How to get into the gaming industry? Profession: tester. Making money testing games: what you need for work. Pros and cons of working as a tester Game tester

As in any serious matter, video game testing has its own stages and types, following which the tester evaluates the game and identifies errors.

  1. Checking the functionality of the functionality;
  2. Stress Testing;
  3. Passing locations;
  4. Checking compatibility with devices.

There are also fundamental testing principles that involve the use of different levels (depth) of testing. More details about this are written in the Wikipedia article. These rules help provide a clear picture of problems and necessary fixes in the game's functionality.

How do you make money testing games?

All beginners should know that testing games for money has many advantages and disadvantages. This means that you need to know about them in advance so as not to be disappointed in this type of activity ahead of time. The work in question has a lot of surprises. The main advantages are:

  • opportunity to organize workplace right at home;
  • you can regulate your income;
  • withdrawal of earned money upon request.

Disadvantages are also present, they are most often felt by novice users who recently activated their first test of games for money. Unfortunately, there is no escape from the negatives. Now you can find out only about some of them:

  • testing takes a lot of time;
  • network connection required;
  • the game may have complex mechanics or an unclear interface.

Where can you make money testing games?

In addition to the fact that you can do the classic method - send out your resume to potential employers, namely through the feedback form official representatives game developers. If you do not have experience in this field, but have a great desire to gain knowledge and work in this field, try to use intermediary sites. Here are just a few of them:

Apprating is a web resource that organizes testing of games for money in Ukraine for everyone. Here you need to install mobile applications on your smartphone, and then write a review about the game. For 1 installation they pay up to 20 rubles. is a Finnish website that connects employers (game developers) with potential employees. Among the required vacancies, game testers are also listed on the site. Do not confuse this site with the gamejobs scam site, which has already been exposed online. Read more about these sites in the following articles.

Apptools is an excellent service that allows you to test games for money. All you need to do is register in the service and start installing mobile toys. The installation fee is about 6 rubles.

There are recruitment portals. For example, you can also find current vacancies for a game tester, which may fit the parameters of the job you are looking for. If you want to socialize with testers, come here, courses for future testers are also available on the site.

Income opportunities

Right now, making money online by testing games is not available to everyone. To do this, you need to have at least minimal knowledge in the field of testing methodology; often employers want an employee with a higher technical education and it will be completely unpleasant if you do not have knowledge in English. After this, you need to select a specific service and register. If the user has a mobile phone or laptop with different operating systems, then he can earn money without leaving home.

  • If we talk about official work in the company, then your monthly earnings from testing computer games can easily be more than 30 thousand rubles. But today this vacancy is very popular among job seekers. Therefore, you need to be very lucky to get such a job.
  • Many users want to perform informal testing online games for money right at home, just by registering on the site. In this case, they can expect to earn up to $100 per hour. The income level and withdrawal methods depend on the specific company.

As you know, today official work as a game tester in an office is not suitable for everyone, because you need to have the appropriate education. Completely different opportunities open up for gamers who want to do this at home. This means that they can earn and withdraw money to electronic wallets at any time, and also do not depend on their superiors.

Just recently I came across a site that offers to make money by testing games. The site that I came across with such an offer is -.
The offer to make money testing games seemed very suspicious to me. On the main page of the site there are two pictures with captions:
Maxim gets paid for testing his guitar playing;>
Alena tests a new real-time strategy.

Also written beautiful words about part-time employment, about earnings from 100 rubles. at one o'clock. And at the bottom of the site there is a constant enticement about who earned how much from testing games.
But don't get your hopes up - it's all a hoax. No earnings on game testing No!

You can see this for yourself - just study the site in more detail. A scant FAQ, no information about the company that conducts game tests; in the contacts section there is a feedback form. In general, it is immediately clear that the site is a fake and there can be no talk of making any money on it.
Read the "Terms of Use" and "Privacy Policy" - there is not a single word about testing.
Well, the funniest thing is that at the bottom of the site there is a proposal that The website does not guarantee you any earnings or work, which means there really is no work here.

Update Half a year has passed, a clone site has appeared, which is completely copied, and not in at its best-

Shall we check?

First, let's register.
We are asked for e-mail, name and gender, and are also warned that there are only 4 vacant positions left. This is so that the sucker will think that if he thinks for a long time, he may not have time to register for this" very popular and profitable"project.
Well, let's register. For some reason we see a page on which it says that you need to confirm your subscription, oh well, so be it - we’ll confirm it.

After this, a letter arrives with the following content:

We are a team of game testers. This is not just our job or hobby - it is a lifestyle. We help game developers create truly high-quality products.
Our team consists of the following specialists:
Language specialists. They look for spelling errors and typos in games.
Quality specialists. Experienced players who help find errors in games.
Cross-platform compatibility specialists. They help port games to different platforms.
We use three simple but super effective principles in our work:
We do not refuse offers. We are happy to collaborate with both newcomers and gaming industry giants.
We love our job and try to do our best in any situation.
We are active. Testing is not a job for the lazy. We spend hours, days and weeks to achieve truly worthy results.
At the end of the complex testing process, we start to simply play. We check all possible shortcomings in practice. Working with our team will give you genuine pleasure.
Don't waste your time - fill out the form and start working and earning money.
Game testing from the company
Test reports
Filling out reports, documenting bugs
Work experience: not required, but desirable
Fill out the form
After completing the survey, please complete the test task to determine your skills
When completing a test task, pay special attention to the errors indicated in the category description
You can test one game or several.
The more detailed and detailed report you provide, the greater the likelihood of immediately raising your rating and receiving higher-paying assignments.
Place the report in the following forms:
Browser games - for browser games
Client games - for client games
Games for iPad, iPhone, Android - mobile games
If you have tested more than one game, fill out a report for each.

Filling out the form takes place on the Google Docs service, and not on the testgames website itself. The questionnaire is supposedly needed in order to select games that suit you, but this is not so. In fact, no one needs this questionnaire at all. You don't even have to fill it out.
Then we have the opportunity to pass test.

Making money testing games: what are the pros and cons of such work + sites that won’t deceive you + TOP-4 scams when making money testing games.

With the development of the gaming industry, new methods of making money on the Internet have appeared. Game testing is one of them.

A relatively new direction that initially no one took seriously. Is it possible to earn money just by playing?

Today this has become quite possible. We'll figure out what is how to make money by testing games, and how you can benefit from your favorite activity.

All the nuances of making money testing games

Have you ever wondered who checks the performance of games?

This is where so-called software product testers come into play. Let's figure out what these people are doing.

1) What is it like to make money testing games?

Game crashes, gameplay failures, clumsy textures - all these are shortcomings of developers when creating their creations. They look for just such bugs and notify project managers about them.

On average, a game project team consists of 5 - 10 people from various fields. Conducting testing on your own will, firstly, take a very long time, and secondly, not everyone will be able to do this professionally.

The opinions of ordinary users are valued by developers. Beta testing of large-scale projects often opens with recruitment for 1 - 2 months.

If it is a huge open world with a complex structure, then testing can take up to 3 months. Companies maintain a brand, so it will not be practical for them to produce a “raw” product.

Activity scheme:

  1. Team recruitment.
  2. Study of game nuances for 1-2 months.
  3. During the process, players fill out questionnaires daily and also send reports on bugs found.
  4. Upon completion of testing, payment for the activity occurs.

World-famous companies sometimes do not pay for the test. The reward for true gamers will be early access to the project and a free official copy of the game.

2) Making money testing games: pros and cons

Like any activity, testing games also has its pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at how such an activity can be beneficial and what problems may arise during the testing process.

The main advantages of making money testing games:

  1. Download and install the application.
  2. Register through the program interface.
  3. In the orders section, select a task and install the game for testing.
  4. Leave positive feedback developers.
  5. Receive money into your account.

Withdrawal of money after testing games occurs or your phone number. The term for crediting funds is up to 5 banking days.

Source 3: Earnings on

Another resource that pays for installing and testing games on mobile phones.

What tasks can there be in the application:

  • install the game – 20 – 30 rubles;
  • give positive feedback – 5 – 10 rubles;
  • install the game and level up in it to the level specified in the task - 30 - 50 rubles.

The installation and operation scheme is similar to the previous resource.

Payment is made to a Webmoney e-wallet or to your personal mobile phone number.

The best solution would be to combine several options at once.

After installing the application and completing the task for it, the game can be immediately deleted so that it does not take up space on your mobile.

Want to know more about making money testing games?

Listen to another opinion from an expert in the field of online earnings:

How can making money testing games cause losses?

Before you start searching for vacancies on a particular site, you should very carefully study the reviews on payments. This applies to applications that pay users to install and test games.

If you received work from a company on an order on one of the freelance platforms, check the details of the transaction and payment methods. It would be nice to discuss all the nuances over the phone or via Skype.

For your attention, there are 2 sites where you should not try to make money testing games. Deceiving clients and siphoning money flourishes there:

After registration, you are given a list of games to test, but in the end you will not receive anything for working on them.
Having worked Nth quantity time for others, you will be left with nothing, which is very unfortunate.

Top 4 tricks of scammers:

  • Complete a paid training course before starting work.
  • Add money to register.
  • Affiliate program.

    You attract new users to the system and work for the administrator.

    When it's time to pay, you are suddenly blocked.

  • To register, you will need your passport details or card number.

To avoid problems, treat your employer carefully. To work via the Internet, additional expenses are very rarely required, much less personal user data.

A positive reputation and reviews from friends - this is what you should focus on if you want to receive making money testing games.

It’s not a bad activity - you play, do what you love on the computer, and you also get paid for it. But it's so simple. Remember - free cheese is only in a mousetrap. Let's try to figure out what's what and whether they really pay for testing games.

Most of the sites that offer game testing for money are scammers and don’t pay money, but still.

For what purpose they lead us by the nose - everyone has their own. The meaning is clear - you will not receive any money at the end of the month.

What is a game tester like?

Let's take the site unitedpixelsltd com as an example.

Upon careful inspection, everything immediately becomes clear – it’s a scam. Well, who in their right mind would pay you $800 for testing games. Yes, and the return report is as always on such sites, such as sales people.

Upon further inspection, it is clear that the games are not only not new, but even very popular. Which of course sows doubt and implies divorce.

And who’s stopping you from checking any new business for reviews?

So here too - many people write that And gametesters , game-jobs biz- they don’t pay money and at the end of the month, even if everything was considered and letters arrived, you won’t get any money.

Don’t despair, such work still exists; it’s worth looking for it.

But to pay, you need to find several bugs; in short, you need to be well versed in games and be a real fan, or at least know the basics of their creation, in order to earn at least something.

Video about game testers

How much does a game tester earn or how much can you earn testing games?

Sites that pay for testing games

But still, for Android phone users who want to earn extra money, there are several sites with game testing. These are not computer games, but they are still games.


Really pays

And also the site Apprating en also pays.

Test games for money, earn while playing!

While playing games, many people thought about making money from them. People started making videos, doing lessons, talking about various tricks, but only a small part learned about making money testing games for money in 2014, and even before...

So, what do we mean by “testing”? Everything is quite simple, video game developers are naturally interested in ensuring that their creations are the best, but this directly requires a minimum of various errors and “bugs”. And since game developers are not able to eliminate all the shortcomings themselves, gamers come to their aid, that is, you.

Testing games for money:

Still, what is the main mission of testers and what are they paid for?

The main requirement for fans of playing video games is to find errors and notify the developers about them, as well as talk about your impressions of the game itself, what is missing and what needs to be improved.

Now let’s look at all the pros and cons of such work for this year 2014, as well as how much you can earn, although this site specializes in surveys for money, we conducted our own experiment, here are the results of testing online games for money:

Pros: You are doing what you love: playing games, and in the closed beta version. That is, the game has not yet come out, and you are already trying it out.

The earnings from this pleasure are quite significant. You can earn from 8 to 15 dollars per hour.(Think about it, you probably have a friend who plays more than 4 hours a day).

As for the disadvantages on the topic: making money by testing games for money , then everything is not going very well here. To get into a test (not just a beta test, but testing for money), you first need to find an employer, and then wait in a long line, which cannot guarantee a permanent income. However, if you are a really good gamer, and even more so if you are famous, you will be invited more and more often to various online tests, because your opinion will be important to developers.

Testing games for money, reviews and conclusions:

We can conclude. Most people in this field work for hire, and not under some kind of contract with a permanent salary, which in turn deprives many of career growth; in this case, you can earn more on tests for money (surveys for money).

But still, you can earn real money and quite good money, because the reviews are quite positive!

To do this, let's do some simple mathematical calculations. Let's say you are completely new to this business and you will be paid $8 for an hour of play. You have worked 40 hours of gaming in a week, and in a month it comes out, for example, 120. 120 multiplied by 8, it turns out 960 dollars!!! This is just a fabulous salary for such work, taking into account the fact that you are a beginner, we also recommend reading about how to earn from 200 to 500 rubles a day:.

But to our regret, not many people get into this field, because the competition is enormous and employers do not want to pay just anyone.

List of sites that test games for money:

And now the most important thing is that some sites that offer work in this area (testing Android applications for money or iOS) are scams, let's start with them, and then there will be solvent projects!


First site : The first impression of him is quite positive, because he is foreign and it seems that he should not deceive. But it was not there. The article on the main page promises almost instant enrichment after registration. But in fact, they will ask you for a few bucks, as a guarantee that you will do everything conscientiously, and they say that they will, as it were, give it away. But you will have neither money nor work.

Reviews about The site doesn't pay! Don't waste your time and money!

The second dishonest site is or also : By visiting these web pages, you find yourself on the same resource, we are greeted with attractive pictures and phrases. Like if you love computer games, then make money by testing games for money online, it is written that the boy is testing a game with a guitar, and the girl is testing some new real-time strategy, below are pictures of operating systems, consoles, as well as logos of game development companies that allegedly cooperate with this resource . But this is all fake, be careful, you will be deceived here.

Reviews about ( The site doesn't pay! We think and read reviews before registering!

Game testing sites for money that pays!

That's it, let's finish talking about the bad. Now let's talk about normal sites that are willing to pay you for your efforts, let's talk about paid games.

The first such site is It's quite simple. Developers of applications for mobile platforms want their creations to be at the top and are willing to pay for it; this system was created for such actions. You download the application, give it 5 stars, good comment and the money is yours. The employer has an advanced application, and you, in turn, have money in your pocket. That is, you can register as a contractor, but also as a customer. The minimum withdrawal amount is 15 rubles. A referral program is also available. This means that you can invite a friend and earn money from him. An important point, do not leave stupid comments on applications in a few words, as you will simply be added to the black list of performers. Paid survey sites.

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