What drinking water is most beneficial? Rating of bottled drinking water Which water in 5 liter bottles is better

More and more often we buy water for home. But do we know how to choose it correctly? We all know how to choose foods in the store, such as vegetables and meat. It turns out that water also has its own quality. Water can even go bad like any product: if you store it in the light, for example. The smaller the volume of the water bottle, the longer the water is stored: 6 months for a 19.8 liter bottle, 1 year for a 6 liter and 1.5 liter bottle.

Some waters have added preservatives (silver, iodine, carbon dioxide), just like food. Therefore they are stored longer.

Bottled water comes in several types: natural mineral, artificial mineral, fresh drinking natural and artificially created.

Any water can be natural or artificially created water: this should become clear when indicating the source of water. The label with natural water indicates the number of the well from which the water is extracted, but on the label of “artificial” water, such information, as a rule, is not available.

There has been a long debate about artificial and natural water. They say that in artificial water you can better control the composition, while natural water is strong due to its natural properties. But it seems to us that the truth is somewhere in the middle. Of course, natural water is of better quality. However, you can also add some missing mineral, fluorine or iodine, since macro and microelements are better absorbed from water than from food.

Natural mineral water extracted from artesian wells and mineral springs. Mineral water is drunk in certain doses for treatment. link

Artificial mineral water obtained by adding mineral salts, micro- and macroelements. The composition and concentration per 1 liter of these substances must be indicated on the label.

Water quality depends on:

1. From a water source: surface or underground.

2. From the chemical composition

3. From the container in which the water is located and from the cleanliness of the cooler

I. Water source: underground or surface.

An underground source includes natural wells, that is, artesian and spring wells (or spring water, since spring water makes its way to the top in the form of a spring).

To the surface - river, lake and glacial waters. Such water is considered more aggressive for the human body, since it is softer (less potassium and magnesium salts).

Artesian wells from which water can be extracted for drinking purposes must be officially registered in State Water Register textual.ru/gvr. However, unfortunately, not all drinking sources are registered there. Any organization has a registration card for the borehole from which water is extracted. The card is issued by the Russian Federal Geological Fund (Rosgeolfond).

According to Rospotrebnadzor, there are no deep springs in Moscow and you cannot drink from them.

Data on water sources also includes information about aquifer. Water in different aquifers may be softer or harder, as well as with a reduced or optimal content of fluorine and some other chemical elements. This is especially important to know for people with certain diseases, for example, diseases of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, and blood vessels.

An important factor for the aquifer, and accordingly, the water source, is environmental well-being of the region. Thus, the Podolsko-Myachkovsky aquifer in such areas of the Moscow region as Volokolamsk, Shakhovskoy, Istrinsky, Ruzsky, Mozhaisky, Odintsovo, Naro-Fominsky, Podolsky, Domodedovo, Voskresensky, Kolomensky, Chekhovsky is characterized by a constant high content of fluorine and iron. Fluoride can even cause genetic changes.

II. By chemical composition waters are divided into categories.

For mineral waters - purpose of water for mineral /b>dining room, medical, medical-dining room according to GOST R 54316-2011.

The quality of water is better, the closer it is in composition to that of a nursery..

Water highest category- can also be natural or artificially created by man. But this is already physiologically complete water, which is beneficial for the body. Composition of the main components: total mineralization 200-500 mg/l, potassium 2-20 mg/l, calcium 25-80 mg/l, magnesium 5-50 mg/l, bicarbonates 30-400 mg/l, iron 0.3 mg/l l, hardness 1.5-7 mg-eq/l, alkalinity 0.5-6.5 mg-eq/l, fluorides 0.6-1.2 mg/l, iodine 0.04-0.06 mg/l l, silver 0.0025 mg/l, carbon dioxide 0.2%, chlorides 150 mg/l, sulfates 150 mg/l.

Baby water as a variety of higher water, it is the most beneficial. It is not only useful for children, but also for everyone who leads a healthy lifestyle, and especially for people at risk - pregnant women, the elderly, people with any diseases. Composition of the main components: total mineralization 200-500 mg/l, potassium 2-10 mg/l, calcium 25-60 mg/l, magnesium 5-35 mg/l, bicarbonates 30-300 mg/l, iron 0.3 mg/l l, hardness 1.5-6 mg-eq/l, alkalinity 0.5-5 mg-eq/l, fluorides 0.6-0.7 mg/l, iodine 0.04-0.06 mg/l, silver Not allowed! , carbon dioxide Not allowed! , chlorides 150 mg/l, sulfates 150 mg/l. In addition, there should not be any harmful substances in it.

b) The number of individual components is very important!

Drinking fresh water of the highest category or for children already contains all the necessary components in the required quantities. But sometimes, if some element is not enough, then the following can be added to the water: selenium, iodine, fluorine.

People with allergies should pay attention to whether they are allergic to specific components. And in what quantity they are added to the water.

Both a deficiency and an excess of some element in water can adversely affect the body. With an excess of calcium in the body, there is a disturbance in the state of water-salt metabolism, early calcification of bones in children, slower skeletal growth, a lack of magnesium in the body can lead in extreme cases to sudden death of infants, as well as tachycardia and fibrillation of the heart muscle. In excess, there is a possibility of developing syndromes of respiratory paralysis and heart block, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. With increased alkalinity, a violation of the acid-base balance in the body and a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice are noted. Therefore, it is very important that children drink the most harmonious water for their body. You can read more about this in SanPin.

In mineral water, if the fluoride content is more than 1 mg/dm3, the manufacturer is obliged to indicate in the labeling - “Contains fluorides”; with fluoride content more than 2.0 mg/dm- must indicate on the label: "High fluoride content: not suitable for regular use by children under seven years of age".

For mineral waters, indicate the purpose (dining room, medical-dining room, medicinal) and the group of water. Mineral waters are divided into types, depending on the predominant element: ferruginous, siliceous, iodine, etc.

c) It is desirable that any water contains as little as possible harmful substances (xenobiotics) such as mercury, cadmium, nitrates, selenium and others. Acceptable levels can be viewed for mineral waters in GOST R 54316-2011 Table 4 and for fresh waters in SanPiN in Table 2. These documents are freely available on the Internet.

d) Not allowed in children's water at all. preservatives (silver, carbon dioxide). The only natural preservative is iodine (iodide ion). In water of the highest category, silver should not exceed 0.0025 mg/l. Iodide ions - no more than 0.04-0.06 mg/l. Carbon dioxide (=carbon dioxide=carbonation) not more than 0.2%. Children under 7 years old should not drink water containing carbon dioxide at all..

Mineral waters often contain carbon dioxide, so people with certain diseases should not drink mineral waters. Accordingly, it is not advisable for children either.

If carbon dioxide is added to fresh water, the water becomes carbonated and only 1 category. Carbonated drinks may taste better, but drinking too much can give you a headache. The properties of such water deteriorate significantly.

Mineral water is sometimes treated with carbon dioxide to remove microbes and the water lasts longer.

e) Optimal rigidity for drinking water no more than 6 mEq/l. Hardness is the presence of calcium and magnesium salts in water, which usually affect household appliances.

III. Perfect container for any water - glass. Water can be stored in glass for much longer than 24 months, while in plastic bottles it is 3-18 months (bottles 0.33-5 liters - about a year, from 9 to 19.8 liters only 3-6 months).

After glass, the most reliable and tested material is polycarbonate(in the triangle on the bottom there is the number “7”). It is prohibited by law to write “baby water” on the label on 19-liter bottles of drinking water. If a family buys such a bottle for everyone, then the child can drink this water from birth. It's all about the shelf life of an open bottle.

It is equally important to clean the cooler!! once every 6 months. Better once every 3 months. Take off Labels from bottles. Handle the bottle with clean hands. Otherwise, the water starts to bloom, a lot of bacteria multiply, and the labels clog the tap. Such dirty water from a cooler causes great harm to your health!

Conclusion: To buy quality water:

I. It's better to choose underground spring water (artesian water, spring water), it is desirable that it be registered in the State Water Register textual.ru/gvr.

View: a) the depth of the well (preferably at least 100 meters).

b) aquifer c) ecological well-being of the region

For minerals: dining room, medical dining room, medical room. GOST R 54316-2011.

The highest quality baby water! Not 1st category and not a canteen.

It is important: a) to know the amount of individual components (such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, etc. It is imperative to know the total mineralization)

b) the number of harmful substances within the MPC (maximum permissible concentrations)

c) the presence of preservatives in water (carbon dioxide, silver, iodine). Carbonated water is less healthy due to carbon dioxide.

The composition of the water in the bottle is also reflected on label. A conscientious manufacturer will definitely indicate both the category and well number, which will confirm to the buyer that the water is natural. However, it is not scary if iodine is artificially added within normal limits.

III. Correct design labels GOST R 52109-2003, 51074-2003, 54316-2011: name of water, category or purpose, source of water intake!!!, type, composition, production date, storage conditions, expiration date, specifications where the water was spilled!!!

Additional information such as source of water intake and place water spill can add information about water quality. Our Guests regard this only as desirable information. For example, foreign companies, if they take water from a tap, then indicate on the label that the raw water is tap water.

The location of the spill may not be at the point of production, which means that the water may lose its quality, since the water must be delivered to the bottling point.

The label must also indicate THAT, that is, technical conditions. TU 9185 - mineral water, TU 0131 - drinking water for every day. A ISO number 9001, 9002(system of international standards) confirms the quality system of production, but not the product itself.

IV. When choosing a supplier, pay attention to:

-presence of certificate to the water,

Registration of a company in Rospotrebnadzor register fp.crc.ru,

Full chemical composition of water (presence of at least 93 indicators in analyzes).

Openness of the basic information you need. The presence of dialogue, and not beliefs that we are better.

- Water price varies greatly from one supplier to another. Water may cost more if it is brought from afar. Or from brand fame. It must be remembered that cheap water cannot be of high quality. However, now this trend is more often observed - new, but small companies on the market that have high-quality water, in the fight for the client, often offer a high-quality product at a slightly reduced price. Fortunately, the choice on the Moscow market is quite large and there is plenty to choose from. And we hope that we helped you make a choice!

V. Water quality also depends on bottle quality, in which water is stored. The best material is polycarbonate (at the bottom of the bottle is the number 7 in a triangle). In bottles of other materials, water absorbs plastic elements.

Cooler cleanliness also very important! Don't ignore simple hygiene rules.

And do timely sanitization at least once every 6 months so as not to worsen your health!

Source of drinking water supply- a water body (or part thereof) that contains water that meets established hygienic standards for drinking water supply sources and is used or can be used to collect water into drinking water supply systems.

Water is considered bottled, if it matches

state standards, hygienic requirements for drinking water, placed in a hygienic container and sold for human consumption. At the same time, it should not contain sweeteners, chlorine, or flavorings. It is allowed to add flavors, extracts and essences of natural origin to bottled water, which improve its quality, not exceeding one percent by weight.

Drinking water bottle reusable - a container made of polycarbonate, related to consumer reusable packaging, having a hygienic certificate, subject to sanitary treatment under production conditions.

“A” - this is how the word “water” sounded in the language of the ancient Sumerians and also sounds like the first letter of the alphabets of almost all peoples. And, indeed, water is so important that without it there would be no life on Earth. But in the 21st century, when medicine and technology are very developed, we have moved far away from nature, we have forgotten the wonderful properties of water that restore our health, and we have lost folk recipes that can help each of us. One of these recipes is harmonious nutrition and consumption of drinking quality water.

Young mothers or parent committees in schools are often looking for good quality water, but there is not much water of the highest category and for children on the market. And sometimes parents simply don’t know how to choose it.

We all know how to choose quality products in the store, such as vegetables and meat. It turns out that water also has its own quality. Water can also spoil like any product; it has special storage conditions (do not expose it to light, for example), shelf life (the smaller the volume of water, the longer it is stored), some waters have added preservatives, just like food products.

Of all the waters, one can distinguish drinking water, which can be drunk without restrictions every day. The opposite is mineral water, which has medicinal properties (this also includes “table water”). In Russia, there are 4 categories of water quality: tap water, bottled water: 1st category, highest and children's. The lowest requirements are for tap water, and the highest for children's water.

The chemical composition, as well as the type of water source, will let us understand how our body will absorb this water.

Everyone has tap water. (SanPin from 2002). In Moscow, the source of tap water is the Moscow River and the reservoirs of the Canal named after. Moscow-Klyazminskoye and Uchinskoye). Moscow tap water is of very high quality. It is checked using no less than 56 indicators. Plus there are additional dimensions. Every year new filters are introduced: ozonation, membrane filtration, ultraviolet filter. But the SanPin documents speak about this water only from the point of view of its safety and harmlessness to the body. Since it is impossible to remove all harmful substances from the Moscow River. More than 50 pages are devoted to the listing of chemicals that remain there after cleaning in tiny safe doses. To neutralize these substances, the main water purifier is used: chlorine or its derivatives for water purification (sodium hypochloride, for example). And even in the shower we have to inhale its vapors, all harmful substances enter the blood through the lungs, chlorine washes out the proteins from the hair, and dandruff begins. In the digestive tract, water with chlorine kills our own immune bacteria - interferon. If you cook with tap water, then you should definitely let the water sit (preferably for 3 hours), freeze it, and boil it for a short time, while opening the window (this is how dioxins disappear). A chlorine filter would also be useful.

As a counterbalance to tap water, scientists from the Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene named after. A.N. Sysin developed San Pin for bottled water. It is much better than tap water in quality. And the state prohibits the chlorination of bottled water. High-quality bottled water is simply necessary for those people who have poor health, pregnant women, the elderly, children, and simply people who want to reduce the consumption of toxic substances. It is known that the minerals included in the composition are better absorbed by the body from water than from food. In addition, very often when consuming refined, frozen foods, and then cooked over fire, up to 80% of macro and microelements are lost, and if they are deficient, the body processes them into fats. Therefore, it is doubly necessary to replenish microelements with water.

Water category 1. This is the largest part of the water that is found today on store shelves in Moscow and the Moscow region (60%), but not the highest quality. SanPin ( also speaks of category 1 water only from the point of view of its harmlessness to the body. This water is improved compared to tap water. By origin it can be natural (wells, boreholes, rivers, lakes, reservoirs), as well as artificially created (taken, for example, from a water supply and further purified). Nowadays, any water can be made drinking water. Water must comply with GOST R 51232-98, GOST 2761, SanPin, all impurities are removed from it using the strongest filters, they make it essentially dead, and micro and macroelements are artificially added using solutions of mineral additives, for example, “ Dewdrops." Category 1 water allows the presence of preservatives, which is prohibited for children's water.

Highest quality category. The highest category of water on the Russian market is about 15%. This is physiologically complete water - water that has the properties of the internal environment of the body. It is checked here in Russia using 93 indicators. Water of the highest category is much more harmonious for cells. San Pin on bottled water reflects many years of research by our and foreign scientists on the relationship between mineral composition and our well-being. For simple drinking water, in comparison with mineral water, GOST prohibits attributing medicinal properties. However, due to the optimal composition of salts and other elements, water accelerates the processes of cell restoration, tissue regeneration, activates metabolic processes in the body, flushes out toxins and waste from the intercellular fluid and the whole body, and helps with heartburn and pressure. With regular consumption of high-quality water, children's memory improves and it is easier for them to pass exams; in adults, stones in the kidneys and pancreas dissolve, the aging of the body slows down, the skin becomes elastic, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Water holds together solid structures in the cell itself, or more precisely in the cell membrane (a hydroskeleton is created in cells due to the “incompressibility” of water, and therefore water protects bones and organs from impacts, and serves as a lubricant for joints in older people.

SanPin of 2002 on bottled water defines this water as “optimal in quality (from independent, usually underground, water sources). This formulation suggests that water of the highest category can be not only natural (having a harmonious structure, memory), but also artificially created. Recently, companies have appeared that make water not only of the first quality category, but also of the highest category. But water from a natural water source, of course, will be much more harmonious than artificially created water. However, you can still add iodine or fluoride to the water if there is not much of it in natural water. To be fair, it must be said that artificially created water of the highest category will also be better than water of the 1st category in terms of its macro and micro indicators. Preservatives may also be added to premium category waters. But this is prohibited for children's water.

About table water!

There is another type of water - table water, which most of all causes controversy among scientists and confuses consumers.

“Table waters” are legally classified as mineral waters, which are medicinal waters. However, mineral waters have a certain formula, for example, chloride-sulfate, and are used for certain indications: iron deficiency anemia, chronic cystitis, urethritis, etc. They should be used for no more than 1 month and take a significant break.

“Table” waters, in terms of their total mineral content, are classified as fresh, drinking waters (mineralization 1 g/l), but just like mineral water, they may contain more of a particular component: chlorides, iron, etc. That is why it is important to see the content of individual components on the label! And on the label, in addition to the fact that the water is “table”, there should be recommendations for its use. High levels of any particular mineral can be dangerous for people with related diseases.

“Table” waters account for a significant portion of water: 25% of all packaged waters sold to the population and these are fairly well-known brands of water that are supplied, among other things, to children’s institutions. The prices for some of them even exceed the price of baby water.

Bottom line: when choosing a water supplier, you should pay attention to the category of water. It is imperative to check the water in the Rospotrebnadzor register fp.crc.ru and carefully look at the certificate. It should be noted that in the certificate for water of the 1st category the words “1st category” are not always written, but it is noted that the water of this brand meets the sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements for goods subject to sanitary-epidemiological supervision. And only in the link on the document on the Internet it is indicated that the water is category 1. You should also ask for the full chemical composition of the water.

Such data must be available, since any manufacturer was issued a certificate or certificate for water, which must contain a complete list of analyzes for 93 indicators. Less information about the quality of water itself will be information about the awards of the enterprise, participation in various exhibitions, tenders and competitions.

The most important inscriptions on water labels (GOST labels: GOST R 52109-2003, GOSTR 51074-2003, GOST R 23109-03) are the name of the water, its type (category), date of manufacture, storage conditions, expiration date, chemical-physical water composition (content of anions and cations, total mineralization, hardness). It is also important to indicate the source of water intake, that is, the well number. Manufacturers of natural water indicate the number of the well from which it is extracted. Manufacturers of “artificial” waters, as a rule, do not specify this.

About the importance of sanitizing the cooler!

Bottled drinking water reaches a person through a cooler and pump. A very important point in maintaining water quality is timely cleaning of the cooler and pump. Sanitizing and replacing the pump is not an excess, but a necessity. A dirty cooler and, as a result, blooming water, water with mold, and an odor may well cause poisoning.

You cannot ignore the rules of hygiene when using the cooler: you must remove the labels from the bottles before placing the bottle on the cooler. Labels from bottles, in addition to introducing dirt into the water, also clog the cooler taps.

You need to take the bottle with clean hands, clean the neck of the bottle with water and the funnel with the needle in which the bottle is installed with a damp cloth.

If you drink Divo water, then our organization recommends that you sanitize the cooler once every 6 months.

If the cooler is used intensively, it is advisable to carry out sanitary treatment more often – once every 3 months.

It is also necessary to carry out sanitary treatment of new equipment, and when switching from one water to another, after repair work in the room or after long-term storage of the cooler. In some cases, for example, new equipment, you can sanitize the cooler yourself at home: instructions. On our website you can familiarize yourself with the rules for connecting and operating the cooler in the “Equipment Maintenance” section.

So now you know what is the best water for your child to drink.

All criteria for choosing quality water are contained in the article:

In Moscow and the Moscow region - one of the signs of the 21st century. Now it is ordered not only for offices, hotels, children's, medical, government or commercial institutions, but also for ordinary city apartments. People realized that the liquid they consume cannot simply be poured from the tap. Even the most powerful filter will not make it more valuable, but will only clean it of harmful impurities.

Whatever product the consumer chooses, he makes his own water rating of 19 liters, but relies not on one characteristic, but on a combination of factors that are important to him, be it ordinary home delivery of water in Butovo or an order to the most prestigious office in Moscow. The leading factor among them, His Majesty, is the price. According to statistics, this is the first thing that the majority of consumers look at.

Having understood the order of prices, we begin to analyze what can be obtained for the money invested. It is this analysis that allows you to derive the optimal ratio, that is, get the maximum benefit without overpaying.

It is no longer a secret from anyone that the main overpayment today is for the brand, and not for the value of the product, and this has been clearly demonstrated by recent studies by leading government agencies.

You can read the ingredients as long and carefully as you like, study reviews, taste the water, but you will never receive accurate confirmation of the contents of drinks from different manufacturers. Order personal testing from laboratories to determine the drinking water rating? It's difficult and expensive.

Testing of bottled water in 19-liter bottles is officially carried out annually by several government organizations - Rospotrebnadzor, Roskontrol and Roskachestvo. It is their testing and conclusions that Russian consumers trust.

Producing companies deliver water in 19 liter containers to the customer’s door. It is sold in large hyper- and supermarkets such as Auchan, Metro, Dixie, etc. It is available at gas stations, where motorists traveling to suburban areas buy it.

An official audit was carried out in 2017, determining the winners, and now the research results for the past 2018 have been received. The results have been officially published, so you won’t have to look for them for long. The 2019 rating is being determined.

The 2018 analysis included the most popular brands in Moscow and the Moscow region, producing and selling 19 liter bottled water.

The testing laboratory center of the Federal Budgetary Institution of Health "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow" took almost 1,727 samples of bottled water in 19 liter containers. Of these, 1273 were tested for microbiological indicators. 4.0% did not meet the requirements of regulatory documentation. When studying water, 323 samples were checked for physical and chemical indicators and non-compliance with the requirements was revealed in 5.2%.

Due to a number of violations of sanitary and epidemiological requirements for bottled water, a number of batches were withdrawn from sale. The administration of trade and manufacturing enterprises was brought to justice. In particular, drinking water “SV” (Aquamir LLC) was prohibited from sale and confiscated.

During the quality check, non-compliance with the water standards used by Moscow-McDonald's Perrier and Vittel was revealed. The consumer properties indicated on the label of the carbonated “Essentuki No. 17” sold in “Perekrestok” did not correspond to the contents.

The Moscow Office of Rospotrebnadzor continues to monitor the quality and conduct tests of 19 liter bottled drinking water, but advises consumers themselves not to lose their vigilance. Recommendations include checking:

* labels and purchase of water from natural sources (springs, artesian wells);

* signs on the container indicating that the bottle material complies with permits for use in food products (plastic made from polyethylene terephthalate - PET) is recognized as safe;

* correct storage of bottled water (in a cool and dark place);

* shelf life;

* presence of damage to the cork and sealing protective film to avoid contamination by bacteria and microbes.

Answering consumers' questions about which water to choose, Roskontrol conducted its examination of 11 popular brands of water. Among them: “Arkhyz”, “Holy Source”, “Chernogolovskaya”, “Senezhskaya”, Russequelle, “D” (“Demidovskaya Lux”, produced for the Dixie retail chain), “Narzan”, “Borjomi” , “Santalovsky Source”, “Novoterskaya Healing”, “Essentuki No. 4” (produced by LLC “Caucasian Health Resort”) and “Slavyanovskaya” (LLC “Slavyanovskaya”).

Mineral water “Narzan”, “Borjomi”, “Essentuki” are popular, but many people forget that they cannot drink it all the time, since this is not a drinking category, but a medicinal one. The analysis also revealed that “Borjomi” in chain stores in Moscow is the original! The situation was similar with the water “Essentuki No. 4” and “Novoterskaya healing”. Accordingly, in all these waters the content of mineral salts does not correspond at all to what is declared.

The samples of “Narzan” and “Slavyanovskaya” turned out to be real, but they were found to contain exceeding the permissible alpha radioactivity. Obviously, their uncontrolled use will harm the body.

For every day, Roskontrol recommends using only drinking water, but even here half of the samples ended up on the black list, for example, “Arkhyz” in a 19-liter bottle for coolers. In previous years, contamination was found in the Holy Spring water. The latest inspection showed that the violations were eliminated, that is, full compliance with the standards was confirmed.

Demidovskaya Lux water from TS Dixie had harmful compounds (benzene, naphthalene, quinoline, etc.), which gave a strong chemical odor. Its presence should immediately stop the buyer. Most likely, the impurity was caused by poor-quality packaging, so the Dixie offer was excluded from the bottled water rating.

Santalovsky Spring water showed good results in terms of the content of useful elements (calcium and magnesium).

A total of 65 types of bottled water in 19-liter containers were analyzed, including Santalovsky Source, Ulanskaya, Arkhyz, Holy Source, Karachay, Senezhskaya, Aleksinskaya, Semiruchye, “Volzhanka”, “Novoterskaya” and others.

An interesting fact that was noted by researchers: bottles with different names contained the same water, that is, some brands that have passed certification are identical, but at the same time, due to the brand, they are sold at different prices.

* For example, water “Aquaflot”, “United”, “ABC of Water”, “Pavlovskie Springs”, “Bourgeois”, “AquaAreal”, “Eneya”, “Slavnitsa”, and “AVK”, from the capital, but not there at all , where stated!

* Similarly, “Mountain Top” and “Legend of the Mountains” are identical, which are sold at 20% more expensive,

* “Glavvoda 19 liters” is Semerik drinking water in its pure form, which is 15-20% cheaper than its brother brand.

But this is not yet a sensation in comparison with another discovery: “Nestle Pure Life”, renamed “Eden”, was obtained from the central Moscow water supply system with subsequent conditioning according to the salt composition. So think about what to choose!

The following products did not raise any doubts and received positive ratings:

- “Santalovsky source”,

- "Senezhskaya"

- “Volzhanka”

- "Ulanskaya"

Are you still looking for water for your cooler? Before making a choice in a store or ordering water delivery based on your own parameters, pay attention to the research of such serious government agencies as Rospotrebnadzor, Roskontrol, Roskachestvo.

There are a lot of different mineral waters in our world, each of which is endowed with its own unique feature. All of them can be different in mineral composition, and also treat different diseases. And today, we want to tell you about the ten best mineral waters in the world and Russia. You will learn which water is better to buy and how to distinguish a fake from the original.

Before ending up in a container, this mineral water goes through a complex and thorny path 400 km long through the rocks of Nepal. Discovered in 1997, the source is essentially a gift from ancient glaciers, whose melt water formed the basis of this variety. Enriched with an impressive amount of trace elements and minerals, thanks to its long underground journey, this life-giving moisture is extremely beneficial for health and strengthening human immunity. This can be verified by taking into account the fact that the monks of Tibet use this water exclusively, considering it the most suitable for all living things.

This type of mineral water is perhaps the most unique on the planet, since this water is nothing more than the rain that irrigates the lands of Tasmania. At first, these are just clouds making a celestial voyage of 16 thousand km in order to descend to the ground in the form of precipitation, where specially designed containers await them for collecting liquid. The main highlight is that water is collected in an area that, according to the meteorological organization, has the cleanest air on Earth. Manufacturers claim that this water is cleaner than mine water, because water in the ground also has non-zero pollution. Water is bottled in environmentally friendly containers, including a minimum of impurities in its composition. The average price per bottle is $4.

This type of water is considered one of the most popular in the world. Ask show business and movie stars what they drink and you will hear the name "Voss". This water is also served in luxury five-star hotels. In many ways, water gained its fame thanks to its chemical composition and the fact that it is a champion in terms of minimal salt content. That is why it is so soft and beloved in dozens of countries. The source of the water base is located in the southern part of Norway, from where the mineral queen disperses throughout the world. The unit price of a bottle ranges from an average of $8.00.

Already from the name you can understand that the homeland of this water is the island of Fiji, in particular, the Ugara Valley of Viti Levu. Manufacturers carefully ensure that water does not come into contact with air, just as it existed in natural conditions under the remains of an ancient volcanic crater, tightly closed on all sides. The first contact of water with air occurs only after opening the lid. Fiji mineral water was chosen by many stars and politicians, including Paris Hilton, Nicole Kidman and US President Barack Obama. It is very useful for people with dermatological problems, as it boasts a high presence of fluoride, silicon and calcium, which, in addition to skin and nails, also have a great effect on hair.

This water is a real record holder among mineral waters for oxygen content. There is 35 times more of it here than in any other water. Thanks to this, it works very well if consumed, for example, after hard physical work or after active exercise in the gym. This “breathing” water came from the north-west of Europe, the city of Tilburg in the Netherlands. Some time ago, in addition to two standard options - with and without gas, a new one appeared on the shelves - with the aroma of elderberry and lychee flowers. The water is bottled in interesting 0.33l ball bottles, and its price ranges from 2 euros.

The full name of this water is "Cape Karoo Natural Mineral Water", and its source is located in the savannah of South Africa. In order to fully guarantee the quality of the product, before going on sale, manufacturers subject the water to a very detailed examination in a number of independent laboratories, thereby once again confirming its health benefits. The water contains a very small amount of nitrate compounds and a neutral pH level, which makes it possible not only to consume it internally, but also to use it for cosmetic purposes.

A characteristic feature of this mineral water is the complete absence of carbon at all stages of its production. The variety dates back to 2003, and the country that gave this water to the world is Iceland. Manufacturers report that their product is the basis of waterfalls and glaciers, which is true. A volcanic eruption that happened many centuries ago caused the formation of a drainage basin called Olfus, from where this water comes, which tastes like a piece of ice. The shape of the bottle in the form of a volcano is also interesting, by which you can immediately identify the variety.

The famous brand of medicinal table water, which arose back in the 30s of the 19th century in Georgia. To this day, mineral water of this brand is the main drink of a huge number of people who drink it both for preventive and medicinal purposes. "Borjomi" is recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs. Its composition of mineral substances has remained to this day the same as it was at the time of the discovery of the first spring, of which there are now 9, located within the Borjomi Nature Reserve.

As paradoxical as it sounds, “Kona Deep” is sea water. It is extracted not from natural springs or from artificially created wells, but directly from the ocean very close to Hawaii. Research there has been carried out for more than 30 years and has revealed that, while preserving minerals and beneficial properties, at a depth of 2-3 km, the water is purified from a number of pathogenic microorganisms and other unfavorable factors. It is recommended to drink this desalinated and commercially available water during active training or during the hot season. If it seems too salty, then you can add ordinary water to it. Its price is usually a little less than 2 dollars.

The birthplace of this water is several natural springs near the French city of Evian-les-Bains, which is located on the shores of Lake Geneva. The history of water begins at the end of the 18th century, when it helped the noble Marquis Lessert in the treatment of kidneys and liver. Almost 200 years later, water has gained worldwide fame, and now, despite its comparative high cost, it is very popular on all continents. Its benefits are not limited to the liver and kidneys, but extend to the entire gastrointestinal tract. Due to its mineral balance, it is very useful for pregnant women and children. Its quality is confirmed by the fact that the water is not artificially purified, but when bottled at the source, it retains its authentic taste and purity.

The best mineral water in Russia

All these waters are considered elite, some of them you will not find in Russia, and their prices are simply outrageous. Remember that high price does not always mean quality, as a rule it is the fault of excessive marketing. But don’t be upset, we can also find good mineral water, which in its composition can compete with the leaders in the rating. Here are several high-quality, not very expensive and healthy mineral waters that can be found on the shelves in Russia:

  • Narzan
  • Slavyanovskaya
  • Essentuki
  • Arkhyz

How to spot a fake

The main problem is that mineral water is very easy to counterfeit, while the costs are minimal - tap water, soda, salt and iodine. And the worst thing is that about 3/4 of the water on the Russian market (70%) is fake. There have been cases when police departments discovered tens of thousands of counterfeit bottles of water. In large supermarkets, the percentage of counterfeits is much lower; there you can ask for a quality certificate, but even this does not give a 100% guarantee.
According to the State Trade Inspectorate, the most frequently adulterated waters are: Borjomi, Narzan, Holy Spring, Bon Aqua, Essentuki. And this is not surprising, because they are all considered market leaders and are in great demand. Almost every one of these manufacturers can be found in all stores in Russia and the CIS countries, some of them do not produce nearly as much water. Now we will give you some useful recommendations that will help protect you from counterfeiting.

  • Look at the price. Making fake water is not very expensive, which is why the price of such water can be significantly lower, and this is the very first sign of a fake. Sellers of kiosks and stalls buy water at small wholesale markets, where there are most fakes, where the price of fake water is 15-20% lower than the original. Be sure to look at the price, if it is lower than the market average, then it is better not to buy this water.
  • Look at the manufacturing date and container of the bottle. As a rule, original mineral water does not stay in warehouses for a long time, and if you get a bottle with a manufacturing date more than six months ago, it is better to refrain from purchasing it. If the water container is made of glass, this is a significant plus; such water is more difficult and more expensive to counterfeit, and on its bottle and lid, as a rule, there are various embossings.
  • Look at the quality of the bottle and label.

The water that flows from the water supply does not meet safety requirements. Various impurities, salts of heavy metals and even microorganisms are found in it. And a person needs liquid constantly. It is used for drinking, cooking, bathing, and cleaning. The quality of the water we drink is especially important. The state of health depends on it. Therefore, more and more people are switching to bottled. It is believed to be clean and safe. But it is not always the case. Those who want to find quality drinking water for themselves and their family need to study the rating.

Category Name Price Short description
0.5 l – 90 rublesThis is safe natural water made in France. Manufactured according to SanPiN requirements.
1.5 l – 34 rublesArtesian drinking water category 1.
1 l – 90 rublesThis is French produced water. It contains no harmful components, nitrates, or toxins.
0.5 l – 40 rublesTests did not detect heavy metals, microorganisms or contaminants. Complies with the first category and all safety requirements.
0.5 l – 13 rublesSuitable for regular use. Safe, extracted from a source 200 m deep.
0.5 l – 40 rublesThis is still drinking water suitable for daily use. There is no fluoride in it, not much magnesium.
0.5 l – 60 rublesThis artesian water is produced according to all requirements. It is complete in composition and contains no contaminants.
0.5 l – 35 rublesThis is magnesium-calcium medicinal table mineral water. Bottled in the North Caucasus, it has natural carbonation and is useful for diseases of the digestive system.
1 l – 45 rublesThis is artesian water that meets all safety requirements.

What does bottled water mean?

Bottled water is intended for drinking. There are certain composition requirements. It is obtained from natural sources or using regular tap water. Before bottling, they are cleaned, disinfected, carbonated, aerated, and mineralized. Glass containers of 0.5 or 1 liter can be used. But the most popular is bottled water in plastic bottles. They are cheaper, lighter in weight, easier to dispose of, and can be of different volumes.

Important! When choosing, you need to make sure that the container is not made of PVC, as it is toxic.

There are several hundred species. But not all meet quality standards. To choose the right liquid to drink, you need to know what it is. Three varieties are known in Russia.

  • The mineral is extracted from natural sources. It retains natural mineralization and carbonation. It can be acidic, alkaline or neutral. And in terms of salt content, hydrocarbonate, chloride-sulfate-sodium, magnesium-calcium and others. Depending on the level of mineralization, there are medicinal, medicinal-dining and dining rooms.
  • Artificially mineralized is obtained by adding magnesium, sodium or potassium salts to a regular liquid. The packaging must bear the inscription “Artificially mineralized.” It is not recommended to use it frequently.
  • The most common is purified drinking water. It is usually obtained by purifying tap water or artesian water. Remove salts, chlorine, disinfect. Sometimes they are enriched with oxygen and minerals.

Bottled water

Which is better: bottled or filtered

After such a product went on sale, there was debate about which water was better for drinking. Sometimes it is believed that there is no point in paying, since the quality of liquid from bottles does not differ from filtered tap water. Therefore, many people purify their drinking water with a filter themselves.

Sometimes bottled water does not differ in quality from filtered water. This applies to types whose labels include the designations “prepared,” conditioned,” “modified,” or “centralized water supply.” It’s better not to buy these, as there is no benefit from them.

But if the label indicates the source, the well number or the place of production, such water is alive. It is healthy and can be consumed daily. Extracted from artesian wells, wells or natural springs. Often the origin is reflected in the name: “Lipetskaya”, “Santalovsky source”, “Senezhskaya”, “Kalinov spring” and others.

Which is better: boiled or bottled

Previously, to purify the liquid from the tap, it was boiled. Many families still drink chilled boiling water. But recent studies have shown that boiling water becomes harmful to health:

  • chlorine compounds decompose releasing toxic compounds;
  • mineral salts precipitate into an insoluble precipitate;
  • all oxygen is destroyed;
  • one day after boiling, pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply.

Bottled water contains all the minerals necessary for health. It is safe and can be stored for a long time within the expiration date without loss of taste.

The benefits of bottled water

Bottled water rating: quality indicators

There are many manufacturers producing drinking water; the list of names can consist of several hundred. But not all meet quality standards. When studying it, pay attention to the following indicators:

  • the presence of iron and potassium salts;
  • smell, transparency, taste;
  • degree of chlorination;
  • mineralization;
  • full information about composition and source.

Based on these characteristics and consumer reviews, you can rank the best bottled water.


This is safe natural water made in France. Manufactured according to SanPiN requirements. Its advantages:

  • contains a lot of calcium and magnesium;
  • no organic impurities;
  • Suitable for permanent use.

Disadvantages are the lack of fluoride and the high price. A 0.5 liter bottle costs 90 rubles.

"Lipetsk pump room"

Artesian drinking water category 1. It has many advantages:

  • is inexpensive - 1.5 l 34 rubles;
  • safe;
  • delicious.

But it has a low level of mineralization and does not contain fluorine.

Water Lipetsk pump room


This is French produced water. It contains no harmful components, nitrates, or toxins. Can be consumed without heat treatment. It has many advantages:

  • no microorganisms;
  • pleasant taste;
  • a lot of calcium, magnesium;
  • helps eliminate toxins.

But studies and reviews note disadvantages: it contains little fluorine and sulfates, contains strontium and lithium, and a lot of calcium. Because of this, it cannot be boiled. The price is high - 90 rubles per 1 liter.

Nestle Pure Life

This is natural and tasty water produced by Nestle. Tests did not detect heavy metals, microorganisms or contaminants. Complies with the first category and all safety requirements. It is artesian, deeply purified from all impurities. A 0.5 liter bottle costs 40 rubles. Advantages:

  • extracted from an artesian well;
  • useful composition;
  • no pollution;
  • no heavy metals.

There are also disadvantages: it is so purified that it contains few useful minerals.


Produced in the Moscow region according to the requirements of GOST and SanPiN. Suitable for regular use. Safe, extracted from a source 200 m deep. It has natural mineralization and a mild taste. Costs from 13 rubles for a small bottle. The advantages include:

  • soft taste;
  • safety;
  • complete mineral composition.

Checking the composition revealed an inconsistency in the fluorine content; there was too little of it. Lithium content was detected, although in acceptable quantities.

Water Senezhskaya


This is still drinking water suitable for daily use. There is no fluoride in it, not much magnesium. It is extracted from a well in the mountain village of Nizhny Arkhyz. A one and a half liter bottle costs 40 rubles. It has many advantages:

  • pleasant to the taste;
  • safe;
  • meets all quality standards;
  • no heavy metals in the composition;
  • available in all stores.

Disadvantages include low magnesium and fluorine content.

"Holy spring"

This artesian water is produced according to all requirements. It is complete in composition and contains no contaminants.

The advantages include:

  • safety;
  • pleasant taste;
  • convenient packaging;
  • low price - a one and a half liter bottle costs 60 rubles.

But it has no fluoride and little calcium. Sometimes users don't like its taste.

Holy spring water


This is magnesium-calcium medicinal table mineral water. Bottled in the North Caucasus, it has natural carbonation and is useful for diseases of the digestive system. A half-liter bottle costs 35 rubles. “Narzan” has many advantages:

  • pleasant taste;
  • manufacturer's reputation;
  • healthy mineralization;
  • cleanses the body of toxins.

Disadvantages often include the presence of contraindications and a large number of low-quality fakes.

"Kalinov Spring"

This is artesian water of the first category. Sometimes they note its not very pleasant taste. And the study showed a small amount of minerals, almost no magnesium and calcium. After opening, it cannot be stored for longer than 3 days, since tests show that it contains a high level of organic contamination.

But Kalinov Spring has several advantages:

  • no heavy metals;
  • safe;
  • low price - 68 rubles for 6 liters.

"Shishkin Forest"

This is artesian water that meets all safety requirements. Costs 45 rubles per 1 liter. Its advantages:

  • no taste or smell;
  • mined in an ecologically clean area;
  • suitable for cooking.

Water Shishkin forest

Top 5 best water delivery services in Moscow

It is convenient to use bottled water because it is bottled in bottles of different sizes - from 0.5 to 19 liters. There are organizations that deliver such containers directly to your home or office. You can purchase a cooler that is equipped with a pump. At the same time, upon delivery, specialists will replace the bottle with a full one. Some coolers have heating and cooling functions, which is very convenient in the office.

There are many water delivery services. Several organizations are popular in Moscow.

  • Fountain Foods operates not only in Moscow, but also in the suburbs. Delivery over 3 bottles is free. There are many additional products.
  • Vitarel does not take a deposit for bottles, there are many additional products, and there are cheap products.
  • VodaVozkin offers low prices. The company has many promotions and gifts, free shipping.
  • Vodoleev produces its own water and delivers it free of charge. Wide range and many additional products.
  • Vodokachka.ru works seven days a week and delivers any additional goods.

Buying high-quality bottled water is necessary for those who care about their health. To do this, you need to know its characteristics and study consumer reviews.

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