How is the future tense formed in Italian? Future semplice (simple future tense in Italian). Use of Futuro Semplice Italian from zero to B1 in 20 weeks with a guarantee of results.

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============= - Past tense in Italian. Verb avere. Lesson 7 from the course Italian grammar.

The past tense of this lesson answers the question “What did you do?”

It is formed according to the following scheme:
auxiliary verb avere + verb in past tense
For mandatory memorization:
verb essere: sono stato (a) -- I was
verb avere: ho avuto -- I had
verb fare: ho fatto -- I did

auxiliary verb essere + past tense verb
We use the past tense with the auxiliary verb essere with:
verbs of motion andare, venire, partire:
verbs “to be born”, “to die”

If you build the past tense with the verb essere, as in Russian, you need to clarify: “he said,” “she said,” “they said.”
In this case, we need to put the verb essere in the required number and the verb itself in the past form with the required ending.

Italian language in 7 lessons:

Lesson 1..

Lesson 2..

Lesson 3..

Lesson 4..

Lesson 5. website/v/RU1RUG5Wd3J6Znc - Modal verbs I can, I want, I know that I must... Verbs of motion.
Lesson 5.1..

Lesson 6..

Lesson 7..
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Futuro Semplice is one of the most important times of the Italian language. Without him, we would not be able to talk about our plans for the future, our various projects and numerous promises. In addition, Futuro Semplice in colloquial speech often expresses the possibility, the probability of action in the present.

1. Education Futuro Semplice

Futuro Semplice is formed by adding certain endings:

It is worth paying attention to the fact that verbs ending in -are change the vowel to -e: parlerò.

There are few exception verbs in this tense, but they exist. The main thing is to remember the first person singular form, the rest of the conjugation will be the same as for regular verbs:

2. Use of Futuro Semplice

Futuro Semplice is used for:

    Future Action Designations

    Leggerò questo libro: I will read this book.

    Parleremo di Primo Levi: We will talk about Primo Levi.

    In colloquial speech Futuro Semplice is used to mean an assumption in the present tense

Future for perfective and imperfective verbs (in Russian) it has the same form.
Thus, “I will work” and “I will work” are translated by one verb - lavorerò. The endings of all verbs are the same, but for verbs of the 1st conjugation the letter changes "A" by letter "e".

Conjugation of the verbs “essere” and “avere” in the future tense:

Pre-future tense necessary in order to describe successive events, usually related to each other.
This tense is formed using the auxiliary verb “essere” or “avere” in the future tense and the past participle.
Example: When I learn Italian, I will start learning French. — Quando avrò imparato l’italiano, inizierò imparare il francese.
I'll call you as soon as I get home. — Ti chiamerò appena sarò venuto a casa.



A pronoun is an independent part of speech that can replace other parts of speech or text.

Personal pronouns. I pronomi personali.
I - io / we - noi
you - tu / you - voi
he - lui / they - loro
she - lei

✔ Personal pronouns as subjects are quite rarely used, since in Italian it is clear from the form of the verb in which person and number it is used.

◦ stressed form (forma tonica o forte):
me, me - (a) me / we - (a) noi
you, you - (a) te / you - (a) voi
he, himself - (a) lui, (a) sé / they, themselves - (a) loro, (a) sé (stessi)
she, herself - (a) lei, (a) sé / they, themselves - (a) loro, (a) sé (stesse)
◦ unstressed form (forma atona o debole):
to me - mi / to us, us - ci
you - ti / to you, you - vi
to him, his - lo, gli, si / to them, theirs - li, ne, si
to her, her - la, le, si / to them, theirs - le, ne, si

✔ But that's not all. Personal pronouns in the function of addition can be used both in the function of direct (pronomi diretti) and indirect (pronomi indiretti). And here, as in Russian: direct object - without a preposition after transitive verbs (vin. or less commonly gender case), in other cases - indirect object. In Italian, the preposition for an indirect object is "a".

✔ There are several outdated forms that are used extremely rarely, but are found in textbooks, tables, etc.:
3rd person, singular:
m.r. egli, esso
w.r. ella, essa
3rd person, plural:
m.r. essi
w.r. essay

polite form - 3rd person feminine - Lei (plural - Loro)
mixed group = masculine plural
plural feminine gender has its own forms


Question words and expressions

Che? - What? Which?
Quale? - Which? Which?
Chi? - Who?
Dove? - Where? Where?
Quando? - When?
Quanto?* - How much?
Come? - How? (How?)
Perch? - Why? For what? (Because…)

Che cosa? - What? (What thing?)
Che cosa è…? - What means…?
Da/di dove? - Where?
Dov'è...? - Where there is)…?
Da quanto tempo? - Since when?
Quanto tempo? - How long (time period)...?
Quanti anni... (hai/ha)? - How old are... (you/you)?
Che ore sono? - What time is it now? (plural)Che ora è? - What time is it now? (units)
A che ore...? - At what time…? At what time…?
Quale dei due? - Which of the two?

* Quanto, quanta, quanti, quante: can be not only an adverb, but also an adjective and pronoun (also the noun “quant”). In these cases, it changes according to persons and according to numbers, which determines the object (objects) about the quantity of which we are asking.


© Lara Leto (Ci Siciliano), 2016
© Italy and Italian language. Travel beautifully, learn easily, 2016 Italian from zero to B1 in 20 weeks with a guarantee of results.

Training begins immediately after payment.

How much does A1 level cost in Italian website/v/ckNQWVNtVHJPVWM.
Are you studying with an Italian tutor on Skype, but there is no result? website/v/Z0g1N2lhMjlqYjQ

Still have questions about taking courses via Skype?
Write to [email protected]- I will answer personally.

============= - Past tense in Italian. Verb essere. Lesson 7 from the course Italian grammar.

The past tense of this lesson answers the question “What did you do?”

It is formed according to the following scheme:
auxiliary verb avere + verb in past tense
For mandatory memorization:
verb essere: sono stato (a) -- I was
verb avere: ho avuto -- I had
verb fare: ho fatto -- I did

auxiliary verb essere + past tense verb
We use the past tense with the auxiliary verb essere with:
verbs of motion andare, venire, partire:
verbs “to be born”, “to die”

If you build the past tense with the verb essere, as in Russian, you need to clarify: “he said,” “she said,” “they said.”
In this case, we need to put the verb essere in the required number and the verb itself in the past form with the required ending.

Italian language in 7 lessons:

Lesson 1..

Lesson 2..

Lesson 3..

Lesson 4..

Lesson 5. website/v/RU1RUG5Wd3J6Znc - Modal verbs I can, I want, I know that I must... Verbs of motion.
Lesson 5.1..

Lesson 6..

Lesson 7..
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We help you achieve your Goal, which requires the ability to communicate in Italian.

All materials on the website are designed in such a way as to give only the most important and necessary from the Italian language + everything is explained very simply and clearly, which saves time on understanding grammatical topics and rules.

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Language is not a goal, but a Means to achieve a Goal! Elena Shipilova.

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