this cutie and return her shield to her. After a couple of questions, she sends you and Farkas to inspect the living quarters. Along the way, you will meet the inhabitants of this place and in the end, Farkas will give you the first task.

Bruiser on call

This task is intermediate between the story quests for the Companions. The thing about these "small" assignments is that they are random, meaning you can be sent anywhere. Here, for example, is one of them: you need to go to the village of Rorikstead and punch a man named Lemkil in the face. Once you do this, you can return back to Farkas and he will give you a reward for the work done. After this task, he will send you to Skjor, who in turn will give you the Companions story quest.

Test of Valor

It's time to chat with Skjor. So, he asks you to go with Farkas to the same tomb in search of a fragment of the legendary ax Wuuthrad, which belonged to the no less legendary Ysgramor. The fragment, according to them, is located in the Ancient Cairn. After talking with Skjor, go to Farkas and agree to meet him near the dungeon.

As soon as you get to the Ancient Cairn, you will see that Farkas is already in place. Go down into the dungeon together. Inside, Farkas notices that someone has already been here. Immediately here on the table there will be a book called “The Battle of Sancre Tor”, which will increase your two-handed weapon skill.

So, go deeper and soon you will find yourself in a crypt, where you will be unexpectedly attacked by draugr. As soon as you kill them, then go through the wooden doors, go down below to the large hall and you will immediately notice that there are two accessible passages. The passage on the left side will be open, but there the road comes to a dead end, but there is a lever that opens the grate on the right side. By pulling this lever you lock yourself in this recess and open the grate on the right side. You will not have the opportunity to avoid this trap, but this is not necessary either, since this whole situation is linear in this moment.

Well, after you find yourself in this trap, a worried Farkas approaches you. At the same moment, unknown people arrive, who, as it turns out, are members of a faction called “Silver Hand”. As it turns out in a couple of seconds, the trap is actually set for Farkas. The incredible happens and Farkas turns into a werewolf, who scatters these two-legged pieces of meat around without any problems. After this massacre, Farkas leaves. Soon the grate opens and you are free!

After such stunning events, we talk with Farkas and understand that he considers his curse a blessing. Well, it’s up to him, so we move deeper into this place and simultaneously chop down all the guys from the “Silver Hand”. At some point you need to go higher, where you can go to the hall next door. Eventually you reach wooden doors. After passing through these doors you again encounter crowds of draugr and soldiers of the Silver Hand. Having killed everyone in the next corridors, you soon find yourself in a dilapidated hall, where at the end there will be a door again. Having passed through the doors, you go down below, clear the lower floor and find yourself in the Ancient Crypt, behind which there will be another door. Here the meat grinder continues, mixed with draugr and soldiers of the “Silver Hand”. Eventually you reach an iron gate.

The key to these doors will be in the chest (the very beginning of the dungeon, left side). As soon as you open the doors, move on and kill all the rats along the way. Eventually you reach the alchemy table. Further through the cave passage you find yourself again in the crypts. There will also be an iron gate there. Open the doors, go further and find yourself near the stone wall, where the new word of power is located. On the table next door there will also be that same fragment of the legendary Wuuthrad. After taking the fragment, it’s time to return back to the Companions, but suddenly draugr begin to climb from all the tombs. At some second you might think that they are climbing endlessly and something needs to be done, but this is not so. You need to stand and fight back. In the end, the last draugr falls from your weapon and you can climb the log stairs above and get out through the passage that is located behind one of the tombs. After passing through this small corridor cave you will find yourself in a cave hall. At this point, pull the lever and you can go to the very beginning of the dungeon, where you can get out into the fresh air in Skyrim.

It's time to return back to the Companions in Jorrvaskr. Vilkas will be waiting for you near the entrance, so follow him into the courtyard. All the “cream” of the Companions gathered here. In general, everyone starts voting for you to become a member of the Circle. Once the vote ends with your successful acceptance into the Circle, Kodlak takes the Wuuthrad shard from you. You will also receive the task to talk with your Companions about tasks. So, you can choose to talk to Vilkas, Eila or Skjor. In any case, as usual, you will be given a left task like killing some fugitive criminal or clearing out some place. It is unknown how the tasks are generated, but in any case it is not too difficult. For example, when we arrived at Vilkas, he gave us the task “Rescuing the Kidnapped”.

Rescue of abducted people

So, you have to save a character named Farengar Secret Fire, who was imprisoned in a place called the Torch Mine. There will be robbers near the mine and inside, so get ready for serious enemies. In addition, there will be a wooden bridge inside, which can be lowered using a lever located on the ledge on the right side. To get to this lever you just need to go deeper into this shaft and turn to the left. As soon as you kill the bandits, carefully examine their bodies, since one of the bandits should have the key to the cell of the kidnapped person. In addition, you can also simply hack this cell. In the end, when you free Farengar, take him back to Whiterun, where, by the way, your paths will diverge. Once you have successfully delivered him back home, you can safely return to Jorrvasker and report everything to Vilkas. After asking Vilkas about the next task, he will send you to Skjor, who will explain the new task.

Silver hand

Well, go to Skjor and talk to him about work. He tells you that subsequent events must remain a secret even for Kodlak White Mane. In general, he invites you to meet in the evening at a place called “Lower Forge”. Around eight o'clock you can already go there. As soon as you find yourself inside, you will notice that in front of you is the shaggy-haired Aela the Huntress. At some point, Skjor will talk to you and start telling stories of werewolves and how cool it is to be a shapeshifter. Everything comes down to the fact that in order to enter the Circle, you need to “become related” to everyone by blood - that is, to become a werewolf. There will be no choice and you will have to agree. Skjor begins to perform the ritual: he takes Eila’s hand, makes a wound, pours the blood into a cup and you drink. As a result, you become one of these shaggy dogs. In the guise of a werewolf, you find yourself on the streets of Whiterun at night. You can kill a couple of guards, or you can wait an hour to find yourself back in human form.

So, having met again with her relatives, Aela the Huntress says that she wants to kill the soldiers from the “Silver Hand” who live in their fortress. It also turns out that Skjor has already gone there. Well, it’s time for you to go there too. As soon as you find yourself near the fortress, kill all the enemies and make your way inside. Using the chain on the wall you can open the grate in front. Then everything is extremely simple: move forward and tear apart crowds of enemies. At some point you will reach cages with werewolves, but freeing them will be a mistake, since they are wild and will attack you at the first opportunity.

Eventually, you reach the remainder of the Silver Hand troops, led by Krev the Skinner. The carnage will be brutal. As soon as you kill everyone here, you will find the corpse of old Skjor... Aela the Huntress will be very upset by his death, so she wants to take revenge on these werewolf killers.


After you have examined Skjor's corpse, go outside through the adjacent doors. Having pulled out the bolt, you will find yourself at the very beginning of this fortress. Now exit to Skyrim and go to the cave called the Lost Knife. Once you arrive to this place, go inside. A bunch of enemies from the Silver Hand organization are waiting for you inside. If you are well pumped, then they pose no danger to you. As you make your way through this cave you will eventually reach their hideout. Please note that in the very last section of the cave, near the chest with debris, when you run after the warriors, try not to jump into the hole behind the wooden fence, since you will only be able to get back out if you break the very complex lock on the cage.

As soon as you kill all the thugs from the “Silver Hand” here, take another fragment of the legendary Wuuthrad from the chest. You can get to the exit if you follow the stream that flows nearby. In the end, when you get back to Skyrim, go quickly to Aela the Huntress. Upon arrival, give her the found fragment of Wuuthrad and receive 300 septims as a reward. After this, you can turn to Eila for the next task.

A blow to the heart

This task is intermediate between the main story mission of the Companions. This task is not very difficult, so you can complete it quite quickly. So, Aela the Huntress sends you to clear some cave from bandits, for example, it could be the same Redoran Shelter. Once you complete her task, you can take shooting lessons from her. If you talk to Eila again, then she will tell you that at the moment Kodlak White Mane is waiting for you at his place, who will soon give you a new and very interesting task.

Blood and Honor

Go to Kodlak White Mane and talk with him. During a conversation with Kodlak, you realize that their supposed “blessing,” that is, wolf blood, is actually their curse. What does the curse that some Glenmoril witches created? As a result, the Companions who die do not go to Sovngarde, but end up in the hunting grounds of Hircine. Kodlak asks you to visit the lair of these witches and hack them to death there, taking their heads with you. Heads, in turn, are necessary for healing from wolf blood.

It's time to go to a place called the Glenmoril Coven. As soon as you find yourself near this place, go inside. Remember: witches are very dangerous and it is best to try to kill them with a bow in stealth mode, or carefully sneak closer with some two-handed weapon, and a miss can cost you your life. In addition to the witches themselves, frost spiders and a handsome troll also live in these caves, so be extremely careful. Once you clear this place and complete additional task, then return back to Whiterun and your Companions.

Upon arrival in Jorrvaskr, it turns out that during your absence there was a complete attack on the Companions by the Silver Hand fighters. Of course, the Companions were able to repel the attack, but the attackers stole all the fragments of Wuuthrad's ax and also killed Kodlak... It's time to talk with Vilkas about further actions.

Purifying revenge

So, it’s time to reclaim the fragments of the legendary Wuuthrad axe, and in addition, it’s time to put an end to the Silver Hand clan. To do this, you need to visit a place called Driftshade Shelter. First you will need to take down the guards who are wandering outside. As soon as you remove the sentries, then rush inside. The doors opposite you will be locked from the inside, so move into the passage on the left side.

Here it all soon comes down to the fact that you must clear room after room, killing everyone you come across. In the end, you will reach the hall where the locked grate is located, and if you look carefully, you will notice a lever on the wall on the left side. Pull the lever and go into the basement. There will also be a room here that leads to an icy cave - in this cave you can also find a book called "Rearguard", which increases the skill of wearing light armor.

Move further through the ice cave. Once you find yourself in a large room with a fireplace, go down from here and turn into the passage that is located on the left side of the stairs. Next, go up the steps and go through the doors. Now turn left and then go up the stairs. Finally, you meet the remnants of the Silver Hand forces. After a very difficult massacre, collect all your equipment and carefully inspect this room for books, since there are two very useful books here that improve certain skills. Finally, take the stolen shards of Wuuthrad's axe.

You can get out of this place through those doors that are locked from the inside. In general, remove the bolt and go to Skyrim. As soon as you get out, go back to Whiterun. Upon arrival, Vilkas informs you that everything is ready for Kodlak’s burial.

Last duty

It's time to go to the Sky Forge, where the funeral of Kodlak White Mane is taking place. After a short speech, Kodlak is burned. Soon, Yorlund approaches you and asks you to go to Kodlak’s room and take the last fragment of Wuuthrad’s axe. As soon as you find yourself in the room, in addition to the fragment, also read the diary of your former leader. Based on the diary, it turns out that now it is you who have been appointed as the Harbinger and you turn out to be the only hero who can guide the rest of the Companions “on the true path.”

Once you take Wuuthrad's shard, return back to Yorlund. He tells you that there is now a meeting of the Circle in the Lower Forge, so he asks you to go there. Arriving at the Lower Forge, you notice an argument between some members of the Circle. At the same time, Yorlund arrives here and reports that he has collected Wuuthrad, the legendary ax of Ysgramor. Now it’s time to return this weapon to its true owner - go to the tomb of the legendary Ysgramor. His tomb is located in the northeast side of Winterhold. Once you make your way inside, insert the ax into the hands of the statue of Ysgramor. As a result, you are given a passage behind this statue. At this moment, Vilkas tells everyone that he will have to face the best warriors of Ysgramor. After going a little deeper into this tomb, it turns out that Vilkas was right and you have to fight.

In general, it all comes down to the fact that you need to go through rooms that are filled with ghosts of the past. At some point, you come across huge webs of cobwebs and Farkas unexpectedly admits that he is afraid to go further because he is afraid of spiders. Well, okay, Vilkas will stay with him, so you will continue to move together with Eila. Cutting the web, move on. Having passed into the next room, you again encounter ghosts. There will be a table with a huge skull right there, and on the table there will be a book that increases the skill of two-handed weapons.

After a small skirmish, go through the iron doors and go higher. So, in the center of the hall you find yourself in, there will be a ledge on which there is a blue flame, and near this flame there is Kodlak. After talking with the ghost of Kodlak, you need to throw the head of the Glenmorial witch into the fire in order to summon the wolf spirit of Kodlak, defeat him and get rid of lycanthropy. After you free Kodlak and he goes to Sovngarde, you can also cleanse yourself of lycanthropy. You will also need to throw the witch’s head into the fire and kill your wolf spirit. After this peculiar ritual, talk with your Companions about your new position and they will respond by saying that they do not mind obeying you.

To exit Ysgramor's Tomb, simply go up the stairs on the left side. By the way, along the way you will come across a chest. In addition to all the things in this chest, you can find the Shield of Ysgramor. As soon as you decide to leave here, pull the chain on the next wall and eventually the door will open for you. Now go up the spiral staircase and pull another chain, which removes the stone barrier. At the very end, another door opens, which leads to the top of the rock, on which there will be a wall with another dragon word.

The chain of story quests for the Companions ends at this point, but you can also continue to take small tasks that will be issued endlessly, so you can earn a little extra money from them.


At some point, Vilkas, together with Farkas, will wish to be cleansed of lycanthropy. You can take the cleansing task from them after you complete one small task from each (Vilkas and Farkas), after which they will ask you to help them cleanse themselves. Aela will not be eager to get rid of lycanthropy. In general, after you have taken the purification task from Vilkas and Farkas, then go together to the tomb of Ysgramor and perform the same ritual that you once performed with Kodlak, after which you help the brothers overcome their wolf spirits and that’s it, the task is considered completed.

Companions - walkthrough of Skyrim. The Companions Guild in Skyrim is the equivalent of the Warriors' Guild in Morrowind and Oblivion. Their base is located in Whiterun, in the Jorrveskr building.

Among your companions you will meet the most skilled and powerful warriors of Skyrim. They treat each other with respect, and value each other's freedom (no one bosses anyone around), but they treat newcomers very condescendingly, and they try to make fun of each other, or give some trifling assignment.

By completing tasks from your teammates, you can become a werewolf. You will also find out that many of your comrades are werewolves.

How to join the Companions?

Go to Whiterun, and in the upper part of it, find a building in the shape of an inverted ship - Jorrveskr. In it, find advisor Koldak Belaya Mane, and tell him about your desire to join their ranks.

To arms

Gives: Koldak White Mane
Where: Whiterun Jorrveskr

Introductory task. You need to show what you can do in battle. Vilkas will take you out into the yard, where you need to hit him on the head a couple of times with something heavy.


After which he will ask you to take his sword to the blacksmith Yorlund, in the heavenly forge (located nearby). And Yorlund will ask you to take the shield to Eila. This concludes the introductory task. You are accepted. Farkas will show you your bunk, tell you who to take new tasks from.

Bruiser on call

Gives: Farkas
Where: Whiterun Jorrvaskr

This task begins immediately after Farkas shows you where the newbies sleep. He will say that someone asked to “deal with” one person who needs to be intimidated a little, but in no case killed.

This man is Belethor, from the sundries store. We come to him and start a fight. It’s not difficult to defeat him, and if suddenly this doesn’t work out, another item in the dialogue will appear - intimidate him.


Having dealt with him, we return to Farkas. He will say that Skjor was looking for us.

Test of Valor

Gives: Farkas
Where: Whiterun Jorrvaskr

The first serious task from the Companions. This will also be your test for the right to be called a full member of the Companions.

Skjor will send you to Ancient Karn to search for the “wreck of Wuuthrad”, giving you Farkas as a partner.


We speak with Farkas and go to Ancient Karn. There shouldn't be any difficulties with it. There are no mysteries there, just one nuance: you will come across a room with a lever, we go in, pull the lever, the cage will close behind you. You won't be able to open it back - we just go up to the bars and wait for Farkas to come up. He will say that he will find a way to open the grate, after which a small scene will await you.


At the end of the dungeon we find a piece of debris and a wall with the cry “Fire Breath”.


We return to Jorrvaskr, listen to the “closing speech” and we’re done.

Escaped criminal

Gives: Skjor
Where: Whiterun Jorrvaskr

After we have been accepted into the circle, we go to any member of the circle for a task (in my case it is Skjor). Skyrim is in chaos again. This time, a criminal escaped from Whiterun prison. Our task is to neutralize the enemy. The location of the criminal is indicated on the map.


However, you may get another task: clean the Ford, put pressure on someone. There is only one principle: go, find, kill, come.

Silver hand

Gives: Skjor
Where: Whiterun Jorrvaskr

The time has come. Skjor invites us to meet at night near the entrance to the Lower Forge. We wait until night and go into the forge.

There, in secret from Kodlak, members of the circle perform a ritual during which you will become a werewolf. Don't get noticed by the residents and guards - in the guise of a wolf you are their enemy.


When the transformation is over, you will find yourself far from Whiterun, near the Silver Hand camp.


Skjor has gone on reconnaissance, and Eila will order her and me to clear the camp. There is nothing complicated. Only the leader of the gang, Krev Shkuroder, will cause trouble. At the end we listen to Eila’s speech.


Enemy plans

Gives: Aela the Huntress
Where: Whiterun Jorrvaskr

Our goal is to obtain the strategic plans of the Silver Hand. To do this, we clear the location we need and take the plans. We return to Jorrvaskr and give them back.


Once again it's time for random tasks. To start a serious mission, you will have to go through two side missions. Here is an example of tasks:

A blow to the heart

Gives: Aela the Huntress
Where: Whiterun Jorrvaskr

This time we need to clear the Ford and destroy the gang leader. Everything is crazy simple. We kill everyone and return to Jorrvaskr. Mission completed.

Blood and Honor

Gives: Any member of the circle
Where: Whiterun Jorrvaskr

We are informed that Kodlak got wind of our “dark” dealings and calls us to his place.


Let's go to him. After talking with him, we learn about how to cure lycanthropy.


To do this, we need to go to the Glenmoril Coven and kill the witches there. Everything is simple again. We are asked to bring one head, but in order not to return later for the rest for other comrades, we kill all the witches and take all the heads.



One of the witches is difficult to find - you need to turn into an inconspicuous passage on the right:


We return to Jorrvaskr and see a terrible picture: while we were carrying out Kodlak’s instructions, the Silver Hand attacked our comrades. The blow was repelled, but Kodlak died in the battle. All the wreckage of Wuuthrad was also lost.


Purifying revenge

Gives: Vilkas
Where: Whiterun Jorrvaskr


Immediately after talking with Vilkas, the quest begins Purifying revenge. We need to get into the Silver Hand shelter and get the wreckage of Wuuthrad.


We go into the shelter and kill the enemies. The door ahead is closed, so we need to go left.


The shelter consists of 3 locations. In one of them you will meet a werewolf locked in a cage. This is not a reincarnated ally - so he will attack you.

As a result, we take the fragments of Wuuthrad from the table and return to Jorrvaskr.


Last duty

Gives: Vilkas
Where: Whiterun

We go to the Heavenly Forge and watch Kodlak's funeral.


Afterwards, Jorlund will come up to us, ask us to give back the fragments and say that the last fragment is in Kodlak’s nightstand.


We pick it up, come back and give it away. Afterwards we go down to the Lower Forge, where they discuss Kodlak’s last wish - to be cured of lycanthropy.


They give us the repaired Wuuthrad and all members of the circle go to Ysgramor's tomb.



As soon as we enter, Vilkas will tell us that he cannot come with us.


To open the passage, you need to insert Wuuthrad into the hand of the statue of Ysgramor. Afterwards you can pick up the weapon - the passage will remain open.


We move forward and kill the ghosts of our comrades. Later, Farkas will also break away from us, explaining that he is afraid of spiders.


In the large hall you need to activate the handle in front, a passage will open at the back left.


In the end, we will find Kodlak's ghost.


After talking with him, we throw the witch’s head into the fire and kill Kodlak’s wolf spirit.


Then he will express his gratitude to us, proclaim him the Harbinger of his companions - the first real leader of the brotherhood after Ysgramor, and disappear.



In the same way, you can cure yourself, as well as Vilkas and Farkas, from lycanthropy in their additional tasks. Eila won't want to be healed.


With this, the main line of companion quests has come to an end. Now our comrades will talk to us more respectfully, it will be possible to take any of them as partners, as well as take any comrade-in-arms as a wife, including Aela the Huntress - the beauty of Skyrim (provided that you talked with the priest in the Temple of Mara. Read more at page Wedding). In addition, when he meets Yorlund in the Heavenly Forge, he will say that after Kodlak’s death, the forge seemed to come to life, and we will be able to create draugr weapons.

Heirlooms(orig. Family Heirloom) - quest of the Companions faction in the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Brief walkthrough

  1. Talk to Skjor;
  2. Get to the location and pick up the necessary item;
  3. Return to Skjor for your reward.


  • Steel Warhammer, Shimmermist Cave, Kagrenzel;
  • Iron Sword, Serpent Crag Hold;
  • Glass Sword, Ansilvund;
  • Iron Axe, Cold Wind Pond;
  • Glass Mace, Fellglow Keep;
  • Steel Sword, Frost Beacon;
  • Steel Axe, Honey Cave, Broken Helm Hollow.


  • If the location was cleared before accepting the quest, you will either have to wait 30 in-game days from the moment the location was cleared, or use console commands. To update the interior of a location with all objects and creatures, you need to use the resetinterior [location code] command. Location codes can be found in articles about them.
  • If Skjor is already dead, this quest passes to Vilkas.

Quest stages

To go to a specific stage of the quest, enter in the console:

Setstage CR06 stage

where the stage parameter is a number, the stage of the quest (all stages are listed below).

Heirlooms (ID: CR06)
StageDiary entry
10 One family living in the property , a valuable item was stolen. They think the thieves took her to their lair ( ). I need to return it to them.
(Quest updated):: you need to pick up what was stolen from there ( )
20 I managed to return the stolen item ( ) noble family living in the domain .
(Quest updated):waiting for me with a reward
The stage indicated in green corresponds to the successful completion of the quest, and in red - its failure.
The following stages have been omitted because they have no description or meaning: 0, 1, 100.


  • Not all quest stages may appear in the quest log. Which of them will appear and which will not depend on how you complete the quest.
  • Stages are not always displayed sequentially. As a rule, this happens if the quest has several possible endings, and also if some of the quest stages can be completed in any order.
  • If a stage is marked green, that is, as the end of a quest, then this means that the quest disappears from the list of active quests in the log, but new entries associated with the quest may still appear in the quest log.


Companions Quests
Main plot Talk to the leader of the Companions To Arms Test of Valor
Silver hand Blood and honor Purifying vengeance Last duty
Radiant quests

To arms

To join the Companions, you must first receive the "To Arms" quest. If at the very beginning of the game you went along the road from Riverwood to Whiterun, you could not help but notice a group of fighters fighting a giant near the Pelagia farm. These are three companions: Aela the Huntress, Riya and Farkas. You can help them by joining the battle, or just watch the battle.

After the giant is defeated, Aela will contact you. Depending on your decision, she either praises you for your support or ridicules your poor fighting abilities. After asking Aela about who she and her comrades are, you will learn about the Companions. You will also be informed that if you suddenly express a desire to join their ranks, you will have to go to Whiterun and talk to Kodlak Whitemane in Jorrvaskr.

If you took a roundabout route to Whiterun or somehow missed the battle, then after talking with the residents of Whiterun, you will learn that the Companions are recruiting people to join their community.

A blow to the heart

You must go to a randomly selected location and kill one of the leaders of the Silver Hand clan. Upon completion, you must return with a report to Eila in Jorrvaskr.


The quest can only be taken until the Companions’ story quest “The Last Duty” is completed.

Enemy plans

Eila will want to find out the plans of the enemy organization and for this she will send you to kidnap them. Go to the indicated location and take the plans from the chest of the leader of the werewolf hunters. You can fight your way through or just steal them. After you return them to Eila, the task will be considered completed.


This task can only be taken until the Companions’ story mission “The Last Duty” is completed.


Aela will send you to get another fragment of the legendary Wuuthrad. It is located in the chest of one of the leaders of the Silver Hand. You need to go to the indicated location and return the relic to Jorrvaskr.


This task can be taken several times, but only before the Companions’ story mission “The Last Duty” is completed.

Blood and Honor

After you complete two additional tasks, Kodlak White Mane himself will want to talk to you. The Harbinger learned of your help in the fight against the Silver Hand, but is not happy about it. Kodlak will tell you the true story of how the Companions became werewolves.

Once upon a time, the Circle entered into an agreement with the Glenmoril witches, who serve the Daedric prince Hircine. In exchange for the power and abilities of the werewolves, the souls of the deceased members of the Circle end up not in Sovngarde, which all Nords dream of, but in the Hunting Grounds of Hircine. Therefore, while many of the Companions consider lycanthropy to be a gift, some, including Kodlak himself, know that it is also a curse.

The Harbinger decided to take a bold step - to break the ancient treaty. To do this, he sends you on an important mission: you must destroy the Glenmoril coven, kill the witches and bring their heads to Kodlak.

ABOUT cleansing revenge

Together with Vilkas, you must go to the Silver Hand camp and retrieve the stolen fragments of Wuuthrad. You will also be given an additional task - to destroy the Silver Hand clan, killing all werewolf hunters.

Your goal is Fort Driftshade, which is located southeast of Dawnstar. Near the entrance you will be met by three warriors of the Silver Hand, after dealing with them, you will go inside. After going down the stairs, you will find yourself in the first hall, where you will have to kill two more opponents. Opposite the descent there will be a door leading straight to the goal, but it will be locked on the other side, and you need to look for a workaround.

Turning left and walking along a winding corridor, you will come out into a hall with two more werewolf hunters. Next, you must go forward along a long corridor and exit into a room with a door leading to the next level of the fort. It is blocked by a grate, but the lever that activates it is located nearby on the wall.

Last duty

You must come to Kodlak's funeral. All companions and members of the circle will come to pay tribute to the Harbinger. Yorlund and Aela will say farewell words, after which, according to the ritual, Kodlak's body will be consigned to the fire of the Heavenly Forge.

Yorlund will ask you to give back the obtained fragments of the legendary axe, and will also ask you to bring the last piece, which belonged to Kodlak and is in his chambers. You must go downstairs to Jorrvaskr's Living Quarters, enter the former Harbinger's room and pick up the piece of Wuuthrad from the nightstand. Returning to Yorlund, you will learn that all members of the Circle have gathered in the Lower Forge and are waiting for you there.

Once inside, you will find Aela, Farkas and Vilkas arguing about Kodlak's dying wish. The Harbinger wanted to be cured of Hircine's curse and cleanse his soul after death. After conferring, the members of the Circle will decide that no matter what each of them thinks about the curse of the Companions, Kodlak's last wish must be fulfilled. To do this, you need to go to the tomb of Ysgramor, but since it is opened with the help of Wuuthrad, no one has been there for many years.

When the topic of Wuuthrad comes up, Yorlund Gray Mane will appear at the forge and report that thanks to your efforts, all the fragments of the ax were found, and the blacksmith himself was able to reforge the legendary Wuuthrad. Since the return of the rubble is your merit, it will be you who will be given the honor of taking the ax and leading the march to Ysgramor's tomb. You must go to the Nord ruins, which are located on the island northwest of the College of Winterhold. All members of the Circle will be waiting for you inside. Vilkas will report that Kodlak was right - the fury of revenge that filled his soul prevents him from thinking soberly, and therefore he will not go further, but will remain to guard the entrance. Farkas and Eila will go with you.

Vilkas will also tell you that the ghosts of the Companions who have departed from this world will meet on your way in the tomb and, perhaps, will attack you because they want to test your abilities.

In order to open the way to the depths of the tomb, you need to place the legendary Wuuthrad on the statue of Ysgramor. By activating the statue, you will see a passage open in the wall opposite the entrance. After this, the ax can be taken back. A difficult path awaits you and your companions.

In the first corridor you will be attacked by two ghost companions. Having dealt with them and opening the wooden door, you will find yourself in the first hall, where several more aggressive spirits will wake up when you appear. To the left of the entrance there is a passage leading to the second large hall, which is almost completely filled with water. Here you will have to fight a whole group of ghosts.

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