Analysis and ways to improve personnel policy in a budgetary organization. Improving the personnel policy of the organization Program for improving the personnel policy of a unitary enterprise


Personnel policy is an integral part of all management activities and production policy of the organization. It is no secret that the formation and development of market relations in Russia today largely depends on the successful operation of enterprises. Nowadays, a company that is clearly organized, with competent, dedicated and disciplined personnel who can quickly adapt and retrain, wins and succeeds. Therefore, every manager of any enterprise, regardless of the level of professional training and knowledge, academic degree and practical experience, must master the science of management and the ability to manage their personnel.

In domestic times, personnel problems have traditionally received minimal attention. However, in recent years, not only scientists, but also managers of many Russian enterprises have begun to pay attention to the role of the “human” factor in Russian organizations. Many managers realized that the American, Japanese, and German management experience is not suitable for the Russian people and the current state of the Russian economy. Of course, valuable foreign experience in personnel management can be used in Russian organizations, but in an adapted form. It is necessary to take into account national characteristics and the existing management mentality. Work with personnel is particularly influenced by the specifics of the commercial structure - the length of its existence and its position in the market, the number of personnel, the composition of personnel services, etc.

Of particular interest are the development of personnel policies and corporate culture of the enterprise, since these issues are aimed at creating a team capable of creatively searching for the most correct effective solutions, perfect methods, and techniques in work. The problem of the subject of management is also interesting, because it is the manager who develops and sets the algorithm for all work with personnel, determines its strategy and tactics.

It is the personnel policy that aims to create a cohesive, responsible, highly developed and highly productive workforce. Personnel policy should create not only favorable working conditions, but also provide the opportunity for career advancement and the necessary degree of confidence in the future. Therefore, the main task of the enterprise’s personnel policy is to ensure that the interests of all categories of workers and social groups of the workforce are taken into account in everyday personnel work. The successful operation of any institution depends, first of all, on the coordinated and stable work of qualified personnel. Personnel policy in any organization should be given great attention. One of the areas of training and formation of effective personnel potential of SU-451 is cooperation with educational institutions on the preparation and training of enterprise specialists, as well as attracting young specialists - university graduates.

Without a well-established personnel system, it is difficult to increase the capabilities of an enterprise, respond to changing technology and market requirements in the near future, create favorable working conditions, provide opportunities for career advancement and the necessary degree of confidence in the future. Today, it is important for HR departments to achieve more than just timely filling of vacancies in order to maintain production volume at the proper level. The personnel system should be planned in such a way as to constantly ensure that the workforce of the enterprise increases those people who have good knowledge, and to ensure that there are more such workers. Scientific principles of production organization, optimal systems and procedures play, of course, an important role, but the implementation of all the possibilities inherent in new management methods depends on specific people, on their knowledge, competence, qualifications, discipline, motivation, ability to solve problems and receptivity to learning. Competence is required for a worker involved in the development of new products or equipment, if only because the creation of new good technology requires, at a minimum, knowledge of how old machines and equipment work. But for an enterprise that has decided to succeed in the competition today, it is necessary that each employee has very extensive knowledge. The formation of the necessary competence in employees begins already during the selection of personnel and their hiring. People who join the organization should strive to master the aspects of this activity as much as possible. This is often more a matter of the desires of the workers themselves than of their previous work experience or basic education.

The purpose of the thesis is to improve the personnel policy of SU-451.

The objectives of the study of personnel policy and personnel formation in SU-451 are: determining the priority of personnel policy, styles of personnel management of the enterprise and reviewing personnel information.

The object of the study is Construction Department No. 451.

The subject of the study is personnel policy in SU-451.

The priority issues of the thesis are the selection and attraction of SU-451 employees, their certification, organization of professional training, advanced training, reserve training and career planning. In addition, the thesis examines stimulating the enterprise’s personnel to work more efficiently through the formation of the enterprise’s corporate culture, intra-company career planning and motivation to work, as the main factor of success in the enterprise’s field of activity.

Objectives of the thesis:

Reveal theoretical issues of personnel policy;

Describe the activities of the enterprise, its functions, goals, objectives, financial condition;

Characterize the number and categories of SU-451 personnel, the organization of personnel reception and advanced training;

Identify problems and propose measures to improve personnel policy in SU-451.

1 The meaning and role of the enterprise’s personnel policy

The implementation of the goals and objectives of personnel management is carried out through personnel policy.

Personnel policy is the main direction in working with personnel, a set of fundamental principles that are implemented by the personnel service of the enterprise. Personnel policy as a management tool is an organizing activity aimed at uniting the efforts of all employees of the enterprise to solve the assigned tasks. An enterprise's personnel policy is a holistic personnel strategy that combines various forms of personnel work, the style of its implementation in the organization and plans for the use of labor.

Personnel policy should increase the capabilities of the enterprise and respond to changing market requirements in the near future.

Main characteristics of the organization's personnel policy:

Connection with the organization's development strategy;

Focus on long-term planning;

The importance of the role of personnel;

The company's philosophy towards employees;

A system of interrelated functions and procedures for working with personnel.

The main object of the enterprise's personnel policy is personnel (personnel). The personnel of an enterprise is the main (regular) composition of its employees. Personnel are the main and decisive factor of production, the first productive force of society. The efficiency of production largely depends on the qualifications of workers, their professional training, and business qualities.

The formation of personnel policy is based on an analysis of the personnel structure, the efficiency of using working time, and forecasts for the development of production and employment.

HR strategy objectives include:

Raising the prestige of the enterprise;

Study of the atmosphere inside the enterprise;
- analysis of the prospects for the development of workforce potential;

Generalization and prevention of reasons for leaving work.

The day-to-day implementation of the HR strategy, as well as at the same time assisting management in carrying out their enterprise management tasks, lies in the operational area of ​​HR management.

The organization's personnel policy is designed to ensure:

High quality of work and its results, working conditions, as well as the workforce itself;

Structural adaptation of personnel to continuous organizational changes, social and cultural innovations - flexibility of personnel potential;

Refusal of the traditional, strict restrictions between different types of work, as well as the widespread use of various flexible forms of organizing labor processes: full-time, part-time and temporary employment, etc.;

Organizational integration, when the organization's top management and line managers accept a developed and well-coordinated HR strategy as “their own” and implement it in their operational activities;

A high level of responsibility for all employees of the organization, which implies both identification with the basic values ​​of the organization and persistent, proactive implementation of the goals they face in everyday practical work;

New quality of labor content and a high level of satisfaction with it, through the use of new forms that enrich the content of labor.

In market conditions, personnel policy is a conscious, purposeful activity to create a workforce that helps to combine the goals and priorities of the enterprise and its employees.

When choosing a personnel policy, the following factors are taken into account:

Production requirements, enterprise development strategy;

The financial capabilities of the enterprise, the acceptable level of costs for personnel management determined by it;

Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of existing personnel and the direction of their change in the future, etc.;

The situation on the labor market (quantitative and qualitative characteristics of labor supply by occupation of the enterprise, supply conditions);

Demand for labor from competitors, evolving wage levels;

The influence of trade unions, rigidity in defending the interests of workers;

Labor legislation requirements, accepted culture of working with hired personnel, etc.

The content of the personnel policy is not limited to hiring, but concerns the fundamental positions of the enterprise regarding training, personnel development, and ensuring interaction between the employee and the organization. While personnel policy is associated with the selection of target tasks designed for the future, current personnel work is focused on the prompt resolution of personnel issues. Naturally, there must be a relationship between them, which usually occurs between strategy and tactics for achieving a goal.

The target task of personnel policy can be solved in different ways, and the choice of alternative options is quite wide:

1. Dismiss or retain employees; If you save, which way is better:

a) transfer to shorter forms of employment;

b) use for unusual work, at other facilities;

c) send for long-term retraining, etc.

2. Train workers yourself or look for those who already have the necessary training.

3. Recruit from outside or retrain workers who are to be released from the enterprise.

4. Recruit additional workers or make do with the existing number, subject to more rational use of it, etc.

Personnel policy is both general in nature, when it concerns the personnel of the enterprise as a whole, and private, selective, when it is focused on solving specific problems (within individual structural divisions, functional or professional groups of employees, categories of personnel). This takes into account:

Requirements for the workforce at the stage of hiring (education, gender, age, length of service, level of special training, etc.);

Attitude to “investment” in the workforce, to the targeted impact on the development of certain aspects of the employed workforce;

Attitude to the stabilization of the team (all or a certain part of it);

Attitude to the nature of training of new workers at the enterprise, as well as to retraining of personnel;

Attitude to intra-company personnel movement, etc.

An enterprise's personnel policy is a holistic personnel strategy that combines various forms of personnel work, the style of its implementation in the organization and plans for the use of labor.

To fully analyze the personnel policy of any enterprise, it is necessary to highlight the evaluation criteria:

Quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel;

Staff turnover rate;

Flexibility of the policy;

The degree of consideration of the interests of the employee / production, etc.

For ease of analysis, the quantitative composition of an organization is usually divided into three categories: senior managers, middle managers and service personnel with differentiation into men and women, pensioners and persons under 18 years of age, working and on leave (for example, for child care, without pay, etc.), as well as for those working in the parent company or branches, etc. The quality of personnel is usually divided into employees with higher, secondary specialized, secondary and primary vocational education, taking into account work experience, advanced training of employees and other factors.

The level of staff turnover is one of the most indicative criteria of an enterprise's personnel policy. Of course, staff turnover can be viewed as both a positive and a negative phenomenon. Firstly, the employee’s capabilities expand and his ability to adapt increases. Secondly, the enterprise team is “refreshed”; there is an influx of new people, and, consequently, new ideas.

The flexibility of personnel policy is assessed based on its characteristics: stability or dynamism. Personnel policy must be dynamically restructured under the influence of changing conditions and circumstances.

The degree to which the interests of the employee are taken into account is considered in comparison with the degree to which the interests of production are taken into account. The presence or absence of an individual approach to the employees of the enterprise is investigated.

1.2 Goals and principles of personnel policy

In modern conditions, personnel policy should be focused on the priority of social values, social policy, since the ultimate goal of the reforms being carried out is not the market as such, but the well-being of each person.

The main goal of personnel policy is the creation of a personnel management system based primarily not on administrative methods, but on economic incentives and social guarantees aimed at bringing together the interests of the employee and the organization, achieving high labor productivity, increasing production efficiency, and obtaining the best economic results for the organization.

The main goal is specified in the following tasks:

1. Providing conditions for the implementation of the rights and obligations of citizens provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and labor legislation.

2. Compliance by all organizations and individual citizens with regulations on trade unions, standard internal regulations and other documents adopted within the framework of state personnel policy.

3. Ensuring an optimal balance between the processes of updating and maintaining the numerical and qualitative composition of personnel, its development in accordance with the needs of the organization itself and the state of the labor market.

4. Subordination of all work with personnel to the tasks of uninterrupted and high-quality provision of the main economic activity with the required number of workers of the required professional qualified staff.

5. Rational use of human resources available to the organization.

6. Formation and maintenance of effective work of labor collectives, development of intra-industrial democracy.

7. Development of principles for organizing the labor process.

8. Development of criteria and methods for selection, training and advanced training of workers; staff remuneration.

9. Development of principles for determining the social economic effect of activities included in the personnel management system.

All goals of personnel policy can be divided into economic and social.

Economic goals are derived from the priority production principles of maintaining the competitiveness of the organization and extracting maximum profits. Achieving an optimal balance between costs and results is an important achievement of personnel policy. In the current economic conditions, personnel decisions are rarely aimed at an absolute reduction in personnel costs; more often they are designed to optimize the relationship between these costs, on the one hand, and labor productivity, on the other.

Social goals are to improve the material and non-material situation of the enterprise's employees. This especially applies to wages, social expenses, reduction of working hours, as well as workplace equipment, demands for greater freedom of action and the right to participate in decision-making.

Own goals of personnel policy are determined taking into account the main provisions of all components of the organization’s development:

1. Goals related to the external conditions of the enterprise (labor market, relationships with state and local authorities).

2. Goals determined by internal conditions, the implementation of which is aimed at improving the relationship of the enterprise with its employees (their participation in the management of the enterprise, deepening professional knowledge, etc.).

Table 1.1 discusses the fundamental principles of formation of personnel policy.

Table 1.1 - Fundamental principles for the formation of personnel policy

Name of the principle Characteristics of the principle
Scientificity use of all modern scientific developments in this area, which could provide maximum economic and social effect
Complexity coverage of all areas of personnel activity and all categories of workers
Systematicity taking into account the interdependence and interconnection of the individual components of this work; the need to take into account the economic and social effect (both positive and negative), the impact of a particular event on the final result
Efficiency any costs for activities in this area must be recouped through the results of economic activity
Methodical qualitative analysis of the selected solution options, especially in cases where there are a number of mutually exclusive methods

Of several options for the proposed principles, one must be selected in relation to the conditions of a given organization. Such materials include the development of regulations on job descriptions, hiring methods and placement of newly hired employees in jobs, etc.

1.3 General requirements for personnel policy

The general requirements for personnel policy in modern conditions are as follows:

1. Personnel policy should be closely linked to the enterprise development strategy. In this regard, it represents the staffing for the implementation of this strategy.

2. Personnel policy should be flexible enough. This means that it must be, on the one hand, stable, since stability is associated with certain expectations of the employee, and on the other hand, dynamic, i.e. be adjusted in accordance with changes in the tactics of the enterprise, production and economic situation. Stable should be those parties that are focused on the interests of staff and are related to the organizational culture of the enterprise.

3. Since the formation of a qualified workforce is associated with certain costs for the enterprise, personnel policy must be economically justified, i.e. based on his real financial capabilities.

4. Personnel policy should provide an individual approach to its employees.

5. Personnel policy should create not only favorable working conditions, but also provide the opportunity for career advancement and the necessary degree of confidence in the future.

Thus, personnel policy is aimed at creating a system of working with personnel that is focused on obtaining not only an economic, but also a social effect, subject to compliance with current legislation.

1.4 Personnel certification and its procedure

Business assessment of an employee most often takes the form of certification. Its organizational implementation is formalized by an appropriate order for the enterprise, which gives it official status and gives the right to use its results to make organizational decisions regarding a specific employee. Thus, certification should be considered as some completed, documented result of the employee’s assessment.

Certification is a widespread form of work with personnel, actively used by enterprises, institutions and organizations. The object of certification is employees of certain categories who have an employment relationship with this enterprise. Its implementation is regulated by a number of official documents and appropriate methodological support.

At the same time, the enterprise has the right to develop its own regulations for certification, based on its goals. However, it should be borne in mind that there are certain formal requirements for the procedure for carrying it out, and special importance is attached to compliance with these procedures, since their violation may serve as grounds for an employee who is dissatisfied with the decision made regarding him to challenge this decision.

The certification methodology and its procedure developed in the country are typical for enterprises with public ownership of the means of production. Responsibility for the timeliness of its implementation rests with the director, and the direct executor is the personnel service (personnel department) with the active participation of the heads of departments of the enterprise and the trade union organization.

Certification of employees in its essence and organizationally cannot but differ at enterprises of different forms of ownership. At the same time, certification functions do not depend on the form of ownership of the enterprise. This is control, stimulation, improvement of selection and placement of personnel. The essence of the control function is to periodically check the business and personal qualities of employees to determine their suitability for the position held. The incentive function is aimed at increasing the employee’s interest in the constant development of his business and personal qualities, improving work results as a condition for successfully passing certification.

Certification must be carried out systematically. The following types are distinguished:

Regular basic, expanded (every 3-5 years);

Regular intermediate, simplified, focused on assessing the results of current work (for managers and specialists once a year, and for some categories 2 times a year or more often);

Irregular, caused by emergency circumstances (unexpected vacancy, unplanned opportunity to go to study), with the introduction of new wage conditions.

Certification includes several stages:


Preparation of a package of necessary documents for certified employees;

Carrying out the certification itself;

Use of certification results.

At the preparatory stage, a decision is made to conduct certification, the timing of its implementation is determined, lists of employees subject to certification are drawn up, and the quantitative composition of certification commissions is determined. All these documents are given legal force: an order is issued for the enterprise on the certification of employees, indicating the timing, composition of the certification commissions and their work schedule. The appendix to the order contains provisions on certification.

Managers and specialists who have worked in this position for less than a year, pregnant women, women with a child under one year old, etc. are exempt from certification. The subject of assessment is a person, group of persons, body that is predetermined the right to conduct assessment of employees. Most often, the certification commission acts as the subject of assessment.

The certification commission is headed by a chairman and includes commission members and a secretary. Managers, leading specialists of the enterprise, representatives of the public (trade union), experts - highly qualified specialists authorized to carry out the assessment - are invited as members of the commission. Employees of a given enterprise who know those being certified well can also act as experts. The composition of the certification commission is no more than 5–6 people.

Among the employees of the enterprise, explanatory work is carried out about the tasks of certification, familiarization with the methodology for its implementation, and the procedure for preparing the necessary documents.

The certification schedule is communicated to employees at least one month before the start of certification, and materials must be provided to the commission at least two weeks before certification. This is most often an attestation sheet and a review - a characteristic. The certification sheet contains objective information about the employee: education, work experience in the specialty, at the enterprise, in the position, etc. This information is prepared by personnel department employees. Feedback - a characteristic reflects the generalized results of an assessment of the employee’s performance, a questionnaire survey about the employee’s behavior in the team, and an assessment of the employee by the manager. The manager of the enterprise is responsible for recording and assessing the employee’s activities. Feedback – characteristics are discussed at a team meeting. The employee must be familiarized with it at least a week before certification for signature. Feedback - the characteristics are transferred to the personnel service or directly to the certification commission.

The certification commission reviews the documents submitted to it, hears a report about the employee, the successes and shortcomings achieved, the results of current assessments, and on the basis of this, taking into account the discussion in the absence of the person being certified by open voting, gives one of the following final assessments:

Corresponds to the position held;

Corresponds to the position held, subject to improvement of work and implementation of the recommendations of the certification commission with re-certification after a year;

Doesn't suit the position.

The employee is introduced to the commission’s decision, pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of his work. The commission can make recommendations regarding his promotion (professional growth) or the need for advanced training. The meeting of the certification commission is recorded. It is important that the certification of employees takes place in a friendly environment, so that the commission is aware of its responsibility in ensuring the objectivity of the assessment. The effectiveness of certification increases if certain legal consequences are associated with it: promotion, transfer to a higher position, dismissal, etc. Therefore, based on the results of the certification, an order is issued that approves its results, decisions on changes in the placement of personnel, on official salaries, the inclusion of promising employees in the reserve for promotion, positively certified employees are encouraged, etc.

The results of certification are discussed at production meetings, meetings together with the trade union organization, the results of certification, compliance with the procedure and conditions for its implementation are analyzed, decisions are made to eliminate identified deficiencies.

1.5 Methods of personnel formation

A workforce plan is developed to make calculations regarding the number of employees that the organization will require and the professional structure that will be needed during a given period. Decisions should also be made about the sources of potential recruitment, and contacts should be established and maintained to ensure that the needs of the organization and the potential rewards of work, monetary or emotional, are known to the future workforce, since companies recruit people from a wide range of professional levels and need a wide variety of specialties.

1.5.1 Selection of personnel

Staffing refers to all measures taken to ensure that the organization's staffing needs are met in a timely manner by suitable employees. To do this, you need to go through a multi-step planning process. As part of personnel requirements planning, future personnel requirements are first determined. Medium-term planning to long-term planning of three to five years is recommended. The result of personnel planning is to determine how many employees are needed, with what qualifications and abilities, for what positions, and from when. Once the future quality needs for personnel have been determined, it is necessary to determine the requirements (qualifications, knowledge, abilities, behavior...) that employees must meet in order for them to perform their tasks. This process is also referred to as profiling the requirements of the jobs to be replaced.

Most organizations cover their personnel needs through systematic professional training, since the external labor market often cannot provide the required quantity and quality of personnel. In addition, many organizations adhere to personnel policy principles in which vacant positions are filled primarily by their own employees. By doing so, they open up opportunities for promotion for their employees, and employees are more willing to contribute to improving the work climate. As a rule, a new position places higher demands on the employee, that is, such a move is associated with professional growth. Therefore, recruiting personnel from within, that is, replacing a vacant position with one’s own employee, is hardly possible without thorough training and assistance in advanced training. As a result of planning personnel requirements, it may turn out that additional personnel need to be hired for a particular workplace, for example, because there are no existing employees with the necessary qualifications, or because in the interests of business policy it is necessary to inject new blood from outside. Employees from outside often give new impetus to the institution and employees inside are more willing to accept them as bosses than former peers. In addition, filling vacancies from internal reserves cannot solve the quantitative aspect of staffing needs, because an employee transferred to a new position leaves behind a vacancy, which, as a rule, also needs to be filled. In extreme cases, filling a vacancy at the expense of one's own employees may entail a chain of movements, at the end of which, in the most favorable case, there will be a free place for a newcomer to the profession.

Depending on the market situation and the requirements for the workplace being replaced, measures to attract personnel can be addressed to high school graduates who are starting their career path after receiving vocational education, graduates of higher educational institutions looking for work, the unemployed or looking for work, but not yet busy. If, for example, an additional employee is needed to serve clientele, it may be advisable to prepare a rising specialist who is on the verge of completing his education and is already thinking about a permanent job to work with clients. If, for example, it is known that the head of a department is retiring, and none of its own employees are suitable candidates, then the organization should begin searching for a suitable successor in the external labor market about a year before the intended replacement of the position.

The purpose of recruiting is to reach out to relevant stakeholders, or to try to convince job seekers who have already indicated their interest without an invitation, of the attractiveness of the vacancy. If there are no candidates available from the internal pool, the organization should first select suitable candidates from existing external applications. If there are none, or only those of little interest, the organization itself will have to contact potentially interested parties. For this, the following possibilities exist: requests to the labor exchange or other organizations dealing with employment issues; contacts with schools and universities; advertisements in regional or interregional daily and weekly newspapers; advertisements in professionally specialized periodicals; assignment to HR consultant.

In the process of attracting personnel, it is necessary to pay attention to ensuring that the potential candidate is informed as widely as possible about the organization, the future workplace and the requirements that he will have to fulfill. The vacancy announcement, first of all, must have an attractive effect, that is, be addressed to as many suitable candidates as possible, for which the attractiveness of the advertised vacancy must be in the foreground. At the same time, the advertisement must have a selective effect, that is, ensure that, where possible, unsuitable candidates do not apply.

1.5.2 Recruitment

Recruitment is about selecting, from among the identified stakeholders and applicants, those who best meet the requirements of the vacancy. To do this, it is necessary to identify candidates' suitability indicators (abilities, knowledge, experience) and compare them with predetermined indicators of requirements for a free place. Here it is necessary to avoid mistakes that may arise as a result of insufficient or excessively high qualifications.

In practice, the following selection procedures are usually used:

Analysis of documents submitted with the application (certificates, biography, characteristics...);

Hiring interviews (free-form or prepared in advance); - psychological tests;

Using a personality assessment method in which situations typical for the relevant workplace are simulated (consulting clients or processing incoming mail) and when candidates are assessed by several specially trained observers. In most institutions, the core of the selection process is a personal interview with the candidate. In such a conversation, you should strive for the following goals: the candidate and the employer should get to know each other; the candidate must be given the opportunity to demonstrate his abilities, knowledge and experience, and state his goals; the employer should have the opportunity to explain to the candidate the requirements of the vacancy and, together with him, to record the goals of possible cooperation.

Once sufficient understanding has been reached between job expectations and the candidate's personal background and the choice has been made, further formal steps must be followed:

It is necessary to obtain the consent of the body representing the personnel (personnel council) at the hiring institution (the right of personnel participation in decision-making);

The candidate should receive an offer to conclude a contract with him only after the consent of the body representing the personnel;

Refusal can be sent to the remaining candidates who have applied only after the selected candidate has signed the proposal to conclude an agreement with him and sent it back.

The employee recruitment network must be sufficiently wide and diverse. Local schools are a good source for recruiting junior employees, and many companies maintain useful contacts with them to take part in training arrangements for schoolchildren. Most large companies also participate in annual meetings with graduates to provide them with information about career opportunities. Sources for recruiting more qualified employees for management positions are varied, including employment centers, special agencies and recruitment consultants or executive search consultants.

2 Analysis of personnel policy and personnel planning at the SU-451 enterprise

2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

Construction Department 451, abbreviated name: SU-451, is a branch of the open joint-stock company "Primortransstroy", located in Vladivostok, st. Strelnikova, 3a.

The Company may create branches and open representative offices on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad. Branches and representative offices carry out their activities on behalf of the company, which is responsible for their activities. A branch of a company is its separate division, located outside the location of the company, performing all or part of its functions, including the functions of representative office. A representative office of a company is its separate division, located outside the location of the company, which represents the interests of the company and protects them. Branches and representative offices are not legal entities; they are endowed with property by the company and act in accordance with the regulations on them. The property of branches and representative offices is accounted for on their separate balance sheet and on the balance sheet of the company. The decision on the creation of branches and representative offices and their liquidation, regulations on them, the decision on the appointment of a manager are made by the board of directors of the company in accordance with the legislation of the country where the branches and representative offices are established.

The heads of branches and representative offices act on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the company.

Legal address: Bolshoi Kamen, st. Karl Marx, 57. SU-451 is allocated to an independent balance sheet and registered with the tax authority at its location.

The main activity of the Construction Department 451 is the production of works and the provision of services in the field of construction activities. The organization has its own concrete mortar unit, which produces concrete, reinforced concrete products, and mortar, both for its own needs and for external sales. In addition, there is a fleet of vehicles, the services of which are used to carry out work and provide services to third-party organizations and the public.

The main suppliers of inventory and services are: Department of Mechanization, LLC AESKO, LLC Vodokanal, LLC Municipal Energy, LLC Dalmetalltorg, LLC World of Supply, LLC Cypress, etc.

On the balance sheet of SU-451 there is an administrative building with a total area of ​​1080 sq.m. Part of the space in this building is rented out for offices. Main tenants: Nefteprodukt Zvezda CJSC, Zvezda Oil CJSC, Standard LLC, etc. The construction department also has a material warehouse and mechanical workshops for repairing its own vehicles.

2.2 Works and services performed by SU-451

Construction Department No. 451 is engaged in the repair of buildings and structures, reconstruction of various heating networks, carries out construction and installation work, provides transport and machinery services, and leases premises to other enterprises.

Works and services carried out by SU-451 in 2005. - 2007 on the basis of the charter and power of attorney of OJSC Primortransstroy:

Courthouse renovation;

Renovation of the City House of Culture;

Renovation of the Administration building on the street. Karl Marx 4 “Front Entrance”;

Repair of the monument to WWII participants;

Strengthening (strengthening) the house on the street. Bluchera 31;

Major renovation of the administrative premises of the employment center;

Reconstruction of heating networks on the street. Gagarin;

Renovation of an orphanage;

Repair of the subscription hall of the Central City Library;

Major repairs of the heating network of the Mishutka kindergarten;

Repair and construction work in the music hall of the Mishutka kindergarten;

Laying of pressure pipe Oil product;

Reconstruction of heating networks from the Harlequin cinema;

Roof repair of medical units;

Repair of tax office premises;

Repair of the heating main of the Department of Internal Affairs of ZATO Bolshoi Kamen;

Renovation of school No. 1;

Renovation of school No. 4;

Construction of a 60-apartment building “Zvezda”;

Construction of the Service-Vostok water pipeline;

Construction of the Nefteproduct-Zvezda boiler house;

Construction and installation work for the installation of Teploenergo storage tanks;

Strengthening the walls along the street. Krylova, 6;

Construction of a cemetery fence;

Sewerage installation MSCh-98;

Construction of reservoir drainage for a 60-apartment building;

Construction of sewerage and treatment facilities in the “New World”;

Construction of external networks in the bakery area;

Reconstruction of the retaining wall of the Zhuravushka kindergarten;

Repair of the 2nd floor of the infectious diseases department of the medical unit.

2.3 Characteristics of the organizational management system, goals, functions and objectives of the organization

The SU-451 has a linear control structure, which is shown in Figure 2.1. At the head is the head of the department, vested with all powers and exercising sole management of the employees subordinate to him, concentrating in his hands all management functions.

Figure 2.1 – Organizational management structure of SU-451

Advantages of a linear management structure:

Unity and clarity of management;

Coherence of actions of performers;

A clear system of mutual connections between the manager and the subordinate;

Reaction speed in response to direct instructions;

Receipt by performers of interconnected orders and tasks provided with resources;

Personal responsibility of the manager for the final results of his enterprise.

There are also disadvantages of a linear management structure:

High requirements for the manager, who must have extensive, versatile knowledge and experience in all management functions and areas of activity;

Overload of top-level managers, a huge amount of information, a flow of papers, multiple contacts with subordinates and superiors;

Tendency to engage in red tape when resolving issues across multiple departments.

The enterprise organizes work based on the tasks assigned to it and the functions performed in accordance with long-term and current work plans; coordinates its activities with other organizations in order to protect the interests of its enterprise. The construction department is headed by a chief who holds the position and is released from it by order of the director of Primortransstroy OJSC.

The main tasks of the SU-451 are:

Increasing the volume of services offered;

The expansion of the customer base;

Strengthening the image of the organization, including by improving the quality of customer service.

To solve problems, the SU-451 performs the following functions:

Organization of work with clients;

Carrying out work to attract clients for the organization;

Formation and timely submission of primary documents and required reporting to OJSC Primortransstroy;

Client consulting;

Development of proposals for changing the procedure for implementing the provided works and services and introducing new ones;

Preparation of proposals for changing the operating mode of the SU-451 in order to improve the quality of customer service;

Improving the culture of customer service and employee qualifications;

Timely informing clients about new works and services provided.

Functions of the head of SU-451:

Manages all activities of the construction department and is personally responsible for the correct and timely implementation of tasks and functions, as well as work results;

Organizes the development of long-term and current management work plans;

Conducts a systematic analysis of the state of affairs on issues within the competence of SU-451, and on its basis prepares proposals to the director of OJSC Primortransstroy for making decisions aimed at improving the activities of the enterprise;

Organizes a study of the construction services market and the possibility of expanding the circle of potential consumers (clients) on issues within the competence of SU-451;

Performs representative functions and participates in meetings and meetings held in the organization;

Ensures the preservation of trade secrets about the activities of the enterprise and its clients, the correct application of current legislation and the conduct of office work in the prescribed manner;

Ensures the development of the draft Regulations on SU-451, distributes responsibilities between the deputy heads of SU-451, reviews and approves regulations on the departments included in SU-451, as well as job descriptions of employees developed on the basis of the qualification characteristics for the position approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation ;

Contributes to the creation of the necessary working conditions and a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team. Ensures that SU-451 employees comply with labor discipline;

Submits for consideration to the director of the enterprise proposals for changing the structure, staffing of SU-451, as well as for the hiring, relocation and dismissal of SU-451 employees, their encouragement and imposition of disciplinary sanctions;

Resolves operational issues, signs documents on issues related to the activities of SU-451, within the limits of his powers delegated by power of attorney;

Concludes contracts for the implementation of SU-451 transactions, within his competence on the basis of the powers granted to him in accordance with the power of attorney issued to him;

Persons who meet the qualification requirements of this enterprise are accepted for the positions of SU-451 specialists;

During the period of temporary absence of the head of SU-451, the performance of his duties is assigned to an authorized person, in accordance with the order of the director of the enterprise or his deputy;

For shortcomings in work and violations of labor discipline, disciplinary measures may be applied to management and employees of SU-451 in accordance with current legislation, as well as material sanctions. Employees may be subject to other types of liability by law.

2.4 Number and structure of SU-451 personnel

Construction Department No. 451 includes:

Head of Department;

Chief Engineer;

Chief Accountant;

Chief mechanical engineer;

Head of Supply;





SU-451 also includes the following departments:

Human Resources Department;

Chief Mechanic Department;

Purchase department;


Labor protection office.

Each employee has his own job description, which describes in detail all his functions. The head of the department deals with all organizational issues and controls the activities of the enterprise. The chief engineer resolves technical issues. Deputy The head of the supply department is responsible for providing all the necessary materials and equipment for construction and installation work at various sites. The chief accountant prepares reports, payroll, and monitors all financial activities of the management. The PTO orders design and estimate documentation for objects under construction or repair, draws up forms for completing the work and presents them to the customer for payment. The chief mechanic's department has at its disposal all control mechanisms: dump trucks, truck cranes, bulldozers, mixers for transporting concrete. The HR department deals with hiring and firing employees. Secretary - assistant to the chief for general issues. Superintendents and foremen directly carry out the repair and construction of facilities that the management has won in tenders (competitions).

The lowest level is occupied by personnel whose labor functions are strictly regulated, freedom of choice is maximally limited by regulatory documents. As a rule, these are technical personnel and technical performers (foremen, workers, foremen). They are obliged to strictly follow the rules and regulations, be sure to follow the requirements of job descriptions, and diligently master standard patterns of business behavior. This is considered the highest sign of professional culture. Such work does not require the manifestation of individuality, limits creativity and encourages the performer to be conscientious, organized, collected and methodical, and ready for regulated activities. However, even in the conditions of a clearly organized, hierarchically constructed system of rigid organizational technologies, there is always room for the initiative of performers.

The middle level is occupied by middle managers, leading and chief specialists of the organization, forecasters, etc. Their main role is to coordinate, monitor strict adherence to established procedures, and ensure that business plan indicators are achieved. They must have professional knowledge of instructive documents, as well as knowledge of computer technology, and theoretical training in the basics of economics and law. At the same time, many economic situations give rise to fundamentally new tasks, in solving which accumulated experience and mastery of technology do not always help. To a certain extent, skills of a creative approach to the situation and entrepreneurial intuition are required, but within the framework of the official role.

The highest level is occupied by managers (director, chief) - analysts performing the functions of strategic analysis and planning. These are the leaders, the brains of the organization. They are endowed with maximum authority and greatest responsibility. Their business activity determines the competitiveness of the enterprise, and the lack of specialists of this level is considered a risk factor. The content of their work includes: audit, diagnostics and optimization of financial processes; prompt preparation of solutions for managing archives and enterprise obligations, costs and profits, productivity and efficiency; identifying trends in the development of financial processes and ensuring security.

Table 2.1 shows the dynamics of the number of personnel in 2005. – 2007

Table 2.1 – Dynamics of the number of personnel in 2005 - 2007

The main reason for the dismissal of workers is dissatisfaction with work in Construction Department No. 451.

Figure 2.2 graphically shows the dynamics of the number of personnel in 2005. - 2007

Figure 2.2 - Dynamics of the number of personnel in 2005 - 2007

To characterize the movement of labor, we calculate and analyze the dynamics of the following indicators:

Personnel recruitment turnover ratio (HR):

Kpr = number of employees / average number of staff. * 100%

The turnover ratio for personnel retirement (Q) is calculated using the formula:

Kv = number of workers who quit. / average number of staff. * 100%

The staff turnover rate (Kt) is calculated using the formula:

Kt = number of people who quit voluntarily and / average number. lane * 100% for violation of labor discipline

Permanence coefficient of the enterprise personnel (Kp.s):

Kp.s = number of workers who worked the whole year / average number. * 100%

Table 2.2 shows calculation data on personnel movement for three years.

Table 2.2 – Dynamics of personnel movement in 2005 – 2007,%

According to the results of the analysis, the coefficient for hiring personnel increases every year: in 2005. it was 1.3; in 2006 1.3 higher – 2.6, and by 2007 increased by 1.2 and amounted to 3.8. Since 2005 – until 2007 There is a trend towards an increase in the number of employees, 4 people were hired, 3 people were fired. This suggests that the ratio of personnel intake exceeds the ratio of personnel departure in 2006. by 1.3%.

Staff turnover rate since 2005 to 2007 decreasing: since 2005 to 2006 - by 1.4%, but it is still worth paying attention to the fact that, despite good working conditions, staff quit.

In general, for the SU-451 enterprise in 2005. the actual number of personnel was 75 people, and by 2007. – 79 people.

Number of employees of SU-451 (control staff): head of department - 1 person; chief engineer – 1 person; head of the supply department - 1 person; supply department – ​​2 people; chief accountant – 1 person; VET – 3 people; chief mechanic department – ​​2 people; HR department – ​​1 person; senior foreman – 1 person; foremen – 2 people; masters – 2 people; secretary – 1 person; accounting – 2 people; labor protection office – 1 person.

The SU-451 is fully staffed, so getting a job is quite difficult.

2.4.1 Gender and age structure of personnel

The total number of personnel working in SU-451 in 2007: women - 35%; men - 65%. The personnel in SU-451 (control apparatus) mostly have higher education.

Table 2.3 shows the structure of personnel by age, level of education and work experience over three years.

Table 2.3 – Personnel structure by age, level of education and work experience in 2005. – 2007

Indicators 2005 2006 2007
people % people % people %
Average headcount 75 100 76 100 79 100
Incl. aged: 22-30 6 8 7 9 8 10
30-40 40 54 40 53 42 53
40-50 19 25 19 25 19 24
50-60 10 13 10 13 10 13
Have higher education 13 17 14 18 17 22
average special education 62 83 62 82 62 78
Have experience: 1-5 years 47 63 49 65 52 66
5-10 years 16 21 14 18 14 18
10-20 years 8 11 9 12 9 11
over 20 years 4 5 4 5 4 5

From the table it follows that in the organization since 2005. to 2007 Most workers are between 30 and 40 years old. In the categories from 22 to 30 years old and from 30 to 40 years old, the number of personnel increases every year. Young people are more productive, efficient, and more active. In second place are personnel aged from 40 to 50 years, their number remains unchanged every year - 19 people.

In SU-451 for the period 2007. 62 people have secondary specialized education, 17 people have higher professional education, i.e. 21.5% with higher education, 78.5% with specialized secondary education. Over three years, the number of personnel increased only due to the hiring of workers with higher professional education.

2.4.2 Admission, vocational training, advanced training of workers in SU-451 and professional growth

When applying for a job in the Construction Department, an interview is conducted and a probationary period of three months is assigned, and a questionnaire is filled out. Interviews are still the most widely used method of personnel selection. Even non-managerial employees are rarely hired without at least one interview. Selecting a senior executive may require interviews that take several months. The test helps predict how effectively a candidate will be able to perform a specific job.

In the city of Nakhodka and in the city of Vladivostok there are educational institutions with which the enterprise JSC Primortransstroy and its branch SU-451 entered into an agreement that every three years the employees of the enterprises will confirm their qualifications. The training lasts 2 – 3 days. Tuition fees for one person per day range from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles. The task of vocational training is to bring the employee’s qualifications into line with the requirements for his job position. An employee who was hired some time ago and at that time fully satisfied professional requirements must also expand his knowledge (study new documents, etc.). Trainings are conducted for supervisors and managers in order to make their work for enterprises more successful; Employees are promptly informed about new services provided by the company.

Career is one of the important conditions in the professional activity of every employee. A career is an employee’s conscious judgments about his or her work future, the expected ways of self-expression and satisfaction with work. This is moving forward along the once chosen path of activity. Table 2.4 shows the stages of career growth of employees in SU-451.

Table 2.4 – Stages of career growth in SU-451

A successful career is often the result of reaching certain career milestones by a certain age. Studies have shown that people whose career advancement has not kept pace with their lives have lower productivity at work, often a passive life position. The ultimate goal of career planning is to improve staff motivation, commitment and performance.

Figure 2.3 graphically displays the stages of career growth of employees of Construction Department No. 451.

Figure 2.3 – Stages of career growth for employees of Construction Department No. 451

Planning and control of a business career in the Construction Management is that from the moment an employee is accepted into the organization and until the expected dismissal from work, it is necessary to organize the systematic horizontal and vertical advancement of the employee through the system of positions or jobs. An employee must know not only his prospects for the short and long term, but also what indicators he must achieve in order to count on promotion.

The preliminary stage includes a period during which a person can change several different jobs in search of an activity that satisfies his needs and meets his capabilities. In the Construction Department in 2007. The staff under 30 years old is 8 people - these are young specialists who are learning their profession, gaining experience, they are dependent and subordinate.

The formation stage lasts approximately five years between the ages of 30 and 40 – 42 people. In SU-451, these are employees who work with clients and customers. During this period, the employee masters the chosen profession, acquires the necessary skills, his qualifications are formed, and self-affirmation occurs. Typically, at this age, a person’s needs become greater, so there is a desire to receive a salary that is higher than the subsistence level.

The promotion phase usually occurs between the ages of 40 and 50, with a staff of 19 people. During this period, there is a process of growth in qualifications and career advancement. There is an accumulation of practical experience and skills, a growing need for self-affirmation, achieving a higher status and even greater independence, and self-expression as an individual begins. Workers acquired experience, knowledge and skills. The experience gained gives them the opportunity to independently conduct a section of work. Some of them work as department heads at the enterprise. Advancement to this stage depends on whether the employee has demonstrated competence in a particular area.

The conservation stage is characterized by actions to consolidate the achieved results and occupies the age period from 50 to 60 years. At this age, the number of employees is 10 people. The peak of improvement of qualifications is coming and its increase occurs as a result of active work and special training; the employee is interested in passing on his knowledge to young people. This period is characterized by creativity; there may be an ascent to new career levels. Analysis of the use of enterprise personnel must be considered in close connection with remuneration. Let's consider the dynamics of the average salary of SU-451 workers in the period from 2005. – 2007

Table 2.5 - Payroll fund for employees of SU-451

This table shows that in 2006 the average salary increased by 132% (9378*100/7083) compared to 2005. In 2007, wages increased by 134% compared to 2005. The increase is explained by an increase in official salaries and tariff rates of employees.

Figure 2.4 shows the dynamics of the average monthly salary of SU-451 employees.

Figure 2.4 – Average monthly salary, (rub.)

2.5 Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise SU-451

The financial strategy is focused primarily on effective cooperation with large clients and customers with high potential, as well as on stimulating the growth of the number of clients through attractive services provided, the reputation of the enterprise and the degree of customer confidence.

In its financial activities, SU-451 managed not only to maintain, but also to increase its potential. Priority objectives for sustainable development in 2007 The Construction Department has traditionally determined the activation of effective forms and methods of service, the development of new technologies that meet modern requirements and international standards, and maximum satisfaction of customer needs in the volume, structure and quality of services. Table 2.6 shows the main financial indicators of SU-451’s activities in 2005. – 2007

Table 2.6 – Main financial indicators of the activities of Construction Department No. 451 in 2005. - 2007

In 2006 compared to 2005 The enterprise's income increased by 123% and amounted to 41,159.99 thousand rubles, expenses increased by 122.1% (10,142.50), profit increased by 123.3% (31,016.82), and the number increased by 101.3%. In 2007 compared to 2006 income increased by 230.9% (95,026.58), expenses increased by 365.6% (37,083.54). In 2006 net profit is 31,016.82 thousand rubles in 2007. – 57943.04 thousand rubles, i.e. by 2007 profit increased by 26,926.22 thousand rubles. (186.8%). Number of personnel by 2007 increased by 104%.

In 2007 compared to 2005 income increased by 61,571.41 thousand rubles. (95026.58 - 33455.17), i.e. by 284%. Expenses increased by 446.7%, profits increased by 230.3%, and headcount increased by 105.3%. Figure 2.5 graphically displays the main financial indicators of the activities of Construction Administration No. 451 in 2005. - 2007

Figure 2.5 - Main financial indicators of the activities of Construction Administration No. 451 in 2005. - 2007

The most important source of resources for SU-451 are funds from completed construction and repair work. The second most important source of financing is funds from the rental of premises, areas and construction machinery (truck cranes, excavators, dump trucks and other equipment) to other enterprises.

High-quality and urgent execution of construction and installation work is a priority in the development of the enterprise. The volume of orders provided to the company since 2003. increased by more than 4.3 times. SU-451 provides clients with comprehensive services at all stages of construction and repair work. Work is constantly underway to improve the company's services. Working with customers remains one of the priority areas of work.

The average wage for SU-451 workers ranges from 7 to 9.5 thousand rubles. Based on the results of financial activities, the Construction Department has a stable position in the construction services market, which means it has sufficient funds and opportunities to increase the level of the enterprise’s personnel policy in order to expand the number of staff, hire new specialists, increase the area of ​​premises, motivate staff, and promptly improve the qualifications of workers SU-451, i.e. There are all conditions for improving the organization’s personnel policy.

3.1 HR strategy of the enterprise

In the context of the rapid development of new technologies, providing organizations with qualified personnel is becoming increasingly important. Timely staffing of all departments of the organization with the necessary personnel becomes impossible without the development and implementation of personnel policies. The fact is that in modern production, the greatest value is not the walls and machines of the enterprise, but the creative potential of the staff and management methods.

Construction Authority No. 451 is committed to a concentrated growth strategy. This strategy is associated with increasing the quantity and quality of services provided by the enterprise. The company is trying to expand the range of services provided without changing the industry. The specific types of this strategy are as follows:

A strategy for strengthening a position in the market, in which the company does everything to win the best position with a given product in a given market;

Market development strategy, which consists in finding new markets for an already produced product;

A product development strategy that involves solving the problem of growth through the production of a new product, which is intended to be sold on a market already developed by the company.

A concentrated growth strategy is characterized by constant comparison of current goals and building a foundation for the future.

Required personnel characteristics for this strategy:

Workers must be assigned in an organized manner;

Have the ability to adapt to changing conditions;

Be problem-oriented and work closely with other organizations.

The HR management technology for this strategy is:

Looking for people who can take risks;

In fairness and impartiality in assessing work results;

With an emphasis on quality staff growth;

Taking into account real opportunities and various forms of career advancement.

3.2 Measures to improve the personnel policy of Construction Department No. 451

1) SU-451 is fully staffed, there are quite prestigious jobs and the work is well paid, especially taking into account the length of service, so getting a job is quite difficult.

2) When selecting personnel, only one method is used - an interview, although it is the most common. It is necessary to use not only the interview, since there is a tendency to make a decision about a candidate based on the first impression without taking into account what is said in the rest of the interview, but also other methods.

3) Dismissals due to dissatisfaction with work in the Construction Department. The age of those who quit is 22 - 30 years.

4) There are strict requirements for personnel; fines are applied for the slightest offense.

5) Small staff, small building area, which on the one hand is good (clarity of actions, unquestioning subordination), on the other - bad (no opportunity to hire new specialists).

Suggested activities:

I. Creation of a training center in Bolshoi Kamen.

In the city of Nakhodka and in the city of Vladivostok there are educational institutions with which the enterprise JSC Primortransstroy and its branch SU-451 entered into an agreement that every three years the employees of the enterprises will confirm their qualifications. The training lasts 2 – 3 days. They teach how to work with clients and offer services provided by the company. Tuition fees for one person per day range from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles. To reduce costs, you need to create your own training center in some educational institution in the city of Bolshoi Kamen, both for employees already working in SU-451, and for students and other people planning to work there. In connection with the opening of a training center in Bolshoy Kamen, employees of the Construction Department will be able to improve their qualifications every two years.

An approximate range of educational services of a training center may be as follows:

Implementation of such forms of advanced training as courses, seminars, internships, including computer training;

An appropriate contract must be concluded with each student, and in case of its violation, penalties are included;

Regular assessment of the employee’s professional qualities, level of qualifications, compliance of existing knowledge and skills with the job description;

Instruction on newly introduced construction technologies;

Information support for employees.

In connection with the opening of the training center, students from educational institutions in the city will be able to attend special classes. Having concluded an agreement with these institutions, for several years of study, send students to undergo internships at SU-451. This will be very beneficial for the enterprise, since in the future it will take less time for the probationary period, not three months, but one or even less. Without major changes in the field of training and retraining of personnel, it is difficult to expect qualitative changes in the work of the enterprise.

II. Development of corporate culture, stimulation of employees.

Corporate culture is a system of values ​​professed by an enterprise that shape its individuality. It determines the image and perception of the Construction Department in the eyes of society, the style of behavior of its personnel - from ordinary employees to managers. The organization's relationships with clients, shareholders and staff are built on the principles of honesty, openness, professionalism and mutual respect. It is openness and high-quality corporate governance that influence the formation of trusting relationships between the enterprise and all interested parties and are the basis for its effective activities and investment attractiveness. As a result of the survey, forms of incentives were identified that are more attractive to SU-451 employees.

Figure 3.1 – Forms of incentives most attractive to the personnel of Construction Department No. 451

The strongest motivating influence is provided by (in descending order): valuable gifts, material incentives, time off and additional vacations, rewarding with travel vouchers, being included in the organization’s history book, moral encouragement, and selling company shares.

Cases of staff participation in profits and the sale of company shares to employees require special comment. The number of companies implementing such programs is small, and judging by the distribution of estimates, the use of these forms of incentives and motivation is only being tested. As a result, companies do not have a clear opinion on this matter. It is possible to predict the success of these programs and their spread if they are supported by the real participation of personnel in management, or are aimed at retaining personnel in the company, restructuring personnel income, etc.

In the Construction Department, to increase incentives for all employees, an increased bonus coefficient is used, in particular for employees who attracted clients for the enterprise, exceeded the work plan, etc. . For employees of SU-451 who have worked for at least 1 year, benefits are applied: the issuance of a sum of money from the wages at the request of the employee, not exceeding his salary, for the month not yet worked.

For even more fruitful and effective work of employees, it is recommended to carry out annual work on the development of corporate culture, since it is aimed at instilling in each employee of the Construction Department conscious personal responsibility for the overall result of the enterprise. Personnel motivation is directly related to the final results of work and its effectiveness. For effective activities, use moral and psychological methods of stimulation. Employees who have worked in SU-451 for 25 years should be awarded a bonus; those who have worked for more than 25 years should be awarded medals. Issue vouchers to health centers for free or with a small surcharge to employees (and their children, if any) who have worked for 5 years. Apply recognition, which can be private and public. The essence of personal recognition is that particularly distinguished employees are mentioned in special reports to the top management of the enterprise, introduced to them, and personally congratulated by the director on the occasion of holidays and family dates.

III. Currently, the following expenses of Construction Department No. 451 for personnel policy are taken into account:

1. Expenses for social support of employees (funds for health insurance, to support employees in special circumstances: birth, death, fire, flood and other emergencies).

2. Expenses for training employees and improving their qualifications;

3. General expenses of the enterprise for motivating the work of employees (bonuses for the best employees, determined at the enterprise level, including payment for valuable gifts to the most distinguished employees). As a rule, such award procedures are carried out on official holidays (Builder's Day and other public holidays).

To improve personnel policy, it is advisable to expand the list of expenses for social support of employees, namely:

1. Life insurance for certain categories of employees whose work involves risk to life.

2. Assistance to families with young children and some other expense items.

3. Allocation of funds to support SU-451 veterans, especially those who are retired.

4. Allocation of funds for subsidized lunches, vacations, and the purchase of special clothing.

5. Expenses for training employees and improving their qualifications.

The most significant expenses will be required for the maintenance of the educational center itself (rent, ensuring the life of the center, remuneration of teachers and staff, production of teaching aids and some other sections). It is necessary to allocate funds to pay teachers from among the most experienced employees of the enterprise who teach during non-working hours. You shouldn’t rely on the enthusiasm of employees who are “insiders” and supposedly can teach for free - this is a dangerous misconception, often leading to the collapse of corporate training ideas.

6. Costs of hiring new employees to SU-451.

The greatest weight in this article goes to the costs of advertising about the recruitment of specialists for specific positions, wages for psychologists (if their work is provided for by the technology for selecting specialists), and the production of information materials about the enterprise needed when hiring new employees.

7. Expenses for general company holidays and rituals.

When creating its own corporate culture, any organization has its own list of corporate holidays and rituals (birthday of an enterprise, industry holiday, ritual of initiation of newcomers into SU-451 employees, etc.). Naturally, it is necessary to allocate funds for their implementation, and this is most reasonable to do at the general level of the enterprise.

It is important that in SU-451 there is a clear procedure for forming and bringing to the attention of the head of the enterprise his budget, and there are also rules in place that allow this manager to independently, without any additional coordination with any superiors, assign and implement payments to his employees (both personally and and for carrying out relevant events, paying teachers).

The Construction Department can easily include the proposed personnel costs in its expenses, since since 2005. to 2007 SU-451's profit increased significantly by 186.8%.

IV. Improve customer service conditions.

To improve the conditions of customer service and increase the volume of services provided, lengthen the operating hours on weekdays, increase the operating hours on Saturdays, and organize customer service on Sundays.

Approval of schedules, plans, activities and monitoring their implementation for such personnel actions as: employee performance assessment and certification of managers, SU-451 employee rotation plan for a specific period, the procedure for material incentives for employees, forms and methods of moral incentives for employees (types, status such incentives and the norms for their application), corporate holidays (scenarios for their holding and possible expenses), the procedure for presenting and the size of personnel information received at this level of management, meetings of managers on personnel issues. These and a number of possible other working documents define the operational personnel management system, create a general algorithm and atmosphere for working with people at the enterprise.

VI. To improve personnel work, it is necessary to introduce personnel technologies. The most famous computer personnel developments of domestic and foreign companies: “1C”, “A&T”:\ “Human Resources Management”, “IT”:\ “BOSS-Kadrovik”, Hobby Center and many others. Today, there are five main groups of such programs presented on the HR software market:

1) Programs for conducting personnel records management.

2) Programs for psychological testing of workers.

3) Educational programs, training programs, etc.

4) Complex programs that, in addition to office work, also allow you to perform computer-based professional selection, hiring, certification, selection of reserves for promotion, etc.

5) Comprehensive programs designed to analyze and optimize the structure of an enterprise.

SU-451 has a personnel records management program. It is relatively inexpensive and is in demand among many organizations. This program has its limitations in operation: it does not conduct certification of employees or selection for training. For more efficient personnel work, the personnel records management program must be replaced by the program of the fourth group (comprehensive program), which today is more advanced. With the help of a comprehensive program, you can perform work with documents and work with people. Such software systems (unlike programs of the first group) are initially designed to solve problems related to working with personnel, therefore the set of parameters in them is different from personnel records management programs: the program performs computer-based professional selection, hiring, certification, selection of reserves for promotion, and identifies workers have various mental disorders, determines the criminal orientation. Such complex solutions, along with programs for optimizing the structure, are the most popular abroad, and they are rapidly gaining popularity in Russia.

In 2005 and in 2006 The reason for employee resignations is dissatisfaction with work in a construction organization. To solve this problem, it is necessary to introduce into SU-451 a program for the assessment and placement of personnel, which has never been carried out before.

Assessing the performance of staff is important, first of all, when characterizing an employee who already occupies a certain position, in order to assess whether he is suitable for the position held. Assessing potential (personal qualities) is critical when selecting candidates for leadership positions. Evaluation of performers is defined as an expression of attitude towards their achievements and shortcomings in the process of work. The assessment helps determine the professional competence of workers with insufficient training and determines the need for their professional training, encourages personnel to work more effectively and develop their skills and abilities. Personnel assessment should be a decisive factor in job and professional advancement.

When assessing performance, the scoring method can be used. A certain number of points can be awarded for certain achievements. Table 3.1 shows the criteria for interpreting work intensity scores.

Table 3.1 - Interpretation of work intensity scores

Table 3.2 shows the interpretation of job complexity scores.

Table 3.2 - Interpretation of labor complexity scores

Table 3.3 shows the interpretation of labor quality scores.

Table 3.3 - Interpretation of labor quality scores

When assessing the work of employees, you should pay attention to such qualities as the ability to plan, organize, coordinate, control the work of subordinates, and also stimulate employees.

On a five-point scale, a rating of “3” is an average.

If an employee's rating is below average, then you should consider transferring him to another job. A rating of “4” indicates that the employee is in the right place. If an employee’s work is assessed at 5 points, then he may be promoted to a more responsible job. Appendix A contains a “Score Sheet” that displays the results based on the points scored. Based on the results, a decision is made whether the employee should be transferred to another job, promoted, etc. .

To assess the performance of managers and specialists, you can use the results of current certification, which are recorded in specially designed certification sheets for assessing performance (see Appendix B).

Undoubtedly, these programs make it easier to work with personnel, but experts believe that there are also negative aspects of such new products in this area. Several years ago, when there was an acute shortage of modern technologies, organizations tried to acquire them as quickly as possible, sometimes without thinking about how it would work in their specific conditions. And how much will it cost in the end? It is in the end, and not during the purchase. There is a discrepancy between the purchase price and the so-called “cost of ownership” among the majority (unfortunately) of domestic and foreign manufacturers. As a result of such a discrepancy, an inexpensive computer program, for example, during operating costs becomes “gold” in cost in a year or two. And all because the enterprise chased the visible external cheapness, without thinking about the future.

Undoubtedly, the top management of the enterprise sets the algorithm for the successful operation of its professional personnel services (HR department, training center, personnel assessment group, etc.) It is absolutely clear that today the heads of services and departments occupy key positions in the struggle for the profitability and authority of the enterprise, operational efficiency employees. And if these managers have been studying professional technical and technological skills and knowledge for many years (at least 5 in Russian universities), then when they come to manage an organization, they feel an urgent need to gain knowledge on management and working with people. Enterprise managers are aware of this need.

VII. It is also proposed to highlight as an effective measure the introduction of outplacement principles into the work of human resources services of enterprises (i.e. assistance to dismissed employees - psychological, informational, consulting). The advantage of the method is that it is one of the few measures that does not require significant material costs (except for cases where it may be necessary to conduct special psychological training with dismissed employees or seek help from recruitment agencies).

In connection with the introduction of outplacement into the work of the personnel service, the dismissed employee can be provided with a package of information, documents, and consultations. The employee may be provided with letters of recommendation, mandatory psychological consultation, training in job search methods, training in working with recruitment agencies, and consultations on the procedure for applying to the labor exchange. It is recommended to consult on the rules of conduct during an interview and on the proper preparation of a resume. These activities will allow:

Reduce the number of claims from those dismissed, including the number of lawsuits (payments for them);

Reduce the number of compensation payments to dismissed employees;

Remain on good terms with the departing employee.

3.3 Effectiveness of the proposed measures

By applying the proposed measures, the Construction Management will undoubtedly raise its prestige and improve the personnel performance of the enterprise.

In connection with the opening of a training center in the city of Bolshoi Kamen in one of the educational institutions, the company’s expenses will be significantly reduced, since there will be no need to allocate funds for transport, daily allowances, or hotel accommodation. SU-451 it is more profitable to hire teachers without taking your workers away from production. The cost of training new employees will be reduced, since students and other people will be able to attend special classes while receiving education, thereby reducing the probationary period in the future. By increasing their qualifications, the Construction Department staff will reduce the time it takes to complete transactions, increase the number of clients served, without creating dissatisfaction and without making them wait. In 2007 In Construction Department No. 451, 6 people worked with clients. Since 2005 – until 2007 4 people were accepted. It is proposed not to increase the number of customer service specialists, and to distribute the additional work among six employees who have improved their qualifications. They should be paid an additional 2,500 rubles to their wages. As a result, there will be no need to hire new personnel, while spending money on the wages of a new employee. For example, the salary of a new employee is 7,000 rubles, the salary of an employee for more than five years who has worked in SU-451 and improved his skills is 10,000 rubles.

The additional payment per month for six employees who have improved their qualifications will be 15,000 rubles (2,500 rubles * 6 people), for three years 540,000 rubles (15,000 rubles * 12 months * 3 years).

The salary of the new four employees will be 28,000 rubles per month. (RUB 7,000*4 people), for three years RUB 1,008,000. (RUB 28,000*12 months*3 years).

In the first case, we calculate the wages for 3 years, if we do not hire four new specialists, but distribute their work among eight employees who have improved their qualifications, we get:

Full salary = (salary of previous workers) + additional payment of previous workers

Full salary = (6,375,000 + 8,553,000 + 8,965,000) + (15,000*12 months*3 years) = 23,893,000 + 540,000 = 24,433,000 rubles.

In the second case, we will calculate the salary for 3 years if we hire four new specialists:

Full salary = salary of previous workers + salary of new workers

Full salary = 23,893,000 + 1,008,000 = 24,901,000 rubles.

According to the calculation results, method 1, if you do not hire new specialists, but distribute the work among eight previous employees and pay them an additional 2,500 rubles. to salary is more effective than the 2nd method. Savings over 3 years of wages will amount to 468,000 rubles (24,901,000 – 24,433,000), per month 13,000 rubles (468,000/36 months).

An important area of ​​work for any enterprise with personnel is their training and advanced training. The SU-451 enterprise trains its employees in Vladivostok and Nakhodka, spending funds on training, accommodation, and travel. In order to save money, the enterprise is proposed to organize personnel training in the city of Bolshoy Kamen. This will reduce the costs of the enterprise.

Sending 7 people once every 3 years for advanced training for 3 days, the company incurs total expenses that amount to 84,000 rubles:

Tuition fee 42,000 rub. (2,000 for 1 person for 1 day; 2,000*3 days*7 people);

Transport costs RUB 2,100. (300*7 people);

Daily allowance 6,300 rub. (300*3 days*7 people);

Hotel accommodation RUB 33,600. (1,600*3 days*7 people).

Having opened a training center in Bolshoy Kamen, it is enough to hire one teacher. Expenses will be significantly reduced to 47,650 rubles:

Teaching services RUB 42,000. (2,000*3 days*7 people);

Transport costs 250 rub. (tickets);

Daily allowance 900 rub. (300*3 days);

Hotel accommodation 4,500 rub. (1,500*3 days).

The Construction Department will save 36,350 rubles.

By developing a corporate culture and stimulating employees, the image and perception of the enterprise in the eyes of the public will increase, and relationships between employees will become more trusting and friendly.

By rewarding employees for effective, fruitful work, the management of SU-451 will increase the efficiency and motivation of personnel and increase labor productivity, which is directly related to the final results of work.

By giving the employees of Construction Department No. 451 the opportunity to take part in resolving issues of the organization’s activities, the staff will be aware of personal responsibility for the overall result of the enterprise’s activities.

By including the cost of hiring new employees in the expense item, SU-451 will reduce the time it takes to find qualified specialists.

By improving the service conditions of the enterprise through special attention to the client, friendliness, and convenience, SU-451 will increase the number of its regular customers, thereby significantly increasing the organization’s profit.

Through the introduction of personnel technologies: comprehensive programs that perform office management functions, selection, and certification of employees; staff performance assessments; the introduction of outplacement in personnel work, which today are more advanced programs, will reduce staff turnover. By assessing the performance of personnel, the manager will be able to determine in a timely manner whether the employee is suitable for the position held, whether he needs to be transferred to another, higher position, or promoted, while avoiding dismissals. Personnel assessment will help determine the professional competence of those with insufficient training and determine the need for their professional training to encourage staff to work more effectively and develop their skills and abilities.


The thesis is devoted to issues of personnel policy in the Construction Department No. 451 of the branch of OJSC Primortransstroy.

Personnel policy as a management tool is an organizing activity with the goal of uniting the efforts of all employees of the enterprise to solve the assigned tasks. Working with personnel is not only about hiring and firing and statistics. This is a solution to a set of issues that ultimately lead to the effective work of the apparatus, performing functions in accordance with the Law and the Constitution. This is a constant, daily concern for the formation of a coherent, efficient team, for each of its employees, each department to work with love for their work, to the full extent of their knowledge, strength, and abilities, constantly improving their professional skills. Work with personnel is planned in such a way as to gradually increase the number of people who have a better command of modern professional skills. This is the concern and responsibility of the entire management team of the enterprise.

Due to the fact that the chosen topic of the thesis is quite extensive, it is impossible to present it in full and reflect all the complexities of working with personnel. In the course of this work, issues related to the formation of the personnel potential of enterprises, problems of labor resource development, as well as methods for improving the implementation of personnel policies at the enterprise were considered.

This thesis examined: the goals and objectives of the enterprise’s personnel policy, a description of the activities of the Construction Department, an analysis of the number and structure of SU-451 personnel, certification of workers, analysis of personnel movement, organization of personnel recruitment and advanced training. Problems were identified and measures were proposed to improve the personnel policy of the Construction Department.

In the process of analyzing labor resources, the following problems were identified:

The workplace is quite prestigious and the work is well paid, especially taking into account the length of service, so getting a job is quite difficult;

When selecting personnel, only one method is used - interview, although it is the most common. It is necessary to use more than just the interview, as there is a tendency to make decisions about a candidate based on first impressions without considering what is said in the rest of the interview;

Dismissals due to dissatisfaction with work in a construction organization; the age of those who quit is 22 - 30 years;

There are strict requirements for personnel; fines are applied for the slightest offense.

In 2006 compared to 2005 the average number of personnel increased by 1 person; in 2007 compared to 2006 – for 3 people.

In 2006, average wages increased by 132%. In 2007, wages increased by 134% compared to 2005. The increase is explained by an increase in official salaries and tariff rates of employees.

The recruitment rate increases every year: in 2005. it was 1.3; in 2006 1.3 higher – 2.6, and by 2007 increased by 1.2 and amounted to 3.8. Since 2005 to 2007 There is a trend towards an increase in the number of employees, 4 people were hired, 3 people were fired. This suggests that the ratio of personnel intake exceeds the ratio of personnel departure in 2006. by 1.3%. Staff turnover rate since 2005 to 2007 decreasing: since 2005 to 2006 - by 1.4%, but it is still worth paying attention to the fact that, despite good working conditions, staff quit. The reason for employee resignations is dissatisfaction with work in a construction organization. To solve this problem, it is necessary to introduce into SU-451 a program for the assessment and placement of personnel, which has never been carried out before. Assessing the performance of staff is important, first of all, when characterizing an employee who already occupies a certain position, in order to assess whether he is suitable for the position held.

In the Construction Department, 62 people have secondary specialized education, 17 people have higher professional education, i.e. 21.5% with higher education, 78.5% with specialized secondary education. Over the past three years, the number of personnel has increased only due to employees with higher education.

To reduce the costs of the enterprise, train and improve the skills of workers, it was proposed to create a training center in Bolshoi Kamen, which is undoubtedly an effective measure, since it provides for the constant training of SU-451 personnel at all levels. The need for training for the purpose of advanced training is mainly due to the requirements and conditions of the construction market, growing competition and the high level of scientific and technical progress in construction technologies. In connection with the opening of a training center in the city of Bolshoy Kamen in any educational institution, the costs of the SU-451 will be significantly reduced, since there will be no need to allocate funds for transport, daily allowances, or hotel accommodation. It is more profitable for the Construction Administration to hire teachers without interrupting the production of the enterprise’s employees. The cost of training new employees will be reduced, since students and other people will be able to attend special classes while receiving education, thereby reducing the probationary period in the future. By increasing their qualifications, SU-451 personnel will reduce the time it takes to complete transactions, increase the number of clients served, without creating dissatisfaction and without making them wait. If you do not hire new specialists, but distribute the work between six previous employees and pay them an additional 2,500 per salary, the savings over 3 years of the wages will be 468,000 rubles (24,901,000 - 24,433,000), per month 13,000 rubles (468,000 /36 months).

For even more fruitful and effective work of employees, it is recommended to carry out annual work on the development of corporate culture, since it is aimed at instilling in each employee of the Construction Department conscious personal responsibility for the overall result of the enterprise. Personnel motivation is directly related to the final results of work and its effectiveness. For effective activities, use moral and psychological methods of stimulation. Employees who have worked in SU-451 for 25 years should be awarded a bonus; those who have worked for more than 25 years should be awarded medals. Issue vouchers to health centers for free or with a small surcharge to employees (or their children, if any) who have worked for 5 years. Apply recognition, which can be private and public. By rewarding employees for effective, fruitful work, the management of SU-451 will increase the efficiency and motivation of personnel and increase labor productivity, which is directly related to the final results of work. By giving the employees of Construction Department No. 451 the opportunity to take part in resolving issues of the organization’s activities, the staff will be aware of personal responsibility for the overall result of the enterprise’s activities. By improving the service conditions of the enterprise through special attention to the client, friendliness, and convenience, SU-451 will increase the number of its regular customers, thereby significantly increasing the organization’s profit.

To improve personnel policy, it was proposed to expand the list of expenses for social support of employees. The most significant expenses will be required for the maintenance of the educational center itself (rent, ensuring the life of the center, remuneration of teachers and staff, production of teaching aids and some other sections). It is necessary to allocate funds to pay teachers from among the most experienced employees of SU-451, who teach during non-working hours.

In its financial activities, the Construction Management managed not only to maintain, but also to increase its potential. It has a stable position in the construction services market, which means it has sufficient funds and opportunities to improve the level of the enterprise’s personnel policy in order to expand the number of staff, hire new specialists, increase the area of ​​premises, motivate staff, and timely improve the qualifications of SU-451 workers, i.e. e. There are all conditions for improving the organization’s personnel policy. The proposed activities will help improve the personnel policy of the Construction Department, bringing it additional profit and prestige.


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Appendix A

“Score sheet” form

Full Name
Job title
Description of work performed
1. Reason for evaluation:
Another assessment

Assessment as needed

End of probationary period

Monitoring the progress of employee adaptation

Forced movement

The employee's own wish

2. Basis of assessment - working contacts:
daily or almost


few times a week several times a month
3. Duration of joint activity of the assessed:
less than 6 months 1 - 3 years from 6 months to a year more than 3 years

II. Evaluation indicators:

Data significantly higher than requirements

above requirements

Fully meet the requirements Mainly meets the requirements Data below requirements
1.Reason, the ability to think quickly and differentiatedly

2. Thinking and evaluative abilities:

ability to analyze problems and draw conclusions.

3.Special knowledge: volume (breadth and depth of special knowledge).

4. Willingness to work: energy and intensity demonstrated when performing tasks.

Willingness to perform tasks beyond his competence.

5.Adaptability - the ability to adapt to a new situation or a new approach to solving problems.
6. Organizational abilities: the ability to rationally plan and organize the work performed.
7.Personal initiative: willingness and ability to solve problems on one's own initiative.
8. Decision-making ability: the ability to make decisions and the willingness to defend one’s plans and intentions, despite external resistance.
9. Negotiation skills: the ability to adapt to the negotiating partner and convincingly argue your thoughts.

10. Quality of work: suitability of the results of work for use (thoroughness

execution, accuracy, reliability, rationality).

11. Work intensity and ability to handle stress: the ability to perform quality work in a limited time, behavior under conditions of heavy overload.
12. Ability for rhetoric and writing: written materials are suitable for use, ideas are expressed clearly; concise and clear oral presentation of thoughts, persuasive style.
13. Communication style: correctness, openness, sociability in communicating with colleagues and the external environment, willingness to help.
14. Additional important indicators.
Heads of departments (and persons included in the personnel reserve for nomination) must be assessed using an expanded set of indicators, which, in addition to the above, include the following:
15. Performing representative functions: protecting the prestige and material interests of the team, supporting business relations with the external environment.

16. Motivation:

the ability to awaken and maintain interest and readiness to work, the perception of new ideas, discussion

results without suppressing the independence and initiative of employees, adequate assessment of employee performance.

17. Consulting: willingness to help employees solve problems, specificity and professionalism of consultations.
18. Special notes on individual indicators, for example, recommendations that are particularly important for accounting for assessment indicators.

III. Suggestions for further use of the employee:

IV. Summary conclusions:
V. Additional data: abilities and properties that do not go beyond the requirements of the position, but are noted during work; Additional explanations are possible.

VI. Conclusion of the manager of the assessed employee:


I do not agree on the following assessment indicators:


Paragraph 18 may also draw attention to the importance of individual assessment indicators for managers and employees included in the personnel reserve for promotion. Such indicators include, for example:

Organizational abilities;

Ability to make decisions;

Ability to negotiate.

Appendix B

Attestation sheet

by assessing current activities

FULL NAME. employee______________________ Attester__________

Department___________________________ Date ____________

Work experience in specialty ____________

1. Job description

Main functions performed - job responsibilities for 200_

Additional duties actually performed by the employee

2. Problems encountered while performing the work

3. Goals and objectives for improving work

4. Actions to be taken to improve performance

5. Assessment of current activities (what tasks to improve work have been completed since the last certification conversation, comments from the manager, quantitative assessment is made as a percentage of the previously determined requirements for the position in the workplace)

6. Administrative actions proposed by the immediate supervisor.

Head (certification)_______________________________________________

Employee (certification)__________________________________________

- INTRODUCTION - Personnel policy is an integral part of all management activities and production policy of the organization. It is no secret that the formation and development of market relations in Russia today largely depends on the successful operation of enterprises. Nowadays, a company that is clearly organized, with competent, dedicated and disciplined personnel who can quickly adapt and learn, wins and succeeds. In this regard, every manager of any enterprise, regardless of the level of professional training and knowledge, academic degree and practical experience, must master the science of management and the ability to manage his staff. In domestic times, personnel problems have traditionally received minimal attention. However, in recent years, not only scientists, but also managers of many Russian enterprises have begun to pay attention to the role of the “human” factor in Russian organizations. Many leaders realized that the American, Japanese, and German experience is not suitable for the Russian people and the current state of the Russian economy. Of course, valuable foreign experience in personnel management can be used in Russian organizations, but in an adapted form. It is necessary to take into account national characteristics and the existing management mentality. The nature of the commercial structure has a particular influence on the work with personnel - the length of its existence and position occupied in the market, the number of personnel, the composition of personnel services, etc.

Of particular interest are the development of personnel policies and corporate culture of the enterprise, since these issues are aimed at creating a team capable of creatively searching for the most correct effective solutions, perfect methods, and techniques in work. The problem of the subject of management is also interesting, because it is the manager who develops and sets the algorithm for all work with personnel, determines its strategy and tactics.

It is the personnel policy that aims to create a cohesive, responsible, highly developed and highly productive workforce. Personnel policy should create not only favorable working conditions, but also provide the opportunity for career advancement and the necessary degree of confidence in the future. In this regard, the main task of the enterprise’s personnel policy is to ensure that in everyday personnel work the interests of all categories of employees and social groups of the workforce are taken into account. The successful activity of any institution depends, first of all, on the coordinated and stable work of qualified personnel. Personnel policy in any organization should be given great attention. One of the areas of training and formation of effective personnel potential of SU-451 is cooperation with educational institutions on the preparation and training of the enterprise’s socialists, as well as the attraction of young socialists - university graduates.

Without a clearly established personnel system, it is difficult to increase the capabilities of an enterprise, respond to the changing requirements of technology and the market in the near future, create favorable working conditions, provide the possibility of career advancement and the necessary level of confidence in the future. Today, it is important for HR departments to achieve more than just timely filling of vacancies in order to maintain production volume at the proper level. The personnel system should be planned in such a way as to constantly ensure that the workforce of the enterprise increases those people who have good knowledge, and to ensure that there are more such workers. Scientific principles of production organization, optimal systems and procedures play, of course, an important role, but the implementation of all the possibilities inherent in new management methods depends on specific people, on their knowledge, competence, qualifications, discipline, motivation, ability to solve problems and receptivity to learning. Competence is required for a worker involved in the development of new products or equipment, if only because the creation of new good technology requires, at a minimum, knowledge of how old machines and equipment work. But for an enterprise that has decided to excel in competition today, it is necessary that each employee has very extensive knowledge. The formation of the necessary competence in employees begins already during the selection of personnel and their hiring. People who come to the organization should strive to master the aspects of this activity as much as possible. This is often more a matter of the desires of the workers themselves than of their previous work experience or basic education.

The purpose of the thesis is to improve the personnel policy of SU-451.

The objectives of the study of personnel policy and personnel formation in SU-451 are: determining the priority of personnel policy, styles of personnel management of the enterprise and reviewing personnel information.

The object of the study is Construction Department No. 451.

The subject of the study is personnel policy in SU-451.

The priority issues of the thesis are the selection and attraction of SU-451 employees, their certification, organization of professional training, advanced training, reserve training and career planning. In addition, the thesis examines stimulating the company's personnel to work more efficiently through the formation of the enterprise's corporate culture, internal career planning and motivation to work, as the main factor of success in the field of the enterprise's activities.

Objectives of the thesis:

Reveal theoretical issues of personnel policy;

Describe the activities of the enterprise, its functions, goals, objectives, financial condition;

Describe the number and categories of SU-451 personnel, the organization of personnel reception and advanced training;

Identify problems and propose measures to improve personnel policy in SU-451.

1 MeaningAndrolepersonnelpoliticiansenterprises

1.1 Contentpersonnelpoliticians

The implementation of the goals and objectives of personnel management is carried out through personnel policy.

Personnel policy is the main direction in working with personnel, a set of fundamental principles that are implemented by the personnel service of the enterprise. Personnel policy as a management tool is an organizing activity aimed at uniting the efforts of all employees of the enterprise to solve the assigned tasks. An enterprise's personnel policy is a holistic personnel strategy that combines various forms of personnel work, the style of its implementation in the organization and plans for the use of labor.

Personnel policy should increase the capabilities of the enterprise and respond to changing market requirements in the near future.

Main characteristics of the organization's personnel policy:

Connection with the organization's development strategy;

focus on long-term planning;

the importance of the role of personnel;

the company's philosophy regarding employees;

a system of interrelated functions and procedures for working with personnel.

The main object of the enterprise's personnel policy is personnel (personnel). The personnel of an enterprise is the main (regular) composition of its employees. Personnel are the main and decisive factor of production, the first productive force of society. The efficiency of production largely depends on the qualifications of workers, their professional training, and business qualities.

The formation of personnel policy is based on an analysis of the personnel structure, the efficiency of using working time, and forecasts for the development of production and employment.

HR strategy objectives include:

Raising the prestige of the enterprise;

Study of the atmosphere inside the enterprise;
- analysis of resources for developing workforce potential;

Generalization and prevention of reasons for leaving work.

The day-to-day implementation of the personnel strategy, as well as at the same time assisting management in carrying out the tasks of enterprise management, lie in the operational area of ​​personnel management.

The organization's personnel policy is designed to ensure:

High quality of work and its results, working conditions, as well as the workforce itself;

Structural adaptation of personnel to continuous organizational changes, social and cultural innovations - flexibility of personnel potential;

Refusal of the traditional, strict restrictions between different types of work, as well as the widespread use of various flexible forms of organizing labor processes: full-time, part-time and temporary employment, etc.;

Organizational integration, when the organization's top management and line managers accept a developed and well-coordinated personnel management strategy as “their own” and implement it in their operational activities;

A high level of responsibility for all employees of the organization, which implies both identification with the basic values ​​of the organization and persistent, proactive implementation of their goals in everyday practical work;

New quality of labor content and a high level of satisfaction with it, through the use of new forms that enrich the content of labor.

In market conditions, personnel policy is a conscious, purposeful activity to create a workforce that helps to combine the goals and priorities of the enterprise and its employees.

When choosing a personnel policy, the following factors are taken into account:

Production requirements, enterprise development strategy;

The financial capabilities of the enterprise, the acceptable level of costs for personnel management determined by it;

Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the existing personnel and the direction of their change in the workforce, etc.;

The situation on the labor market (quantitative and qualitative characteristics of labor supply by occupation of the enterprise, supply conditions);

Demand for labor from competitors, evolving wage levels;

The influence of trade unions, rigidity in defending the interests of workers;

Labor legislation requirements, accepted culture of working with hired personnel, etc.

The content of the personnel policy is not limited to hiring, but concerns the fundamental positions of the enterprise regarding the training, development of personnel, and ensuring interaction between the employee and the organization. While personnel policy is associated with the selection of target tasks designed for further productivity, current personnel work is focused on the efficient resolution of personnel issues. Naturally, there must be a relationship between them, which usually occurs between strategy and tactics for achieving a goal.

The target task of personnel policy can be solved in different ways, and the choice of alternative options is quite wide:

1. Dismiss or retain employees; If you save, which way is better:

a) transfer to reduced forms of employment;

b) use for unusual work, at other facilities;

c) send for long-term retraining, etc.

2. Train workers yourself or look for those who already have the necessary training.

3. Recruit from outside or retrain workers who are subject to release from the enterprise.

4. Recruit additional workers or make do with the existing number, subject to more rational use of it, etc.

Personnel policy is both general in nature, when it concerns the personnel of the enterprise as a whole, and private, selective, when it is focused on solving specific problems (within individual structural divisions, functional or professional groups of employees, categories of personnel). This takes into account:

Requirements for the workforce at the stage of hiring (education, gender, age, length of service, level of social training, etc.);

Attitude to “investment” in the workforce, to the targeted impact on the development of certain aspects of the employed workforce;

Attitude to the stabilization of the team (all or a certain part of it);

Attitude to the nature of training of new workers at the enterprise, as well as to retraining of personnel;

Attitude to intra-company personnel movement, etc.

An enterprise's personnel policy is a holistic personnel strategy that combines various forms of personnel work, the style of its implementation in the organization and plans for the use of labor.

To fully analyze the personnel policy of any enterprise, it is necessary to highlight the evaluation criteria:

Quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel;

Staff turnover rate;

Flexibility of the policy;

The degree of consideration of the interests of the employee / production, etc.

For ease of analysis, the quantitative composition of an organization is usually divided into three categories: top and middle managers and service personnel with differentiation into men and women, senior citizens and persons under 18 years of age, working and on leave (for example, for child care, without pay, etc.), as well as for those working in the parent company or branches, etc. The qualitative composition of the personnel is usually divided into employees with higher, secondary social, secondary and primary vocational education, taking into account work experience, advanced training of employees and other factors.

The level of staff turnover is one of the most indicative criteria of an enterprise's personnel policy. Of course, staff turnover can be viewed as both a positive and a negative phenomenon. Firstly, the employee’s capabilities expand and his ability to adapt increases. Secondly, the enterprise team is “refreshed”; there is an influx of new people, and, consequently, new ideas.

The flexibility of personnel policy is assessed based on its characteristics: stability or dynamism. Personnel policy must be dynamically adjusted under the influence of changing conditions and circumstances.

The degree to which the interests of the employee are taken into account is considered in comparison with the degree to which the interests of production are taken into account. The presence or absence of an individual approach to the employees of the enterprise is investigated.

1.2 GoalsAndprinciplespersonnelpoliticians

In modern conditions, personnel policy should be focused on the priority of social values, social policy, since the ultimate goal of the reforms being carried out is not the market as such, but the well-being of each person.

The main goal of personnel policy is the creation of a personnel management system based primarily not on administrative methods, but on economic incentives and social guarantees aimed at bringing together the interests of the employee and the organization, achieving high labor productivity, increasing production efficiency, and obtaining the best economic results for the organization.

The main goal is specified in the following tasks:

1. Providing conditions for the implementation of the rights and obligations of citizens provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and labor legislation.

2. Compliance by all organizations and individual citizens with regulations on trade unions, standard internal regulations and other documents adopted within the framework of state personnel policy.

3. Ensuring an optimal balance between the processes of updating and maintaining the numerical and qualitative composition of personnel, its development in accordance with the needs of the organization itself and the state of the labor market.

4. Subordination of all work with personnel to the tasks of uninterrupted and high-quality provision of the main economic activity with the required number of workers of the required professional qualified staff.

5. Rational use of human resources available to the organization.

6. Formation and maintenance of effective work of labor collectives, development of intra-industrial democracy.

7. Development of principles for organizing the labor process.

8. Development of criteria and methods for selection, training and advanced training of workers; personnel remuneration.

9. Development of principles for determining the social economic effect of activities included in the personnel management system.

All goals of personnel policy can be divided into economic and social.

Economic goals are derived from the priority production principles of maintaining the competitiveness of the organization and extracting maximum profits. Achieving an optimal balance between costs and results is an important achievement of personnel policy. In the current economic conditions, personnel decisions are rarely aimed at an absolute reduction in personnel costs; more often they are designed to optimize the relationship between these costs, on the one hand, and labor productivity, on the other.

Social goals are to improve the material and non-material situation of the enterprise's employees. This especially applies to wages, social expenses, reduction of working hours, as well as workplace equipment, demands for greater freedom of action and the right to participate in decision-making.

Own goals of personnel policy are determined taking into account the main provisions of all components of the organization’s development:

1. Goals related to the external conditions of the enterprise (labor market, relationships with state and local authorities).

2. Goals determined by internal conditions, the implementation of which is aimed at improving the relationship of the enterprise with its employees (their participation in the management of the enterprise, deepening professional knowledge, etc.).

Table 1.1 discusses the fundamental principles of formation of personnel policy.

Table 1.1 - Fundamental principles for the formation of personnel policy

Name of the principle

Characteristics of the principle


use of all modern scientific developments in this area, which could provide maximum economic and social effect


coverage of all areas of personnel activity and all categories of workers


taking into account the interdependence and interconnection of the individual components of this work; the need to take into account the economic and social effect (both positive and negative), the impact of a particular event on the final result


any costs for activities in this area must be recouped through the results of economic activity


qualitative analysis of the selected solution options, especially in cases where there are a number of mutually exclusive methods

Of several options for the proposed principles, one must be selected in relation to the conditions of a given organization. Such materials include the development of regulations on job descriptions, hiring methods and placement of newly hired employees in jobs, etc.

1.3 Are commonrequirementsTopersonnelpolitics

The general requirements for personnel policy in modern conditions are as follows:

1. Personnel policy should be closely linked to the enterprise development strategy. In this regard, it represents staffing for the implementation of this strategy.

2. Personnel policy should be flexible enough. This means that it must be, on the one hand, stable, since stability is associated with certain expectations of the employee, and on the other hand, dynamic, i.e. be adjusted in accordance with changes in the tactics of the enterprise, production and economic situation. Stable should be those parties that are focused on the interests of personnel and are related to the organizational culture of the enterprise.

3. Since the formation of a qualified workforce is associated with certain costs for the enterprise, personnel policy must be economically justified, i.e. based on his real financial capabilities.

4. Personnel policy should provide an individual approach to its employees.

5. Personnel policy should create not only favorable working conditions, but also provide the opportunity for career advancement and the necessary degree of confidence in the future.

So, personnel policy is aimed at creating a system of working with personnel that is focused on obtaining not only economic, but also social benefits, subject to compliance with current legislation.

1.4 CertificationpersonnelAndherprocedure

Business assessment of an employee most often takes the form of certification. Its organizational implementation is formalized by an appropriate order for the enterprise, which gives it official status and gives the right to use its results to make organizational decisions regarding a specific employee. So, certification should be considered as some completed, documented result of the employee’s assessment.

Certification is a widespread form of work with personnel, actively used by enterprises, institutions and organizations. The object of certification is employees of certain categories who have an employment relationship with this enterprise. Its implementation is regulated by a number of official documents and corresponding methodological support.

At the same time, the enterprise has the right to develop its own regulations for certification, based on its goals. However, it should be borne in mind that there are certain formal requirements for the procedure for carrying it out, and special importance is attached to compliance with these procedures, since their violation may serve as grounds for an employee who is dissatisfied with the decision made regarding him to challenge this decision.

The certification methodology and its procedure developed in the country are typical for enterprises with public ownership of the means of production. Responsibility for the timeliness of its implementation rests with the director, and the direct executor is the personnel service (personnel department) with the active participation of the heads of departments of the enterprise and the trade union organization.

Certification of employees in its essence and organizationally cannot but differ at enterprises of different forms of ownership. At the same time, certification functions do not depend on the form of ownership of the enterprise. This is control, stimulation, improvement of selection and placement of personnel. The essence of the control function is to periodically check the business and personal qualities of employees to determine their suitability for the position held. The incentive function is aimed at increasing the employee’s interest in the constant development of his business and personal qualities, improving work results as a condition for successfully passing certification.

Certification must be carried out systematically. The following types are distinguished:

Regular basic, expanded (every 3-5 years);

Regular intermediate, simplified, focused on assessing the results of current work (for managers and socialists once a year, and for some categories 2 times a year or more often);

Irregular, caused by emergency circumstances (unexpected vacancy, unplanned opportunity to go to study), with the introduction of new wage conditions.

Certification includes several stages:


Preparation of a package of necessary documents for certified employees;

Carrying out the certification itself;

Use of certification results.

At the preparatory stage, a decision is made to conduct certification, the timing of its implementation is determined, lists of workers subject to certification are drawn up, and the quantitative composition of certification commissions is determined. All these documents are given legal force: an order is issued for the enterprise on the certification of employees, indicating the timing, composition of the certification commissions and their work schedule. The appendix to the order contains provisions on certification.

Managers and socialists who have worked in this position for less than a year, pregnant women, women with a child under one year old, etc. are exempt from certification. The subject of assessment is a person, group of persons, body that is predetermined the right to conduct assessment of employees. Most often, the certification commission acts as the subject of assessment.

The certification commission is headed by a chairman and includes commission members and a secretary. Managerial employees, leading socialists of the enterprise, representatives of the public (trade union), and experts - highly qualified socialists authorized to conduct the assessment - are involved as members of the commission. Employees of a given enterprise who know those being certified well can also act as experts. The composition of the certification commission is no more than 5 - 6 people.

Among the employees of the enterprise, explanatory work is carried out about the tasks of certification, familiarization with the methodology for its implementation, and the procedure for preparing the necessary documents.

The certification schedule is communicated to employees at least one month before the start of certification, and materials must be provided to the commission at least two weeks before certification. This is most often an attestation sheet and a review - a characteristic. The certification sheet contains objective information about the employee: education, work experience by profession, at the enterprise, position, etc. This information is prepared by personnel department employees. Feedback - a characteristic reflects the generalized results of an assessment of the employee’s performance, a questionnaire survey about the employee’s behavior in the team, and an assessment of the employee by the manager. The manager of the enterprise is responsible for recording and assessing the employee’s activities. Feedback - characteristics are discussed at a team meeting. The employee must be familiarized with it at least a week before certification for signature. Feedback - characteristics are sent to the personnel service or directly to the certification commission.

The certification commission reviews the documents submitted to it, hears a report about the employee, the progress and shortcomings achieved, the results of current assessments, and on the basis of this, taking into account the discussion in the absence of the person being certified by open voting, gives one of the following final assessments:

Corresponds to the position held;

Corresponds to the position held, subject to improvement of work and implementation of the recommendations of the certification commission with re-certification after a year;

Doesn't suit the position.

The employee is introduced to the commission’s decision, pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of his work. The commission can make recommendations regarding his promotion (professional growth) or the need for advanced training. The meeting of the certification commission is recorded. It is important that the certification of employees takes place in a friendly environment, so that the commission is aware of its responsibility in ensuring the objectivity of the assessment. The effectiveness of certification increases if certain legal consequences are associated with it: promotion, promotion to a higher position, dismissal, etc. In this regard, based on the results of certification, an order is issued that approves its results, decisions on changes in personnel placement, official salaries, enrollment of active employees in the reserve for promotion, positively certified employees are encouraged, etc.

The results of certification are discussed at production meetings, meetings together with the trade union organization, the results of certification, compliance with the procedure and conditions for its implementation are analyzed, decisions are made to eliminate identified deficiencies.

1.5 MethodsformsrationingPersonnel

A workforce plan is developed to make calculations regarding the number of employees that the organization will require and the professional structure that will be needed at a given time. Decisions should also be made about the sources of potential recruitment, and contacts should be established and maintained to ensure that the needs of the organization and the potential rewards of work, monetary or emotional, are known to the future workforce, since companies recruit people from a wide range of professional levels and need a wide variety of specialties.

1.5 . 1 Selectionpersonnel

Personnel engagement refers to all measures taken to ensure that the organization's personnel needs are met in a timely manner by suitable employees. To do this, you need to go through a multi-stage planning process. As part of personnel requirements planning, future personnel requirements are first determined. It is recommended to plan from medium-term to long-term planning from three to five years. The result of personnel planning is to determine how many employees are needed, with what qualifications and abilities, for what positions, and from what time. Once the future quality need for personnel has been determined, it is necessary to determine the requirements (qualifications, knowledge, abilities, behavior...) that employees must meet in order for them to perform their tasks. This process is also referred to as profiling the requirements of the jobs to be replaced.

Most organizations cover their needs for personnel through systematic professional training, since the external labor market often cannot provide the required quantity and quality of personnel. In addition, many organizations adhere to personnel policy principles in which vacant positions are filled primarily by their own employees. By doing so, they open up opportunities for promotion for their employees, and employees are more willing to contribute to improving the climate at work. As a rule, a new position places higher demands on the employee, that is, such a transfer is associated with professional growth. In this regard, recruiting personnel from within, that is, replacing a vacant position with one’s own employee, is hardly possible without thorough training and assistance in advanced training. As a result of planning personnel requirements, it may turn out that additional personnel need to be hired for a particular workplace, for example, because among the existing employees there is no one who has the necessary qualifications, or because in the interests of business policy it is necessary to inject fresh blood from outside. Employees from outside often give new impetus to the institution and employees inside are more willing to accept them as bosses than former peers. In addition, filling vacancies from internal reserves cannot solve the quantitative aspect of the need for personnel, because an employee transferred to a new position leaves behind a vacancy, which, as a rule, also needs to be filled. In extreme cases, filling a vacancy at the expense of one's own employees may entail a chain of displacements, at the end of which, in the most favorable case, there will be a free place for a newcomer to the profession.

Depending on the market situation and the requirements for the workplace being replaced, measures to attract personnel can be addressed to high school graduates who are starting their career path after receiving vocational education, graduates of higher educational institutions looking for work, the unemployed or looking for work, but not yet busy. If, for example, an additional employee is needed to serve clientele, it may be advisable to prepare for work with clients a growing socialist who is on the verge of completing his education and is already thinking about a permanent job. If, for example, it is known that the head of a department is leaving for work, and none of its own employees are suitable candidates, then the organization should begin searching for a suitable successor on the external labor market about a year before the intended replacement of the position.

The purpose of recruiting is to reach out to relevant stakeholders, or to try to convince job seekers who have already indicated their interest without an invitation, of the attractiveness of the vacancy. If there are no candidates available from the internal pool, the organization should first select suitable candidates from existing external applications. If there are none, or only those of little interest, the organization itself will have to contact potentially interested parties. For this, the following possibilities exist: requests to the labor exchange or other organizations dealing with employment issues; contacts with schools and universities; advertisements in regional or interregional daily and weekly newspapers; advertisements in professionally specialized periodicals; assignment to HR consultant.

In the process of attracting personnel, it is necessary to pay attention to ensuring that the potential candidate is informed as widely as possible about the organization, the future workplace and the requirements that he will have to fulfill. The vacancy announcement, first of all, must have an attractive effect, that is, be addressed to as many suitable candidates as possible, for which purpose the advertisement must firstly contain the attractiveness of the announced vacancy. At the same time, the advertisement must have a selective effect, that is, ensure that, where possible, unsuitable candidates do not apply.

1.5 . 2 SelectionPersonnel

Recruitment is about selecting from among the identified interested parties and applicants those who best meet the requirements of the vacancy. To do this, it is necessary to identify candidates' suitability indicators (abilities, knowledge, experience) and compare them with predetermined indicators of requirements for a free place. Here it is necessary to avoid mistakes that may arise as a result of insufficient or excessively high qualifications.

In practice, the following selection procedures are usually used:

Analysis of documents submitted with the application (certificates, biography, characteristics...);

Hiring interviews (free-form or prepared in advance); - psychological tests;

Using a personality assessment method in which situations typical for the relevant workplace are simulated (consulting clients or processing incoming mail) and when candidates are assessed by several socially trained observers. In most institutions, the core of the selection process is a personal interview with the candidate. In such a conversation, you should strive for the following goals: the candidate and the employer should get to know each other; the candidate must be given the opportunity to demonstrate his abilities, knowledge and experience, and state his goals; the employer should have the opportunity to explain to the candidate the requirements of the vacancy and, together with him, to record the goals of possible cooperation.

Once sufficient understanding has been reached between job expectations and the candidate's personal background and the choice has been made, further formal steps must be followed:

It is necessary to obtain the consent of the body representing the personnel (the personnel council) at the hiring institution (the right of personnel to participate in decision-making);

The candidate should receive an offer to conclude a contract with him only after the consent of the body representing the personnel;

Refusal can be sent to the remaining candidates who have applied only after the selected candidate has signed the proposal to conclude an agreement with him and sent it back.

The employee recruitment network must be sufficiently wide and diverse. Local schools are a good source for recruiting junior employees, and many companies maintain useful contacts with them to take part in training arrangements for schoolchildren. Most large companies also take part in annual meetings with graduates of higher education institutions in order to provide them with information about career opportunities. Sources for recruiting more qualified employees for management positions are varied, including employment centers, social agencies and recruitment consultants or executive search consultants.

2 AnalysispersonnelpoliticiansAndpersonnelplanningonenterpriseSU-4512 .1 Generalcharacteristicenterprises Construction Department 451, abbreviated name: SU-451, is a branch of the open joint-stock company "Primortransstroy", located in Vladivostok, st. Strelnikova, 3a. The company can create branches and open representative offices on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad. Branches and representative offices carry out their activities on behalf of the company, which is responsible for their activities. A branch of a company is its separate division, located outside the location of the company, performing all or part of its functions, including the functions of representative office. A representative office of a company is its separate division, located outside the location of the company, which represents the interests of the company and protects them. Branches and representative offices are not legal entities; they are endowed with property by the company and act in accordance with the regulations on them. The property of branches and representative offices is accounted for on their separate balance sheet and on the balance sheet of the company. The decision on the creation of branches and representative offices and their liquidation, regulations on them, the decision on the appointment of a manager are made by the board of directors of the company in accordance with the legislation of the country of establishment of the branches and representative offices. The heads of branches and representative offices act on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the company. Legal address: Bolshoi Stone, st. Karl Marx, 57. SU-451 is allocated to an independent balance sheet and registered with the tax authority at its location. The main activity of Construction Department 451 is the production of work and the provision of services in the field of construction activities. The organization has its own concrete mortar unit, which produces concrete, reinforced concrete products, and mortar, both for its own needs and for external sales. In addition, there is a fleet of vehicles, the services of which are used to carry out work and provide services by mechanisms to third-party organizations and the population. The main suppliers of inventory and services are: Mechanization Department, AESKO LLC, Vodokanal LLC, Communal Energy LLC, LLC "Dalmetalltorg", LLC "World of Supply", LLC "Kiparis", etc. On the balance sheet of SU-451 there is an administrative building with a total area of ​​1080 sq.m. Part of the space in this building is rented out for offices. Main tenants: Nefteprodukt Zvezda CJSC, Zvezda Oil CJSC, Standard LLC, etc. The construction department also has a material warehouse and mechanical workshops for repairing its own vehicles.

2. 2 WorksAndservices,carried outSU-451

Construction Department No. 451 is engaged in the repair of buildings and structures, reconstruction of various heating networks, carries out construction and installation work, provides transport and machinery services, and leases premises to other enterprises.

Works and services carried out by SU-451 in 2005. - 2007 on the basis of the charter and power of attorney of OJSC Primortransstroy:

Courthouse renovation;

Renovation of the City House of Culture;

Repair of the Administration building on the street. Karl Marx 4 “Front Entrance”;

Repair of the monument to WWII participants;

Strengthening (strengthening) the house on the street. Bluchera 31;

Major renovation of the administrative premises of the employment center;

Reconstruction of heating networks on the street. Gagarin;

Renovation of an orphanage;

Repair of the subscription hall of the Central City Library;

Major repairs of the heating network of the Mishutka kindergarten;

Repair and construction work in the music hall of the Mishutka kindergarten;

Laying of pressure pipe Oil product;

Reconstruction of heating networks from the Harlequin cinema;

Roof repair of medical units;

Repair of tax office premises;

Repair of the heating main of the Department of Internal Affairs of ZATO Bolshoi Kamen;

Renovation of school No. 1;

Renovation of school No. 4;

Construction of a 60-apartment building “Zvezda”;

Construction of the Service-Vostok water pipeline;

Construction of the Nefteproduct-Zvezda boiler house;

Construction and installation work for the installation of Teploenergo storage tanks;

Strengthening the walls along the street. Krylova, 6;

Construction of a cemetery fence;

Sewerage installation MSCh-98;

Construction of reservoir drainage for a 60-apartment building;

Construction of sewerage and treatment facilities in the “New World”;

Construction of external networks in the bakery area;

Reconstruction of the retaining wall of the Zhuravushka kindergarten;

Repair of the 2nd floor of the infectious diseases department of the medical unit.

2. 3 Characteristicorganizationalsystemsmanagement,goals,functionsAndtasksorganizations

The SU-451 has a linear control structure, which is shown in Figure 2.1. At the head is the head of the department, vested with all powers and exercising sole management of the employees subordinate to him, concentrating in his hands all management functions.

Figure 2.1 - Organizational management structure of SU-451

Advantages of a linear management structure:

Unity and clarity of management;

Coherence of actions of performers;

A clear system of mutual connections between the manager and the subordinate;

Reaction speed in response to direct instructions;

Receipt by performers of interconnected orders and tasks provided with resources;

Personal responsibility of the manager for the final results of his enterprise.

There are also disadvantages of a linear management structure:

High requirements for the manager, who must have extensive, versatile knowledge and experience in all management functions and areas of activity;

- overload of top-level managers, a huge amount of information, a flow of papers, multiple contacts with subordinates and superiors;

Tendency to engage in red tape when resolving issues across multiple departments.

The enterprise organizes work based on the tasks assigned to it and the functions performed in accordance with active and current work plans; coordinates its activities with other organizations in order to protect the interests of its enterprise. The construction department is headed by a chief who holds the position and is released from it by order of the director of Primortransstroy OJSC.

The main tasks of the SU-451 are:

Increasing the volume of services offered;

The expansion of the customer base;

Strengthening the image of the organization, including by improving the quality of customer service.

To solve problems, the SU-451 performs the following functions:

Organization of work with clients;

Carrying out work to attract clients for the organization;

Formation and timely submission of primary documents and required reporting to Primortransstroy OJSC;

Client consulting;

Development of proposals for changing the procedure for implementing the provided works and services and introducing new ones;

Preparation of proposals for changing the operating mode of the SU-451 in order to improve the quality of customer service;

Improving the culture of customer service and employee qualifications;

Timely informing clients about new works and services provided.

Functions of the head of SU-451:

Manages all activities of the construction department and bears personal responsibility for the correct and timely implementation of tasks and functions, as well as work results;

Organizes the development of active and current management work plans;

Conducts a systematic analysis of the state of affairs on issues within the competence of SU-451, and on its basis prepares proposals to the director of OJSC Primortransstroy for making decisions aimed at improving the activities of the enterprise;

Organizes a study of the construction services market and the possibility of expanding the circle of potential consumers (clients) on issues within the competence of SU-451;

Performs representative functions and participates in meetings and meetings held in the organization;

Ensures the preservation of trade secrets about the activities of the enterprise and its clients, the correct application of current legislation and the conduct of office work in the prescribed manner;

Ensures the development of the draft Regulations on SU-451, distributes responsibilities between the deputy heads of SU-451, reviews and approves regulations on the departments included in SU-451, as well as job descriptions of employees developed on the basis of the qualification characteristics for the position approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation ;

Contributes to the creation of the necessary working conditions and a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team. Ensures that SU-451 employees comply with labor discipline;

Submits for consideration to the director of the enterprise proposals for changing the structure, staffing of SU-451, as well as for the hiring, displacement and dismissal of SU-451 employees, their promotion and imposition of disciplinary sanctions;

Resolves operational issues, signs documents on issues related to the activities of SU-451, within the limits of his powers delegated by the power of attorney;

Concludes contracts for the implementation of SU-451 transactions, within his competence on the basis of the powers granted to him in accordance with the power of attorney issued to him;

Persons who meet the qualification requirements of this enterprise are accepted for the positions of SU-451 socialists;

During the temporary absence of the head of SU-451, the performance of his duties is assigned to an authorized person, in accordance with the order of the director of the enterprise or his deputy;

For shortcomings in work and violations of labor discipline, disciplinary measures may be applied to management and employees of SU-451 in accordance with current legislation, as well as material sanctions. Employees may be subject to other types of liability by law.

2. 4 NumberAndstructurePersonnelSU-451

Construction Department No. 451 includes:

Head of Department;

Chief Engineer;

Chief Accountant;

Chief mechanical engineer;

Head of Supply;





SU-451 also includes the following departments:

Human Resources Department;

Chief Mechanic Department;

Purchase department;


Labor protection office.

Each employee has his own job description, which describes in detail all his functions. The head of the department deals with all organizational issues and controls the activities of the enterprise. The chief engineer resolves technical issues. Deputy The head of the supply department is responsible for providing all the necessary materials and equipment for construction and installation work at various sites. The chief accountant prepares reports, payroll, and monitors all financial activities of the management. The PTO orders design and estimate documentation for objects under construction or repair, draws up forms for completing the work and presents them to the customer for payment. The chief mechanic's department has at its disposal all control mechanisms: dump trucks, truck cranes, bulldozers, mixers for concrete transportation. The HR department deals with hiring and firing employees. Secretary - assistant to the chief for general issues. Superintendents and foremen directly carry out the repair and construction of facilities that the management has won in tenders (competitions).

The lowest level is occupied by personnel, whose labor functions are strictly regulated, freedom of choice is maximally limited by regulatory documents. As a rule, these are technical personnel and technical performers (foremen, workers, foremen). They are obliged to strictly follow the rules and regulations, be sure to follow the requirements of job descriptions, and diligently master standard patterns of business behavior. This is considered the highest sign of professional culture. Such work does not require the manifestation of individuality, limits creativity and encourages the performer to be conscientious, organized, collected and methodical, and ready for regulated activities. However, even in the conditions of a clearly organized, hierarchically constructed system of rigid organizational technologies, there is always room for the initiative of performers.

The middle level is occupied by middle managers, leading and chief socialists of the organization, forecasters, etc. Their main role comes down to coordination, monitoring strict adherence to established procedures, and ensuring the achievement of business plan indicators. They must have professional knowledge of instructive documents, as well as knowledge of computer technology, and theoretical training in the basics of economics and law. At the same time, many economic situations give rise to fundamentally new tasks, in solving which accumulated experience and mastery of technology do not always help. To a certain extent, skills of a creative approach to the situation and entrepreneurial intuition are required, but within the framework of the official role.

The highest level is occupied by managers (director, chief) - analysts performing the functions of strategic analysis and planning. These are the leaders, the brains of the organization. They are endowed with maximum authority and greatest responsibility. Their business activity determines the competitiveness of the enterprise, and the absence of socialists of this level is considered a risk factor. The content of their work includes: audit, diagnostics and optimization of financial processes; efficient preparation of solutions for managing archives and enterprise obligations, costs and profits, productivity and efficiency; identifying trends in the development of financial processes and ensuring security.

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FEDERAL STATE AUTONOMOUS EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION "BELGOROD STATE NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY" (NIU "BelGU") INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Improving the personnel policy of the organization Thesis work of a full-time 4th year student of group 05001241 Dmitry Vitalievich Shchupko Scientific supervisor . teacher Minenko N.V. Reviewer Belgorod, 2016

2 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION................................................... ........................................................ ................. 3 CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK FOR STUDYING THE PERSONNEL POLICY OF AN ORGANIZATION ....................... ........................................................ ......... 7 1.1 Concept, essence and principles of formation of the organization’s personnel policy.................................... ........................................................ .................................. 7 1.2 Stages of formation of the organization’s personnel policy and its types…..11 1.3. Performance assessment indicators and methodology of personnel policy………………………………………………………………………………………… .22 CHAPTER 2. CURRENT STATE OF PERSONNEL POLICY IN PJSC "SBERBANK OF RUSSIA" TO No. 8592/074................................................... .......................... 29 2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics in PJSC “Sberbank of Russia” DO No. 8592/074 ....... ........................................................ ................................... 29 2.2 “Analysis of the personnel management system and the use of labor potential in the organization.. ........................................................ ................. 45 2.3 Assessment of the current state of personnel policy in PJSC “Sberbank of Russia” DO No. 8592/074 ............... ........................................................ ....... 53 CHAPTER 3. DIRECTIONS FOR IMPROVING PERSONNEL POLICY IN AN ORGANIZATION................... Error! The bookmark is not defined. 3.1. Recommendations for improving personnel policy Error! Plot 3.2 Assessment of the socio-economic effectiveness of measures to improve personnel policy.................................................... .......................... 78 CONCLUSION................................. ........................................................ .................................. 82 LIST OF REFERENCES USED.................. .................................... 86

3 INTRODUCTION Relevance of the study. One of the most important problems at the present stage of economic development in most countries of the world is the problem of working with personnel. Personnel are an integral part of any organization, interaction because... people, any organization united by common goals. The personnel of an enterprise is the full-time composition of its employees. Personnel sometimes includes specialists attracted from the external environment. Personnel management, as well as the organization as a whole, is a necessary element of this interaction. To effectively manage personnel in business, an enterprise needs a holistic personnel system that allows them to be managed from the moment of hiring to the end of their career. In the conditions of the modern economy, personnel policy in domestic companies should focus more on human relations, social policy and social values, and cover new areas. Despite the fact that new directions of social personnel policy, management and the incompetence of domestic personnel orienting social personnel towards politics are currently being developed, the social organization and managers significantly weaken these transformations. At the moment, the viability of the country, its stability, sustainability and efficiency depend on personnel policy. A serious problem of personnel policy in Russia is the insufficient systematicity of legislative regulation, the lack of an agreed upon general legal framework in the regulation of various levels and types of activities. Personnel policy is an integral part of all management activities and production policy of the organization. Personnel policy is a purposeful activity to create a workforce that would best contribute to the combination of goals and

4 priorities of the enterprise and its employees. The fundamental principle of personnel policy is the selection and placement of personnel based on the business and personal qualities of employees. The business qualities of employees are usually assessed by their general educational training, practical work experience, and ability to effectively perform their job duties. By implementing the tasks of personnel policy, the bank achieves the strategic goals of personnel management, focused on bringing together the interests of the employee with the interests of the organization in achieving high labor productivity and increasing production efficiency. In many credit institutions, the personnel policy, purposefully pursued in relation to personnel, is not related to the development strategy of the enterprise or organization, and this undoubtedly leads to a loss of competitiveness. personnel policy, the most pressing problem of an organization oriented towards strategic goals. In this regard, the fundamental problem is the issues of personnel management, which allows for the best use of the potential of employees, as well as the competition that banks wage in the labor market for experts of the highest class. Only professional and personally mature employees make its product or services competitive. Various theoretical aspects of the difficulty of forming and developing personnel policy at an enterprise are examined in the works of Russian and foreign experts and professionals in domestic and foreign literature. At the same time, the practical nuances of the formation and development of personnel management as a tool for personnel management strategy in a Russian bank are completely open to me and are of interest for study. For banking companies, the difficulties of sustainable development are especially relevant, where stability is a guarantor of strength and

5 condition for attracting buyers. Being large corporations, banks often face personnel problems, among which the loss or lack of trained employees is one of the most serious problems. Therefore, the development of a personnel management strategy and awareness of the role of personnel policy in the strategic management of a bank are extremely relevant. All of the above together determines the relevance of the chosen topic and the objective need to conduct research on the problem of improving personnel policy in the organization. Degree of scientific development. In the domestic literature, until the early 90s of the twentieth century, the issues of the activities of personnel services in organizations and the problems of the formation and implementation of personnel policies were practically not considered. In recent years, many domestic scientists have begun to talk about the need to change the concept of personnel policy and attitude towards personnel: E.A. Bazarov, P.V. Zhuravlev, G.G. Zaitsev, L.V. Ivanovskaya, V.G. Martynov, V.G. Ignatov, A.Ya. Kibanov, E.V. Maslov, Yu.G. Odegov, V.V. Travin, E.A. Utkin, S.V. Shekshnya, E.G. Antosenko, P.G. Boydachenko, V.I. Gerchikov, V.A. Dyatlov, M.I. Magura et al. In their studies, there is a fairly large number of interpretations of personnel policy. Currently, all procedures for personnel work in organizations are covered within the framework of an intensively developing and relatively new direction for domestic theory and practice - personnel management. Purpose of the study: analysis of the personnel policy of a particular organization and development of measures to improve it. Object of study: PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" DO No. 8592/074. Subject of research: the personnel policy system in PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074. Objectives of the study:  to summarize theoretical experience on the issue of personnel policy;

6  analyze the personnel management system in PJSC “Sberbank of Russia” DO No. 8592/074;  assess the state of personnel policy in PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074;  develop a system of measures to improve personnel policy in PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074;  assess the social and economic efficiency of work. The practical significance of the work is determined by its focus on increasing the efficiency of the organization by solving problems of human resource management in the bank. Information base: The theoretical and practical basis for the research was the works of Russian and foreign economists, articles from periodicals, materials and internal documentation of Sberbank PJSC, and the Internet. Research methods: methods of organizing research (comparative, longitudinal); empirical methods (questionnaires, testing, observation, content analysis); data processing methods (qualitative and quantitative analysis using mathematical statistics); method of interpreting research results (structural method). Structure: the work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

7 CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS FOR STUDYING AN ORGANIZATION’S PERSONNEL POLICY 1.1 Concept, essence and principles of formation of an organization’s personnel policy The policy of an organization, as a rule, is understood as a system of rules in accordance with which people within the organization act. The most important component of an organization's strategically oriented policy is its personnel policy, which determines the philosophy and principles implemented by management in relation to human resources. Personnel policy is a system of norms and rules in the field of personnel management, which must be understood and defined in a certain way, leading human resources in accordance with the company's strategy. This definition emphasizes the integration of the field of human resource management in the overall activities of the organization, as well as the fact that awareness of the rules and regulations of personnel work by all entities of the organization. In the narrow sense, personnel policy is a set of specific rules, preferences and restrictions regarding employees and the organization. Personnel policy refers to the formation of a personnel strategy, setting goals and objectives, determining the principles of selection, placement and development of personnel, improving the forms and methods of working with personnel in specific market conditions at a given stage of the organization’s development. Different authors interpret the definition of personnel policy differently. In the reference literature, personnel policy is considered as a strategy, the formation of the general course of development and rational use of personnel, personnel management, the formation

8 requirements for personnel activities, in accordance with its recruitment, training and management, basic approaches to solving personnel problems. According to F.W. Taylor, personnel policy is the development of each individual worker to the maximum productivity and well-being available to him, as well as the recruitment, training and placement of workers in jobs where they can provide the greatest benefit, and so on. A. Fayol, defines personnel policy as one of the key elements of the strategic management function, which relates to the principles of “staff constancy”. But the briefest definition of personnel policy is given by A.Ya. Kibanov. In his opinion, the personnel policy of an organization is the general direction of personnel work, a set of principles, forms, organizational mechanism for developing goals and objectives aimed at preserving, strengthening and developing human resources, creating a qualified and highly cohesive team capable of quickly responding to changes in demand for market, taking into account the organization's development strategy. Personnel policy is part of the organization's policy and must fully comply with the concept of its development. The place of personnel policy in organizational politics is shown in Figure 1.1. . The main types are personnel policy, training, policy, remuneration policy, policy for the formation of personnel procedures, policy of social relations. The main goal of personnel policy is to ensure timely renewal and preservation of the quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel and its development in accordance with the needs of the organization, current legislation, and the state of the labor market, which is achieved through the formation of personnel policy.

9 Personnel policies are not always clearly defined and presented in document form, however, regardless of the severity, they exist in every organization. Economic policy of the organization Social policy of the organization Scientific, technical and technological policy Personnel policy of the organization Organizational production policy of the organization Policy in the field of: - personnel planning and marketing; - hiring and accounting of personnel; - labor relations; - working conditions of personnel; - personnel development; - social development; - motivation of personnel behavior; - legal support for personnel management Information policy of the organization Fig. 1.1 Place and role of personnel policy in the policy of the organization Personnel policy is reflected in the philosophy of the organization, internal regulations and collective agreement. The philosophy of an organization is a set of moral and administrative norms and rules for relations with personnel, subject to the achievement of the global goals of the enterprise. The choice of personnel policy depends on the situation in which the organization is, as well as its needs. Basic principles for forming the personnel policy of the organization in certain areas: 1. Personnel management of the organization:

10 - the principle of equal need to achieve individual and organizational goals (the need to achieve an honest compromise between management and employees, and not give preference to the interests of the organization). 2. Hiring, selection and placement of personnel: - the principle of compliance (compliance with the amount of work, powers and responsibilities of human capabilities); - the principle of professional competence (the level of knowledge that meets the requirements of the position); - the principle of practical achievements (experience, necessary leadership skills (organization of one’s own work and the work of subordinates)); 3. Formation and preparation of a reserve for promotion to leadership positions: - the principle of competitiveness (selection of candidates on a competitive basis); - provision for a specific position according to an individual program; - The principle of regular assessment of individual qualities and abilities (performance assessment, interviews, identifying trends, etc.). 4. Assessment and certification of personnel: - assessment of the principle of selection of indicators (system of indicators, taking into account the purpose of the assessment, assessment criteria, frequency assessment); - the principle of assessing qualifications (suitability, determining the knowledge necessary to carry out this type of activity); - the principle of assessing the completion of tasks (performance assessment). 5. Personnel development: - training principle (the need to revise the frequency of job descriptions for continuous personnel development); -the principle of self-development (ability and capacity for self-development). 6. Motivation and stimulation of personnel, remuneration:

11 - compliance with the principle of payment for the volume of work and labor (effective payment system); - principle of motivation (stimulating factors affecting labor efficiency). The basic principles of personnel policy are presented in Table 1.1. The essence of personnel policy is the formation of a human resource management strategy, which, in turn, is based on the organization’s development strategy. Table 1.1. Fundamental principles for the formation of personnel policy Principle Scientificity Characteristics of the principle Use of all modern scientific developments in this area, which could provide maximum economic and social effect. Comprehensiveness Covering all areas of personnel activity and all categories of workers. Taking into account the interdependence and interconnection of the individual components of this work; the need to take into account the economic and social systemic effect (both positive and negative), the influence of a particular event on the final result. Any costs for activities in this area must be recouped through efficiency through business results. Qualitative analysis of the selected solution options, especially in those cases where there are a number of mutually exclusive methods. Personnel policy for an organization is a kind of “core” on which all personnel work, and a reference point for the formation of a strategy for the development of human resources. She must not only create favorable conditions for work, but also provide conditions or move up the career ladder. 1.2 Stages of formation of the organization’s personnel policy and its types

12 When forming a personnel policy, it is necessary to take into account that in modern conditions it should be quite flexible, that is, on the one hand, stable, since stability is associated with certain expectations of employees, on the other hand, in the formation of a personnel policy - dynamic, which is adjusted in accordance with changes he couldn't predict. Stability should be those parties that are focused on the interests of personnel and are associated with the organizational culture of the enterprise. The formation of human resources in the field of personnel policy includes determining the principles of interaction between business units, principles of personnel placement, developing approaches to assessing the labor contribution of personnel when paying, as well as facilitating their work, determining the nature of the relationship between managers and subordinates (management style). At the same time, it has developed basic provisions on occupational safety and health, and also defines principles and approaches to resolving (and preventing the occurrence of) conflicts. Personnel policies are developed taking into account internal resources, organization and tradition of environmental factors. Personnel policy is part of the organization's policy and must fully comply with the concept of its development. The following aspects should be taken into account when developing personnel policy: (Figure 1.2) - development of general principles of personnel policy, defining goals and priorities; - organizational and personnel policy - planning of personnel requirements, formation of structure and personnel, creation of a personnel reserve; - information policy - creation and support of a personnel information system, implementation of personnel control;

13 - financial policy - formulation of principles for the distribution of funds to ensure an effective system of motivation and stimulation of labor; - personnel development policy - to ensure advanced training of program personnel, team building, training, advanced training and retraining of personnel; - assessment of performance results - analysis of the compliance of personnel policy and the organization strategy of its personnel management, identification of bottlenecks in personnel work, assessment of personnel potential. 6 Performance assessment 5 Personnel development policy 1 General principles Formation of personnel policy 4 Financial policy 2 Organizational staffing policy 3 Information policy Fig. 1.2 Aspects of the formation of personnel policy When forming a personnel policy, it is necessary to take into account: 1. Compliance with the personnel policy of the state socio-economic policy, legal and social norms. 2. Consideration of man in the unity of technological, economic, social, organizational, demographic and other aspects of development - as a goal and as a means of development. 3. Focus on achieving maximum productivity combined with a policy of staff realism. possible

14 4. The combination of strategic and operational goals and means of achieving them in personnel policy. 5. Ensuring democracy, transparency and dynamism in personnel policy. The formation of personnel policy can be divided into the following stages. At the first stage, the formation of goals and objectives of personnel policy. Standardization and programming - coordination of the principles and goals of the organization, development of programs, personnel management, ways to achieve the goals set at the first stage. The goals and objectives of the personnel policy are determined on the basis of the main provisions of legal documents, from a set to ensure the goals and objectives of the effective functioning of the organization and its member units. The main goal of personnel policy is to fully fulfill the qualifications of human resources. This goal can be achieved by providing everyone with a job according to their abilities and qualifications. At the second stage, personnel control, diagnostic procedures and forecasting of the personnel situation are developed. This phase consists of three blocks: 1) Quality requirements for employees, which are determined on the basis of job descriptions and requirements for the candidate for the position; 2) quantitative requirements that are associated with determining personnel needs for positions, qualification characteristics, etc.; 3) the basic principles of personnel policy for the most important areas: selection and placement of personnel, formation and professional training for subsequent assessment of wages, use of human resources. personnel development,

15 The third stage is determined by the choice of basic forms and personnel management methods; workforce planning tools are developed. At the fourth stage, the staffing schedule of activities, certain deadlines and responsible executors of these measures. The formation and development of personnel policy depends on external and internal factors. External environmental factors are those that the organization as a management entity cannot change, but they must be taken into account to correctly determine the need for personnel and the best sources to cover this need. These include: - the situation on the labor market (demographic factors, education policy, cooperation with trade unions); - trends in economic development; - scientific and technological progress (the nature and content of the work, which affects the needs of various specialists, the possibility of personnel training); - regulatory framework (labor legislation, legislation on occupational safety and health, employment, social security, etc.). Internal environmental factors are factors that are amenable to control by the organization. These include: - the goals of the organization (based on their human resources policy); - management style (centralized or strictly prefers the principle of decentralization - different specialists are required depending on it); financial resources (this depends on the ability to finance the organization of personnel management activities);

16 - organization of human resources (related to the assessment of opportunities in the organization, with the correct distribution of responsibilities between them, which is a source of effective and stable work); - management style (they do not equally influence the behavior of specific human resource policies). Taking into account these factors, the organization develops personnel policy within the limits established by external influences on the organization, and depends on the state of internal factors. This fact leads to different types of personnel policies of organizations. Thus, we can conclude that the personnel policy of an organization is the general direction of personnel work, a set of principles, forms, organizational mechanism for developing goals and objectives aimed at preserving, strengthening and developing human resources, creating a qualified and highly cohesive team capable of respond in a timely manner to market requirements that constantly change with the organization’s development strategy. The main goal of personnel policy is to ensure timely renewal and preservation of the quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel and its development in accordance with the needs of the organization, current legislation, and the state of the labor market, which is achieved through the formation of a sound personnel policy. Classification of the direct personnel influence of the policy of the management organization of personnel on the basis of the personnel situation. On this basis, the following types of personnel policy are: passive, reactive, preventive, active. According to the degree of openness of the organization in relation to the external environment when forming personnel, the main focus is on its own or external personnel, two types of personnel policies: open, closed. Passive personnel policy is characterized by the fact that the organization’s management has a clearly defined program of action in relation to

17 personnel and personnel work comes down, at best, to eliminating negative consequences. Human resources forecasts personnel needs, does not have personnel assessment tools. The financial conditions of personnel problems are usually reflected in the level of information assistance of employees without proper consideration of personnel problems and the reasons for their occurrence. There is generally no diagnosis of the personnel situation. Manual mode of operation in emergency situations in response to emerging conflict situations, which seeks to extinguish by any means, without making any attempts to understand the causes and possible consequences. Reactive personnel policy is typical for organizations whose management monitors the symptoms of a crisis in HR (the emergence of conflict, the lack of a sufficient number of qualified labor to solve the problems facing the organization, lack of motivation for highly productive work) and tries to solve the problems. The management of the organization takes measures to localize the crisis, focused on understanding the reasons that led to the problems of the personnel, the organization of the person serving such a diagnosis means the existing situation and the adequate situation. In the programs of problems of the organization's personnel, specially selected and processed, ways to solve them are outlined, but the main difficulties arise in medium-term forecasting. Preventive personnel policy assumes that the management company anticipates the situation while at the same time lacking the means to influence the personnel situation. The human resources of such organizations have not only a means of diagnosing personnel, but also forecasting the personnel situation in the medium term. The organization’s programs contain short-term and medium-term forecast needs for personnel (qualitative and quantitative), formulated tasks for

18 personnel development. The main problem of such organizations is the development of targeted personnel programs. An active personnel policy is characterized by the leadership of the organization, based on forecasts of its development and appropriate methods and means of personnel action. Human resources personnel can develop a crisis management program to constantly monitor the situation and adjust the implementation of programs in accordance with the parameters of the external and internal situation in the medium and long term. It seems that active HR policies will be much more effective if they not only proclaim the main goals and values, but clearly show how (by what means and methods) an optimal state of human resources can be achieved and what each employee will gain from using these innovations. An active personnel policy is focused on strategic success factors: - proximity to the market through an emphasis on volume and customer requests; - services required using appropriate technical means; - high quality products; - use of scientific and technological progress and the latest technologies; - a sense of economic responsibility and maintaining economic balance; - qualified human resources; - adaptive and flexible organizational structure. The mechanisms that management can use in analyzing the situation leads to the fact that the reasons for the forecast and program can be both rational (implementable) and irrational (algorithms and descriptions that are not easily amenable to description). Accordingly, there are two subtypes of active personnel policy: rational and opportunistic.

19 In a rational personnel policy, the management of the organization has a diagnosis of high quality and a reasonable assessment of the situation and the means to influence it. Human resources of an organization are not only a means of diagnosing personnel, but also by means of forecasting the personnel situation in medium and long-term periods. Organizations' programs address short-, medium- and long-term forecasting personnel needs (quantitative and qualitative). In addition, part of the plan is a personnel program with options for its implementation. With the adventuristic policy of management, the staff does not have a quality diagnosis or a reasonable forecast for the development of the situation, but strives to influence it. Human resources of an organization, as a rule, do not have the means to predict the personnel situation and diagnose personnel. However, in organization programs, human resource plans are often aimed at achieving goals that are important for the development of the organization, but do not take into account changing situations. The HR plan in this case is based on quite emotional motivation, but perhaps the right of representation to work with HR. With the increasing influence of factors that were not previously included in consideration, problems may arise in the implementation of this personnel policy. This will lead to a sharp change in the situation, for example, with a significant change in the market, the emergence of a new product that can replace the currently existing organization. From a staff perspective, retraining will be required. However, rapid and effective retraining may be more successful, for example, in an organization that has fairly young employees than in an organization that has very qualified older staff. An active personnel policy is characterized by the organization’s “transparency” to potential employees at any level of the hierarchy and

20 willingness to hire any specialist if he has the appropriate qualifications, regardless of whether he has previously worked in the organization or associated with it. This type of personnel policy may be sufficient for new organizations pursuing an aggressive policy of market penetration, focused on rapid growth and quick access to leading positions in the industry. A closed personnel policy is characterized by the fact that the organization is focused on including new personnel only at a lower official level, and subsequent replacement occurs only among people in the organization. Middle and upper levels of management are impenetrable to new hires from outside. Personnel policy of this type is typical for organizations focused on creating a certain atmosphere of corporate and organizational culture. A comparative description of the organization's open and closed personnel policies is presented in Table 1.2. in Table 1.2 Comparative characteristics of two types of personnel policies Personnel process Open personnel policy Closed personnel policy Recruitment of personnel Situation of competitiveness in the labor market Opportunities for rapid inclusion in competitive relations, introduction of new approaches offered to newcomers Often carried out in external centers, promotes the borrowing of new Situations of labor shortage, lack of new workers Adaptation of the organization's personnel Training and development of personnel Promotion of personnel The possibility of growth is difficult, since the prevailing trend is recruitment Motivation and Preference are given Effective adaptation through mentoring institutions, high team cohesion Often carried out in internal corporate centers, contributes to the formation of common views, common technologies , adapted to work in the organization Preference when appointing to a higher position is always given to employees of the organization, career planning is carried out Preference is given to the question

21 stimulation issues of incentives (external motivation) Introduction of innovations Constant innovative influence on the part of new employees motivation (satisfying the needs for stability, security) The need for special initiation of the process of developing innovations, a high sense of involvement, change due to the awareness of the common destiny of a person and an organization To build a personnel policy an understanding of the purposes, rules and methods of human activity should be developed. Human actions are actions aimed at achieving the goals of the relevant personnel of the organization and continues taking into account the specific stage of development of the organization. Personnel policy in general provides for the implementation of the following main activities: - regular provision of information to employees about the strategy and activities of the organization; - quantitative and qualitative personnel planning; - structuring and planning of personnel costs; - comparison of existing and future requirements for vacant positions and employees; - introduction to the specialty of newly hired young specialists; - labor market research; - staff development and employee training; - flexible structure of wages and benefits charge. Experts rely on these provisions when formulating specific human resource policies. In order to withstand competition, and therefore develop only effectively, an organization that will formulate a personnel policy based on democratic principles, based on

22 a thorough analysis of the external environment, and accurately reflects the limitations and conditions of the organization. 1.3. Indicators for assessing efficiency and methodology of personnel policy The main indicators characterizing the effectiveness of personnel policy: costs for service personnel as a percentage of the company’s total expenses; dynamics of the annual personnel budget; the ratio of the number of personnel services employees to the total number of employees; expenses for service personnel per employee; filling vacancies in the employee’s organization; the volume of total employment expenses, including those received per employee; percentage of new hires in the total workforce; level of quality of working life - the result of a survey about the satisfaction of their assessment of the needs of workers, working conditions, morale, remuneration, etc.; the number of employees dismissed from the company; the effectiveness of the personnel policy of interaction with other departments, employees (based on a survey of relevant departments and employees of the organization); curriculum evaluation; expenses for special programs in the field of personnel management projects; timeliness and completeness of solving the problems of corporate programs and plans.

23 Table 1.2 Indicators for assessing the effectiveness of personnel policy Indicator Formula Explanation of the symbols in the formula Economic performance Ker = TO / VO of management activities Ker - coefficient of economic effectiveness of management activities; TO - sales revenue (excluding VAT); VO - distribution costs Share of management costs KIU = VVU / VO KIU - share of management costs; VVU - administrative expenses Ratio of the number of managers to the number of employees Kz = Chau / Chser Kz - the share of management personnel in the total number of personnel; Chau - number of managers; Chser - the average number of employees of the enterprise Labor productivity Ppr = TO / Chser or Ppr = TO / FRCH Ppr - labor productivity; FFR - working time fund for industrial and production personnel Labor intensity of turnover T = Chser / TO T - labor intensity of turnover Management effectiveness RVS = TO / Chau RVS - management effectiveness Profitability of turnover Ro = P / TO Ro - profitability of turnover; P - net profit of the enterprise Cost profitability Pv = B / VO Pv - cost profitability Profitability of personnel use Pper = B / Chser Pper - personnel profitability British expert in the field of personnel management D. Guest believes that personnel policy should ensure:  organizational integration - top - management and middle managers adopt a coherent and well-developed human resource management strategy and implement it in their operational activities, working closely with the personnel structure;  high level of responsibility of all employees of the corporation, which includes identification with basic values

24 organizations, as well as persistent, proactive implementation of the goals facing them in their daily practical work;  functional integration - variability of functional tasks, which involves the abandonment of the traditional, rigid distinction between different types of work, as well as the widespread use of various forms of employment contracts (full-time, part-time and temporary employment, subcontracting, etc.), as well as structural adaptation to continuous organizational change, social and cultural innovation flexibility of organizational and personnel potential;  high quality of work and its results, working conditions - work environment, content of work, satisfaction with work, as well as the workforce itself. In order to improve the work of human resources services, it is necessary to develop and implement packages of documents on human resources and social development management. This package should include the following documents: 1. Measures to improve work with personnel in market conditions; 2. The main activities of personnel services (personnel management services); 3. A comprehensive plan for scientific and technological activities to develop lifelong learning professionals; 4. Regulations on continuous managers and corporate training of specialists; 5. Regulations on working with the personnel reserve for promotion to leadership positions; 6. Regulations of the commission for the selection of managers and specialists for leadership positions; 7. Regulations on working with young specialists with higher and secondary specialized education;

25 8. Comprehensive program for the phased implementation of a system of psychological support for personnel management for personnel selection; 9. Guidelines for selection and recruitment of personnel; 10. Regulations on the procedure for remuneration of workers (unified tariff scale); a set of documents on remuneration of workers employed in road transport services, communications workers, housing and communal services workers, workers in the operation of engineering systems; 11. Program for the development of a system of psychological support for personnel work. Modern personnel policy guides the work of personnel services to qualitatively update their operations, change the place and role of personnel services and significantly expand the scope of their activities. The mechanism for implementing personnel policy is a system of plans, norms and standards, organizational, administrative, social, economic and other measures aimed at solving personnel problems and meeting the needs of the organization for personnel. The main types of personnel policy are: personnel policy, training policy, remuneration policy, policy for the formation of personnel procedures, policy of social relations. Management principles - basic ideas, laws and rules of conduct for directors and top managers to implement management functions. In modern management, there are two groups of principles for constructing a personnel management system: principles characterizing the requirements for the formation of a personnel management system; principles that determine the direction of development of the personnel management system. Management science and practice have developed a tool (methods) for studying the state of the organization’s current personnel management system, researching and implementing a new system. SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method that involves identifying factors in the internal and external environment of an organization and

26 dividing them into four categories: Strengths (strengths), Weaknesses (weaknesses), Opportunities (opportunities) and Threats (threats). The strengths (S) and weaknesses (W) of the internal environment are factors in the analysis of an object (that is, those on the object itself can influence); opportunities (O) and threats (T) are external environmental factors (that is, those that can affect the external object and, therefore, the object is not controlled). For example, a company manages its own brand range - this is an internal environmental factor, but trade laws are not under the company's control - this is an environmental factor. System analysis provides a systematic approach to solving personnel management problems, which allows us to identify both shortcomings and prospects for the development of the organization. System analysis allows the manager to understand the situation and make appropriate changes to achieve his goals. The decomposition method involves breaking down complex phenomena into simpler ones. For example, a human resource management system can be divided into subsystems (recruitment, selection, adaptation, development, training, release); subsystems into functions (for example, hiring subsystems into function of the number of employees planning, organizing recruiting, interviews, analysis of candidate information received, organizing the hiring process), function-on-treatment, -on operations (for example, the interview procedure includes the stages: compiling lists of candidates, interviewing them about anxiety, determining the composition of the commission to interview, a program for preparing interviews, interviews, processing survey results , summing up), etc. After the dissection, it is necessary to recreate the personnel management system as a whole, i.e. synthesized. The last method of substitution is to study the influence on the formation of the personnel management system of each factor separately, under the influence of which it developed its state, for

27 excluding other factors. The most significant factors are selected and ranked. Comparing methods allows you to compare the existing HR system in such a good organization, a government regulatory organization or with its status in the previous period. Comparison gives a positive result, provided that the systems under study are comparable and homogeneous. The dynamic method is used in the study of quantitative indicators characterizing the personnel management system, and also provides data on the location in the dynamic series, which is a fixed set of parameters in a certain period of time, for example, the number of personnel and excluding random deviations from it. This number reflects a steady trend. The structuring method provides a quantitative and qualitative study of the goals of the organization as a whole and the personnel management system for compliance with the goals of the organization and to fulfill the goals of the analysis, their deployment in a hierarchical system, establishing the responsibility of objects for the final results of work, determining their place in the production and management system, eliminating duplication in their work. The expert-analytical method is based on the involvement of highly qualified human resource management, personnel management of the organization in the process of improving the human resource management system by identifying the main areas of improvement, gaps and assessing their causes. The parametric method consists in establishing functional dependencies between the parameters of the elements of the production management system and personnel in order to identify the degree of their compliance. For example, the introduction of a new information system for collecting information from the client increases the efficiency of the sales staff, as well as

28 the time they spent on this function is redistributed to other types of work, which allows them to perform more efficiently. The method of functional cost analysis allows you to choose an option for constructing a personnel management system (or performing a particular personnel management function) that requires the least cost and is the most effective in terms of final results. The implementation of this method is to conduct a comparative analysis of the economic and labor costs of implementing the functions of various departments of the organization and choosing the optimal option. The method of creative meetings includes brainstorming trends in the development of a personnel management system by a group of specialists and managers. The effectiveness of the method stems from the fact that an idea expressed by one of the participants in a meeting results in other ideas, and these in turn lead to further ideas, resulting in a flow of ideas. The purpose of the creative meeting is to identify more options for improving the personnel management system. The collective notebook method (“bank” of ideas) allows you to combine ideas independently put forward by each expert with their subsequent collective assessment of the meeting in order to find ways to improve the personnel management system. Employment decisions are usually based on personal likes or dislikes, but this is not always correct. The selection procedure should make objective decisions using various tests and professional diagnostics, such as Eysenck tests, an automated system of "employee level Assessment of professionalism" and so on. When hiring in an organization, especially for technical personnel positions, it is advisable to request recommendations from employers (to avoid absenteeism, etc.) from previous ones

29 CHAPTER 2. CURRENT STATE OF PERSONNEL POLICY IN PJSC SBERBANK OF RUSSIA DO No. 8592/074 2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics in PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 Since 1841, Sberbank has been the historical successor of the Savings Banks founded by decree of Ruler Nicholas I, which at first were only two small institutions with 20 employees in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Then they grew into a network of savings banks that operated throughout the country and even in difficult times helped preserve the vitality of the Russian economy. Later, during the Soviet era, they were transformed into the system of State Labor Savings Banks. And in recent times it has transformed into the current universal bank, a large international group whose brand is popular in more than twenty countries around the world. The Central Black Earth Bank was created on January 1, 2001 and serves the area of ​​6 regions - Belgorod, Voronezh, Kursk, Lipetsk, Oryol and Tambov. The Central Black Earth Bank has an extensive branch network and a strong material and technical base. More than 1.4 thousand bank divisions provide services to the population and legal entities. The main purpose of the Bank's activities, according to the Charter (Appendix 1), is to attract foreign currency funds from individuals and legal entities, implement credit, settlement and other banking operations and transactions with individuals and legal entities to make a profit. The Charter contains the following information: - name of the bank and its location (postal and legal address); - a list of banking operations performed by him;

30 - the amount of authorized funds, reserve and other funds formed by the bank; - an order stating that the bank is a legal entity and operates on a commercial basis; - data on the bank’s management bodies, formation procedure and functions. The joint-stock trading Savings Bank of the Russian Federation (Sberbank of Russia) was created in the form of a joint-stock community in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR "On Banks and Banking Activities in the RSFSR" dated December 2, 1990. The founder of the Bank is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Corporate (perfect official) name of the Bank: Joint-Stock Trading Savings Bank of the Russian Federation (open joint-stock community); abbreviated name: OJSC Sberbank of Russia. The Bank enters into the banking system of the Russian Federation and in its own activities is governed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory documents of the Bank of Russia, as well as the actual Charter. Shareholders of the Bank may be legal and natural persons, including foreign ones, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The bank is formed without a limitation on the period of activity and carries out its activities on the basis of a license from the Bank of Russia. The authorized capital of the Bank is formed in the amount of 1,000,000,000 rubles and is divided into 19,000,000 ordinary shares with a par value of 50 rubles and 50,000,000 preferred shares with a par value of 1 ruble. The Bank's authorized capital is equal to the total par value of the Bank's shares acquired by shareholders and describes the small amount of the Bank's wealth that guarantees the interests of its creditors. The maximum number of declared ordinary shares is 10,000,000 shares with a nominal price of 50 rubles. All shares of the Bank are registered. The Bank has common and preferred shares. Bank

31 has complete economic independence in matters of distribution of net profit. Sberbank showed net profit for 2015 in the amount of 222.9 billion rubles. or 10.36 rub. per ordinary share, in accordance with international financial reporting standards. An overview of the main financial indicators is presented in Table 2.1. Table 2.1 Review of key financial indicators In billions of rubles, unless otherwise indicated Net interest income Net commission income. Other income 4Q. 2015 3Q 2015 4Q 2014 4Q 15/ 3 sq. 15 4 sq. 15/4 sq. 14 12M 2015 12M 2014 297.2 263.4 274.6 12.8% 8.2% 988.0 1,019.7 95.6 81.9 80.2 16.7% 19.2% 319.0 259 .2 25.8 22.2 (-3.8) 16.2% -- 122.8 21.8 Total income Net expense from the creation of a reserve Operating expenses Net profit Profit per ordinary Total income for the period Book value 418.6 367 .5 351.0 13.9% 19.3% 1,429.8 1,300.7 (112.7) (130.1) (106.0) (13.4%) 6.3% (475.2 ) (361.4) (191.7) (145.4) (177.0) 31.8% 8.3% (623.4) (565.1) 72.6 65.1 49.0 11, 5% 48.2% 222.9 290.3 3.40 3.04 2.32 11.8% 46.6% 10.36 13.45 133.7 80.0 6.5 67.1% 20, 6 times 365.8 214.6 110.0 103.9 93.6 5.9% 17.5% 110.0 93.6 Key monetary indicators of the Sberbank Group for 2015: Net revenue amounted to 222.9 billion. rub. or 10.36 rub. for a regular share. Return on equity reached 10.2%. Capital adequacy strengthened as the year progressed, with the capital adequacy ratio rising by 30 basis points to 8.9%, while the total capital adequacy ratio gained 12.6%, an increase of 50 basis points. Buyers' funds increased by 27.2% in 2015 compared to 2014 and amounted to 19.8 trillion. rub., while the funds

32 retail buyers increased by 29.1%, and corporate buyers by 24.4%, reducing dependence on municipal funding. The total portfolio of loans before depreciation reserves grew by 7.0% in 2015, the main drivers were mortgage lending and commercial loans to legal entities, which increased by 12.5% ​​and 14.9%. Sberbank's share in the Russian mortgage lending market reached 55.6%. The ratio of the loan portfolio to buyer funds amounted to 91.9% against the backdrop of an improved liquidity situation. The balance sheet and net profit of the Bank are determined in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The corresponding taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget are paid from the balance sheet profit. The Bank's net profit remains at the disposal of the Bank and, by decision of the general meeting of shareholders, is sent to the reserve fund, to create the remaining funds of the Bank, and is also distributed among shareholders in the form of dividends, for other purposes in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The Bank's credit resources are formed from: · the Bank's own funds (except for the cost of fixed assets acquired by it, investments in shares in the authorized capital of banks and other legal entities and other immobilized funds); · funds of legal entities surrounding their accounts with the Bank; · deposits of individuals attracted for a specified period and on demand; · loans acquired from other banks; · remaining funds raised. The Bank's profit not distributed during the transfer of the currency year may be used as resources for lending. The Bank deposits with the Bank of Russia in the amounts and procedure established by it a fraction of the attracted funds into required reserves, in accordance with the rules and

33 standards established for the Bank. The Bank maintains accounting records and provides financial and other reporting in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts, including regulations of the Bank of Russia. The Bank carries out mandatory discovery of information in the amount and manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the federal executive body for the securities market and the Bank of Russia. The Supervisory Board carries out complete management of the Bank's activities, with the exception of resolving issues within the competence of the general meeting of shareholders. The consolidated financial statements present, in all material respects, the financial position of the Group as at 31 December 2015, which is presented in Table 2.2. Table 2.2 Consolidated statement of financial position of Sberbank PJSC Assets (in billions of Russian rubles) Cash and cash equivalents Mandatory reserves in accounts with central banks Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss Due from banks Customer loans and advances Securities, pledged under repurchase agreements Investment securities available for sale Investment securities held to maturity Deferred tax asset Property, plant and equipment Disposal group assets and non-current assets held for sale Other financial assets Other non-financial assets Total assets: 31 December 2013 1327, 0 251.5 December 31, 2014 2308.8 365.7 December 31, 2015 2333.6 387.9 101.2 921.7 866.8 330.5 12933.7 1343.8 476.2 240.8 17756, 6 1169.3 829.7 750.6 18727.8 222.0 1874.3 202.5 117.9 477.7 12.3 477.3 3.1 19.1 496.4 72.0 17.3 499 .2 212.7 406.2 327.5 18,210.3 562.9 339.9 25200.8 664.5 300.3 27334.7 At the end of 2015, GDP decreased by 3.7%1 in annual terms (growth by 0.6%1 in 2014). Economic contraction continues 6

34 quarters in a row, starting from the 3rd quarter of 2014, and in terms of GDP at the end of 2015, the Russian economy corresponds to the level of 2011. The weakening of the ruble, which began at the end of 2014, led to a sharp decline in imports, by 25.6%1 in 2015 compared to the same period last year, which statistically supported GDP dynamics. Export-import operations are the only component of GDP that makes a positive contribution to the increase in this indicator. At the end of 2015, the industrial production index decreased by 3.4%1 (in 2014 it increased by 1.7%). The slowdown in economic growth occurred simultaneously with the acceleration of inflation, largely due to the sharp weakening of the ruble and the introduction by Russia of a food embargo on the import of a number of goods. Inflation accelerated during the first quarter of 2015, peaking in March 2015, after which decreased domestic demand and the strengthening of the ruble slowed down price growth. Indexation of housing and communal services tariffs and the repeated weakening of the ruble (affected mainly non-food products) in mid-2015 slowed the downward trend in inflation. At the end of 2015, inflation amounted to 12.9%, exceeding the 2014 figure of 11.4%. Control over the financial and economic activities of the Bank is exercised by an audit commission elected by the general meeting of shareholders of the Bank for a period of one year, consisting of 7 members. Members of the Audit Commission cannot immediately become members of the Supervisory Board, nor can they take other positions in the management bodies of the Bank. Shares owned by members of the Bank's Supervisory Board or persons holding positions in the Bank's management bodies cannot participate in voting when electing members of the Bank's audit commission. The Bank may be liquidated or reorganized in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. All changes and additions made to the Bank’s Charter and adopted by the general meeting of shareholders or the Supervisory Board in agreement with its

35 competence are registered with the Bank of Russia in the prescribed manner. The Bank's branches (territorial banks, departments) are not vested with the rights of legal entities and act on the basis of the Regulations approved by the Bank's Board, have a seal depicting the Bank's emblem with its own name, as well as other seals and stamps, and have a balance sheet that enters into the Bank's balance sheet. Changes to the Charter related to the invention, closure of branches and changes in their status are made by decision of the Bank's Supervisory Board at least once a year. The branches of the Bank (territorial banks) are headed by Chairmen appointed by the President, the Chairman of the Board of the Bank, branches (branches) - by the ruling directors, appointed according to the established nomenclature. The hiring and layoff of branch employees, and the conclusion of labor agreements (contracts) with them are carried out by the branch manager according to the supplied nomenclature. Internal structural divisions (operating cash desks outside the cash desk, exchange offices and additional offices) of the territorial bank are opened and closed by decision of the board of the territorial bank; internal structural divisions of the branch - by decision of the board of the territorial bank, in the organizational leadership of which the division is located; internal structural divisions of the branch in the city of Moscow - by decree of the President, Chairman of the Board of the Bank in the manner established by the Bank and the Bank of Russia. The governing bodies of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation are: the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Bank Council and the Council of Bank Governors. The supreme governing body of Sberbank of the Russian Federation is the General Annual Meeting of Shareholders; is held once a year. The General Meeting of Shareholders decides the following issues: proposal for the annual report, considers the report of the audit commission, the management report, the procedure for the distribution of profits and its application (the amount and procedure for paying dividends),

36 development plan for the next year, describes the bank’s development strategy, and is chosen by the bank’s Council. The bank's council is the supreme governing body during the period between general meetings of shareholders. The Bank's Council of Governors is approved by the Bank's Council on the proposal of the President of the Bank's Council, which consists of the chief and 4 vice-presidents and 15 members of the Bank's Council of Governors. The Board of Chiefs is a functioning body of the bank. The main issues resolved by the Council of Chiefs are adjusting the bank's development strategy and monitoring the activities of serviceable bodies. The next governing body of the bank is the Management Board. In the Savings Bank system, it is created at the level of the head and territorial banks and is headed by the Chairman of the bank. The Management Board includes, not counting the Chairman, his deputies, the chief accountant, heads of structural divisions (heads of main departments). The competence of the Board includes issues of credit policy, current management of the bank, formation of assets and liabilities. Another governing body is the Credit Council, created at the level of territorial banks. It includes the Chairman of the bank, the chief accountant, and heads of departments that have specific knowledge of the lending process. The Credit Council decides on issues of issuing loans in accordance with the bank's credit policy. The Audit Commission is also the bank's management body, created from among the shareholders and deals with issues of testing annual reporting. The structural divisions of the Savings Bank are territorial banks, which include branches, which in turn may have branches. The basis of the structural organization is the territorial principle. Their functions are as follows:

37 · accounting and reporting department, guarantees control over the implementation of personal and attracted resources and their management, control over the presence and progress of the bank’s wealth and other material assets, the creation of perfect and reliable information about the state of settlements, securities, promises, cash totals, reserves ; · territorial settlement center, whose task is to know the accounts of branches and supply settlement transactions, including intra-bank ones; · economic management, which performs the functions of systematizing and summarizing economic information as a whole for the territorial bank, analyzing the economic standards of the bank’s activities, analyzing financial and economic activities, identifies the prerequisites affecting revenue and develops instructions for its increase, examines the effectiveness of transactions performed and services provided; · lending department, collects and summarizes information on loans issued as a whole for the territorial bank, prepares the concept and executes the issuance of loans by decision of the Credit Committee, controls the implementation and repayment of loans; · control and audit department, exercises inherent control over the activities of other divisions of the bank, using the method of conducting documentary audits; · legal management, guarantees legal support for the activities of the bank as a whole and each individual division; · management of deposits and settlements, carries out analytical work on collecting, summarizing, systematizing and coordinating work on servicing bank customers, both legal entities and individuals; · Department of Securities and Investments, carries out methodological work on transactions with securities, collects and analyzes information on ongoing transactions, specifically carries out transactions for the acquisition, sale, and storage of securities;

38 · monetary management, collects, systematizes and organizes work on foreign currency transactions, performs methodological work; · Department of Informatics and Automation of Banking Works, carries out work to provide communications, automation, electronic computer equipment, organizes work on software and calculations for banking operations, implementation of the latest technologies and services with the introduction of computer technology; · security management, guarantees the internal, information and general security of the bank’s activities; · management of collection and cash management, is engaged in the collection, delivery and support of foreign currency funds when moving them between different divisions of the bank and outside banking divisions, collects and systematizes information on the movement of foreign currency funds throughout the bank, and conducts methodological work; · department for development of material and technical base; · Department for Human Resources and Organizational and Administrative Issues; · operational management, occupies a special space among the divisions of the territorial bench, performing the functions of providing real banking services to legal entities and individuals, at the same time it is the basis for implementing the functions of most of the previously examined departments and developing the methodology for conducting banking operations in the Sberbank system. Sberbank carries out the following banking operations: - attracts foreign currency funds of individuals and legal entities into deposits (on demand and for a specified period); - disposes of the above-mentioned borrowed funds on its own behalf and at its own expense;

39 - opens and maintains bank accounts of individuals and legal entities, performs calculations on behalf of buyers, including correspondent banks; - collects currency, bills of exchange, payment and settlement papers and performs cash services for individuals and legal entities; - acquires and sells foreign currency in cash and non-cash forms; - attracts deposits and disposes of valuable alloys; - issues bank guarantees; - carries out transfers of foreign currency on behalf of individuals without opening bank accounts (with the exception of postal transfers). In addition to the banking operations listed above, the bank carries out the following transactions: - issues guarantees for third parties, providing for the fulfillment of promises in foreign currency; - receives the rights to requests from third parties to fulfill promises in foreign currency; - performs trust management of currency and other property by agreement with individuals and legal entities; - carries out operations with precious metals and precious stones in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation; - provides for rent to individuals and legal entities special premises or safes located in them for storing documents and valuables; - carries out leasing operations; - provides brokerage, consulting and information services. The Bank has the right to execute other transactions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The bank has the right to perform the service

40 export-import transactions of buyers using various monetary instruments accepted in international banking practice. The bank exercises monetary control over the transactions of clients - individuals and legal entities. The Bank has the right to issue and service plastic cards of international and Russian payment systems. All listed banking operations and transactions are carried out in rubles and foreign currencies. The bank has the right to carry out issuance, purchase, sale, accounting, storage and other operations with securities performing the functions of a payment act, with securities confirming the involvement of foreign currency in deposits and bank accounts, with other securities, and also has the right to perform trust management the specified securities by agreement with legal and physical entities. The Bank has the advantage of carrying out professional activities in the securities market in accordance with federal laws. Within its own competence, the Bank guarantees the protection of information and elements of municipal secrets. The Bank views the development of human resources as the main limitation for the implementation of established strategic objectives. The intensification of the work of bank employees, the general assimilation of the latest products and technologies, the continuation of the opportunities and responsibilities of professionals and middle managers require the setting of new goals and values ​​of the personnel management system. The main task of the Bank's personnel policy in the coming years will be the upcoming improvement of the qualifications of the Bank's personnel, the creation of expert societies capable of providing solutions to the tasks of the Bank's strategic development. As priority areas of its personnel policy, the Bank observes increasing the efficiency of the system for selecting, training and placing employees, improving the system of personnel motivation, and creating a corporate culture. It is necessary to find the best combination of material and non-material incentives to motivate employees

41 to increase productivity and quality of labor, develop initiative, and search for the latest technological solutions. The system of forming a reserve of management employees, especially the top level of promising management, young planning professionals, and professional development of employees will change significantly. A system of rotation and horizontal movement of more trained professionals will be formed. The Bank will create conditions that allow any employee to realize creative potential, have the opportunity to increase the level of professional knowledge, accept the system for assessing the results of his work and the prospect of job growth. In order to retain promising employees, the Bank will begin to help match the level of remuneration of Bank professionals to the level of remuneration in leading Russian banks and financial companies, and introduce systems of differentiated remuneration based on the final result of work. The top management bench forms and develops the organizational structure, which describes the bank's divisions, their number of employees, interaction and number of subordination. Organizational design has an important impact on the implementation of the bank's personnel policy. An organizational, ordered set of stable management structure is understood as interconnected parts that ensure the functioning and formation of the organization as one whole. The organizational structure of management is also defined as a form of division and cooperation of management activities, within the framework of which the management process is carried out according to suitable functions aimed at completing established tasks and achieving intended goals. The supreme governing body of Sberbank of Russia OJSC is a general meeting of shareholders (shareholders), which is held at least

42 once a year. General management of the bank's activities is performed by the Supervisory Board. The business activities of Sberbank of Russia OJSC are directly managed by the Board, which consists of the Chairman of the Board, the President (Gref German Oskarovich), his deputies (vice-presidents) and members of the bank's board. Appendix 2 provides information on the composition of the Supervisory Board and members of the board of Sberbank of Russia OJSC. The competence of the general meeting of shareholders (shareholders) is contained in the following: 1) makes decisions on expanding the number of partners or their withdrawal from the bench; 2) selects the bank committee, the audit commission and describes the term of their powers; 3) accepts the conclusion on the size and change of the authorized capital; 4) describes the amount of the share contribution; 5) declares the bank’s status on the council, board, audit commission and makes changes to them; 6) examines and declares the bank’s annual balance sheet, profit and loss report, opinion and report of the audit commission; 7) distributes proceeds and decides other defining issues of the bank’s activities. The bank's council: 1) appoints and dismisses the chairman and members of the bank's board of directors; 2) submits instructions to the meeting of shareholders (shareholders) on increasing (decreasing) the authorized capital, changing and adding to the bank’s charter and on other issues to be considered by the meeting; 3) describes the main conditions for providing loans; 4) decides on the invention of branches and representative offices of the bank;

43) describes the structure and number of the bank, its branches and representative offices; 5) controls the work of the board. The board of the bank: 1) organizes and manages the operational activities of the bank and guarantees the execution of decisions of the meeting of shareholders (shareholders) and the board of directors; 2) declares the location of the bank’s structural divisions, branches and representative offices; 3) resolves issues of selection, training and employment of employees; 4) considers and decides other issues of the bank’s activities. The bank's board traditionally forms a credit council and an audit commission. The functions of the credit committee include: 1) development of the bank’s credit policy, the structure of funds raised and their placement; 2) development of opinions on the provision of larger loans. The Audit Commission is elected by a general meeting of shareholders and is accountable to the board of the bank. Members of the council and management board of a commercial bank cannot be elected to the audit commission. The bank's board provides the audit commission with all the materials necessary for the audit. The commission sends the results of the inspections to the board of the bank. The organizational structure of the bank is formed from various services and divisions, which are assigned certain responsibilities. As part of this study, the organizational structure of Sberbank of Russia OJSC was analyzed, which is schematically presented in Figure 2.1

44 Fig. 2.1 Organizational structure of Sberbank of Russia OJSC The management structure of the bank is linear-functional according to the principle of its own construction. The functional model is based on the need to allocate the bank's structural divisions to the banking products offered to the market and the operations performed (lending, deposit activity, settlement and cash transactions, cash transactions, transactions with precious metals, guarantees and sureties, trust and other transactions). In accordance with these operations, groups, departments, and departments are formed in the bank to organize the corresponding type of banking activity. The functional model is considered to be the most common model of a classical bank organization. This and more structure

45 implies the presence in the bank of trained managers - professionals in the relevant areas of activity. This organizational management structure has a number of advantages: 1) certainty of tasks, certainty of responsibility, i.e., excellent conditions are created for the highest level of executive discipline; 2) balancing the opportunities provided to the employee to perform functions with responsibility for the outcome of the activity; 3) ease of construction. But at the same time, the presented organizational structure of Sberbank of Russia OJSC has its own shortcomings: 1) the manager is aimed at gaining effect within his own division, sometimes to the detriment of the work of others. 2) insufficient elasticity of the structure, which makes it difficult to reconstruct it in the conditions of a rapidly changing environment. The tasks of a single unit must be linked to the overall goal of the bench. In establishing coordination, the main role is played by the introduction of the capabilities of the unit in decision making. For this purpose, Sberbank of Russia PJSC is developing job descriptions, which strengthen the specific rights and responsibilities of employees and their capabilities. Very often, shortcomings in organizational structures led even fairly massive and permanent banks to crisis situations. Therefore, the selection of an organizational structure that best corresponds to the internal and external reasons that determine the activity of Sberbank of Russia OJSC is a strategic goal of management, the basis for the diversification of banking services. 2.2 “Analysis of the personnel management system and the use of labor potential in the organization

46 Without the right skilled workers, no organization can achieve its goals and survive the competition. Let's consider the main data and indicators characterizing the personnel of PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074. The average number of employees as of December 31, 2015 was 68 people. To characterize personnel processes, the dynamics of the following indicators are calculated and analyzed: - turnover coefficient for hiring workers (Kpr): Kpr  Number of hired personnel Average number of personnel, (2.1) - turnover coefficient for retirement (Kv): Kv  Number of quitters employees Average number of personnel, (2.2) - staff turnover rate (Kt.k.): Ktk number of employees who left at their own request and for violation of discipline  Average number of personnel, (2.3) - coefficient of constancy of the composition of the enterprise personnel (Kpc ): Kps  number of employees who worked the whole year Average number of personnel, Kpr. 7 / 63  100% = 11.1% (2013) 9 / 63  100% =14.2% (2014) 14 / 66  100% = 21.2% (2015) Sq. 11 / 63  100% = 17.4% (2013) 12 / 63  100% = 19.1% (2014) 7 / 66  100% = 10.6% (2015) (2.4 )

47 Kt.k. 3+2 / 63  100% = 7% (2013) 6+4 / 63  100% = 15.8% (2014) 3+3 / 66  100% = 9.09% (2015 .) Kps 60 / 63 = 95% (2013) 61 / 63 = 96% (2014) 63 / 67 = 94% (2015) An analysis of the main personnel processes in the organization is carried out based on the data in Table 2.3. The movement of labor and its dynamics are the most important object of analysis. Table 2.3 Analysis of the main personnel processes of PJSC “Sberbank of Russia” DO No. 8592/074 Indicator Number of personnel at the beginning of the year, people. Average number of employees, people. Total accepted, people 2014 61 2015 62 2015 68 2015 in % of 2014 80% 63 63 66 80% 7 9 14 0.2%

48 Continuation of Table 2.3 Total number of people who left, people. 11 12 7 0.6% including: - due to staff reduction: - at one’s own request: 6 2 1 0.16% 3 6 3 1% - for violation of labor discipline Number of employees at the end of the year, people. Turnover coefficient for admission (Kpr) Turnover coefficient for retirement (Kv) Personnel turnover rate (Ktk) Personnel constancy rate (Kps) Absenteeism rate 2 4 3 1.5% 65 63 69 0.82% 0.02 0.02 0.05 2.5% 0.03 0.03 0.02 3.1% 0.02 0.02 0.03 2.5% 95.7 94.7 92.8 96.9 0.144 0.164 Analyzing the increase in the number of personnel table data 0.128 88.8, one can trace PJSC “Sberbank trend towards Russia” DO No. 8592/074” (2013 - 63 people, 2015 - 68 people).There is a decrease in the number of retired employees (2013 - 11 people, 2015 - 7 people), the turnover rate decreased by 6.71% (2014 15.8%, 2015 - 9 .09%). This is explained by the fact that young specialists were working in these years. In 2014, there was an increase in turnover, as many specialists left for higher-paid jobs. From the data in Table 2.3 we conclude that there is a positive dynamics in the movement of the labor force, the turnover rate decreases over period under study Table 2.4 Structure and staffing in PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 Indicators 2013 2014 2015 Personnel, total including 61 62 68 1. Managers 7 8 9

49 2. Specialists 3. Workers 44 43 49 10 11 10 From the data in Tables 2.4 it is clear that the number of personnel in core activities in the reporting year decreased against the plan by 7 people, and against the previous year - by 9 people and amounted to 97.4% and 97 .1% respectively. There is also a decrease in the number of workers in the reporting year against the plan and the previous year by 15 people (or 2.72%) and 11 people (2.37%), respectively. Table 2.5 Distribution of personnel in PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 by age Personnel groups by age Number of personnel at the end of the year, people. Specific gravity, % 2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015 Up to 20 2 3 2 2.6 3.7 2.6 20-30 13 16 15 16.7 19.8 19.7 30-40 28 29 28 35.9 35.8 34.3 40-50 2 12 11 26.9 24.7 28.9 50-60 9 7 7 11.5 8.6 9.2 Over 60 5 6 4 6.4 7.4 5.3 Total: 61 62 68 100 100 100 Most Bank employees (50%) represent the most productive group of the population - from 30 to 50 years old. Compared to 2014, there is a dynamic increase in the number of workers in the age category under 30 years old, which is the result of continued efforts to attract young specialists. The personnel policy is structured in such a way that the manager tries to hire young specialists. First of all, this strategy in the field of personnel selection is associated with severe psychological

50 job and the opportunity to quickly train and instill a corporate culture than to retrain a more experienced candidate for an open position. The share of employees over 45 years of age and working pensioners in the bank is growing. This is due to the fact that the majority of workers in the age category from 35 to 45 years old had a borderline age of closer to 45 years in 2014. By the end of 2015, such workers fell into the category from 45 years to retirement age. Table 2.6 Distribution of employees of Sberbank of Russia PJSC DO No. 8592/074 education Personnel groups by education Number of personnel at the end of the year, people Share, % 2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015 Incomplete higher education 2 2 5 2.6 2.5 3.9 Secondary specialized 7 7 9 34.6 38.3 42.1 Higher 52 53 54 53.8 53.1 51.4 Total: 61 62 68 100 100 100 From table 2.4 it is clear that the majority of social workers do not have professional training, And the functions they perform are completely new to them; it is necessary to organize personnel training. Such training was carried out for several years, but all the courses were closed, and those that exist are quite expensive. Table 2.7 Distribution of employees of PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 by length of service Personnel group by length of service, years Number of personnel at the end of the year, people Specific gravity, % 2013 2014 2015 2013 2013 2015 Up to 5 5 8 6 6.4 9.9 7.8 From 5 to 10 17 19 18 34.6 35.8 36.8 From 10 to 15 22 21 23 39.7 37 43.4

51 From 15 to 20 15 13 14 19.3 12.3 13.2 Over 20 5 6 7 0 1.2 1.3 Total: 61 62 68 100 100 100 From Table 2.5 it is clear that the largest share is 43.4% consists of employees with 10 to 15 years of experience. The professional and qualification level of the company's employees is quite high: most of the professionals have higher and secondary specialized education. Leading positions are occupied by specialists with extensive practical experience in this profile, who possess important organizational, business, professional and personal qualities, and are able to make the right decisions. A large share falls on the age group from 30 to 50 years. At the enterprise, there are trends towards rejuvenation of personnel, which contributes to the creation of a qualified personnel reserve. Due to the expansion of the bank's activities, a need arose for new employees. This process was aggressively formalized. In addition to the necessary professional skills, other requests were made to the candidate (compatibility, corporate spirit, knowledge of working in a team, etc.). Bank employees are inclined to rely more on the manager and give him the advantage of making high-risk management decisions. For example, during the period of improvement of the policy to combat overdue debts, wages to employees, as agreed with them, were not paid in full (employees received bonuses in half the amount). There is a system of punishments for violating the norms and values ​​of the organization. Basically, the punishment system is based on a psychological effect. There is also a system of financial punishment. So, at the end of the month, any employee, as a bonus, acquires a set percentage of the organization’s profit, which he may be deprived of for damage. Sberbank has developed

52 democratic management model. Management decisions are made with the functional participation of personnel. Discussion of professional issues is carried out by the manager with the involvement of specific professionals. Collective activities have a positive effect on the culture of an organization. The goal is to create a sense of pride and involvement of the new employee in the activities of the organization. Each new specialist must be introduced to all employees. Each specialist is given a prospectus about the organization of the company - its history, features, values. Employees are continuously informed about events within and outside the company. Information exchange between employees occurs continuously via e-mail. Collective celebrations are traditional: Sberbank Employee Day, delivery of results and New Year celebrations, etc. As already noted, professional holidays are certainly celebrated together. Various events are also carried out related to improving organizational culture and collective spirit: education, trainings. Business communication criteria are sent by email. The described measures for creating and strengthening the collective spirit of the organization are not frozen, modified, or monolithic. crystallize, thus They should continuously be in constant search for the optimum for the organization. The HR department is a structural division of Sberbank of Russia. In its own work, the department is governed by the Federal Legislation “On Banks and Banking Activities”, labor legislation, other laws and legal acts of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Board and the Chairman, regulatory administrative documents of Sberbank of Russia, administrative documents of the department, and the disposition of the personnel department. Thus, the selection and hiring of personnel at Sberbank is carried out by the Human Resources Department.

53 2.3 Assessment of the current state of personnel policy in PJSC “Sberbank of Russia” DO No. 8592/074 The personnel policy of PJSC “Sberbank of Russia” DO No. 8592/074 is aimed at attracting qualified personnel and creating attractive working conditions. An important area of ​​employment policy is personnel selection. The purpose of selecting professionals; provide personnel - form an organization united by employees; The team selects from the proposed candidates exactly those employees who most fully meet the requirements of the position or workplace. PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 has developed a certain methodology for personnel planning. If a need for personnel arises, the manager, based on requests from the relevant divisions of Sberbank of Russia PJSC DO No. 8592/074 and an analysis of the number of personnel, gives the provision to prepare an assignment for the head of the corresponding department to announce the personnel vacancy that has arisen. Such an announcement is sent to printed media (most often, these are Internet sites,, If there is a need to select a qualified specialist, a specialist from the HR department makes a corresponding request to private recruitment agencies. PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 also uses informal sources of recruitment - searching for applicants among friends, relatives of those who work at the oil refinery. Thus, we can say that the organization has an open personnel policy. The system of external and internal sources is shown in Table 2.8.

54 Table 2.8 External and internal sources of attracting personnel to Sberbank of Russia PJSC DO No. 8592/074 No. External sources 1 Media: advertisements in newspapers 2 Appeal to an employment agency Universities 3 Thus, in Internal sources Recommendations at work from relatives, friends, acquaintances The proprietary database of PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 does not use all sources of recruitment, but only some of them (print media, contacting recruitment agencies, searching among university graduates, searching among employees of the organization). Information on personnel selection in the period 2013-2015. is given in table 2.9. Table 2.9 Information on the selection of candidates for PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 for 2013 – 2015 Sources Internal source External source Total: Years 2013 Number Number of applicants, displayed, persons persons. 2014 No. No. of applicants, display, people people 2015 Number Number of applicants, display, persons persons 29 24 41 43 43 48 27 20 38 29 44 31 56 44 79 72 87 79 Thus, from the data in Table 2.7 it follows that in PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074, internal sources of recruitment predominate, external sources are used to a lesser extent degree, which is most likely due to the ratio of costs for recruiting personnel through external sources.

55 Analysis of the documents revealed that the selection of personnel at PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 is carried out on the basis of the organizational documents indicated in Table 2.10. Table 2.10 Documents on the basis of which personnel selection is carried out at Sberbank of Russia PJSC DO No. 8592/074 Title of the document 1. Job description of the applicant for the position 2. Applicant questionnaire 3. Methodological recommendations for conducting an interview with the applicant for a vacant position Contents of the document In the job description The instructions define the professional and personal requirements for the position for which the applicant is applying, as well as contraindications for the position. Contains a list of questions that the personnel inspector organizing the selection of personnel asks the applicant, on the basis of which he evaluates the professional qualities of the applicant for the vacant position. An internal document containing a description. methods and procedures for conducting selection interviews and interviews As follows from Table 2.10, PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 does not have such documents on personnel selection as the Selection Regulations, as well as orders (resolutions) of the director on the selection and hiring of new personnel. The list of powers for personnel selection is distributed depending on the level of management and categories of management decisions. The personnel selection process involves the head of the HR and security department of Sberbank of Russia PJSC DO No. 8592/074, the commercial director, and the general director of the organization. PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 did not have a clear procedure for conducting interviews when hiring. Often, the interview is neglected, giving preference solely to studying questionnaires. In the event that an interview is conducted, questions

56 questions asked to the applicant are not specific and are not of a systematic nature. In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to the training of the interviewer himself, his mastery of effective interview technology. It should be noted that in 2014-2015 there was not a single case of dismissal of an employee of Sberbank of Russia PJSC DO No. 8592/074 due to unsatisfactory certification results, which indicates the high professional level of the employees. One of the most important elements of personnel policy is the personnel training policy. Training of department personnel has two important goals:  increasing the level of professional knowledge of employees and other department employees; - training in new working methods. In PJSC “Sberbank of Russia” DO No. 8592/074, the cost of personnel training in 2015 increased 6 times and amounted to 120 thousand rubles, which is a favorable trend and indicates that the management of the enterprise understands the importance of increasing the professionalism of the enterprise’s employees. Mostly on-the-job training methods are used, which include: instruction, mentoring, rotation. It should be emphasized the effectiveness of the rotation method, in which an employee is temporarily moved to another position in order to acquire new work skills. Rotation applies to persons with polyvalent qualifications, that is, workers who have several professions. The traditional method of teaching is mentoring. This method is applicable to new employees who do not have much work experience and have not fully mastered professional skills. The organization pursues a remuneration policy aimed at increasing the level of remuneration. When paying for labor, mainly

57, a piece-rate payment system is used, the amount of which depends on the volume of sales and work performed; bonuses are not paid at the end of the year. Average salary growth by 32% in 2015 compared to 2013. Payroll increased by 152% in 2015 compared to 2013, which was due to an increase in labor costs. The presented trend is generally favorable for the enterprise, which makes it possible to effectively stimulate staff with regular cash payments and increase labor productivity. The welfare policy in PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 is represented by the following areas of activity. The policy of favorable labor relations in psychological and mutually acceptable ways is aimed at resolving the climate in creating an organization that seeks labor conflicts on its own. Taking into account the above, we can talk about an active personnel policy aimed at constantly monitoring the personnel situation and developing targeted anti-crisis personnel programs. The ineffectiveness of the personnel policy in PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 is due to the following factors: The effectiveness of personnel management depends on many factors that can be divided into external ones, which have an impact regardless of the interests of the enterprise, and internal ones, on which the enterprise can and should actively influence. These factors are clearly illustrated in Figure 2.2. The next step in the analytical study is to analyze the factors influencing the effectiveness of the personnel management system. To identify the most significant factors influencing the enterprise, personnel management used the organization's method, such as the survey in question. Respondents were asked to rate on a five-point scale the factors

58 influencing the effectiveness of personnel management of the organization. The number of respondents is 30 people. The results of the survey are presented in Figures 2.2 and 2.3. Fig.2.2. - Analysis of internal factors influencing the efficiency of personnel management of PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 Thus, the obtained results of the analysis of the influence of internal factors on the effectiveness of the personnel policy of PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 allow us to draw the following conclusion. The greatest impact on the efficiency of personnel management of PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 is exerted by the qualification level of employees (the significance of this factor is 4.6). Another significant influencing factor is the quality of management (the significance of this factor is 4.4). The next most influential factors on the effectiveness of personnel management at an enterprise are such factors as leadership style (the importance of this factor is 4) and solvency (the importance of this factor is 4.2). Respondents rated the influence of such factors as working conditions on the efficiency of personnel management of PJSC at 3.6 points. "Sberbank of Russia" DO No. 8592/074

59 Due to the fact that these factors have the greatest impact on the effectiveness of the personnel policy of PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074, it seems appropriate to assess the priority of the goals of the personnel management system when developing measures to improve personnel policy in the future. Rice. 2.2. - Analysis of external factors influencing the efficiency of personnel management of PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074. The obtained results of analyzing the influence of external factors on the effectiveness of the personnel policy of PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 allow us to draw the following conclusion. The greatest impact on the efficiency of personnel management of PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 is exerted by the situation on the labor market (the significance of this factor is 5). Another significant influencing factor is changes in legislation (the significance of this factor is 4.4). The next factors in terms of influence on the efficiency of personnel management at an enterprise are inflation rates (the significance of this factor is 3.8) and the demographic factor (the significance of this factor is 3.4).

60 The influence of such a factor as the Central Bank rate on the efficiency of personnel management of PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 was assessed by respondents as insignificant (the significance of this factor is 2.4). The influence of factors identified by the personnel of the organization on the future efficiency of management must be taken into account when developing recommendations for improving the personnel policy of PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074. To assess the satisfaction of the team, testing is carried out at the enterprise. The testing results (as a percentage of the number of respondents) of employees of PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 are shown in Table 2.10. Table 2.10 Results of testing of employees of PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 Approval 2015 Completely satisfied with work Satisfied Not completely satisfied Not satisfied Extremely dissatisfied 3.60 30.1 47.0 18.1 1.2 From which we can conclude that 33.7% of respondents are satisfied with their work, and the rest (66.3 %) are not satisfied to one degree or another. This poses a task for management staff to develop and implement measures to eliminate shortcomings in this area of ​​management. Thus, based on the provided analysis of the personnel motivation system of Sberbank of Russia PJSC DO No. 8592/074, we can draw up a SWOT analysis (Table 2.11). Table 2.11

61 SWOT – analysis of the personnel policy management system in PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 Strengths: 1) Regular use of both material and non-material motivation; 2) Annual wage indexation; 3) Maintaining a sense of “security” for the employee (insurance, additional payment for sick leave); 4) Regular training and education; Market opportunities: 1) Brand strength; 2) Stable profits and business profitability; 3) Business expansion; 4) Arrival of highly qualified personnel from acquired companies; 5) The arrival of employees with experience from unstable competing companies; 6) Dynamic development of new directions. Weaknesses: 1) Imperfect structure of the HR department; 2) Lack of clearly defined requirements for candidates for a vacant position; 3) Limited selection methodology, use of similar forms and methods; 4) Lack of a bonus wage system. Market threats: 1) Aggressive seizure of market share by competitors; 2) Dynamic development of new directions; 3) Transfer of employees to higher paid jobs in a competitor company; 4) Increased cost of maintaining non-material motivation. Thus, having compiled a SWOT analysis of PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074, we can draw attention to the fact that the personnel motivation system has both strengths focused on brand popularity and weaknesses, such as the remoteness of management from working personnel and the complexity of calculating bonuses. Conclusion to Chapter 2. Thus, as a result of our analysis of the personnel policy of PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074, we identified a number of shortcomings. To a number of these shortcomings we can include:  imperfection of the structure of the personnel department;  lack of clearly formulated requirements for candidates for a vacant position;  limited selection methodology, use of similar forms and methods;

62  lack of a bonus payment system.

63 CHAPTER 3. DIRECTIONS FOR IMPROVING HR POLICY IN THE ORGANIZATION 3.1. Recommendations for improving personnel policy Based on the conclusions made, the following recommendations can be offered. ᶦ ᶦ Change the nature of personnel policy. To do this, it is recommended ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ to place the main emphasis on the selection of new employees and personnel rotation. For ᶦ ᶦ candidates for positions in PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" DO No. 8592/074 ᶦ it is proposed to develop more specific and ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ professional ᶦ ᶦ requirements that take into account personal and ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ professional requirements. ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ It is recommended ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ to use ᶦ the ᶦ method of interviewing candidates for the position, since, as ᶦ ᶦ practice has shown, this is the most effective method of selecting new employees. ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ The economic effect of changes in personnel policy is associated with: ᶦ  ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ personnel renewal of Sberbank of Russia PJSC DO No. 8592/074, ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ employee retention; ᶦ ᶦ  increasing the efficiency of the administrative apparatus ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ PJSC “Sberbank of Russia” DO No. 8592/074; ᶦ  attracting new employees with a higher ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ level of education and professionalism; ᶦ ᶦ  creating a sense of stability and confidence among employees. ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Improvement of personnel work in PJSC Sberbank of Russia Subsidiary ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ No. 8592/074 is proposed to be carried out in the following areas. ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ In order to form an effective staffing system, ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ it is proposed to reorganize the personnel management system. For this purpose, it is proposed to improve the structure of the personnel department. In order to ᶦ reform the personnel management system, it is also proposed ᶦ ᶦ to distribute ᶦ powers ᶦ ᶦ between ᶦ ᶦ support employees as follows (Fig. 3.1). ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ department ᶦ ᶦ personnel

64 Head of HR Department 1 person. Department of recruitment and personnel assessment (2 people) Department of wages and incentives (1 person) Department of training and advanced training (1 person) Fig. 3.1. The proposed structure of the personnel department of PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" DO No. 8592/074 Development of measures for securing and selecting specialists in PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" DO No. 8592/074 involves solving the following tasks. ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Firstly, it is necessary to develop a set of measures aimed at ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ attracting specialists to PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074. ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Secondly, it is necessary to develop measures for adaptation and training ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ of specialists aimed at mastering professional knowledge and ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ inclusion in the workforce of the enterprise. ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Thirdly, ᶦ it is necessary ᶦ to develop ᶦ measures to ᶦ retain ᶦ ᶦ specialists in the enterprise by stimulating the work activity of ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ specialists. ᶦ Fourthly, ᶦ it is necessary ᶦ ᶦ to develop measures to ᶦ increase ᶦ the labor efficiency of specialists. ᶦ ᶦ Figure 3.2 shows the tree of HR policy goals for ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ attracting and retaining specialists in PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO ᶦ ᶦ No. 8592/074. ᶦᶦᶦᶦ

65 Personnel policy of PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" DO No. 8592/074 Improving psychophysiological working conditions Development of measures for non-material incentives Development of measures for training specialists Development of measures for patronage and mentoring Increasing the efficiency of specialists' work Improving sanitary and hygienic working conditions Retaining specialists at the enterprise Improving material incentives Adaptation and training of specialists at the enterprise Development of documents for the selection of specialists Introduction of new technologies to attract specialists Increasing the efficiency of attracting specialists Fig. 3.2. Tree of objectives for developing a personnel policy for securing ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ specialists in PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" DO No. 8592/074 ᶦ ᶦ So, the personnel policy for retaining specialists in PJSC ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ "Sberbank of Russia" DO No. 8592/074 involves implementation the following ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ goals: ᶦ ᶦ  increasing the efficiency of attracting specialists; ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ  adaptation and training of specialists at the enterprise; ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ  securing specialists at the enterprise; ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ  increasing the efficiency of specialists. ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Table 3.1 shows an operogram of the process of attracting and ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ retaining young specialists in PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO ᶦ ᶦ No. 8592/074.. ᶦ ᶦ

66 Table 3.1 Operational diagram of the process of attracting and retaining young specialists in ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ PJSC “Sberbank of Russia” DO No. 8592/074 ᶦ Performers Personnel management Heads of childcare department department ᶦ Name of operations ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ 1. Analysis information about the market for young specialists 2. Collecting documents and filling out registration forms 3. Studying documents on the admission of young specialists 4. Interviewing personnel service specialists 5. Drawing up an order for appointment to a position 6. Signing the order Labor intensity in people. – hour. (per year) ᶦ Applicants for position ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ 30 ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ 25 ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ 25 ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ 75 ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ 75 ᶦ 7. Conducting briefing ᶦ ᶦ 10 ᶦ 15 8. Formation of personal cases 9. Referral to an internship 10. Conducting an internship 11. Introduction of a flexible system of remuneration for young specialists 12. Drawing up a program of non-material incentives for young specialists ᶦ 1 ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ 15 35 ᶦ ᶦ 70 ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ 14

67 Table 3.2 identifies the directions, recommended methods and ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ the official responsible for carrying out the personnel policy for ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ securing specialists at the enterprise. ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Table 3.2 Areas and methods of retaining specialists in PJSC Sberbank of Russia ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ DO No. 8592/074 Areas of work with specialists and Responsible official ᶦ ᶦ Contents ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Recommended ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ methods of work ᶦ Planning the number of young specialists ᶦ Attracting young specialists ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Searching for young specialists, working with the Head of educational institutions, selecting personnel of young specialists, services creating a personnel reserve ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Questioning ᶦ ᶦ Testing ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ You filling job assignment ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Adaptation of young specialists ᶦ Adaptation of specialists to working conditions and the workforce ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Head of a structural unit ᶦ ᶦ Psychological testing ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Internship ᶦ Psychodiagnostics ᶦ Training and mastery of the profession ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Internship, mentorship Obtaining new knowledge, skills in professional activities, work experience of departments in the position held (by working profession) ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Photograph of the working day ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Observation ᶦ Assessment of the employee’s labor capabilities and his ability to occupy a higher position in the organization Head of the HR department in agreement with the head of the organization Creating conditions for increasing labor productivity through monetary and Head of HR department in agreement with ᶦ Promotion ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Incentives ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Fulfillment of official assignments ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Questioning ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Expert survey of work colleagues ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Observation ᶦ ᶦ

69  informing graduates of technical schools, colleges and universities about the ᶦ ᶦ needs of the enterprise in blue-collar and engineering professions; ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ  improving the ᶦ ᶦ system ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ regulation of the ᶦ labor market and educational services in the context of the functioning of educational ᶦ ᶦ clusters; ᶦ  development of interaction ᶦ of interested ᶦ ᶦ structures ᶦ in the formation of a state order for the training of personnel with primary and ᶦ secondary vocational education in accordance with the orders of PJSC ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ "Sberbank of Russia" DO No. 8592/074. ᶦ To facilitate the process of attracting specialists, as well as for the purpose of ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ selection of the “ideal” specialist in PJSC “Sberbank of Russia” DO No. 8592/074 ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ it is necessary to create (in addition to job descriptions) ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ documents , describing the main characteristics that an employee must have to successfully work in this position - ᶦ qualification cards and competency cards (portraits or profiles of ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ideal employees). ᶦ The qualification card, prepared jointly by the head of the ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ department and HR department specialists based on the description ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ of the position, is a set of qualification characteristics ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ (general education, special education, special skills - knowledge of ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ foreign ᶦ ᶦ language, ᶦ proficiency ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ computer, ᶦ ᶦ driving ᶦ ᶦ a truck, etc.), which an “ideal” employee ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ holding this position should have. Since during the selection process it is much easier to determine the presence of qualification characteristics than the presence of the ability to perform certain functions, the qualification card is a tool that facilitates the use of the qualification selection process of the card gives also ᶦ ᶦ candidates. the possibility of structured assessment of candidates (for each characteristic) and ᶦ comparison ᶦ of candidates focuses ᶦ ᶦ on ᶦ each other. technical, ᶦ ᶦ in Together ᶦ ᶦ great with that ᶦ least ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ this method ᶦ formal

70 characteristics of the candidate (his past), leaving aside personal ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ characteristics and potential for professional development. ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ A competency map (a portrait of an ideal employee) allows ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ to overcome this shortcoming and facilitates the work of HR department employees ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ engaged in hiring. Competencies represent the personal ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ characteristics of a person, his ability to perform certain ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ functions, a set of types of behavior and social roles, such as, for example, ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ focus on the interests of the client, the ability to work in a group , assertiveness, ᶦ ᶦ originality, special ᶦ ᶦ thinking. and, ᶦ ᶦ Preparation ᶦ of knowledge ᶦ ᶦ as a rule, competency ᶦ maps ᶦ is ᶦ required ᶦ ᶦ with ᶦ ᶦ the help of a professional consultant or a specially trained ᶦ ᶦ personnel department employee. ᶦ competencies, ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ i.e. ᶦ ideal The most important addition to the map is the explanation of each ᶦ detailed ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ employee. ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ When ᶦ assessing ᶦ the description of the portrait ᶦ of a candidate ᶦ is a map ᶦ ᶦ of competencies ᶦ ᶦ is used in the same way as a qualification map - the competencies of the candidate ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ are compared with the competencies of an ideal employee. ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Thus, the development and practical implementation of the above ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ documents will allow, on the one hand, to formalize and unify ᶦ procedures ᶦ for personnel selection, on ᶦ on the other hand, to create a model ᶦ of the “ideal” employee of PJSC Sberbank of Russia » DO No. 8592/074. ᶦ ᶦ The second subproject of the personnel policy for retaining specialists ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ is related to the adaptation and training of specialists. ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ In order to solve the problem of attracting specialists and workers to the ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ enterprise, it is necessary to develop a system of patronage and mentoring at the ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ enterprise. ᶦ Mentoring-mentoring is a form of professional and labor ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ training of employees in order to obtain and quickly master ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ profession (specialty), development of professional and creative ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ activity, adaptation in the work team. Mentors teach young ᶦ ᶦ workers and specialists effective work techniques, help them ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ

71 improve the qualification and professional level, master the ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ profession, introduce the traditions of the team. The duration of this form of adaptation and training for working youth is on average 1-1.5 years. ᶦ During the ᶦ ᶦ implementation of ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ mentoring ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ the following tasks must be solved ᶦ ᶦ: ᶦ ᶦ  to increase ᶦ professionalism ᶦ qualifications ᶦ – ᶦ and mastery ᶦ improvement ᶦ ᶦ profession, ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ professional ᶦ ᶦ skill , acquisition of skills and knowledge in related professions; ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ sustainable and high-quality implementation of production tasks; ᶦ ᶦ  by ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ compliance with ᶦ discipline of production and ᶦ and ᶦ standards of labor life, organization, technological ᶦ ᶦ absence of violations ᶦ of discipline, ᶦ of the team ᶦ technical rules ᶦ safety, instilling moral principles and traditions of the team. ᶦ ᶦ Employees of the organization - authoritative and experienced workers and engineering workers - act as mentors. Mentoring-mentoring of workers and specialists can, as a rule, be established from the number of young graduates of secondary schools and vocational educational institutions; students of vocational educational institutions during their practical training; who served in the ranks of the Russian Army, etc. Assigning chef-mentors to workers and specialists implies the introduction of the following forms:  personal mentoring - a more well-known form in which one or two young workers are assigned to a mentor;  group mentoring, in which the mentor manages a group or team of workers;  collective-individual mentoring, in which mentoring of one young employee is carried out by a working team (a team of workers or a group of professionals);

72  collective-group mentoring, in which mentoring of a work collective (a team of workers or a group of professionals) is carried out over a group of young workers, over a group of students during practical training or graduates of vocational educational institutions.  carrying out festive rituals:  joining the workforce after accepting the main share of graduates of vocational educational institutions and schools into the company;  holiday distribution of the main salary, certificate of assignment of rank and qualifications;  giving personalized equipment to young workers who have achieved great labor success during the period of mentoring, winners of professional skills competitions and competitions for the class “Best Young Worker, Specialist”, etc. - holding professional competitions mastery among young workers and professionals, providing their winners with certain superiority in the assignment of qualification categories, focus on study, business trips to exchange experiments, etc. PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 performs organizational management of mentoring. To do this, it is necessary to create a Regulation on young specialists - interns. Mentoring must be implemented on the basis of agreements and contracts concluded between the mentor and the young specialist. The rights and obligations of mentors and young professionals, as well as the benefits and guarantees provided to them, are established in the above-mentioned documents, as well as in the collective agreement of the organization. To organize work to develop mentoring, appropriate activities are included in the organization’s personnel development program. Responsibility for organizing mentoring rests with the head of the human resources department of PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074.

73 The complex nature of the tasks facing mentors necessitates their management by the head of the personnel service. He identifies mentors and assists them in working with their mentees. The personnel management service of PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" DO No. 8592/074 is obliged to work with mentors to increase their professional level, monitor the activities of mentors, organize a competition between bosses and mentors, summarize the experiment of the work of the best mentors and describe measures to improve work with employees. The mentor is endowed with the following capabilities, allowing him to perform the functions of labor training of young workers:  controls the employee’s supply of equipment, raw materials and materials, together with the administration creates suitable working conditions for him and conditions for improving his professional level;  controls the provision of benefits to the employee in accordance with labor legislation and regulatory documents of the organization;  makes proposals to the administration to encourage the employee for ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ achieving high performance in work and study. ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ The mentor has the right to make proposals to the administration for ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ solving problems that have arisen in production and shortcomings in working with ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ personnel. The mentor takes part in organizing the workplaces of ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ workers in strict accordance with safety rules, ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ requirements of technological maps, provides them with practical assistance in ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ fulfilling production standards, planned tasks, and monitors ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ quality work, introduces the work traditions of the team. ᶦ ᶦ Mentors who have achieved positive results in working with ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ youth are awarded: cash bonuses, valuable gifts, ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ vouchers for sanatorium treatment; they are thanked and awarded the honorary title “Best Mentor of the Organization.” ᶦᶦᶦᶦ

74 For training of workers in the profession, a monthly additional payment is made ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ to wages (official salary). For advanced training, ᶦ training ᶦ ᶦ of a second ᶦ profession of an employee ᶦ ᶦ the mentor is paid a one-time bonus after the student passes the tests ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ established by the program ᶦ and ᶦ increases his ᶦ rank, qualifications. The specific amounts of additional payments and bonuses are determined by the collective agreement. The third subproject of ᶦ ᶦ personnel policy is related to the retention of ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ specialists and workers at the enterprise. To this end, it is planned to ᶦ ᶦ develop measures ᶦ ᶦ for material ᶦ and ᶦ intangible ᶦ ᶦ incentives for specialists and workers to solve the problem of low ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ staff wages. ᶦ In order to stimulate young specialists, it is proposed to introduce ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ in PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 a flexible payment system methodology, ᶦ ᶦ depending on the ᶦ level of ᶦ education, special training, ᶦ professional skills. ᶦ ᶦ To assess the basic level of education, it is proposed to distinguish five ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ gradations of the form of education: higher education through correspondence education ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ (5.0 points); higher education in evening or part-time ᶦ studies (6.5 ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ points); ᶦ higher ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ education received ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ as part of a shortened training program (7.0 points); higher education in ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ full-time education (8.0 points); two or more higher educations (10.0 ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ points). Taking into account the different ᶦ graduates’ training (with the level ᶦ of comparability of professional ᶦ forms of training), ᶦ it seems appropriate and justified to adjust the assigned ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ points for increasing ones (1.00< К«+» < 1,15) или понижающие (1,00 >К «–» > ᶦ ᶦ 0.85) coefficients taking into account: ᶦ ᶦ

75  information ᶦ about ᶦ successful participation ᶦ in olympiads, competitions, conferences, about the graduate’s published academic performance during ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ studying at a university, assessed by the average diploma score; gradations: less than ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ 4.0 points (K“–” = 0.85); 4.0 – 4.5 points (K“–” = 0.95); more than 4.5 points (K“–” ᶦ ᶦ = 1.00);  rating of the graduated ᶦ university, ᶦ subjectively determined ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ by the employer; gradations: “outsider” (K“–” = 0.85); “middle peasant” (K“–” = ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ 0.95); leader (K"-" = 1.00); ᶦ  undergoing industrial, and especially pre-diploma ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ practices, as a result of which the student - a future young specialist - ᶦ gets acquainted ᶦ with the ᶦ specifics ᶦ of this ᶦ enterprise and ᶦ features ᶦ of the upcoming work, consolidates and deepens the knowledge acquired in process ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ learning; gradations: practice completed at another enterprise (K"+" = ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ 1.00), at this enterprise (K"+" = 1.15); ᶦ  special merits of the graduate - confirmed by documented ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ works, etc.: gradations: no special merits (K "+" = 1.00), there are special ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ merits (K "+" = 1 ,15). Having assessed the level of ᶦ education ᶦ of graduates of educational ᶦ institutions, ᶦ ᶦ the employer gets an idea of ​​the basic labor potential of ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ candidates for a vacant position and is able to select the most ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ promising of the compared young specialists. It is advisable to supplement this methodology with psychological testing of the personal ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ characteristics of young specialists. ᶦ ᶦ To assess motivation for professional growth (readiness to ᶦ ᶦ continue training), carried out during the adaptation period, ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ the following gradations are proposed: internships, training in ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ courses for up to 3 months ( 2.0 points for short-term internship), ᶦ ᶦ for a period of 3 months to 1 year (3.0 points for long-term internship); ᶦᶦ

76 obtaining additional higher education (9.0 points); training in ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ postgraduate studies (10.0 points). ᶦ Thus, the assessment of graduates upon hiring and the current ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ (periodic) and assessment of young specialists during the adaptation ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ period are carried out according to various parameters, and therefore their results are ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ absolute values ​​of the score assessments cannot be compared with each other. ᶦ However, ᶦ ᶦ less, ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ should ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ track ᶦ ᶦ the change ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ rating ᶦ of young ᶦ specialists in the group under consideration. After the adaptation ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ period, the assessment of an individual’s competitiveness should be carried out on a ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ general basis, that is, in accordance with the “standard methodology” taking into account ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ level of education, qualification component, age and work experience ᶦ. So, the presented ᶦ methodology ᶦ for calculating ᶦ the indicator ᶦ ᶦ competitiveness of young specialists allows employers not ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ only to select the most promising university graduates and track their ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ professional development in the three-year period of adaptation to work, but also ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ “fix” them in the enterprise, creating advantages in payment. ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ For this, it is proposed, within the framework of the universal market system ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ assessment and remuneration (GROWTH), to adjust the value of ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ wages (established official salary) to the calculated ᶦ ᶦ level of competitiveness. ᶦ ᶦ To stimulate the work of workers and specialists, it is also planned ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ to introduce the following measures: ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ  introduction of a system of payment of monthly or quarterly bonuses, ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ determined as a percentage of the cost of products sold - for ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ employees capable of influencing sales volume (top managers, ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ heads of departments). The interest rate will be set in the range from ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ 1 to 3% of the cost of products sold; ᶦᶦᶦ

77  payment of quarterly bonuses in the amount of 5% of annual profit ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ for the absence of disruptions in the supply of production and stocking of warehouses ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ with finished products; ᶦ  one-time payments for participation in the development of the department ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ (proposals for the introduction of new accounting, planning systems, etc.). Such ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ payments will ᶦ ᶦ be established ᶦ ᶦ individually depending on the individual contribution of the employee to the development of the department. ᶦ ᶦ Thus, based on the goals of the personnel policy ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ attracting and retaining specialists at the enterprise, ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ four subprojects were developed, including: ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ  measures to attract specialists; ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ  measures for adaptation and training of specialists; ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ  measures to retain specialists; ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ  measures to improve the efficiency of specialists. ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ The schedule for the development and implementation of a project to secure ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ young specialists in PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 is given in ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ table 3.3. ᶦ Table 3.3 Schedule for the development and implementation of a project to retain young ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ specialists in PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" DO No. 8592/074 ᶦ ᶦ Event ᶦ Responsible officials 3 Head of the personnel service together with heads of departments Head of the personnel service ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ 2 Development of a work plan for representatives of the enterprise with educational institutions Development of qualification cards and competency cards for young specialists Development of regulations on young Head of HR specialists, trainees, his service approval and communication Increase in wages for chiefs - Chief Accountant ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Dates 4 07/25/201607/30/2016 ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ 07/10/201607/15/2016 ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ 07/16/201607/25/2016 ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ 07/25/2016-

78 mentors Appointment and approval of chief mentors for young specialists Development and implementation of a methodology for assessing the competitiveness of young specialists and financial incentives for their work through the introduction of a flexible payment system ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Head of the enterprise Chief accountant Chief of HR services 07/15/201608/15/2016 Head of the enterprise Department heads Chief accountant 08/15/201609/1/2016 ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ 08/01/2016 07/01/201615.07.20 16 Heads of structural divisions ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Amendments to the regulations on bonuses for young specialists ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ The above measures will allow Sberbank of Russia PJSC DO ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ No. 8592/074 to form an effective staffing system for ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ fixed yu specialists, will increase the wages of young ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ specialists through bonus payments, one-time payments ᶦ ᶦ of a compensatory ᶦ ᶦ nature, ᶦ payments ᶦ for ᶦ rationalization and ᶦ innovative proposals. The introduction of chief mentors will allow, on the one hand, to increase the level of qualifications of specialists, on the other hand, it will increase the salaries of mentors by adding new functions for training and adaptation of specialists. ᶦ ᶦ In general, the work proves the need for a scientific approach to ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ the formation of personnel policies to retain specialists. This ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ demonstrates the significance of the work done and allows us to assert that ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ the personnel management system needs further, even more ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ deep consideration and more serious attention to it by Russian ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ practicing managers. ᶦ ᶦ 3.2 Assessing the socio-economic effectiveness of measures to ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ improve personnel policy ᶦ ᶦ The project to retain specialists in PJSC Sberbank of Russia Subsidiary ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ No. 8592/074 can be assessed from the economic and social side. ᶦᶦ

79 Measures to attract and retain specialists will lead to an increase in the number of specialists, and also to an increase in the productivity of specialists through adaptation and improvement of working conditions. To assess the effectiveness of project activities, we will use ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ the following formula for commercial efficiency (Fi(t)), formula (3.1). ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Fi(t) = Pi(t) – Zi (t) (3.1) where Zi (t) – financial costs in the i-th period; ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Pi(t) – financial results in the i-th period. ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Taking into account the fact that the monthly salary of a specialist will be ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ on average 18 thousand rubles, for the year the cost of remuneration of a ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ specialist, taking into account social payments, will be: 216 thousand rubles. x ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ 1.26 = 272.16 thousand rubles. Costs associated with ᶦ non-material ᶦ incentives ᶦ and ᶦ increasing labor efficiency, on average, per young ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ specialist will amount to 35 thousand rubles. Therefore, the total costs for one ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ specialist will be: (272.16 thousand rubles + 35 thousand rubles) = 307.16 thousand rubles. ᶦ It is expected ᶦ that the introduction of ᶦ ᶦ personnel ᶦ policy of securing ᶦ ᶦ and attracting specialists will lead to optimization of the number of ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ specialists, hiring personnel capable of more productive ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ work. As a result, it is expected that the measures we have developed will lead to an ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ increase in the productivity of specialists by 1.5%, which will lead to an ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ increase in the profit of the enterprise. ᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦ

80 An increase in labor productivity will lead to an increase in the volume of ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ production by 1.5%. At the beginning of 2016, production volumes ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ amounted to 240.6 million rubles. therefore, in 2017 the volume of ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ production (q) is expected in the amount of: 240.6 million rubles. x 1.015 = 244.209 million rubles. ᶦ ᶦ In 2016, the production volume will change as follows: ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Δq = 244.209 million rubles. – 240.6 million rubles. = 3.609 million rubles. Let's calculate the savings in implementing measures due to reduction and ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ savings on semi-fixed costs. The share of fixed costs in total costs is 0.2. Considering that the total cost of implementing the project is 2000 thousand rubles, savings on fixed costs in 2017ᶦ ᶦ 2018 will be: 2000 thousand rubles. x 0.2 = 400 thousand rubles. per year or 33 thousand rubles. on average monthly. ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Thus, the economic effect is expressed in reducing ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ management costs, improving work with specialists; ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ reducing losses associated with insufficient control over the work of ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ specialists through the introduction of a mentoring system; timely ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ implementation and resolution of problems that interfere with the effective work of personnel; ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ increasing the value of enterprise specialists. ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ The socio-psychological effect is expressed in an increase in the level of ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ cooperation and trust between management and specialists who have ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ recently hired; increasing awareness of the ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ goals, strategy and ongoing work of the organization; increasing the level of ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ commitment of specialists to their organization; improving the socialᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ psychological climate in the team. ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Let's calculate the payback period of the project due to savings on fixed ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ costs. We present the calculation data in Table 3.4. ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Table 3.4 Calculation of the payback period for project implementation in 2017 ᶦ Period ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Economic Costs incurred in ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Flow

81 results, thousand rubles. t-period, thousand rubles 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 35+18x1.26 = 57.68 24.68+22.68 = 47.36 14.36+22.68 = 37.04 4.04+22.68 = 26.72 22.68-6.28=16.40 22.68-26.92 = -4.24 22.68-37.24= -14.56 22.68-47.56 = -24, 88 22.68-57.88 = -28.92 22.68-68.2 = - -45.52 22.68-78.52 = -55.84 22.68-88.84 = -58.56 ᶦ June July August September October November December January February March April May ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ real money, thousand rubles. -24.68 -14.36 -4.04 +6.28 +16.60 +37.24 +47.56 +57.88 +68.2 +78.52 +88.84 +99.16 ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ The economic effect from the implementation of the project will be achieved in ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ September 2017. Consequently, it can be expected that the costs associated with ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ development of a personnel policy for securing and attracting workers and ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ specialists will be economically justified, since they will lead to ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ increasing the economic performance of the organization, in ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ in particular, by increasing production volume. Increasing the volume of ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ production will lead to an increase in profits. ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ Consequently, both enterprise managers and ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ the staff themselves are interested in implementing an effective personnel policy to ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ ᶦ attract personnel. ᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦ

82 CONCLUSION Human resource management is an activity carried out in different organizations that promotes the most effective use of workers and employees to achieve organizational and own goals. Personnel management policy - general management in decision-making in important areas in the field of personnel management. Personnel management in a bank is a type of activity that allows you to carry out, generalize a wide range of issues of an individual’s adaptation to external conditions, taking into account one’s own factor in building a bank’s personnel management system. As shown by the analysis of the personnel management system of PJSC Sberbank

83 of Russia "DO No. 8592/074, the functions of personnel management are quite extensive and correctly regulated. The area of ​​interaction with personnel includes public programs, policies on remuneration and personnel motivation, labor protection, work with trade unions, work with youth, personnel certification. At the same time analysis of the qualifications of management personnel showed that employees of senior and middle management have the highest level of knowledge and skills of modern management, adapted to a market economy. The goals and objectives of personnel management are implemented through the bank’s personnel policy. Personnel policy is a purposeful activity to create a workforce , which would best contribute to the combination of the goals and priorities of the bank and its employees. The main object of the personnel policy of PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" DO No. 8592/074 is personnel (personnel). The effectiveness of activities largely depends on the qualifications of employees, their professional training, and business qualities . The main directions of the personnel policy of Sberbank of Russia PJSC are the organization of selection and hiring of personnel, their business assessment, assessment of the psychophysiological state, career guidance and adaptation, motivation and work organization, conflict and stress management, ensuring the social development of the organization and the performance of personnel, and the development of corporate culture. An analysis of the functions of personnel management showed that the main problem of PJSC Sberbank of Russia DO No. 8592/074 is the high percentage of staff turnover (19%), more than half of them are managers, due to transfers due to the new configuration of the organizational structure and the consolidation of branches. According to a survey conducted at the bank, the main reason for dismissal is dissatisfaction with the level of wages and the workload of staff unusual for their positions. functions,

84 In view of the increasingly limited sources of ready-made skilled labor and its increasing cost, the task of developing and making the greatest use of the labor potential already available to the bank has come to the fore. Thus, in order to reduce the time and money for finding and recruiting new managers, the bank’s personnel policy management strategy should be focused on creating a system for working with the personnel reserve. As an analysis of the personnel management system of PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" DO No. 8592/074 showed, the functions of personnel management are quite extensively and correctly regulated. Senior and middle management employees have the highest level of knowledge and skills of modern management adapted to a market economy. Currently, the interdependence of personnel policy with personnel management strategy is realized only in personnel training, which makes it possible to “grow” personal trained professionals. At the same time, the bank has an underdeveloped system of career planning for employees, and the personnel reserve service is also ineffective. As a result, the bank loses professionals who do not see prospects for career growth in the bank. To solve the identified problems in the personnel policy of PJSC Sberbank of Russia, a number of tips were proposed to improve the personnel management strategy. 1. introduce a two-level system of material bonuses. At the main - structural level - the size of employee bonuses is determined by the economic outcome of the work of each structural unit. The second degree of the bonus system includes a list of personal payments. 2. improve the system of non-material incentives. This system must include both non-material approval of employees and material non-currency remuneration of employees. 3. improve work with personnel reserves. To do this, before that, you only need to create a list of positions for which

85 professional reserve, create a list of candidates for the reserve for each position, create a training program for participants in the personnel reserve, create graphic charts for career growth and bring them to the company's employees. The implementation of the proposed advice will allow creating types of bank growth and ways to achieve goals, as well as promoting the development of properties necessary for implementing the bank’s development strategy and increasing the staff’s own efficiency. The implementation of the proposed advice will allow: - to increase the efficiency of the remuneration system; - improve the quality of personnel, since the system will impartially identify the powerful and weak, initiate creativity and initiative, the desire to develop, so as to be no worse than colleagues; - ensure the implementation of the Bank’s strategy through a management motivation system for the acquisition of business goals (association of strategy and operational management); - timely identify difficulties requiring management intervention; - impartially evaluate the effectiveness of the Bank’s activities, multifunctional areas, individual divisions and employees. Measures to improve the personnel policy of PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" DO No. 8592/074 are cost-effective. The positive social consequences of the proposed measures to improve the system and actions of personnel management have every chance of appearing outside the organization, for example, this could be the creation of a suitable organizational style, the creation of new jobs and the provision of stable employment in the region, etc. It can be assumed that the proposed approach organizing personnel management within the framework of a single strategy, creating the necessary basis for

86 construction and implementation of personnel policy, its practical development and implementation, will allow the enterprise to significantly increase the efficiency of its activities and competitiveness, realize the goals of overall strategic development, and employees to achieve increased well-being and professional satisfaction. REFERENCES 1. Alekhina O. Efficiency indicators / O. Alekhina // Handbook of personnel management. 2007. - No. 6. - P.37-42. 2. Antropov, V.A. Modern problems of personnel management in enterprises: Scientific. report - Yekaterinburg, 2010. 3. Armstrong M. Strategic management of human resources / M. Armstrong. - M.: Nauka, 2012. - 310 p. 4. Bazarova T.Yu. Personnel management: from personnel management to human resource management / T.Yu. Bazarova // Economics and business. - 2011. - No. 9. - pp. 24-25. 5. Banking: management and technology: Textbook for universities. /Ed. prof. A.M. Tavasieva - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2010. - 863 p. 6. Veselova, N.G. Social management and elements of its culture / Ed. V.A. Traineva. - M.: ITK "Dashkov and K", 2012.

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Improving personnel policy

In modern conditions, the importance of the human factor in production and business is increasing: in a highly competitive market and dynamic external environment, it is the personnel potential of the enterprise’s personnel that becomes the main source of ensuring efficiency, competitiveness and sustainability of its development. Today, personnel management is one of the strategic directions of enterprise development, aimed at providing all its areas with highly qualified and motivated employees, at creating a creative workforce capable of change, renewal, and development.

One of the key elements of the personnel management system, ensuring tactical and strategic compliance of the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the enterprise’s personnel with its needs, is personnel policy.

The transition to market conditions makes significant changes both in the principles and in the specific content of personnel policy, in the balance of the rights of subjects participating in its development. At the same time, a specific mechanism for the formation and implementation of personnel policy in the new conditions has not yet been created.

In modern conditions, personnel policy should be focused on the priority of social values, social policy, since the ultimate goal of the reforms being carried out is not the market as such, but the well-being of each person.

The main goal of personnel policy is the creation of a personnel management system based primarily not on administrative methods, but on economic incentives and social guarantees aimed at bringing together the interests of the employee and the organization, achieving high labor productivity, increasing production efficiency, and obtaining the best economic results for the organization.

Personnel policy is an integral part of all management activities and production policy of the organization. The formation and development of market relations in Ukraine today largely depends on the successful operation of enterprises.

In today's market conditions, an enterprise can no longer act as a passive consumer of labor. To function effectively, it is necessary to influence the entire staffing process, i.e. pursue an active personnel policy. This means, firstly, supplying the company with qualified labor, secondly, its further development within the company and, thirdly, its stabilization (consolidation). Due to the increasingly limited sources of ready-made skilled labor and its growing cost, the task of developing and maximizing the use of the labor potential already available to the company has come to the fore.

A competent personnel policy is the key to successful and efficient operation of an enterprise. This necessitates the development of practical recommendations for improving the personnel policy of an enterprise.

It should be borne in mind that it is not only the organization that has goals. Each employee of the organization has his own, individual goals. If an organization expects a long and stable period of activity, then it is necessary to take into account the main principle of personnel policy - the principle of compliance of the individual goals of employees with the goals of the organization. It lies in the fact that achieving individual and organizational goals is equally necessary. This means that when conflicts arise, fair compromises must be sought rather than favoring the goals of the organization. A correct understanding of the essence of personnel policy is possible only if this circumstance is fully taken into account.

When forming personnel policy, in order to comprehensively determine the direction of activity in the organization, it is necessary to take into account the basic principles of individual areas of personnel policy, namely:

1. Organizational personnel management:

The principle of the equal need to achieve individual and organizational goals determines the need to seek fair compromises between the administration and employees, rather than giving preference to the interests of the organization;

2. Selection and placement of personnel:

The principle of compliance - determines the need to match the scope of tasks, powers, responsibilities with the capabilities of a person;

The principle of professional competence – determines the need to have a level of knowledge corresponding to the requirements of the position;

The principle of practical achievements - determines the presence of a certain level of experience;

The principle of individuality - determines the presence of individual qualities of an employee, character traits for performing the necessary work;

3. Formation and preparation of a reserve for promotion to leadership positions:

The principle of competition – determines the need to select candidates on a competitive basis;

The principle of rotation - determines the need for a systematic change of position vertically and horizontally;

The principle of individual training - determines the need to prepare a reserve for a specific position according to an individual program;

4. Personnel assessment and certification:

The principle of selection of assessment indicators - determines the need to draw up a system of indicators, including the purpose of assessments, criteria and frequency of assessments;

The principle of assessing the completion of tasks - determines the need to evaluate performance results according to selected criteria;

5. Personnel development:

The principle of advanced training – determines the need for periodic training of personnel in accordance with the individual employee development strategy;

The principle of self-expression - determines the need for independence, influence on the formation of execution methods (for managers);

The principle of self-development – ​​determines the need for development if one has the ability to do so;

6. Motivation and stimulation of personnel:

The principle of matching remuneration to the volume and complexity of the work performed determines the need for effective remuneration for employees;

The principle of a proportionate combination of incentives and sanctions determines the need for a specific description of tasks, responsibilities and indicators;

The principle of motivation - determines the need to establish motivating factors that influence the individual desire to complete assigned tasks.

To improve personnel policy, the following activities are usually carried out. Systematicity in personnel selection is being strengthened and this work covers the entire spectrum: from hiring to leaving an employee. The nomination procedure is being improved: information about vacancies, candidates, responsibility of recommenders, regulation of the right to nominate candidates, procedures for discussion, appointment and induction. If we take each of these points separately, they do not seem very significant. But taken together, they make it possible to raise all recruitment efforts to a new level.

For the purpose of stable operation of the organization and planning its development, long-term planning of the enterprise’s personnel policy is very important.

It is advisable to conduct an analysis of external environmental factors to ensure that there is a supply of certain professions to staff the workforce with employees who are not already on staff of the organization.

As a result of forecasting the supply and demand for labor resources, any organization can find out the number of people it needs, their level of qualifications and the placement of personnel.

As a result, a coordinated personnel policy can be developed, including systems for recruiting, training, improving and paying personnel, as well as a policy for relations between management and employees. This strategic plan can be broken down into specific workforce programs.

A workforce plan is developed to make calculations regarding the number of employees that the organization will require and the professional structure that will be needed during a given period. Decisions should also be made about the sources of potential recruitment, and contacts should be established and maintained to ensure that the needs of the organization and the potential rewards of the work, monetary or moral, are known to the future workforce. Since companies employ people of very different professional levels and need a wide variety of specialties, the recruitment network must be quite wide and diverse. Local schools are a good source for recruiting junior employees, and many companies maintain useful contacts with them to take part in training arrangements for schoolchildren. Most large companies also participate in annual meetings with graduates to provide them with information about career opportunities. Sources for recruiting more qualified employees for management positions are varied, including employment centers, specialist recruitment agencies and consultants, and executive search consultants. It is very important to create a reserve for recruiting highly qualified personnel in order to attract high-class specialists to open vacancies. If this happens, then errors when recruiting frames become less significant.

In improving the personnel policy of most enterprises at the present stage, a number of directions and main trends can be identified.

The first and main trend is the humanization of management activities. Modern organizations perceive people as their main value, their main resource. Any management activity is an activity of managing people.

The second trend logically follows from the first. This is a transition from personnel work as an accounting of enterprise employees to personnel management and human resource management - as a tactic and strategy for using human potential. An organization striving for competitive activity in the market needs to manage personnel, search for and hire the right employees, motivate and evaluate, train and develop, career planning, etc.

The third trend is the improvement of personnel management methods. This trend is typical for all elements of personnel policy - recruitment and selection, motivation, assessment, training, career planning, staff release. For example, in personnel assessment it is necessary to use such methods as Assessment center, business games, management by objectives (MBO).

The fourth trend is the introduction of information technology into personnel management systems. The consolidation of an enterprise requires the automation of personnel records; modern organizations use various software for personnel records, control and documentation. Computer technologies should also be used in planning, training, and personnel assessment. In addition, thanks to the Internet and other network technologies, new forms of interaction between a person and an organization are emerging - such as SOHO (Small Office Home Office) - remote work that does not require the presence of a person in the office. Accordingly, personnel policies should be adjusted to this type of work organization.

The fifth trend is related to global globalization processes. Firstly, in the context of globalization, human resources are becoming more mobile not only within the country, but also between states; competition for the best personnel exists not only at the level of organizations, but also at the level of states (a phenomenon such as “brain drain” appears). Secondly, transnational companies are emerging whose employees come from different countries and cultures. Under these conditions, a new task in personnel management appears - organizing conflict-free and effective interaction of employees with different national mentalities, national value systems, and cultures.

Criteria and key indicators of the effectiveness of personnel policy.

Directions for increasing the effectiveness of personnel policy.

Features of the implementation of personnel policies in various organizations.

Through personnel policy, a systematic approach is implemented in working with the personnel of an enterprise or organization.

The criteria for assessing the activities of a manager in the field of personnel policy are competence in theoretical and practical issues related to the ability to select and effectively use employees in his enterprise, organize and direct the work of the team to effectively achieve the goal. The peculiarity of a manager’s work is that his personal contribution to production results is assessed by the performance indicators of the enterprise he heads, that is, by labor indicators.

The system of labor indicators of the enterprise serves as criteria for assessing personnel policy.

I.K. Bondar says that the system of labor indicators should be understood as a set of quantitative and qualitative measures of the degree of efficiency of the use of living labor in the production process.

The prerequisite and basis of the production process are people, personnel. Taking this into account, the first criterion for assessing the effectiveness of personnel management can be determined by the provision of an enterprise with labor resources. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the enterprise's supply of personnel in the most important professions. It is necessary to analyze the qualitative composition of labor resources by qualification. To assess the compliance of workers' qualifications with the complexity of the work performed, the average tariff categories of workers' work, calculated using the weighted arithmetic average, are compared. If the actual tariff category of workers is lower than planned and lower than the average tariff category of work, this may lead to the production of lower quality products. Due to the importance of this indicator affecting the effectiveness of personnel policy as a whole, it is necessary to constantly analyze and take into account when developing measures aimed at improving personnel policy.

The quality of management largely depends on the level of education of administrative and managerial personnel. Therefore, it is necessary to check the administrative and managerial personnel for compliance with the actual level of education of each employee for the position held and to study issues related to the selection of personnel, their training and advanced training. When analyzing the dynamics and implementation of the plan for the qualifications of the enterprise’s employees, it is necessary to study such indicators as the percentage of employees studying in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, in the system of training workers at the enterprise. Fulfillment and overfulfillment of the plan to improve the skills of employees contributes to the growth of their labor productivity and positively characterizes the work of the enterprise.

In the system of measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of an enterprise and strengthening its financial condition, issues of rational use of labor resources occupy an important place. This can be assessed using the indicator - use of working time. The balance of working time is compiled for the enterprise, workshop, site, sometimes even separately for each group of workers who have the same work schedule and the same duration of the next vacation. This is due to the fact that the average duration of the next vacation in different departments of the enterprise may not be the same. The planned working time balance is calculated for individual elements. The working time balance is compiled in three stages:

  1. calculation of the average actual number of working days;
  2. establishing the average working day;
  3. determination of useful (effective) working time fund in hours.

It is advisable to assess this indicator in the direction of identifying the reasons for the frequency and size of losses of working time and the degree of compaction of the working day.

An important indicator of the effectiveness of personnel policy is labor productivity.

To assess the level of labor productivity, we will use a system of generalizing, specific and auxiliary indicators. General indicators include the average annual, average daily and average hourly output per worker, as well as the average annual output per worker in value terms. Partial indicators are the time spent on producing a unit of a certain type of product or producing a certain type of product in physical terms per man-day or man-hour. Auxiliary indicators characterize the time spent on performing a unit of a certain type of work or the amount of work performed per unit of time.

The most general indicator of labor productivity is the average annual output of one worker. Its value depends not only on the output of workers, but also on the share of the latter in the total number of industrial production personnel, as well as on the number of days they worked and the length of the working day.

The level and dynamics of labor productivity growth depend on a number of factors:

Structural changes in production (changes in the share of certain types of products or industries in the total volume of production);

Technical level of production (comprehensive mechanization and automation of production processes, modernization of existing equipment);

Improving management, organizing production and labor (reducing lost working time, increasing service areas, reducing losses from defects);

Commissioning and development of new facilities.

The influence of all the above factors on the growth of labor productivity is assessed in relative labor savings, which expresses the result of labor saving in production.

The importance of this criterion lies in the fact that labor productivity is closely interdependent with the number and composition of personnel, with the wage fund and average wages.

The system of labor indicators collectively pursues the following goals:

Ensuring a steady increase in labor productivity and the rate of its growth exceeding the rate of growth of average wages;

Achieving labor and wage savings;

Compliance with the correct ratios in wages of certain categories of workers in accordance with the quantity and quality of their work with the established amount of the total wage fund;

Strengthening the material interest of each employee and the team as a whole in improving the technical and economic indicators of the production and economic activities of the enterprise;

Ensuring the need for personnel with the necessary qualifications, as well as improving the qualifications of enterprise employees;

Establishing the optimal ratio (proportions) in the number of personnel, according to the functions of production, service and management.

The development of a system of labor indicators at an enterprise should be preceded by a thorough analysis of them, during which measures to save living labor and better use of labor are outlined.

The team’s task is to develop activities that would allow tasks to be completed at the lowest cost and with greater efficiency.

The internal environment can be considered according to the following criteria:

Compliance of the composition of professionals with the needs of the organization;

Organization and location of workplaces;

Interacting with other people while working;

Competence, responsibility, cohesion of the workforce;

Experience of each employee;

Ensuring constructive interaction among group members;

Obtaining adequate information about employees.

The approximate composition of the system of criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of personnel policy is presented in Table 3.

Table 3– System of criteria and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the organization’s personnel policy

criteria options indicators
Organizational parameters Construction principles compliance
Compliance of personnel policy with the strategy and philosophy of development of the organization degree
Openness of personnel policy degree
Orientation of personnel policy towards external or internal personnel degree
Personnel management system and technology Organizational procedures
Personnel reserve Method of formation, composition and structure
Use of information technology level
Business career management system procedure
Information policy Creation or existence of an information flow system
Share of costs for the formation and development of personnel policy Calculations and standards
Human resources assessment Personnel monitoring
Personnel structure Quantitative composition, age structure
Structure of educational and professional levels High-quality composition
Personnel assessment and selection Methods for their effectiveness and efficiency
Selection Criteria
Personnel competence Level of general education and professional training
Proportion of employees with high prof. level
The number of patents is rational. Offers per employee
Personel assessment Organization, procedure and methodology
Compliance with Prof. personnel competence requirements of the organization The coefficient of compliance of employees with professional and qualification requirements for positions
Coefficient of correspondence between the level of complexity of the work performed and the level of personnel qualifications
The share of work performed (produced products) of inadequate quality
Personnel certification Organization, procedure and methodology
Personnel availability Planning need Calculations and standards
Staffing Level of quantitative and qualitative provision
Availability of vacancies Share in the number of staff
Personnel movement indicators Admission and departure coefficients
Frame retention Turnover level, turnover level, staff retention rate
Personnel Marketing Forms and methods
Organizational and legal regulation Collective agreement Structure and content
Employment contract Structure and content
Organizational and staffing policy Composition and structure of staffing
Remuneration Regulations Structure and content
Personnel development policy Investing in staff professional development Level of costs per average annual employee
Vocational training, retraining and advanced training Availability of development programs and their compliance with the goals of the organization
Frame reproduction System and degree of investment
Career guidance Forms and methods
Labor adaptation Availability of the system and its compliance with the goals of personnel policy
Staff motivation Forms and methods of influencing work motivation Types and structure of motives
Level of motivation of employees and compliance of their motivation with the needs of the organization
Motivational audit System of evaluation indicators
Assessment of labor results Quantitative and qualitative indicators, methods of labor assessment
Socio-psychological climate Assessment of the moral and psychological climate in the team Level or type of moral and psychological climate
Number of conflict situations
Level of cohesion in the team
Level of social tension and conflict
Social development of personnel Dynamics of social development of personnel Evaluation indicators
Wage Fund Dynamics Coefficient
Coefficient of dynamics of the level of wages of employees of the organization Planned and actual calculations
Quality of working life Quality of working life Level assessment indicators
Job satisfaction Level of employee satisfaction with work and its results
Remuneration system for labor contribution Ensuring an effective labor incentive system
Employee income, including wages level
Coefficient of dynamics of the level (and/or fund) of wages
Bonus system Level and conditions for receiving them
Efficiency of personnel policy (strategic level) Competitiveness of the organization Performance level
Economic efficiency of labor Turnover rate
Ecological and psychophysiological labor efficiency Injury rate
Number of sick leaves
Degree of impact on the environment

Thus, for an effective personnel policy, it is necessary to take into account the above-mentioned factors and criteria, that is, management will be effective if it responds timely and rationally to any change in the factors and criteria discussed above.

It should be emphasized once again that personnel policy is an integral part of the strategic management of organizations, where the main goal is to achieve a stable position in the market. Therefore, the goal of personnel policy is to ensure
optimal balance of processes of updating and maintaining numerical
th and quality composition of personnel in its development in accordance with the needs of the organization itself, the requirements of current legislation, and the state of the labor market. Accordingly, the ways to improve personnel policy are as follows:

1. Formation of a team of adaptive managers capable of developing and implementing a program for the preservation and development of the organization;

2. Identification and preservation of the core human resources potential of the organization
that is, managers, specialists and workers who are of particular value to it;

3. Restructuring of human resources in connection with:

with organized changes during the restructuring of the enterprise;

with the implementation of innovative processes;

with diversification of production;

with a complete reorganization.

4. Reducing socio-psychic tension in the team.

5. Ensuring social protection and employment of redundant workers.

As has already been shown in previous lectures to the main stages The development of a personnel management strategy and personnel policy of an organization should include:

1. Formulation of general principles and goals of working with personnel in accordance with the strategic goals and objectives of the organization.

2. Development of a system of personnel procedures, activities and technologies.

3. Implementation of specific activities for personnel management and assessment of the effectiveness of these activities (monitoring, personnel audit).

When developing a personnel management strategy and personnel policy of an organization, it is necessary to take into account influence of external and internal factors.

External factors:

1. Labor market situation. Demand for personnel, its quantitative structure, supply of personnel - the situation in the field of educational institutions, personnel training centers, other employment agencies, dismissals from organizations.

2. Technology development. Determines the change in the nature of work, which entails changes in the requirements for specialties and jobs, training and retraining of personnel.

3. Features of social needs. Takes into account the motivation structure of potential employees of the organization.

4. Development of legislation. Labor legislation, its possible changes in the near future, its features in the field of labor protection and employment.

5. Personnel policy of competing organizations. Studying the forms and methods of working with personnel in these organizations in order to develop their own behavioral strategy, possible changes in personnel policy.

Internal factors:

1. Organizational goals. The goals and objectives of the organization form the strategy and policy, both in the field of core activities and in the field of personnel management.

2. Financial resources. Assessing the organization's needs and capabilities in financing personnel management activities.

3. Human resource potential of the organization. Analysis of the age, educational and qualification structure of the organization’s personnel. Assessment of workers' labor potential.

What types of personnel policies can be implemented in modern economic conditions? Each organization applies specific strategies regarding personnel. The main argument in favor of the use of different strategies and policies observed in practice must be considered the difference in approaches and different situations in organizations. A significant role in choosing a personnel management strategy is played, for example, by a specific sales market in which the organization primarily sells its goods and services, the specialization of the organization, changes in the type of labor relations, technology development and other factors.

There are different approaches to classification of personnel management strategies and policies implemented by modern organizations. Classifications of personnel management strategies, as a rule, are based on various options for their dependence on a number of factors:

Type of competitive strategy;

Type of overall strategy of the organization;

Development stages (life cycle stages) of the organization;

Mission of the organization;

The way to implement the strategy in the organization;

Management philosophy.

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