How I imagine the new year. A story about the New Year holiday for children. How will I celebrate the new year

New Year is the best of holydays. At New Year’s Eve always appears this strange expectation of something big, new and great. Joyful atmosphere is all around. Everybody is busy picking nice Christmas trees, presents and feasts for holyday table. It seems like fairytale since childhood.

Preparations for this celebration are starting early. Everything begins with general cleaning. Than rooms are decorating with beautiful toys, garlands, holiday lights and candles. But the most beautiful decorations are New Year and Christmas wreaths with conifer branches, bright ribbons and figures of angels.

Dishes on holyday table are always special. And the most important moment of celebration is coming of New Year with chiming clock. Last toll beginning marks of grand firework which may last for whole hour. Than all guests, relatives and friends, begin celebrations with dances and contests which last for the whole night. And the first thing to do at next is to check all presents.

It is best when whether at New Year is cold and snowy. Colorful lights are flashing in all windows. Everybody is celebrating and having fun. Apparently because New Year is mutual celebration it is so much fun to celebrate it.

Wonderful New Year's holiday (text translation)

New Year is the best of holidays. On New Year's Eve there is a strange expectation of something big, new and wonderful. There is a festive atmosphere all around. Everyone is busy choosing Christmas trees, gifts and treats for the festive table. Since childhood, this time has been like a fairy tale.

Preparations for the celebration begin early. The first stage is general cleaning, and then all rooms are decorated with beautiful toys, garlands and candles. But the most beautiful New Year's decorations are wreaths with pine branches, bright ribbons and angels.

Dishes on festive table always special. And the most important moment of the celebration is the beginning of the New Year with the chimes ringing. The final chime of the bell signals the start of a spectacular fireworks display that can last for an hour. Then all the guests, relatives and friends, begin to have fun, dance and organize competitions. The holiday continues all night, and the first thing in the morning is to check the gifts under the tree.

It's best when the weather for the New Year is cold and snowy. Multi-colored lights in all windows seem brighter and warmer. Probably the New Year is so fun because it is common to everyone.

It is considered the most family-friendly, warm and joyful holiday New Year. Every person is waiting for New Year's magic. Many people believe that New Year's Eve fulfills all wishes. Children especially look forward to this holiday, because it is to them that Grandfather Frost brings many interesting gifts. People send New Year cards to their relatives and friends, and also surprise each other.

Essay on the theme “New Year”

New Year is my favorite holiday. The day before, I always get a strange feeling, as if something joyful and magical is about to happen. There is a festive atmosphere everywhere, everyone is preparing for the holiday - choosing beautiful Christmas trees, buying various fruits, sweets, preparing gifts for loved ones. Since childhood, New Year has been like a fairy tale for me.

Essay about “New Year”

My favorite holiday is New Year. Perhaps this is why I love winter so much. All people on the planet are waiting for this holiday. Many people believe that on this magical night all dreams come true. For all children, New Year is definitely the best holiday, because Santa Claus will definitely bring the gift they are waiting for. For the New Year, my mother always prepares a huge amount of all kinds of delicious dishes, this is another reason why I love this holiday so much.

An essay about "New year's night"

Silver snowflakes are falling. It's so quiet and magical outside. The city is decorated with glowing garlands, and there is a beautiful decorated Christmas tree in the square. It sparkles with colorful lights and is lightly sprinkled with snow. Walking people gather near the Christmas tree. And the lights are on in the houses, no one will go to bed early today. Everyone is looking forward to the New Year with impatience and trepidation. People are getting ready, fussing.

An essay about “My favorite holiday is New Year”

Every person has their own favorite holidays. Probably everyone loves their birthday, some like the holiday of the eighth of March, and some consider the twenty-third of February their favorite holiday. Yes, there are many different holidays in the world, each of which is interesting, attractive and worthy of praise in its own way. But it seems to me that there is no person on earth who would not love the holiday - New Year. My favorite holiday is also New Year.

Irgasheva Karina, Korolenko Yulia, Yamaletdinova Dayana

anthropological essay



Municipal educational institution School No. 46, Samara


Work of a student of grade 7 "B"

Irgasheva Karina

School No. 46 Samara

Home address: Samara

Novo-Sadovaya, 299-10

Tel. 89270114875

FULL NAME. teacher-consultant

Nepomnyashchaya Marina Petrovna

Samara 2011

New Year...Christmas...Magic...

Winter has dusted the city streets with sparkling snow and dressed the trees in a luxurious outfit. The frost covered the windows of the houses with intricate patterns and shackled the river in icy shackles. Icicles grew on the roofs of houses. This means that New Year is coming!

New Year is the most magical, most beautiful, most mysterious and fun holiday! From the beginning of December, the city begins to prepare for the celebration: the streets are decorated with multi-colored lights, majestic Christmas trees have grown in the city squares, and New Year's garlands flicker in store windows. It feels like you are in a fairy tale. At this time, even the air is saturated with New Year's magic.

New Year is a holiday of childhood, because every adult with childish enthusiasm awaits this holiday and prepares for it. People buy gifts for friends, relatives, friends and loved ones, decorate Christmas trees, invite guests. At 12 o'clock at night, as the chimes strike, everyone raises glasses of champagne, makes wishes and believes, like a child, that they will come true. The eyes glow with happiness. This is a moment of peace and harmony.

Children are looking forward to the New Year so that at midnight they can find long-awaited gifts from Santa Claus under the decorated Christmas tree, because it’s not for nothing that they write letters to him with wishes. And it doesn’t matter at all that moms and dads play the role of Father Frost and Snow Maiden and hide gifts for their kids under the tree in advance.

New Year is always magic. So many pleasant impressions remain after this wonderful holiday! Gifts, congratulations, a house decorated with New Year's lights, a decorated Christmas tree, the cheerful laughter of friends, traditional New Year's jokes at which the whole family laughs with ringing laughter, festive program on TV. During the New Year holidays, they always show old films on a holiday theme, fairy tales - adults also look forward to these children's fairy tales, because everyone wants to plunge into this children's world of magic.

We are looking forward to a magical, beloved holiday. At home and at school we always decorate the Christmas tree, have fun with the kids, organize New Year's skits, balls and evenings, and then we celebrate this holiday with our family.

Last year we went to Kuibyshev Square on New Year's Eve. In the very center of the square stood a majestic Christmas tree, all strewn with lights. There were a lot of people. We had to arrive at the square early, as there might not be enough space for everyone, so we arrived at nine in the evening. By midnight, the square became crowded, everyone was dancing, wishing each other a Happy New Year and admiring the fireworks. When the fireworks ended, everyone began to set off firecrackers and light sparklers. It was fun and I didn’t want to go home.

New Year is one of my favorite holidays.

Every time we cross the threshold of the New Year, our souls become especially warm, because in a few days the Christmas holiday will come! Nativity– an amazing time when the heart is filled with anticipation of a miracle... And this miracle happens!

Christmas - one of the days when, according to tradition, all family members gather at one table. On Christmas Eve, people cannot do without joy and fun - they arrange different games, girls are wondering about their betrothed.

New Year's holidays are the most long-awaited and brightest event in the life of every schoolchild. These holidays are associated with relaxation, fun, and a pleasant pastime. At this time people are skating, skiing, children are making snowmen, playing snowballs, and sledding down the hills.

During this time people are charging positive energy and good mood for the whole year.

Happy New Year, dear Samarans!


Department of Education of the City Administration Samara

Municipal educational institution School No. 46, Samara


philosophical and anthropological essays on the topic:

"New Year... Christmas... Magic..."

Work of a student of class 5 "A"

Korolenko Yulia

School No. 46 Samara

Home address: Samara

Kyiv, 10-243

Tel. 89171653849

FULL NAME. teacher-consultant

Nepomnyashchaya Marina Petrovna

Samara 2011

New Year... Christmas... Magic...

New Years is soon! Preparing for this holiday is very interesting. There are huge, fluffy Christmas trees on the streets. They even have to be dressed up using a crane. Multi-colored light bulbs hang on the lanterns. They are also hung using a crane. At night everything sparkles and shimmers, like in a fairy tale.

The largest, fluffiest Christmas tree is brought to the main square of each city. It takes a long time to dress her up, but then, when she’s dressed up, it’s just a miracle and a sight for sore eyes.

All the stores have a lot of New Year's toys and New Year's costumes. They sell balls, garlands, and tinsel for Christmas trees.

You can feel the holiday approaching. The Christmas tree is decorated with bright, iridescent toys, garlands, tinsel, and on the very top of the head is a star.

New Year's Eve is wonderful. The whole family gathers at a large table. There are many, many delicious things on the table. On this night, fireworks explode in the sky. I want to sing, dance and have fun. This is a very homely holiday. On this day, children believe that Santa Claus will come at night. The next morning, under the elegant, fluffy Christmas tree, a gift from him will lie, and the most cherished dreams of each of us will come true. After 12 midnight the new year begins.

Christmas starts on December 25th or January 7th. Christmas is Christian holiday. On this day, Christian children went collecting candy from house to house. This day celebrates the birth of Christ. And this is a very family holiday. The family gathers together in the house. It smells like spruce and candy, because the main symbol of the holiday is Christmas tree and presenting gifts.

New Year is Magic! On this day, something magical happens, one might say, beautiful, excellent, wonderful, unusual. On the streets, Christmas trees shine with colorful lights. Even the snow sparkles, as if someone accidentally scattered glitter on it. There's magic happening outside the window. The trees are all covered in snow, as if they were covered in silver. It's frosty outside, but at home it's very cozy and warm. Mom and dad stay at home. You can have a heart-to-heart talk with them. When you sit by the Christmas tree with your mother, you want to talk and talk. Even time flies so quickly that you don’t have time to look back and don’t notice that you’ve been talking to your mom for a very long time.

I really love when New Year comes. This is the most magical day of the year.


Department of Education of the City Administration Samara

Municipal educational institution School No. 46, Samara


philosophical and anthropological essays on the topic:

"New Year... Christmas... Magic..."

8th grade student's work

Yamaletdinova Dayana

School No. 46 Samara

Home address: Samara

Soviet army, 240 B-27

Tel. 89023383025

FULL NAME. teacher-consultant

Nepomnyashchaya Marina Petrovna

Samara 2011

New Year.... Christmas... Magic...

Winter is a time of miracles. She is beautiful in her innocent beauty. The city is transforming before our eyes. It becomes amazing, starting to sparkle with multi-colored lights. I really love celebrating the New Year, it is my favorite holiday.

On New Year's Eve, people's faces begin to glow like lights on a holiday tree.

When the magical, wondrous night of December thirty-first comes, everyone feels emotional excitement. Even the snow on this day creaks in a special way, as if it also feels that the New Year is coming. Sparkles of happiness and hope light up in your soul. Everyone seems to be bewitched by the happiness of the magical day. And I really don’t want this feeling to go away.

Nature, like people, dresses up. The usual city dirt and bustle are replaced by beauty and white splendor. The trees are dressed in white fluffy snow and, stretching out their arms-branches to the sky, as if they thank God for the happiness of being so fresh and beautiful.

Against the background of all this snow-white splendor, only bunches of rowan stand out with red spots.

The sky... It is beautiful not only during the day, but also at night. The snow turns it almost from black to light. When daylight comes and the sun peeks over the horizon, the snow begins to glow and shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, as if there were small diamonds lying in the snow.

But I associate New Year not only with the splendor of nature. At home on December 31st we are having a festive dinner. The smell of tangerines is the smell of the New Year for me, as it is for my mother. She often told me that there was only one tangerine in the New Year's set of sweets, that there was not such a variety of fruits and vegetables as there is now.

Winter is a wonderful fairy tale, from where you don’t want to go into the world of bustle and gray everyday life. Of course, in this fairy tale there are characters familiar to every person. Of course, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, as well as the magical Christmas tree. A giant Christmas tree, hung from top to bottom with garlands and toys, is the same one that stands in Samara on Kuibyshev Square. It amazes with its magnificence. These are the symbols of the New Year, without which any child’s childhood would not be complete.. In Samara, they all meet together on the same square in a sea of ​​joy, happiness, sparklers, without which this grandiose holiday is unthinkable.

And the New Year's fireworks!.. As a child, I ran from window to window to admire the volleys of multi-colored sparks, every now and then dancing in the air. The longest fireworks display is only in the New Year. Every time it is new, wonderful, as if it gives you its own piece of happiness, this feeling fills you from the inside, your soul sings the songs of the New Year.

TV can also give you a piece of good mood. For example, concerts of satirists, performances of various singers. I even want to sing along, dance, and feel close to them.

On New Year's Day, it was as if all the people had been replaced. Everyone glows with happiness in anticipation of such a grand event. Only joy reigns everywhere, replacing boredom and sadness. On this day you feel that life is filled with something immense, but so pleasant. This feeling is memorable and cannot be expressed in words. It’s so beautiful... It’s inside you, it gives so much happiness, so much love. This feeling is a great value for me; it cannot be replaced by anything else.

Winter New Year's Russia is charming under the snow cover. It's like it's opening new life every time you realize the beauty of these days. Tired of the dirt, red tape, fuss, in general of the whole year that happened before, but is now almost over, in winter you rest your soul, enjoy everything, even hard and not very favorite work. At this moment you realize that happiness is that moment in life when you enjoy everything you do.

My family shares my feelings with me. The days before the New Year are preparation for the holiday. You need to put things in order in the apartment, cook food, decorate the rooms with garlands and sparkles, and decorate the Christmas tree. The usual pleasant fuss. A little trouble before a great holiday. On this day, even troubles seem funny, you just want to smile..

It’s very nice that not only family, but friends and acquaintances can share this holiday with you. We are like kindred spirits who understand each other in everything. It's just wonderful. At the same time, we have a lot of fun together, when we remember childhood, sometimes very cute, fun, such as snowballs, sculpting a snow woman... It’s so bad when all this becomes a thing of the past, forgotten over time in the world of bustle, boredom, work, monotony. This is the saddest side of the holiday. You remember these childhood games only when thoughts about the past come, and especially when the first snowball falls. So soft, almost imperceptible, but so pleasant.

In a world of complete monotony, such days allow you to relax, fantastic...

It is such a beauty to watch how the sky admires the earth, giving it a little of its character, its feelings. You just need to take a closer look at this, only then will you understand all the beauty of winter, this snow-white miracle.

When you understand this, the city becomes more fun, brighter, more joyful. All the city’s shortcomings, so to speak, magically “dissolve”...

We enjoy days of lightness, cheerfulness, and fun. We are trying to “fill ourselves up” with vivid impressions so that we will definitely have enough until the onset of the next New Year. We believe that magic will definitely happen on this wonderful night full of mysteries. Children especially believe in this when they unpack the gifts lying peacefully under the tree on the morning of the first of January of another year.

Everyone has their own New Year, but everyone is united by a common mood of joy, hope for the fulfillment of their most cherished desires, faith in magic...

"New Year" New Year! The most wonderful holiday! Night.. 12 o'clock. Chiming clock. President. Firework. The clink of glasses. Joy. Laughter. This holiday is celebrated in different ways. But they wish the same thing: happiness, good luck, health. New Year! Wonderful holiday! We are waiting for you! Come soon!

"New year's night" New Year's Eve is the most wonderful and magical night of the year. After all, millions of people of different nationalities, in different parts of our planet, do not sleep that night, as usual, but celebrate with their family and loved ones New Year's Eve- replacing the old year with a new one.

“New Year” This joyful and beloved holiday, frosty and colorful New Year In our family, it is customary to meet in a quiet and warm home environment, in the circle of dear and close people who sincerely enjoy each other’s company. We are never bored together, and I will always prefer a family feast to the company of cheerful peers.

“Favorite holiday - New Year” New Year is the best holiday in the world! Since childhood, he remains in our hearts and lives forever.. Every year we expect magic, striving to finally touch a miracle, a magical holiday!

How much joy do New Year's troubles bring? How many worries do they portend? And only when the chimes strike we can breathe easy and enjoy this unforgettable moment. Smells.. How many magical New Year's scents do we know? The smell of a Christmas tree, tangerines, we look forward to the smell of your favorite sweets and cakes, and of course the smell of a miracle visiting the house! My heart is filled with joy at these moments! It's so good that there is such a thing New Year holiday!

About “New Year” New Year is a holiday that everyone loves very much. Although many nations do not celebrate the New Year (for example, the British celebrate only Christmas), in Russia they really look forward to New Year's Eve. On New Year's Day There are a lot of treats on the table, obligatory Olivier and tangerines. Everyone is cheerful and happy, waiting for midnight. Everyone probably loves this wonderful holiday.

"New Years is soon!" New Year is coming very soon! - a favorite holiday for children! Children happily play in the snow and go sledding. And the best thing is that Grandfather Frost will come and give you long-awaited gifts. At matinees and New Year's celebrations, the guys will have fun with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden! All children love and look forward to the New Year!

"Why I love New Year" Of all the holidays of the year, this is my favorite New Year. Why? You ask.

First of all, you look forward looking forward to next year. You know that next year you will become one year older.

Secondly, you gather at the table with the whole family, counting how many seconds are left until the first of January. You open a gift and rejoice with your loved ones. It is especially joyful to give a gift with your own hands; imagining the face of the person you receive, you are more happy than he is. Looking out the windows, you see the joyful faces of people holding sparklers.

Here why do I like this holiday!

Option 1

I look forward to the New Year holiday, like most of my friends, with great impatience. Preparation for it begins long before the date. Back in late November, early December, when the Christmas tree markets open, my mother and I go to them and buy new Christmas tree decorations, as well as confetti, firecrackers, firecrackers, sparklers, etc., without which not a single holiday is complete. Every year we find something interesting and unusual that allows us to diversify the holiday, for example, last year it was artificial snow that was deposited on the surface of their spray can.

In our family, it was customary to decorate the Christmas tree on December 15, but for the last 2 years we have moved this date to December 5 in order to extend the holiday mood. We decorate the Christmas tree with the whole family, everyone has their own responsibilities. For example, dad always hangs garlands around the room, of which we have three, and he also assembles our artificial Christmas tree. My mother and I hang toys on the tree itself, and also decorate the apartment with various decorations. By the way, our tree is very large and fluffy, it is difficult for it to grow in height, we even have to bend the tip of the tree.

A few days before the New Year itself, we buy everything in the store necessary products. For drinks, we buy champagne (for me it’s a child’s drink), as well as wine. My parents don’t drink alcohol at all, but they always buy it for the New Year, since we have a lot of guests.

On the day of the holiday itself, parents like to relax and sit in front of the TV, watching Soviet films. Mom tries to prepare all the most important things on December 30th, so that she has more free time on the 31st. In the evening, guests begin to arrive. It is our custom for everyone to bring some dish and everyone tries to prepare something the best. After seeing off the old New Year and welcoming the new one, we, according to tradition, go to the city Christmas tree, which is located not far from us. Along the way we set off fireworks and watch how others do it. Upon returning, we continue to sit at the table for a long time, remembering how it went old year, share plans for the coming year. Only in the morning, the satisfied guests begin to leave, and we go to bed happy.

Option 2

I consider the New Year's Eve to be the most amazing holiday. This is a national and beloved holiday, when everything around is decorated: streets, houses, shop windows and all buildings without exception in cities and villages. On the eve of the New Year, we all become happier and kinder. We are preparing for a real celebration, purchasing a Christmas tree, toys, garlands and decorations for it, thinking about what to put under the New Year's beauty for each family member. All children who can hold a pen and write write letters with requests and wishes, which, of course, Grandfather Frost can fulfill. For this holiday, my mother always prepares very delicious dishes, she skillfully decorates the table, there are candles on it, and new dishes, and cards for each of us - such a tradition in our family.

But the holiday is not only at home, it is also at school. This is the New Year's carnival for which we are preparing our masquerade costumes. Our class has its own drama club, in which we prepared a whole performance for the New Year. We were given gifts and praised for our game, everyone especially liked the Snow Maiden.

Celebrating the New Year for me is always some kind of surprise under the tree that my parents prepare for me. I also try to please them somehow and always leave my gift for them. This is the only holiday when you can stay up until midnight, wait together for the chimes of the Spasskaya Tower and make a wish. We listened to the president’s congratulations, everyone even stood up, it was very solemn. Then we went out onto the balcony, where from the fifth floor we could see almost the entire city at a glance. It was so beautiful and loud there. The displays of firecrackers and fireworks, completely different in color and size, were simply amazing. Then we all got dressed and went to the city Christmas tree in the central square. There were so many people there. Everyone congratulated each other on the holiday, even strangers came up and wished us all happiness and success in the New Year. Everywhere there was an atmosphere of friendliness, community and a magical national holiday. You could meet older people, young people, and young parents with strollers; everyone wanted to be together at these hours. Having walked enough, we go home, where gifts await us under the beautiful Christmas tree.

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