Taurus main traits. Horoscope for Taurus woman. Confidence in yourself and your partner

The character of Taurus is one of the most materialistic and also practical. He has a very great desire to have a lot of material values. Motto: possession, practicality. He strives to find spiritual truth and have many material benefits. In his life he values: pleasure, comfort, material and emotional security. From food he chooses not only what is healthy, but what he likes, the wine should be good, the woman he loves should be beautiful and elegant (and the man he loves too), and he should like works of art. In general, it is important for Taurus that his life is pleasant, beautiful, and stable. Therefore, Taurus tries to be sweet, courteous, he has such charm that he seems natural and creates a nice impression.

But this is only on the outside. Inside, Taurus look at others quite skeptically; they need guarantees in life. If they feel comfortable and reliable, everything will be fine. The character of Taurus is such that it is very difficult to anger him; he has good nerves and a sense of humor. But God forbid you touch his inner core, then he goes berserk like a bull. His anger is terrible, there will be no mercy - after all, the anger has been accumulating for a very long time and has finally broken through, it can no longer be stopped. But in order to anger a Taurus, you need to try very hard. He goes his own way slowly but surely, his favorite proverb is “The slower you go, the further you will go.” They are greedy, but if necessary they can spend extra money, but not all of it. In politics, he does not like drastic changes, never begins to engage in unrealistic plans, he respects traditions and conservatism. Their word does not diverge from their deeds; their deeds are characterized by orderliness, accuracy, discipline, self-control and a sense of duty. They never complain in their lives, they are inclined to bear any burden, but they expect this from others. They do not like to change their place of service. They work diligently, of course, for good pay, so that they can become someone and revel in their time. They take on difficult jobs that others turn away from.

Their professions are very diverse; they can be associated with art and in general with everything that makes life beautiful, pleasant and comfortable. Taurus choose genuine platonic love with all its joys. They rarely write letters; they prefer to hug their loved one tightly and perceive him (her) with all the senses. They love clean and tidy relationships, harmony begins with appearance, they do not like an unshaven partner or a partner in curlers. The main thing is joy, pleasure, the partner should be within reach, princes and fairies are not needed. As a rule, people enter into marriage already knowing the strengths and weaknesses of their partner. Taurus are jealous, they can endure for a long time, but when the patience runs out, then let the partner hold on - this is forever. Children are raised according to tradition; their example is their own home. Dangers for Taurus: assertiveness can develop into stubbornness, inability to understand others. Long thoughts can lead to loss of chances, because unconditional reliability is difficult to find. It’s bad when they can’t contain their anger because they completely lose control over themselves. They don’t tolerate it when others make fun of them, they can pay for the joke by beating them up, and then you won’t expect any good.

Taurus character says that its owner is hardy and patient, has incredible affection, loyalty, endurance and stability. One of your greatest virtues is the ability to be consistent and not give up until everything is completed. Having set a goal for your actions, you persistently adhere to it until the goal is achieved, strongly resisting any efforts to turn you away from the planned path.

The character of Taurus is not so complex; in fact, Taurus' needs are elementary and he is easy to please. You rarely make changes unless forced to do so; you are not very whimsical emotionally, although you urgently need physical intimacy and shared love. Thanks to your loyalty, emotional constancy and your inherent soft power, people often seek and find support in you. You hate any drastic changes or sudden changes, but when they come, you remain composed and calm. You also have an inner sense of harmony with nature, causing events to form and unfold on their own schedule. You have enough patience to painstakingly take on everything related to gradual growth - be it growing a garden, raising a child, working on some creative idea. You will make an excellent mom or dad, especially if you often follow your personal instincts rather than the advice of “experts.” You have three primary imperfections. You are as adamant as a bull. You do not like any experiments in personal safety. You constantly stand on material values ​​and underestimate the importance of the fictional and fantastic. In other words, you lack the ability to play with ideas and potentials, the ability to open up to new things.

What is she like, a Taurus woman? Characteristics of this sign from professional astrologers will help you understand the intricacies of its traits and qualities. This woman is smart, calculating, practical, and is used to achieving everything herself. It seems “impenetrable” to many, but this is a deceptive impression - she’s just not used to opening her soul to the first person she meets. Strives for harmony and comfort, does not like change and unjustified risks. Generous and selfless, the Taurus woman also values ​​honesty and decency in people. He does not tolerate petty meanness, considering it the lot of losers.


Reasonable and practical, the Taurus woman is an excellent worker. Surprisingly, routine brings her joy. She strives for success and makes every effort to achieve it. Her ambition and excellent organizational skills are fully demonstrated in leadership positions. She will not rush her subordinates, but the work will always be done efficiently. In relations with colleagues she is friendly and friendly. He does not tolerate fuss and behind-the-scenes intrigues, believing that this is the right path to disunity of the team. Executive and responsible employees are always rewarded financially.

Love and family

The Taurus woman is extremely beautiful, has a powerful sexual temperament and invariably attracts the attention of men. Her charm, passion and self-confidence lead them to indescribable delight.

Any man will be happy next to such a woman, because she is a great mother, wife and housewife. There is, however, one minus, although many would probably consider this a rather positive quality: she is stingy with emotions. And if a temperamental husband methodically gets on her nerves, very soon he will regret it, much like a bullfighter without spears who deliberately teased a bull.

Despite the developed sense of ownership, the Taurus woman will not throw scenes of jealousy at her spouse, look for traces of lipstick on his shirt, and even more so spy on him - she is above all this. She can forgive her husband for light flirting (after all, she herself is not without sin), but when she learns about the betrayal, she will become furious. Even if she finds the strength to forgive the infidelity, the unpleasant aftertaste will remain in her memory forever.


The Taurus woman naturally has excellent health, which is why she is not too sensitive to it. But failure to see a doctor in a timely manner can lead to minor illnesses developing into a chronic form. The Taurus woman's ears, throat and nose are especially vulnerable. Also, she should not put a lot of stress on her legs and back. Since Taurus is the zodiac sign of the earth element, the best vacation would be a trip to nature, which helps restore strength and increase the overall tone of the body.

Taurus Woman: Compatibility with Other Signs

Combination of horoscopes

The character traits of a Taurus woman largely depend on the year in which she was born.

  • The Taurus Rat is simply created to keep the hearth and hearth. But at the same time, she is also a socialite, often endowed with artistic abilities. She would also make an excellent designer in any field. If possible, she is happy to combine work with housekeeping.
  • The Taurus Ox, as you understand, is distinguished by double tenacity. She is efficient, purposeful, and has an easy-going character. Knows how to organize himself, colleagues, and family members. If everything goes according to bullish orders, you can confidently rely on it.
  • Tiger-Taurus is a completely harmonious personality: Taurus’s harsh perception of life and reluctance to adapt to circumstances is balanced by the tiger’s lightness and ardor. She can achieve success in a variety of areas, is well adapted to life and knows how to laugh at herself. In love she is sensual, flirtatious and very active, which men cannot help but like.
  • The Taurus cat is femininity itself. Smart, practical, with a developed sense of beauty. She combines tenderness and vulnerability with tirelessness and the ability to concentrate. Whatever she takes on, everything works in her hands. Appreciates simple joys: the comfort of home, financial security, warm relationships with loved ones.
  • Dragon-Taurus is bright, self-sufficient, knows how to set goals for herself and always achieves them. She is successful both in achieving career heights and in family life. A leader by nature, she also knows how to be soft, gentle and charming. The combination of Taurus' earthiness with dragon energy charges her with vivacity and optimism.
  • Snake-Taurus is independent, patient, strives for beauty, harmony and material well-being. Despite his romanticism and even some sentimentality, he does not like to express emotions clearly. This is a real admiral in a skirt who will not rant for a long time, but will simply take it and do it. Her love is so all-consuming that it can inadvertently strangle her.
  • The Taurus Horse is not at all as simple as it seems. This lady is very concerned about herself, has initiative and inner strength. She flirts and flirts with the men she likes, but it is not very easy to truly captivate her. She plays big: she doesn’t need pawns - only the king!
  • Goat-Taurus loves to try on different images and sometimes delves into them so deeply that they begin to lose their sense of reality. Works conscientiously and with full dedication, but at the same time avoids responsibility. She is fickle in love, often quarrels with loved ones because of her capriciousness. However, if she wants, she can become a wonderful mother and wife, because these are also roles that can satisfy her acting nature.
  • The Taurus Monkey loves himself, prefers to play by his own rules, using dexterity and ingenuity. You can come to an agreement with her, but she will never miss her point. A very interesting woman - it’s impossible not to notice her!
  • The Rooster-Taurus is extremely persistent, it is difficult to convince her of anything, and even more difficult to tear her away from endless affairs. A wonderful housewife, she is able to turn an ordinary residential house into a fabulous one! True, fussiness and eternal anxiety often prevent her from focusing on the main thing.
  • The Taurus Dog knows how to adapt to circumstances and always makes the right choice, bypassing philosophizing over a cup of coffee. In love she is devoted and selfless. If the husband can provide for the family financially, he will leave work without regret and devote himself to home.
  • The Taurus Pig is warm, trusting and even sentimental in love, but in his work he shows firmness and specificity, strictly observing all the rules. She is quite capable of providing for her family, but will not mind if her husband takes on this function. This woman can sacrifice a lot for her loved ones.

So, the main characteristic of a Taurus woman is this: before us is a strong, highly moral personality, whose opinion must be taken into account. And even though it is surrounded by a protective armored wall, anyone who manages to get through the fortress after a long and stubborn siege will be generously rewarded. Just don’t try to break through this wall, you remember what will happen if you anger Taurus.

How will this interesting person change with age? Oh, she will acquire even greater power, she will sin with laziness, love for tasty food, luxury and excesses. However, at the same time, he will manage not to lose a drop of his magnetic charm. A true woman!

If you get a Taurus as your companion, consider yourself very lucky. And be sure to tell him this more often. However, all men, regardless of their zodiac sign, love to be praised. And, most importantly, they sincerely believe what they hear! Taurus is no exception.

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Taurus is a strong and pragmatic nature. They are classified as stubborn, but very trusting people. Having deceived once, it will be almost impossible to restore a trusting relationship.
In life manifestations such as love, money, communication, sex, marriage, Taurus are quite constant and thorough.

Taurus often worries too much about his health. This is important to him. Taurus is very afraid of being abandoned, so he wants to have control over all situations. You want to know which heaven you are in, and you feel safe when you have this knowledge. You must understand that you cannot plan everything, so try to let go of what you have no control over.

Taurus often tries to do everything in his own favor. Taurus combines business with pleasure very well. When you invite your friends over for dinner, you want to impress them with good food and fine wines. Sex is also important for Taurus. Taurus loves all the good things that life has to offer and will, of course, try to enjoy the benefits as much as possible.

Taurus wants to forgive the person who humiliated and teased him. Taurus will never forget if someone was hurt by his pride. You are vindictive, and you keep your anger inside until you have a nervous breakdown. Taurus then becomes like a mad bull and is very dangerous. When you are angry, it is very difficult to stop you.

Taurus loves his partner for his good figure and beautiful face. But getting married is not so easy for Taurus, especially if the partner does not have a lot of money, then perhaps there will be no marriage. A wealthy partner will give Taurus good social status and prosperity. A less attractive trait of a Taurus is that you can be very suspicious and accuse others of taking advantage of you. Taurus is an earthbound and practical zodiac sign, but to gain your trust, you need to be persistent.

It is not uncommon for Taurus to be a tyrant in a family. Beware of exploiting your own household. If you start exploiting your loved ones, the risk is that you will get a lot of enemies and be left alone.

It's easy for you to become whiny and insecure, especially when you don't have much money. And if you have money, you can become arrogant and arrogant. Your whining can be stressful for those around you. You don't have to worry about money. Your goal in life is to have a lot of money and property. But this desire often takes up too much space in your life. No one can escape Taurus' crazy pursuit of money and wealth acquisition. However, things may go well for you. Taurus strives to gain status and beautiful things in his home.

A Taurus person must learn to be more modest and responsive to loved ones, and a Taurus person must learn to give and receive love and affection. If you do this, your self-esteem will improve and you can focus more on the things that you can influence yourself. Seek professional help for your control over jealousy and envy, otherwise you may end up carrying everything alone in your soul. More mental balance in your life and then you will feel much better.

Taurus most often chooses friends based on their abilities in order to improve their social status or career. Taurus is confident that he is not inferior to his friends in anything. You feel good when you feel that you are better than your friends. You are self-centered and selfish and want to be the best in everything and there are always some ulterior motives when you make new contacts.

You can easily ruin a friendship, and when you think that a friend has nothing more to give you, then you simply forget him. Remember that it is thanks to your friends that you have become so successful. The worst situation for a Taurus is when there are too many competitors around him. If you continue in this spirit, you will be lonely, and it will be very difficult for you to win people over.

Negative qualities of Taurus

Often hides his feelings, bad character (if provoked), stubborn, uncreative, lazy (usually when ordered to do something), materialistic, self-indulgent, jealous, tends to procrastinate, self-confident, inflexible.

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The Taurus woman is a true treasure. She always controls herself and is in complete control of herself. Taurus can cope well with the duties of a secretary or any representative of a large institution. She always saves face, and there are no problems or unforeseen situations that could unsettle her. She always remains herself in any conditions.

Such an employee will never show boredom or disdain for new incredible theories and ideas of his boss. If his thoughts are real, she will allow herself to give him some useful advice. And at the same time, her thoughts and advice will not be inferior in importance to the thoughts of a serious man. It is better to pay attention to her words, since they are, first of all, based on logic and her professional experience.

Just don’t think that Taurus are unfeminine and not gentle. Not at all! Even if they are not very good at flirting and flirting recklessly, they still have dreams of marriage and family life. Therefore, keep in mind that if you go on a date with such a lady several times, you risk ending up on the list of potential suitors. The Taurus woman treats everything with all the seriousness and exactingness inherent in her zodiac sign.

Those born between April 21 and May 21 are always quite attractive in appearance. In their every movement, step and glance, character and willpower are felt.

An acquaintance of mine once stated that his mother, who was born during this period, was quite tall. I was surprised because I know his mother and his height is about 1.67 meters. Then my friend recovered and explained that she was tall not physically, but spiritually.

And indeed it is! Even short Taurus people create a feeling of stature and significance, since they really can do a lot. In truth, the Taurus Woman is a collective image of all the best qualities inherent in a woman. A man dreams of such a wife. Of course, even Taurus can have outbursts of anger. But they are quite short-lived and quickly subside if you do not irritate them further.

The Taurus woman is a leader by nature. Her calmness and poise help her play a leading role in the family. But nevertheless, she dreams of a strong and self-sufficient man who could be in charge. Taurus prefer only real men. The rest will not be accepted for consideration. In her circle of friends there are no actors or “false men.” She bypasses such people on the tenth road. She is not only harsh with her enemies, but also gentle with her friends. She's a good friend. It's really good to be friends with her, because she is reliable and loyal, and not capable of giving.

Unlike some other zodiac signs, jealousy is not so relevant for the Taurus Woman. Yet she is extremely calm and balanced. She most likely will not start a scandal because of innocent flirting or if her husband undresses some other lady with his eyes. You can easily allow yourself to flirt with someone, and the Taurus Wife will not seem to notice anything. Just don’t overdo it, as Taurus’ patience is not unlimited.

Taurus women are in no way inferior to men in intellectual matters. Although philosophy, religion, magic and other similar topics do not particularly appeal to them. They prefer common and prudent sense to dreams and fantasies. They stand firmly on their feet and are not interested in the spiritual aspect of our lives. They adore simple wildflowers; they prefer the aroma of washing powder, recently mown hay, cigarette smoke, or melting wax to expensive perfumes. By the way, Taurus cannot tolerate any unpleasant aromas.

Taurus cook wonderfully. If she decides to feed her man, she does it thoroughly. The Taurus wife is not only a 24/7 cook. Akin to the wives of the Decembrists, she is truly ready to share all the sorrows and joys with her husband. She will always support and help not only morally, but also in essence.

Taurus mothers cope well with their responsibilities. She enjoys caring for her children. But over time, as the children get older, she makes some demands on them. Her children are brought up in strictness and obedience. She does not tolerate laziness and sloppiness. But no matter how strict and demanding she is, she is still her children’s best friend, assistant and adviser.

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