It's good in the forest in winter. Essays on the topic “Winter forest. Class. Essays on the theme “Winter in the forest”

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Winter is a wonderful time of the year. Many poets and writers of our time admired the truly beautiful spectacle. Winter is beautiful in all its phenomena, with frosts making the air crackle and falling snow swirling and shimmering in different colors. An unforgettable impression is made by winter establishing its order in a sleepy forest; it changes it beyond recognition, turning it into a snow-white fairy tale. Coming to the winter forest, it’s as if you find yourself in another world, filled with picturesque landscapes that dizzy the traveler.

Walking along the forest paths early in the morning, you can spend hours admiring the beauty of the winter forest waking up and shaking off the remnants of sleep after long night. Snow lies everywhere in the forest and on the branches of trees standing motionless like frozen travelers, covering bushes and shrubs with its soft blanket, turning them into lumps of snow.

The grass, which recently thickly covered the forest clearings, sleeps quietly under the snow-white canvas, awaiting the arrival of spring and the warm sun. The wind quietly, as if sneaking between the trees, blows snowflakes from the tops of the bushes and carries them through the forest, circling through the air. The sun appeared from behind the tops, caressing with its bright rays. It is not as warm as in spring, but gentle and pleasant. My heart is about to jump out of my chest from the tenderness and beauty that fills the forest.

The birds woke up from sleep and their trills began to fill the quiet and calm forest. Meanwhile, the sun rose higher and higher, flooding everything around with bright light: clearings, bushes, hollows, hillocks, and countless traces left by forest dwellers on the snow-white snow. It seemed that the forest was an enchanted kingdom that the snow queen had taken captive and dressed it up according to her whimsical whims.

Walking along the winding forest paths, abundantly covered with snow, you can meet the owners of the footprints left on the snow-white blanket of the forest. Here, somewhere, the bushes began to crackle, a wild boar was making its way through the thickets, out of nowhere, as if from nowhere, a hare emerged, lingering for a moment, and hastily disappeared, getting lost between the trees.

The sun has begun to set, it’s time to return and say goodbye to the fairy tale in the winter forest. Night comes into its own in the forest. Everything around began to calm down and prepare for sleep. Life in the forest subsides, and only the crunch of snow underfoot, a traveler who paused to admire the sunset, breaks the silence that has engulfed the fairy-tale forest.

The forest is a place where it is calm and cozy, where you can simply walk for hours between snow-covered trees and enjoy the wondrous beauty, immersing yourself in a fairy tale created by nature, forgetting about the problems and worries that have recently bothered you and given you no rest. This is a place where you can be among nature, in solitude and relax from everyday worries. Returning home, among the endless beauty, your soul becomes calm and there is a desire to quickly return to the forest and again immerse yourself in the extraordinary beauty and indescribable palette of sensations.

Even more essays on the topic: “Winter in the forest”:

In winter, the forest turns into a magical place. A thick carpet of snow-white snow covers everything around. The branches of tall trees can barely withstand the load of snow, so from time to time gusts of icy wind will shake the branch and a mountain of snow will fall down like a small snowfall. Snow-covered spruce trees look like elegant, lavishly dressed ladies getting ready for a ball. The sun's rays break through the tangle of branches, drawing bizarre patterns of shadows on the ground. The snow glitters and shimmers in the sun, it seems that someone has scattered diamonds. It’s probably her – Winter the Enchantress.

It seems as if life in the forest freezes in winter, because because of the cold, most animals hide in warm holes or fall into hibernation like a bear or a hedgehog. The ringing hubbub of bird voices is not heard, although some birds are still here. Over there a black and white magpie flew by with a sharp cry, and there red-breasted bullfinches and yellow-breasted titmice clung to the branches. They were lucky to find a rowan tree in the forest, without leaves, but with tassels of burning sweet berries, which would be an excellent winter treat for birds.

But still, hunger forces the fox and the wolf to go out hunting, looking for small traces of the paws of a hare on the untouched deep trail, which also came out of its hiding place in search of useful tree bark and roots. In winter, the hare's skin turns white so that, by merging with the snow, it has a better chance of escaping from predators. Above, in the branches of the trees, the fluffy tail of a squirrel flashes, which has climbed out of its house and is collecting cones under the fir trees. In fact, life in the forest in winter goes on as usual.

Deep snowdrifts and severe frosts become an obstacle to winter walks in the forest, since if you suddenly get lost, you can freeze and die. However, you can go on skis and take a chance on a ride, taking with you a supply of hot tea in a thermos and a reliable guide. Then you will be lucky enough to observe the stunning, majestic beauty of the winter forest and, perhaps, meet its inhabitants.


Winter, like a caring mistress, has come to our forests. There is a small hill at the edge. A playful wind blew and blew his white cap off. Winter dressed the trees in heavy snow coats, pulled snow-white hats onto their tops, and didn’t even forget about the branches - she dressed them in downy mittens. And she gave the rowan a white shawl, from under which clusters of berries can be seen, like amber earrings.

Suddenly the sun peeked out from behind a gray cloud, and the fairy-tale clearing was no longer recognizable. Everything around sparkled and sparkled, the shaggy branches of the fir trees woke up and reached for the sun. Maybe they are showing off their outfit? A wood grouse began to fuss on a branch. Here is a hazel grouse sitting on a spruce tree. The woodpecker knocked insistently. The squirrel looked out of the hollow; she also wanted to bask in the sun. The birds call to each other merrily. They are happy.

And the air is so clean, sparkling, as if saturated with the freshness of the forest. It's easy to breathe in the winter forest. It's a good place to spend a weekend. The forest is always beautiful. But in winter it is truly beautiful. This is the beauty of nature, the beauty of purity and silence.

Winter gives joy and tranquility to people who come to the forest. How wonderful it is to look at the mighty spruce trees with garlands of cones hanging on the tops! How easily they support the snow with their branched arms. Their brownish trunk, dark green needles, white snow on the branches, and the blue of the sky above merge into a unique palette.

You go into the winter forest and your heart becomes joyful and light, and you just want to sing some good song. But despite the bewitching beauty of this winter forest, for some reason I felt sad in it.

Freezing and sad, I was about to return home, and then my eyes met a completely inconspicuous green Christmas tree. Unnoticeable among tall trees, she was simply the queen of the forest! Thin, but already strong paws-twigs are lightly sprinkled with snow sparkles, the bright pattern of the crown seems to be painted on a winter snowdrift.

I seriously thought: what is the main meaning of my essay about winter? Perhaps I want to encourage people to take care and protect nature. After all, if we do not preserve nature, we will not be able to admire such extraordinary beauty of the winter forest.


I like winter time of the year. I love visiting the winter forest. Quiet in the forest in winter. The trees are covered with snow lace, they seem to be sleeping. The high tops of the fir trees are decorated with garlands of cones, which feed the birds.

Tiny fir trees stand out in the clearing. They were completely carried away. How good they are now, how pretty! The blizzard silvered the lush hair of the slender pines. The winter sleep of nature is deep, but life glimmers under the snowdrift. If you clear the snowdrift to the ground, you will notice lingonberry bushes, blueberry branches and leaves of other plants.

In the forest clearings, traces of animals are visible: foxes, white hare, moose. Bears build their dens in impenetrable spruce forests. Snowshoe hares hide under low-hanging branches. In the dense thorny branches of spruce trees they build their houses - squirrels' nests. Many birds do not fly away from us for the winter at all. Hazel grouse, black grouse, wood grouse, partridges live all year round at one place. Of the small birds, sparrows do not fly anywhere near us. Tits, woodpeckers, jays, and magpies remain with us. Bullfinches decorate our winter nature with their bright plumage. Birds are afraid of hunger in winter, not cold. A blizzard rages, and the forest magically transforms. The forest is beautiful in winter attire!

Winter has come to our forests as a caring mistress. Here is a hill at the edge. A playful wind blew his white cap off of him. You need to put it on. She dressed the spruce and pine trees in heavy snow coats, pulled snow-white hats down to their very eyebrows, and didn’t even forget about the branches - she gave them downy mittens. And a gift to the rowan tree - a white shawl. From under it, clusters of berries, like red earrings, can be seen.

The sun came out from behind a gray cloud, and you couldn’t recognize the familiar clearing. Everything around sparkled, sparkled, the shaggy branches of the fir trees shuddered and reached towards the sun. Are they really showing off their outfit? The woodpecker knocked more insistently. At such a time, you don’t even feel tired. A squirrel came out of the hollow. She also wants to bask in the sun. Birds call to each other more cheerfully. We were delighted.

And the air sparkles, as if permeated with flickering specks of dust. It's easy to breathe in the winter forest. It's good to spend a day off here.

Winter is a wonderful time of year. And it’s especially good in the forest in winter.

It seems to us that peace and soundlessness reign in the winter forest, but this is only at first glance. When the sun appears, the entire forest transforms and shines. Many forest inhabitants have gone into hibernation, and those who remain are making great efforts to feed themselves. Here is a cowardly hare tearing the bark off a birch tree, and here is a titmouse flying from tree to tree. Suddenly snow fell from a huge spruce branch; it was a squirrel jumping with a nut in its teeth. Even the wolf and the fox do not sit still, they scour the forest in search of prey. Bullfinches are like rowan berries. Squatted on a branch. In the distance, an elk with huge antlers wanders importantly.

And the forest itself is decorated with fluffy, snow-white snow, sparkling in the rays of the sun.

How nice it is in the forest in winter!


No, it’s still nice in the forest in winter! Trees, snow, silence - everything is like in a fairy tale. It was as if there was no August seventeenth. It’s as if the year 17 never happened. Huge pine trees stand motionless, majestic. It seems that if you cut them down, they will fall!

Approach a pine tree, hit the trunk with a sledgehammer, and white, soft and fluffy flakes will swirl over the quiet forest.

Somewhere a woodpecker screamed quietly. Apparently, the hard worker accidentally hit him with his beak on his finger. And it's quiet again...

Chu! A bear snores in a den. I’ll come up and turn him on his side so that the snorer doesn’t disturb the silence of the forest.

A squirrel jumps merrily from branch to branch. I forgot, sweetie, where she lives, so she’s been galloping for three days now.

Now a noble, but very hungry deer has noticed a squirrel and is trying to gore it for dinner with its beautiful branched antlers.

The chipmunk also jumps in the trees, dodging pine needles so that his eyes don’t gouge out. It’s just that he’s a bit big for a chipmunk. Bah, it’s a lynx!..

Here a striped boar galloped through the snow, exposing its simple snout to the oncoming frosty wind. He's a bit small for a wild boar. Bah! Yes, this is just a chipmunk!..

Tits chirp happily on a branch. I put my palm to my mouth and begin to skillfully crackle the frost. The tits immediately stop chirping and fall into the snow, tucking their frostbitten paws.

I carefully enter the aspen forest, where hares feast on the bark of young trees. Just the crunch is worth it... The bunny started gnawing this tree about two weeks ago. That's when I noticed him. Then the bunny was just gnawing on the bark at the very roots, but now he is already there - at the very top, about twenty meters from the ground. Bon appetit to you, oblique!

I'm moving on. A runaway collective farm cow fluttered out of the bushes. She is now unrecognizable: lean, light, looking like a fox - a beauty, the queen of the forest! She jumped out right in front of me, looked, sucking in the frosty air with her sensitive nostrils, wet from a runny nose, then rushed headlong away, covering her tracks with her fluffy red udder...

The beautiful lynx, having finally tracked me down, rushes from the tree onto my collar. I grabbed the sheepskin coat tightly and couldn’t tear it off. Good in the cold with a lynx collar, warm!..

It's time for lunch. I take the gun off my shoulder and freeze, all attention. What will the winter forest treat me with today? That’s right - I was lucky enough to shoot a huge gray chaga. Tasty!..

...Where can I get a piece of paper in the forest in winter, or at least a burdock leaf? Nowhere. I don't like the winter forest. I'll go out onto the highway. But where is it? Yes, here it is, I’ve been walking along it for half an hour. Look, you thought it was virgin soil. There's a lot of snow on the highway today! Fine! The felt boots are already full. Help. Help! Help-you!!!

1998 “Red Burda”

How beautiful the winter forest looks and how nice it is to take a walk in it! Everything around is white, covered with soft fluffy snow. On the branches of mighty trees, especially on the wide legs of evergreen fir trees, small piles of snow settled down, looking like real hats. All the trees bent over, strained by the snow. When such a hat falls from a branch, it straightens and seems to shoot out, aiming for the sky.

The sky is blue and clear, like a tear. The snow glistens in the sun, shimmering and playing in the rays of the stingy winter sun with all the colors of the rainbow - it’s even painful to look at this luxury of nature. It's frosty. The snow crunches and creaks underfoot. And if you take a little snow in your hands and look at it carefully, you can see individual snowflakes, which are the best work the art of a wonderful master - nature itself. It’s as if some fabulous jeweler skillfully carved these delicate tiny stars. The trees in the forest are everywhere covered not only with snow, but also with frost and frost. It is quiet in the forest on a winter day, it seems that everyone is sleeping, covered with a snow-white blanket. Sounds in the frosty air travel very quickly and sound over a long distance. Therefore, to hear that not everyone is sleeping - a crow croaked, a magpie chirped, and then another one raised its voice. winter bird. And very close by is a titmouse chirping. For the walk, I took some bread and flour, and I will also sprinkle it for the birds, because in winter it is very difficult for them and it is very difficult for them to find food on the ground covered with a blanket of snow.

No, for sure, not everyone sleeps in the winter forest. Here are someone's footprints in the clean snow. Who was running here? Most likely, it was a hare in his white winter sheepskin coat who was fleeing from a hungry gray wolf or from a red-haired beauty - a fox. The sun disappears very early in winter, so don’t hesitate. It’s time for me to hurry home, because the snow on the tops of the Christmas trees is turning pink, and the slender white birches themselves are turning pink and golden. Here, first blue, and then violet and blue shadows make their way through the snow between silent trees. The sky begins to turn red in the west, and darkness is rapidly coming from the east, which in a matter of minutes overtakes the traveler and forces him to rush to his home. You can already see even the thin crescent of the new moon.

It's getting dark and it's getting much colder. And I return home, retracing my steps, once again stamping on the crunchy snow. And as soon as I left the forest, I turned around, and the forest was already completely black against the background of a blue snow carpet. Good night, quiet and welcoming winter forest, covered with a beautiful winter blanket, we will see you again!

No, it’s still nice in the forest in winter! Trees, snow, silence - everything is like in a fairy tale. It was as if there was no August seventeenth. It’s as if the year 17 never happened. Huge pine trees stand motionless, majestic. It seems that if you cut them down, they will fall!

Approach a pine tree, hit the trunk with a sledgehammer, and white, soft and fluffy flakes will swirl over the quiet forest.

Somewhere a woodpecker screamed quietly. Apparently, the hard worker accidentally hit him with his beak on his finger. And it's quiet again...

Chu! A bear snores in a den. I’ll come up and turn him on his side so that the snorer doesn’t disturb the silence of the forest.

A squirrel jumps merrily from branch to branch. I forgot, sweetie, where she lives, so she’s been galloping for three days now.

Now a noble, but very hungry deer has noticed a squirrel and is trying to gore it for dinner with its beautiful branched antlers.

The chipmunk also jumps in the trees, dodging pine needles so that his eyes don’t gouge out. It’s just that he’s a bit big for a chipmunk. Bah, it’s a lynx!..

Here a striped boar galloped through the snow, exposing its simple snout to the oncoming frosty wind. He's a bit small for a wild boar. Bah! Yes, this is just a chipmunk!..

Tits chirp happily on a branch. I put my palm to my mouth and begin to skillfully crackle the frost. The tits immediately stop chirping and fall into the snow, tucking their frostbitten paws.

I carefully enter the aspen forest, where hares feast on the bark of young trees. Just the crunch is worth it... The bunny started gnawing this tree about two weeks ago. That's when I noticed him. Then the bunny was just gnawing on the bark at the very roots, but now he is already somewhere - at the very top, about twenty meters from the ground. Bon appetit to you, oblique!

I'm moving on. A runaway collective farm cow fluttered out of the bushes. She is now unrecognizable: lean, light, looking like a fox - a beauty, the queen of the forest! She jumped out right in front of me, looked, sucking in the frosty air with her sensitive nostrils, wet from a runny nose, then rushed headlong away, covering her tracks with her fluffy red udder...

The beautiful lynx, having finally tracked me down, rushes from the tree onto my collar. I grabbed the sheepskin coat tightly and couldn’t tear it off. Good in the cold with a lynx collar, warm!..

It's time for lunch. I take the gun off my shoulder and freeze, all attention. What will the winter forest treat me with today? That’s right - I was lucky enough to shoot a huge gray chaga. Tasty!..

...Where can I get a piece of paper in the forest in winter, or at least a burdock leaf? Nowhere. I don't like the winter forest. I'll go out onto the highway. But where is it? Yes, here it is, I’ve been walking along it for half an hour. Look, you thought it was virgin soil. There's a lot of snow on the highway today! Fine! The felt boots are already full. Help. Help! Help-you!!!

Winter came. All the paths in the forest were covered. The bear goes into hibernation for the entire winter. How beautiful and mysterious this winter forest is. Snow-white, light snowflakes are flying and circling around. Everywhere you look, white is everywhere, pure snow falls on cold ground. There are snowdrifts and snowstorms everywhere. Birds fly south. Winter is a fabulous and magical time of year, especially in the forest.

3rd grade. Essays on the theme “Forest in winter”

It's cold all around. The hares in the forest changed their fur coats. Wolf and fox tracks lie on the white silvery snow. Bullfinches sit ruffled on the branches of snowy trees. But who is there? So it’s winter after all! She walks like a swan swimming on a lake. Winter walks and covers everything around with frost, and snowflakes fall like cotton wool. Winter is like a mistress in the forest, taking care of the trees not covered with snow, decorating the winter forest with snow. How good winter is!

4th grade. Essays on the theme “Winter in the forest”

I love being in the forest in winter. All the trees are covered with snow lace, and the tops of the snow-covered fir trees are decorated with unusual garlands of cones. In winter, tiny birch trees stand out in a clearing in the forest. How good they are now, how pretty! The blizzard silvered the lush hair of the slender pines. The winter sleep of the forest is deep, but life glimmers under the snow, and in the forest clearings you can see paths of animal tracks: foxes, white hare, elk. In winter, in impenetrable forests, bears sleep in their dens. Squirrels build their houses in the thorny branches of spruce trees - nests.

5th grade. Essays on the theme “Winter Forest”

- a wonderful time of year. And it’s especially good in the forest in winter.

It seems to us that peace and soundlessness reign in the winter forest, but this is only at first glance. When the sun appears, the entire forest transforms and shines. Many forest dwellers have gone into hibernation, and those who remain are making great efforts to feed themselves. Here is a cowardly hare, tearing the bark off a birch tree, and here is a titmouse flying from tree to tree. Suddenly snow fell from a huge spruce branch; it was a squirrel jumping with a nut in its teeth. Even the wolf and the fox do not sit still, they scour the forest in search of prey. Bullfinches are like rowan berries. Squatted on a branch. In the distance, an elk with huge antlers wanders importantly.

And the forest itself is decorated with fluffy, snow-white snow, sparkling in the rays of the sun. How nice it is in the forest in winter!

6th grade. Essays on the theme “Winter in the forest”

The forest is especially beautiful in winter. This sight is like a fairy tale. Huge giant trees stand in white coats of snow, fluffy branches are covered with armfuls of snow, and here and there traces of animals are visible on the ground. Beautiful winter forest! Most of all I like to walk in the winter forest on skis.

Dress warmly, take your skis and poles and head straight into the forest. Light, slightly crunching snowflakes break under your feet, giving the impression that you are not walking along a snowy forest road, but gliding along soft fluffy light clouds.

Beautiful winter walk in the forest, but the best thing, in my opinion, is sledding and ice skating. It’s an unforgettable feeling when you’re flying down a mountain on a sled, the wind is blowing lightly in your face, snowdrifts are rushing under you, and there’s a blue, clear sky above.

Nature is beautiful in winter: frozen rivers play like a mirror in the sun, snow caps of trees playfully sway in the wind, light snowflakes fall whirling to the ground. I love winter, because this time reminds me of a fairy tale, fun, and I understand that miracles happen and winter is direct proof of this.

7th grade. Essays on the theme “Forest in winter”

When real winter reigns in the forest, behind a noisy and damp city, even those who consider this time of year too annoying and harsh are subject to its cold beauty. And indeed, it is in a wooded area that all the charm of winter is revealed in its true meaning, striking the imagination with wonderful and amazing pictures. How majestically beautiful are the tall pines, whose paws bend to the ground under the weight of snow covers, in their proud immobility. How magical and mysterious the icy bushes and tree branches seem, framing the dark trunks like a lace pattern. How contrastingly bright and unexpected a scarlet spot of a rowan bunch can suddenly seem on a snow-white sparkling background, how fascinating it is to observe the tracks of birds and animals on an untouched canvas of the purest snow. In winter, even the night forest is transformed, losing its gloomy and sometimes frightening face and replacing it with exquisite mystery, the blue reflection of moonlight and intricate shadows that seem strange mythical creatures, change their appearance and appear only with the arrival of darkness. It’s good to be in the forest in winter, when the weather is windless and frosty, and clean and fresh snow creaks under your feet. It’s good when soft flakes quietly fall on tree branches and melt sweetly in the palm of your hand. At this hour it is so quiet and blissful that only goodness and peace, enjoyment of the true beauty and joy of life reign in the soul.

9-11 grade. Essays on the theme “Winter Forest”

Winter, like a caring mistress, has come to our forests. There is a small hill at the edge. A playful wind blew and blew his white cap off. Winter dressed the trees in heavy snow coats, pulled snow-white hats onto their tops, and didn’t even forget about the branches - she dressed them in downy mittens. And she gave the rowan a white shawl, from under which clusters of berries can be seen, like amber earrings. Suddenly the sun peeked out from behind a gray cloud, and the fairy-tale clearing was no longer recognizable. Everything around sparkled and sparkled, the shaggy branches of the fir trees woke up and reached for the sun. Maybe they are showing off their outfit? A wood grouse began to fuss on a branch. Here is a hazel grouse sitting on a spruce tree. The woodpecker knocked insistently. The squirrel looked out of the hollow; she also wanted to bask in the sun. The birds call to each other merrily. They are happy. And the air is so clean, sparkling, as if saturated with the freshness of the forest. It's easy to breathe in the winter forest. It's a good place to spend a weekend. The forest is always beautiful. But in winter it is truly beautiful. This is the beauty of nature, the beauty of purity and silence. Winter gives joy and tranquility to people who come to the forest. How wonderful it is to look at the mighty spruce trees with garlands of cones hanging on the tops! How easily they support the snow with their branched arms. Their brownish trunk, dark green needles, white snow on the branches, and the blue sky above merge into a unique palette. You go into a winter forest and your heart becomes joyful and light, and you just want to sing some good song. But despite the bewitching beauty of this winter forest, for some reason I felt sad in it. Freezing and sad, I was about to return home, and then my eyes met a completely inconspicuous green Christmas tree. Unnoticed among the tall trees, she was simply the queen of the forest! Thin but already strong legs-twigs are lightly sprinkled with snow sparkles, the bright pattern of the crown seems to be drawn on a winter snowdrift. I seriously thought: what is the main meaning of my essay about winter? Perhaps I want to encourage people to take care and protect nature. After all, if we do not preserve nature, we will not be able to admire such extraordinary beauty of the winter forest.

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