Problems of document flow optimization in modern conditions. Ways to optimize document flow About the creation of a working group to optimize document flow

For what purpose do organizations carry out measures to optimize document flow? What measures to optimize document flow should be classified as organizational? Document routes. Goals for developing route diagrams (block diagrams, graphs). Is it possible to use software to develop route diagrams? The main task of the document form sheet

Ph.D. ist. sciences, associate professor,
deputy Director of VNIIDAD

Any company activity is reflected in documents, and in order to improve the quality of business processes, it is necessary to improve document flow, i.e. optimize it. Document flow optimization is understood as a set of measures of an organizational, technical, software, hardware and organizational design nature carried out by an organization.

Optimizing document flow allows you to:

Determine the composition of documents (types, varieties, forms of documents) used by the organization in its activities (i.e., in the implementation of functions, tasks, administrative and business processes);
- determine the composition of the organization’s document flows and their internal structure;
-regulate the routes of movement of documents within the document flow, individual groups (complexes) of documents involved in the implementation of functions, tasks, administrative and business processes;
- establish, if necessary, the time parameters for the passage of the document as a whole along the route established for it and (or) the time parameters for performing individual operations in the document flow process.

Organizational measures to optimize document flow include the development of regulatory legal acts of the organization and methodological documents establishing requirements, rules, recommendations for organizing document flow, both for the organization as a whole and in individual areas of work with documents or for certain types of documents.

For example, when working with documents containing confidential information, as a rule, organizations develop a secure document flow system, which has very specific features in comparison with open office management (document flow) and is regulated by separate instructions for confidential document flow. Similarly, some organizations resolve the issue of document flow regulation in the process of considering citizens' appeals or in contract work, where the entire process from concluding a contract to its execution, including documents accompanying this process, can be regulated by a separate regulatory document, for example, a regulation on the conduct of contract work .

In addition, organizational measures include:

  • proper organization of the work of the preschool educational institution service;
  • rational distribution of functional responsibilities between employees of the preschool education service;
  • organization of work with documents in structural divisions.

Considering that the objective trend is a constant increase in the volume of document flow (according to VNIIDAD, which has been monitoring document flow in federal executive bodies since 2007, document flow increases by 5-7% annually), it is impossible to ensure optimal organization of document flow only through organizational measures, otherwise the number of office staff would have to be constantly increased. Technical measures and organizational design work to improve document flow can help with this.

Since document flow is a complex technological process of moving documents through points (instances), where creative work with documents is carried out (preparation of draft documents, approval of documents, signing (approval), etc.) and their technical processing (sorting documents, processing for forwarding via mail, scanning, registration, copying, preliminary review, transfer from one authority to another, etc.), organizing the movement of documents in an optimal way is possible only with the use of technical means.

In modern conditions, the use of technical means is possible not only at the stages where so-called routine (non-creative) operations are performed with a document, but also where creative work with documents is carried out.

Technical means include office equipment (copiers, folding, marking machines, etc.) and computer equipment, which provides ample opportunities for preparing documents, conducting electronic approval, ensuring document flow, organizing prompt storage of documents (using computer technology, organizations can use electronic document management systems, text and spreadsheet editors (Word, Excel, etc.), email, fax and other applications).

Document route

One of the main characteristics of document flow is the route of documents.

Route- this is the path along which a document or a set of interrelated documents passes when solving a certain task or implementing a certain administrative or business process.

The points on this path are the authorities through which the document(s) pass, i.e. the workplaces where operations with the document are performed, therefore the main task in organizing document flow is to ensure the prompt passage of the document along the shortest and most direct route with the least amount of time. , in this case, repeated operations and return movements of the document that are not due to business necessity should be excluded.

To solve this problem, organizations carry out organizational design work, during which the most optimal document routes are developed. As a rule, such work is carried out when implementing electronic document management systems (EDMS), since optimization of document flow is one of the conditions for the successful implementation of EDMS in an organization.

The results of work to optimize document flow are recorded in various documents. Such documents include:

table of document forms; route and technological diagrams (block diagrams); document flow schedules; document movement schemes, etc.

For the most part, when preparing these documents, a graphical method of presenting information is used, which makes it possible to clearly and in a sufficiently formalized manner show either only the movement of the document (documents), or the sequence of operations performed during the implementation of any function (task) or process, and, accordingly , the movement of documents used in solving a given task or implementing a process.

Table of document forms

A table of document forms is a list of document forms used in the activities of an organization, with a description of the status of documents, the main stages of their preparation and passage.

The timesheet includes all forms of documents created in the activities of the organization, but it does not give a complete picture of the route of documents, since it, as a rule, indicates only the most important and significant document processing operations from the point of view of document flow, such as document preparation(usually the report card indicates the department or position of the employee whose area of ​​responsibility is the preparation of the document), approval (vising) of the document(the timesheet indicates the divisions or positions of employees involved in the approval of the document), signing (approval) of a document and some others.

In addition, the timesheet includes the names of only those documents that are prepared in the organization, and does not include the forms of documents received by the organization.

The main task of the sheet of document forms is to determine the composition of the document forms used in the organization in the process of documenting its activities, and since the sheet of document forms is approved by the head of the organization and is a document mandatory for use, it can be considered as a way to optimize the composition of documents (types, varieties, forms documents) used in the organization. Since there is no single established form of the report card, each organization that carries out similar work can, based on its own needs and tasks to be solved, develop a form of report card for itself.

Block diagrams

Document flow can be most fully displayed using route (routing and technological) diagrams, graphs, and block diagrams.

When constructing route diagrams and operograms, it is necessary to study in detail the technology for performing each type of work, and it is necessary to determine where this work begins (what serves as the basis for its beginning), what it consists of, what stages it is divided into, how the work is completed, what the form its final result takes is how its completion or the onset of a new cycle of its implementation is recorded.

Scheme- a graphical representation of the sequence of solving a problem, which uses symbols to display operations, data, document flows, etc.

Block diagram- a type of diagram that describes algorithms or processes in which individual steps (process links) are depicted in the form of blocks of various shapes, connected by arrows.

The circuits use special symbols (blocks of various shapes) in accordance with GOST 19.701-90*, here are some of them:

* GOST 19.701-90. "A unified system of program documentation. Schemes of algorithms, programs, data and systems. Conventional designations and execution rules." ru/gosts/gost/28346/.

To create flowcharts, various software tools are used, for example, MS Visio. But a flowchart can be drawn even in MS Word; for this you need to use shapes depicting elements of flowcharts.

The flow chart of documents can be presented in the form of a table, in the left columns of which the operations and types of documents accompanying these operations are indicated, the headings of the columns indicate the points of passage of the document, and in the table field, the movement of the document (documents) is indicated using symbols and arrows.

Every enterprise faces the problem of processing financial and economic documents. It can be solved with the help of effectively organized document flow.

Document flow— this is the movement of documents from the stage of their creation/receipt to transfer to the recipient or for storage.

To assess the efficiency of document flow, a characteristic such as a movement route is used. The goal of any document flow is to shorten and optimize the route so that each incoming document reaches its executor as quickly as possible, is executed and transferred further (to the recipient, to the manager, to the archive).

There are the following unspoken rules for effective organization of document movement:

  • reduction of approval stages (number of performers). The fewer performers a document has, the faster it will be executed. At some enterprises, all documents received from outside first go to the manager, who appoints an executor. Often, a document passes through many departments for review purposes before it reaches its immediate executor.

Such a long chain of document movement significantly increases the time it takes to complete it, so enterprise management tries to clearly distribute responsibilities and the degree of responsibility between departments;

  • keeping records of document flow indicating the dates of receipt and execution. In most cases, this function is assigned to the secretariat, which maintains a register of incoming and outgoing documents;
  • maintaining a document flow schedule (development of document flow charts). Often, the manager approves such a schedule in a local regulatory act so that the performers know the deadlines for fulfilling their duties.


Let's consider the following financial and economic documents:

  • accounting information;
  • act of reconciliation of mutual settlements;
  • protocol of disagreements to the act;
  • certificate of completed work (services);
  • act of acceptance and transfer of goods (works, services);
  • packing list;
  • payment order.

Each of these documents has its own properties and performs a specific function.

Accounting information

According to Art. 313 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, an accounting certificate is a primary accounting document that is intended to correct errors in accounting and tax accounting.


There is no unified form of accounting certificate for commercial enterprises, so they can create the document form themselves. The developed form must be enshrined in the accounting policy or other local regulatory act governing accounting.

The unified form is provided for by law only for state authorities, local self-government, management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, state (municipal) institutions (Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 30, 2015 No. 52n (as amended on November 16, 2016)). The document form code “Accounting certificate” is 0504833.

The accounting certificate of a commercial enterprise must contain the mandatory details of the primary accounting document (according to Article 9 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ (as amended on May 23, 2014) “On Accounting”):

  • Title of the document;
  • date of document preparation;
  • name of the economic entity that compiled the document;
  • content of the fact of economic life;
  • the value of the natural and (or) monetary measurement of a fact of economic life, indicating the units of measurement;
  • the name of the position of the person (persons) who completed the transaction, operation and the person(s) responsible for its execution, or the name of the position of the person(s) responsible for the execution of the accomplished event;
  • signatures of persons indicating their surnames and initials or other details necessary to identify these persons.

The Accounting Regulations “Correcting Errors in Accounting and Reporting” (PBU 22/2010), approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 28, 2010 No. 63n (as amended on April 6, 2015), indicate reasons for incorrect reflection of facts of economic activity in accounting:

  • incorrect application of the legislation of the Russian Federation on accounting and (or) regulatory legal acts on accounting;
  • incorrect application of the organization's accounting policies;
  • inaccuracies in calculations;
  • incorrect classification or assessment of facts of economic activity;
  • incorrect use of information available at the date of signing the financial statements;
  • dishonest actions of officials of the organization.

On the day an error is discovered in the reporting, it is subject to mandatory correction by issuing an accounting certificate. The chief accountant of the enterprise decides how detailed the essence of the error is to be deciphered in the certificate..


The company Alpha LLC in January 2017 paid employee Ivanov I. I. excess wages in the amount of 10,000 rubles. (transferred to a bank card). The error was discovered in February 2017. The employee agreed to voluntarily return the excess amount to the company's cash desk.

To correct the error, compiled accounting information with the calculation of the excessively accrued amount of wages:

Based on the accounting certificate, the following entries will be made in the accounting of Alpha LLC:

  • Debit of account 20 “Main production” Credit of account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” - reversal of excessively accrued wages;
  • Debit of account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” Credit of account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees” - reversal of excessively withheld personal income tax;
  • Debit of account 50 “Cash” Credit of account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” - return of excessively accrued wages to the cash desk of the enterprise by I. I. Ivanov.

We will not reverse the excess accrued amount of insurance premiums, since it can be deducted when calculating premiums for February.

Reconciliation report of mutual settlements

An act of reconciliation of mutual settlements is a document necessary for two enterprises, which reflects their settlements for a certain period, which allows you to control debts. According to current legislation, it is not necessary to draw up such a document, but most organizations draw it up.

There is also no unified form for the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements. Each enterprise has the right to develop its own form and approve it in the local regulatory act regulating accounting.

By signing the reconciliation report, the company agrees with the fact of the debt and undertakes to repay it. Often in courts regarding non-payment issues, signed and correctly executed reconciliation statements become evidence.

According to the letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 6, 2010 No. ШС-37-3/16955 “On confirmation of expenses in the form of amounts of receivables with an expired statute of limitations,” the reconciliation act is not the primary accounting document confirming the completion of a business transaction, since the financial condition of the parties in this case does not change.

The accounting department is responsible for preparing the reconciliation report, and the document is signed by the head of the enterprise.

Important detail: the reconciliation act is drawn up in two copies (one for each enterprise). The acts must have the seals of the enterprises.


The data on debts must match for both enterprises; in case of a discrepancy, information about the discrepancies in the figures is recorded at the end of the document.

Let's consider Act of reconciliation for two enterprises - Alpha LLC and Verf JSC, which are permanent contractors.

By signing the reconciliation report, Verf JSC confirms the fact of the debt in favor of Alpha LLC. The presence of directors’ signatures and seals indicates the legal force of the act, so in extreme cases, this document can be used in court to recover non-payment.

Protocol of disagreements to the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements

Drawing up a protocol of disagreements for the reconciliation report is the enterprise’s own desire. You can do without drawing up an additional document: in the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements on the part of your own enterprise, indicate your data and display the final balance, and then under the table in the “According to data …” section, focus on the discrepancies in data, sign with the manager and affix a stamp.

Then, in a working manner, you can sort out the current situation with your counterparty and, after solving the problem, sign a new (corrected) act, where the total amounts for each of the counterparties will converge.

Often, enterprises draw up a separate document, the so-called protocol of disagreements for the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements, in which, similar to the reconciliation act, the necessary information about the enterprise is indicated, the signature of the manager and the seal of the enterprise are affixed. Important detail: There is no unified form for this document, so it can be compiled in free form.

There are countless reasons for discrepancies, ranging from a simple typo in entering data. IN protocol of disagreements to the reconciliation report indicate controversial points in the data of the counterparties (similar to the protocol of disagreements to the contract).

Certificate of completion of work is a document confirming the fact of completion of work (provision of services), on the basis of which an invoice for payment can be issued. A certificate of completed work is provided for work contracts(according to Article 720 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). It can be additionally specified in any contract for the performance of work (rendering services) as an annex. In both cases, the execution of such an act is mandatory. Certificate of completed work (services)

The certificate of completion of work must reflect the following data:

  • full name of the enterprise (customer and contractor) and authorized officials (general directors or deputies in areas) acting on the basis of the enterprise charter or power of attorney (the act indicates the power of attorney, its number and date of issue). Seals from two legal entities are required (only in this case the document will have legal force);
  • date of signing the work completion certificate;
  • full name of the works (services) in accordance with the contract;
  • cost of performing work (providing services).

Important detail: Additional data should be indicated on the planned and actual deadlines for completing the work, quality, deficiencies, etc.

At the end of the document there may be signatures of representatives of financial services (head of accounting, financial or economic planning department) responsible for the financial content of the work completion certificate.

Let's imagine certificate of completion between Alpha LLC and Sigma LLC.

The acceptance certificate (delivery certificate, acceptance certificate) of work, services or goods is drawn up when it is specified in the contract. For the fact of delivery and acceptance goods Most often, a consignment note is used, but in some cases, the terms of the contract require an additional delivery and acceptance certificate.

Certificate of acceptance and transfer of goods (works, services)

Fact of delivery and acceptance works and services usually formalized with a certificate of completion of work. In some contracts it is called an act of acceptance of completed work (services) or an act of acceptance and acceptance of completed work (services).

Consider the filling option act of acceptance and transfer of goods(wooden chairs from Alpha LLC to Sigma LLC).

The acceptance certificate may contain additional information regarding product quality, absence of complaints, defects, etc.


Invoices, delivery notes, copies of powers of attorney and other documents can be used as an appendix to the act of acceptance and transfer of goods (they are written at the end of the act, in the “Appendices” section).

When not the entire batch of goods is delivered to the customer, you can assign numbers to the acts and keep records of them within your enterprise.

Packing list

The delivery note is intended for registration of sale (vacations) inventory items of a third party. The form of the consignment note (TORG-12) is present in the unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording trade operations, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated December 25, 1998 No. 132.

From 01/01/2013, the forms of primary accounting documents contained in the albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation are not mandatory for use (Information of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. PZ-10/2012), therefore enterprises have the right to use the unified form TORG-12 or develop their own document form and consolidate it in your accounting policies.

Because packing list refers to primary accounting documentation, it must contain the following data:

  • Title of the document;
  • date of document preparation;
  • name of counterparties (suppliers and recipients);
  • name of the product, its quantity and cost;
  • signatures of officials indicating last names and initials;
  • seals from both companies.

The delivery note is issued in two copies: one for the supplier, the second for the buyer. Based on a correctly executed invoice, the supplier company writes off the cost of goods sold in accounting, and the buyer company capitalizes the goods received at the value indicated in the invoice.

All organizations can develop their own form, but there are enterprises that still draw up exclusively TORG-12, so you will still have to return to a unified form. You can make your form not much different from the unified one:

  • exclude data on the type and weight of the goods(as a rule, they remained unfilled even when registering TORG-12);
  • enter a column about claims to quality or quantity. Based on this record, you can draw up a separate document, the so-called act on the established discrepancy in quantity and quality when accepting inventory items (TORG-2), which is not mandatory for use from 01/01/2013.

Often, customers ask to issue an invoice for work or services, which is also acceptable. In this case, the contract and its annexes indicate which documents are drawn up upon completion of the work (rendering of services).

Important detail: When studying the signed contract, pay attention to the form in which the customer requires the documents to be drawn up. This will avoid confusion at the stage of delivery of goods (works, services).

Payment order

A payment order is an order from the payer, addressed to the bank in which he has a current account, to transfer a certain amount of money to the current account of the recipient (the executor of the contract, the seller).

According to the Regulations on the rules for transferring funds, approved by the Bank of Russia dated June 19, 2012 No. 383-P (as amended on November 6, 2015; hereinafter referred to as Regulation No. 383-P), the payer’s bank undertakes to transfer funds to the payer’s bank account ( or without opening a bank account of the payer) to the recipient of funds specified in the payer’s order.

The payment order is drawn up, accepted for execution and executed electronically, on paper.


The payment order is valid for submission to the bank within 10 calendar days from the day following the day of its preparation.

The payment order form (code 0401060) is given in the appendix to Regulation No. 383-P. The list and description of payment order details can be found in the following documents:

  • Appendix 1 to Regulation No. 383-P;
  • Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 12, 2013 No. 107n (as amended on September 23, 2015) “On approval of the Rules for indicating information in the details of orders for the transfer of funds for payment of payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2015 No. 148n “On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated November 12, 2013 No. 107n.”

Let's imagine Sample of filling out a payment order:

Using payment orders you can transfer funds:

  • to budgets of all levels and to extra-budgetary funds;
  • for goods shipped, work performed, services provided, for advance payment of goods, work, services or for making periodic payments;
  • for other purposes provided for by law or agreement with the customer.

All bank details necessary to fill out a payment order must be specified in the agreement. If the relationship with the company is not contractual, you can request a company card (a document that contains the necessary information about the counterparty).


Any manager is faced with the question of optimizing document flow, especially when its volume increases every day. Optimization must begin with distribution to responsible persons. The shorter the route and the fewer performers, the faster the document will be executed.

Surely every enterprise has encountered a situation when a letter arrives with a request for execution no later than a certain date, and it is earlier than the date of registration of this outgoing document in the sending organization. This situation arises precisely because of the irregular functioning of document flow.

In addition to the proposed measures, it is worth paying attention to the preparation of internal documents, called a document flow schedule and a sheet of unified document forms.

Financial and economic document flow schedule includes a list of work on the creation, verification and processing of each of the primary documents, journals, accounting books, etc. The schedule indicates the responsible departments (or specific officials), their relationships and deadlines for completing the work.


Using a document flow schedule in enterprise management allows you to reduce labor costs for document processing. This is possible due to:

    increasing the responsibility of performers for meeting deadlines for drawing up and processing documents;

    identifying and excluding unused (redundant) documents from the document flow.

Table of unified forms of documents In the organisation is a reference book that lists documents and their forms. As an annex to the accounting policy, there are also forms of documents necessary for the financial activities of the enterprise. In this case, the timesheet will contain all types of documents (not only financial), the registration, recording or execution of which must be carried out with a certain frequency. In other words, it makes no sense to include one-time documents in the timesheet.

And finally, the most important stage of document flow optimization is its automation. Electronic document management allows you to reduce costs by saving on cartridges and paper, reduces the time for document execution and simplifies searching in the electronic database.

Nowadays, the electronic products market offers a large number of programs that make it possible to facilitate the document flow system in an enterprise. However, it is not necessary to buy a ready-made product from a third party, since it is always you can develop your own automation system suitable for a specific enterprise.

As elsewhere, automation has its own underwater rocks. First of all, these are technical failures, due to which the database of important documents may disappear. This means that you need to remember the need to back up information (you should copy it daily or weekly).

A. N. Dubonosova, Deputy Managing Director for Economics and Finance

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Any activity of an organization is reflected in documents, and in order to improve the quality of business processes, it is necessary to improve document flow, that is, optimize it. Document flow optimization is understood as a set of measures of an organizational, technical, software, hardware and organizational design nature carried out by an organization.

Optimizing document flow allows you to:

Determine the composition of documents (types, varieties, forms of documents) used by the organization in its activities (i.e., in the implementation of functions, tasks, administrative and business processes);

Determine the composition of the organization’s document flows and their internal structure;

Regulate the routes for the movement of documents within the document flow, individual groups (complexes) of documents involved in the implementation of functions, tasks, administrative and business processes;

Establish, if necessary, the time parameters for the passage of the document as a whole along the route established for it and (or) the time parameters for performing individual operations in the document flow process.

Organizational measures to optimize document flow include the development of regulatory legal acts of the organization and methodological documents establishing requirements, rules, recommendations for organizing document flow, both for the organization as a whole and in individual areas of work with documents or for certain types of documents.

For example, when working with documents containing confidential information, as a rule, organizations develop a secure document flow system, which has very specific features in comparison with open office management (document flow) and is regulated by separate instructions for confidential document flow. Similarly, some organizations resolve the issue of document flow regulation in the process of considering citizens' appeals or in contract work, where the entire process from concluding a contract to its execution, including documents accompanying this process, can be regulated by a separate regulatory document, for example, a regulation on the conduct of contract work .

In addition, organizational measures include:

Proper organization of the work of the preschool educational institution service;

Rational distribution of functional responsibilities between employees of the preschool education service;

Organization of work with documents in structural divisions.

Considering that the objective trend is a constant increase in the volume of document flow, it is impossible to ensure optimal organization of document flow only through organizational measures, otherwise it would be necessary to constantly increase the number of office staff. Technical measures and organizational design work to improve document flow can help with this.

Since document flow is a complex technological process of moving documents through points (instances), where creative work with documents is carried out (preparation of draft documents, approval of documents, signing (approval), etc.) and their technical processing (sorting documents, processing for forwarding via mail, scanning, registration, copying, preliminary review, transfer from one authority to another, etc.), organizing the movement of documents in an optimal way is possible only with the use of technical means. Technical means include office equipment (copiers, folding, marking machines, etc.) and computer equipment, which provides ample opportunities for preparing documents, conducting electronic approval, ensuring document flow, organizing prompt storage of documents (using computer technology, organizations can use electronic document management systems, text and spreadsheet editors (Word, Excel, etc.), email, fax and other applications).

Route of documents.

One of the main characteristics of document flow is the route of documents. A route is the path along which a document or a set of interrelated documents passes when solving a certain task or implementing a certain administrative or business process.

The points on this path are the authorities through which the document (documents) pass, that is, the workplaces where operations with the document are carried out, therefore the main task in organizing document flow is to ensure the prompt passage of the document along the shortest and most direct route with the least amount of time, with This should exclude repeated operations and return movements of the document that are not due to business necessity.

To solve this problem, organizations carry out organizational design work, during which the most optimal document routes are developed. As a rule, such work is carried out when implementing electronic document management systems (EDMS), since optimization of document flow is one of the conditions for the successful implementation of EDMS in an organization.

The results of work to optimize document flow are recorded in various documents. Such documents include:

Sheet of document forms;

Route and technological diagrams (block diagrams);

Document flow schedules;

Schemes for moving documents, etc.

For the most part, when preparing these documents, a graphical method of presenting information is used, which makes it possible to clearly and in a sufficiently formalized manner show either only the movement of the document (documents), or the sequence of operations performed during the implementation of any function (task) or process, and, accordingly , the movement of documents used in solving a given task or implementing a process.

Table of document forms

A table of document forms is a list of document forms used in the activities of an organization, with a description of the status of documents, the main stages of their preparation and passage. The timesheet includes all forms of documents created in the activities of the organization, but it does not give a complete picture of the route of documents, since it, as a rule, indicates only the most important and significant document processing operations from the point of view of document flow, such as document preparation (usually in the report card indicates the unit or position of the employee whose area of ​​responsibility is the preparation of the document), approval (endorsement) of the document (the report card indicates the units or positions of employees involved in the approval of the document), signing (approval) of the document and some others.

In addition, the timesheet includes the names of only those documents that are prepared in the organization, and does not include the forms of documents received by the organization.

The main task of the sheet of document forms is to determine the composition of the document forms used in the organization in the process of documenting its activities, and since the sheet of document forms is approved by the head of the organization and is a document mandatory for use, it can be considered as a way to optimize the composition of documents (types, varieties, forms documents) used in the organization. Since there is no single established form of the report card, each organization that carries out similar work can, based on its own needs and tasks to be solved, develop a form of report card for itself.


Document flow can be most fully displayed using route (routing and technological) diagrams, graphs, and block diagrams.

When constructing route diagrams and operograms, it is necessary to study in detail the technology for performing each type of work, and it is necessary to determine where this work begins (what serves as the basis for its beginning), what it consists of, what stages it is divided into, how the work is completed, what the form its final result takes is how its completion or the onset of a new cycle of its implementation is recorded.

A diagram is a graphical representation of the sequence of solving a problem, which uses symbols to display operations, data, document flows, etc.

A flowchart is a type of diagram that describes algorithms or processes in which individual steps (process links) are depicted as blocks of various shapes, connected by arrows.

To create flowcharts, various software tools are used, for example, MS Visio. But a flowchart can be drawn even in MS Word; for this you need to use shapes depicting elements of flowcharts.

The flow chart of documents can be presented in the form of a table, in the left columns of which the operations and types of documents accompanying these operations are indicated, the headings of the columns indicate the points of passage of the document, and in the table field, the movement of the document (documents) is indicated using symbols and arrows.
At the moment, among the methods aimed at improving document flow, two groups stand out: improving document flow technology and reducing the volume of document flow.
The first group includes all procedures for passing documents in an institution: creating models of institutional document flow, drawing up route maps of the technological process, developing rational document flow schemes, drawing up operograms and document records, document flow diagrams, etc.
Ways to effectively improve document flow technology include optimizing procedures for preparing and processing documentation, streamlining the documentation load over time in order to distribute it more evenly.
The reduction in the volume of document flow is associated with the regulation of documentation, a reduction in the number of internal documents, rationalization of documentation, the creation of unified documentation systems (UDS), the development of unified requirements for texts, and the use of non-documentary communications.
The main condition for reducing the volume of documents is to streamline their occurrence. The main method of streamlining the documentation process is the unification of both individual groups of documents and the entire records management system. In practice, this is expressed in the creation of various documentation systems that strictly establish the composition of the documentary forms used and the regulations for their use. During unification, unnecessary links and documents that do not meet the requirements of today and are created simply out of habit are removed from documentary chains.

The same type of forms used are replaced by a single one. The composition of the unified forms is fixed in the sheet of documents, which is approved by the head and has a normative nature. The report card may indicate: the name of the document form, code according to OKUD or industry classifier, frequency of preparation, addressing, visa, place of registration, method of filling, deadline, annual requirement, storage period. Other columns may be entered, for example, date of submission, etc. The report card is reviewed annually, and appropriate adjustments are made to it to reflect changes in the functions and objectives of the institution.
Thus, unification allows you to streamline the formation of documents and thereby reduce the volume of document flow. Establishing the annual requirement for each form in the report card limits the production of forms.
The introduction of an electronic document management system is another way to improve document flow. In connection with the development of electronic computer technology and the introduction of automated control systems, it becomes possible to use electronic document management.

Modern and promising directions for improving documentation support for management are inseparable from the process of mass implementation of scientific and technological progress. These achievements, associated with the creation of qualitatively new types of computer technology and communications, make it possible to move to a fundamentally different and much more effective information technology in government bodies, based on the organic inclusion of a set of technical means in the management process

Modern corporate EDMS allow you to customize your user interface in full accordance with customer requirements. This applies, for example, both to the visual design of registration and control cards - the most important attribute of office automation systems, and to the formalization of the processes of collective development of complex documents (projects, assemblies, specifications) with control of performance discipline. This flexibility, acquired thanks to the modular principle of building an EDMS (each module implements only part of the interrelated functions, but can function smoothly together with other modules) and support for industrial standards of inter-program interaction, guarantees a long life for the information complex based on the EDMS.

The office automation and document flow system must function in a local computer network that connects computers installed at the workplaces of employees of structural units involved in technological processes of office work.

The main automated functions that the system should provide include the following:

Registration of all incoming correspondence, including letters, with subsequent forwarding of correspondence for consideration to the management of the organization or its structural divisions;

Registration of all outgoing correspondence and its internal documents;

Writing off documents in the file in accordance with the nomenclature of files adopted in the organization;

- monitoring the execution of orders;

- search for documents.

Automated workstations.
According to the State System of Documentation Support for Management, automation of work with documents is carried out using personal computers and automated workstations (AWS) created on their basis.
A typical workstation consists of a computer connected to the network and having access to all computing resources and document information databases. Depending on the network, the workstation may have access to external resources and databases.
To combine computers into a single complex, various communication lines are used: cable (communication via a television-type cable), fiber-optic (communication via a flexible bundle of fibers in which information is transmitted by light pulses) and telephone (communication via telephone cable).
Each automated workstation, as well as networking, is developed in accordance with the organization of the organization's office management service and the specific functional responsibilities of employees. The office automation system (depending on the flow of documents) assumes the presence of the following workplaces: workstation of the head of the office work service; Workstation for preparing a draft document; Workstation of approval.
Modern technical means of automation of information and management activities include:
1) personal computers united in a network;
2) electronic typewriters;
3) text processing systems;
4) copying machines;
5) communication means, telephone equipment;
6) tools for automating the entry of archival documents and retrieval of information (these include non-traditional storage media: magnetic disks and tapes, microfilms, disks with optical recordings);
7) means for information exchange – e-mail;
8) video information systems;
9) local computer networks;
10) integrated networks of institutions.
The following requirements are imposed on the manager's automated workstation: the presence of databases constantly updated with prompt and reliable information; ensuring prompt search of necessary information in the database; availability of software tools that regulate organizational and administrative activities; ensuring prompt communication with other sources; providing the ability to accumulate documents and decisions in memory.
The main requirements for the automated workplace for preparing a draft document are as follows: the ability to access a bank of text blanks and an automated information retrieval system; ability to work with a personal database and other databases; opportunities for dialogue with additional sources of information; Availability of technical means for printing documents.
Electronic office systems.
An office system is a software environment focused on the joint, coordinated use of electronic methods for processing, storing and transmitting information.
Range of tasks of the electronic office system:
1) automation of routine operations, reduction (or elimination) of paper flow;
2) organizing simultaneous access to documents of different users;
3) carrying out effective information search;
4) ensuring high speed and required quality of document preparation.
Office systems must ensure the effective performance of the following functions:
1) input, preparation and editing of documents;
2) registration of documents;
3) joint work on documents;
4) control over the execution of documents;
5) creation of databases (storage of documents);
6) acceptance and forwarding of documents;
7) systematization of documents, formation of cases;
8) preparation for storage and archival storage of files.
Let's look at a few typical office systems.
Office automation and document management system "Delo".
The system supports the full life cycle of a document in an organization: from its initial registration to its decommissioning into the archive. It implements control over the execution of documents both at the level of the author of the resolution, and centralized control with the ability to generate reports on the execution of control documents, and provides automatic printing of standard journals, certificates and summaries.
The system includes 2 products:
1) “DELO-Enterprise” is a multi-user network version based on the Oracle DBMS or MS SQL 7.0, designed for office automation throughout the entire enterprise (institution).
2) “DELO-Secretary” is a full-featured single-user version that comes with the Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) DBMS. Designed to automate the office work of small organizations, including within a distributed network, providing exchange by e-mail at the level of “outgoing and incoming documents.”
The Delo system is configured in accordance with the document flow scheme of any enterprise (taking into account its organizational structure, field of activity, range of cases and access scheme to various documents).
Office work in company management is carried out using the automated Document Flow system, designed for automated accounting, processing, maintenance and control of the execution of documents. The effectiveness of the information retrieval system is achieved through the development and use of classification directories: types of documents, correspondents, executors, nomenclature of cases. In a corporate automated system, in its search arrays, a search for a specific document is carried out by its details, in particular by title, type, date, number, or by context (by any word or phrase contained in the title to the text of the document or in the annotation). In this case, the search query can contain any combination of text attributes.
The control database of the software package is systematized by the deadlines for the execution of documents, executors, by groups of documents, in particular, acts and instructions of supreme government bodies, federal executive bodies and other government bodies, decisions of the board of directors and management, orders, instructions, minutes of meetings.
Electronic document management reduces information flows to an optimal minimum, simplifies and reduces the cost of collecting, processing and transmitting information using the latest technologies for automating these processes.
Due to the fact that document flow reflects the management system, allowing it to be clearly seen, document flow analysis is extremely important for improving the work of the management apparatus.
At an enterprise, work to improve document flow is inseparable from the analysis of existing document flows. Unfortunately, in practice the concepts of “improving document flow” and “reducing the number of documents” are often equated. It's not just the number of documents and the volume of reporting. It is important to determine whether these documents are needed by the enterprise and how effectively they are used for operational production management purposes. Experience shows that it is not always necessary to reduce the number of documents and the volume of reporting. It is often more advisable to follow the path of streamlining documentation, as well as systematization and mechanization of reporting. Proper organization of document flow is considered one of the most important criteria for successful work.

When optimizing document flow, an integrated approach is preferable, since changes introduced in one area of ​​work may cause difficulties in another; sometimes simplifying work can lead to weakening control; redistribution of employee functions may lead to a deterioration in the quality of work, etc.

Creating an effective document management system includes a number of stages:

1. setting up the work of the documentation support service for the company’s management (development of regulations, instructions and other documents regulating the work of this service);
2. analysis of the customer company’s document flow and its optimization (analysis of all stages of document flow and development of a program for its optimization);
3. checking compliance with GOSTs, Document Flow Rules, and other regulatory documents of standard documents and forms of the enterprise (studying all documents, detecting errors in their design, developing new documents that comply with regulatory literature;
4. examination of personnel records management and its optimization (checking personnel documents and their compliance with the law, conclusion on the state of personnel records management, development and implementation of a plan for its adjustment).
5.organization of storage of enterprise documents (development of acts on archival storage of documentation).

This work will ensure the rational and efficient movement of enterprise documents along the shortest route with minimal time and labor by clearly regulating the paths of documents with checking the maintenance of all operations and the purposefulness of all movements. The feasibility and logic of carrying out all types of work are assessed from the point of view of how they contribute to optimizing the information support of management decisions, the efficiency and accuracy of their implementation.

CHAPTER III. Analysis of the organization of document flow of the Administration

Ust-Ishim municipal district of Omsk region

Research base was elected to the Administration of the Ust-Ishim municipal district of the Omsk region. To more clearly demonstrate the state and development of document flow, two control years were selected - 2012, 2013.

3.1 General characteristics of the institution

The object of the final qualifying work is the document flow system of the Administration of the Ust-Ishim municipal district of the Omsk region. Ust-Ishimsky district is part of the Omsk region. The village of Ust-Ishim (founded in 1631 by the Cossacks) is the administrative center of the Ust-Ishim region. Location of the organization: 646580 Omsk region, village. Ust - Ishim st. Sovetskaya 33

Like all institutions in the country, the Administration of the Ust-Ishim municipal district regulates its activities with basic legal documentation, federal laws.

The charter of the Ust-Ishim municipal district in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation" (meaning the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 N 131-FZ "On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation ".) and the laws of the Omsk region establishes the basis for the organization of local self-government on the territory of the municipal district, the legal and economic conditions for its implementation, the powers and procedure for the activities of local government bodies and officials, the forms, procedure and guarantees for the participation of the population in resolving issues of local importance.

The number of employees in the organization is 32 people.

3.2 Traffic pattern and document processing technology

Document flow is an important link in the organization of office work of the Administration of the Ust-Ishim municipal district, since it determines not only the authorities for the movement of documents, but also the speed of movement of documents. In office work, document flow is considered as information support for the activities of the management apparatus, its documentation, storage and use of previously created documents.

The basis of the structure of any document flow is a document. All documents (traditional on paper and on magnetic media) in a complex in the Administration of the Ust-Ishim municipal district are coordinated by observing the rules for the specifics of presenting information on each of the media.

Relations within the organization are determined by the correct flow of documents. Among the documents: orders, contracts, primary accounting documentation, reports, statements and other forms.

Document flow is designed to ensure not only control over the work of the organization, but also the effectiveness of its activities.

Excessive bureaucratization of document flow will hinder the growth of efficiency. A shortage or incorrect organization of document flow will lead to a decrease in quality and an increase in the waste of employee time. In connection with the above, it is proposed to conduct an analysis of the organization’s document flow. This analysis is based on identifying “problem” areas of document flow and optimizing the movement of documents in accordance with the rational organization of labor.

Stage 1 Analysis of the organization of the institution's structure

Stage 2 Analysis of the document flow structure

The stages of the document flow analysis methodology are presented in Figure 5

Fig.5 Stages of the document flow analysis methodology

According to the scheme, at the first stage it is necessary to determine the main divisions, individual performers responsible for the process of document flow in the enterprise. Basically, this function is assigned to the reception staff of the head of the organization. In small enterprises, this work is entrusted to the secretary, who records documents in special journals. It should also be borne in mind that with the introduction of technical means at the enterprise, as well as the use of local networks, several employees may be responsible for the process of circulation of the same documents: those who actually work with paper documents and those who work with the same information on the network.

After identifying the sector responsible for document flow in the enterprise, it is necessary to determine the subordination of the allocated divisions and differentiate their functions by type of work performed, in order to form the existing document flow model in the enterprise.

At the second stage, the structure of the enterprise's document flow is analyzed.

It is recommended to group documents based on documentation support in the form of a table. For a more detailed analysis, you can calculate the number of circulating documents on average per month, per day.

It is advisable to consider internal documents in the context of financial and service functions.

A more detailed analysis of orders, breaking them down into headings, is also possible:

By main activity;

By personnel.

To identify the dynamics in the movement of documents, the growth rate of incoming, outgoing and internal documents of the enterprise is determined using formula (1)

Tr= indicator value for the next year ____

indicator value for the previous year

Grouping the institution's documents by structural divisions allows you to determine which divisions are the most heavily loaded with document flow.

The criteria for assigning documents to a particular department are as follows:

For incoming and internal documents - the department that will carry out the instructions under this document or the responsible person of the department to which this document is addressed;

For outgoing documents - the department or official who compiled the document.

According to the given methodology, we will analyze the organization’s document flow. We will begin the analysis of the document flow system of the Administration of the Ust-Ishim municipal district with an analysis of the organizational structure of the institution.

Management in the institution is built on a linear-functional management structure. The activities of all departments are managed by the head of the Ust-Ishim municipal district.

We present the structure of the organization in Figure 6. [Appendix 2]

The structure of the Administration of the Ust-Ishim municipal district is linear-functional. The organization is led by the head of the district. Deputy heads and heads of departments report directly to the head of the district.

When analyzing the organizational structure of the Administration of the Ust-Ishim municipal district, it is necessary to note the following: the head of the Administration has 5 deputies. Each of the deputies is associated with a specific group of employees, which is subordinate to him.

This allows you to rationally distribute work with documents related to the activities of the institution among employees and, thereby, increase the speed of their preparation, processing and execution. But here, it is necessary to take into account the following: if an employee “falls out” of the work process, at least for some time (for example, a business trip or due to disability), then the workload of other employees inevitably increases, and this in turn , may not lead to the best consequences. For example, if the deadline for preparing a document is not met, then its execution will be delayed. And this can already become a “brake” for some subsequent process. Thus, the conclusion suggests itself: the speed of document flows and decision-making on various issues depends on the competent distribution of work and the readiness of employees to take prompt action.

In all departments, an organizational and management structure and job descriptions for each employee have been developed and approved.

In the Administration of the Ust-Ishim municipal district there is no special unit responsible for the preschool educational institution, the functions of document support for management are assigned to the office work inspector, in addition to the office work inspector, a certain amount of work falls on the reception inspector. Inspectors report directly to the head of administration. In addition, each department (structural unit) has a responsible employee for working with documents.

Rice. 7 – Subordination structure in the institution

The distribution of office work functions is as follows:

Functions of the office work inspector:

2.1 Reception and registration of internal, incoming and outgoing correspondence.

2.2 Transfer of incoming documents to executors for execution and review in accordance with the resolutions of the Head of the municipal district or his deputy.

2.3 Monitoring the deadlines for the execution of documents, preparing information for the head of the Administration on compliance with the deadlines for the execution of incoming documents and citizens’ requests.

2.4 Sending documents prepared by specialists and departments of the Administration to recipients.

2.5 Development of a nomenclature of Administration affairs and bringing it to the attention of specialists and departments.

2.6 Organizing the storage of documents in accordance with the nomenclature of files before transferring them to the municipal archive, issuing documents (cases) for temporary use, monitoring their timely return, ensuring the safety of documents (cases) during storage.

2.7 Preparation of Administration documents for submission to the municipal archive.

2.8 Drawing up an inventory of permanent and temporary storage files (except for inventories of personnel files).

2.9 Reproduction and copying of resolutions, orders of the Municipal District Administration, and other documents.

2.10 Performing the duties of an inspector at the reception of the Head of the municipal district during his absence.

2.11 Execution of other instructions from the head of the Administration staff within his competence.

Reception inspector functions:

The main issues of the inspector’s activities are:

2.12 Obtaining information necessary for the Head of the municipal district from structural divisions or performers, inviting employees on his behalf.

2.13 Organization of telephone conversations of the Head of the municipal district.

2.14 Organization of reception of visitors by the Head of the municipal district.

2.15 Registration of citizens applying to the Head of the municipal district.

2.16 Printing of documents to the Head of the municipal district, the head of the Administration staff, and, if necessary, to specialists of the management staff of the Municipal District Administration.

2.17 Inviting heads of enterprises and organizations of the district to meetings and meetings of the board.

2.18 Reception and sending of telephone messages and faxes.

2.19 Receiving and sending email.

2.20 Ensuring the safety of ongoing official documentation.

Figure 8 shows the structure of document flow of the Administration of the Ust-Ishim municipal district. [Appendix 3]

The records management inspector communicates directly with the head of the administration and processes documents incoming and outgoing from him, and also communicates their content to all departments. According to this structure, those responsible for working with documents do not have direct contact with the head of the administration.

Any activity of an organization is reflected in documents, and in order to improve the quality of business processes, it is necessary to improve document flow, that is, optimize it. Document flow optimization is understood as a set of measures of an organizational, technical, software, hardware and organizational design nature carried out by an organization.

Optimizing document flow will allow:

1. determine the composition of documents used by the organization in its activities (i.e., when implementing functions, tasks, administrative processes);

2. determine the composition of the organization’s document flows and their internal structure;

3. regulate the routes of movement of documents within the document flow, individual groups of documents involved in the implementation of functions, tasks, administrative and business processes;

4. establish, if necessary, the time parameters for the passage of the document as a whole along the route established for it and the time parameters for performing individual operations in the document flow process.

Organizational measures to optimize document flow at JSC "FESCO" include the development of normative legal acts and methodological documents establishing requirements, rules, recommendations for organizing document flow, both for the organization as a whole and in individual areas of work with documents or for certain types of documents.

For example, when working with documents containing confidential information, develop a secure document flow system, which has very specific features in comparison with open office work (document flow) and is regulated by separate instructions for confidential document flow. In a similar way, resolve the issue of document flow regulation in the process of considering citizens' appeals or in contract work, where the entire process from concluding a contract to its execution, including documents accompanying this process, can be regulated by a separate regulatory document, for example, a regulation on the conduct of contract work.

In addition, organizational measures include:

1. proper organization of the work of the preschool educational institution service;

2. rational distribution of functional responsibilities between employees of the preschool education service;

3. organization of work with documents in structural divisions.

Considering that the objective trend is a constant increase in the volume of document flow, it is impossible to ensure optimal organization of document flow only through organizational measures, otherwise it would be necessary to constantly increase the number of office staff. Technical measures and organizational and design work to improve document flow can help with this. Since document flow is a complex technological process of moving documents through points where work with documents and their technical processing are carried out, it is possible to organize the movement of documents in an optimal way only with the use of technical means. In modern conditions, the use of technical means is possible not only at the stages where so-called routine (non-creative) operations are performed with a document, but also where creative work with documents is carried out.

Technical means include office equipment and computer equipment that provide ample opportunities for preparing documents, conducting electronic approvals, ensuring document flow, organizing prompt storage of documents (using computer technology, organizations can use electronic document management systems, text and spreadsheet editors (Word, Excel, email, fax and other applications).

To increase the optimization of document flow in an organization, I propose to focus on improving document flow technologies and reducing its volume.

The task of reducing the volume of document flow has two main aspects - reducing the number of documents created and reducing the consumption of resources for the production of documents. The most important is, naturally, the first aspect.

The reduction in the volume of document flow is associated with the regulation of documentation, a reduction in the number of internal documents, rationalization of documentation, the creation of unified documentation systems (UDS), the development of unified requirements for texts, and the use of non-documentary communications.

The main condition for reducing the volume of documents is to streamline their occurrence. The main method of streamlining the documentation process is the unification of both individual groups of documents and the entire records management system.

In practice, this is expressed in the creation of various documentation systems that strictly establish the composition of the documentary forms used and the regulations for their use. During unification, unnecessary links and documents that do not meet the requirements of today and are created simply out of habit are removed from documentary chains. The same type of forms used are replaced by a single one. For example, after the unification of organizational and administrative documentation, the number of forms used was reduced by 4 times. Canceling the issuance of travel orders would also help reduce the amount of documentation. The composition of the unified forms is fixed in the sheet of documents, which is approved by the head and has a normative nature. The report card may indicate: the name of the document form, code according to OKUD or industry classifier, frequency of preparation, addressing, visa, place of registration, method of filling, deadline, annual requirement, storage period. Other columns may be entered, for example, date of submission, etc. The report card is reviewed annually, and appropriate adjustments are made to it to reflect changes in the functions and objectives of the institution.

Thus, unification allows you to streamline the formation of documents and thereby reduce the volume of document flow. Establishing the annual requirement for each form in the report card limits the production of forms.

Also, the number of ways to effectively improve document flow technology includes optimizing procedures for preparing and processing documentation, streamlining the documentation load over time in order to distribute it more evenly.

In connection with the development of electronic computer technology and the introduction of automated management systems, it becomes possible to use electronic document management, which in turn is also one of the ways to optimize document flow in an organization.

According to the State System of Documentation Support for Management, automation of work with documents is carried out using personal computers and automated workstations (AWS) created on their basis.

A typical workstation consists of a computer connected to the network and having access to all computing resources and document information databases. Depending on the network, the workstation may have access to external resources and databases.

To combine computers into a single complex, various communication lines are used: cable (communication via a television-type cable), fiber-optic (communication via a flexible bundle of fibers in which information is transmitted by light pulses) and telephone (communication via telephone cable).

Each automated workstation, as well as networking, is developed in accordance with the organization of the organization's office management service and the specific functional responsibilities of employees. The office automation system (depending on the flow of documents) assumes the presence of the following workplaces: workstation of the head of the office work service; Workstation for preparing a draft document; Workstation of approval.

Modern technical means of automation of information and management activities include:

) personal computers united in a network;

) electronic typewriters;

) text processing systems;

) copying machines;

) communication means, telephone equipment;

) tools for automating the entry of archival documents and information retrieval (these include non-traditional storage media: magnetic disks and tapes, microfilms, disks with optical recordings);

) means for information exchange - e-mail;

) video information systems;

) local computer networks;

) integrated networks of institutions.

The following requirements are imposed on the manager's automated workstation: the presence of databases constantly updated with prompt and reliable information; ensuring prompt search of necessary information in the database; availability of software tools that regulate organizational and administrative activities; ensuring prompt communication with other sources; providing the ability to accumulate documents and decisions in memory.

The main requirements for the automated workplace for preparing a draft document are as follows: the ability to access a bank of text blanks and an automated information retrieval system; ability to work with a personal database and other databases; opportunities for dialogue with additional sources of information; Availability of technical means for printing documents.

There are also various electronic methods for processing, storing and transmitting information; these methods are carried out using office systems.

The main tasks of electronic office systems:

) automation of routine operations, reduction (or elimination) of paper flow;

) organization of simultaneous access to documents of various users;

) implementation of effective information search;

) ensuring high speed and required quality of document preparation.

Office systems must ensure the effective performance of the following functions:

1. input, preparation and editing of documents;

2. registration of documents;

3. joint work on documents;

4. control over the execution of documents;

5. creation of databases (storage of documents);

6. acceptance and forwarding of documents;

7. systematization of documents, formation of files;

8. preparation for storage and archival storage of files.

Let's look at a few typical office systems.

Office automation and document management system "Delo"

The system supports the full life cycle of a document in an organization: from its initial registration to its decommissioning into the archive. It implements control over the execution of documents, both at the level of the author of the resolution, and centralized control with the ability to generate reports on the execution of control documents, and provides automatic printing of standard journals, certificates and summaries.

The system includes 2 products:

1. “DELO-Enterprise” is a multi-user network version based on the Oracle DBMS or MS SQL 7.0, designed for office automation throughout the entire enterprise (institution).

2. “BUSINESS-Secretary” is a full-featured single-user version that comes with the Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) DBMS.

Designed to automate the office work of small organizations, including within a distributed network, providing exchange by e-mail at the level of “outgoing and incoming documents.”

The Delo system is configured in accordance with the document flow scheme of any enterprise (taking into account its organizational structure, field of activity, range of cases and access scheme to various documents).

Electronic document management and office automation system of the Intertrust company

The system includes 3 products:

. “Office Management” is a set of databases for automating the document flow of an enterprise. The system ensures registration of all documents of the enterprise; control of documents, management resolutions, instructions; statistical analysis of employee performance discipline; automatic delivery of electronic documents to performers; maintaining an electronic archive of documents.

. “Small Office” is a set of databases for automating office activities of small enterprises. The kit includes databases: Registration of documents, Contracts, Addresses and telephone numbers, Price list, Orders of goods and services, Meetings and meetings, Customer requests, Projects and events, Time planning, News and discussions, Electronic library of documents. HR department, Orders and instructions, External contacts.

. "Office" is a system for automating the document flow of an enterprise. The system ensures the preparation and storage of outgoing correspondence; preparation of administrative documentation; registration of incoming and outgoing correspondence; control of results and deadlines for execution of documents; control of document forwarding to departments; sorting and searching documents; generation of summaries and reports.

Office automation system, document flow and business process management for large organizations based on DOCS Open and Work Route

It is used for complex automation of document management and business process management, as well as for creating electronic archives of large and medium-sized organizations.

A phased implementation of the automated system is used:

1. automation of the centralized preschool educational institution service;

2. automation of preschool education services of structural divisions;

3. automation of the work of performers in structural divisions;

4. automation of the centralized archive.

Automation system for confidential document flow and office work “Optima-Workflow”

The Optima-Workflow system is designed to automate basic office work procedures: creation, processing, replication and storage of documents, as well as for organizing confidential document flow.

The system tracks and records the process of document movement, taking into account the time and name of the performer. The system supports special security standards, uses modern cryptographic protection methods and electronic digital signatures to protect against intentional or accidental interference.

Enterprise unstructured information management system based on the Documentum platform.

Designed to work with any type of file: text documents, images, drawings, web pages, audio and video files, scanned images, etc. Individual platform programs can be used together in any combination to solve a variety of management tasks.

The EMC system (Enterprise Content Management) organizes unstructured information, namely:

1. ensures the creation, management, processing, distribution and archiving of information of any content according to user-defined business rules;

2. establishes connections between pieces of content, allowing the same information to be used in different contexts, versions and formats;

3. provides the ability to intelligently analyze the content of information, simplifies its publication and distribution.

Office work in company management is carried out using the automated Document Flow system, designed for automated accounting, processing, maintenance and control of the execution of documents.

The effectiveness of the information retrieval system is achieved through the development and use of classification directories: types of documents, correspondents, executors, nomenclature of cases. In a corporate automated system, in its search arrays, a search for a specific document is carried out by its details, in particular by title, type, date, number, or by context (by any word or phrase contained in the title to the text of the document or in the annotation). In this case, the search query can contain any combination of text attributes.

The control database of the software package is systematized by the deadlines for the execution of documents, executors, by groups of documents, in particular, acts and instructions of supreme government bodies, federal executive bodies and other government bodies, decisions of the board of directors and management, orders, instructions, minutes of meetings.

Electronic document management reduces information flows to an optimal minimum, simplifies and reduces the cost of collecting, processing and transmitting information using the latest technologies for automating these processes.

CHAPTER 2. Analysis of the main characteristics of document flow in JSC "FESCO"

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