How to draw a fox with a pencil. How to draw a fox with a pencil step by step at different levels of preparation. Video: how to draw a fox with a pencil step by step for children

How to easily draw a fox with a pencil step by step - for children and adults. Let's learn to draw a beautiful fox with a pencil step by step together with your child. Find out how to quickly and easily learn to draw a beautiful fox.

Every person in his life wants to learn how to draw, especially children, they are interested in learning how to draw not only people, houses, flowers, but also various animals.

Today we’ll see how you can easily and quickly learn to draw a fox. Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where a fox is drawn. Look at the location of the fox, how and where different parts of the fox’s body are located.

In the center of the picture is the body of a fox, on the left is the head of a fox, on the right is the tail of a fox, and below are the paws of a fox. Now, in the same way, mentally, divide your sheet of paper for different parts fox body.

Start drawing the fox from the body, it consists of two circles, between the circles there should be short distance, draw one larger circle, the second smaller, connect these two circles with lines above and below.

Now to the left of the fox’s body, draw a small circle - this will be the fox’s head and connect the fox’s head and body with a line.

Draw the fox's muzzle, it should be slightly elongated and pointed, draw four paws, the front paws are drawn straight, and the hind paws are slightly curved.

Now draw the fox’s muzzle, first draw the ear, it is drawn in the form of a triangle standing up.

Draw the eye in the form of a small oval, elongated along the edges of the eyes and draw the eyebrows of the fox and the pupil.

See what the fox's nose should be like, correct the fox's muzzle and draw the tip of the nose. Everything that needs to be drawn in the picture is highlighted in red.

Draw the second ear for the fox, it should be triangular and erect, shade both ears a little.

Connect the fox's head and body, apply a little shading so that the fox's fur is visible, draw the fox's mouth.

Now draw the fox's front paw and toes on the front paw, draw the back paw. Everything that needs to be drawn in the picture is highlighted in red.

Draw all four paws of the fox, add a small stroke to the paws so that the fox’s fur is visible, and draw toes on the fox’s paws.

At the end of the fox's body, draw a large fluffy tail, put a small stroke on it so that you can see that the tail is fluffy. Everything that needs to be drawn in the picture is highlighted in red.

Erase the extra lines in the drawing, look what a beautiful fox you have. The fox can be painted or shaded a little.

Now let's see how to draw a little fox

Look carefully at the picture in which a little fox is drawn, the body of the little fox occupies the lower part of the picture, and the head and tail of the little fox occupy the upper part of the picture.

First draw the head of the fox, the head should be drawn in the form of an oval on the left side, extend the oval a little so that you can then draw the little fox’s muzzle.

Draw the little fox's ears, the ears should be drawn in the form of small ovals located towards the top, the bottom of the ovals should be more round, and the top of the ovals should be slightly pointed. The little fox's ears in the picture are drawn in red.

Now draw the body of the little fox, it should be located below, under the head of the little fox, in the picture the body of the little fox slightly intersects with the head of the little fox and is drawn in red.

Draw the little fox's paws, three paws should be drawn in the drawing, the fourth paw is not visible because the little fox is standing sideways. The little fox's paws in the picture are drawn in red.

Now the little fox needs to draw a tail. Draw the little fox's tail on the right side; it should be large, fluffy, slightly curved towards the top. In the picture, the little fox's tail is drawn in red.

Look at the outline of the little fox, it needs to be corrected a little, draw the inside of the little fox’s ears, outline the outline of the little fox brighter.

Draw the fox's eye, the tip of the nose and the mouth. In the picture, everything that needs to be drawn is highlighted in red.

Look carefully at your little fox, erase the extra lines and trace the outline of the little fox again. Look what a beautiful little fox you have made.

The little fox can be painted in any color you like.

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  3. Conclusion

    Learn to draw yourself, teach your children to draw, to draw a fox and a little fox step by step, it took you a little time, but now you know how to draw. We wish you good luck in your future works.

Thanks to today's photo tutorial you will learn how to draw a fox with pencils. The technique of drawing such a fox is very simple, so even a child can draw the animal.

For work we must prepare the following materials:

  • white paper of medium thickness;
  • colour pencils;
  • eraser and pencil.

So let's create a sketch with a simple pencil. First sketch out the head and torso.

Then we draw the outline of the fur.

The sketch is ready!

Now yellow We make light accents on the fox’s face and ears.

Using an orange pencil, paint over the picture, but not completely! Interior There is no need to paint the ears, lower part of the muzzle, tip of the tail and paws in an orange tone. The pencil strokes should follow the direction of fur growth.

We outline the outline of the eyes with a black pencil, creating small arrows on the outer corners of the eyes.

We also draw the pupils and nose in black.

Let's leave a small highlight on the fox's nose.

Then we outline the outline of our entire picture.

We draw the fox's paws with a brown pencil, making a smooth transition to a red shade.

And then with a black pencil we again outline the outline of the lower part of the paws.

On the ears, using an orange pencil, draw the outline of the fur.

To make the picture look more complete, we create a horizon in the picture.

Using light strokes we create the background. You can use any shade of pencil to draw the background. A barely noticeable shadow is created on the plane under the fox.

That's all, the fox is ready!

Next, you can show your imagination and add more graphics to the background of the picture. But you shouldn’t overload the picture with details and clear contours, otherwise the main element of the picture (in our case, the fox) will simply get lost against their background.

A fox with a red coat is often found in fairy tales in the form of a cunning character. Every now and then she wants to deceive and outwit the main characters. For example, in the well-known fairy tale about Kolobok.

Therefore, let's learn how to draw it with today's step-by-step lesson. At the end we use colored pencils to get a bright and rich drawing of the animal.

Necessary materials:

  • a simple pencil;
  • warm colored pencils;
  • eraser;
  • paper.

Stages of drawing a fox:

Draw a medium-sized circle. Add lines around the geometric shape to create the outline of the fox's head. Now the very shape of the head resembles the silhouette of an eye.

Then we draw an oval a little lower. We add a neck and paws to it.

We draw the silhouette of the torso and legs in more detail.

Now you should add a large tail to the drawing with a dividing border at the tip. On the top of the head we draw the ears.

On the fox's face we will draw sly eyes, a small nose and mouth. We will also use lines to indicate the contour of the nose and the transition of the coat from one color to another.

We start coloring the fox with a beige and dark brown pencil. They should create a gentle tone with volume at the tip of the tail, tummy, lower part of the head and chest, and also color most of the eyes.

Take a black pencil and add pupils, ear lines, paws, nose and mouth.

Using a bright yellow pencil, we will go over the entire surface of the fox’s fur on the head and body. Next, take a sand-colored pencil and add shadows to areas of the drawing.

Using a bright orange pencil and red we create a fox fur coat. We will also use them on beige objects, which are located in the lower part of the head, chest, stomach and tip of the tail.

For those who are interested fine arts, it would be useful to know, in pencil step by step. To create a drawing you will need a simple pencil, an eraser, an orange and black felt-tip pen or other materials for coloring.

For beginners

For those who are just learning this type creativity, first you need to learn how to draw a fox with a pencil step by step. For beginners, a more suitable option is when the animal looks more like a cartoon. What do we have to do:

For children. First way

Little artists need to simplify the task of creating an image as much as possible, but the result should be beautiful, bright and even a little funny. Learn how to draw a fox with a pencil step by step. For children we offer different ways creating a drawing. First way:

For children. Second way

You can draw a fox with a pencil step by step using this method in a few minutes.

  1. Draw a head with ears. The shape resembles a triangle with rounded edges.
  2. Draw the legs of a fox. In this case, she is sitting, so her front legs are standing.
  3. From the head draw the torso and hind legs.
  4. Draw the tail.
  5. Add two dots to the muzzle, representing eyes and a nose located at the very bottom.
  6. Color it. Wax pencils work well.

Fairytale animal

This method is a little more complicated than the previous ones, but with its help you will learn how to draw a fox with a pencil step by step from a fairy tale. In fairy tales, animals not only know how to talk, but generally live like ordinary people, wear clothes. In this lesson you will learn how to draw a fox in clothes. What do we have to do:

  1. Mark the location of the stump, head, clothing and legs.
  2. Draw the muzzle. In this picture, the fox will be looking to the side, so only one eye is visible. Give the circle the shape of a head, draw ears, a long curved nose, a mouth and an eye. Mark the position of your hands.
  3. Add an eyebrow above the eye, using small strokes to depict shaggy cheeks. Draw the ear.
  4. Work on the arms more precisely, making them thicker and outlining the shape of the paws.
  5. Draw the toes and finalize the dress.
  6. Show the location of the fluffy tail, decorate the dress by drawing a neckline and an ornament.
  7. Draw bark on the stump and grass around it.
  8. Possibly on the nose.
  9. When finished, erase the outline lines and color.

This method is good because you can use your imagination in creating a dress and jewelry for it.

You have learned several ways to draw a fox for beginners, kids and professionals.

Red-haired cheat, outwitted everyone, fluffy tail - what a beauty! What is her name? ... Probably everyone guessed that today we will talk about how to draw a fox, one of the most beautiful forest inhabitants.

A picture of her will be a picturesque decoration in every home. After all, the image of a fox is associated with fairy tales, in which she is always presented laughing, sly, with a mysterious look and sharp ears on the top of her head.

Drawing such a miracle is a real relaxation and pleasure. So let’s sharpen our pencils and start creating from scratch.

Let's try to start with a drawing in which the cheat went for food. After all, this is a predatory animal that earns its own food with difficulty. Mice, fish, birds - she loves to eat. Let’s begin to depict the clever huntress step by step, following the instructions, because it’s so easy to draw a fox step by step.

The cunning heroine of fairy tales

A serious and wise forest dweller is great, but sometimes you want something fun, like a cartoon image. It takes us to the world of childhood, where there was always a lot of joy and laughter. No matter how old people are, they always believe in miracles. Let's, drawing a magical hero, be transported for a while to a fairy-tale world.

Its design is quite simple - several ovals as a base, which just need to be slightly changed in shape to get a cute face, small paws, pointy ears, and a chic tail.

And if you are not lazy and after you have drawn the fox with a pencil, paint it with bright colors, then you can make it the main character of your exciting story.

Chanterelle in a couple of minutes

If you are a beginner artist and have picked up a pencil for the first time, then most likely you still doubt your abilities. To strengthen your faith in your abilities, try to portray such a cute red-haired cheat.

The job description is available to every student and anyone can cope with it without difficulty in literally five minutes. All you need is to be familiar with a geometric figure such as a triangle.

Red-haired beauty

The main decoration of a fox is its rich fur coat and, of course, its fluffy tail. It helps her keep her balance when running, keeps her warm in winter and is a source of pride for her. Well, how to draw a fox with a pencil without this bright dignity?

In this step-by-step guide, we get a picture in which the huntress appears before us in all her glory.

  1. We draw three circles of different sizes, which will later become the head and torso.
  2. We give the muzzle a shape.
  3. Using strokes we combine the outlines of the animal up to the tail.
  4. We depict a fluffy tail and add color to the drawing if desired.

Cheerful fox

Such a wonderful little fox with shining eyes will become a great friend and will always delight you with his smiling appearance. His scheme is not easy, but were real winners ever afraid of difficulties?

Having gained experience, you can safely begin to conquer higher peaks. Let this prankster be one of them. After sitting and studying the description a little, you will definitely understand how to draw a fox’s face, body, paws and tail with a pencil step by step.

And then all that remains is to paint it with bright, rich shades. And you will definitely get a picture that is no worse, and maybe even better, than the finished sample. The main thing is to do everything with a good mood and bright thoughts.

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