Architectural bionics. Bionics as a separate science Application of bionic knowledge

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Presentation on the topic: Bionics

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The main areas of work on bionics cover the following problems: study nervous system humans and animals and modeling of nerve cells (neurons) and neural networks for further improvement of computer technology and the development of new elements and devices of automation and telemechanics (neurobionics); research of sensory organs and other perceptive systems of living organisms in order to develop new sensors and detection systems; study principles of orientation, location and navigation in various animals for the use of these principles in technology; study of the morphological, physiological, biochemical characteristics of living organisms to put forward new technical and scientific ideas.

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The relationship between nature and technology In the past, man’s attitude towards nature was consumerist; technology exploited and destroyed natural resources. But gradually people began to treat nature more carefully, trying to take a closer look at its methods in order to wisely use them in technology. These methods can serve as a model for the development of environmentally friendly industrial products. Nature as a standard is bionics. Understanding nature and taking it as a model does not mean copying. However, nature can help us find the right one. technical solution quite complex questions. Nature is like a huge engineering bureau, which always has the right way out of any situation.

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Bionics is closely related to biology, physics, chemistry, cybernetics and engineering sciences: electronics, navigation, communications, maritime affairs and others. The idea of ​​using knowledge about living nature to solve engineering problems belongs to Leonardo da Vinci, who tried to build aircraft with flapping wings like birds: an ornithopter. In 1960, the first symposium on bionics was held in Daytona (USA), which formalized the birth of a new science.

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Cybernetics The emergence of cybernetics, which considers general principles control and communication in living organisms and machines, became an incentive for a broader study of the structure and functions of living systems in order to clarify their commonality with technical systems, as well as using the information obtained about living organisms to create new devices, mechanisms, materials, etc.

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Architectural bionics This is a new phenomenon in architectural science and practice. Here are the possibilities of searching for new, functionally justified architectural forms, distinguished by beauty and harmony, and the creation of new rational designs with the simultaneous use of amazing properties building material living nature, and the discovery of ways to realize the unity of design and creation of architectural means using the energy of the sun, wind, and cosmic rays. But, perhaps, its most important result may be active participation in creating conditions for the conservation of wildlife and the formation of its harmonious unity with architecture.

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Modeling living organisms Creating a model in bionics is half the battle. To solve a specific practical problem, it is necessary not only to check the presence of the model properties that are of interest to practice, but also to develop methods for calculating predetermined technical characteristics devices, development of synthesis methods that ensure the achievement of the indicators required in the task. And therefore, many bionic models, before receiving technical implementation, begin their life on a computer. A mathematical description of the model is constructed. Based on it, a computer program is compiled - a bionic model. Using such a computer model, various parameters can be processed in a short time and design flaws can be eliminated.

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Today, bionics has several areas: Architectural and construction bionics studies the laws of formation and structure formation of living tissues, analyzes the structural systems of living organisms on the principle of saving material, energy and ensuring reliability. Neurobionics studies the functioning of the brain and explores the mechanisms of memory. The sensory organs of animals, the internal mechanisms of reaction to environment both in animals and plants.

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Architectural and construction bionics In architectural and construction bionics, much attention is paid to new construction technologies. For example, in the field of development of efficient and waste-free construction technologies, a promising direction is the creation of layered structures. The idea is borrowed from deep-sea mollusks. Their durable shells, such as those of the widespread abalone, consist of alternating hard and soft plates. When a hard plate cracks, the deformation is absorbed by the soft layer and the crack does not go further. This technology can also be used to cover cars.

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Neurobionics Neurobionics - scientific direction, studying the possibility of using the principles of the structure and functioning of the brain in order to create more advanced technical devices and technological processes. The main areas of neurobionics are the study of the nervous system of humans and animals and the modeling of nerve cells-neurons and neural networks. This makes it possible to improve and develop electronic and computer technology.

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A striking example of Architectural and construction bionics is a complete analogy of the structure of cereal stems and modern high-rise buildings. The stems of cereal plants are able to withstand heavy loads without breaking under the weight of the inflorescence. If the wind bends them to the ground, they quickly restore their vertical position. What's the secret? It turns out that their structure is similar to the design of modern high-rise factory pipes - one of the latest achievements of engineering.

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First examples of Bionics Almost any technological problem that faces designers or engineers has long been successfully solved by other living beings. For example, soft drink manufacturers are constantly looking for new ways to package their products. At the same time, an ordinary apple tree solved this problem long ago. An apple is 97% water, packed not in wood cardboard, but in an edible peel that is appetizing enough to attract animals to eat the fruit and distribute the grains. The base of the Eiffel Tower resembles the bone structure of the head femur Bionics specialists reason in exactly this way. When they encounter an engineering or design problem, they look for a solution in the unlimited-size "science base" of animals and plants.

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Velcro fasteners The operating principle of burdock was borrowed by man to make Velcro fasteners. The first adhesive tapes appeared in the 50s of the XX century. With their help you can, for example, fasten sports shoes; In this case, laces are no longer needed. In addition, the length of the Velcro is easy to adjust - this is one of its advantages. In the first years after their invention, such fasteners were very popular. Today, everyone has become accustomed to a convenient fastener, and Velcro manufacturers now only make sure that the Velcro is well hidden under the flaps.

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The group, which included architects, engineers, designers, biologists and psychologists, developed the “Vertical Bionic Tower City” project. In 15 years, a tower city should appear in Shanghai (according to scientists, in 20 years the population of Shanghai could reach 30 million people). The tower city is designed for 100 thousand people, the project is based on the “principle of wood construction”.

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Suckers Octopus: The octopus has invented a sophisticated method of hunting its prey: it covers it with tentacles and sucks on hundreds, whole rows of which are on the tentacles. Suction cups also help it move on slippery surfaces without sliding down. Technical suction cups: if you shoot a suction arrow from a slingshot at the glass of a window, the arrow will attach and remain on it. The suction cup is slightly rounded and straightens when it collides with an obstacle. Then the elastic washer is tightened again; This is how a vacuum arises. And the suction cup attaches to the glass.

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Scientists from Stanford University have advanced the furthest in the direction of creating upright bipedal robots. They have been experimenting for almost three years with a miniature six-legged robot, a hexapod, based on the results of studying the locomotion system of a cockroach. The first hexapod was constructed on January 25, 2000. Now the design runs very quickly - at a speed of 55 cm (more than three of its own lengths) per second - and also successfully overcomes obstacles. Stanford has also developed a human-sized one-legged jumping monopod that is capable of maintaining an unstable balance while constantly jumping. As you know, a person moves by “falling” from one leg to another and spends most of the time on one leg. In the future, scientists from Stanford hope to create a bipedal robot with a human-like walking system.

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Spider Egg Cocoon The spider makes a thin “cape” of waterproof material to protect the eggs it lays. This fist-sized cocoon is bell-shaped and opens from the bottom. It consists of the same material as the threads of the spider's web. Of course, it is not woven from separate threads, but represents a single shell. It perfectly protects the egg from bad weather and humidity. Raincoat When we go outside in the rain, we put on a waterproof raincoat or take an umbrella with us. Like a cocoon of a spider's egg with a protective film, water drains from the artificial material, as a result of which a person does not get wet. Roofs that repel water An important role in the construction of houses is played by the roof, which should protect the premises of the building from water.

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Researchers from Bell Labs (a Lucent corporation) recently discovered a high-quality optical fiber in the body of deep-sea sponges of the genus Euplectellas. According to the test results, it turned out that the material from the skeleton of these 20-centimeter sponges can transmit a digital signal no worse than modern communication cables, while natural optical fiber is much stronger than human fiber due to the presence of an organic shell. The skeleton of deep-sea sponges of the genus Euplectellas is built from high-quality fiber optics

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Gustav Eiffel drew a drawing of the Eiffel Tower in 1889. This structure is considered one of the earliest clear examples of the use of bionics in engineering. The design of the Eiffel Tower is based on scientific work Swiss professor of anatomy Hermann Von Meyer. 40 years before the construction of the Parisian engineering miracle, the professor examined the bone structure of the head of the femur in the place where it bends and enters the joint at an angle. And yet for some reason the bone does not break under the weight of the body. The base of the Eiffel Tower resembles the bone structure of the head of the femur

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Von Meyer discovered that the head of the bone is covered with an intricate network of miniature bones, thanks to which the load is amazingly redistributed throughout the bone. This network had a strict geometric structure, which the professor documented. In 1866, the Swiss engineer Carl Cullman provided a theoretical basis for von Meyer's discovery, and 20 years later, natural load distribution using curved calipers was used by Eiffel. Bone structure of the femoral head

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Another famous borrowing was made by Swiss engineer Georges de Mestral in 1955. He often walked with his dog and noticed that some strange plants were constantly sticking to its fur. Tired of constantly brushing the dog, the engineer decided to find out the reason why weeds stick to the dog's fur. Having studied the phenomenon, de Mestral determined that it was possible thanks to small hooks on the fruits of the cocklebur (the name of this weed). As a result, the engineer realized the importance of his discovery and eight years later he patented a convenient “Velcro” Velcro, which today is widely used in the manufacture of not only military, but also civilian clothing. The fruit of the cocklebur clung to the shirt

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Bionics (from the Greek bion - element of life, literally - living) is a science bordering biology and technology, solving engineering problems based on analysis of the structure and vital activity of organisms. Proponents of bionics believe that anything natural creation whether a tree or a bird represents the optimal structure in terms of survival and functionality.

Buildings in the bionic style emerge from the correct geometry. The natural shapes of the object awaken the imagination. Walls are like living membranes. Thanks to the changing concave and convex surfaces of the walls of the structures, it seems that the building is breathing. Here the wall is not just a partition, it lives like an organism.

The first attempts to use natural forms in construction were made by Antonio Gaudi, an amazing Spanish architect. And it was a breakthrough! Park Güell, or as they used to say “Nature frozen in stone”, Casa Batlo, Casa Mila - Europe, spoiled by architectural delights, and the whole world have never seen anything like it. These masterpieces of the great master gave impetus to the development of architecture in the bionic style. Palace Güell in Barcelona

All his life he was fascinated by the Middle Ages, and his favorite image was a fire-breathing dragon. It is this terrible creature, made of curved metal rods, that guards the entrance to the Güell palace-house (). Using new designs - lightweight vaults, inclined supports, parabolic arches and the plasticity of flowing volumes - to recreate the tectonics of organic forms of nature in your buildings.

Nearby he creates a “garden city” - a miracle park, which is now called “a joke of a genius”. The gatekeeper’s house here looks like solidified lava. And in the lines of the “endless bench” one can feel the rhythm of sea waves running one after another. Everywhere you can see carved stone flowers and trees.

It seems that his buildings are not built, but sculpted. Frozen volcanic lava or the skeletons of some unknown animals is reminiscent of the Batlot house built according to Gaudi's design in the years.

Unique not only appearance, but also the designs of each of the apartments in the House of La Mila, which was built according to a design by Gaudi in the years. There is not a single right angle in it, and the windows and balconies resemble carved out caves. When you are inside, it seems that you feel the passage of time itself. The roof of this house is decorated with stone flowers.

The founder of Waldorf pedagogy, the German philosopher Rudolf Steiner, in 1913 creates a model of the Goetheanum building, in the construction of which representatives participated different nations Europe, including representatives of the Russian intelligentsia (Andrei Bely, Maximilian Voloshin, Asya Turgeneva, etc.). But this building died in a fire. In 1924, according to his sketches, construction began on the second building, which still exists today. This unique building embodied the idea of ​​diversity and grandeur of the Universe. A powerful reinforced concrete building with fluid organic forms does not have a single right angle inside or outside. It looks like spaceship extraterrestrial civilization, a messenger from other worlds where harmony reigns. The staff cottages and service buildings surrounding the Goetheanum were built in the same style.

The Sydney Opera House (), thanks to its majestic architecture, made in the form of sea shells, has become one of the most recognizable buildings on the planet. The appearance of the opera is the famous “comb” of ten domes. Thanks to such an unusual design, the building was recognized as the most beautiful structure of all those erected after the Second World War.

White cottage in the suburbs of St. Petersburg and the Dolphin House. Behind these houses rise the shadows of the great Architects, the mystifiers of architectural Form, the subverters of the rectangular networks they themselves invented. This is the embodiment of the eternal struggle between closed and open spaces that make up the life of Architecture. The author of the houses is Boris Levinzon.

Japan. They decided to build a mountain-shaped skyscraper with a height of almost 4 km, which is more than 7 times the height of the tallest building on our planet and 200 meters higher than the height of Mount Fuji, in the form of which this building will be built. The skyscraper will have about 800 floors and accommodate from 500 thousand to 1 million people. The building will be able to protect its guests and employees from pressure changes and changes in weather conditions. Here, solar energy will be used to power the building. Projects of the future

UAE. A 68-storey tower is expected to be built in Dubai. Rotating floors are one of the original ideas. The tower will constantly change its shape. The building is multifunctional. Part of the floors will be occupied by a hotel, part by apartments of various sizes. Another part of the tower will be allocated for offices and a restaurant. The architects called the several upper floors villas, each of which will have one owner.

Model of the "root system" of the cypress city The base of the tower will be placed in an artificial lake and connected to the "continent" of China. The construction of a tower city has begun, in which 100 thousand people will live. A unique structure, created according to the laws of future architecture and imitating natural structures, will be able to withstand fire, flood, earthquake and hurricane. The bionic tower is a city in a tower. A complex asymmetric structure seems to be placed in a “cylinder” that is monolithic on the outside. The main principle is borrowed from cypress. In the process of building floors, the base of the tree city will develop proportionally. It will be possible to populate the tower as construction progresses - this will in no way interfere with the first citizens of the “cypress city”.

Spain. This skyscraper is called the “Cactus Bullet”. For his green and pointed appearance. This is a residential building and an office building at the same time. Moreover, it is a vertical city, united with nature for the sake of its conservation. At the base of the tower there is a “green circle” garden or park with a diameter of about 90 meters. A 24-storey building approximately 100 meters high with 25 thousand sq.m. useful area for housing and offices. The skyscraper is assembled from eight sections 12 meters high. Each section has three floors. A vertical garden descends from top to bottom, in a spiral.

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BIONICS as an architectural style Materials for lesson 8th grade according to the program of B.M. Nemensky © Belenkaya Lyudmila Vladimirovna school No. 17 Krasnoyarsk

Bionics (from the Greek bion - element of life, literally - living) is a science bordering biology and technology, solving engineering problems based on analysis of the structure and vital activity of organisms. Proponents of bionics believe that every natural creature - be it a tree or a bird - represents an optimal structure in terms of survival and functionality.

Buildings in the bionic style emerge from the correct geometry. The natural shapes of the object awaken the imagination. Walls are like living membranes. Thanks to the changing concave and convex surfaces of the walls of the structures, it seems that the building is breathing. Here the wall is not just a partition, it lives like an organism.

The first attempts to use natural forms in construction were made by Antonio Gaudi, an amazing Spanish architect. And it was a breakthrough! Park Güell, or as they used to say “Nature frozen in stone”, Casa Batlo, Casa Mila - Europe, spoiled by architectural delights, and the whole world have never seen anything like it. These masterpieces of the great master gave impetus to the development of architecture in the bionic style. Palace Güell in Barcelona

All his life he was fascinated by the Middle Ages, and his favorite image was a fire-breathing dragon. It is this terrible creature, made of curved metal rods, that guards the entrance to the house-palace of Güell (1886-1891). Using new designs - lightweight vaults, inclined supports, parabolic arches and the plasticity of flowing volumes - to recreate the tectonics of organic forms of nature in your buildings.

Nearby he creates a “garden city” - a miracle park, which is now called “a joke of a genius”. The gatekeeper’s house here looks like solidified lava. And in the lines of the “endless bench” one can feel the rhythm of sea waves running one after another. Everywhere you can see carved stone flowers and trees.

It seems that his buildings are not built, but sculpted. Frozen volcanic lava or the skeletons of some unknown animals are reminiscent of the Batlot house, built according to Gaudí's design in 1904-1906.

Not only the appearance is unique, but also the design of each of the apartments in the House of La Mila, which was built according to Gaudi’s design in 1906-1910. There is not a single right angle in it, and the windows and balconies resemble carved out caves. When you are inside, it seems that you feel the passage of time itself. The roof of this house is decorated with stone flowers.

The architect decided to recreate in stone the images and plots of the New Testament that were close to him. The Sagrada Familia has been compared to coral reefs. This grandiose building took 42 years to build.

Antonio Gaudi's use of organic and natural forms.

The founder of Waldorf pedagogy, the German philosopher Rudolf Steiner, in 1913 created a model of the building - the Goetheanum, in the construction of which representatives of different European nations participated, including representatives of the Russian intelligentsia (Andrei Bely, Maximilian Voloshin, Asya Turgeneva, etc.). But this building died in a fire. In 1924, according to his sketches, construction began on the second building, which still exists today. This unique building embodied the idea of ​​diversity and grandeur of the Universe. A powerful reinforced concrete building with fluid organic forms does not have a single right angle inside or outside. It looks like a spaceship of an extraterrestrial civilization, like a messenger from other worlds where harmony reigns. The staff cottages and service buildings surrounding the Goetheanum were built in the same style.

Rudolf Steiner said: “The spiritual aspect of creating bionic forms is associated with an attempt to understand the purpose of man. In accordance with this, architecture is interpreted as a “place” where the meaning of human existence is revealed.”

The Sydney Opera House (1959 -1973), thanks to its majestic seashell architecture, has become one of the most recognizable buildings on the planet. The appearance of the opera is the famous “comb” of ten domes. Thanks to such an unusual design, the building was recognized as the most beautiful structure of all those erected after the Second World War.

White cottage in the suburbs of St. Petersburg and the Dolphin House. Behind the backs of these houses rise the shadows of the great Architects - mystifiers of architectural Form, subverters of the rectangular networks they themselves invented. This is the embodiment of the eternal struggle between closed and open spaces that make up the life of Architecture. The author of the houses is Boris Levinzon.

Japan. They decided to build a mountain-shaped skyscraper with a height of almost 4 km, which is more than 7 times the height of the tallest building on our planet and 200 meters higher than the height of Mount Fuji, in the form of which this building will be built. The skyscraper will have about 800 floors and accommodate from 500 thousand to 1 million people. The building will be able to protect its guests and employees from pressure changes and changes in weather conditions. Here, solar energy will be used to power the building. Projects of the future

UAE. A 68-storey tower is expected to be built in Dubai. Rotating floors are one of the original ideas. The tower will constantly change its shape. The building is multifunctional. Some of the floors will be occupied by a hotel, and some by apartments of various sizes. Another part of the tower will be allocated for offices and a restaurant. The architects called the several upper floors villas, each of which will have one owner.

Model of the "root system" of the cypress city The base of the tower will be placed in an artificial lake and connected to the "continent" of China. The construction of a tower city has begun, in which 100 thousand people will live. A unique structure, created according to the laws of future architecture and imitating natural structures, will be able to withstand fire, flood, earthquake and hurricane. The bionic tower is a city in a tower. A complex asymmetric structure seems to be placed in a “cylinder” that is monolithic on the outside. The main principle is borrowed from cypress. In the process of building floors, the base of the tree city will develop proportionally. It will be possible to populate the tower as construction progresses - this will in no way interfere with the first citizens of the “cypress city”.

Spain. This skyscraper is called the “Cactus Bullet”. For his green and pointed appearance. This is a residential building and an office building at the same time. Moreover, it is a vertical city, united with nature for the sake of its conservation. At the base of the tower there is a “green circle” - a garden or park with a diameter of about 90 meters. A 24-storey building approximately 100 meters high with 25 thousand sq.m. useful area for housing and offices. The skyscraper is assembled from eight sections 12 meters high. Each section has three floors. A vertical garden descends from top to bottom, in a spiral.

Competition project of the Mediterranean Museum of Contemporary Art in Cagliari. The sensitivity of the new architectural image of the museum is striking, which, like a coral reef fused together, forms a new cultural space.

solar house - a shell-shaped grasshopper, climbing from the dampness up the slope into a clearing, towards the sun - solar tower And these are the diploma projects of future architects

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Nature invented the ideal strength shape for thin eggshells. It also transfers the load from one point to its entire surface. But the uniqueness of this design lies not only in its special geometric shape. Despite the fact that the thickness of the shell is approximately 0.3 mm, it consists of 7 layers, each with its own specific function. The layers do not delaminate even with the most drastic changes in temperature and humidity, representing a striking example of the compatibility of materials with various physical and mechanical properties. Increased strength eggshells adds a thin elastic film, which turns the shell into a prestressed structure. With the development of cities and population growth, builders were faced with the task of designing large buildings without heavy, labor-intensive coverings and intermediate supports. Therefore, lightweight and durable, thin-walled and economical natural vaulted structures interested architects. The design principle of these shells formed the basis for the creation of lightweight, long-span steel and reinforced concrete coverings of various curvatures, which are widely used in the construction of sports complexes, cinemas, exhibition pavilions, etc. The main quality of such coverings is lightness, and the larger the span, the lighter dome. In modern buildings, the thickness of the dome is measured in millimeters, and such domes are called shell shells. Examples of such structures are the roof of the exhibition pavilion in Paris, which resembles a flower petal; it covers a span of more than 200 m without supports, the roof of the exhibition pavilion in Yerevan, the dome of the circus in Kazan, the roof shopping center in Chelyabinsk, having the form of a shell of double curvature, covering an area of ​​more than a hectare without a single intermediate support.

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