Dmitry Kurakin Rostelecom. Dmitry Kurakin from the Ministry of Defense will become vice president of Rostelecom. “Polite people” Shoigu

I'm leaving, leaving beautifully (c). What happened was what was supposed to happen, and even on the deadline set by the media and specifically by EcoGrad - the new-old governor of the Moscow region, Andrei Vorobyov, got rid of living incriminating evidence. Today in Kolomna, at a public discussion of the projects for a waste processing plant and landfill in the village of Myachkovo, the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Management of the Moscow Region, Alexander Kogan, uttered a sacramental phrase: “Vote against, protest, but we will build the plant for you anyway.” It came out beautiful, but incomplete. The icing on the cake appeared only in the evening, along with the diffusion of rumors about Kogan’s resignation and the complete replacement of environmental management in a particular Moscow region, and then this phrase became a meme. This is how EcoGrad perceived it, in the light of the permanent but sluggish “garbage revolution”, which is preparing a full debriefing of the outgoing minister. In the meantime, the revolution is not over, but a disco break has been announced.

"...Your last day. The bourgeois is coming!"

According to the telegram channel “Green Serpent”, Dmitry Kurakin will be appointed Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Ecology
and environmental management of the Moscow region. This will be a combination of the positions of two retirees - deputy chairman of the regional government for ecology Alexander Chuprakov (whose departure, but only from the environmental sphere, was confirmed before the elections) and the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Alexander Kogan (whose resignation was in question).

Previously, Dmitry worked as director of the department property relations Ministry of Defense of Russia (under Minister Shoigu), Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region (under Governor Shoigu), Chairman of the Property Management Committee of St. Petersburg (under Governor Matvienko).

Appointing Kurakin as Minister of Environment, strengthening his status with the position of Deputy Chairman of the Government, is an extremely correct decision by Governor Andrei Vorobyov.

The long-suffering nature of the Moscow region will have a chance to get rid of the chaos into which Chuprakov and Kogan plunged it, says the Green Serpent telegram channel.


On September 20, the Moscow Regional Duma approved the leadership of the new government of the region. The main change is that the Ministry of Ecology, instead of Alexander KOGAN, is headed by Dmitry KURAKIN, a native of the Ministry of Defense.

Three vice-governors instead of the old two

Two days earlier, the regional Duma approved the governor’s proposals Andrey VOROBYOV changes in structure. The position of first vice-governor appeared in the regional government.

Now Vorobyov has three vice-governors at once, one of whom will be the head of the governor’s administration. Previously, there were two vice-governors.

He took the new position of first vice-governor Ildar GABDRAHMANOV, who previously served as a “regular” lieutenant governor. Retained her post as vice-governor Natalia VIRTUOSOVA.

Two other lieutenant governors - Dmitry PESTOV(former deputy prime minister) and Mikhail KUZNETSOV, who will also be the head of Andrei Vorobyov’s administration.

The leadership of the new government of the Moscow region

Olga ZABRALOVA became the first deputy chairman of the government and minister of education. Previously, the regional Ministry of Education with the rank of minister was in charge of Marina ZAKHAROVA.

The posts of deputy prime ministers were retained Maxim FOMIN And Alexander CHUPRAKOV. Remained Deputy Prime Minister Denis BUTSAEV, but lost the prefix “Minister of Investment and Innovation”. The new Deputy Prime Minister was former head Ministry of Transport Igor TRESKOV.

“Toxic” Kogan was replaced by a person from the Ministry of Defense

A native of Novosibirsk, Dmitry Kurakin was Deputy Prime Minister from May to November 2012, when he headed the Moscow region Sergei SHOIGU. Afterwards, Kurakin served as director of the property relations department in the Ministry of Defense until May 2017. Since May 2017, he has been vice president of Rostelecom.

Now Kurakin has become Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources. His candidacy, among others, was submitted to the Moscow Regional Duma for consideration by Andrei Vorobyov.

Dmitry KURAKIN, Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources

Representatives of the regional government do not specify whether the outgoing Alexander Kogan will continue to work in the leadership of the Moscow region.

Kogan has headed Mineco since April 1, 2015. The activities of the department under his leadership were regularly criticized. The Ministry of Ecology ignored ecological problems: garbage dumps, “sand poachers”, destruction of rivers and lakes.

The situation especially worsened in 2017. Calls for Kogan’s resignation were heard at rallies in different areas of the Moscow region. The Yadrovo training ground in Volokolamsk thundered throughout the country, and Governor Vorobyov was pelted with snowballs.

Political scientists called Alexander Kogan “toxic” for the head of the region and assumed that he would be dismissed before the elections on September 9 in order to raise the rating of the current governor and “calm down” the masses a little.

Alexander Kogan - former Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Management of the Moscow Region

But the resignation did not happen. Kogan served as part of the old government until the end. However, it is hardly worth talking about the end of his work in “Vorobiev’s team,” since the governor often appoints high-ranking officials who were left without posts as his advisers.

Vivid examples - former Minister of Health Nina SUSLONOVA, not fulfilled at the Odintsovo Central District Hospital; former Minister of Construction Complex Marina OGLOBLINA, whose son became a defendant; German ELYANYUSHKIN, During his work as Deputy Chairman of the Government, the Ministry of Construction issued many permits for the construction of large residential complexes in the Moscow region, most of which grossly violated regional urban planning standards.

Perhaps Alexander Kogan will soon join the number of advisers to Andrei Yuryevich.

Former head of the Department of Property Relations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kurakin has been appointed vice president, administrative director of PJSC Rostelecom. Previously, Alexander Abramkov, vice president, director of the macro-regional branch (MRF) Center of the company, was responsible for administrative issues at Rostelecom. Alexander Abramkov, as vice president of Rostelecom, will focus on managing the Center MRF.

In his new position, Dmitry Kurakin (pictured) will be responsible for managing the Rostelecom property complex. In addition, his area of ​​responsibility will include administrative and economic management of the company's activities.

“Previously, Alexander Abramkov combined the positions of vice president for administrative issues and director of the Center MRF of Rostelecom,” a representative of the Rostelecom press service clarified in a conversation with a ComNews correspondent. According to him, Alexander Abramkov is now vice president.” Rostelecom will focus on managing the Center MRF.

Before joining Rostelecom, Dmitry Kurakin was director of the Department of Property Relations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. IN certain time Dmitry Kurakin also served as Chairman of the City Property Management Committee of the Government of St. Petersburg.

“Dmitry Kurakin has enormous experience in the field of real estate management and property relations,” noted Rostelecom President Mikhail Oseevsky. “We welcome Dmitry joining our team and count on his contribution to improving the efficiency of the company’s administrative and business support, including complex management real estate".

Financial analyst of the Finam group of companies Timur Nigmatullin said in an interview with ComNews that Rostelecom continues the redevelopment program in most regions of its presence. According to him, changes in communication technologies make it possible to massively release potentially high-quality rental real estate in areas of established development. For example, as Timur Nigmatullin recalled, the operator previously offered X5 Retail Group for purchase and long-term lease facilities for opening about 300 supermarkets (see ComNews dated March 16, 2015).

“I do not rule out that the rental business will be an increasingly significant source of income for the company, on a par, for example, with income from the rental of cable ducts. Thus, its high-quality administration requires experienced management with competencies in this area,” summarized Timur Nigmatullin .

“The sale of non-core assets is often a political issue for state-owned companies. As for Rostelecom, it often happens that today some businesses were core, but tomorrow the management changes, and they are no longer core, and vice versa. Therefore, make forecasts now it is still unrealistic whether the new personnel appointment will affect the non-core property management policy,” Natalya Milchakova, deputy director of the analytical department at Alpari, noted in a conversation with a ComNews correspondent.

During this year, Rostelecom has undergone a number of personnel changes in its management. In March, Mikhail Oseevsky, ex-deputy president and chairman of the board of VTB Bank, joined the company as president (see ComNews dated March 3, 2017). In April, the post of senior vice president of Rostelecom was taken by the former top manager of VTB Bank Sergey Anokhin (see ComNews dated April 6, 2017). Later, former top manager of the VTB group Anna Shumeiko was appointed vice president, chief of staff of the president of Rostelecom (see ComNews dated April 20, 2017). In May, Elena Drobot, who previously worked as Deputy Director for Customer Service at Tinkoff Bank JSC, became the director of customer service for the mass segment of Rostelecom (see ComNews dated May 3, 2017).

ComNews dossier

Dmitry Kurakin was born on November 5, 1970 in Novosibirsk. Graduated in 1993 Faculty of Law St. Petersburg state university majoring in "Jurisprudence". Worked in the field of real estate management and legal consulting. In March 1998, he was appointed to the position of deputy head of the State Property Management Department of the Committee for the Management of City Property of St. Petersburg, and from October 2000 - head of the committee department. In 2002-2008 - Director of the State Unitary Enterprise "City Department of Inventory and Real Estate Valuation" in St. Petersburg. In 2008 - Deputy Chairman, since 2010 - Chairman of the Committee for City Property Management of the Government of St. Petersburg. Since May 2012 - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region. On November 14, 2012, he was appointed director of the Department of Property Relations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In 2017, he was appointed vice president, administrative director of Rostelecom.

Predecessor: Evgenia Nikolaevna Vasilyeva May 18, 2012 - November 14, 2012 Governor: Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu Predecessor: Igor Olegovich Parkhomenko Successor: Alexander Anatolyevich Chuprakov June 29, 2010 - May 18, 2012 Governor: Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko, Georgy Sergeevich Poltavchenko Predecessor: Igor Mikhailovich Metelsky Successor: Maria Konstantinovna Smirnova Birth: 1st of January(1970-01-01 ) (49 years old)
USSR USSR Novosibirsk Profession: lawyer Activity: state employee Awards:

Dmitry Alexandrovich Kurakin(born January 1, 1970 in Novosibirsk, USSR) is a Russian statesman, director of the Department of Property Relations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.


Born into a military family. In 1988 he entered the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University. In 1993 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University with a degree in jurisprudence. Labor activity started in 1992. He was engaged in legal consulting and real estate transactions. He was one of the founders of the Northern Crown law firm. Later he worked at the company “Chance Real Estate Center”. In 1998 he moved to the Nevsky Syndicate company (now the Nevsky Alliance Group of Companies).


  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd class.

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  • Maria of Tire: . “Business Petersburg”, 06/28/2010

An excerpt characterizing Kurakin, Dmitry Alexandrovich

“And the boy is smart,” said the hussar standing next to Petya. “We fed him just now.” Passion was hungry!
Footsteps were heard in the darkness and, bare feet splashing in the mud, the drummer approached the door.
“Ah, c"est vous!" said Petya. “Voulez vous manger? N"ayez pas peur, on ne vous fera pas de mal,” he added, timidly and affectionately touching his hand. - Entrez, entrez. [Oh, it's you! Are you hungry? Don't be afraid, they won't do anything to you. Enter, enter.]
“Merci, monsieur, [Thank you, sir.],” the drummer answered in a trembling, almost childish voice and began to wipe his dirty feet on the threshold. Petya wanted to say a lot to the drummer, but he didn’t dare. He stood next to him in the hallway, shifting. Then in the darkness I took his hand and shook it.
“Entrez, entrez,” he repeated only in a gentle whisper.
“Oh, what should I do to him!” - Petya said to himself and, opening the door, let the boy pass by.
When the drummer entered the hut, Petya sat away from him, considering it humiliating for himself to pay attention to him. He just felt the money in his pocket and was in doubt whether it would be a shame to give it to the drummer.

From the drummer, who, on Denisov’s orders, was given vodka, mutton and whom Denisov ordered to dress in a Russian caftan, so that, without sending him away with the prisoners, he would be left with the party, Petya’s attention was diverted by the arrival of Dolokhov. Petya in the army heard many stories about the extraordinary courage and cruelty of Dolokhov with the French, and therefore, from the moment Dolokhov entered the hut, Petya, without taking his eyes off, looked at him and became more and more encouraged, twitching his head raised, so as not to be unworthy even of such a society as Dolokhov.
Dolokhov’s appearance strangely struck Petya with its simplicity.
Denisov dressed in a checkmen, wore a beard and on his chest the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and in his manner of speaking, in all his manners, he showed the peculiarity of his position. Dolokhov, on the contrary, previously, in Moscow, who wore a Persian suit, now had the appearance of the most prim Guards officer. His face was clean-shaven, he was dressed in a guards cotton frock coat with George in the buttonhole and a simple cap straight on. He took off his wet cloak in the corner and, going up to Denisov, without greeting anyone, immediately began asking about the matter. Denisov told him about the plans that large detachments had for their transport, and about sending Petya, and about how he responded to both generals. Then Denisov told everything he knew about the position of the French detachment.
“That’s true, but you need to know what and how many troops,” said Dolokhov, “you will need to go.” Without knowing exactly how many there are, you cannot start the business. I like to do things carefully. Now, would any of the gentlemen want to go with me to their camp? I have my uniforms with me.
- I, I... I will go with you! – Petya screamed.
“You don’t need to go at all,” Denisov said, turning to Dolokhov, “and I won’t let him in for anything.”
- That's great! - Petya cried out, - why shouldn’t I go?..
- Yes, because there is no need.
“Well, excuse me, because... because... I’ll go, that’s all.” Will you take me? – he turned to Dolokhov.
“Why…” answered Dolokhov absentmindedly, peering into the face of the French drummer.
- How long have you had this young man? – he asked Denisov.
- Today they took him, but he doesn’t know anything. I left it for myself.
- Well, where are you putting the rest? - said Dolokhov.
- How to where? “I’m sending you under guard!” Denisov suddenly blushed and cried out. “And I’ll boldly say that I don’t have a single person on my conscience. Are you happy to send someone away? than magic, I will tell you, the honor of a soldier.
“It’s decent for a young count of sixteen to say these pleasantries,” Dolokhov said with a cold grin, “but it’s time for you to leave it.”
“Well, I’m not saying anything, I’m just saying that I will definitely go with you,” Petya said timidly.
“And it’s time for you and me, brother, to give up these pleasantries,” Dolokhov continued, as if he found special pleasure in talking about this subject that irritated Denisov. - Well, why did you take this to you? - he said, shaking his head. - Then why do you feel sorry for him? After all, we know these receipts of yours. You send them a hundred people, and thirty will come. They will starve or be beaten. So is it all the same not to take them?
Esaul, narrowing his bright eyes, nodded his head approvingly.
- This is all shit, there’s nothing to argue about. I don’t want to take it on my soul. You talk - help. Well, hog "osho." Just not from me.
Dolokhov laughed.
“Who didn’t tell them to catch me twenty times?” But they will catch me and you, with your chivalry, anyway. – He paused. - However, we have to do something. Send my Cossack with a pack! I have two French uniforms. Well, are you coming with me? – he asked Petya.
- I? Yes, yes, absolutely,” Petya cried, blushing almost to tears, looking at Denisov.
Again, while Dolokhov was arguing with Denisov about what should be done with the prisoners, Petya felt awkward and hasty; but again I did not have time to fully understand what they were talking about. “If big, famous people think so, then it must be so, therefore it’s good,” he thought. “And most importantly, Denisov must not dare to think that I will obey him, that he can command me.” I will definitely go with Dolokhov to the French camp. He can do it and so can I.”
To all of Denisov’s urgings not to travel, Petya replied that he, too, was used to doing everything carefully, and not Lazar’s at random, and that he never thought about danger to himself.
“Because,” you yourself must agree, “if you don’t know correctly how many there are, the lives of maybe hundreds depend on it, but here we are alone, and then I really want this, and I will definitely, definitely go, you won’t stop me.” “, he said, “it will only get worse...

Dressed in French greatcoats and shakos, Petya and Dolokhov drove to the clearing from which Denisov looked at the camp, and, leaving the forest in complete darkness, descended into the ravine. Having driven down, Dolokhov ordered the Cossacks accompanying him to wait here and rode at a fast trot along the road to the bridge. Petya, transfixed with excitement, rode next to him.

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