Becoming a pair connection is powerful. Bonds of love. Formulas for a happy marriage

Often a situation arises when a person does not find his soul mate or his feelings are not reciprocated. The rune of love can help you find personal happiness, but its use can lead to certain consequences. Most of these staves are forced binding, which reflects poorly on both the caster and the victim.

Betting on love is a runic formula that helps you meet a person who is aiming for a serious relationship.

Among the basic rules for conducting the ritual are:

  1. Serious preparation for the ceremony. Rune staves are chosen in advance, as are all items necessary for the ritual. It is better to practice alone, all means of communication are turned off for a while.
  2. The table for the ritual should be covered with a new tablecloth. In the future, it is stored together with the rune set.
  3. Doors and windows are tightly closed; the only pet allowed in the house is a cat.
  4. You cannot practice using church attributes - candles and sacred water. There should be no icons in the room or a cross on the body.
  5. Before choosing a runic formula for love, it is advised to meditate for 10 minutes. This will help put your thoughts in order.

After applying a love runescript, it needs to be activated. A proven method is to activate the 4 elements. However, if the formula affects a married person, destroying past happiness for the sake of new love, it becomes better to activate the blood.

Attracting the attention of a specific person

Formulas for a happy marriage

Marriage runescripts are divided into several categories. Some help, others don't. There are also formulas that allow you to fall in love with yourself and win a married man.

The following combinations of signs are suitable for creating a marriage:

  1. Perth + Algiz + Berkana + Mannaz + Otal + Gebo - a powerful runic stave that attracts the male gaze to the owner of the amulet. The amulet incites a strong sense of possessiveness in a representative of the stronger sex and allows him to marry you a few weeks after the first meeting.
  2. Kaenaz + Yera + Otal is a less powerful formula that encourages a man to think about marriage.
  3. Nautiz+Kenaz+Gebo+Otal+Vunyo+Yera – a constraining attitude that does not allow you to even think about a relationship with another person. Focuses the victim solely on the wishes of the caster.

Among the formulas for maintaining harmony in the family, we can highlight Isa + Gebo. Such a runescript stops the emotional development of a couple. The amulet allows you to prolong harmony in the family for a longer period, sacrificing the moral growth of the union.

You can destroy existing relationships using the combination Turisaz + Kenaz + Gebo. It is important to understand that runes spend more energy to attract the love of a married man. The ritual is based on the black magic of destruction and does not pass without a trace for all participants in the ritual.

Betting on a secret pregnancy combines the following symbols - Dagaz + Berkana + Inguz. It should be borne in mind that a child conceived to preserve a relationship carries a charge of negative energy from birth.

Famous bets on love

Among the runic ligatures there are various combinations that affect a specific situation. The image of such formulas includes a larger number of runes.

Bud of Love

The runescript is used to hold the husband. The formula also harmonizes relationships, leads to peace and tranquility in the home. Elm contains the following runes:

SymbolCombination value
Gebo – 2 pcs.Strengthens friendship, stabilizes relationships.
Teyvaz – 1 pc.Struggling with external aggressiveness that affects the peace of the marriage.
Soulu – 1 pc.Responsible for mutual understanding between spouses, increases trust.
Kenaz – 4 pcs.Strengthens passionate attraction, renews old feelings.
Dagaz – 2 pcs.Signifies changes leading to strengthening relationships.
Eyvaz – 4 pcs.Unites partners through common hobbies.
Turisaz – 2 pcs.Destroys all barriers to mutual understanding.
Algiz – 4 pcs.Protects the couple from external magical influences.

The runescript is applied to the photograph of the spouse. Before using the formula, it is recommended to perform a ritual to cleanse the house. After finishing the practice, additional energy protection should be installed.

Such a powerful position works to attract a married man. However, it does not destroy an existing marriage, it only increases sexual attraction to the spellcaster.

Using this formula you can keep a rich lover:

The rune must be activated with blood. Under the influence of the stave, a person obediently fulfills any whim of the caster. The formula is valid for 2 weeks. You can update the runescript once a month.


Runic formulas for attracting a person are divided into different categories. Some of the bets are safe and neutral, their strength is aimed at harmonizing relationships or finding a soul mate.

However, there are formulas that affect the willpower of the victim, binding him to the caster. Such combinations have negative consequences for everyone affected by the magic.

The engagement between Wulfric de Thorpe, the future Earl of Shefford, and Lady Millicent Crispin was announced when the bride was still a playful child. Years passed and the time came for the wedding. With amazement and delight, the courageous knight discovered that the angular girl had turned into a wonderful beauty, as if created for tender love. However, Millicent’s soul remains the same, and Wulfrik will have to do the impossible - to conquer the girl’s proud and independent heart and ignite in her the flame of passion - frantic and unquenchable...

    Chapter 1 1

    Chapter 2 2

    Chapter 3 3

    Chapter 4 4

    Chapter 5 6

    Chapter 6 7

    Chapter 7 8

    Chapter 8 10

    Chapter 9 11

    Chapter 10 12

    Chapter 11 12

    Chapter 12 14

    Chapter 13 14

    Chapter 14 15

    Chapter 15 16

    Chapter 16 17

    Chapter 17 17

    Chapter 18 19

    Chapter 19 20

    Chapter 20 21

    Chapter 21 22

    Chapter 22 23

    Chapter 23 23

    Chapter 24 24

    Chapter 25 25

    Chapter 26 26

    Chapter 27 26

    Chapter 28 27

    Chapter 29 28

    Chapter 30 29

    Chapter 31 31

    Chapter 32 31

    Chapter 33 32

    Chapter 34 33

    Chapter 35 34

    Chapter 36 34

    Chapter 37 35

    Chapter 38 37

    Chapter 39 37

    Chapter 40 39

    Chapter 41 39

    Chapter 42 40

    Chapter 43 41

    Chapter 44 42

    Chapter 45 42

    Chapter 46 43

    Chapter 47 44

    Chapter 48 45

    Chapter 49 46

    Chapter 50 47

    Chapter 51 48

    Chapter 52 49

    Chapter 53 50

    Eyes 54 50

    Notes 51


Chapter 1

England, 1214

Walter de Roton, as ordered, waited patiently in the hall, near the closed doors of the royal office. The hope of obtaining the promised audience gradually faded as the minutes passed into hours and the time approached evening. He was never called and is unlikely to be called today. True, many fellow sufferers gathered here who had not yet been worthy to appear before King John the Landless. Walter differed from the others only in that he remained apparently calm, although in reality he was no less worried. He was just better at hiding his feelings than others.

And there was reason to be nervous. John Plantagenet, nicknamed the Landless, one of the most hated monarchs in the entire Christian world, was distinguished by deceit and deceit. A king who can easily hang innocent children taken hostage deserves neither loyalty nor devotion. He decided that the murder of the boys would serve as a warning and deterrence to those who dared to oppose the king. Well, this time the plan failed. The barons cursed the bloody despot with fear and disgust, and John’s supporters became fewer and fewer.

And what can we say about a man who twice tried, by cunning and meanness, to take the crown from his brother, Richard the Lionheart. He had already been forgiven twice thanks to his mother’s intercession. But after Richard’s death, the only contender for the throne, John’s young nephew Arthur, was vilely killed, and Arthur’s sister, Elinor, spent more than half her life in captivity.

Still, some pitied John, the youngest of King Henry's four sons. After Henry's kingdom was divided between his three older brothers, John was left with nothing. Nothing at all. Therefore, the nickname Landless accompanied him until the end of his life. But how could one feel sorry for a man who entered into such a fierce war with the church that the pope was forced to excommunicate the entire country! No, such a monarch deserved only hatred and anger.

At the thought of the king's vile disposition, Walter became even more worried, although, to an outsider's eye, he still remained calm. And for the thousandth time I wondered: is the game worth the candle? And what if a seemingly well-thought-out plan fails?

Walter could well have lived the rest of his days without ever catching the eye of John. He was a small-scale baron, who did not necessarily have to visit the court and seek the favor of his ruler. But that's the rub. He will forever remain a small fry if he does not try to change anything in his destiny.

True, one day happiness smiled on him. Many years ago, Walter met a rich heiress of a huge fortune and respectfully courted her in the hope of hooking a goldfish, but the girl was stolen right from under the nose of an unlucky admirer by a much more enviable groom - a titled, high-born lord. Lady Anne Lindshire, whose dowry was supposed to bring Walter not only wealth, but power and influence, gave her hand to Guy de Thorpe, Earl of Shefford, thereby doubling his wealth. The de Thorpe family eventually became one of the most powerful in England, but Walter’s marriage turned out to be extremely unsuccessful, which only added to the bitterness and reopened wounds that had never healed. True, at one time the girl was considered an enviable bride, but all her lands were in La Marche and went to relatives there when John lost his French possessions. Walter could have kept the dowry if he had sworn allegiance to the King of France, but in that case he would have lost everything he owned in England, and the local estate was much larger.

To top it all off, his wife, an insignificant, useless person, never bore him any sons, giving him only a daughter. But her daughter, Claire, can still be useful, especially now that she has reached the age of marriage - twelve years old.

Therefore, Walter's visit had two goals: revenge and profit. Finally, he can take revenge for the insult inflicted many years ago and get all the Shefford property, marrying Claire to his only son and heir.

A very clever idea, and the most opportune moment has come for its implementation! There were rumors throughout the country that John would again try to take back his possessions in Angevin any day now and, for this purpose, might declare a war on France. But Roton has a delicious “carrot”, which he will wave in front of the nose of the selfish monarch... if only he can appear before him and outline his far-reaching plans.

Finally the treasured door opened, and Chester, one of the few lords in whom John still retained boundless trust, beckoned to Walter. He hurried in and fell on his knees before the king. John, with an impatient gesture, ordered him to stand up.

Contrary to Walter's secret hopes, the king was not alone. His wife Isabella was present in the room along with one of the ladies-in-waiting. Walter had never seen the queen so closely before, and now, shocked by her incomparable beauty, he froze in awe, without taking his eyes off her. Yes, sometimes gossip doesn’t lie! If she is not the most beautiful woman in the world, then she is certainly the first beauty of England.

John was more than twice his wife's age and led Isabella to the altar when she was only twelve. And although this age was considered marriageable, most noble lords preferred to wait several years before making sacred vows. But such ceremonies were not for John, for Isabella seemed too mature for such a young age and, moreover, was irresistibly, fabulously seductive. Well, how could a man known for his debauchery resist such temptation?

Not as tall as his brother Richard, but nevertheless quite attractive, although already noticeably putting on weight, John was the only dark-haired man in the family. His black hair, however, already gleamed with silver threads, and his green eyes, inherited from his father, did not sparkle so brightly.

Noticing Walter's undisguised admiration, John smiled benevolently. He was used to such a reaction and sincerely enjoyed the impression made by his wife. A legitimate reason to be proud. But the smile quickly faded. The hour is late, it’s time for dinner, and if the secretary had not warned that one of the barons had arrived with urgent news, John would not have even thought of staying in the office. Therefore, his question was indecently short and matter-of-fact:

Do I know you?

Walter blushed embarrassedly, as if he had been caught doing something illegal.

Runes for love will help you build strong relationships, increase passion, or even make a specific person fall in love with you. However, we should not forget that any impact on a person’s feelings is a binding, that is, a love spell. If you do something wrong or incorrectly draw up a reservation, you can seriously suffer energetically and physically. Therefore, the most powerful staves should be used by knowledgeable runologists, and for beginners it is better to make a love amulet, which will also help fulfill a desire.

What are they?

In a love relationship, especially if it is not possible to accurately understand whether the object loves or does not love, they often resort to magic, using Tarot cards, various fortune-telling and runic symbols. Runes to attract love and marriage are used for different purposes. There are these types of them:

  • Runic love spells. They force a person to fall in love with the operator even against his own will. Attachments are very strong, but at the same time dangerous. Therefore, if the user feels that he does not have enough strength to carry out his plans, it is better not to use this type of love magic, otherwise a strong backlash will return to the operator, the consequences of which are difficult to remove.
  • Formulas. Correctly composed runic staves, intended as a slander, contribute to the creation of new situations in the life of the operator, in which the likelihood of meeting the desired person and building strong relationships increases.
  • Rune combinations. They kindle the fire of past feelings, and can also cause an outbreak of passion in an existing relationship. The formula will help if your loved one has lost interest in your significant other, and the crisis in the relationship negatively affects your emotional and physical state.

Effective runes of love

The symbol is used to find new acquaintances that can lead to strong relationships.

Before you start using the chosen runic for love relationships and attracting the attention of your beloved object, it is important to carefully study each magical symbol, analyze its meaning and interpretation. When the meaning of each sign becomes clear, you can try to compose runescripts and the accompanying disclaimers yourself. The following runes will help you attract love into your life, the attention of the opposite sex, and connect your future with this object:

  • Gebo. Promotes the development of new acquaintances, in which the user will be able to find a soul mate with whom they will be able to create equal, harmonious relationships built on mutual respect, fidelity, and love.
  • Odal. Suitable for married couples who want to improve their relationship and solve minor and major problems in the family. In addition to its love meaning, this rune is considered a symbol of good luck, financial well-being and prosperity. Using a rune stave that includes Otal, it will be possible to achieve joint goals that strengthen relationships.
  • Laguz and Inguz. Used for men and women respectively. The main purpose is to increase attention and attraction from the opposite sex. Runes are suitable for singles who want to quickly meet future love; if a person is already in a relationship, it is better to use other signs.
  • Kano and Soulu. They kindle passion in existing relationships, direct thoughts in the right direction, and contribute to filling them with new emotions.

Effective rune staves

For an ideal relationship

This formula contains the Mannaz symbol twice.

For these purposes, the proven “Idyll” is suitable, which supports fidelity between partners, understanding and love. Elm is not a love spell; it is applied to a joint photo. The runic bet on the love of a man and a woman looks like this:

  • double rune Mannaz;
  • Gebo;
  • Ansuz;
  • Laguz;
  • Vunyo;
  • Kano;
  • Soulo;
  • Ingvaz;
  • Berkana;
  • Turisaz;
  • Otal;
  • Ansuz.

Some women and men prefer to tell fortunes about relationships, to see the near future and prospects for relationships. For these purposes, it is recommended to use true Brisingamen runes. Fortune telling using this symbol and its correct interpretation helps to find solutions in matters of love, develops intuition, reveals inner potential, and promotes harmony.

"Same-sex sucker"

The Dagaz symbol will help to bewitch a partner of the same sex.

Betting on same-sex love is recommended to be applied to a joint photo, and activated with saliva and blood. The following runes are used: Becoming the “Flower of Love” will help to ignite the feeling of love, maintain passion and desire in relationships for life, for the composition of which the following runic symbols are used:

  • Gebo;
  • Teyvaz;
  • Soulo;
  • Kenaz (4);
  • paired Dagaz and Turisaz;
  • Evaz (4);
  • Algiz (4).

Sometimes closed channels of personal life prevent you from achieving male or female favor. The “Kiss of Happiness” will help correct the situation.

Knowing the meaning and learning to use such a mysterious and magical tool as runes, you can practically answer any question and solve any problem. It has long been known that runes have some incredible mystical power. They are used in rituals and fortune-telling, they make combinations to protect the house, on the way, healing from illness, etc. The precise combination of several runes will enhance their magical power, which will make this mechanism work and actually influence to achieve certain goals.

For example, the Vunyo rune is the rune of good luck.
The range of its use is quite wide, because this rune is inserted into all runescripts aimed at attracting good luck. Do you want your day to be successful? Runescript Dagaz+Vunyo you definitely need towill help. Combination Vunyo + Ansuz will help you get rid of stiffness when communicating with people. Vunyo+Algiz – excellent protection for those who are unsure of themselves and are afraid to take bold steps.

Rune Fehu The first rune in the Elder Futhark symbolizes wealth and prosperity. Its triple formula Fehu + Fehu + Fehu will expand cash flow and attract material wealth. Vunyo, like Fehu, can only strengthen the formulas. Therefore, in runic formulas it always appears either at the beginning or at the end. Runa Nautiz- rune of coercion.
It is the most powerful rune of compulsion in the Elder Futhark. With its help you can control your circumstances. For example, you want someone to come to you quickly. You need to place the Raido rune in the center of the runescript. The runescript will be as follows: Nautiz + straight Raido + Nautiz.Or vice versa, you want to speed up someone's departure or make sure that no one bothers you. To do this, you need to draw an inverted Raido with two Nautiz runes on the sides. The runic formula will be like this: Nautiz + inverted Raido + Nautiz.
Nautiz is also used in love spells. The emphasis here is on relationships, because... the magic of the rune seems to “force” a person to love. RunescriptNautiz + Gebo + Nautiz symbolizes the “chains of love.”

Hagalaz- rune of destruction, Gebo is the rune of relationships, Isa-rune of freezing.

Hagalaz+Gebo+Hagalaz- to end the relationship, Hagalaz+Isa+Hagalaz- termination of emotional connection.

Runa Nautiz - rune for getting rid of addictions . In combination with the rune Isa magic Nautiz P will help a person get rid of all kinds of addictions: drugs, alcohol, as well as bad habits, such as smoking. The runescript is as follows: Isa+Nautiz+Isa. By the way, it will also help well in eliminating the consequences of quarrels and love dramas. This formula is quite gentle, so if the habit or addiction becomes stronger, it may not work or have a short-term effect.
If you want to get rid of something forever, then you need a tougher option. The Nautiz rune should be surrounded by runes
Hagalaz. Such a runescript -Hagalaz+Nautiz+Hagalaz- will definitely destroy all existing connections, and the person will have a real chance to get rid of a bad habit or addiction.

Magic formula Dagaz+Fehu will attract “quick” money, and Evaz+Dagaz+Vunyo will help you quickly solve the problem. Dagaz+Vunyo will suggest a way out of a difficult situation. Sovilo+Dagaz+Vuno guarantee you a successful day and a successful ending. However, be aware of the instability and rapid change of the process. It can change to the opposite.

Turisaz+Teyvaz+Turisaz- such a runic formula will create a strong shield against evil intent and ill-wishers.

Dagaz+Berkana+Soulu - helps to “reboot” and start in a new life. The formula is used to cleanse yourself of negative influences, put your mind in order and overcome difficult times.

  • Dagaz will improve your health.
  • Berkana will give you a feeling of support and give you energy to grow forward.
  • Soul will bring his dream closer to reality.

Vunyo+Gebo+Vunyo-This formula attracts, everything you can get for almost nothing (freebie). These include unexpected gifts, discounts, prizes, lotto winnings and all kinds of lotteries.

Gebo is a gift. Two Vunyos at the edges of the chain mean joy. The main thing is to stipulate correctly, that is, what you want to get for free must be clearly included in the stipulation and added so that nothing else is lost.

Runogram for oud

“For good luck” is a three-part runic formula that is suitable for any area of ​​life. Runes also help get rid of laziness, pushing the wearer towards positive changes.

  • Kano- is responsible for human self-realization.
  • Fehu- expands financial flow and attracts material wealth.
  • Vunyo- awakeninggives joy and thirst for new experiences, and also helps to fulfill desires.

I present to your attention several runic staves taken from the Internet, which, judging by the reviews, work well and have already had positive results in use. Whether the runic pattern is suitable can be determined by individual perception. You can test its effect on yourself using a pendulum or by drawing the formula on paper, holding it between your palms. If the runic pattern suits you, you will feel the warmth emanating directly from the paper sheet.

Becoming a “Golden Dragon” to attract wealth

The rune becoming is fast-acting and begins to work two days after activation. Teyvaz- destroys obstacles to financial flow. Algiz - protects money.Evaz- pushes the wearer to the “bread” places. Dagaz- opens up new sources of money. Mannaz- symbolizes the bearer of the formula. Inguz- indicate the arrival of money. Laguz- stabilize the flow of finance. According to practicing runologists, the most important thing is to activate it using a visualization method, imagining how the drawn formula turns into a golden dragon and flies away. There is even an opinion that it is not even necessary to draw runes - you can simply mentally imagine their work, and then imagine a money dragon.

Fast money


The runic formula works if there is any source of income. After activation, there is a chance to quickly earn money, a bonus or other incentive, some new urgent project for which you can quickly receive a reward.Rhombus from Inguz-s symbolizes abundance and movement towards obtaining results. Four Fehu- the edges represent money. Three Soulu- inside they feed and become strength.

Betting on female attractiveness.

The runic formula “Female Magnetism” is used to attract male attention and increase one’s own sexuality. Inguz- feeds with energy and gives impetus to change. Kano- symbolizes attractiveness and vibrant sexuality. Two Laguz- They represent femininity, charisma and charm.

Becoming the “Golden Frog”

Helps solve financial problems, improve your position on the career ladder and, accordingly, receive more money. This pattern can be applied to a wooden tablet and carried with you as an amulet. If it is not possible to do this, then you should draw the runes on hard paper and keep them with you at all times (preferably in your wallet).Runes used: Algiz- attracts money, protects it from slipping away; WITHoulu- an inexhaustible source of energy for the operation of the entire formula, attracts good luck in business; TOenaz- brings joy from the fulfillment of desires; Pert- strengthens this becoming, symbolizes an open wallet, ready to be filled with banknotes; ABOUTgave - opens broad horizons of opportunities for achieving material well-being; Fehu- traditionally the Scandinavian rune of wealth and contentment in the home; Yera- reward for work and effort in achieving goals.

Becoming the "Arrow of Desire"

Having become very quickly begins its work, reality changes quickly, but at the same time it is not noticeable to the person himself, but if a person does not want to part with the past, then he will be forced, and it will be painful. Becoming very diverse in use.
Initially, it was made to find a male soul mate, but in practice it turned out that it could make wishes come true.Kenaz (Kano) - breakthrough and burning of all barriers and attraction, Teyvaz - reliable men, protector and patron, for Odal - creating a family, Inguz - a healthy, rich, full-fledged, energetic family, in all prosperous plans.
Teyvaz- forces you to break up (make sacrifices) with the inverted. Algiz - past and habits to which the mind clings and which prevent one from living in the new quality, i.e. demolition of everything old that prevents the arrival of the new.

Becoming the “Rod of Relationships.”

This runic formula creates a series of events leading to the emergence of friendship, partnership, and subsequently passion, love and, as a result, strong marriage relationships.Consists of the following runes: Gebo- the key rune in this stave. Ensures the emergence of family partnerships. Inguz - promotes the emergence of fruitful relationships, a favorable result. Soulu- fills the formula with the power of pure heavenly energy, enhances the effect of other runes. Kenaz (Kano) - ignites the fire of passion. Berkana- gives a connection to mother nature , creates a family on an earthly, everyday level, stability of relationships. Algiz- does not allow outsiders to influence the emerging relationship. Nautiz - supports the connection does not allow it to break. Vunyo - the feeling of joy that their union brings to lovers.Odal- creation of a social unit, strong partnership. Two Laguz runes - creating situations that will unite people, an alliance.

Becoming "Ties of Love"

Working Runes:
It is based on a rune Gebo, from her there are four Nautiz, then four Uruz, two Fehu, two Vunyo. Falls into the secondary Soulu.

Gebo - union of equals. Harmonious relationships.
4 Nautiz+4 Uruz — a powerful coercive effect, but there are side effects - headaches and general weakness are possible.
2 Fehu - as the beginning of a new fruitful stage of relationships that will satisfy desires. 2 Vunyo - in order for it to bring joy - due to the use of Gebo, it will be mutual. Soul doesn't really play a role here, and it doesn't bring anything negative to the formula. It may well make the relationship brighter, more joyful. And what happens is a kind of “Forcing to start a new joint stage that should bring joy.” Applied to the photo. Becoming starts in the present tense and is stipulated, for example: Let the power of runes in A awaken the desire to love, be near, see, sexually want B, bringing mutual joy in this! This runic pattern works without harm to my (our) physical and psychological health and works from the moment of activation until (specify the period). Activated (specify how). Deactivated (specify how). Let it be so!

Formulas from runes are applied to household items, amulets, photos, things, doors, etc. You just need to know what exactly you want to achieve and what help to get. The disclaimer should always indicate that the formula works without harm to physical and mental health. When the result is achieved, the formula must be burned; if, after fulfilling the desire, you forgot to destroy the runes properly, they can take on other functions and begin to work against you. It is not recommended to use signs frivolously, or to apply them as a tattoo design.

Runic symbols
used only for the benefit and with good intentions to help a person. When compiling and using runescripts, there should always be meaning and strength of intention. The energy that is directed to achieve the goal by merging with the energy of the runes. The purity of the original intention predetermines the result, unconsciously influencing the very process of compiling runescripts. Desires that do not comply with the laws of world harmony give rise to what is called “karma” and invariably turn against their creators.

For marital happiness and cloudless love, esotericists recommend using the runic symbol Family. Ancient magical signs have great power and can help you find long-awaited love, bring back extinguished feelings, create a strong family and protect it from disintegration. But you should use the mystical tool in the form of runes very carefully, since improper handling of such a “weapon” can lead to many troubles.

How runes affect: help yourself without harming your neighbor

Magic runes are a powerful witchcraft tool that requires complete knowledge of runic symbolism and careful implementation.

Very often, ancient symbolism is used by supporters of white and black magic. If the thoughts of the former do not consist of violent intervention in someone else’s energy and work only to improve existing relationships, then warlocks use runes for witchcraft love spells. The dark ritual is aimed at the uncoordinated control of someone else's fate, entails dangerous consequences and a moment of reckoning for what has been done. Runic becoming a family works in a completely different direction, its goal is to bring people closer together, mutual understanding and happiness. Magical symbolism allows you to connect lonely destinies, unite them with inextricable threads, without breaking the energetic integrity of a person, and this is done on an absolutely conscious level. Impact of symbols:

With the help of special symbols, a person will be able to meet exactly his soul mate.

  • help avoid loneliness;
  • bring you together with a relative;
  • contribute to starting a family;
  • open their souls to communication and understanding;
  • fill the world with passion and sensuality;
  • help to avoid envy and negativity;
  • lead the couple to the wedding crown;
  • neutralize the everyday syndrome of cooling feelings;
  • give heirs;
  • protect from betrayal and betrayal.

What are the rates: choice in a particular case

Before you start changing your destiny with the help of a runic spell, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the existing types of staves. Sometimes a single magical sign can help a person, but sometimes entire runic formulas are used. The symbols and their meanings are presented in the table:

Rune nameMeaning
FeuMatches singles
Helps you find true happiness
UruzMakes existing bonds strong and lasting
TurisazProtects from negativity
Guides a person on the true path
Improves relationships with loved ones
RaidoProtects against betrayal
KanoPatronizes people who want to conceive a child
GeboAttracts bright thoughts
Gives tolerance
VunyoFor light and joy
Helps overcome pride
HagalazStrengthens marital bonds
NautizPatronizes married couples
IsaReveals the secret of the hidden
YeraHelps you find your soul mate
Promotes family creation
EyvazOpens up a world of sensuality and pleasure
Increases feelings of sexual attraction
PerthHelps to peacefully resolve even the most difficult problems among lovers
AlgizBrings passion to life
Helps awaken dormant feelings
Symbol of victory and prosperity
TeyvazProtects against negative influences
BerkanaEliminates financial difficulties
Promotes self-development
EvazWorks for reciprocity of relationships
MannazBrings people together
LaguzSymbolizes the feminine
InguzMale sign
OtalProtects the family from disintegration
DagazNeutralizes negative energy

To start a family: betrothed by heaven

The combination of Inguz and Berkana has a targeted effect on creating a family union.

If you can no longer endure loneliness and a person decides to turn to runes for help, you must not forget that these are powerful magical signs, the use of which entails dramatic changes in life. For a positive result, you need to choose the right combination of symbols. From a certain formula you can make an amulet by drawing, engraving on jewelry or even a body tattoo. A runic cluster consisting of the Inguz and Berkana signs is often used. Such becoming purposefully leads the couple to the conclusion of a marriage union and the birth of heirs. More examples:

  • Gebo, Laguz and Wunbo. They lead a man to a lonely woman.
  • Evaz and Otal. Helps to awaken dormant feelings. Relevant for married couples with a long history together.
  • Gebo, Odal. Speed ​​up the long-awaited meeting. They help a newly-made couple avoid troubles and enter into a happy marriage.
  • Laguz. Female sign. It enhances magnetism and attractiveness, which does not go unnoticed by the opposite sex. The triple sign helps to conquer a timid lover. The double symbol helps clarify the relationship; the ending can develop according to two scenarios: the candidate for husband will leave forever or ask for marriage.
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