Reproduction of dogs through planned mating. Knowledge of Chihuahua: sexual harassment and imitation of sexual intercourse What to do if the bitch does not

We are the owners of two different sexes German Shepherds. The girl is 2 years old, the male is 5. They have been living together for a year, there was no mating for the second heat in a row. According to the recommendations of experienced breeders, they carried out hand-breeding and helped the dogs: they supported the girl under the belly, held her by the collar. Despite the efforts, the lock did not work: the male’s organ touched the female’s vulva, but did not go inside. Please tell me what to do.


Mating shepherds requires the skill of the owners. If you have no experience, it is better to consult a veterinarian. A professional instructor will organize training and prevent mistakes. Common reason mating without a “lock” means a dog’s intestines are overcrowded. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out mating in the morning, before feeding the animals.

Determining the day of mating

Choosing a favorable time is an important point. The further process depends on the correct calculation of the estrus period. If the start date of estrus is correctly determined, it is easy to calculate a favorable mating day. The favorable period for mating is 12-15 days after the start of estrus, but deviations from the specified period are possible. During this period, the external genital organ, the “loop,” swells and becomes larger. It happens that milk is released.

From the beginning of estrus, the female becomes irritable, reacts slightly aggressively to males, recoils, does not let him near, and snaps. The period of 11-14 days is considered optimal for ovulation; it rarely shifts. The duration of ovulation is from 3 to 5 days. Veterinarians advise breeding a bitch in the middle of her readiness period. Mating at the beginning of ovulation is a common mistake many breeders make. A smear analysis will help determine the time of ovulation with maximum accuracy.

Pregnancy is guaranteed by two matings at intervals of one day. The viability of sperm lasts 75 hours, the method leaves 4 days for fertilization.

Preparation, conditions

Each owner knows the individual characteristics of the pet. It is recommended to keep a diary describing in detail the condition and behavior of the dog during heat. Based on observations, days favorable for the ligament are determined.

It is advisable to make the mating days calm for the shepherd; the dog is prone to hypersensitivity and requires a delicate attitude. Before mating, dogs are advised to be walked and fed 4 hours before the scheduled event.

Methods, process

After preparatory measures have been carried out and the mandatory conditions have been met, the act begins. There are two known methods of knitting:

  • free;
  • manual.

Each method requires special attention. Freestyle mating is carried out with an experienced male and an interested female. This method does not exclude the presence of owners and assistance to animals to avoid possible injuries.

The manual method requires the participation of the owners. It is advisable to have a veterinarian present. The owner of a male dog supports the bitch under the belly with one hand, and with the other directs the “loop” to the male’s genitals during mounting. The owner of the bitch holds her by the collar.

If attempts are unsuccessful, the animals are bred. One of the reasons is considered to be the incorrect structure of the bitch’s vagina. An examination by a veterinarian will help identify the pathology.

Features, rules

Dogs are bred in the male territory, in the absence of extraneous irritants. The dogs are given time to get used to each other: sniff, get to know each other, play. It is important to ensure that the playing time does not drag on: the male will “burn out” and the mating will not work.

The dog is worried or fussing - you should not shout or hit the animal. It is necessary to take the bitch out and let the dog calm down.

At the end of the mating process, the dogs are allowed to lick themselves. After the lock, the male's genitals can remain erect and not retract into the prepuce. To relieve swelling, it is necessary to treat the organ clean water room temperature.

It happens that the edge of the prepuce turns out to be rolled up. To avoid the development of paraphimosis, it should be straightened.

When a dog reaches sexual maturity, it is ready to breed. In nature, animals mate on their own, without outside help. At home, animal owners help the mating process. Mating of dogs under the control of breeders is carried out to regulate the breeding process.

Reproductive system in males

In males, the main reproductive organ is the testes, where the development of sperm, important components of positive mating, occurs. A male dog is ready to breed if the testes have descended into the scrotum. It happens that during a dog's life the testes do not descend. The male is considered infertile. Often the only testis descends; under such circumstances, the male can mate, but sexual functions remain reduced. Dog breeders do not recommend using inferior male dogs for procreation; sexual inferiority can be inherited. As you know, purebred puppies are considered the pride of the breed if they do not have a single defect.

In a non-excited state, the penis of male dogs is hidden in a leather pouch. If a dog begins to regularly lick the genitals, breeders should immediately take the dog to a veterinarian. The dog may be experiencing a sexually transmitted infection that requires immediate attention. drug treatment. A sick male is not allowed to mate.

In an excited state, the male’s penis “comes out” of the pouch, erection, sexual intercourse and ejaculation occur. The mating process of dogs should not be distracted by strangers; it is forbidden for a person to interfere with the sexual intercourse of dogs.

Reproductive system of bitches

In bitches, the ovaries are considered the main reproductive reproductive organs. In these organs the egg matures. In rare cases, a female dog is infertile; this depends on the structure of the body, the influence of external factors or heredity. Often, bitches experience a hormonal imbalance in the body: the dog is ready to reproduce, but cannot become pregnant. This happens due to improper maintenance of the animal (overeating, hunger, sedentary lifestyle) or due to previous diseases.

The structure of the female body is designed in such a way that the dog becomes ready for fertilization 3-4 days after ovulation. Spermatozoa of male dogs retain their functions for 7 days. A specified time period is selected for pairing.

Bitches in heat

The first precursors to the onset of estrus are considered to be changed behavior. The dog begins to rush around, becomes angry or overly active. If the symptoms are voiced, you should examine the dog’s genitals daily. When the loop becomes enlarged and bloody smudges begin to appear, estrus has begun.

If you are planning to mate a bitch, the dog must first be dewormed before going into heat. If prevention is not done, then the pregnancy, if the dog develops worms, will end in miscarriage or premature birth.

Each bitch goes into heat differently. It is generally accepted that successful mating occurs on the 9th or 11th day of estrus. But this is a misconception. In an individual case, you will have to independently determine favorable days for conception. If the bitch resists mating, it means that the auspicious day has not come. You need to wait for the moment when the dog wants to copulate.

As soon as the bitch begins to reach out to the male, the mating process should be carried out immediately. A delay of 2-3 days will lead to unsatisfactory results; in order to re-mate the dogs, you will have to wait for a new heat.

Dogs stick together when they mate. A physiological process occurs, correctly called agglomeration. Animals' bodies are designed in such a way that when they mate, they seem to lock together. During mating, nature provides dogs with “insurance” against unsuccessful mating. In medical practice, there is an explanation for the process: the vaginal muscles of a female dog contract sharply during intercourse and tightly clasp the tip of the male penis. This results in “sticking”.

Successful mating

Usually dogs do without outside help during sexual intercourse. For a successful result, the breeder must be nearby during the action. The dog may need to be guided or the bitch's hindquarters may need to be lifted. In some cases, the bitch must be held tightly in order for the mating process to take place.

After the eruption of sperm, the dogs are mated. The action lasts 15 minutes. Then the dogs lose interest in each other.


With successful sexual intercourse, fertilization in the bitch occurs within 5-7 minutes. This time is enough for dogs to feel satisfied and fulfill their main goal in life: producing offspring.

After sexual intercourse, dogs must be given water to drink. After mating, the bitch should be separated from the dog, otherwise the dog will want to continue and will want to copulate again. As a rule, a fertilized bitch will no longer allow a male dog.

Most owners do not have a full understanding of the difficulties and mistakes they make when breeding dogs. We will tell you how to avoid problems during mating and highlight all the difficulties that you will have to face.

When it comes to mating, most owners think that it is enough to bring the dogs to one place and let them off the leashes, and then everything will happen by itself. Yes, in some cases this is enough, but not always everything goes smoothly, especially if the dog has not been bred before. And here the owners have to take an active part, helping the male and female become future parents.

  • Dogs on a table or elevated surface so that it is more convenient to control the mating process.
  • If you do not have experience in breeding dogs, then it is better to call a person who has experience in this matter, or an instructor.
  • Dogs should be given rest and water should be available at all times.
  • a bitch in her first heat, when she herself is still a puppy.
  • After the dogs have stood up, you should support them by their collars and don't let it turn around. If a male dog wants to cross his leg and stand backwards, you should help him with this.
  • Dogs need to be given a good walk and should not be fed heavily.
  • After the first mating, you should definitely do control mating in 2-3 days. It is better if there are two control matings, with an interval of 2 days.


  • Inactive male. Yes, it happens that a male of breeding value is not active enough or, due to inexperience, cannot breed a female on his own. In this case, the owners should hold the bitch so that she does not spin and allow the dog to calmly mount. You can push the male dog or help him to mount, to put his front paws on the bitch - such help is often necessary for heavy or inactive, phlegmatic dogs.
  • Aggressive bitch. Often the cause of unsuccessful mating is the bitch's unpreparedness for mating. Such a bitch does not allow the dog to approach her, snaps and is even capable of seriously biting him. In this case, you should put a muzzle on the bitch, squat down and, holding her by the collar, slide her knee under her belly so that the weight of the dog does not interfere with mating; this is also necessary if the dog is too heavy for the bitch.
  • The male is smaller or larger than the female. It happens that growth has an effect, and the male cannot properly mount and get into the loop. In this case, you need to correct the difference in height yourself: if the female is smaller than the male, then she should be placed on a hill, and vice versa.
  • The dog burned out. It also happens that a dog that is actively boarding is tired or has decided that that’s enough for today. In this case, it is worth separating the dogs for a while, taking the male dog for a walk, then letting him be alone for a while, be sure to give the dogs water and try again after a while.


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    Wrong day: either the hunt has not yet begun, or it has ended, and the dog does not show any interest in the bitch; or the bitch does not allow the male to mount. Usually dogs are bred on the 10-11th day of estrus - these are average data, it all depends on the cycle of a particular dog.

An approaching heat is indicated by a change in the bitch's behavior. She becomes very excitable during a walk, constantly sniffs the ground, begins to mark with urine, sometimes even lifting her back paw (not upward, like a male, but forward, “with a pistol”), scrapes and scatters the soil. May begin to pick on other females, sometimes mounting them. The bitch in the anteroom flirts with male dogs: she drops her chest to the ground, covers her ears and rolls her eyes. When the male tries to lick the noose or, even more so, to mount, the bitch recoils and snaps, but then can begin to lure him again.

Having noted such signs, begin to examine the bitch’s genitals daily. The loop enlarges and seems to swell, and bleeding begins. However, many bitches carefully lick the first, still light discharge, which leads to an incorrect determination of the first day of estrus. To avoid mistakes, every morning apply a cotton swab to the mucous membrane between the edges of the loop - the slightest traces of blood remain on the cotton wool, which clearly indicates the first day of estrus.

Now it is necessary to identify the onset of hunting. There is absolutely no need to wait until the spotting becomes light: many bitches mate well and become fertilized precisely with bright discharge, and their light discharge appears at the very end of the heat, when the heat has long passed.

Hunting is defined this way. Place your hand on the bitch's rump and apply pressure. If the bitch tenses her hind legs, moves them to the side and lifts her tail up, then she is ready for mating. However, some bitches react with a stillness reflex when pressing on the rump and not being in full heat. The sharper pressure exerted by the male dog when mounting makes them want to break free.

A more accurate way to detect heat is to touch the loop. If, in response to even a slight touch, the edges of the loop diverge, as if turning to the sides, and the loop itself rises sharply and freezes for a while - you cannot hesitate, the bitch needs a male today. In the midst of the hunt, when the bitch touches the noose, she not only lifts it, but also hunches her back, begins to breathe heavily, and spastic contractions run through her stomach. Having seen this, under no circumstances put off mating even until tomorrow, you may be late.

Therefore, you need to detect heat in a female dog independently, in each specific period, without relying on average dates.

Mating is a responsible and serious matter. The fewer people present out of idle curiosity, the better. Extraneous sounds, movements, strangers (for one dog they are familiar, for another they are still strangers) - all this distracts and irritates dogs. The presence of the owner of the bitch, the owner of the dog and, if necessary, a mating instructor is more than enough. Dogs are brought together, unless, of course, they live permanently in enclosures, always indoors: meeting them on the street guarantees failure, or even interference from outside dogs and conflict with passers-by. A dog should breed on an empty stomach.

If the floors in the room are slippery, they need to be covered with an old carpet or something like that; it is better to remove clean new carpets and rugs, they can get very dirty. First the female is brought into the room, then the male is admitted. Since the unusual environment, lack of familiarity with the dog, and skipping the preparatory stage (courtship) emotionally traumatize the bitch, she may begin to snap at the dog and try to bite him. Anticipating such a possibility, even the calmest bitch should be muzzled or her jaws secured with a bandage. After all, as soon as a bitch gives a good bite to a male dog, especially an inexperienced one, he will no longer approach her.

There is a large and useful topic about heat.

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