The next day after intercourse I became pregnant. What happens after sex with a girl? How many days does it take for conception to occur? How many days does it take to become pregnant?

The most proven way to detect pregnancy is to take a blood test. Blood levels of certain hormones increase throughout pregnancy. This is one of the most reliable methods for determining a special situation.

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But not every woman can conduct such an analysis, sometimes the reason is reluctance, sometimes there is simply no opportunity. And many simply do not see the point in spending money when there is an alternative way to resolve the issue.

How to easily detect pregnancy

The easiest way to check ( positive result)

The most accessible, simple way to determine pregnancy is a test. It can be bought at absolutely any pharmacy. The price range is huge. Often this is a small narrow strip that is treated with a special reagent.

This type of diagnosis is quite accurate. Many manufacturers claim that accuracy can be up to 99%. But it also depends on when you do the diagnostics. How many days after conception can a test show pregnancy? They write on the packages that starting from the first day of absence of menstruation, you can use the tester.

But many begin to feel internal changes even before the onset of their monthly cycle. Experts say that the accuracy of such methods depends on the time of application and there are strips that are more sensitive and others that are less sensitive. But if you do everything on time, almost any test will show the result.

You should not conduct research immediately after conception. The level of chorionic hormone, through which pregnancy is determined, will increase only after some time. Usually, a sufficient period is seven days for the test to show pregnancy, because many people are interested in the question of how many days after conception they can use it. Therefore, it is possible, but still not recommended, to use a test to determine pregnancy before a delay. This will not always be an accurate result (you need to be prepared for the fact that it will be false), but sometimes you can determine it in advance.

Positive and negative result

Ovulation occurs approximately halfway through the cycle. But fertilization may not occur on the same day, but within a week. And the hormone level will increase only on the fourteenth day after ovulation.

There is no point in using an ovulation test unless fertilization (fertilization occurs after conception!) occurred in the previous cycle. It lasts only 24 to 48 hours. During this period, the chances of getting pregnant are very high. When ovulation is over, the chances of getting pregnant are practically non-existent. The exception is late ovulation, before menstruation.

In the absence of menstruation, a diagnosis must be made and if it shows a positive result, then pregnancy has been determined. If negative, it is worth repeating the procedure after some time to exclude a false result.

Home diagnostic methods

Tablet version of the test

Now there are many ways to determine your condition yourself at home, which will help detect pregnancy within a couple of days after ovulation using a test. On the shelves of pharmacies we can see several types of tests:

  • strip test, waiting for a reaction from three to five minutes;
  • tablet, reactions in five minutes;
  • jet, a couple of seconds is enough;
  • digital or electronic, operates on the inkjet principle.

It is convenient because there is no point in looking out for the appearance of a strip. The result is shown on the screen.

NameDescriptionPriceAccuracy (on a five-point scale, depending on the period)
BabycheckA strip for lowering a container with urine. Susceptibility from 25 mME/mlFrom 10 to 100 rubles3
Evitest ProofA device with a special window into which you need to add a few drops of urine. Susceptibility from 10-25 mME/ml.from 50 to 150 rubles4
Frautest COMFORTWithout the need to collect urine into a reservoir, the method of application follows from the name. The most convenient way to determine the state of pregnancy is several days late. Susceptibility 10 mME/mlfrom 150 to 250 rubles5

Before you check. Check the expiration date of the product. The lower the sensitivity number, the more accurate the early stages diagnostics possible.

Timing of determination after implantation

How many days can it take to take a pregnancy test after implantation? Devices that have a sensitivity of 10 mU/ml can be used to detect pregnancy from the seventh to tenth day after conception or implantation. Therefore, it is pointless to conduct tests before this date. Even the most sensitive can give false positive or negative results before the delay. Because the necessary level of hCG (a human gene that determines pregnancy with the help of this hormone) will not reach the required level. In order not to torture yourself in vain, the test should be carried out ten days after menstruation has not arrived. Or in two days, then for confirmation after some time.

The process of conception goes something like this

The optimal days to do the test after implantation depend on:

  • how sensitive and high quality the tester is;
  • what is the condition. When there is a threat of miscarriage, hormones are produced more slowly compared to a normal pregnancy;
  • correct execution. You must do everything as written, according to the instructions.

If the results are negative, but menstruation still has not begun, it is worth repeating the procedure.

Operating principle of the tester

Sets the level of hCG in urine

All pregnancy tests work on the same principle. They determine the level of hCG in the urine. This hormone begins to be produced when the placenta develops. In women, under normal conditions, it is normal – it is from 0 to 5 mU/ml. Starting from the first week of fertilization, the level of this hormone and its concentration increases.

Testers are divided into two types based on sensitivity:

  • those that determine the concentration of hCG from 10 mU/ml. Such a specimen can determine the condition already five or seven days after fertilization;
  • those that can determine the concentration from 25 mU/ml. They are the cheapest in the pharmacy and determine the condition at a later date.

So the principle of operation.

  1. They set the hCG level.
  2. The determination is possible due to the fact that each tester has an antibody to hCG. When the level is sufficient, the antibodies react.
  3. Red streaks appear during the reaction.
  4. It can be determined before the start of the menstrual cycle, and then. After a delay, the result will be more accurate. But you can check and repeat.
  5. The timing depends on the date of ovulation.

It is best to carry out a pregnancy test in the morning, then it will show the true result. Because urine is most concentrated in the morning.

When the second strip appears, the result is positive with a high probability (approximately 99%). A weak line is also considered a positive result, but the hCG level is still too weak.

In some cases, you can get a false positive result - this can happen due to taking certain medications or if there is a tumor.

New unused device

Sometimes there may be a false negative result. It happens:

  • when the hormone concentration has not yet reached the required level;
  • in case of kidney dysfunction;
  • Drank too much liquid before the test.

Correct use of instructions

The principle of the test, which will show whether you are pregnant or not, is very simple:

  • you need to wait for a certain day (whether it is a delay or you have calculated certain days from the moment of ovulation);
  • In the morning, collect urine in some container (the container must be clean);
  • lower the test strip to a certain mark for a few seconds;
  • then you need to wait for three to five minutes;
  • place the strip on a clean surface;
  • after ten minutes the test is invalid;
  • one bright red stripe – negative;
  • two bright red stripes – positive;
  • other cases (when a strip appears, but the second one - the result is invalid, or when the second strip is barely noticeable, it is worth doing another test after a while).

Issues of conception concern all women, regardless of whether they plan to have children or, on the contrary, they fear the onset of pregnancy. unwanted pregnancy. And if sex happens without using a contraceptive, the woman will be bothered by questions: “When can I find out if conception has occurred? How long does it take after intercourse before pregnancy occurs? Typically, this is 7-8 days after sex, and here's why.

How does fertilization occur?

The birth of a new life is a complex process, and in order for it to occur, it is necessary that all stages of fertilization be followed:

  • ovulation (release of a mature egg);
  • fertilization (penetration of sperm into the structure of the egg);
  • cell division (the fertilized egg begins to divide into cells, creating the basis for the development of the embryo);
  • implantation (fixation of a fertilized egg that has begun cell division on the uterine wall).


In the middle of the menstrual cycle, the ovarian follicle matures and the egg is released, which at this moment is ready to meet the sperm. This readiness lasts from 12 to 36 hours (depending on the female body and on the total influence of external factors, such as nutrition, stress or climatic conditions).

If during this time fusion with the sperm does not occur, the cell dies and is expelled from the uterine cavity along with menstrual blood.

Sometimes two eggs mature almost simultaneously, and if both are fertilized, fraternal twins are born. Such female feature organism is hereditary.

Ejaculation occurred after sexual intercourse, and millions of tiny sperm rushed towards the goal - the mature egg. But the path of a tiny cell is quite long, because for conception to occur, it must pass through many obstacles in the female body:

  • 1-3 cm of the vagina to penetrate the cervix;
  • 2 cm of the uterine cervix;
  • 5 cm from the cervix to the fallopian tube;
  • 12 cm along the fallopian tube to the egg released from the follicle.

Distances are approximate and may vary depending on physiological characteristics body and on the time elapsed after sexual intercourse, because the egg, after leaving the follicle, moves through the tube to the uterine cavity. On average, this distance is 17-20 cm.

But male reproductive cells not only have to go this distance, they go through it in the aggressive environment of the female organs, and the seminal fluid contained in the sperm, as a rule, ceases to protect them after passing the cervix.

Many sperm die after 2-3 hours (about the same amount of time it takes for male reproductive cells to travel to the fallopian tube), the rest successfully reach their goal and are met by a female reproductive cell ready for fertilization.

But only one sperm is needed for conception? This is true, and such a huge amount is needed because what is happening natural selection, promoting the conception of a healthy child and the normal course of pregnancy:

  • Weak cells die in the aggressive environment of the vagina, not reaching the fallopian tubes.
  • More viable sperm become motile under the influence of fluids in a woman’s body.

But when sperm reach the fertilized egg, this does not mean that conception has almost occurred and after that, after 9 months of pregnancy, the birth of a child can be expected. The egg is covered with a hard shell, and sperm, with the help of enzymes produced on their head, try to dissolve it. When this happens, only one mobile cell penetrates inside, after which the fertilized egg changes its chemical composition, making it impossible to dissolve its membrane using enzymes.

The process of conception itself is not fully understood. It is not known by what principle the sperm is selected; what is certain is that at this moment the gender of the child is determined, depending on which carrier penetrates the fertilized egg:

  • X chromosomes - a girl will be born.
  • Y chromosomes - you should expect the birth of a boy.

How long does it take for the egg and sperm to meet? From several hours to 1 day, and then the division process begins.

Cell division

After the fusion of male and female cells, a zygote is formed, which divides and turns into a fertilized egg. A morula is created, the cells of which divide every 12-15 hours.

Cell division by day goes like this:

  • Days 1-2: the zygote divides into 2 cells - blastomeres. It is in the first days that a singleton or multiple pregnancy begins. How many embryos there will be in a zygote depends on the hereditary predisposition of one or both parents. After 2 days, the blastomeres of the zygote have formed, it is determined how many embryos will develop, after which the next stage begins.
  • Day 3. When day 3 arrives, the zygote has 6-8 blastomeres, sometimes more (depending on how many embryos are developing). After 3 days, the fertilized egg begins its movement through the tube.
  • Day 4 Cell division continues, sometimes at this time the embryo attaches to the wall of the tube and an ectopic pregnancy occurs.
  • Day 5 This is the time when the fertilized egg usually enters the uterine cavity, continuing to actively divide. It moves freely in the uterine cavity, but can gain a foothold either after a few hours or after a couple of days. It is never possible to reliably determine which part of the uterine wall will be selected.

After the 7th day, the embryo is already firmly attached with the help of the chorion (placental primordium), where it will remain for the next 9 months of pregnancy.

Fertilization of an egg that occurs after sexual intercourse is not conception. A bunch of various factors may affect the fact that an embryo that is not fixed or weakly fixed in the uterus may die. Therefore, the pregnancy count can begin from the 7th day after sex, if a subsequent pregnancy test confirms the desired conception.

Women who are planning to have a child want to know exactly how the phases of the menstrual cycle, fertilization of the egg and the beginning of pregnancy are connected. What affects conception? Why are some absolutely healthy women unable to become pregnant for a long time?

Cycle phases and pregnancy

It begins on the first day of menstruation and lasts 26-32 days. If a woman has a regular menstrual cycle, then most likely its duration is 28-29 days. This is how many days pass from the previous spotting to the next. With a stable cycle, on days 11-12 the woman begins the ovulation phase. This is the way out. It matures in one of the ovaries. The small sac in which it is located is called a follicle. This sac ruptures and the egg is released into the fallopian tube. The follicle then turns into a corpus luteum. It produces hormones that prepare the lining of the uterus for the attachment of a fertilized egg if conception occurs.

Each mature egg remains in the fallopian tube for about a day. There she awaits fertilization by a male sperm. To do this, it is necessary that sexual intercourse not protected by a condom or other means of contraception take place. If there was none, then the egg is not fertilized. In its original form, it moves towards the uterus. The hormonal background of the female body changes, and changes occur in the endometrium, which lead to the rejection of an unfertilized egg. This is menstrual bleeding.

Sperm and pregnancy

Fertilization of female eggs is possible only with healthy and active male cells. They break through the membrane of the female reproductive cell and merge with it - this is the beginning of the life of the embryo.

Typically, women cannot determine exactly when pregnancy occurs and on what day of the cycle fertilization occurs.

During one ejaculation, a man releases many sperm, but only one of them reaches the fallopian tube after entering the vagina. There are many immature and immobile ones in the ejaculate. At the moment of fertilization, the egg is available to only one sperm; it is this sperm that determines the sex of the future baby and becomes the basis of its genetic code, that is, eye color, height, character, and other individual characteristics. If an egg is fertilized by a sperm with a Y chromosome, then the woman will give birth to a boy, and with the X chromosome, a girl.

After successful fertilization, the egg moves to the uterus, which becomes its “home” for 9 months. There it penetrates the wall, attaches, and the embryo begins to grow.

Why pregnancy fails

Quite often it happens that the embryo attached to the wall of the uterus freezes. It comes out of the uterus as bleeding. In such cases, they talk about pregnancy failure. This can happen over a very short period of time (2-3 weeks), and then the woman, as a rule, does not feel severe pain or deterioration in well-being. She thinks it was just a missed period.

But when this happens during the 7-year period, they talk about self-abortion. It starts with small bleeding. And if you consult a doctor in time, a miscarriage can be prevented. In such cases, a woman is admitted to a hospital for preservation if she really wants to keep the child.

It is believed that miscarriage is natural selection. This is how nature rejects and terminates the existence of a weak embryo at an early stage. This can also happen if the pregnancy is unplanned and unwanted.

Sometimes the woman herself becomes the culprit of pregnancy failure. The catalyst for self-abortion can be carrying heavy objects, emotional overload, colds, reducing women's immunity. In addition, the embryo cannot develop normally in a weak mother’s body. And if a woman constantly goes on diets, closely monitors her figure and extra pounds, then the fetus does not have enough nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for development. He dies and self-abortion occurs. By the way, it is sometimes difficult for such dieting women to even get pregnant. After all, their hormonal balance in the body is disrupted.

It can be done at various intervals after unprotected sexual intercourse, which could hypothetically lead to the conception of a child. The principle of operation of any pregnancy test is to determine the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine, which increases sharply after pregnancy. Moreover, highly sensitive tests are able to determine pregnancy when the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin increases to 10 IU/l. On average, this concentration of gonadotropin in the urine is achieved by the end of the first week of pregnancy. That is, a highly sensitive test will detect pregnancy within a week after unprotected sexual intercourse. Thus, a pregnancy test with a high sensitivity of 10 IU/L can be done 7 days after intercourse, even if the next menstruation has not yet been delayed. Currently, highly sensitive pregnancy tests include inkjet types, which are produced by various companies.

In addition to highly sensitive ones, the domestic market of medical products includes pregnancy tests with average sensitivity. Moreover, tests with average sensitivity represent the vast majority. Such tests have a sensitivity of 20 - 25 IU/l, that is, they are able to determine the presence of pregnancy only when the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine reaches 25 IU/l. This concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine is achieved only by the beginning of the third week of pregnancy, that is, at least by 15–16 days from the moment of conception. That is why, when using a pregnancy test with a sensitivity of 20 - 25 IU/l, it can only be done 15 - 17 days after intercourse, that is, after a delay in menstruation.

Moreover, if there was a delay in menstruation, and unprotected sexual intercourse took place several days before the start of the next menstruation, then a pregnancy test with a sensitivity of 20 - 25 IU/l should be done no earlier than the 15th day after sex, ignoring the estimated date of menstrual bleeding. If a woman uses a pregnancy test with a sensitivity of 10 IU/l, then it should be done 7 days after sexual intercourse, also without paying attention to the number of days the menstruation is late, provided that the sexual contact was several days before the estimated date of the next menstrual bleeding.

Pregnancy test and laboratory methods for pregnancy research

Almost every woman at some point in her life has faced doubts about pregnancy, which could occur during unprotected intercourse. In the case when the probable date of conception is known, only one task remains - to determine after what time a pregnancy test can be taken.

The principle of determining pregnancy test

All known pregnancy tests work the same way. A reagent applied to a certain area of ​​the device, interacting with a woman’s urine, determines the presence in it of the hormone responsible for pregnancy - human chorionic gonadotropin (abbreviated as hCG). This substance is present only during a woman’s pregnancy or, in rare cases, during certain organ dysfunctions.

The chorion (placenta) begins to produce hCG only when the fertilized egg is fixed inside the woman’s uterus, and in case of an ectopic pregnancy, outside it. This happens only a certain number of days after the probable conception. During this period of time, the embryo moves from the ovary through the tube into the uterine cavity. During the period of its movement, no significant changes occur in the woman’s body, and the “pregnancy hormone” is also not yet produced.

Based on the above, it makes no sense to carry out a test in the very first 7–10 days of probable pregnancy. His result during this period will always be negative.

You also need to know that conception does not necessarily occur during sexual intercourse. Sperm can remain in a woman’s body without dying for several more days, waiting for ovulation. So, when determining how long after conception testing will be indicative, this fact must also be taken into account.

Which test to choose

An important criterion when assessing the likelihood of which day after conception the test will show pregnancy is the choice of the test itself. The difference in this case is the sensitivity of the device to the hCG hormone. This value usually ranges from 10 to 25 mIU/ml and means the lowest level of the hormone in the urine that the test can detect.

The lower the sensitivity value, the more accurately the test can determine the presence of pregnancy. If the value of 10 mIU/ml is indicated on the package, this is the most accurate device, since no test shows a lower hormone content.

This was not done by chance - the urine of a non-pregnant woman may contain a small amount of hCG. If tests could detect any small amount of it, the result would often be positive even without pregnancy.

When choosing a high-precision test, the study can be carried out on the 7th - 10th day of a possible pregnancy, and if its sensitivity is low, only after 12 - 14 days. These deadlines are the minimum for testing.

If the test is negative during the procedure in the first weeks after ovulation, this may not be definitively correct. In this case, it is necessary to repeat the procedure with another test, waiting 3–5 days after the first one.

At positive test even in the early stages there is a 99% chance that there is a pregnancy. If at the same time its first signs began to appear, there can certainly be no doubt. Even if the second stripe is very light and barely visible, this can also be considered a positive answer, it’s just that the period is still short, and the hCG hormone is present in small quantities.

Impact of the menstrual cycle

To more accurately determine the best period for the test, it is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of the body. All women have different menstrual cycle lengths:

  • Short cycle (lasting less than 24 days). In this case, ovulation occurs less than 12 days before the start of menstruation. And conception also occurs around the same period. Such women generally should not try to determine pregnancy before the delay occurs, because the period will still be too short. And after the delay, you still need to wait 3–4 days, and only then carry out the test.
  • Average cycle (from 24 to 32 days). This is the average parameter that most women fall under. In this case, it is possible to determine pregnancy from the first days of waiting for your period.
  • Long cycle (more than 32 days). It would seem that with a long cycle, the pregnancy period before the delay will already be sufficient. But, basically, ovulation in such women does not occur in the middle of the cycle, as is usually the case, but occurs with a slight delay. Thus, it is also advisable to carry out the test no earlier than the first day of the expected menstruation.
  • Uneven cycle. Sometimes the number of days between periods can be inconsistent. In such a situation, it is difficult to correlate the timing with the delay, since predicting menstruation is not possible. Here, of course, it is easier to start from the expected date of conception and conduct research at least two weeks after it.

In any case, it is advisable to carry out the test as late as possible to avoid incorrect results. It is not necessary to do it in the very first days, when this is already possible - the shorter the period, the lower the likelihood of the reliability of the answer received.

How to do the test correctly

If you do not follow the basic instructions, then even taking into account all the factors, you may get the wrong result. Basic rules you need to know:

  1. The most indicative is urine collected in the morning. Its concentration is usually higher.
  2. Before testing, you should not drink a lot of fluids or take diuretics to prevent your urine from being diluted.
  3. Before using the test, be sure to read the instructions.
  4. It is necessary to ensure that the test liquid gets only onto the required area of ​​the test, without affecting its main part.
  5. The device should not be expired; if so, its use does not guarantee the correct result.
  6. All tests are intended for one-time use; the same one cannot be used again.

If these instructions are not followed, the test may result in either a false positive or a false negative. This can be misleading and the interpretation of the response received will be incorrect.


Summarizing all of the above, it is worth identifying the main factors that influence how many days after conception the test will show pregnancy. Here is their list:

  • After sexual intercourse has occurred, conception can occur within a period of several hours to 5–7 days.
  • In the first 7–8 days after the expected conception, tests are not indicative, because the “pregnancy hormone” has not yet appeared in the urine.
  • If you focus on menstruation and their delay, you need to take into account the length of the menstrual cycle.
  • It is imperative to take into account the sensitivity of the selected pregnancy test.
  • If used incorrectly, the device may show unreliable results at any time.

Based on average statistical data, it is possible to determine pregnancy with a test 12 to 15 days after conception. Typically this period occurs in the first days of the menstrual cycle. For greater efficiency, you should not test before the delay begins. If the results are negative in the short term, it is recommended to repeat the study after 3 to 5 days.

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