Google translator with voiceover. The best online translators with pronunciation of words. Google Translate - translator with voice pronunciation of words

An online translator with pronunciation is an indispensable thing for those who want to independently master a foreign language, because the practice of correct pronunciation is the basis of the entire learning process.

To learn how to read words or phrases correctly, it is not necessary to study with teachers or native speakers.

You just need to use a site that will read any foreign text correctly.

No. 6. MyEfe - a simple and functional assistant

This service is a very simple and practical option for those who often need to hear how some English words are read or see their translation.

Very convenient for those who read books in a foreign language and do not want to be distracted by finding a few unknown words on the computer.

The MyEfe website is adapted to work on mobile devices and .

Translation from English into more than 30 languages ​​is available to users. To listen to how to pronounce a word, enter it in the text field and click on "Search".

Once the system determines the translation, two icons will appear to play audio: one with a British accent and the other with an American accent.

Rice. 1 – example of working with the MyEfe service

At the very bottom of the page there will be a list of common sentences in which the entered word is used, as well as a description of its etymology.

Rice. 2 – description and examples of use

Other MyEfe features:

  • Transcription viewing mode;
  • The site has a grammar guide;
  • List irregular verbs with pronunciation function;
  • The ability to create your own personal online dictionary.

No. 5. Promt Online is a well-known high-quality translator

Surely you have already heard about such a translator as Promt. Just 10 years ago, it became the most common program for working with foreign languages on PC.

Now the development team has created an online service. Thus, using Promt has become much more convenient.

The main feature of Promt is the accurate translation not only from English, but also from other languages.

As practice shows, it copes better with the translation of narrowly focused texts than the same one, and as a result of text processing you will receive the highest quality translation.

An excellent choice for those who work with texts on specialized topics.

And also, you can listen to all the entered sentences using the online pronunciation function. Enter any term, sentence.

Select the direction of translation and click on “Translate”. Wait for the page to load and click on the speaker icon to hear the audio track.

Rice. 3 – listening function in Promt Online

Service features:

  • User-friendly interface;
  • Possibility of translation not only from English;
  • Detailed examples of word combinations, their transcription and examples of use.

No. 4. En-umbrella – many accents

This site is a Russian adaptation of the Word Reference project.

The service allows you to work with the most common languages ​​in the world, and the robot that pronounces the words does it as clearly as possible.

This will make it easier for new learners to perceive auditory information.

Enter the sentence in the text field and select the translation direction. In total, more than 20 different directions are available on the site.

Click on Enter to start the process. In the window that appears, you will see the required text and its translation.

A “Listen” key will also appear to listen to the text on English language.

In the drop-down list, you can select with which accent you want to pronounce the phrase.

Available accents: American, British, Jamaican, South American, Irish, British-Yorkshire.

Rice. 4 – example of working in En-umbrella

No. 3. Yandex. Translation – simplicity and functionality

This familiar translator also has a text listening function.

A simple and at the same time intuitive interface will allow you to quickly understand the available functions.

The main feature of the translator is that it can translate large volumes of texts, and the robot will pronounce the entered words and sentences without stopping.

Enter the text you want to translate into the left text field. Click on the audio icon to listen to the correct pronunciation in English or another language.

Don't forget to use commas and other punctuation marks.

Thanks to this, the robot will also respect intonation, which will make the sentence comfortable for auditory perception.

The translated text will automatically appear on the right side of the window. You can listen to it too by pressing the corresponding key.

Rice. 5 – example of working in Yandex Translator

No. 2. Cambridge Dictionary - the best dictionaries

The Cambridge Dictionary website is one of the best options for learning English online.

The site was developed by leading Cambridge linguists and translated into more than 50 languages.

The main feature of the service is that the translation database is based on unique information from the world-famous Cambridge explanatory dictionaries.

Enter the required word and press Enter. Then a window will appear with it detailed interpretation and two icons for playing audio - with a British and English accent, respectively.

The robot that voices the text very accurately conveys the phonetic differences between the two most common accents of English.

You can also see the transcription separately for each type of language.

Rice. 6 – example of translation and listening in Cambridge Dictionary

No. 1. Google Translate is the most popular service

This online translator is the most widespread and popular in the world. It is capable of working with texts in more than 100 languages.

The site's interface is very simple, which allows you to quickly understand how it works.

How to best use Google Translator online.

Enter text on the left side of the window.

In total, users can copy up to 50 thousand characters into the field at a time. The translation is carried out automatically, the original language is also determined independently.

To listen to speech in translation or in the original, press the corresponding audio keys (picture below).

Other service functions:

  • The ability to speak the text for translation yourself using the microphone built into the device;
  • Availability of a virtual keyboard for the original language;
  • Automatic conversion of translated text from Cyrillic to Latin.

Rice. 7 – Listening to text in Google Translate

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Online translator with pronunciation. Review of the best services

Sometimes each of us is faced with a situation when we need to translate foreign word, be it from Chinese, English, Japanese and other languages ​​into Russian or Ukrainian. There is no time to install programs. In this case, a translator with pronunciation from Yandex, Google or another online service can come to the rescue. Let's look at examples of their use.

Online translation of words with pronunciation from Yandex

In order to translate a word or an entire sentence, just do the following:

  • Go to the Yandex.Translator website and select the first and second languages: Japanese, Chinese, German, French. On the site you can choose to translate 90 languages ​​of the world.
  • To listen to a word with pronunciation, click on the speaker icon.

  • You can also enter the word to be translated using your voice. To do this, click on the microphone icon and pronounce the word clearly.

Use of this resource is free.

Translate words with pronunciation online using Google

You can translate from Japanese into Russian or vice versa using the online service Google Translate. To do this we do the following:

  • Go to the website and select the translation language. 97 world languages ​​available.

  • Enter the word to translate.

  • To listen to how it is pronounced, you should click on the speaker icon.

  • Google Translator is also free.

Translate words with transcription online

If you need to not only translate a sentence with pronunciation, but also look at the transcription, you can use the resource Translate.Ru.

  • Let's go to the website. Enter a word or sentence. Select the translation language.

  • Let's look at the result.

It is worth noting that there are many sites on the Internet where you can translate not only words, sentences, but also entire texts. Therefore, the choice depends entirely on the specific language chosen and the volume of translation.

- (sign language interpreter): a specialist who translates audio information into sign language for the deaf and dumb... Source: SP 59.13330.2012. Set of rules. Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility. Updated edition of SNiP... Official terminology

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Situations may arise in our lives when it is necessary to communicate with a foreigner who does not know the Russian language at all. If you both speak English, great, but what to do in a situation where, for example, you are exclusively Russian-speaking, and he or she is Spanish-speaking? In this case, voicemails will provide you with invaluable help. online translators, in real time perceiving your verbal speech, and then those who carry it out voice translation for your interlocutor. In this post I will tell you which online voice translator will help you, and also explain how to use it.

Nowadays there are several online translators on the Internet that allow you to translate the dialogue of interlocutors communicating in different languages. Despite advances in speech recognition, it should be noted that not in all cases every word you say will be recognized correctly by an online translator. However, the percentage of correctly recognized words is quite high, you can understand your interlocutor and conduct a completely comfortable mutual dialogue.

At the same time, some of the translators I described below work only with the Google Chrome browser (or browsers based on the Chromium core), therefore, for comfortable work with these services, I recommend installing the specified browser on your PC.

The process of working with an online voice translator is quite formulaic. You go to such a resource, select your language and the language of your interlocutor, and press the button. After this, the resource usually requests access to your microphone, after which the communication process itself occurs, when the machine catches your speech, transforms it into text, translates it, and then voices this translation for your recipient.

Choosing the most convenient voice translator on the Internet

Service "Travoice" - voice translator from Russian to English

This online voice translator Travoice has been developed for several years, and now we can clearly enjoy its functionality. However, to work with it you need the Google Chrome browser; the service will not work on other browsers (for example, Mozilla Firefox).

  1. Go to, select your base and destination languages.
  2. And depending on what language the next phrase will be spoken in, press the first or second button.
  3. The service may request access to your microphone, grant the specified access, and then start working.

Working window of the “Travoice” service

Google Translate service translation with pronunciation

The famous online translator from Google also has not only a voice input function for translation, but also the ability to pronounce the translated text. However, the voice input function is only available for the Chrome browser.

  1. To carry out online broadcasting, go to the resource on your Chrome browser.
  2. Select basic language and the final translation language, and then press the microphone button.
  3. After that, say the desired phrase, the program will recognize it and post it this phrase, as well as its translation, in text form.
  4. Then you can listen to the translation of this phrase by clicking on the speaker button in the right translation window.

The Yandex.Translator service allows you to perceive voice through a microphone

This service is quite similar in appearance (and functionality) to the service described above “ Google Translate" At the same time, the capabilities of this translator allow it to work with various browsers, and not just Google Chrome.

  1. Go to the resource, select the base language and the final translation language, and then click on the microphone button on the left.
  2. Allow the service access to the microphone, say your phrase, which will be transformed by the service into text file, and then its translation was completed.
  3. The latter can also be heard in voice form by clicking on the speaker on the right.

Working window "Yandex.Translator"

Speechlogger service

This service also has a built-in online verbal translator.

  1. In order to take advantage of its capabilities, go to the resource
  2. Select the base language in the form on the left, check the box next to “Translate”, select the final translation language (you can also use the “Auto-punctuation” option).
  3. To activate translation, click the button with the image of a microphone and say the required phrase.
  4. Then press the microphone button again to stop the listening process, the phrase will be translated by the system, and then played back by voice.

Working window of the Speechloger service

Skype Translator tool

The modern version of Skype has a built-in online translator called “Skype Tranlsator” (you can enable it in your settings). If you and your interlocutor have different languages ​​​​in the settings, then “Skype Translator” can help in translating from one language to another. He will listen to what you say, translate it into text, display it out the window, and then pronounce the translation of what you said in the language of the interlocutor.

On our website we present to your attention a module that is quite useful in learning English: Sound Word. With its help you can easily learn the pronunciation English words, their transcription. In order to use it you need to enter the word you need and press the button "listen!".

After a short pause, the module will give you a transcription of the given English word, its pronunciation and, of course, translation. For the convenience of English language learners, there are two pronunciation options for the word: British and American. You can also listen to the pronunciation of English words online.

What is transcription?

Phonetic transcription is how the pronunciation of English words looks (graphically) in writing. Absolutely every single sound is recorded separately. Phonetic transcription is indicated only in square brackets, and special phonetic symbols are used to write it.

Why is transcription of English words needed?

English transcription is always useful to know for everyone, without exception, for everyone who studies the language. This will give you an advantageous opportunity to read with ease and greater accuracy and, as a result, correctly pronounce an unfamiliar English word on your own, without resorting to the help of a teacher. All students of the English language are well aware that reading English words is a rather specific process, which is based not just on the usual “folding” of words from letters, i.e. both it is written and read, but rather on the transformation of certain letter combinations into correspondingly certain combinations of sounds. Naturally, there are also certain rules for reading and pronunciation of English words, which must be clearly known and impeccably applied in practice. But believe me, there are many more words that do not obey these rules in the English language. And here transcription comes to our rescue, which allows us to find out the correct pronunciation of an English word, and, as a consequence, its correct reading.

Pronunciation of English words online (listen) - 4.0 out of 5 based on 878 votes

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