Evidence of telegony in humans. Telegony in humans: real effect or myth? How telegony occurs in the body of men

The theory of telegony dates back to the times of Aristotle. It says that in addition to the father’s traits, a child may be similar to the mother’s previous sexual partners. Thus, fatherhood becomes not the privilege of one man, but of several.

The very concept of telegony has been known to mankind since early centuries. Greek myths, filled with stories about the life of the majestic gods, unexpectedly for the people themselves, became a source of knowledge. Thus, Theseus, the son of Ephra and Aegeus, was an example of telegony. Efra, who had two partners on the same night, endowed her son with both human and divine traits. Pausanias believed that the result of telegony could be the birth of twins. Examples for this are Castor and Polydeuces. The father of the first was a simple man, the second was the god Zeus. Thus, one was mortal, and the second had the gift of eternal life.

The Greeks were not the only ones who believed in the existence of telegony. The concept also had a major influence on early Christianity. Thus, the Gospel of Philip stated that a child’s appearance is influenced not only by previous sexual partners, but also by a woman’s thoughts about other men.

IN late XIX centuries there have been disputes related to the myth of telegony. The Nazis adopted these ideas. They argued that a woman who once gave birth to a child from a man of non-Aryan origin could never become the mother of a “pure” child.

In post-Soviet Russia, telegony was remembered again. The reason for this was a book whose authors were archpriests of the Russian Orthodox Church. In response to the "resurrection" of the myth, a well-known website published an article in which it described it as "frightening and trying to make women afraid and be careful when choosing a sexual partner."

One of the popular arguments of telegony adherents is the fact that even distant ancestors observed the “purity” of blood. They strictly monitored purity and female chastity. However, these arguments are undermined if we look at history from a different perspective. After all, in ancient times, a woman had fewer rights compared to a man. Marriages, by their very nature, were bargains. You can imagine what happened if hymen turned out to be open.


In the 19th century, George Douglas conducted an experiment. In it, the scientist crossed an Arabian Karak mare and a quagga stallion. After this, he crossed the same female with a white male. The result of the crossing was a foal with stripes characteristic of the quagga subspecies. At one time, the experience of George Douglas seemed to be irrefutable proof of the existence of telegony. Today, biology explains "Lord Morton's mare" by gene forms and their interactions. In this case, both individuals had recessive genes. A foal that inherited allelic sets along with them also acquired characteristics that were not outwardly noticeable in its parents. This case was described by the creator of evolutionary theory, Charles Darwin. In his opinion, the cause of the stripes was the manifestation of a characteristic that was characteristic of common ancestor animals.

In the same newspaper where Morton's report was published, another case was described. In it, Daniil Gils described the experience of crossing a black and white female pig with a brown boar. The color of the latter's coat was noticeable in the piglets despite the subsequent crossing of the female with a boar.

After Morton's result, many decided to repeat the experiment. In 1889, breeder James Kassaar Ewart conducted his experiment. In it, he crossed purebred female horses and a male zebra. The result was the birth of 13 zebroid hybrids. After which Kassaar Ewart mated these same females with males of the same breed. Of the 18 foals born from this cross, not one had zebroid characteristics. Thus, the myth of telegony in mammals was debunked.

Soviet biologist Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov crossed female horses with zebras. His result also failed to prove the existence of telegony.

All that could be learned from experiments with horses was that even horses that had never met zebroids could give birth to foals with stripes on their limbs.

New mating experiments between dogs and birds, mice and fruit flies in 1959 also failed to confirm the existence of telegony.

Scientific explanation of telegony

At the moment, scientists agree that there are three reasons for the appearance of stripes on the limbs of horses:

  1. Atavism.
  2. Phenotypic reversion
  3. Hidden signs

Male mammals have a single set of chromosomes, complemented by the same set of female eggs. During their fusion, a double set is created, which will also be inherited by the cubs. Based on this, the myth of telegony violates all recognized principles of genetics and the process of reproduction.

Breeders started talking about telegony again about two centuries ago. They engaged in crossbreeding among dogs and horses. Breeders managed to obtain new breeds, which they explained by telegony. Although, most likely the cause was mutations that appeared due to mixing of breeds.

The same breeders believed that, like animals, a human child could be the result of telegony.

Scientists, in turn, do not agree with the opinion of breeders. There are several reasons why the telegony theory collapses:

  1. The gene is very difficult to change. Individuals with altered genes, as a rule, do not survive natural conditions and cannot procreate.
  2. Human individuals cannot have similar anomalies. Humans are representatives of the same species, but telegony is observed when different breeds are crossed.

Another argument comes from experiments on sheep, mice and rabbits. In them, black and white embryos were transplanted into females of different breeds. Experiments showed that the appearance did not change. Black embryos developed into a black individual in the body of a white female and vice versa.

People may have a child who is different from their parents. But the reason for this is not telegony, but genes. Genes are divided into dominant and recessive. In addition, genes can be in a homozygous or heterozygous state. Dominant traits include dark eyes and hair, while recessive traits include light eyes and hair.

However, there is information about telegony in flies. In 2014, data was published that showed telegony in one species of fly. During the experiment, scientists divided the males into two groups. The first group received food rich in nutrients. The diet of the second group was meager nutritional value. Males from both groups then mated with females. After the female reached maturity, partners were changed. It turned out that despite the fact that the female gave birth to offspring from mating with the second male, the size of the larvae directly depended on the size of the first partner. Biologists believe that the cause of the phenomenon was the absorption of the male's seminal fluid by the immature egg.

Some breeders still believe in the existence of telegony. That is why they are against crossing purebred and purebred animals with each other. In their opinion, in the case of such crossing, the female may give birth to non-purebred cubs, even if the male is of the same purebred breed.

Of course, telegony is a myth from the category of reptilians from Nibiru. Other answers have already described very fully why this is a misconception. Although there is an article by the Chinese http://www.sciencedirect.com.sci-hub.cc/science/article/pii/S0378111913003302 where they are trying to scientifically argue telegony. The article smacks of nonsense and not incompetence, outdated data and Chinese articles.

On the other hand, this is what I would like to add. There is a completely proven process - fetal microchimerism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microchimerism). In short: the embryo exchanges some cells with the mother through the placenta (some of these cells are stem cells). Why this is needed is unclear. There are works that suggest that this is necessary to regulate work endocrine system mother, as well as preparation for lactation (but this has not been proven!). Such cells can remain in the mother's body; it is unknown why they are not extinguished by T-cells. I would suggest (purely unfounded) that in pregnant women (at lectures on physiology we were once told: “There are three sexes - male, female and pregnant”), due to the hormonal status, immunity is modulated in such a way as not to destroy these cells. If the child is of a different sex, then male markers can then be found in women, for example from the Y chromosome. At the same time, there is a reverse flow of cells - usually these are blood sprouts - lymphocytes, NK, etc. - this is called maternal microchimerism. Researchers http://www.nature.com/labinvest/journal/v86/n11/full/3700471a.html found that 39 percent of those studied had at least one clonal cell line from the mother. This phenomenon has great importance during organ transplantation (as well as chimerism).

So (we were told this at a lecture on genetics at the university) it very rarely happens that fetal blood cells remaining in the mother’s body (and which carry the father’s genetic markers, including HLA) during a subsequent pregnancy enter the body of a new embryo and nest there (I can’t find the link in PubMed - if anyone can please comment). If the father is the same, then this would not be noticed, BUT if the fathers are different, then the second child will have some clones of blood cells with genetic markers of the father of the first child. Such cases were found when a transplant was required and screening was carried out, or during a paternity test. It’s even more fun if the child from the first father was not born - a miscarriage or an abortion - in this case, the second child will carry some blood lines from his unborn brother/sister with markers of some leftist guy who is no longer legally connected to the mother)) ). Such blood sprouts, of course, are unlikely to affect anything - since their percentage is very small, one can, of course, assume that they will be oncogenic, but most likely (if the immune system works well) they will simply be cleared out.

It would be hilarious (albeit a one in a billion chance) if a chimera woman who had eggs from her unborn twin sister gave birth to such a child and the first one was a miscarriage. The child/mother will need a transplant, they will start looking at markers, HLA, etc. This is where geneticists' eyes will widen - the child's mother will not be his genetic mother, they have different markers, there is nowhere to get the organs from - after all, the twin sister disappeared at the 8-cell stage, having managed to exchange her sexual growth with the child's mother. And in addition, two men left their mark on the child.

Why am I writing all this - and to the fact that biology and genetics are damn interesting and complex things. Once again - there is no telegony, microchimerism exists (but is rare).

In the last century, one suggestion arose that the hereditary genes of future female children are also influenced by the girl’s first sexual partner. Such a statement did not arise from experimental actions, but still leads to a lot of controversy and reasoning to this day. What is telegony: myth or truth?

How did this word come about?

This word consists of two stems that mean far and give birth. There is even a myth in history that gave rise to this term. According to this myth, the son of Odysseus and the nymph Circe Telegonus was killed by a fatal accident, as well as by the fact that his father did not even suspect his existence.

Continued research

Next, K. Ewart carried out his experiment, which involved eight purebred mares and a male zebra. He ended up with thirteen different hybrids. After which the mares were crossed with stallions of their species category. 18 small foals were born, and none of them included zebroid characteristics. At the same time, one scientist I.I. Ivanov carried out his experiments, but was never able to obtain real scientific evidence that the term telegony is applicable in real life.

In 2014, one of the experiments was officially published, which was accompanied by real facts confirming the veracity of telegony. The experiment was based on the following steps: males were sorted into several groups, with one of the groups eating only food rich in nutrients and microelements, and the second group eating food in which the amount of nutrients was minimal.

Males of different sizes were bred with young mares. As soon as the females reached full maturity, their partner was changed. Ultimately, offspring were born that depended on the diet of the first male. However, this experience cannot 100% confirm the effect of telegony, since other factors may also influence this result. For example, the absorption of the molecules of the seed of the first male individual by the immature eggs of the mare.

Telegony, what can this term mean for modern society?

Some dog breeders, as well as horse breeders, believe in the possibility of the existence of such a phenomenon. They categorically do not tolerate crossing females with unclean individuals, since they are confident that all subsequent offspring of the dog will have negative genes and characteristics.

Proponents of religion and sacred ideologies use this term to promote chastity among their fellows. This theory brought about a special wave of anti-Semitism during the Nazi Germany. Esoterics also confirmed the possibility of telegony. The basis for their confirmation of this term was the biological fields of the two partners and the interaction of their auras during sexual activity, which remained in them until the end of their lives.

The opinion of philosophers and scientists about this phenomenon

Do people have telegony?

Telegony in the human body has not been proven by science, but some geneticists note that such a phenomenon may exist in humans. At the same time, telegony manifests itself in humans in exactly the same way as in representatives of the animal world. Thus, an individual inherits the characteristics and genotype not only of the main parental pair, but also of those partners that both sexes had before this pregnancy.

There have been cases when white woman, dating a man of the same nationality, gave birth to a child with dark color skin, while dating a dark-skinned man in the past, but did not become pregnant by him. Science explains this phenomenon by the fact that the parents do not have such a trait in their genotype, but in the general genotype it is present from some distant ancestor.

How does telegony occur in the body of women?

In ancient times, religious people believed that a girl’s first sexual partner leaves in her his image of the spirit, as well as a piece of his blood - a kind of trace in her genotype - this is what scientists say today. Telegony, or in another way influence of the first male, is described in detail in the work of A. Dumas “The Count of Monte Cristo”, where Edmond’s love, Mesredes, after several years marries Fernard and gives birth to a son who has Edmond’s features.

How does telegony occur in the body of men?

At first, all that was said about telegony was that it was capable of leaving a unique imprint on a girl’s genotype, but it turns out that everything is not so simple. Telegony in a man's body - the effect of the first female - is the most complex phenomenon that can be called the effect of any female. So, in contrast to the weaker sex, in which only the first man carries the main opportunity to transmit part of the genotype, a man is able to receive a certain part of genes from each woman, which subsequently remains in his body. The more girls a man had, the more his genetic background and heredity rate suffered.

Is telegony a myth or reality?

Such a phenomenon as telegony brings to negative thoughts those people who have decided to completely change their attitude towards the world and restore the most positive traits. Now telegony is characterized as a pseudoscience, which is more like extrasensory perception or paranormal phenomena. But most researchers warn that many details about the results of telegony experiments have been hidden from the public, so most stories about telegony are simply accepted by some people. For each person, telegony is most likely an appeal to one’s own morality and faith in this phenomenon.

Telegony: how to cleanse yourself?

In ancient times, the Slavs valued and believed RITA law, therefore, they maintained a moral lifestyle and did not engage in sexual relations before marriage, because this was considered the key to the birth of truly strong and strong children. Currently, before young people decide to legalize their relationships, they change a large number of sexual partners. All this happens until a person finds a truly beloved and interesting ally with whom he is ready to connect his entire future life. In which child can telegony disappear, couples who recently learned about this term ask themselves.

Professor P. Garyaev says that genes are absorbed into the cells of the body and are subsequently inherited by all children born in the future. But this phenomenon can be removed from the human body, both in women and men. For this there is specialized rites capable of saving a person from telegony.

  1. Cleaning the human body. This includes any cleansing actions performed on the other half. For example, a bath with tinctures of special herbs and an oil massage. This method is able to clear the structure cell membranes the human body, removing unnecessary information with sweat substances.
  2. Complex work with human thoughts. Here the woman needs to imagine her first sexual partner and replace his image with the real one. For men, you need to imagine images of all the women who came before your wife.
  3. Vedic method. For three days the couple lives in natural conditions, sleeps in a hut under starry sky, eats only vegetables and fruits, and also washes with river or spring water.

Conservation at the physiological level

The phenomenon of preservation and conservation of partner genes in the reproductive tract of female representatives is confirmed by many zoologists and animal breeders. This process has been observed in vertebrates; the main differences arise only in the duration of preservation of these genes. For example, sperm in mammals remain in production for several months. It is for this reason that it cannot be said that the female will not be fertilized by the sperm of the previous partner during subsequent sexual relations with a new individual.

What does Orthodoxy say about telegony?

Religious representatives adopted this term in order for their supporters to strengthen the meaning of the role of the family and preserve virginity until marriage. Wherein the phenomenon of telegony in Orthodoxy is confirmed.

Priests claim that it is possible to completely heal from this phenomenon by turning to God for help, thereby removing the influence of past partners. So, telegony and chastity are two words with opposite meanings. The Old Testament describes situations where unclean girls were expelled from a village or settlement, tied to a stake of shame and flogged. At this time, the priest usually read prayers in order to drive out fornication from the girl. In some cases, such girls were simply stoned.

Refutation of telegony

The term telegony can cause a lot of controversy and speculation. Proponents of this term argue that the only people who do not believe in it are those who do not want to infringe on themselves in sexual pleasures and partners. Many men deny telegony because they are afraid that their born child will have the characteristics of his wife’s ex-partner. They do not believe in the phenomenon of telegony and big number girls. Proponents of the idea say that this is due to the fact that almost no one is able to remain celibate before their first wedding, and also does not show much interest in the physical and mental integrity of their partner.

Biologists have proven the long-forgotten, or rather artificially consigned to oblivion and ridiculed by official science, fact of the transmission of the genome to children from ex-lovers parents

It is well known that the genetic material of an unborn child consists equally of the DNA of the mother and father, but scientists have proven that the “left” genes of former sexual partners have no less influence.
Researchers studying fruit flies have found that the size of the offspring is also influenced by the size of the female's previous partner.

As the Daily Mail notes, scientists have found that chemical substances, contained in the seminal fluid of males, have a much longer and more important effect than previously thought. They found that the flies’ organisms not only “learned” information about partners with whom they did not even produce common offspring, but also partially passed it on to descendants from other males.

Experts are sure that this is also characteristic of the human body.
The theory called telegony is not new. It was proposed by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle.

The word “telegonia” itself comes from the Greek phrase “born away from the father” and refers to the legend about the mythical son of Odysseus - Telegon. According to this myth, Odysseus was killed by chance and his ignorance of his son, born far from him. It was this theory that became one of the reasons why in ancient times marriages of kings with divorced people were prohibited. It was rightly assumed that a woman’s body transmits information to children about ex-husband and the king’s heirs become “not of pure blood.”

Pigeon keepers or dog lovers know: if a non-pedigreed male “spoilt” a female, then, even if no offspring were born, when crossed with a purebred male, she will no longer produce “elite offspring.”

In the Soviet Union (where, with the seizure of power by the Judeo-Bolsheviks, “free love” was promoted in every possible way; then with the liquidation Stalin for a significant part of the Trotskyist-Leninists, the state returned to traditional morals, but again “liberalized” with the arrival of the undead Trotskyist Khrushchev) - telegony was remembered in the 1960s of the last century.

9 months after the 1957 World Youth Festival, many black babies were born in Moscow. Few people were surprised by this, and the bulk of the newborns immediately joined local orphanages. But a few years later, black children suddenly began to be born in some Moscow families. At the same time, the unfortunate mothers admitted that they had their first sexual intercourse several years ago during a festival with a guest from Africa, and gave birth to a child years later from their white husband, whom they did not even think of cheating on. There is also a well-known scandal involving a Moscow State University student from an elite family who gave birth to a black man. It turned out that before her white husband she once had a fellow student-lover - a black man.

As a result of numerous studies, it was found that the telegony effect applies to people in the same way as to all highly organized biological species. If the conception of a child was preceded by sexual relations of his mother with one or more partners besides the father of the child, then the child also had elements of the chromosomal set of the mother’s former lovers. However, the result was not influenced by the use of contraceptives.

Later, when globalist forces felt their power, the geneticists they bought with grants discredited and ridiculed the theory of telegony, calling it a “delusion.” As a result, official science recognized this scandalous theory as a “myth”, while society (within the framework of “cultural Marxism” and “liberalism” (which are a reflection of the concept of “secret Zionism” of the Hasidic ideologue Asher Ginsburg / Ahad Ham - despite the fact that they themselves " Jews" insisted and insist in every possible way on "preserving the "purity" of their blood") - "free sexual relations" were imposed by all means.

Naturally, even in the present period of the “triumph of the victory of Judeo-liberalism” the theory of telegony has countless opponents, especially from those who are pursuing a consistent policy of degeneration of the predominantly Aryan - or as they call the “goyish” peoples.

(Which was reflected in the implementation of the “melting pot” policy - begun Israel Zangwill, and now carried out within the framework of “multiculturalism” by such ideologists of Zionist influence as Barbara Specter). They organize furious attacks and use “irony” in every possible way, but more and more scientists are announcing the discovery of genetic mutations in the child’s chromosomal chain, which can only be explained by telegony.

According to the director of the Swedish Institute of Molecular Biology, Arthur Mingram, DNA analysis of the same people at different periods of their lives made it possible to establish that after childbirth a woman undergoes noticeable changes in her DNA - she acquires the genes of the father of her child. Swedish scientists have found that hyaluronic acid, which carries DNA chains and is found in male mucous secretions, during intimacy enters the ovaries, where eggs are stored, and is introduced into them. Thus, a woman, even without becoming pregnant, will carry eggs in which the DNA chains of all her previous sexual partners will be embedded.

In turn, Professor Russell Bondurian Russell Bonduriansky of the University of New South Wales in Australia, who discovered this genetic inheritance system in fruit flies, said: "Conventional science assumes that the father's DNA is passed on through mating only when the fetus is conceived, but we believe the process is much more complex." .

A study of flies he conducted in 2014 revealed that the female is continuously associated with previous partners. Moreover, if the offspring were conceived with a second “spouse,” then its size depended not on the father, but on the previous “lover.” The professor believes that this effect of “long-lasting chemical elements” transmitted to a female from a male individual was developed in the process of evolution. The body of a female fly stores the DNA of all previous partners and “selects” the best ones, integrating them into their descendants.

In addition, according to the professor, the same thing was observed in the study of gibbons and hawks. Their females passed on to the offspring from the last “husband” “bonuses” from the most powerful male representatives of the species, with whom they had previously entered into short-term marriages without the birth of offspring. “Paternal RNA is an overly complex system that has not yet been well studied,” Bonduriansky said, noting that the theory of telegony works well at the chemical level, despite the fact that it involves the exchange of information using the biofield.

He also suggested that this theory may also apply to males: information about all previous partners may be able to take hold in the male’s body and be transmitted to the offspring through the mother. However, Bonduriansky has not yet conducted research in this direction.

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