Find out if there are ghosts at home. Signs that a house is haunted. Pets show aggression towards invisible enemies

Have you ever thought that your home might be haunted? Maybe you heard a strange noise or felt someone's presence nearby, although you were alone in the house? It's time to solve this mystery. Ghosts can be difficult to spot, but your heightened senses and the right steps can help you identify signs of their presence and understand what is keeping them in your home.


Part 1

Communication with ghosts

    Ask the ghost what he needs. If you suspect that your home is being visited by beings from the other world, try talking to them directly. Ask the ghost who he is, what he wants, and why he is haunting your home. Although the ghost will most likely not want to talk to you, you may be able to detect evidence of its presence through other signs, such as doors opening and closing on their own or changes in the environment, which may indicate its goals.

    • Try asking the ghost the following questions: “What is your name?”, “Why are you here?”, “What do you need?” and “Why did you die?”
    • Before asking questions, make sure you can figure out the possible answer.
  1. Try to communicate with the world of ghosts using Ouija boards . Although many consider the Ouija board to be a ridiculous toy and an empty gimmick, it has long been used to communicate with parallel worlds. Ask a friend to help you connect with ghosts. To begin, you and your friend should place your hands on a wooden board. Then you should ask the ghost a question and wait for him to answer. If you feel the tablet begin to move, it may mean that the ghost wants to tell you something.

    • The ghost can answer "yes" or "no" by moving the board over the corresponding words, and for more specific answers, use individual letters on the board.
    • Take this seriously. Don't try to make jokes or move the board yourself, and ask a friend not to do this, otherwise you won't be able to know when the ghost will actually contact you.
  2. Have a séance. If you seriously believe that there is a ghost in your house, try holding a séance. During such a session, the souls of the dead are summoned to talk with living people. To do this, you should gather those who believe in this method around a person who is receptive to spiritual energy. A séance is a more formal way of communicating with ghosts than simply trying to talk to them. Such sessions are most effective when conducted by an experienced medium.

    • Dim the lights, clasp your hands and sit quietly, waiting for the ghost.
    • To make the session effective, ask the skeptics to leave the room. Mediums claim that negative attitude skeptics are distracted, and the spirits refuse to communicate in such an atmosphere.
  3. Interpret disturbing dreams. Sometimes ghosts appear in dreams, when the wall between our world and the other world becomes most permeable. If you have vivid anxiety dreams, write them down and notice your feelings. Meeting in a dream with strangers or receiving encrypted messages may indicate that a ghost is trying to contact you.

    • If a dream leaves you confused, consult an experienced medium. Among other things, mediums can decipher and interpret dreams.

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Although there is no conclusive evidence of the existence of ghosts, some people believe that strange sounds, smells and events are supernatural in nature. If you think your home is haunted, conduct an amateur investigation, noting unusual occurrences and recording your observations. Also try researching the history of your home or area. It has been suggested that places where violent deaths have occurred have a much higher chance of ghosts appearing. Although ghosts can be very frightening, it is worth understanding that their existence has not been proven, and the presence of an alleged spirit in the house has never harmed anyone.


Explore physical phenomena

  1. Watch for shadows and silhouettes. If you have witnessed any unexplained phenomena, this may indicate the presence of a ghost in the house. These may be dark shadows in the periphery of vision or even shadowy silhouettes of people or animals.

    • However, it is worth remembering that peripheral vision cannot always be relied upon. If you notice a ghost in your peripheral vision, it may just be a trick of the light.
    • Set up a video camera in your home to capture unusual shadows on film while you're away.
  2. Pay attention to unusual odors. Some people believe that ghosts can leave unusual odors that have no obvious source. The smell of sulfur and other unpleasant odors are often associated with ghosts. However, smells of food and perfume can also indicate the presence of a ghost.

    • Eliminate other sources of odor before sinning on ghosts. Try to follow the smell to see where it is coming from, or check to see if you left a window open. An unusual odor may have entered the house from outside.
  3. Listen for unusual noises. People who believe they are living in haunted houses often report strange noises such as unexplained footsteps, scratching, music or even muffled voices. Don't forget that unusual noises could be caused by open windows or even a neighbor's TV, so don't suspect ghosts without checking for more plausible explanations.

    • Scratching and footstep sounds can come from mice, rats or insects. Have an exterminator inspect your home to rule out this possibility and treat it if necessary.
    • Try recording the noise on a digital tape recorder.
  4. Watch for times when lights turn on and off. Flashing lights can be caused by short-term power outages. If the lights in the house flicker frequently, there may be another explanation. If the lights regularly turn on and off without any reason, this may indicate the presence of a spirit.

    • Loose bulbs and problems with the wiring and switchboard can also cause flickering lights. If the lights in your home flicker very frequently, contact an electrician.
  5. Pay attention to nervous behavior in pets. Strange behavior animals may indicate the presence of a ghost. Animals may become afraid for no apparent reason or look at something you can't see. If your dog, for example, suddenly starts barking at the corner of the room, a ghost or spirit may be to blame.

    • Strange animal behavior, especially excessive barking, may indicate that your pet is in pain. Before attributing unusual behavior to ghosts, consult your veterinarian.
  6. Pay attention to cold areas or changes in temperature in the home. Some people believe that ghosts can cause a drop in temperature. Even without an obvious draft, if some areas of the house seem colder than others, this may indicate the presence of a ghost.

    • However, double check that there are no cracked doors or open windows near cold spots. Drafts can easily cause unusually cold spots in your home.

    Personal experience and intuition

    1. Pay attention to your dreams. Some people believe that ghosts can influence the kind of dreams you have. If you started to see creepy nightmares, this could be the work of a ghost. These may include nightmares about supernatural things and feelings of being chased or attacked in your sleep. Nightmares can be so vivid that you begin to physically experience things in your dreams.

      • If you experience shortness of breath during sleep, consult your doctor. This could indicate a medical condition, such as obstructive sleep apnea, that should be ruled out before ghosting.
      • In addition, nightmares may also have psychological causes, especially if you have recently experienced severe stress or upset.
    2. Do you feel like you are being watched? Rely on your intuition when assessing whether a house is haunted. People who live in haunted houses sometimes feel like they are being watched. Feeling someone else's presence in an empty room may indicate a ghost.

      • If you have other people living with you, ask them if they feel like they are being watched.
      • It is worth noting that nervousness and paranoia can also be caused by psychological problems. Such nervousness should be assessed by a mental health professional.
    3. Pay attention to changes in mood (yours or other people's). Ghosts can supposedly influence a person’s character and mood. If you or another family member experiences unexplained bouts of anger, irritability, or depression, this may indicate the presence of a ghost. If mood swings only occur in the house, it may be the work of a ghost.

      • Chronic low mood and irritability may be signs of mental health problems. If you have been in a persistently bad mood for a long time, see a therapist before attributing it to otherworldly influences.
    4. Pay attention to strange illnesses and feelings of weakness. Some people believe that ghosts can cause minor physical ailments, such as frequent colds. A general feeling of weakness may also be their doing.

      • Because these symptoms can be caused by a number of other medical conditions, consult your doctor before attributing them to ghosts.
      • If everyone in the home is experiencing physical symptoms, have a professional inspect the home for mold and bacteria.

Old buildings are always surrounded by legends, so many people notice some kind of mysticism in the creaking of floorboards, dull knocks, and the frequent falling of things. New houses and apartments in high-rise buildings can also become a battlefield for anomalous phenomena. Not everyone can see the unknown, feel a restless soul; it all depends on the subtlety of feelings, emotionality, and sometimes even excessive impressionability.

The presence of spirit in an apartment can be felt by several signs:

The feeling of someone's presence in the room is akin to constrained behavior, when there is no self-confidence, and you live, as if on a rabbit's license, in someone else's apartment, and not at home. Carrying out any manipulations in the apartment, you suddenly catch yourself thinking that someone is watching you, looking into the windows. In view of such manic behavior, I want to turn around and see what is behind my back. Feelings of anxiety usually increase when someone is left alone in the house.

Light touches. You shouldn’t expect them during the day, but with the onset of night, when a person is in the grip of half-asleep, you may feel some kind of light touch, pressing through the bed, as if a cat is sneaking along it. Many household members perceive these sensations as a nightmare, and do not want to believe that a spirit or ghost was trying to reach the subconscious, forcing the owner to experience certain emotions.

Whisper or scream. “I heard it.” People sometimes use this word to justify their auditory hallucinations. But a contradiction arises in the soul, an inner voice tries to convince that it was a groan, and not the creaking of an old window transom.

Temperature changes. A clot of energy or an abnormal phenomenon in the house can manifest itself through cold or unbearable heat in one or another area of ​​the room. Such a temperature hole causes unpleasant sensations for the owners of the house, creating a feeling of panic and a desire to leave the place as soon as possible.

Such feelings can be experienced by a person with damaged emotional health after a loss. loved one. His disbelief in the loss can create a phantom, to which the above-mentioned signs of ghosts will be attributed.

Modern science is getting closer and closer to recognizing the fact that, in parallel with our dense world, there are other energy or wave worlds. With enviable consistency, scientists are discovering new elementary particles, “dark matter,” neutrinos, antimatter and other evidence of the mutual coexistence of at least one more “subtle” world, simultaneously with our physical one.

Sometimes, derivatives of parallel worlds appear in our reality. Usually these are some kind of clots of energy, or information substances, which, when certain factors are summed up, become visible on our physical plane. At different times and different nations, such wave phenomena were called ghosts, spirits, angels, etc. Most often, such manifestations occurred and occur in places where events occurred at one time, accompanied by significant energy, information and emotional outbursts.

Places of power

These places subsequently acquired fame as places of power, haunted houses, portals to other dimensions and other abbreviations. Any universal line of behavior or communication with such manifestations has never been developed in the entire conscious history of mankind. However, there are some techniques, “unwritten” rules, which it is advisable to adhere to when it is necessary to communicate with energy, wave egregors.

First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand that the format and final result of communication with ghosts depends only on the person. From your inner attitude, self-confidence and strength, from a clear understanding that only your desire and your faith determine the likelihood of a ghost’s influence on the physical plane.

For ordinary person who is not looking for “adventures on his own” in ancient castles or on, the likelihood of encountering the unknown arises mainly in apartments or houses. If you are not a fan of adrenaline surges and want to get rid of annoying guests, then it is possible to use simple manipulations that have come down to us from our ancestors and improved by our contemporaries, based on scientific knowledge.

First of all, you need to understand that ghosts are energy, wave clots that carry a certain amount of information. Attempts to establish a process of communication with them, as we understand it, are unlikely to lead to positive result. We are so far from understanding what is happening in another world (and in this one too), the concepts and worldview we are familiar with are so different from otherworldly ones that the emergence of a dialogue between worlds is unlikely in principle. At least for today.

Dialogue with ghosts

However, it is within our power to eliminate the invasion from the other world, or to minimize the degree of impact on us and our environment. Here are some simple but effective tips for dealing with ghosts in your home. An option that has come down to us from ancient times, but is still effective today, is to invite a representative of the denomination closest to you, in simple terms, a priest, to consecrate a house or apartment.

Prayer, holy water, a church candle, fumigation with incense and other attributes of this sacred rite have a fairly powerful effect on ghosts. The next way is to go around the house clockwise, with a lit church candle in your hands and in each corner, door and window opening, read a prayer (for example, “OUR FATHER”) and sprinkle it three times with Holy water, in a cross pattern.

Today, most Temples offer audio recordings of prayers, church chants and bell ringing. Periodic reproduction of which in the apartment has a strong impact on uninvited guests. It is advisable to install a church icon in the “red corner” of the room. Which one is a matter of your intuition and taste.

Further, at first glance, a very simple, but incredibly effective method. Heat in a large, deep frying pan, stirring constantly wooden spoon about 0.5 kg. the most common salt. Salt is a powerful energy “sponge” that absorbs the energy of the otherworldly. A very important point. At the end of the procedure, you must wait for the salt to cool and either wash it into the sewer system or bury it in a rarely visited place. Periodic fumigation of the room with oriental incense also shows good results.

It is advisable not to dwell on just one version of the above methods of interaction with manifestations of the subtle world. The maximum effect can be achieved only by comprehensive application of the above methods. And the most important thing. When meeting otherworldly forces in your home, do not panic under any circumstances. Remember, if you do not allow it, not a single ghost, not a single ghost will be able to have a physical effect on you. Everything is just in your head and your heart. It will be given to you according to your faith and strength. And the main thing is the understanding that everything has its own purpose...

Incredible facts

Haunted houses have always attracted a lot of attention.

But realizing that a ghost lives in your house, you see, is not very pleasant. But there are moments when you begin to believe it.

So, have you sometimes felt like there was someone else in the house besides you and your family members? Think about it, are you living in a haunted house?

Here general signs that there are ghosts in your house and what to do about them.

There are ghosts in the house

Not everyone believes in the existence of ghosts, spirits and paranormal phenomena. But have you noticed strange things, events and situations in your home that simply cannot be explained?

Alison Wynne-Ryder, a medium and clairvoyant, believes there are several simple ways say whether there is also a ghost in your house besides you.

And before you think that this only applies to old and abandoned buildings, remember if anything strange and inexplicable has happened in your home.

Where do ghosts live?

What types of buildings can be attacked by ghosts?

“Although most people believe that old houses, or buildings in which many people live, such as prisons, hospitals and castles, become a haven for ghosts, the reality is that absolutely any building can become a home for the souls of the dead. We are also talking about modern ones houses and apartments,” says Alison.

“However, the likelihood that older homes are more likely to host strange “tenants” increases for one simple reason: there is more antiquity and history here than in other more modern buildings.”

So, what feelings are most often evoked in haunted houses? Notice the following sensations:

-The feeling of being watched or even spied on.

-The feeling that someone is standing next to you.

-Feeling that you are being touched by invisible hands.

-Feeling of goosebumps all over your body or the feeling that the hairs on your head are standing on end.

-Feeling of cobwebs on your face or body.

-Feeling of a cold breeze, as if someone passed by you.

-A dark, depressing feeling, especially in one particular place.

A ghost is wandering around the house

What are the signs that a building is haunted?

1. The light turns on and off on its own, the switch can trip by itself.

2. New light bulbs often fail, and candles also go out.

3. The sound of objects falling - but when you go to find out what's wrong, it turns out there's nothing there.

4. With your peripheral vision you see inexplicable shadows.

5. Strange behavior of pets in the house: for example, they bark or growl for no reason at something that you cannot see, dogs, cats look at a certain point without moving, as if they see something strange.

7. Flickering lights, fog, or unexplained moving figures.

8. Sudden changes in temperature in the home, especially in a specific area.

How do spirits enter homes?

It is believed that they can "reside" anywhere, but many are convinced that ghosts enter and exit through the chimney, says Alison, but I can say that I know from personal experience that if they want to enter the house, they will enter in the way that seems most convenient to them, and will not always leave the house the same way.

Moreover, they are not necessarily limited to one specific place and can take over the entire house. Although, if they feel comfortable in a certain area, this will become the place where the presence of ghosts will be felt most.

For example, in this place you will feel yourself breaking into a cold sweat or feel someone's light touch.

As an example, Alison gives the following situation: a couple of years ago, the spirit of a little boy lived in her house. The sounds he made seemed to come from the walls. However, she felt a deep cold in the guest room, which was occupied by her grandchildren when they came to visit their grandmother.

The ghost was drawn to children during their games. Moreover, he made the toys begin to move on their own. And at this time the ghost itself was hiding in the closet.

What should you do if you suddenly feel like there is a ghost living in your house, and what actions should you take in this case?

Alison suggests keeping a diary of events to find out if there is a pattern of that same unexplained activity and if there is any pattern.

She also advises carefully analyzing when these oddities began, and what event happened around the same time. After all, most often the oddities associated with the appearance of ghosts are tied to a specific event

For example, remember if you picked up a strange thing from the ground, stayed in strange places, visited a cemetery or other places with a high concentration of spirits?

"If your house is truly haunted, it won't go away on its own - it will only get worse," says Alison. She advises inviting a perfume specialist. Your home should definitely be visited by a medium who will give advice on what to do next.

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