News from Kazakhstan, all the latest news from Russia and news from the world, news of the day. Quotes pictures about love We seek we meet we find

Are looking for..
Let's meet..
We find..
We are losing..
Having it, we don’t appreciate it..
When we meet, we leave...
Attempts and Tortures..
We got together and ran away...
We didn't have time to live...
And they broke up again...
But where is the love?
So that forever and without end...
Or maybe this...
Or maybe another...
Faces, bodies and smiles change...
But by searching we only multiply errors..
Passion - whatever...
We play freely with ourselves and others..
When is love not difficult to guess...
When it is no longer possible to live without each other.

Incorrigible Romantic of Balkhash

We search, we meet, and what do we find?
Of course we are losing. We are superior in mind.
When we meet, do we leave? No, this is torture.
To escape from trouble is the hopelessness of trying.
We didn’t have time to live: we got together and ran away.
From anger and pain, we shrank internally
They had a fight again and again... broke up?
But what about the love that was given forever?
I wish I could send it further, but there would be tears on my eyelids...
Faces, bodies and smiles change
And we make other people's mistakes.
We keep thinking: this one, maybe, or this one?
Or maybe another, what kind of “candy”?
And with our search we multiply mistakes,
We change faces, bodies and smiles.
with us, it should also be in kind
However, you and I didn’t sniff “dope”
And passion, accept it, understand it however you like...
Love? No! We play with our bodies freely!
And what about love? Oh, how difficult it is.!!!..
And yet, without love it is absolutely impossible for us!!!

Nikas. 08.21.11.(2.00)


The daily audience of the portal is about 200 thousand visitors, who in total view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

We search, we meet, we find, we lose,
Having it, we don’t appreciate it... when we meet it, we abandon it...
Attempts and torture. We got together and ran away...
They didn’t have time to live and broke up again.
But where is the love, so that forever and without end...
Or maybe this one, or maybe another...
Faces, bodies and smiles change,
But by searching we only multiply errors.
Falling in love, affection, passion - whatever you want,
We play freely with ourselves and others,
When is love - it’s not difficult to guess -
When it is no longer possible to live without each other...


    5 rules of relationships according to Sigmund Freud, consciously about the unconscious:

    1. Why don't we fall in love with someone new every month? Because if we parted, we would have to lose a piece of our own heart.

    2. We do not choose each other by chance. We only meet those who already exist in our subconscious.

    3. We are never so defenseless as when we love and never so hopelessly unhappy as when we lose the object of love or his love.

    4. The one who gains the conviction that he is loved becomes bold and self-confident.

    5. Every person has desires that he does not communicate to others, and desires that he does not even admit to himself.

    We do not choose each other by chance... We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious. First we draw a person in our imagination and only then meet him in real life. Sigmund Freud

    Doctors have come to the conclusion that falling in love is similar to alcohol or drug addiction. Psychologists have divided love into several types, one of which causes delirium

    Friendship between a man and a woman is impossible; between them there can be passion, enmity, adoration, love, but not friendship.

    We often lose loved ones because of stupidity, and we call it a day without fully understanding everything. And then it becomes too late to change anything. You need to love each other as you are, and learn to live like it’s your last day, because someday it will really be your last...

LOVE is... when I want to be happy with you....
LOVE is... when I want to make you happy...

LOVE is...I adore you.....
LOVE is...I value and respect your opinion...

LOVE is...I am delighted with your virtues...
LOVE is...I know your shortcomings...

LOVE is...friends will wait...
LOVE is...we have mutual friends...

LOVE is...what do parents have to do with it....
LOVE is... parents resign themselves and approve...

LOVE are my ideal...
LOVE are my dear person....

LOVE is...I want to understand you...
LOVE is...I understand and accept you...

LOVE is...I would like to see each other more often...
LOVE is...we live well together...

LOVE is...we look good together...
LOVE is...I wonder what kind of children we will have....

LOVE is...I don’t see the real thing without you...
LOVE is...I want to see our future...

Love this love that!
True love is when a girl writes to ICQ “Do you want coffee?” And this phrase is already making your dick stand at your post!!!


This is not love, this is passion and lust. And love is when you are happy to just drink coffee with her, take a walk in the park and spend time with her without waiting for sex.

The passion has subsided and the pain has subsided
Of course, time heals, you're right.
A year has passed and nothing has worked out.
The fire cannot burn out completely.

And sparkles fly into the subconscious,
And a feeling of tenderness attracts you,
Love is gone, and only a memory,
The things that didn’t happen make me sick.

But the embers burn a little longer,
As soon as the breeze blows,
The flame will flare up to the sky again,
Or maybe we should risk blowing it up?

I would really like to meet you again,
I would also like to hug you again.
And never be separated again,
Shine with happiness together with you.

My love, your eyes are beautiful
The sun's rays are reflected in them,
They are passionate, tender, dangerous,
They are truly like a mirror of the soul!

In their hearts are your pain and joy,
Love, longing, sadness and power,
Sometimes - childish naivety,
Sometimes it’s a burning passion!

There is a whole world in them and it is no less,
Than the one we live in
But he is more beautiful, cleaner, better,
And there you and I are together!

There is no fate, we choose it ourselves,
What is possible, what is not, where is good, where is trouble.
We live, we meet death, we resurrect each other
And we live again! And we will live forever!

Love comes like bad weather -
When no one is waiting for her,
Sometimes you find happiness in her,
Sometimes you're less lucky
When love comes to you
Don't you dare resist her -
Perhaps after her it will come
Your best day of your life
In which standing in front of each other,
Looking into your love's eyes,
You're asking about marriage
You will answer before God: “Yes!”

Oh fucking bulls, cigarette butts
sometimes you are sweeter than cigarettes,
We don't value you, idiots,
Or we appreciate it when you are not there.

There's shit in my mouth, I want to smoke,
There's only a coin in my pocket,
and then someone finds in the corner
half-crushed bull,

And cries of joy and happiness
heard from the throats of the suffering,
I sing honor, I sing glory to you,
bulls, cigarette butts, fuckers.

Agreement between Jordan and Sienkiewicz.
(on the theme of M.Yu. Lermontov “Treaty”)

Let the crowd brand with contempt
Our unsolved union,
Few people can compare
Put the desired ace in your sleeve.

But before the idols of light
I don't bend my knees,
I'll leave quietly without advice
You give money, not love.

How you spin in noisy fun,
Without distinguishing anyone:
It’s not just that with a smart channel
It's easy to pass for one.

We do not value earthly happiness,
We are used to valuing people;
Perhaps the team can
An article about hemorrhoids will captivate you.

Now we know each other
We get back together and go our separate ways again.
There was love without joys,
The separation will be without sadness.
LOVE: when their eyes lock in the crowd.
SEX: when their tongues meet in the crowd.
MARRIAGE: when one end of his belt does not connect with the other and nothing
there's nothing you can do about it.

LOVE: When sex is called "love making".
SEX: when sex is called that.
MARRIAGE: what kind of sex?

LOVE: when the subject of discussion is the names of future children.
SEX: when the subject of discussion is who does what to another.
MARRIAGE: when the subject of discussion is who will wash the dishes.

LOVE: when they share everything they have with each other.
SEX: when he (she) will think twice before giving her (him) a loan.
MARRIAGE: when he doesn’t remember where he hid his stash.

LOVE: “It’s okay if you don’t reach orgasm.”
SEX: if she does not reach orgasm, the relationship is broken.
MARRIAGE: what is an orgasm?

LOVE: when they call each other to wish each other well
SEX: when they call each other to make an appointment for another
MARRIAGE: when they call each other to agree who will take the child
from kindergarten.

LOVE: when he writes poetry for her.
SEX: when all he writes is phone numbers.
MARRIAGE: when all he writes is to whom and how much he owes.

LOVE: when he thinks about his partner's feelings.
SEX: when no one thinks about anything at all.
MARRIAGE: when he thinks about what will be on TV in the evening.

LOVE: when he says goodbye to her: “I love you!”
SEX: when he says goodbye to her: “Let’s go here tomorrow, on this same day.”
MARRIAGE: when he says nothing at all when saying goodbye.

LOVE: He is proud that others see them together.
SEX: you can only see them together through a keyhole.
MARRIAGE: when they don't see each other when they wake up in the morning.

LOVE: His heart starts beating faster when he meets her.
SEX: His lightning bolts when he meets her.
MARRIAGE: His wallet gets thinner when they go to a department store.

LOVE: when no other interests him.
SEX: when no one else knows about it.
MARRIAGE: when he is interested in absolutely everything and doesn’t care what it is

LOVE: when any song on the radio very accurately reflects his state
SEX: when every song on the radio is nothing more than just another piece of nonsense.
MARRIAGE: when only the latest news is heard on the radio.

LOVE: when he can't even imagine breaking up.
SEX: when he can’t even imagine living together.
MARRIAGE: when all he can imagine is how to live longer
one day.

LOVE: when he is interested in everything she does.
SEX: when he is interested in only one thing.
MARRIAGE: when he is only interested in the position of his favorite team in

Let's go today with a brow in reading room HSE (most of them are women), we are looking for where we can connect the laptop via LAN,
We don’t find anything, we go to the crowded next room
and there is a power socket at each table
the dude joyfully yells, “Look, there’s a hole at every table!!!”
Never before have so many women's eyes looked at me

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