Yellow sunset. Food additive E110. E110 – Sunset Yellow ♣ E110 Sunset Yellow (Orange Yellow S)

Sunset yellow dye (food additive E110), also called “orange yellow S”, belongs to the group of water-soluble dyes. Chemical formula of additive E110: C 16 H 10 Na 2 O 7 S 2 N 2. Synthetic dye E110 is especially effective for coloring products that undergo fermentation during heat treatment.

Effect on the body


Sunset yellow dye (food additive E110) is a sulfonated version of the dangerous Sudan I dye, which is a carcinogen. Because of this, dye E110 may contain dye Sudan I as an impurity. In addition, E110 dye itself can lead to allergic reactions, especially in people with aspirin intolerance. Other side effects of E110 supplementation may include: nausea, urticaria (rash), nasal congestion, rhinitis (runny nose), kidney swelling, chromosomal damage. The E110 food supplement often causes indigestion, vomiting, abdominal pain, and food aversion.

The use of E110 supplements in children’s diets should not be allowed to avoid hyperactive behavior and loss of concentration in children. This pattern has been scientifically proven in recent studies conducted by the UK Food Standards Agency (FSA).


Due to its synthetic origin, the E102 additive is not characteristic of living organisms. There is currently no scientific data on the benefits of tartrazine.


Additive E110 is used to color many products: orange zucchini, lemon curd, cheese sauce, canned fish, crackers, oriental spices, packaged soups. The food additive E110 is often added to glazes, jams, ice cream and marmalade. E110 dye is also used in the production of orange and apricot jelly, hot chocolate, marzipan and soft and strong drinks. Additive E110 is often used in combination with food additive E123 to produce a brown color (chocolate and caramel color).


Sunset dye as a food additive E110 is prohibited in many countries of the world, for example, in Finland, Norway, and the USA.

At the initiative of the European Union, an active search is underway for a replacement for the E110 dye. In 2008, a law was passed in Europe according to which all products containing the additive E110 and a number of other dyes must contain a warning about their possible effect on hyperactivity in children. In 2009, the maximum permissible daily intake of the food additive E110 per kilogram of body was reduced in Europe. In 2010-2011, European countries plan to completely abandon the use of sunset yellow dye (E110) in the food industry.

In Russia and Ukraine, unfortunately, the food additive E110 is approved for use in the food industry.

Name: Yellow "sunset" E110
Other names: E110, E-110, English: E110, E-110, Sunset Yellow FCF
Group: Food additive
Type: Food coloring
Effect on the body: dangerous
Approved in countries: Russia, Ukraine, EU

Dye Sunset Yellow FCF, or as it is also called yellow-orange S, labeled E-110, is an easily water-soluble dye that has a bright orange color. It is obtained synthetically. It is a sulfonated version of the toxic dye Sudan I, which is recognized as a carcinogen. It is the presence of part of Sudan I in the E110 dye that causes multiple negative consequences.
Sunset yellow E110 is mainly used to give the desired color to products exposed to high temperatures or after fermentation.
Numerous negative effects on the human body have led to a ban on the E110 food additive in some European countries. The use of yellow “sunset” E110 was completely abandoned in the USA, Norway and Finland. In Russia and Ukraine it is still in the register of food additives and participates in food production. In recent years, the European Union has been actively searching for a substitute for this dye. And since 2008, products containing the E110 additive have been labeled warning of possible consequences.

E110 dye is added to a huge number of food products. It is contained in some canned vegetables, fermented milk products, sauces, crackers, chips, instant soups and purees, and canned fish. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks may also contain this additive. Sunset yellow E110 can often be found in sweets. Ice cream, jams, jellies, icing, marmalade, marzipan, hot chocolate - all these sweets may contain dye. It is mainly used to give yellow, orange, caramel and chocolate colors.

Effect on the human body:
The admixture of carcinogenic residues of Sudan I in the food additive sunset yellow E-110 can lead to allergies. People who are intolerant to aspirin need to be especially careful. In addition, vomiting, nausea, profuse skin rash, swelling of the nasopharynx, runny nose, swelling of the kidneys and even damage to the chromosome chain may occur. The additive is a common cause of stomach cramps, indigestion, and food rejection. When consumed by children, it causes hyperactivity syndrome and loss of concentration. Products with the addition of this dye should be removed from the child's menu.
Since 2009, the permissible dose of the sunset yellow food additive E110 has been reduced to a minimum.

Health effects: dangerous

Health effects: hazardous to health

Description of the dietary supplement:

Yellow "sunset" FCF, orange-yellow S - aqueous solutions of bright orange color. Added to colored candy coatings, jams, colored drinks, packaged soups, oriental spices, sauces and other food products.

Sunset yellow dye (food additive E-110), also called orange yellow S, belongs to the group of water-soluble dyes. Chemical formula of additive E-110: C16H10Na2O7S2N2. This synthetic dye is especially effective for coloring products that undergo fermentation during heat treatment.

Additive E-110 is used to color many products: orange zucchini, lemon curd, cheese sauce, canned fish, crackers, oriental spices, packaged soups. The food additive E-110 is often added to frostings, jams, ice creams, and marmalades; used in the manufacture of orange and apricot jelly, hot chocolate, marzipan and soft and strong drinks. Sunset Yellow is often used in combination with the food additive E-123 to produce a brown (chocolate and caramel) color.

Impact on the human body

Dye E-110 is a sulfonated version of the dangerous Sudan I dye, which is a carcinogen. Because of this, the food additive E-110 may contain Sudan I as an impurity. In addition, E-110 dye itself can lead to allergic reactions, especially in people with aspirin intolerance. Other side effects of E-110 dye may include: nausea, hives (rash), nasal congestion, rhinitis (runny nose), swollen kidneys, chromosomal damage. The dietary supplement E-110 is often the cause of indigestion, vomiting, abdominal pain, and food refusal.

This supplement should not be used in children's diets to avoid hyperactive behavior and loss of concentration in children. This pattern has been scientifically proven in recent studies conducted by the UK Food Standards Agency (FSA).

Sunset dye as a food additive E-110 is prohibited in many countries of the world, for example, in Finland, Norway, and the USA.

Now, at the initiative of the European Union, an active search is underway for a replacement for this dye. In 2008, a law was passed in Europe according to which all products containing the dye E-110 and a number of other dyes must contain a warning about its possible effect on hyperactivity in children. In 2009, Europe lowered the maximum permissible daily intake of the dietary supplement E-110 per kilogram of body. In 2010-2011, European countries plan to completely abandon the use of sunset yellow dye in the food industry.

The presence of toxic chemical components among the components of the substance, as well as the properties of the dye E110 Yellow Sunset FCF, give grounds to classify this food additive as harmful to human life and health. Dye E110 refers to substances that are strictly prohibited for use in the food manufacturing process in countries such as Finland, USA or Norway.

In terms of its chemical properties, the dye E110 Sunset Yellow FCF resembles other water-soluble yellow dyes of similar structure obtained synthetically. The main difference between the E110 food additive is the color palette that can be obtained when using a dye.

Dye composition E110 Sunset Yellow FCF

The composition of the dye E110 Yellow Sunset FCF is replete with various compounds, which allows you to obtain a distinctive orange yellow or orange color when coloring objects, materials, as well as drinks and food. The composition of the dye E110 Sunset Yellow FCF is similar to the dye and carcinogen Sudan I.

Harmful dye E110 Yellow Sunset FCF

This substance is considered a particularly toxic sulfate and is used exclusively in the chemical industry. Interestingly, the particularly poisonous Sudan I is produced using food coloring E110. Perhaps, such a connection is obvious evidence of the harm of the E110 Sunset Yellow FCF dye to the human body. E110 is often used to color confectionery products such as lollipops, sweets and glazes.

The dangerous dye E110 is often used to make popular carbonated drinks that children love so much. The harm of the E110 Sunset Yellow FCF dye is expressed primarily in the form of persistent allergies. Symptoms of poisoning with the E110 food additive include: a rash on the skin all over the body or, as people call it, allergic reactions - hives, breathing problems, choking, nausea. The E110 dye has the most detrimental effect on the child’s body.

If your child suddenly gets sick, the temperature rises, the nose is stuffy (rhinitis), and a small red rash spreads throughout the body, then most likely the baby was poisoned by the E110 food additive. Some scientists associate the E110 additive in baby food products with the occurrence of childhood hyperactivity, as well as due to attention deficit fatigue.

With all the visible and obvious harmful consequences of using the dye E110 Sunset Yellow FCF, there are opinions that this food additive causes the same harm as excessive consumption of natural carcinogens. For example, regular consumption of unlimited amounts of fried meat or citrus fruits can lead to the same unwanted health problems as the presence of the E110 additive in food.

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General characteristics and receipt

This additive was synthesized by sulfonation from the industrial dye Sudan I. This substance with carcinogenic properties is used to color chemical liquids. E110 may contain impurities of Sudan I, so the additive cannot be called completely safe.

Purpose: used in the manufacture of food products. Especially for coloring ingredients that are subject to heat treatment.

Effect on the human body: benefits and harms

This dye is a modified version of a dangerous carcinogen, and it may contain Sudan I impurities. The substance itself can cause allergic reactions. It is highly not recommended for people who cannot tolerate aspirin, or in children's diets. Research by scientists has confirmed that “yellow sunset” can cause problems with concentration and hyperactivity syndrome in children. The following side effects have also been recorded:

  • Skin rash.
  • The appearance of allergic rhinitis.
  • Dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) – abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating.
  • Swelling of the kidneys.

Since the dye is artificially synthesized, it is not a necessary element for living organisms. Its benefits have not been scientifically proven.


E110 is designed to give food a marketable appearance. E110 may be included in:

  • Marmalade, jelly, jam, ice cream.
  • Seasoning
  • Canned vegetables and fruits.
  • Cocoa powder.
  • Semi-finished products.
  • Pisces, surimi.
  • Carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

If you mix the additives E110 and E123, you get a beautiful brownish tint. This trick is often used by technologists in the production of caramel and chocolate.

Food products

Maximum level of E 110 content in products

Soft drinks

Fresh and canned fruits and vegetables in glaze

Ice cream, popsicles

Desserts, including flavored dairy products


Sauces, dry and paste-like seasonings

Mustard, fish roe

Snacks extruded or exploded

Other snack foods

Smoked fish

Surimi, salmon-like fish

Pasta, bakery products, pastries

Liquid dietary supplements

Solid dietary supplements

Protein substitutes for meat and fish

Low alcohol drinks

Coatings for sausages and cheeses


In the USA, Norway and Finland, E110 dye is prohibited for use. In Europe, they plan to abandon the additive in the near future, and its use is strictly regulated.

In what products is E110 dye most often found and why is it dangerous? Brief and accessible in this video:

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